The Bionic Woman (1976) s01e10 Episode Script

Canyon of Death

Hey, sorry I'm late.
Be with you in just a second.
She's doing her
funny writing again.
Okay, before we get
to the work today,
we have a new student
in class with us.
His name is
John Little Bear.
So, let's everybody say
hello to John.
There's a kid here.
Has he seen you?
Goodbye, Grandfather.
I'll be back next week.
HENDERSON: If he returns,
you know what to do.
MAN 1:Ventura Tower,
this is Air Force Flight
Six Niner Zero,
with Oscar Goldman aboard.
We're requesting
permission to taxi
directly to the security test
holding area. Over.
MAN 2: Roger. Niner Zero.
Security is expecting
Mr. Goldman.
You must be John.
I'm Miss Sommers.
I'll be your new teacher.
How'd you know who I was?
Just a wild guess.
We were expecting
somebody named
John Little Bear.
At the reservation,
they called me Paco.
Okay, Paco.
Come on down
and join us.
Hey, he'll run away.
I was expecting you
about two hours ago.
I know. I would've
been here on time,
but I had to go
someplace first.
Then, a bear
came out of the rocks.
A bear? Come on.
A great, huge bear.
Not too many bears
around here
anymore, Paco.
I think maybe
it was a ghost bear,
and my horse,
Tanima, spooked,
and it took me a hard fight
to get him back here.
Sorry I was late,
Miss Sommers,
but I couldn't help it.
You don't believe
that shaggy bear story,
do you, Miss Sommers?
It's what happened!
Look, I don't know
what they called you before,
but on this reservation,
we're gonna call you
Throwing Bull.
All right. Come on.
Come on. Knock it off.
Everybody get back to class.
Come on.
There goes the bell.
You gonna call me
a liar, too?
No, Paco. I understand
there's a lot of hazards
on the trail.
I thought I would
just suggest that,
next time,
you leave a little earlier
so you could
get here on time.
Jaime, a Mr. Goldman
from the Base
Commander's Office called.
He wants you
to phone him right away.
Really? Okay.
This is Paco,
our new student.
This is Ms. Stone.
Hi there.
Would you mind
watching my class
for a minute while I do that?
Come on, Paco.
Thank you.
Karen, you might have to
referee a little bit.
Watch out
for low blows, okay?
Okay. Listen,
you gonna be long?
With Oscar,
you never know.
Oscar, do I really
have to watch this?
Parachute jumping isn't
exactly my favorite subject
since the accident.
Just watch for a minute.
Oscar, are you
trying to tell me
I'll have to hit the beach
at Normandy or something?
No, no, no.
Wait a minute.
This is really
very interesting.
Now, you just watch this.
You see, victory in warfare
has always gone to the side
with the most mobility.
Technology has
taken us from the foot,
horse-drawn wagons,
trucks, helicopters
to air-cushion vehicles,
to elementary
space platforms.
And now, we're gonna
take a quantum leap
into Buck Rogers.
A degree of mobility
never before attained.
Individual self-contained
flying suits. Look at that.
The power for these
flying suits comes
from an atomic unit
that has a range
of 400 miles.
It can go from zero
to 30,000 feet altitude,
has the power
to outrun a helicopter
and the maneuverability
to give an eagle
an inferiority complex.
Oh, that's a nice
little gadget.
You bet.
The prototype arrives
in a couple of hours.
General Fuller will
arrive shortly after,
and with luck,
no hitches, the tests
will start tomorrow.
If you don't need me
any longer, Mr. Goldman,
I'm going out to check
the perimeter
security arrangements.
Oh, excuse me.
This is Jaime Sommers,
this is John Mallory
of Thompson Aerospace.
Miss Sommers
has top clearance.
She's been on
secret missions
with me before.
Mr. Mallory is gonna
be the security man
on this job,
and I understand
he's the best
in the field.
I certainly have
the years' experience,
but I'm afraid at the moment,
I'm really not up to my best.
What about that, Mr. Mallory?
Any word on those
practice suits
that are missing
from the Research Lab?
We're turning the base
inside out.
I think
it's an inventory goof.
I mean, I can't believe
they were stolen.
I won't believe
anything else until
they're returned, Mr. Mallory.
Anybody that has
those practice suits
could fly the real suit.
Am I making myself clear?
If they're not found,
I'll cancel the test.
I think that's a wise idea.
Good day.
Oscar, what is it that
you would like me
to do at this test?
Jaime, I had to get
someone's permission
to make you bionic,
and that someone
is General Fuller.
He'll be here later,
and he wants to
meet you personally.
Besides, we're short on
security here and l'd
Well, I just like to
have you around.
Sounds easy enough.
What I'd really like
to know is why this is
bothering you so much?
I was just thinking,
any guerilla warfare unit
got their hands
on that flying suit,
no anti-terrorist defense
could stop them.
I have gone through
the ceremony of manhood,
alone for three nights,
on a high place
in the desert.
I am an lndian.
I am a man.
I've made the cuts.
I've dreamed of
my totem animal,
the great bear.
I was barely able
to bear listening
to those bare facts.
I go into the desert
all the time
to the burial grounds
of my people.
I can go there now
or anytime I want
with nothing more
than I have on me.
And in a week,
I'd still be alive.
By nightfall, you'd be
crying for your mommy.
By the next day,
you'd be dead of fright.
Hey, I heard
what you just said.
You know,
you can't go everywhere
you want around here.
There's a series of
military exercises going on,
in a lot of restricted areas.
The Burial Grounds
aren't restricted.
No, they're not.
But the areas around it are,
so you stay clear.
You understand?
Don't forget it.
Are you gonna take that
from a long-knife, Chief?
Man, you should've
taken his scalp.
You're stupid!
All of you, stupid!
Boy, is he on
the warpath!
Go get 'em, Geronimo!
It's fantastic!
It's absolutely fantastic!
Wait till you see
this suit
in action, it's
What in the world
is going on out there?
That is Paco,
he's a new
student of mine.
I'm gonna get
the Air Police
on the phone.
Oscar, wait a minute.
Listen, we're having
a secret test out here,
we can't have a boy
on a horse
trotting around here.
I can take care of it.
Will you let me
handle it? Okay?
Hiya, boy. Where did
Paco go, huh?
Paco, come out
of there, please.
What are you doing here?
Looking for you.
Did you not read
that sign back there?
You're not supposed
to be in this area.
I have a right.
Our tribal burial ground
is out there.
I suppose you don't
believe that either, huh?
Yes I do, Paco.
I know that they
discovered that right after
the base was established.
But my grandfather's
buried there.
And I don't care
what any of you say.
I'll go out there
and see him anytime I want.
I'm not gonna
argue with you, Paco.
I just want you to come back
to class with me now.
I'll go back for the rest
of the day, but that's all.
We'll talk about it.
I need one of the suits.
Why? We need 'em both
to practice in,
get used to the weight.
You don't want me
to look foolish
when we take
the pilot's place, do you?
Only one of you
is gonna have to
make the final switch.
Look, Goldman's
threatened to
call the test off
if I don't find them.
Now I might smooth it over
as an inventory goof
if I can turn up
at least one.
Come on. Hurry up.
Okay. Now,
the working model
arrives tomorrow.
The plan is still the same.
You still make the
final switch with the pilot,
but when you take off
I don't come back.
How much do you figure
it'll bring?
Well, there's at least
three guerilla groups,
one in the Middle East,
one in Africa,
and one in the Caribbean,
who'd sell their mother
for that baby.
At least five
million dollars
and nobody's gonna
keep us from
that kind of money.
Listen, there was
a kid out here today.
Yeah, I heard.
Look, don't take any chances.
If anyone shows up here again,
make sure
it's a one-way trip.
MAN 1: Ventura Tower,
this is Air Force 614,
requesting landing
instructions. Over.
MAN 2: Roger, 614.
You have priority clearance
for direct approach
by order of Oscar Goldman.
You must be carrying
something pretty valuable.
MAN 1 : Affirmative, Ventura,
but it's top security.
We don't even know
what it is.
Handle it carefully, men.
The flying suit in that case
is worth millions.
There's your working model,
Mr. Goldman.
What's that?
You found
the practice suit?
I told you it was
an inventory goof.
The practice suits
were in the research lab
all the time.
They got mixed up
with some gear for
high altitude testing.
Where's the other suit now?
It's in the lab.
I put it in the vault
with the rest of this suit.
You want to see it?
No, that won't be
necessary, so long
as it's locked up.
Come on.
Let's unpack.
I don't know if this
will help you, but
JAlME: The Real West
by Marcus Carter?
"Manhood rituals.
"A young brave
proves himself
"by spending
three days and nights
"without food or water
and dreams
of his totem animal.
"Some great War Chiefs
counted more than 20 men
killed in a single battle."
I really appreciate
the time you're taking
for my nephew, Paco,
Miss Sommers.
And I appreciate
you coming down here
on your lunch hour.
Well, he never had
a teacher before
that was this
interested in him.
What about
on the reservation?
He's never been
on any reservation.
He gets all his information
about his lndian heritage
from that book.
It's his bible.
Marcus Carter?
Do you know
who this guy is?
He was a third-rate writer
that never got out
of Brooklyn.
A white man?
You mean, Paco's learning
about his lndian heritage
from a book
written by a white man
who never even
saw the West?
I'm afraid so.
He laps it all up.
He goes out and lies
about what a great
lndian he is.
I don't suppose then
that his grandfather
is buried in the lndian
Burial Grounds. No.
Is he telling you
that one again?
No, he's buried
in the county cemetery.
His name was Many Horses.
Kids used to
call him Many Bottles.
Paco found him
one morning,
dead of exposure.
Oh, boy.
Well, Mrs. Mitchell,
you know,
I don't really think
that Paco's lying
as much as
he is dreaming.
I think he's just really
struggling for some kind
of an identity and
I don't know.
Maybe now that
I know all this,
I can figure out some way
to keep him in school.
I really appreciate it.
So do l.
Our test pilot's
arrived, Mr. Goldman.
Oh, good.
Captain Phillips, sir.
How do you do,
Captain Phillips.
Although I'm not sure
driving that thing
qualifies as test-piloting.
It's more like
a glorified flying broom.
A golden
flying broom, Captain.
Handle it
with care, Captain,
it's worth a fortune.
And that is how
my grandfather
won the First World War.
JAlME: All right,
let's hear it for Andrew.
All right.
Does anyone else have
a story about their family
during the First World War?
PACO: About the time
Andrew's grandfather
was learning
how to be a soldier,
my grandfather was
a great war chief against
the United States Army.
You mean, he was a traitor?
He fought with only
a few braves against
a whole regiment of cavalry.
Paco, in 1917,
I think the lndian wars
were about over.
Not for him!
He was killed.
But he killed
more than 20
before he died.
Bye, everybody.
See you tomorrow.
Paco. Paco, would you
wait a minute, please.
I'd like to talk to you.
Come on.
I know about your
grandfather, Many Horses,
and I know how he died.
He was a good man.
A good lndian.
He was fighting.
I know.
He was fighting
to bring you up and
make you a good person,
and that's a wonderful thing.
You don't have to invent
stories about him.
Hon, I guess
what I'm trying to say, Paco,
is that you never
have to lie about anything.
The truth really isn't
as bad as you think it is.
From now on, honey,
I'd really like you
to try to
This is the last time
you'll ever see me
in this place!
Come on, Paco,
it can't be that bad.
Besides that,
where would you go?
Into the desert.
I'm a good lndian.
I could live there.
We'd just have to find you
and bring you back.
You're kidding!
Who would find me?
Maybe I could.
You're telling me
that you're a better
lndian than I am?
I didn't say that I was
a better lndian
than you are.
You'd never even
get near me.
All right, how's this?
If I can find you,
say within a half an hour,
then you promise
to stay in school
and no more lies? Hmm?
Can I go into the desert?
Anywhere you like.
Can I get a head start?
However long
it takes me
for this phone call.
You'll never catch me.
Jaime, Oscar.
The test is on
for tomorrow morning.
I want you to report here
at the test hangar at 09:00
tomorrow morning.
Oh, all right.
I'll be there.
Good. I'm about to
button up
the whole base now.
Right. Maximum security.
Loaded weapons,
electric fences, everything.
Oscar, does that include
the desert area over
by the Burial Grounds?
Everywhere, Jaime.
I don't want anybody
walking around out there.
I'll call you back,
Oscar. Bye.
Jaime? Jaime?
JAlME: No, Paco.
Now she won't have
any tracks to follow, Tanima.
you're in a lot of trouble.
It's that
lndian kid again.
Yeah, I know.
I saw him, too.
Well, you know
what Mallory said.
We can't let him get out.
Let's go up on
that canyon rim.
Let's go!
You shouldn't have
come out here, Paco,
and you know it!
Back there! I ran!
What're you talking about?
A creature! Come on!
Paco, now stop it!
I won the bet.
You promised me,
no more lies.
A silver man with
a thing on his back.
Where'd the girl
come from?
It doesn't matter.
Let's go get it over with.
All right.
Wait a
Wait a minute.
It's better
if we make it
look like an accident.
Look out!
I'd better report
this to Mallory.
Are you all right?
You're a spirit.
Come on.
I saw!
You were sent
by Sky Father.
A spirit pretending
to be human.
Paco, I can do a few
unusual things, honey,
but I am very human.
Believe me.
Now, you're lying!
I am not lying,
but I don't have time
to explain now.
Stand back.
Paco, listen to me!
There's something
very dangerous going on here.
I want you to go back
to the school,
find Ms. Stone.
Do you remember
the teacher you met
this morning?
All right.
Have her call
Oscar Goldman.
Tell him where I am
and that there's a silver
practice suit out here.
He'll understand.
All right? Come on.
Okay, Paco, and you
ride like you're going
for the cavalry, all right?
Uh, the lndians.
Go on.
Ventura Air Force Base,
this is Zebra Nine
Watch Station.
Patch me through
to Mr. Mallory, Security.
I'm sorry, I don't see you
on our roster, Zebra Nine.
Identify yourself
further, please.
BRlGGS: Negative.
Repeat, negative.
Mr. Mallory kept
our names off the roster
for security reasons.
Locate and ask him to take
confidential priority call.
Affirmative, Zebra Nine.
I'll switch you
to the confidential channel
and contact Mr. Mallory.
Well, what do you
think, Captain?
Does it live up
to its billing?
And then some. You know,
I think I could take on
a helicopter in this thing.
Doesn't seem to be
any problems.
The General's plane
arrives in 20 minutes.
Mr. Mallory. For you.
This is Mallory.
We had some trouble.
The kid came back.
Some girl was with him.
We arranged an accident.
What girl?
I don't know who she is.
Never saw her before.
Well, describe her to me.
BRlGGS: I don't know.
Five foot six,
blonde, pretty.
Did she look like
a school teacher?
Not any school
I ever went to.
What difference
does it make?
If it's a certain girl,
it makes a lot
of difference.
They're gonna be
looking for her.
Okay, we push
the tests ahead.
We grab
the flying suit today.
All right, I'll tell
Mr. Goldman. Thank you.
Bad news.
That was Meteorology.
We've got
a weather front moving in,
rain and gale warnings
from San Diego
to Point Arguello.
Now, I sent for
written confirmation,
but I don't think
there's any
doubt about it.
So, unless we can do this test
in the next three hours,
we're looking at
a four-day wait.
I can't tell you
what that does to security.
Three hours.
That's tight.
I'd just hate to see
the General have to
go back to the Pentagon.
Your safety's my concern,
not the General's convenience.
He'd be the first to agree.
Well, how do you feel
about it, Captain?
It's all right with me.
I'm as ready
as I'll ever be.
Are you sure?
All right.
We'll go ahead.
I'll button down the base.
Top Security alert.
I'll get Jaime Sommers.
I've got my car outside.
How'd she avoid the rocks?
I don't know.
The kid wasn't there?
I should call Mallory.
How? He'll be starting
the test routines.
If anything else goes wrong,
we might need a hostage.
Well, we got nobody
to watch her.
We've got you.
Monitor the air base
frequencies on the radio,
so we'll know
what's happening.
Let's go.
Ventura Tower,
this is Captain Brandon,
aide to General Fuller.
MAN: Go ahead,
Captain Brandon.
BRANDON: The General
and I are about two minutes
away from landing.
We understand the test
is being pushed up.
MAN: Affirmative,
Captain Brandon.
Oscar Goldman
is making final
preparations at this time.
Paco, what are you
doing here?
Miss Sommers told me
to have you call
Oscar Goldman
and tell him
about the silver man.
She's in trouble!
Oh, now, Paco
I'm not lying!
Listen to me!
She's right out there
in the desert.
The silver man
may be after her.
They tried to kill us
with an avalanche.
Boy, she swung
her fist at a boulder
about this big
and broke it
right in half!
Oh, forget it!
Now, I don't have
Miss Sommers' patience
with this kind of thing.
I'm not lying.
I told her
I wouldn't anymore.
this is what
he looks like.
He had a shiny head
and a thing on his back
and something
that looks like this.
I'll be right back.
And there was something
in his hand like this.
I mean it!
That's enough, Paco.
Excuse me.
Is Jaime Sommers in here?
Well, when she comes back,
will you please have her
call Oscar Goldman?
It's very important.
Mr. Goldman?
I know where she is.
She's out in the desert.
Mr. Goldman, don't pay
any attention to him.
He has a tendency
to stretch the truth.
I'm not lying!
It's all true!
She chased me.
She told me to come back
and tell you
about the silver man.
The silver man?
And I don't care
if you believe me or not.
OSCAR: Is this what
the silver man looks like?
Yeah, he had a thing
on his head, and
funny things on his back.
And he had two things
on his chest that
looked like handles.
Controls. Do you know
where this man is?
In the lndian Burial Grounds.
Miss Sommers is still there.
I believe every word
you're saying, son.
And if you are right,
Jaime Sommers is
in a lot of trouble.
Don't worry,
I'll handle it.
Mallory, cancel the test.
I'm issuing a Red Alert.
I want the Air Patrol
sent out to the burial
grounds immediately.
I don't understand, sir.
What's happening?
I don't understand either.
Jaime Sommers and a boy
saw one of the men
in a practice suit
out by the burial ground.
And you yourself said that
both the practice suits
were in the
That's right.
I did tell you that.
We're not
calling off any test.
Get in, Goldman.
Paco, you told
Mr. Goldman
you'd stay here!
So I lied again.
Now you just lie back.
What's Goldman doing here?
I've got
him covered.
watching the girl.
Is Jaime Sommers
all right?
She's okay.
Okay. Let's get
the flying suit.
Get in.
Goldman, you'll do
exactly as you're told.
All units standing by.
Base secured for test.
Tower, suspend all your
normal flight traffic,
please, until further notice.
MAN 2:
Roger, Communications.
All flights have been
until further notice.
All personnel
have been notified
of testing.
Base is now
on maximum security.
Television and
telemetry holding on
zero minus 15 minutes.
MAN 2: Roger,
Communication Center.
We copy that.
Zero minus
15 minutes and holding.
Now, you're not gonna
toss that at me,
are you, little babe?
Put it down.
Is Captain Phillips
suiting up?
Yes, he is, sir.
We're ready to
transport him in the van.
JAlME: You'll never
get away with this.
shut up and stay
where you are, little baby!
Don't move.
Paco! Paco.
Did I do all right?
Are you crazy?
You saved my life.
Come on.
You may have saved
a lot more than that.
It's a trick my grandfather
told me about.
Ventura Air Base?
Come in. Ventura
They must be
on that radio blackout.
Paco, listen, I've got to
get you out of here, babe.
Now, I want you
to promise me
that you will go straight
home and stay there, okay?
Come on.
You want to use my horse?
JAlME: He's a little slow
for my needs right now.
Oh, yeah I forgot.
She is a spirit.
Okay. Once you get
the flying suit airborne,
you fly to where our
plane is waiting, right?
Don't worry.
They'll never see
this flying suit again.
Goldman, if you foul us up,
Jaime Sommers is a dead woman.
Get in.
This is air police control.
The entire base is now
on maximum security
till completion of
classified testing.
OFFlCER: Here comes
the test van now,
General Fuller.
Oscar, how are you?
Hello, Bill.
Well, General,
are you ready to see
something you'll never forget?
I certainly am.
You ready,
Captain Phillips?
Yes, sir.
All right,
standby for launch.
Where did she come from?
Take him into custody.
Hey, are you all right?
I think you better call
a blacksmith, Oscar.
I hit so hard
I'm bowlegged.
You know, Paco,
I think that
Iearning about
your heritage
is a good thing.
And I can certainly
understand why you'd
want to be a good lndian.
Yeah, but I ought to
start learning how to be
a good Paco first, right?
I agree wholeheartedly.
But what I don't understand
is about these because,
the Western lndians
didn't build this kind
of a burial pier.
It was the Plains lndians.
Yeah. The guy who
wrote the book said they did,
so I built them.
Well, we're just gonna
have to get you
some authentic books
written by
some real lndians.
Yeah, I guess
it's about time.
Most of the stuff I read
was all wrong.
But I know
one thing for sure.
What's that?
You're a spirit.
Oh, come on,
Paco, I'm just
a space-age product.
I understand.
Spirits aren't
supposed to tell
who they really are.
You know, Paco,
I know you've seen me
do some pretty
unusual things
Well, you're just gonna
have to take it on faith
that I am not a spirit.
All right?
Yeah. Sure.
Well, tell you one thing.
You're gonna have to
keep my secret. All right?
That'll be easy.
Nobody would
believe me anyway.
Ah, come on.
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