The Bad Kids (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Zhang Shu Shu

One day
the fox on the farm was having a birthday party
He invited three chickens
The three chickens
kept arguing about whether they should
go to the fox's party
The second brother said
The fox invites us to his house
because he wants to eat us
We can't go
The third brother said
The fox is dangerous
but he has kindly invited us
which means he treats us as friends
If we don't go
then we are not showing him respect
It's not good to start a feud with the fox
The first brother said
Don't be scared
The three of us will go together
Can't we beat one fox
The three chickens went to the fox's house
The fox shut the door as soon as they went in
Captain Ye
Right here
-Captain Ye -Hello
Why bother come here in such a bad weather
Ms Zhou told me
something happened to Chaoyang
I'm here to know about the details
It's fine now
So is Chaoyang awake now
Captain Ye
Chaoyang we meet again
How are you
Feel better?
He was sweating last night
He is much better today
Hello Mr Ye
Alright Thank you
Mr Ye wants to see you
and ask about the details
Tell him what exactly happened
last night alright?
Is he alright now
Don't be nervous
We know each other pretty well now
I'm going to ask you a few questions
I hope you can tell me the truth
What happened last night
Last night
my dad took me to the fish factory
I locked myself
in the cold storage by accident
Just you and your dad?
Was Wang Yao there
Just me and my dad
Don't be afraid
The police is here
Just be honest
How long did you stay in the cold storage
During that time
what was your dad doing
It wasn't too long
My dad
was checking other cold storages
He came to find me later
It's my fault
I shouldn't have gone away
Chaoyang what are you talking about
Did you teach him that
What did I teach him
What did you teach him
You taught him how to lie
Everybody's here
-When did I say that -You told him before
Captain Ye Zhu Yongping might be his dad
but I think he's involved
He shouldn't be here
Captain Ye he should be outside
Ms Zhou
The child is here
It's fine
We're used to it She is like this
It's fine
Mr Zhu will you
I'll leave
Thank you
Eat this apple later
I'm here
I'm here Just tell the truth
Tell Mr Ye the truth
Zhu Chaoyang
Don't be afraid
Don't put yourself in a dilemma
No matter who hurt you
I will bring them to justice
Now I'm asking you again
as a police officer
What happened last night
No rush
Think about it
You are a good boy
You should know
that you will be held liable
for lying to the police
Mr Ye
I'm not feeling well
In that case
I have nothing to ask
Take a good rest
When you think of something
talk to me then
-Is it done -Almost
Mr Zhu shall we have a word
Captain Ye
Ms Zhou
Let Chaoyang have a good rest
I'll talk to Mr Zhu
to get more details
If anything else happens
call me anytime
About last night
It was my fault last night
He wanted to hang out with me
so I asked him find me at the storage
Zhu Chaoyang
Why are you doing this
Why did you lie to the police
I didn't lie
Why don't you
tell me the truth anymore
Am I a stranger to you now
Mom I'm a little tired
I need to sleep
You're not allowed to sleep
They've mistreated you like this
You're still helping them
I've worked so hard to raise you
Your dad only took you to go swimming
but now you are helping him instead of me
When Zhu Jingjing was alive
did he ever do anything for you
Do you think he really loves you
and cares about you?
If he really did
he wouldn't have divorced me
He wouldn't have left us
The day that you got divorced
you forced my dad to sign the paper
You were the one divorcing him
You think I don't remember
I remember
I remember everything
Your dad was having an affair
You didn't know
That's because
you only care about yourselves
You're back
The police went to the hospital
Did Chaoyang say anything
Sometimes I think being a parent is absurd
We keep asking our children
to be honest
Now I asked my own son to lie
Chaoyang is such a good boy
He didn't tell anything to the police
Thank you
Where's your brother
Tell him
to come back soon
and explain himself to me
Or I won't let it go easily
Have some noodles
I'm going to bed
Why are you still up
I can't sleep
Is she better
Much better
The rain is going to stop soon
The waterway should be available soon
Zhu Chaoyang is fine
Don't worry
I met him this morning
Thank you
Go to sleep now
Are you still staying up late
I haven't finished the homework yet
Dad go and play outside
Which episode of My Fair Princess is on today
It should be Episode 10 today
I'll watch it after this
Then I will wait for you
When you're done let's watch it together
Let's watch now
That's right Min
I don't want you to have too much pressure
You're already great
Do you really think a runner-up is good
I don't think the ranking matters
When I went to school
I'd never been in the top ten
You always compare me with you
Fine Fine Fine
My daughter is the smartest
Captain Ye Chen is stable now
OK I'll go wait at the hospital
How is it going there
The tide has ebbed
We will check along the coastline again
Call me when you find anything
Well Min
I won't stop you from being a hero
He is about my height
In his thirties
Buzz cut
With a mustache
There's a clear tattoo on his left hand
What kind of tattoo
It's between his thumb and index finger
There are five little black dots
What has Yan Liang got to do with him
Has he mentioned this man to you
They were fighting when I got there
I don't think
they know each other
Except Yan Liang
Take your pills
We are still talking
Ma'am I'm really sorry
I didn't realize we were taking too long
Alright Alright
Chen I'll come back
when you are better
If Yan Liang contacts you
please let us know
He is not a bad kid
Check Yan Liang's info with the welfare house
I think I've seen the tattoo Chen mentioned
I did a gang-related case a few years ago
A group was extorting money on Fishery Street
We handled it
The leader's surname was Hong
I knew him
He was followed by three or four people
About 27 to 28 years old
They had similar tattoos on their hands
What happened to them
After Hong was arrested
one member was convicted of murder
He was executed
and the rest all left
Where is Hong held now
He should still be in the Second Jail
We'll go there later
Got it
I know it's overdue
I'll pay you back in two days
You don't need to
pay the principal now
But I need the penalty
I don't have it right now
After I sell this house
I'll pay you back
We'll take the car then
Give me back the key
Mr Zhang
Let him go
Zhang Dongsheng
I know what you do
You are a school worker in the Children's Palace
You need to sign a supplementary agreement
If you refuse
we'll cause a scene at your workplace
We'll leave you to it
I think you know how much
you need to pay us next time
Mr Zhang
You're bleeding
Thank you
You borrowed the 300000 yuan
How else
How else can I get so much money
You can't live here anymore
We can't let more people know
that we know each other
Why aren't you in the hospital
I went there and they said you left
The doctor says I'm fine
Here Let me take it
No need to change
The color of the wall changed
Mom and I repainted it last year
Take it to his room
I bought this bed for you
You have so many awards
The first prize
When did you get that
Last year
It's not easy for your mom to raise you herself
When you grow up
take good care of her
Don't make her upset
It's still there
You measured for me until I was eight
This is when you were one
This is when you went to kindergarten
This is in primary school
This is in Grade Three
Get me a ruler
and a pencil
Stand up straight
Don't move
All right
You will be higher than me soon
What is your mom doing
Maybe the drain is clogged again
Is the drain clogged
Here Let me do it
Let me
No Don't touch it
No Well
Use this glove
No need I can do it
Wear it
I see
When was the last time you changed the pipe
Close the door
What is this place
My parents-in-law's apartment
It is usually unoccupied
I sometimes come to feed the cat
So cute
But she's too thin
May I feed her
There's the cat food
Just stay in the living room
Don't go to the other rooms
These are your food
I'll send you more when you finish them
Fever's gone
There's medicine in this cabinet
Take a pill if the fever is back
I'll leave the key to you
Yan Liang You keep it
Come here
I'll show you how to close the door
Now it's double locked
You can't get in even with a key
If I want to come here
I'll call you in advance
I'll check the ship tickets for you later
I'll let you know when it opens up
See you
Mr Zhang
Thank you
I'll take care of the kitten
Lock the door
Looks like they had been living here for a while
There should be a girl
Find out who the girl is
See if there's any lead
Yan Liang
I don't think he's that bad
We still can't let our guard down
He killed people
but he also saved Chaoyang and my brother
Are criminals always criminals
But we have promised Mr Zhang
that we won't go to the other rooms
No you're allergic to cats
You can't be with her
Sorry kitten
You'll be free in a few days
Do you want beef rice noodles
If I eat now I won't be able to have dinner
Just now they told me
that a young boy
left this at the nurse station and left
Get me chopsticks
I am hungry
I thought you left
We couldn't because of the typhoon
So you
We're living in Mr Zhang's apartment
Mr Zhang
Why are you here
They wanted to see you
so I brought them here
Let's go
I'll take you to dinner
Get in the car
Have you made your decision
Can I choose only one
Only one for one Happy Meal
You can choose one now
If you really want it
I'll bring you here again next time
Or you can choose one for your daughter
we will have the pink one then
Thank you
Pupu had a high fever
we couldn't go back to the boat
We had no choice
İf the waterway is available tomorrow
you will leave won't you
Xin has to have the surgery now
The sooner the better
-Here -Thank you
Thank you
I'll wait for you in the car
Mr Zhang
Let's eat together
You guys talk
Just ignore me
Yan Liang
Do you have a wish
You can tell my wish bear
What is your wish
I hope that Xin will get better soon
In that case
we can come back
and find Chaoyang sooner
I don't have any wish
Anything is fine
Then I hope
I can win the Math Olympiad Contest
Mr Zhang
What about you
I hope
that I could start it over
Do you have the other memory card
Why do you ask
Do you still want to report him
He did help us
Yan Liang
Just throw it away
I'll think about it
Yan Liang
What took you so long
Is it enough
I can buy you more
It's enough
Eat it before it gets cold
Yan Liang
Will we be able to leave tomorrow
It shouldn't be a problem
I'll buy your tickets tomorrow
and I'll put the money in the card for you
So you won't be bringing it with you on board
It'll be safer
If you believe me
I can do it for you
Yan Liang can go with me
so you'll be less worried
Captain Ye
This girl ran away with Yan Liang
They were very close in the welfare house
They left on the 18th last month
The teacher didn't know why either
We need to find them fast
Ask Li to send the pictures to the stations
and docks
Check the beach area again
Aren't we going to the bank
Why are we here
Open the door
Why did you lie to me
What do you mean
Why did you guys lie to me
Because of you
my life is totally ruined
I have given you everything
I gave you money
I let you live in my apartment
Haven't I done everything I can
Why are you still lying to me
You really let me down
I'm so disappointed
Show me
I don't know what you want me to show you
Still playing dumb
I know you have another memory card
No we don't
I heard it all yesterday
You are still lying
You want to go out?
Get out now
Go ahead
Go to the police
Let's all be doomed then
Go ahead
I don't want to hurt you
I just want to end this mess soon
You can go to Ha City
and I can live my life
Or you can go to the police station now
Let's tell the police everything
Then the money will be gone
Pupu's younger brother is going to die
It's up to you
Are you hungry
I'm leaving soon
Here you go
Get off the car
Get the hell out with your money
I don't want to see you ever again
What about Pupu
Get off the car
These brats
Mr Zhang
What's wrong
Where's the card
What card
The card you copied
Didn't we give it to you
Mr Zhang I'm not feeling well
I want to get my medication
Keep pretending
I won't trust you anymore
Am I not good to you
I gave you 300000 yuan
I killed a person
This is how you repay me
Where is it
What's wrong
Talk Pupu
What medication
Where is the medication
What medication Pupu
Here Pupu
Inhale Pupu
Just Inhale
Pupu don't sleep
Emergency Center What can I do for you
Hello A kid fainted She couldn't breathe
Did she inhale anything strange
It should be her asthma
She can't use the inhaler now
What do I do
Calm down Tell us your address
We'll send an ambulance right away
Tell me your address
Hello Are you still there
Baby Crying ♪
The empty swing sways under the rising run ♪
Insignificant people ♪
are in a large country ♪
twitching ♪
Is it ♪
A devout light blue soul ♪
Tired of refuting ♪
Riding a dirty white crane ♪
Young body ♪
Old spirit ♪
Ordinary name ♪
Through the clouds ♪
Can't wait for the sunshine ♪
Follow the clouds ♪
Unrest in mind ♪
Disdain winning ♪
Follow your heart ♪
Scripture flag flies ♪
On the water that drowned millions ♪
Whose round fan ♪
is blown away by whose hurricane ♪
Or it is me ♪
Running in a church-like hospital ♪
Your tender fire ♪
burns down the country made of paper ♪
Red entity ♪
White spirit ♪
Oblivious names ♪
Self-justification ♪
Reap what you have sown ♪
Tomb of freedom ♪
Not content with winning ♪
Not fearful in heart ♪
Step into the ice-like purity ♪
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