The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

This season on
"The Challenge All Stars"
Retired vets
return to the arena
to prove they still got it.
The game
they once dominated
is harder than ever.
We need water.
And with
$1/2 million on the line,
the stakes are sky-high.
It is torture.
The battle has ended,
and it all leads to tonight.
My man.
Who do you think coasted?
These people know who they are.
They coast.
Jisela, we need names.
Best of the best
are in the building
to relieve
the season's greatest moments.
I still have scars
from that challenge.
Look, it's crazy.
Oh, my God!
Alton was like,
"Wait a minute.
Is that a damsel I see?"
All Katie had to do
was go into deliberation
and say Arissa's name.
Who do you trust more,
Kendal or Aneesa?
At this point?
And share unforgettable
"Challenge" memories.
Did you really think twerking
on it was going to melt it?
I wasn't pulling a Beth.
I was having fun with it
We all heard you.
But when we got back
to the house,
all the lights went out.
Arissa's a witch,
you guys.
That's right,
don't forget to stretch.
I think he just wanted
to suck her toes.
He sucked that toe
for a while.
"The Challenge" All Stars
reunion starts now.
I'ma see you, you, you
and whoever else
wants to fucking bring it
on All Stars, baby.
Welcome to "The Challenge"
All Stars Reunion.
Your favorites are back.
I'm Maria Menounos,
with my cohost,
former NFL standout
and TV analyst, Nate Burleson.
"The Challenge" is
the most thrilling
competition series
on the planet,
evolving from adult beach games
to gladiator battles
on moving semitrucks.
The stakes are higher,
the price money has ballooned,
and the competition
is more intense than ever.
That's right,
some of these challenges
belong in a summer blockbuster,
and it has these vets
itching to compete.
One viral hashtag later,
and Challenge All Stars
was born,
bringing back your favorites
to face off
after their reality TV hiatus.
These vets were staring
at the biggest prize money
of their careers:
$1/2 million.
Let's dive in
and introduce the All Stars.
Please welcome, Big Easy.
And your champion, Yes.
My man.
Champ is here.
Incredible season, guys.
It was so great to see you guys
all competing
with each other again.
You've been out of the game
for a minute,
but superfans were emphatic
about bringing you guys back.
Were you surprised
by the support?
I mean,
I wasn't surprised.
I knew when I got the reaction
from that tweet
that we had something
and just, people love
I think we brought it back
to the tenth degree,
so I was thrilled.
I love it.
the superfans helped make
this season a reality
like we're talking about.
They had plenty of questions
for their favorite All Stars,
so let's get to one right now.
Now, Eddie from Tuscaloosa
wants to know which vet
was first to commit,
and did anyone think
about backing out?
For the record,
I was the first invited.
I was ready for this challenge.
I mean, it's been
13 years
since I've competed
in a challenge,
and I have two kids.
And I was just in mommy mode.
Frankly, I lost a little bit
of my spark.
And to get the call
during the pandemic, people,
really gave me a goal
and something to work toward.
How did it feel
to share a bathroom
with a group of people again?
Oh, my God.
You know,
being in a twin-size bed again.
On the floor.
No bunk beds.
You know, living.
It was interesting.
Laterrian sleep-eats, so
Wait, wait, wait.
Hey! I'm only telling
the truth now.
So your boy is sleeping
in the bed,
everybody is in their beds,
And all of a sudden, I hear
Your boy is eating
a handful of Doritos
in his sleep.
At 3:00 a.m.
Underneath the sheets!
And now I can't sleep.
With a mask on that says,
"Leave me the fuck alone."
He has them in his bed.
And that's messy.
That's messy.
Having on them chips in--
That's messy.
I was like, "We're going to
get cockroaches in here.
Uh-uh, baby.
We got to clean this up."
We were in the room
with Arissa and Kendal.
And they both--
that's a lot to live with.
Sharing a room.
It's a lot
to live with,
but, I mean,
they're not comparable.
Jonna, right or wrong,
is Kendal not a lot
to room with?
And you're the nicest person
on this stage.
She is a lot to room with.
Thank you.
I'm didn't say
she's not a lot.
She thinks a lot,
but she also does really well,
even the mental game.
She's very smart.
I never said
she wasn't smart, I mean, like,
mentally handling
the stress of the house.
You guys should be
in the same room
next season.
Half of this game--
You're saying
there's a difference between
the challenges and coexisting.
It's hard to fucking
live in a house
with all these personalities,
constantly having to be
on guard.
It's a lot.
T's more mental
than physical. Way more mental.
Yeah. It's more mental.
And sharing a room with her
and having to deal
with it every day
now makes me roll my eyes.
I was really smart, and I
wanted to room with the guys.
If you're in a room
with a bunch of girls,
I don't want to get into
an argument about, like,
"Girl, you're hogging up
the bathroom the whole time."
Wasn't Derrick
in the bathroom a lot?
I feel like Derrick
was in there blow-drying
his hair a lot.
The All Stars
thought they were ready,
but TJ's first challenge
was a rude awakening.
They say age is just a number,
and early on, that number
was 911.
Take a look.
If you thought TJ
and "The Challenge's" guys
were just going to bring
a bunch
of 35 plus year-olds in here
and take it easy on us,
you are sadly mistaken.
Good job.
Good job.
That number
does not look like silver.
Oh, you got
the copper one, dog.
Maybe Darrell just
picked the wrong puzzle piece
because whenever you're
a little older,
you can't see as well.
That's all right.
Good job, Jonna.
Welcome to "The Challenge:
The Senior Edition."
Today looks like recess
at the old folks' home.
We need water.
I need you guys
to remember that my challenges
were us doing sugar cookies
in the sand.
Break now.
I'm an old lady.
I have to stretch.
This feels so old.
Where's my Life Alert?
Anybody seen my Life Alert?
That's them long days, man.
That's them long days.
Lie down.
LT, get up.
Back to the house we go.
The suspension went out.
I think this group
broke the record
for the amount of times
you guys yelled, "Medic"
on the set
during that challenge.
So, Darrell,
you've competed
in the most recent challenges.
Were you surprised that people
had so much trouble?
I wouldn't say
I just knew that they didn't
know what they were in for.
Like, it's not
the backyard games no more.
Like, it's different, so
You guys
are all in shape,
but there's a difference
between being in shape at 25,
and in shape at 45.
So what were the expectations
entering this season?
I mean, Mark, you came
in swole.
Every single episode,
you up here talking
about you're a brick house.
This is it.
Yeah, he's good.
I am the oldest guy,
But I've said this before.
I describe myself, like,
as like an old tractor
in a farm, right?
It's rusty, maybe.
It might make some noise.
But once it gets warmed up
Once it
gets going.
I could take out
the side of a barn,
you know what I'm saying?
So I just need time.
I need more time
to get loosened up.
But I mean,
that first challenge,
people were, like, collapsing
and needing a medic.
And I was, like, "Oh my gosh."
I thought the season
was over at that point.
I did too. I was like,
"We're all leaving."
Grand opening,
grand closing.
All right, now, Jonna,
I want to talk to you
about that
On the Ropes challenge.
You had your rope
cut the last minute.
And watching it, I got to keep
it real, it looked devastating.
I'm the team captain
so I'm not going to give up
for my team today.
It was devastating.
I was up there forever.
I still have scars
from that challenge.
And her poor legs.
Her poor legs.
Do you really?
I do, look, it's crazy.
I have, like,
it looks like bruises.
Oh, my God!
That's from On the Ropes.
That's from the rope.
That's rope burn.
Is that never going
to go away?
It's, like, permanent, yeah.
No, no.
You use sunscreen.
Give it a year, it'll go away.
Oh, okay.
What went
through your mind
when Kendal decided
to just jump?
You mean,
when she didn't jump through?
Yeah, yeah.
When she didn't go
through with it. Yes, yes.
Just have a little hop
for me.
No, no, no.
She knew exactly
what was expected of her.
She chose to hop off.
She sits down, so I was like,
"That's it, boom.
You're going in, baby girl.
Because you didn't finish
the challenge."
It was more than just that.
Now, this woman has shown you
in this challenge
that she doesn't know
how to pay attention.
She gets scatterbrained
when she gets nervous.
All of these things
are a deficit in my game.
And I'm not willing
to have her on my team.
She had a faux pas.
She blanked out
and made a mistake.
My issue with Kendal
is--she's a great competitor.
My issue is, she's been
watching the show for years.
She's been on
a Twitter campaign
to get back on the show.
So then she comes back
on the show,
and she acts like she
doesn't know what to expect.
And is like, "Girl, you've been
watching the show,
"I see your tweets every week,
"trying to get back on it.
Now you're here,
and you're acting like you
don't know where you are."
That was my issue with her.
You know what?
You don't know what you'd do.
You don't know what you
would do until that moment,
and maybe she did it
on purpose,
maybe she didn't,
but that's--
It's not about the jumping.
What Jisela was saying is,
we all watched her--
I didn't say
I didn't agree with Jisela.
I'm saying, you don't know what
you're going to do with that,
I got my colors wrong.
They asked me
whatever the colors are,
and I said, "Red."
I mixed them together.
I know my damn colors, okay?
So, like, we do stupid things.
KellyAnne, hold on.
Hold on?
I'm allowed to have my opinion,
right, guys? Come on.
For sure, for sure.
And so are we.
Take that armor down.
We're not attacking--
Sounds like Kendal
told you to defend her ass
in reunion.
Easy, allow me to talk,
Take the armor down,
baby girl.
We know you're here
to support Kendal.
I'm not here
to support Kendal.
Everybody here is going
to be a voice for someone else.
Because, I swear to God,
when y'all go for Alton--
Oh, we're coming, baby.
We're coming for your man.
We're coming for your man.
Y'all know
what's gonna happen.
So I'm not saying that.
But it does come down
to--you're right.
We don't know until
we're in that situation.
But what we do know
is what she showed us.
And what we had
to work with.
And I
already agreed with that.
What upset me
is just saying--
we never know what someone's
intentions are, only they know.
So to say that she meant
to jump forward, or she didn't.
I don't know that,
none of us know that.
It was her time to do it.
And this early on,
it is a popularity contest.
Unfortunately, she was
kind of the least liked,
and it was easy.
She just fucked up
the challenge.
You're the least liked
at the time.
It's easy just
to go with her.
We still got
a lot more to dive into.
Coming up, the challenges are
brutal, but the final is worse.
We'll find out which checkpoint
was the hardest
when "The Challenge
All Stars Reunion" returns.
Welcome back to "The
Challenge All Stars Reunion."
We're Maria and Nate, and the
All Stars are in the building
to relive their epic return
to "The Challenge."
TJ took it to another level
in the final.
The two-day,
five-checkpoint gauntlet
required strength, endurance,
kayaking skills,
and a stomach made of steel.
But only one emerged
victorious. Take a look.
All right, everyone.
Welcome to the grand finale.
Oh yeah, baby.
Check, check, check,
check, check.
Do it.
What happened?
We can catch up,
we can catch up.
Well, Derrick, Jisela?
You're out.
So now is not just
trying to figure this out.
I do math, while I'm trying
to figure out
how to put these
goddamn things in?
I think I need a medic.
Baby, you don't.
You don't need a medic.
Fucking shit.
I feel like it's gonna be
so bad.
I don't know if I can eat this.
It's 500 grand.
I know.
You're in the running.
I know.
Aneesa, wait for me.
God, I didn't think
I could do it.
Oh, dang.
Right through there.
Gimme that money, baby.
And the champion of
"The Challenge All Stars"
is Yes.
you saw that finish line,
and you started
sprinting towards TJ.
So then you get word
that you won $500,000,
1/2 million bucks.
What does that mean to you?
It was crazy.
I mean,
it is one of the biggest
moments of my life.
I just want everyone here
to know, too,
that when an architect
and activist like me,
who's dedicated their career
to social justice
and affordable housing,
wins $1/2 million
that $1/2 million
goes to a greater good.
So for me,
one of the first things I did
is I paid rent
to the Ohlone tribe,
that we stole the land
from in Berkley.
That I own my house,
and I own the land.
So I paid rent as reparations,
and that's just the beginning.
I think there are many people
that their voices
need to be heard,
their movement needs to
be heard,
whether it's
Black Lives Matters or Me Too,
I think that,
to me as a privileged person,
now as a winner,
and also as someone that's just
had this moment on the stage,
it's our social responsibility
to elevate that stuff.
I think Ruthie said it
perfectly earlier
in the season.
She was like, "Man, I just hope
someone good wins this."
And I think he's
a great champion for this show
and a great winner.
Thank you
for being you, Yes.
Well, thanks.
what are you most proud of
when it comes to your journey
this season?
I'm proud of so much.
I mean, the first time I did
"The Real World,"
they have asked me,
"Would you ever do
a 'Challenge'?"
Like, when I was still
for "The Real World,"
and I looked
and said, "Oh God, no.
That's terrible, I'm not going
to do that." It's scary.
And I'm just really proud
of myself for going after it.
Jonna, when you
crossed the finish line,
you were really emotional.
Tell us what you were feeling
in that moment.
Just watching right now,
I got teary-eyed
because I was just--
I can't believe
that I finally made it
to a final and that I finished.
Like, I didn't--going up
that mountain, I was, like,
"There's no way I'm going to be
able to do this by myself"
and I did it, so
this was also your first final.
So how nervous
were you going into this?
I wouldn't say
I was nervous.
I felt that I had earned
my position in the finals.
I wasn't a coaster player,
someone who coasted
through the season.
And I didn't take
the easy way out.
do you feel coasted?
There's a lot of people
that coasted.
If the shoe fits, lace it up.
These people know who they are.
They coast.
Jisela, we need names.
Just be clear.
We need names.
You're not afraid to say them.
A coaster is someone
who does not go
into elimination.
Jemmye, yes?
She had her own coast.
Yes, coasted.
Darrell coasted.
Right there, here we go.
She said it.
The only way someone coast
is they can call themselves
that they're coasting.
As we know, as soon as you talk
about coasting,
that involves judgement.
That, to me, is worthless.
The only way anyone
could've coasted is for them
to just admit it themselves
and say, "I think I coasted."
Because otherwise, we're all
just pointing fingers,
'cause no one thinks they did.
I don't ever want
to see the elimination,
but I'm down
for the elimination.
So I will coast my ass
all day long.
Okay, this is what
we're talking about.
'Cause what I tell people is,
it's harder
to make it to a final,
sometimes, than it is
to complete the final.
Now, Jemmye, is it okay for me
to look at you
as someone who coasted?
I will never apologize
for working
smarter, not harder.
I work smart in this game,
if I outsmart you in the game,
and we're both sitting there,
and one of us
can be team captain
and you decide
to volunteer yourself,
and then we lose,
that's your problem, not mine.
All right.
Let's get to one of
these questions, though.
'Cause we have these questions
from the fans.
Now, Antonio
from Long Beach asked,
"Easy, the last time you were
in the final, you nearly died.
"Did you feel
some type of redemption
as you compare
your last time to this one?"
Bro, I already know,
when they call me for a show,
and they say
Eric is coming back,
what show clip are they going
to show me?
That one.
Look at this man's eyes!
He's been like that
from the beginning!
Let's go.
You all right?
He's clearly not all right.
Get him water.
So when I went
to this show, I ain't quitting.
I'm making it to the top
of the mountain.
I knew I wasn't going to win,
but I wasn't going to quit.
And now when you see me again,
I might win
this motherfucker one time.
I hear you
on that.
Top your shit.
All right.
So Jisela,
I'm digging the outfit,
but the nicest piece
of accessory you have
is that knee brace.
$5,000 knee brace.
Now, I also have
had a broken leg, ACL,
I've done it all.
You injured your leg
right before the final.
Right. When I fell
in there, I hurt my leg.
I felt pain that I had
never felt in my life.
My knee!
What happened?
I've never broken a bone,
and this pain was excruciating.
And then I look over,
and here comes Easy,
and he says--he's like,
"I got you, baby girl."
And I remember that he needed
me to plug him in, and I said,
"If he's not quitting on me,
I'm not quitting on him.
"Even if after this
elimination, if they say,
'Jisela, you can't play,'
Easy is playing."
So I did by all means
necessary, rolled, crawled.
I was gonna say,
the roll was everything.
I'm, like,
all the other limbs worked.
I'll tell you
right now,
the elimination before
the final's the worst one.
That's one you don't
want to be in.
And to see that girl
not fucking quit,
and know that she was going
to seal-walk over to me.
Whatever it took, though.
So you didn't
fight through it,
it was over for you.
Yes, sir.
You're exactly right.
And that's what
makes me emotional,
'cause she could've quit on me,
but I wasn't gonna quit on her.
And that was it, like,
I felt that pain,
and I thought
it was a sprain, right?
But I've come to find out
I have to have surgery,
I have to have
a whole new ACL put in,
I have a fractured tibia,
and I have
to the club.
a torn meniscus.
So to find out
the gravity of the situation,
I still wouldn't have done it
any different.
That girl got a heart.
Momma did work
over there.
Yes, she did.
Momma did work.
No doubt about it.
All right,
so the best of the best
reached the finish line,
but some challengers
lost their cool along the way.
Take a look.
When Trishelle is
stressed out,
she typically wants to take
her frustrations out on me,
but I don't need to take
anybody's shit,
and it sure as shit
won't be hers.
Fucking bitch!
I'm not going to let you
fucking talk to me
like that anymore.
She's acting like
a fucking disgusting person,
and she's complete trash.
I'm not saying your name
tonight, no matter what.
Thank you.
Mark, you control
the Life Saver.
You're going to use it tonight,
or what?
So I've known Katie
for over 12 years.
So, with that said,
I am not going to let Katie
compete tonight.
She's going to get
her little ass back up here.
So now
Oh, God.
We got to vote.
I vote for Arissa.
I'm sorry, honey.
I'm sorry,
my vote is for Arissa.
My vote
is for Arissa.
Arissa, you're coming down.
Let's go.
Don't touch me.
I feel terrible,
because I told her she's safe,
and I feel like I set her up,
but I didn't.
So the way you all
pull this shit
was some flagrant
snake-ass shit.
And while I respect the way
that this game is played,
what I don't respect is
how y'all are living,
which is pretty
motherfucking foul.
So fuck you, I'm done.
Y'all can kiss
my motherfucking ass.
And that's
the motherfucking game.
Fuck y'all motherfuckers.
All right, don't take care.
Hope to see you never.
Let's talk about the
Katie-Trishelle confrontation.
So, Jisela,
you were a bystander.
I was.
I was
and I was there
for the tea, y'all.
How did
that escalate so quickly?
that part I don't know.
Okay, who was there
when the yelling started?
It all started
on the balcony,
when y'all had the talk
about who Trishelle wanted.
You spoke up, Aneesa spoke up,
Mark spoke up,
Katie didn't speak up.
So that was in the back
of Trishelle's mind,
"Katie's supposed to be
my best friend.
She didn't speak up for me."
Strike number one.
Katie was just
trying to support
what she wanted,
She didn't know
she had to speak up.
I know, but--
There were three strikes?
That was strike two.
That was strike one,
and then,
"She didn't tell me.
I had to hear it from Derrick,"
is just the excuse
that Trishelle had.
It was all these things
lining up to explode.
kind of added them.
I'm not saying
Trishelle was right,
I'm saying that's
what led to it.
I think Trishelle
was already really upset
that she was going in
and just nervous.
And there was
a few drinks involved.
What they didn't show is,
packed her shit up
and tried to quit.
And Katie
convinced her to stay.
I think
you should definitely stay,
and I think everybody
in the house wants you to stay.
You should compete.
You should be here.
They actually made up,
but then, later on
in the night, she got drunk,
and she started
getting upset again.
And then, it escalated,
and that's when we come in
on her yelling, being like,
"That's enough, like,
"I'm done, why are you still
being mean to me?
We already made up,
you're just upset now."
So what does
everybody think?
Was Katie a bad friend
for not giving Trishelle
a heads-up against going--
No. I don't think Katie
was a bad friend.
I thought that Trishelle
was a bad friend
by trying to throw her friend
under the bus.
Trishelle had
a lot of resentment
that was, like, built up.
Or else,
she wouldn't have thrown
all of those comments to Katie.
I'm just saying,
it works both ways,
we're not going to do is,
I like Trishelle--
The low blows
were unnecessary.
All Katie had to do
was go into deliberation
and say Arissa's name.
That's all Katie had to do.
Why couldn't Trishelle
voice that?
she's your best friend,
and your ride or die,
you have those expectations.
The way that I play
with my best friend,
I would say
somebody's name for you.
Let Trishelle know
I got a best friend's spot
that's open,
you know what I'm saying?
Like, if she wants to hit me up
on the next challenge, baby,
we're going to write
everybody's name down.
I though
Alton had that spot.
No, no, that's the boo.
That's the boo.
We're not at that point
in the show yet?
Oh, my bad, my bad.
We're not
going to that place.
Okay, my bad.
that elimination scene
with Arissa was wild.
She was not happy
about getting blindsided.
She was saying
a lot of crap down there,
and I didn't say anything.
Like, she told me,
she was like,
"I'm gonna end you, bitch."
She was like, "I wanna box you,
I wanna hit you."
And I'm just looking at TJ--
She said that to you?
She did have
a hard time there,
I will say it.
I love her, like,
she had a real hard time
with the gluten allergies,
the food situation,
so she was not happy.
I was scared
to go into my room.
Yeah, Jonna was, like,
to go in the room for a while.
to get in the room?
Yeah. I mean,
it got to a certain point
where Arissa just, like,
the communal living situation,
she was just not doing well.
It was, like, a great
"fuck you" speech.
Like, one of the best
we've ever had.
But when we got back
to the house,
all the lights went out,
and everybody was--
the power went out?
She did her thing,
she told us to go F off,
she left,
so we got into the house,
and we're all
talking about it still.
And, you know,
someone mentioned, like,
"Maybe her aura is still here,"
something just playful,
and then, boom
It was interesting.
all the power went out.
I hope that she doesn't think
it was a random conspiracy,
'cause it wasn't a house thing
to get her out.
She obviously thinks
it was a house thing, but--
That's her!
And we're all, like,
"She's back!"
"Arissa's back!"
Arissa's a witch,
you guys.
If she wanted to read
my cards,
I wouldn't let her.
And the other day
I said her name to my wife,
and all of a sudden,
I started choking.
I'm not going to lie.
Wait, wait, wait.
Say what?
You guys
really think she's a witch?
You said she brought
witch books.
She's got witch books.
You guys, she had witch
books, tarot cards,
she had a wand.
And we will
respect that,
'cause that is
her religious belief.
For sure.
We're not attacking
her beliefs,
but we want to be clear
what was going on.
Be careful
how you say it, though.
I've said to her, like,
that I said
in one of my interviews,
I'm, like,
"I said you're like a witch."
And she, like,
took it as a compliment, so
everybody has
a different spiritual journey,
and everybody
has their own way
Of course.
with their spirituality.
We're not attacking her.
We're just trying to figure out
the facts of what happened.
I just find it interesting
that the lights went out,
and that grown men
were screaming, Mark.
Oh, yeah. I was.
There it go,
right there.
Watch out, there she comes.
Guys, that's Arissa
telling us to move on.
Arissa said keep
her name out of this.
Coming up,
which in-house hookup
continued outside of the house?
Stick around to find out.
We are back with more
All Stars Reunion."
The All Stars are with us
to break down
the season's game play.
These vets have been out
of the game for a while,
but they were quickly reminded
of their past trust issues.
They know, right?
I don't want Alton
or Nehemiah or any of the guys
that have been in the arena.
'Cause fair is fair.
Let's look at the guys
who haven't been in the arena.
This is really hard.
Much harder than I expected.
So I'm going to have to vote
for Nehemiah.
Aneesa should've
fucking told you
what she was going to do.
I can't expect
anything else from her.
I know that.
If she would've done it,
I wouldn't have been mad
at her.
You play the same game
every challenge, Aneesa.
What challenges?
I don't want to be
that girl for you.
I'm done with it.
That's okay.
Jisela's my best friend,
my best friend.
So you can stab me
in the back at the end.
I didn't stab you
in the back.
I'm not your friend,
no more.
Yeah. No, I get it.
Best friend forever
out the goddamn window.
Out the window.
How about that?
Jisela, is what
she did really that bad?
What did she do?
It was.
What did she do?
It didn't seem
like she was
intentional about betrayal.
No, it was intentional.
All she had to do was say,
"Jisela, I can't give you Yes,"
or "Jisela, I don't know
who I'm going to vote."
But to look me square
in my eyes, and say,
"Yes, Jisela,
I'm going to vote Yes,
I'm going to give you
who you want,"
and then turn around and flip,
and give a different vote,
based on the single fact
that you have done it before
and I asked you not to.
I said, "Don't play me
"like we're best friends
all through the show,
just to turn a vote
at the end."
Seems calculated.
It was specifically
turn a vote.
It was specific
to that scenario.
If it had been anything else,
we can say trial and error.
Unfortunately, I get it,
you all love Aneesa, she's fun.
But I'll never let you
do that to me again.
All right.
But it's a game.
That's your choice.
You betrayed me here.
How do I know you won't
betray me somewhere else?
That's a great question.
And I think that's important
and we all have to manage.
You said my name,
am I mad at you?
Was I mad at you,
even a minute later? No.
In her defense,
just because her game move
is more beneficial to her,
you wanted Yes for
your own benefit.
She's mad that Aneesa said
that she was going to say
Yes; she lied to her face.
She's not mad that
Aneesa did
Thank you.
'cause she lied to her.
Aneesa looked her
dead in the face, and said
breaking it down, guys.
Keep breaking it down
'till they get it.
I'm going to vote for
Yes, and then she didn't,
she's mad about that.
I get it, because they
have a closer friendship.
That's what it
comes down to.
It didn't come down to
And then she turns around
and she goes, cries to Nehemiah
and begs him not
to throw her in.
All bets are off.
Oh, yeah.
Right after that.
Bitch, calm down
and see me in the Circle.
I follow "The Challenge."
I follow Aneesa.
I don't think that she plays
this untrustworthy game.
That's why I really want you
to mend this relationship,
because it was
a hard deliberation.
Your apology has to be
as loud as your disrespect.
So please back
the fuck down, everybody.
I am, I'm good.
I got you.
Do not try and make amends
with a relationship
you have nothing to do with.
Okay, I quit.
But I will say,
you know,
when it was your turn
to go into the elimination,
you were saying that
they should vote in
who hadn't gone in yet.
Kendal had already gone in,
I think it was three times.
Two times at that point.
And she was
your frequent choice.
So was that a double standard?
Yes, 100%.
But you're
still caring the torch on that.
I changed the rules
as I went, right?
I love
when she admits it. Yeah.
I own that shit, so
It's still a game.
And it shifts every day.
I still try to stay
within my moral compass, right?
Who do you trust more,
Kendal or Aneesa?
At this point? Kendal.
I would ride with Kendal
before I ride with Aneesa.
Put me on the next "Challenge"
with Kendal,
we gon' eat y'all up.
some challengers
got under each other's skin,
while others got
under the covers.
These vets know the best way
to take their mind off the game
is with some bedroom cardio.
Take a look.
Bedroom cardio, huh?
Nehemiah has been
flirting with me.
It's just, you know, business
and fun all mixed together.
Don't judge me.
I know how men think,
especially in
a Challenge house.
When there's $1/2 million
on the line,
a girl's gonna do
what a girl's gotta do.
And they're glasses.
Yeah, I'm a nerd.
I put some glasses on.
There is a sweet side
of Laterrian
that he shares with certain
people, but not everyone.
I know he seems aggressive,
but he's an aggressive teddy
if you can imagine that.
I'm not
supposed to like you.
I'm not supposed
to care about you.
We're both attractive people.
Attractive people are going
to gravitate to each other.
Am I sleeping with Jisela?
I'm not going into that.
I'm so uncomfortable.
You mean excited?
I'm not getting into that.
What you
uncomfortable for?
You look comfortable
right there.
But I'm going to start
with Jemmye, though.
Jemmye, what was it
that drew you to Nehemiah?
Well, Teck left.
I'm just kidding.
No, she ain't.
She's telling the truth.
I mean, honestly,
I think that,
I don't know,
he was single, I was single.
I mean it's
a "Challenge," like, boyfriend
similar to, like,
a work husband in real life.
Like, you know.
But did you
and Nehemiah hook up?
Did something
happen with Teck?
No, no.
But we were very flirty,
I think if Teck
would've stayed,
it probably something
would've happened with Teck,
over Nehemiah.
I mean, in all honesty.
They vibing!
We got the footage.
What is happening?
No, no, no, we just--
as we like to say,
we got receipts.
I've got
to tell the truth.
So Jemmye,
let me ask you.
Did you link up with Nehemiah
afterwards? Or even Teck?
I have not seen Teck
or Nehemiah since we filmed.
I don't really date men
on reality TV.
Like, I date, like, real men.
Teck, Nehemiah,
you're just craving
a little chocolate.
Yeah, easily.
You know you're
making Beth mad
when you
keep saying Nehemiah.
I know she gonna
cuss me out.
You're about to make
Beth mad, her Tenderoni.
I know, look.
You're talking
about Tenderoni?
I almost forgot about that.
Look, okay,
so I'm happily married,
but I was, like,
trying to live vicariously
through my daughter here.
And mom is
Team Nehemiah.
And Tenderoni
would make, like,
the perfect son-in-law.
Don't you agree, Mark?
I totally agree.
a few of the ladies
were thirsting over Mr. Alton,
but you guys were caught
hooking up.
Are you guys still
talking to each other?
So we were friends.
Is this going
to be something?
Are we throwing, like,
an engagement party?
Challenge baby.
Challenge baby.
We were friends
on "The Challenge,"
and we have continued
to be friends, based on--
obviously, we live on
different sides of the coast.
And he's not in a position
to court me in real life
right now,
because he's still--you know,
he has his life over there
and I have my life over here.
We've agreed that we're
just going to, you know,
continue to be friends
until the circumstances change.
Is he single?
Yes, he's single.
I don't fuck
with married men.
There was
a rumor that Alton is married.
I thought he was.
In the first challenge,
when he came to my room
to talk to me,
at 2:00 in the morning,
I thought he was married.
Again, I don't know
these people, right?
We're, like, first day in.
And I was like, "You have
to get out of my room!
"It's 2:00 in the morning.
The camera's going to come,
"and they're going to see you.
You're a whole married man.
Get out of my room."
He's not married.
I found out, you know,
two, three days later,
me and him talked,
and he's like,
"I'm not married.
I have a baby's mom, and she's
great, but we're not together."
She probably
didn't know,
because he talked
about his Veronica
All the time. He did.
Like he was married.
During this?
Yeah, he did,
it was bizarre.
All the time.
why are you laughing?
Darrell, you know something.
I don't know nothing.
Darrell knows
so much right now.
Darrell is like,
"My name is Benny,
and I ain't in it."
So if those circumstances
were alleviated
in some way,
would you be open to continuing
this relationship?
Absolutely. Absolutely.
All right.
So Darrell, Aneesa
and Laterrian had a fling.
Do you think that
they're compatible?
I think so.
I think Neenee needs
somebody like that.
I call Aneesa Neenee.
I think they would
be good together.
They kind of balance
each other out.
I don't think
Laterrian and Aneesa
are going to go
past the Challenge house.
I don't think so, though.
Yeah, but I said
they're a good fit--
I think the only people
going past the Challenge house
are possibly her and Alton.
Coming up,
this season had more wipeouts
than a Life Alert commercial.
We'll take a look
at the funniest falls,
twerks and face-plants
from this season next.
Yeah! Yes.
Welcome back,
We've been hanging with
our favorite All Stars
as we celebrate their return
to "The Challenge."
From skinny-dipping
to twerking,
this crew knew
how to let loose.
And when they weren't
laughing with each other,
TJ was laughing at them.
Katie, if you're watching,
protect your face.
And take a look at the funniest
moments from this season.
All the way!
All the way!
Here we go.
Look at him go.
Fucking shut up.
I'm no stranger
to humping,
I'm no stranger to riding,
no stranger to being wet.
Just sounds like a little bit
of amateur porn to me.
People are volunteering
their bodily fluids,
little spit,
maybe just a little pee.
Harder! Harder!
I am going to be
scarred for life.
I don't know
what the hell is going on.
KellyAnne, she's over here
twerking on ice.
She going crazy, she talking
'bout, "You like that?
You like that?"
I reach up,
and I visualize
the Sun breaking through,
and I ask it graciously
to work with me.
Right now we need
some water on this ice, girl.
You should've called on
the spirits before we got here.
So the Melt Away challenge,
did you really think twerking
on it was going to melt it?
Twerking did work,
and I was using the hardest
part of my ass to get it done.
And I think I did
get it done, so
They was just having fun,
and that's what you got to do
on some of these challenges.
When you're uncomfortable,
the more fun you have,
the easier it gets.
And I didn't make
any sex noises.
I wasn't pulling a Beth, okay?
I know better.
What do you mean,
you weren't pulling a Beth?
I wasn't going,
"Harder! Yeah! Ooh!"
What do you mean,
what do I mean?
Well, what?
I was having fun with it.
did you pee?
Yeah, I peed right away,
I held it.
That's what put
that crack on it.
And he lift the leg up.
I mean,
truthfully, I thought that
was the smartest move
Yeah, liquids.
'Cause it's warm.
And it won't melt.
I would've probably
figured out a way.
Yeah, but on top
of not knowing how the hell
we were going to melt
this block of ice,
they were taking the water
out of the trough
with their mouths
Yes, they were.
and spitting on the ice.
And then going in
It was so gross.
Drinking the water,
and fucking spitting
on the ice.
We didn't drink it.
We just spit it out.
How long did you guys
do your little methods
until TJ brought you guys
At least an hour.
I mean, my butt hurt.
My tailbone hurt for three days
afterwards, just from
I had frostbite.
All right.
So, Darrell,
are there any funny moments
that we didn't catch on camera?
Yes, I think one of
the funniest moments
was Beth's bee sting,
when Alton went over there
and grabbed that big toe
and started sucking it.
Oh, yes.
Wait, wait, wait.
And he said
to get the venom out.
Wait a minute.
From a bee sting.
I taught him that.
I taught him that.
Break this down,
because I did not see this.
Yeah, that was funny.
I think he just wanted
to suck her toes.
Yeah. So what happened
was, Derrick was like,
"Beth, you left
your sunscreen outside."
And I was like,
"Oh, thanks man."
And then I ran out there,
and I stepped on a bee.
And then I was screaming,
I was like, "Help!"
I was screaming
Damsel in distress.
and nobody was coming.
And then Alton was, like,
on the other side of the river,
and he came running.
I mean, there were people
close by,
and everyone was, like,
"Oh, Beth, you're fine."
Alton ran over to me, grabbed
my foot and just started
Put on his mouth.
sucking it. Yes.
And it worked, didn't it?
Wait, wait, wait.
It made her feel better.
He didn't know
if she was allergic or not.
He was trying
to save her life, honey.
It worked. He did.
I'ma go hard
for my man now.
I'm a genius.
You're about to get yourself
a man over there, look.
So you screamed,
and you're like--
He was saving momma,
he was saving her.
And Alton was like,
"Wait a minute,
is that a damsel I see?"
With the "Baywatch" run,
glistening in the sun.
Yeah. And he just, like,
came running in slow motion,
like he couldn't get there
fast enough for me.
And he did it
for a while.
He sucked that toe for a while.
He did.
And he saved her life.
And Beth is here today.
All right.
Well, we've learned
a lot, guys.
Tonight has been fun,
but before we say goodbye,
I want to make sure
we didn't miss anything.
So is there anything anyone
wants to get off their chest?
Any final thoughts
you want to share?
The fact that
everybody made it through
that final,
and they finished it,
showed a lot about everybody's
character that's here.
Because--I'm not
going to lie--when I finished,
I didn't think everybody
was going to finish.
And the fact that when you saw
their face when they crossed,
how happy they were,
you also got happy for me.
Like, you know, at first
I didn't think that I was
an All Star, and OG,
or brought that to the table,
but I'm just so honored
to, like,
have competed
with all of you guys,
and to be a part
of this whole thing.
Yeah, I mean, look,
I'm just so happy.
I loved everybody,
I really did.
And I've never been
on a "Challenge"
where I actually had friends,
so, to me, this is great.
I didn't know most of you
before any of this happened,
as you guys know.
And I'm just thankful
'cause everybody
invited me into this crazy,
little, fragile,
circus family of superpeople.
And even from the beginning,
I think
the conversations to me,
at least, they were--
they were really wonderful.
People--they were like,
"We're not here to just play
the game,
we're here to change the game."
And I feel like we did.
And I think we created
that's unique and special,
and the world gets to see it.
No doubt.
The champ!
So cool.
The champ is here!
And one last thing,
thank you to all these guys.
I mean,
doing this during COVID,
and pulling this off
and keeping everyone healthy
was great.
And I hope there's a season
three, four, five, six, seven.
No doubt about it.
hopefully in season two,
I'ma see you, you, you, you
in the motherfucking dirt.
Season two, three, four, five,
and whoever else
wants to fucking bring it on
All Stars, baby.
Come track in the dirt.
I'll see you next season.
We're not done.
Yeah, you gotta.
Fuck you guys.
I want my crown back.
Did you get a kayak?
You've had three goes at it,
and you lost every one of them.
I want my crown back,
I would tell you
to kayak back to your seat,
but you might not make it.
What'd he say?
That was dirty!
No, I'm proud of
all of you guys.
No doubt.
As a former
professional athlete,
I kind of have this idea
of what it takes
to be great at something.
So there's a profound respect
that I have for you guys,
because I saw you guys
wake up every single day,
and give everything
that you had.
And it's not just physical,
it is literally mind,
body, and spirit.
And it's 24 hours.
And you're doing that
in front of the world.
It's not easy to do,
so you have my ultimate
respect for everyone.
Thank you.
Much love, man. Thank you.
All right.
So we'll see you guys again.
Big thanks to the vets
for hanging out.
You guys all competed
until the very end
and reminded everyone
how you became All Stars.
And for Nate and I, that's it.
Good night.
Good night.
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