The Circle (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Declare Your Rival

[narrator] Last night's double blocking
has Chris so shook
he could barely concentrate
on his pasta, salsa, tortillas, cheese,
and nachos afternoon snack.
So he turns to his Circle sister Sammie
for the tea.
- Ooh!
- Message,
"What it do, my day one?
Exclamation point."
- And send message.
- [Circle dings]
Message, "Honey, it's been way too long.
Where the hell is your head right now?"
"'Cause mine is up my ass. Laug"
I like that.
"Girl, I am living. Exclamation point.
Let's talk about Bill.
I felt he read the shit out of everybody.
Send message.
You were playing the game,
weren't you, Coach Bill?
So, you were part
of this whole charade too.
Message, "Bitch, he called us all out.
Laugh my ass off.
I will say, though,
coming in as a new person
and seeing everybody all giggity-giggity,
I would be questioning some stuff too.
Laughing face emoji."
It kind of feels like the horror house.
You walk in, and everyone is just like,
"Hi. Hey. Welcome.
Hi. Oh, my God! Friends."
I would have been like,
"No, absolutely not."
"Girl, on that note, I'm a little worried
about our girl, Rebecca.
Hashtag heartbreak hotel."
And send message.
I feel like we're both tiptoeing
around the question
of who do you think is
being fake?
Rebecca, how you gonna be crying
over somebody you don't even know,
you barely met, girl?
I'm crying when it's two o'clock,
and alcohol service is done.
Message, "Oh, my God!
I feel terrible for Rebecca,
even though we did warn her."
I think she's really sweet,
but her heart just may be too naive."
Message, "@Sammie, girl, let's be real.
Ain't Rebecca, like, 20-something?
I knew not to cry over a guy
when I was two.
Hashtag cry me a river." Send message.
Message, "My thing is, is it genuine?"
Message, "Girl, at this point,
would you buy the biscuit?"
Message, "Not all soggy like that." Send.
"Bitch, you are killing me.
Laughing my fucking ass off.
Exclamation point."
And send the message.
You know, you are feeling comfortable
when you start calling
your good Judy bitch.
Bitch! You don't even address them
by the name no more.
"Bitch! You right!"
Now I know
that Chris and I both feel that Rebecca
might just be, like, too emotional.
The fun has just begun.
[narrator] Soft tacos and a Rubik's cube?
Damn right, the fun's just begun!
[Circle dings]
Okay, message,
"Joey, I felt really guilty
getting to know you
when you didn't know the full me."
Message, "I want you to know
that you are beautiful,
and the connection I felt with you
was with you
and not the person in the photos."
Aw, Joey!
Message, "Joey, you have no idea
how good it feels to hear you say that.
I didn't think that someone like you
would want to have a little fun
with someone like me
if I came with my real photos."
That's so sad.
"You know how much I respect
someone being real.
Hashtag I got your back."
Message, "I so appreciate you, dude.
Just know whenever you need to talk,
like, real talk,
I'm here for you.
Let's talk soon. Heart."
"Sweetheart, I'm always here for you too,
and any asshole trolls, send them my way,
and I'll take care of it.
Wink emoji. Heart emoji."
A wink and a heart? Okay!
I will send my trolls your way, Joey.
I believe you could take care of them.
Of course he could take care of them.
Forget about it!
Speaking of people getting clipped,
last night, we lost two players,
and now, we've got another surprise.
[alarm blares]
Oh, my God!
Uh-oh. Something's happening.
"State your case." What does that mean?
Circle, open State Your Case app.
"There are no more new players entering
The Circle." Fuck yeah!
- Thank God!
- Let's go!
Oh, my God! I made it.
I made it.
We got a shot.
"The winner of The Circle is among you."
- I know it, baby!
- [Seaburn] What?
Oh, my God! This is so scary!
This is it.
It's a race to the finish line.
This is nuts!
Honey, it's about to get real.
"This is your chance
to explain why you"
"deserve to win."
Oh, my gosh!
[Chris] "You must compose a message
to explain why you deserve to win
over your biggest rival inThe Circle."
Ooh [chuckles]
I don't even know who my biggest rival is.
I like everybody.
Let's just lay it all out there. Why not?
'Cause I know I ain't got nothing to lose.
I think my biggest rival is either Joey,
Chris, or Rebecca.
This is extremely tough,
because in The Circle,
your best friends are your rivals also.
This could destroy that.
[gasps and exclaims]
This is terrible.
It's every man for himself.
[narrator] Welcome to the brand-new
Netflix true-crime show, The Circle 7.
I'm ready for a binge-watch.
First plaintiff to state their case, Sean.
[exhales deeply]
Maybe Chris is my biggest rival.
Chris is very likable
and has a big personality,
and so do I.
I'm kind of thinking about Sammie too.
Sammie is just this gorgeous girl,
who has great bonds with everyone.
I think I might go with Sammie.
"My biggest rival is Sammie,
because she is gorgeous,
and she's had more time
to bond with people.
The reason I deserve to win over her
is because she has not taken the risks
that I have."
She doesn't know me
from a freaking hole in the wall
to say I haven't taken any risks.
You don't know me.
She ain't take no risks like I have.
Okay. [laughs]
That was crazy.
She's coming after Sammie.
Sammie has also taken risks.
I mean, we all have.
We've made it this far
doing nothing but taking risks
every step of the way.
Sammie took
the biggest risk that there is,
which is being yourself
from the beginning.
And like in all the best TV court cases,
the accused has a right to rebuttal.
Message, "As I do respect your decision,
I feel it's unfair of you
to write my story
and say I haven't taken any risks.
You don't know what I've been through."
"You don't know what I've been through."
I mean, I was sixth last time
in the rankings.
I just hope
I didn't kind of shoot myself in the foot.
This is better than a soap opera.
Sammie's next to take the stand.
Message, "My biggest rival is Sean,
because I feel her message is so strong.
I deserve to win because,
from day one,
I came in as myself no matter the stigma,
but Sean came in as someone else."
My friends, that's what you call a
[imitates sizzling]
That is just really kind of bullshit.
I agree with her.
Sean came in as someone else.
She lied from the beginning.
So how do we know
we can trust anything else?
How do you respond to something
so straight to the point?
[narrator] Lucky for Rebecca AKA Seaburn,
you got a front-row seat.
"Hey, no hard feelings.
I kind of love
that we both think highly of each other."
"I know I made a bold choice,
and I respect that you understand
where I'm coming from."
It's true.
I came in as myself from day one.
She had to come in as someone else.
That's it.
Uh-oh. Is Shubham typing now?
Who's his rival?
My biggest rival is Joey,
because he's also played an honest game.
He's my best friend
and has been a 100% himself,
but I deserve to win,
because Joey has been an influencer once,
and I've had to be an influencer
four times."
Bold to the truth.
He has been an influencer
more times than I have.
There's no way you can try to spin that
in a negative light.
I think it's 100% true.
Two words: humblebrag. Right?
"Joey only did it once.
I did it four times.
That means I should win."
What is Joey gonna say?
"Buddy, I love you with all my heart,
and I know you've always had my back.
We've made it through this thing together,
and should you win,
I would have nothing but pure happiness
for you.
Hashtag friends till the end."
I thought he would have been upset,
but that was the sweetest thing
that Joey has ever said.
Yay! My brother Joey still loves me.
It is what it is.
We're all put in this position.
I could have said the same thing,
but I'm happy I didn't.
Next up, Rebecca.
And let's see the juice get squeezed.
Message, "My biggest rival is
The reason being is because Ed is new,
and he does have the potential
to become a factor in the game,
and we don't know what drives him.
The reason I deserve to win over Ed
is because
one: I have found my voice,
and I'm ready to use it."
No! You don't say anything! Okay.
"Two: I have earned the right to be here
and make decisions on my own two feet."
You trying to tell me
I don't make decisions on my own two feet?
[narrator] I don't know, Ed.
Why don't you ask your mom?
If I was Ed, I would be blindsided.
I don't even understand.
What is she saying?
He doesn't make his own decisions?
This is actually a compliment,
because she's like,
"You have the potential
to be a heavy hitter in this game.
So I would say, "Thanks,
you know, for the kind words, Rebecca,"
or something like that.
You can say it
in your little, 20-year-old slang.
I think we should say,
"It's strange to say,
but I'm honored and humbled
to have been chosen as a rival,
especially coming from Rebecca."
"This goes to show
that my voice has been heard
and made an impact in this short time.
Hashtag nothing but love."
I respect that,
because, you know,
his voice is being heard.
I mean, it seems like, Ed and Rebecca,
it's the same thing as Sammie and Sean.
They're saying nice stuff,
but they're really going after each other.
Next to sashay up to the stand is Chris.
"My biggest rival is Shubham.
He's been an influencer back-to-back.
We are both honest and spiritual people."
"I'll always be grateful for him.
I deserve to win over Shubham
because I arrived
not knowing how to play the game,
navigated through
with love, light, and laughter.
Keeping it 100 from the start."
Aw, Shubham, what you going to say?
You have me over here on pins and needles.
I don't know what he's on about.
I've been 100% with everyone
from the beginning.
I didn't know how to play the game.
I didn't know how to write anything.
I came in, I was ranked 8th.
Did he not remember?
Dramatic pause much?
Message, "The truth is, Chris,
I admire you so much
for your inspiration and positivity.
I completely agree
with all the great stuff you said,
but I didn't know
how to play the game either,
and I've been 100% as well."
I mean, come on now.
Keeping it 100% Shubham, look at that.
He didn't even, like, scratch at me.
I respect that, Shubham.
I think that's very kind of you.
Who's next?
"My biggest rival is Rebecca,
because, as the new guy,
I can already see that she has established
strong leadership and popularity.
I deserve to win
because I've been a straight shooter
with you guys,
which may not be the case 100%
with Rebecca."
Dude, really?
Ooh [chuckles]
Ooh, shit!
- Damn! Ed went after Rebecca.
- Whoo!
- We just jabbed her.
- Yeah, we gave her the old one-two.
That is freaking bold from the newbie.
Okay, Ed took the shot approach.
The new queens came out with claws, y'all.
I think it's a bold move
coming for Rebecca,
but I feel like
nobody's been bold enough to do it.
Oh, my God!
Okay, so now, I'm picking up
that not only do Chris and I feel
that Rebecca may not be 100%
in the emotional, cry,
feel bad for me kind of thing.
It's like, I ain't gonna cry
over somebody I don't know.
Like, I don't know, know, know, know.
Chris! I wish I could talk
to Chris right now. Like, "Bitch!
Oh, my God! Did you just see
what the new kid said?
He just called out Rebecca."
Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome to the stage Rebecca.
Message, "As I respect your decision,
everything that I have said
has been 100% from my heart.
You, sir, have just entered The Circle.
So how do we know
that you have been 100%?"
Get him, girl!
She straight shot back at Ed.
That sounds exactly like something
a fishy person would say.
I honestly believe
that I've developed a really strong bond
with all of the guys since day one.
So to know that Ed is coming in,
just throwing around accusations
That's what Mercedeze did.
So, it's like we survived Mercedeze.
We will survive Ed.
Witness for the prosecution, Joey.
"My biggest rival is Rebecca,
because, like me,
she came here to be herself.
We also share the same best friend
in Shubby, and it scares me.
He might have to pick me or her.
I know I've been 100% genuine
with all my opinions.
Can the same be said about Rebecca?
Hashtag shy or calculated." Send.
"My biggest rival is Rebecca."
Wow! Joey!
"Shy or calculated."
Oh, shit!
That's two people that called Rebecca out.
Oh! Joey!
- Oh, my God!
- [Tammy] Joey said it too.
"Shy or calculated."
See? I told you.
People are thinking the same thing.
I think she's gonna play it safe.
I thinks he's gonna play
the sympathy card.
Wow! So, two people find me
to be a threat.
Right now, Ed has to feel vindicated
and be saying, "That's my boy.
All right, we're on the same page."
I feel like me and Joey just made a bond
right there.
If I was Rebecca,
I would be shaking in my freaking boots.
Everyone's, like, weeding her out.
I can't believe this.
Like, another person coming after Rebecca
is crazy.
Rebecca maybe isn't who she thinks she is.
"Joey, I am super surprised
that you find me to be your biggest rival
as I have been 100% honest with you.
And know
that we both love Shubham equally,
but at the end of the day,
I know that I am not calculated,
and I know that everything I have done"
"has come from my heart.
I still love you, Joey."
I mean, it's still calculated.
I'm not buying it, Rebecca.
That sounds like a fake response to me.
It's like planting a seed,
but I have to diffuse that seed.
Rebecca had your back, Joey.
She's not shy.
She's authentic and genuine.
I'm telling you.
Moving forward, honey,
it's everybody for everybody.
Nobody is gonna forget
what was said tonight. Nobody.
Fucked up.
How the fuck
are the next ratings gonna go?
It's gonna be all over the map.
That was an intense legal drama.
So the jury's officially out
except Sammie,
who wants an out-of-court settlement
with Sean.
[Circle dings]
[Sammie] Message,
"Hi, beautiful! Exclamation point.
How are you?" Send.
We both chose each other as rivals,
so I just want to talk to her
and get to know her, get personal.
That's kind of what
my game plan is right now.
"Hey, girl, I'm doing pretty good.
I'll be honest.
I was feeling a little bad
about how things left off with us.
I hope you know I really appreciate you."
See? This is why.
I didn't want her to think
that there was any negative energy here.
Message, "Absolutely.
That's why I wanted to talk to you
so that you could understand me
a little bit better. Heart emoji."
I was thinking about what you said,
about how
I don't know things
that you've been through"
"And you are completely right.
I hope that you know
that you can open up to me,
and that I'm here for you, too."
That's sweet. That's nice.
I did trust her, and she honored that,
and so she deserves the same from me.
Message, "I appreciate that a lot,
and just as much as you are here for me,
I am also here for you."
She is cute and sweet.
Uh, message,
"Us girls gotta stick together."
Message, "Stuck like glue."
Aw, she's sweet.
Uh, message,
"So glad that we chatted."
I feel like
Sean can definitely understand me now.
We know what's happening,
and I feel like
she would definitely be a friend.
[sighs deeply]
I feel so relieved.
[narrator] Ed, who doesn't need
anyone making decisions for him,
has got his mom deciding
what he's eating for dinner.
We'll do the steaks and potatoes.
- All right.
- Hey, are you listening to me?
I hear you.
[narrator] I'm sorry. I'm supposed
to be telling you what's happening,
but I can't even think about anything
because Ed's crop top is just
You know what No, I can't remember.
[alarm blares]
Oh, you're interrupting dinner, alert!
[Circle dings]
"It's time for the ratings."
"You must rank your fellow players
from favorite to least favorite."
We're getting down
to the real, real, real, real deal.
Hmm. I've been waiting for this, baby.
You gonna watch this.
I have to really think
about who I need to keep here
that is going to put me at the top.
This is where I'm gonna have
to get tactical.
There's no overthinking it. I mean
You gotta do what you feel
and just see what happens.
I think people are gonna stick
to the connections they built.
People will rely on their hearts,
or so I hope.
Circle, take me to the ratings.
We don't need to debate it.
We feel what we feel.
We're going with our gut.
I think Ed and I can foster
a good relationship.
We were both on the same page today.
Circle, lock in Ed as my third rating.
We have to split up Joey and Ed,
because right now,
they are in the same swimming pool.
So, the sixth position goes to
Rebecca is definitely last place.
We gotta get rid of her.
People are seeing through your fakeness,
I established it today.
Joey established it today.
People are coming for your neck.
We figured you out.
I am giving fifth place to
Maybe we could all be wrong,
but something in my gut
is saying something is not right.
The fourth spot,
Love 'em enough to keep 'em far
and to keep 'em close at the same time.
Circle, rate Chris fifth.
I feel like
Chris isn't gonna rate me high.
I'm still just a little bit worried.
He only reached out to me to be tactical.
I don't know
who else he's talking to about me.
Keeping him from the top right now
would just be the smartest for me.
Miss Sammie,
me and you have a great future connection.
You are my number two.
I feel like if we overcame today,
we can continue
to overcome things together.
So, Circle,
put Sammie in the second position.
Sean, I feel really solidified with.
I'm gonna use that to my advantage.
Circle, rate Sean first.
Me and Sean have no real connection,
so I have no idea what she's thinking
in terms of me.
So that's why I'm putting Sean
in fifth place.
She's a mystery box for me.
Circle, put Joey in the first position.
I have been able to be open with him,
and he was just so sweet,
saying that he would fight my trolls
for me.
I feel like he is my number one.
Joey is my best friend in The Circle,
and for second place,
I'd like to put Joey.
I showed loyalty to everyone
I said I'd be loyal to,
and I'm hoping
they do the same exact thing.
I love him to death. I truly do.
But at this point, I just don't know.
If the power is
in him and Rebecca's hands,
I might be gone.
It really hurts me to do it.
It's the first time I've changed it.
It kills me to do it.
I can't even look at it.
I'm just going to go
with what my gut's telling me.
Circle, please rate Shubby
as my fifth rating.
"Ratings complete!"
God! This
It's never going to get easier.
Oh, man!
Lord, I hope I did something good.
I have not come this far
to be let down now.
I gotta do what I have to do
at this point.
It might not work out in the end, but
it's been a hell of a run.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh, my God! I'm not prepared for this.
"Players, the ratings results are in."
Let me get my pillow.
[sighs] Oh, Jesus!
[exhales deeply]
the results will not be published."
You've gotta be
Huh? Hold up. Why?
There's the twist of the night.
"The most popular player
is now a superinfluencer."
What is a superinfluencer, Circle?
"This player alone will decide
who to block." Wow!
[yelling] Oh!
Are you kidding me?
So there's no deliberation
with someone else.
It's one person's opinion.
That's gonna be some power.
That's like being a freaking god
of the game.
Who's the most popular player?
I feel nervous for sure.
I mean,
I made some really big-ass choices today.
So if I'm not the superinfluencer, then
you know, I think I'm definitely someone
that people are going to be looking at.
So who's it going to be?
Shubby-Shubby-Shoobs, Rebecca?
I would want to be the superinfluencer.
I want that power.
I just wanna get rid of Rebecca.
On God, I'm praying
that it is not Joey or Ed.
Anybody, I feel like, could get rid of me.
I'd like to think
that my friendships are solidified.
But at the same time, I just don't know.
[narrator] The Circle is about to create
a superinfluencer
with more power
than anyone has ever had before,
but who's it going to be?
[alarm blares]
I'm the superinfluencer!
Oh, Ma, we did it!
What does this say?
Let's analyze, and let's have fun
before bad things have to happen.
I mean, for right now, in this moment,
I know I'm safe tonight.
There's no deliberating with anybody.
It's my sole decision.
I have to think how that's going to play
with everybody privately and publicly.
"You must decide which one player
you will block from The Circle."
You have to think
about relationships you built,
and especially knowing this is a game,
I want to get myself to the final final.
I'm not going to block Shubby.
I don't think
that would be the right thing to do.
I'm not going to block Sammie,
because I've been clear
about my loyalty to her.
There is a part of me that's protective
of all of us
that have been here from the beginning.
Also with Ed,
that's three people I'm pretty confident
if I save tonight, I can win over.
I'm also trying to think
who would be against me.
And I think
Rebecca definitely might be against me
after what happened today.
I could act on emotion
and get rid of Shubby's girl.
Yeah, me and Rebecca aren't that close.
But that's your girl. You're my boy.
I want us all to be that close tonight,
and I meant what we said from before.
Then there's Chris.
[exhales deeply]
I don't know where I stand with him.
If I make a public statement,
and I spared him,
it just keeps solidifying the fact
that I'm loyal.
Sean, I think if I kept her here,
it could be another strong alliance.
At the end of the day,
every person wants to make it to the end.
But unfortunately, it's a game.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
"The superinfluencer
has made their decision."
Oh, my gosh!
Oh! They didn't even tell us
who the superinfluencer was.
So, it wasn't me. No!
Oh, no!
Dun, dun dun!
This is it.
The superinfluencer
is literally a mystery.
"However, they will not block this player
in a message."
- What?
- What?
You gotta be kidding me.
You gotta be kidding me.
"The superinfluencer is on their way
to block one of you now"?
Are you kidding me?
- [Seaburn] Oh
- Oh, no!
Oh, my God!
So, they're coming to the apartment?
Now, I'm a little nervous.
That's bold as shit.
Why would they come for us, but who knows?
Uh-uh. I better go lock that door.
You ain't coming up in here.
[narrator] Well, it's a good thing
we give superinfluencers keys, Chris.
I just have no idea how this is gonna go.
[exhales deeply]
[Seaburn] I'm nervous,
'cause I don't wanna go home.
I feel like I'm in a horror movie.
Girl, don't come to my house.
Stay away. I got pit bulls.
If I was a superinfluencer,
I would take out the key person
I thought would win the prize,
and no one knows it was you.
You get off scot-free.
[Sean] Oh, God!
Hi, honey. It's me. I'm Joey.
- I'm so sorry.
- Joey!
Honey, I'm so sorry about this.
I'm so sorry.
Can I please sit down and talk with you
so I can let you know
where I'm coming from?
I'm so sorry.
[Sean] Wow.
I just want to make you understand
where I'm coming from,
because this is honestly terrible,
and I feel awful right now.
The connection I felt with you
was genuine from the start.
Same, and that's what
Honestly, I hear how this is hard
for you,
and I don't wish that on anyone,
- but I'm sitting in a tough position too.
- Absolutely.
Because I understand
why people would judge me
for walking in
and making the decision that I made.
- Yeah.
- And I didn't want to win as someone else.
I believe in myself.
I wanted to win as me.
- I need to be honest with you.
- I want you to be.
- You were my number one tonight.
- Yeah.
I really trusted you,
and it meant a lot to me
that after I did what I did,
you were the first person
to check in about that.
[sighs deeply]
God! That sucks.
I just feel like
there is so much bullshit right now,
and it is very difficult
to feel like I finally revealed myself,
and I'm immediately cut.
I swear to you on everything that I love
it had nothing to do with that.
I don't understand, then.
I, uh feel a little dumb after that.
I never expected to be here at this point,
and now you're at the point
where it's like the game
has really become a game.
And I'm like,
"Okay, I could get rid of Rebecca,
but that'd be acting on emotion."
So then what happens?
Shubby maybe doesn't trust me
as much anymore,
'cause I got rid of this girl,
who I don't have a connection with.
You just start making
Your fucking mind is going 20 directions.
- I know.
- [Joey] And then there's Chris.
Truthfully, I don't know
where I fall with Chris,
'cause I think he's such a people-pleaser.
But then I got that voice in my head,
that pit in my stomach that's like
"You can't." I just can't.
And I don't want to hurt you.
I don't want to hurt you,
and I don't want to make you feel bad,
'cause it's nothing personal.
I swear to God.
Honestly, I am so proud of you
for doing what you did,
and the courage that it took,
and I don't want you to think
that this had anything to do with that.
I don't hate you right now.
I see that you're a good guy,
and the fact that you came in here,
that gets a lot of respect from me.
I majorly appreciate that.
And honestly,
I see how this game is going.
I see how things are about
to get really tough and really nasty.
So in one way,
- I'm fine to peace out.
- Yeah.
Dignity intact.
- Yeah.
- I did my thing.
- You know what I mean?
- Dude, you really did do your thing.
I really did that thing.
- That's ballsy. Honestly, that's ballsy.
- [Sean laughs]
Yeah, it was.
Well, I'm happy I could come
and talk to you.
I hope you win this thing.
We'll see what happens.
- I love you.
- Love you, dude. Have a good one.
- Thank you so much for everything.
- No, thank you.
- We're gonna get drunk and cry together.
- Yeah, we will one day.
- I'm very emotional about things.
- I know.
We have to say goodbye.
Give me one more hug.
- This is hard.
- Bye, dude.
- Thank you so much for everything.
- You're a good one. Thank you. Honestly.
And I promise you we're going to talk.
I will find you. Don't worry.
I believe it. I'm easy to find.
All right, sweetie. Bye-bye.
[groans loudly]
[Circle beeps]
Yeah, I got it, Circle. Thank you.
I can honestly say
that I do not have any regrets
from this experience. [sniffles]
I feel like I came
and did exactly what I wanted to do.
Oh, shit!
Sean is gone.
Miss Sean just got the block, man!
Of all people to go home,
I was not expecting Sean.
If anything, I was expecting Ed.
I feel like that's the last person
I would have sent home.
Yeah, they didn't take out the powerhouse.
She wasn't a threat at all.
Live to fight another day.
This is amazing.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm so happy.
I feel like Vivian in Pretty Woman.
I feel like the luckiest ho on Earth.
Oh, my God! [laughs]
Final six, baby!
What a way to end the night!
This is amazing.
My God!
Another night, another blocking,
another reflective bedtime
for the players.
Whoo. Make sure you get
all that steak out, Ed.
Now, it's down to the final six.
Tonight was
absolutely devastating
and such a hard thing to do.
I'm not going to make any apologies
about it.
If I would say something behind your back,
I think tonight,
I've proven I would say to your face.
The Circle has got a lot smaller now.
I need to make sure I reconnect
with people and cover my back.
I'm so happy that I'm still here.
Monkey is happy that we're still here.
We at least got this far.
Good night, Eddie. Love you.
Love you, too. Good night.
[exhales deeply]
[narrator] Let's break
the last 24 hours down in The Circle:
courtroom politics,
a superinfluencer blocks, and
We're down to six.
Yesterday night,
we had our first superinfluencer.
I don't know who it is.
I have a gut feeling it might be Shubham.
We're in the final stages of the game.
People are going to start thinking less
with their heart and more about tactics.
Or maybe Sammie became
a superinfluencer again.
Sammie has been an influencer
many times as well.
I don't think that it was Rebecca,
'cause I don't see
a girl sending home another girl.
To know that there is
someone amongst us
who's able to make that decision alone
I wish they would have taken out
somebody else.
I think that was still a stupid move.
Maybe Joey could have been
the superinfluencer.
Last night, if I was to act on emotion,
Rebecca would have been gone,
but I can utilize keeping her
to make sure I solidify my future,
making it to the end.
Y'all, get ready!
A storm's coming.
Whatever happens in the storm,
at least these guys
are gonna be looking fresh.
And Ed's got a brand-spanking-new status.
Let's take it away, Ed and Ed's mom.
I see you.
Circle, take me to my profile.
All right, that is a nice profile.
Look at your hot mom.
What do you wanna say?
"Time flies like an arrow,
but fruit flies like a banana."
[Circle dings]
What is that status? You can tell
that's his first freaking status.
What does that say?
You gotta think on it.
"Fruit flies like a banana."
Yeah, fruit doesn't fly.
Now's the time
to let everybody know
what went down last night.
[narrator] Hopefully, they'll be thinking
about that stupid banana status.
Circle, update my status.
"Unfortunately, last night,
I had to make a really tough decision
to block Sean.
Still feel terrible,
but love you all."
Let's do the red heart
and the hands praying.
Circle, post my status.
[Circle dings]
Joey became the superinfluencer.
Joey was the influencer?
I knew it was Joey.
He took out Sean.
It was him?
"Still feel terrible, but love you all."
Wow, he had the power to block me.
He could have came here,
and I would have been out of the game.
Circle, like Joey's post.
Circle, like Joey's post.
Circle, like Joey's status.
Let's give Joey a heart.
Everybody supported Joey last night
on that. Wow!
They see I stayed loyal to them.
Rebecca probably thought
now knowing I was the superinfluencer,
I would have sent her home.
That's why today,
I'm hoping to win her back.
To now know
that Joey was the superinfluencer,
and he made the tough decision,
I feel bad for him,
and I hope he's okay,
because that's not an easy place to be in,
especially at this point in the game.
[narrator] Now that Joey has come clean
about being a superinfluencer,
and with the end in sight,
our players are starting to get serious.
And after using
the hashtag shy or calculated
to Rebecca AKA Seaburn yesterday,
peace-loving Joey is coming at her
with a virtual olive branch.
"There is so much we need to talk about.
First off,
there was never one second
where I contemplated blocking you
or Shubby." Send.
[Seaburn] Wow!
Joey surprised me.
Just by that comment alone,
I know that we still have Joey,
and that we still have
his undying respect.
"You're Shubby's girl,
and I'm Shubby's boy.
I want all three of us side by side
at the end of this thing."
That's not entirely true.
But it's what I have to do right now
to try to make it to the next stage.
I can't apologize for it.
It's a game, and I got to play mine.
She's going to play hers.
I can only do what I can do.
[Seaburn] Message,
"You are absolutely right.
We do need to make sure that Shubham,
you, and I are on the same side.
[Circle dings]
[clears throat] "Nothing makes me happier
than knowing we're all on the same page.
Heart emoji." Send.
"We're all on the same page."
I do need her to believe this.
Hopefully, I got her where I want her.
It just lets me know
that Joey really is playing for the team.
"Would love to keep talking,
but after last night,
I have some forgiveness to pray for.
So happy we had this conversation.
Promise we'll talk soon." Send.
Joey really feels bad.
Circle, exit private chat.
My heart goes out to Joey,
because I know, psychologically,
this is really messing with him.
He is hurting.
Why do you put your glass of water
right next to mine
so I don't know which one's mine?
Oh, look! There's been an update
on the newsfeed.
Oh, my God! "Sean has left a message."
Oh, wow!
[Joey] Hold on.
Circle, open Sean's message.
[Joey] Almost done.
Let's see what this is about.
Oh, my God!
I need a bigger screen.
I don't know if I'm worried
that Sean is gonna say anything negative
about me to the other players.
If she does say anything negative
about me,
there's nothing I can change
with the decision I made
and how I handled talking
to her one-on-one.
And play.
[Sean] Hey, guys.
I know that I made a bold choice.
But today, being fully myself
is the best that I have felt
since being here.
But I think there are still some people
with secrets.
But what takes courage
is actually speaking your mind
and being who you are
from a place of love,
and I just haven't seen that
from everyone.
Damn! Who is she calling out?
I don't really know
who she's talking about
when she's mentioning that some people
aren't speaking the truth.
Who else is hiding secrets?
I wonder who she's talking about
that she picked up a vibe from.
Is it the ones
who are playing the honesty game?
I just hope people don't think
that means I have secrets, 'cause I don't.
I still don't know why he took her home.
- I don't know why he said it was him
- Yeah, I would have never.
I wouldn't have told anybody.
I'm just thinking how this could help me
and how it could hurt me.
Part of me feels
like she's calling Joey out.
We'll see how people feel.
I do think most of the people left
are being true to themselves.
I think she's talking
about Rebecca, Shubby
Joey and Rebecca have felt true
to themselves.
and probably Chris.
So, I think it's probably
about Miss Sammie.
So much of me wants Joey
to be exactly who I think he is.
I think this game is definitely insane.
That'd be really messed up
if he wasn't him,
and here he was preaching this entire time
that he's been himself.
So, right now
I got to just keep playing Mr. Nice Guy.
[theme music playing]
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