The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Visita Fatal

The last ratings were insane.
Superinfluencer Luma decided
by herself who she'll block
and will put herself on the line
to share the news in person.
Oh, God.
I'm Luma.
No way!
I'm shocked.
Oh, wow.
I didn't think you were a catfish.
I'm Luma, too.
What? You're twins, and you
No way! Who
- Wow!
- What's up?
Oh, my God! What the hell?
Not everything is fake.
One is fine. But two?
Shall we sit?
Lucas, Marcel.
- I think you know why you're blocked.
- Yes, I know.
The breakfast thing.
- You lied in the chat.
- The breakfast.
And also, you were being shady
in the group chat.
I wasn't taking a dig at you,
I was taking a dig at Ray.
When Akel came over, he said,
"Ray talked to me
and said she shipped us,
so we could become RaKel."
- And she said she was into JP.
- Really?
Who do you think
the biggest threat in the game is?
In my opinion, it's JP.
- He's manipulating everything.
- Everything.
He's two-faced. He's the dirtiest player.
Blocking me was 50% fair
because I screwed up. I can't deny it.
- Bye.
- See you.
- Knock 'em dead!
- Leave it to us.
- Okay?
- The key is
- Kisses.
- Kisses.
Yes, you can make friends here.
In my case, the friendship I had
with Marina and Akel was very real.
I'm speechless.
I'm shook.
How is everybody else going to react?
Oh my God!
Guys, Lorayne
was blocked!
Good always triumphs over evil.
And here's the result.
No, dude
So, bye Lorayne.
Now I'm by myself.
I'm glad Lorayne told us
about Ray.
She wanted an alliance with Akel,
who is Lorayne's crush.
She tried to help Ray,
and Ray pulled the rug
from under her feet.
Kisses, Lorayne.
Good night, Circle.
Is it just me
or are there a lot of people happy
with the blocking?
What a night!
But The Circle never stops,
and it's time for the players
to face a new day.
Now we're seven.
Heading toward the next
Looking at the alliance I am in,
we are even stronger now.
The Circle is coming to an end.
There will come a time
when you'll need to play against
someone who was your ally
for a very long time.
Those were some truth bombs.
- "Update your status."
- "Update your status."
I have a stomachache!
Update status.
I want them
to at least smile a little.
I woke up feeling emotional,
thinking about you all.
I want to take a salt bath, comma
"but my ass doesn't fit
in the bathtub."
And mine doesn't fit on the toilet seat!
Circle, message.
What was that yesterday?
So intense. I barely slept.
No, you slept well. It had nothing
to do with you. Renan is so dull.
He's so pfft!
Circle, type status.
Believe in yourself, believe in goodness.
- Folded hands emoji.
- Folded hands emoji.
# OneDayAtATime. #WakeUpPeople.
I wonder if Luma was
the superinfluencer.
"The newsfeed has been updated."
Circle, open my newsfeed.
It's Lo's message!
I've waited for this moment for so long.
Hi, blondie. I'm taking my sunglasses off
so I can see you better.
Circle, open Lorayne's message.
Calm down
Hey, everybody.
I'm Lorayne.
The person who didn't tell
any lies in the game!
That's exactly what I thought, sis.
You're wonderful, beautiful,
but kinda pfft.
Lo's tip: there are some people
thinking that The Circle
is a puppet show.
Watch out, homewreckers
get knocked down early.
- She's talking about JP and Ray.
- And Ray.
JP must be trembling!
Do you think I wanted you?
Why call me a homewrecker?
Princess, get off your high horse.
Take off your crown
because you're not a big deal.
JP, don't be mad!
That wasn't directed at you.
I have an alliance,
I don't know if you're aware of that.
And my ally was probably
the one who blocked you.
Okay, Lorayne.
Go play with your "puppets."
I'm gonna do yoga.
How to relax when so little is known
about the mysterious blocking?
Let's open a chat. #CardsOnTheTable.
Our best option is to tell them
we were superinfluencers,
so we can avoid all the gossip
that can harm Luma later.
- With everybody?
- With everybody.
Oh, my God!
"Luma has invited you"
- "to the #CardsOnTheTable Chat."
- #CardsOnTheTable.
What is that about?
Circle, open the #CardsOnTheTable Chat.
Why did she add everybody?
Which cards are you laying on the table?
Circle, message.
You guys!
I had to decide who would be blocked.
There's a mix of feelings in my chest.
And for reasons all of you know,
it was Lorayne.
Unfortunately, a silly lie
can make things worse in the game.
So, Luma was the superinfluencer?
I wanna know what lie she was telling.
At least she's being honest.
She spilled everything
and didn't hold back.
Circle, message.
Luma, we have to remember
we're on the final stretch.
"And a little lie, silly or not,
makes a huge difference in the game."
There. Now you can see
someone who plays in a mature way.
Circle, message.
I noticed Lorayne called me
a homewrecker in her message.
I would like to make it clear
that I haven't, uppercase letters,
in any moment,
flirted with her or tried to meddle
in her relationship with Akel.
Little does he know he's the manipulator.
He's blind.
Well, if it wasn't meant for JP,
it was meant for me.
I had that talk with Akel before he left.
I'm gonna say something
because I love drama,
and I wanna watch the world burn.
So, guys, let me clear things up.
"Before Akel left, I talked to him
to get to know him better."
"I asked a lot of questions
about Lorayne."
"He said he really liked her"
"but he was willing
to meet more people."
"Akel jumped the gun
when he told her that I hit on him."
The "homewrecker" thing
was directed at Ray.
There. Now everything makes sense.
The truth came to light.
I actually believe in Ray.
Look at that woman.
Do you think she hits on anyone?
But it wasn't quite like that, right?
I talked to him, flirted with him,
tried to make things work,
shipped us as a couple.
Circle, message. Bottom line,
if everything had come to light before,
none of this would have happened. Send.
Wow, Luma. Nice message.
Lorayne, sorry.
Sorry for my hasty thinking.
Now I know I'm not the "homewrecker."
Taking only that chat
into consideration
- Ray would leave.
- Ray would leave.
Because she was attacked the most.
I think people should be careful with me.
I think you've made this pretty clear.
Moving forward,
if you're not careful, you're out.
open chat with Marina.
"JP has invited you to a private chat."
My God. What now?
I think it will be good
to talk to Marina right now,
her best friend is out.
It's a good chance
to clear some things up.
Maybe I can bring her to my side.
Circle, message.
Hello, sassy carioca.
So, how do you feel
about your sis Lorayne leaving?
Circle, send.
Aw, he's being a cutie.
I just hope he doesn't start gossiping,
I hope he's honest.
Circle, message.
Hey. I know you guys had a fight,
and I ended up taking sides.
I had to get that off my chest.
I need to know your opinion
about everything that happened.
Let's be more transparent.
That's all I ask.
Girl, transparency
is my first name,
and truth is my last name.
Let's get serious.
Circle, message to Marina.
That #CardsOnTheTable Chat
explained a lot of things I didn't know.
For instance, that situation
with Ray is news to me.
I had no idea.
Maybe they should have had
a serious talk, Lorayne
"and Ray."
Circle, message.
Now, I realize I was hasty
about the "homewrecker" thing.
"I even would like to apologize
for the way I judged Lorayne."
Aw, man.
Circle, message.
Dude, that's a relief.
I never thought we would be
so honest with each other.
Shall we keep it this way?
"#LetsGo. #LetsGetThem."
Yes, I wanna trust JP.
I don't want people trying
to change my mind about him.
Very nice.
Let's go. Let's get them, Marina.
The final stretch.
We'll be in the final, God willing.
Calm down, JP.
There are still a lot of people fighting
for the prize of 300,000 reais.
A lot of stuff can happen
and turn The Circle upside down.
"My biggest rival."
I can name six of them.
"My biggest rival."
Are we going to
expose each other?
"This is your opportunity to say
why you should win the competition."
"You must name your biggest rival
and explain why you deserve to beat them."
What the hell, Circle?
Do you want a war?
How should I say someone is my rival
without them becoming my rival?
Naming people
from the North Alliance is bad.
- So
- That leaves
- Ana
- Ana, Renan, and Marina.
- What if we say Marina?
- No.
Marina is much more involved
with the other players than Renan.
Circle, message.
My biggest rival is Renan
because in a short amount of time,
he proved to be an honest and fair player.
I deserve to beat him
because he just got in the game
and doesn't know what happened before.
- Hashtag
- Hashtag
I wasn't expecting that.
You're such an ass-kisser, Luma.
My biggest rival is Dumaresq
because he's very charismatic
and easily wins people over.
And I deserve to beat him
"because I'll be as great as him,
maybe better."
Look at that! I loved the compliments!
It's my turn now.
Who is JP's rival?
Uh, I think it's Luma.
Unless he mentions
someone weak, like Renan.
My biggest rival is Renan
because he was the last contestant
to enter The Circle,
and I still haven't had the chance
to get to know him.
I deserve to beat him
because people already have an opinion
regarding my character,
nature, and personality.
See, I knew it.
I knew it.
He knows it's Luma,
but he mentioned Renan.
My biggest rival
is Ana.
Because her sense of humor
will end up killing me.
And I deserve to beat her
so I can be the only funny person
in The Circle.
Circle, message.
All you need is a fart joke
to make me laugh my ass off.
Ana, please marry me.
Let's be a couple.
Can you imagine us dating?
I'm already thinking
about the wedding cake.
Luma is my real
But I'm not picking a fight with her.
Are you crazy?
Circle, message.
My biggest rival is JP
because he's a good player
and is always focused on the game.
I deserve to beat him
"because I can show
that a Brazilian woman's charisma
is stronger,
and I am living proof of that."
My biggest rival is JP.
As if.
Circle, message.
My grandma Ivete Gadelha taught me
to respect people,
regardless of gender, skin color,
sexual orientation,
social class, et cetera
Brazilian women
are very charismatic, no doubt.
You are living proof of that.
Circle, send.
- Whoa, JP!
- Wow.
What he said
in this answer
subdued Ana.
I think JP really
He respects people.
He has always been respectful
and friendly towards me.
I think Dumaresq
is one of my biggest rivals.
But now, more than ever,
it's Luma.
She's not being assertive.
She's being too vague.
She's kind of scared
of throwing shade and losing friends.
Circle, message.
My biggest rival is
she has been gaining momentum in the game,
and I admire that.
I deserve to beat her
because I don't think
she's as straightforward
as me.
She lacks assertiveness.
Marina is taking a dig at us.
- Throwing shade.
- She thinks
She'll start saying
that Luma is on the fence.
Luma is never on the fence.
But if she wants us
to be assertive, then just wait.
I hope she doesn't think
I'm mad at her because she blocked
Lorayne. It's not that.
I think Marina feels threatened by Luma.
I'm so proud. Marina, look
I'm so proud of you, girl.
Great, she's picking a fight
with the popular player.
My biggest rival is Marina.
Since she'll know I said that
I'm gonna change my strategy
and mention someone else.
I'm gonna attack JP.
Huh? What about
the North-Northeast Alliance?
Circle, message.
My biggest rival is JP
because he's a great player.
And I deserve to beat him
because I have better strategies.
That's it. Send.
They cannot know I'm the apple
from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!
That I'm pretty on the outside,
and poisonous on the inside.
That's a surprise.
She's proving herself
to be very strategic, right?
She's not stupid at all.
For instance, she flirted with Akel,
tried to seduce people and such.
In other words, she's not as innocent
as she seems to be.
Circle, message.
I thought you were my ally.
May the best player win,
and may the strategies always be ethical.
Look, he's taking a dig at her.
JP is playing dirty
because he's always saying
self-affirming stuff, like,
"May the best player win,
and may the strategies always be ethical."
Now, Marina wants us to be assertive.
Guys, hello?
Wake up. That was an opportunity
for everybody to express themselves,
and nobody did.
What I took from this game is
you are all two-faced.
Two-faced status: updated.
This game is full of "Wow's" and "Whoa's."
Plot twists all over the place.
I feel like I should talk to Luma.
I don't know if she understood
what I really meant.
Circle, open private chat with Luma.
Speak of the devil!
Circle, open chat.
Let's wait for her to say something.
Circle, message.
Luma, I hope you're not upset
with what I said.
Before the #CardsOnTheTable Chat,
I thought you were a bit distant,
and I couldn't figure you out.
#NothingAgainstYou. Send.
- "#NothingAgainstYou."
- "#NothingAgainstYou."
Circle, message.
- I'm not upset
- Heyyy!
- That's terrible.
- No!
- Marina.
- Hey Marina!
- Hey, colon
- No. Heyyy.
Heyyy Marina. Very girly
If Luma is straightforward,
like she claims to be,
she'll completely understand
my point of view.
Circle, message. Heyyy Marina.
Of course, I'm not upset.
I respect your opinion.
I even would like to ask you,
what do you really mean
with your point of view,
and what do you mean by, quote,
"straightforward?" Question mark.
You were the first person
I talked to in chat.
"And I liked you right away."
That's great to hear.
From this talk, I think
Marina will figure out who Luma is.
But let's see where this is going.
Circle, message.
I'm glad to hear that.
About being "straightforward,"
a good example of that
happened in the game, quote,
"My Biggest Rival," unquote.
"Luma, in spite of that,
I truly admire you for creating
the #CardsOnTheTable Chat.
And I came with an open heart to tell you
what I was feeling."
Marina grabbed a white flag
and started to wave it.
She dropped her guard.
Circle, message.
I admire you, too.
A nice talk can save the day.
- I don't want distance between us.
- "#ComeCloser."
Okay, Luma.
Circle, message.
Since we're here,
what did you think of Ray's explanation?
I was a little upset
about Lorayne's situation,
and I'm still trying to understand.
What I just said about Ray
If some lie
ended up making Luma
block Lorayne,
what about Ray's situation?
She had guts.
She had guts. She has guts.
Circle, message.
About that
- I still
- I told Wait.
I told Lorayne
that she should have talked earlier
to Ray.
Things wouldn't be so messy.
As for her explanation,
I would have defended myself better.
Christ Almighty.
Marina wants to put Luma against the wall.
Poor thing. Little does Marina know,
she's the one on Luma's wall.
Dude, I smelled a rat
after reading Ray's explanation.
She definitely
could've defended herself better.
I already know what I'm gonna say.
Circle, message.
Exactly! Exclamation mark.
Now you're talking.
But anyway, Luma,
I'm glad I talked to you.
If you need anything, I'm here for you.
#RoadToTheFinal. Send.
Circle, message.
You have no idea how great I feel
after a talk like this.
"#RoadToTheFinal. #LetsGoToTheBeach."
I love it.
All she said was true.
We could see that Marina is a bit insane.
In the #CardsOnTheTable Chat
she told her opinions about Ray,
and Luma thought it was weird.
All I know is that Ray
Survival mode: activated.
Everybody is a target.
open chat with JP.
Look who showed up!
"Dumaresq has invited you
to a private chat."
Let's talk, Master Duma.
I was wondering if
I had unfinished business with someone.
That someone is JP.
And I really want us
to become even closer friends,
friends who care about each other.
Circle, message.
Good evening, #MasterDuma.
I swear I was here working out,
about us in the final.
When I looked at the screen,
what a great surprise,
you invited me to a chat.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
I've always wanted to tell you something.
Knowing that I would hang out
with people from different backgrounds
and mindsets,
when I first saw you, I thought,
"This is an oppressive military man."
Unfortunately, that is
the impression
that we, from the military,
give to society.
And it's the opposite. I am
the opposite of that.
Everybody is free
to be whatever they want to be.
Circle, message.
I get it.
I feared such a reaction
after revealing my occupation.
I think people are free
to be whatever they want
and express themselves
in a way that makes them happy.
Circle, send.
That's right, JP!
Circle, message.
You turned out to be an open-minded guy
with a giant heart.
Joining positive forces is fundamental
to society.
"You turned out to be an open-minded guy
with a giant heart."
Thank you, bro.
Circle, message.
Bro, I'm so glad
that you got what I meant.
I felt your honesty
and your positivity from here.
I've got chills. I'm not kidding.
We'll be together in the final.
So cute!
This is so cute, JP!
Circle, message.
As for the final, mentalize it from there,
and I'll mentalize it from here.
Send it, Circle.
if either you or I win, I'll be happy.
Wow, I'm so happy
with that talk, JP!
I love it!
After that talk,
he's on the top of my ranking.
He's first place now.
- Alert!
- Alert!
Whoa there! Speak of the devil
I've just finished my workout.
"It's time for the ratings."
Guys, I'm not ready for that.
I'm not ready
for another rating so soon.
"Rank the players from favorite
to least favorite."
"The top two players
will become influencers"
"and will hold great power."
And now the newbie has no privileges.
Everybody will be rated.
I hope everybody liked me,
I'm not a threat to anybody,
and I hope they give me good rates.
My poor crown
It doesn't know what this is anymore.
We'll probably see something new.
Right, dad.
- "The top two players"
- You're already getting nervous.
There's no way to avoid it
- because it's
- You're stressed out.
I'm not stressed out.
I made it very clear
that she's my target.
Sixth place,
In third,
I'm gonna place my sassy carioca.
I'm having an opportunity
to get to know her better.
Third place goes to Marina.
- Correct.
- In first, I wanna place JP.
I had important conversations with JP.
He had the guts to say
some things in group chats,
and no one was doing that before.
In fourth, I'm gonna put JP.
I think JP is the strongest player.
But I'm not sure if he'll save me
if he becomes an influencer.
In third place, I'm gonna put Ana.
Because of her level
of danger.
At this moment,
I think Ana can be dangerous, right?
Circle, Ray in sixth place.
The fact that you admitted
in the #CardsOnTheTable Chat
that you talked to Akel
You had your chance to explain yourself,
but you dodged the subject and got angry.
There was no need for that.
In second, Ray.
Since Luma saved Ray
right before the final blocking,
she holds Luma in high regard.
And if Ray was to take someone out,
she would block another person.
- Yeah.
- Starts with "Ma," ends with "Rina."
In sixth place, of course it's Luma.
I don't get what these people want.
Picking Luma as an influencer
just shows that they want her
to win the game.
I want to devour Luma,
just like you do it
with a piece of toast in the morning.
No butter, by the way.
I want to swallow it,
pretend that Luma didn't exist.
In first, I'm gonna place Luma.
I believe she'll make a good judgment
if she receives
that superpower again
to decide who should leave.
In sixth place,
I wanna put Renan.
He hasn't shown yet
his whole personality.
I want you to expose yourself
the same way you expose your chest
to me.
Circle. In second place, Dumaresq.
I want to believe Dumaresq would save me.
I've always trusted him, so
it's fair to put him in second.
- Circle.
- Circle.
- Send my ratings.
- Send the ratings.
Enemies became friends.
Friends became enemies.
I don't know what to expect anymore.
Oh, I can name the group chat.
Open a private chat
called "Women are Great"
with Renan and JP.
Whoa. Wait a sec, or I'll burn the rice.
Ana has invited me to a chat.
Circle, open the Women are Great Chat.
She added only the dudes.
"Women are Great?"
With Ana, JP and me?
Circle, message.
Hey, guys. Since I go both always,
I thought it'd be nice to talk to you.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
Whoa there, thirsty Ana!
I don't get what she wants, but
she's messaging right now.
Let's see what she says.
Circle, message.
Obviously, I've opened this chat
to talk about the girls
Ellipsis. Renan
"Now that Lorayne left,
are you interested in another person?"
Actually, she wants
to find out
if there are any alliances
being formed through couples.
I think that's her intention.
They'll also see me
as part of the gang.
So, in the end, I'm in the girls' chat
and in the boys' chat.
Take that, Dumaresq.
I sense desperation in the air.
Circle, message.
Well, obviously,
but I'm still testing the waters.
Ray and Luma are really interesting.
What do you guys think?
"Ray and Luma are really interesting.
What do you guys think?"
Circle, message.
Renan, you bastard. LOL.
Ray and Luma are mine.
Get your eyes off them, you dog.
Laugh emoji with tears.
"Ray and Luma are mine.
Get your eyes off them, you dog."
What if I make some intrigue?
What if I say something
to make him suspect her?
That player might be Luma's mother.
That woman who showed up in her photo.
Yes. I can say something like that.
Circle, message.
They both are truly beautiful, comma,
but something came to mind today, colon
"What if Luma is, in fact,
her mother?
I have to say, I'd hit on her mom, too.
I would hit on no one!
You know what I would hit? Your faces.
I hadn't thought about that. Like
She posted
a photo with her mother.
So, we were left
with the idea
that Luma might be a catfish.
I've been wanting to say something
about Luma for a while.
Circle, message.
Really, Ana? I hadn't thought about that.
Is it just a hunch,
or do you have a clue?
Circle, send.
I wouldn't say it's her mother, but
I have my suspicions
that Luma isn't, in fact, Luma.
Circle, message.
Ana, I don't know if that's her mother.
I only know that I like her a lot.
Smile emoji with heart-shaped eyes.
Circle, message.
Now I have to pretend
that I'm not bad-mouthing people.
Now I have to be like,
"Nah, it's just my imagination.
But that doesn't make any difference.
I love Luma!"
"She's so nice to me."
Yikes, you're trying to cover your ass.
Luma is too popular.
I can't let that girlie
be popular.
I'm gonna destroy Luma.
Circle, message.
It was great talking to you guys.
See you, Ana.
See you, JP.
Smile emoji. High-five emoji.
"It was great talking to you guys.
See you, Ana. See you, JP."
He's cool.
Nice guy. He can count on me.
Close this shit.
Yeah, Ana. After that talk,
will you be a loser or a winner?"
- Whoa!
- Alert.
This is so stressful, you guys.
Oh, my God
Oof, it's time.
Let's go, Congão.
We have the results.
Oh, God. I'm afraid to look.
So nerve-wracking.
Seventh place.
Please, it's okay if I'm sixth,
but I can't be seventh.
This is so stressful, you guys.
No, God!
With Ray in seventh place,
it's now quite clear
that we're playing her.
That's a score for me.
God, I can't believe it!
Marina must be in sixth place.
What if Marina is in sixth?
This has a pro and a con.
I'm not a threat,
don't worry about me, I'm cool.
But I'm not pleasing anyone either.
What's going on?
He's a tiny fish swimming
against the stream.
And the rest of them are sharks,
they're all like
In fifth place, I'd say JP.
Is it our time?
It will be JP. It is JP.
No, it's Marina.
No way. If I'm in fifth place,
I'm not gonna be happy.
Wow, I need to sit down.
I think this placement shows
how much Marina has changed.
I can't believe you guys
did this to me, man.
Fourth place.
I'm not excited.
It has to be Ana.
I think Marina knows I'm no good.
Let's go. Fourth place is good.
It's in God's hands.
It will be JP.
Is it JP?
It's me.
Are you kidding me?
What did Ana do that I didn't?
She just cracks jokes.
Luma is top three.
I'm going up in the ranking!
Three princes and two crowns.
Who will reign in the Blue Room this time?
If it's either Duma or Luma, I'm safe.
If they're at the top,
they won't leave me hanging.
Oh, God
Here comes my big scowl.
Oh, my God!
We're influencers!
- Conga, let's celebrate!
- Influencer!
Shit! No!
This feeling is so great!
But the top two are Dumaresq
and JP, right?
If they're not a bunch of phonies
JP in first place, Dumaresq in second.
Oh, my God!
Guys, I'm in first place!
Second place. We are influencers.
We have a responsibility.
Face of an influencer,
pose of an influencer,
presence of an influencer.
Maybe next time, Marina.
This is how a cow feels
when it goes to the slaughter.
Life's not easy for at-risk players.
That's the price for not being popular.
Is it time?
Is it time to pack my bags
and go back home?
"Dumaresq and JP,
please go to the Blue Room
to make your decision."
Oh, they're still going?
I have time to eat.
I'm at risk.
But I won't be blocked.
I'm at risk
But I won't be blocked
Master Duma,
we freaking rock.
Northeasterners will rule the world.
Will Dumaresq save me?
Since JP plays the game well,
anybody can be blocked.
I mean
Except Ray, right? They're in cahoots.
I'll assume this responsibility.
May this decision be fair and correct.
Let's go, Dumaresq. Once again,
let's go to that room you love so much
and decide who to block.
I admit
I've missed this place.
Let's talk, JP.
From now on, we're starting to define
the potential finalists.
Whoever plays better wins.
No one here would make me say,
"Wow, I'll happily block this person."
Maybe it's time to start blocking
the strongest players.
- Alert.
- Oof.
It's time.
Have they decided yet?
"The influencers Dumaresq and JP
are in the Blue Room"
"but they can't discuss
who they'll block."
- What?
- What do you mean?
- But if they can't discuss
- "They can't discuss"
how will they block someone?
"Each influencer will save a player
until there's only one left!"
Sudden death?
Saving a player
until there's only one left.
"All players must go to the Circle Chat."
This means
we'll be saving players
in front of them.
open chat.
It's public!
There's nothing they can hide,
nothing they can do.
since you're first in the ratings"
"you start by saving a player."
That's what I wanted.
Save me already, so I can go to bed.
Circle, message.
Besides having fun in the game,
you have to see The Circle
"as an experience."
"Taking things lightly
and being unique"
"make this experience
even more special."
What does he mean?
I'm not light at all.
He'll save Ana.
He'll save me.
I think he'll save Marina.
Circle, message.
The person I'm saving is
It's Ana.
If it's Ana, I don't understand
anything anymore.
I knew it.
He said, "Taking things lightly."
He even gave me moral support.
Ana is probably full of herself right now.
pick the player you want to save."
Circle, message.
This is a tense moment,
but I'll try to be as fair as possible.
"This person values the truth"
"honesty and transparency,
just like I do."
"I want to take our friendship
beyond these screens."
It's me!
- "The person I'm saving is"
- "The person I'm saving is"
It's me, girl!
Say it, JP!
Luma, baby.
You live in my heart,
and you don't have to pay any rent.
His heart is like a catwalk, right?
There's always a beautiful woman there.
I'm delusional.
Circle, message.
This person has changed
during the journey in The Circle.
"Her glow and energy dimmed"
"but I know how valuable it is
for her to be here.
So, start over"
"and experience this intensely.
You get another chance."
It's Ray.
God, I don't know if it's me.
Circle, message.
The person I'm saving is
I can't even celebrate.
Who could possibly celebrate
with such an explanation?
I'm so mad, dude.
"You get another chance."
- The power has gone to his head.
- Duma.
- Tone it down.
- Tone it way down.
I didn't do anything to you.
I've always put you in first place.
Now it's between Renan and me.
Ray and Renan now
are part of the loser team.
JP is in a tight corner.
Is he saving his bro
or his lover?
Circle, message.
Judging someone is not an easy task.
We're human beings,
we're dealing with dreams and feelings.
"This person has a lot of grit"
"perseverance, and willpower."
As a vote of confidence,
the person I'm saving is
"As a vote of confidence,
the person I'm saving is"
- Ray.
- Renan.
He had an alliance.
An alliance isn't a vote of confidence.
Vote of confidence?
I don't wanna look.
Ray. Send.
Oh, my God! I'm gonna die!
Wait, I gotta live
to experience this moment.
I didn't have a chance.
"Renan has been blocked from The Circle."
JP, come over!
I want to kiss your lips right now!
Is he into me?
Being the last player to join
seemed like a good thing
because we're closer to the end, but
the alliances are the bad thing.
You don't have one.
Wow. You're so aggressive, The Circle.
Take it easy on him.
is on good terms
with Duma.
As well as Ray and JP.
Duma is in both groups.
is neutral with Luma, doesn't like Ray.
She's friendly with JP, kinda.
- Ana
- Nobody knows.
Ana only loves Dumaresq.
No, Ana is a mystery.
We don't know yet.
She Fights
became Fight for Yourself.
It's that kind of alert.
"Renan was blocked from The Circle."
Yeah, Renan.
They threw you under the bus.
Better him than me!
"Before leaving,
Renan can meet one player in person."
Come over. We have so much to talk about.
"Renan is on his way
to one of the apartments."
Don't come over. I don't have makeup on.
Renan will go meet Luma.
He's chasing tail.
Luma will finally have a guest.
Oh, God! Someone is knocking on my door!
Anybody home?
What do you mean you're Ana?
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