The Devil Judge (2021) s01e10 Episode Script


-Judge Kang.
-My family's in there.
-There's someone in there!
Judge Kang!
-Kang Yo-han!
I'm only trying to give him a chance.
-There are people in there.
Honey! Help!
Let go. Let go of me!
Just calm down
and take a good look at him.
My money…
My money!
My money!
My money!
What is it? This is fake money!
This isn't my money.
This isn't my money…
-I need to save them!
-Calm down.
Look at his bare face.
This is…
Honey, this is…
He'd even deceived his family
telling them he had nothing left.
I really had no choice…
Honey, let me explain.
Don't go!
Don't leave me!
Here. If you want your revenge, go ahead.
Don't hesitate.
I'm sorry. Please save my life…
I'm sorry…
I deserve to die for what I did.
My money… My money!
He's our only bait
to catch Cha Gyeong-hui.
Let's not make him go to waste.
Having fun?
Well… I don't know any other games.
-You don't?
-You have never played cards?
-With who?
With family or…
Or with friends.
-Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
-Getting nosy again, are you?
Don't rush to conclusions.
I just don't like spending time
with others. That's all.
Before that…
Thank you
-for helping me catch Do Young-choon.
-Save your thanks.
We only just built the second story.
Second story?
First was Cha Gyeong-hui's secretary
and second was Do Young-choon.
So we should now move on
to the next level.
After Cha Gyeong-hui is
Heo Joong-se, is it?
Where is the end?
Well, it all depends
on the architecture of the house.
But I'm the type who enjoys
toppling it all at once like this.
You thought I'd really topple it, did you?
Did you find anything about Jukchang TV?
I thought you were digging ferociously.
Yes, the time when Jukchang TV
started assaulting people on the street
happened when Heo Joong-se incited
his followers to take the streets.
We can't just rely on the police.
We should be the owners of this country
and build a safe country by ourselves.
Tonight is the night
we become the real owners!
What else?
-Yes, Master.
Can you play episode 86
of Heo Joong-se's private channel?
It was aired on the second week of
September, four years ago.
Certainly, Master.
You two have become
best friends, haven't you?
The man to change Korea totally,
Heo Joong-se! Yes, the man
to solve all your woes!
Hello, I'm Do Youn-jeong.
Dear my beloved and respected viewers,
I'm Heo Joong-se.
I'll tell you the real reason
why you're living a pathetic life
as a jobless loser
and without ever dating
a pretty girl like I am now.
It's because the higher-ups,
the ones with vested rights!
It's all because they abandoned you.
Because they're currently
replacing all of you
with foreign laborers
who are obedient and come in cheap.
-Do you understand me?
-Do you understand?
Now, I've mentioned
Mr. Seo Jeong-hak to you many times.
-It costs 19,000 won.
-Make sure you have a read.
Soon, we'll be a classless nation
full of all kinds of mutts
that have replaced us pure Koreans!
You need to wake up, all right?
You need to rise up
with even your jukchang…
You know jukchang, right?
It's the bamboo spears.
What we need are groups like
The Patriotic Boys or The Patriotic Youth
and then protect the country.
-An army!
-That's enough. Enough.
Boys, you should always listen
to what a beautiful lady tells you.
Are you laughing because you know
my wife is a looker?
I knew you're a womanizer, you loser.
Shine the camera on him.
Show them the loser's face.
He was one of his production crew.
It seems he was hired
after he ran Heo Joong-se's fan club.
He even worked in Heo Joong-se's
presidential campaign.
Establish a national patriotic
youth organization?
Heo Joong-se had wild dreams
from the start.
How about we have him
stand before the court?
Yes. I totally agree.
Who knows what he'll do at this rate?
It's not like it's a rebel group.
It was quite amusing
how you got Kang Yo-han to model.
Make sure he's not up to trouble,
Director Jung…
I mean, Chairwoman Jung.
Don't you worry.
I'll keep a tight rein on him.
Thanks to our fine model poking
around in our Dream Base project,
we've wasted so much time.
And it's costing us too.
Let's just push for it now
without minding others.
We'll gather up all the slumdogs
and the malcontents in Seoul,
place them in a concentration camp
and turn it into reality TV.
The title will be Clean Korea!
We should lock up
all the illegal migrants too.
There's nothing like it
for improving your approval ratings.
Just you wait. I can't rely
on the police or the prosecution to do
anything when they're waiting to
stab my back at any moment.
I ought to breed
a more faithful and loyal organization
and entrust them
with the responsibilities.
And it's starting to come along.
How's the progress on Jung Seon-a's file?
It hasn't been so easy
since it was some time ago.
Put a stop to all else
and have everyone work on it.
-What are you doing? Move it.
-Yes, Minister.
However, our team leader
does have a concern.
Random assaults have been spreading
across the country recently.
The victims were mostly
foreign workers and women…
So what?
Well, there are criticisms questioning
what the Ministry of Justice is doing.
Did someone die?
No that's not it.
But the assaults took place publicly
in the streets and in broad daylight too.
They run counter to the slogan,
"A Safe Korea."
But that's Heo Joong-se's slogan.
It was for his presidential campaign.
Why should I mind it?
I'm sorry, Minister.
I'm sure that…
Heo Joong-se thinks he can gain power
by instigating immature adolescents
to instill fear,
but he's making a big mistake.
If he continues to let them be,
some will surely go too far.
When we start to see death
and the people's frustration
are at its zenith,
that's when I'll strike.
I, Cha Gyeong-hui,
the Minister of Justice,
envisions a united Korea,
a nation of tolerance,
as a Presidential candidate.
Absolutely, Minister.
So just focus on Jung Seon-a.
We need to stomp down on her
before she grows any bigger.
There's something about
Seo Jeong-hak's sudden death too.
There's more to it than what we see.
To that wench's grand scheme, I mean.
Yes, Minister.
-One more thing.
You've been diligently checking
on him too, right?
Who do you mean, exactly?
Do Young-choon.
Yes, I've been checking on him regularly.
I'm sure he has money
stashed away somewhere.
That weasel…
He'll do anything for money.
What are you doing?
Go do your work.
Yes, Minister.
Today we're joined by
the woman of the moment,
Judge Oh Jin-joo
of the Department of Live Court Show.
-Hello, Judge Oh.
-Yes, hello.
Judge Oh, you looked amazing
in your recent shoot.
-Thank you.
-It's all the rage!
People have been saying
you should be a movie star instead.
Not everyone can be a movie star.
Everyone, I was born
to be a civil servant.
You're set until retirement too.
Please, Judge Oh.
Don't you find it tiring though?
You have the eyes of
the nation on your work.
It must be exhausting.
No, how would I ever be tired
when so many people support me?
We've been receiving
so many letters of support.
-Would you like me to show you?
Oh, so you've been keeping them?
It gives me so much strength and joy
to see that there are many out there
who trust and support me.
We can see you truly mean it,
Judge Oh Jin-joo.
All done.
You were really great, Judge Oh.
I always had it in me, you know.
Anyway, you should have done
the interview too.
I was kind of embarrassed
to do it on my own.
I'm camera-shy, so…
But that's not on!
We should be engaging more
with our citizens in an era like this.
In fact, this is the perfect timing
for our next trial.
I wonder what Judge Kang is doing.
-I have something to show you.
Are they crazy?
Oh no…
What are the police doing?
They should arrest them!
Busan, you've still got it!
-Hold on.
-You'll help me, right?
We are…
the power!
Shall we…
-have them stand before the court?
-For our show?
Judge Oh has given us her consensus too.
But we have a problem.
How will we catch them
and drag them into court
when they're under
the police's protection?
You're right. They need to be
first indicted to face trial.
But I'm not sure whether
that would be possible
because the President has their back.
There is someone who will be
most willing to help us with this one.
Who are you talking about?
Someone who won't be able to stand
watching Heo Joong-se
have his way more than anyone else.
Cha Gyeong-hui?
Still, do you think she will help you?
Of course she won't.
That's why Mr. Go will use his connections
in the Prosecution to leak it to her.
That Jukchang hooligans are
Heo Joong-se's private organization.
If they can bring them in,
it won't be a problem indicting them.
Still, I bet they'll be reluctant to
arrest them themselves.
There is one person.
A police officer who may be able to do it.
Police officer?
Are you talking about Su-hyeon?
She'll have to do this on her own
since the Commissioner has their back too.
Not Su-hyeon, never.
Something tells me
she's already on the move.
Okay, that was Busan.
We've done Busan, Daegu, and…
so where is next?
What are you doing, Daejeon?
Aren't you going to show us
your patriotism?
You can't lose to them!
I know what fine patriots you…
-What's on your mind?
When did you come in?
You're planning to catch him, are you?
Yes, you're right.
Ever since he got caught last time,
he's been broadcasting shows
all on his own in hiding.
Then we'll have to track him down.
-Do you need my help?
Give it to me.
For real?
All right. I bet it won't be so easy, but…
It's heavily secured as I expected.
Wow, this is something else.
So you are a computer science major.
One moment.
Hey, Su-hyeon.
Hey, Ga-on.
Aren't you coming home these days?
No, there's something I have to do.
Before that, are you okay?
Jukchang maliciously edited
and uploaded that video of yours.
Don't get me started.
I had to turn in my gun because of him.
We really need to catch
that bastard quick,
but the higher-ups won't budge.
So I can't even ask
the Cyber Police for help.
If I don't jump in to stop him,
who knows how far that bastard will go.
You're already on it?
Oh, I'm playing a game.
Don't tell me you think
hacking involves typing away
at your computer all day.
Gosh, computer illiterates…
I'm running a program
in the background, so just wait.
It'll take some time.
Maybe a day, or maybe a week.
Thanks, Elijah.
What is it?
This idiot clicked on a link
I included in my comments.
Who knew he'd fall for
something as simple as this?
What was it?
-A picture of a female K-Pop idol.
-K-Pop idol?
Hey, Ga-on.
What? You have Jukchang's location?
Where is he? Let me head there now.
Su-hyeon, let's keep calm
and ask for an official investigation.
It's dangerous on your own.
It's no use. No one will help.
Besides, this is just catching one loser.
It's dangerous on your won.
You don't even have a gun.
Whatever. Just send me the address.
I'm serious, all right?
-Send me the address.
We have a story…
but there's not enough evidence.
I need at least a few more
circumstantial evidence
if I wanted to topple her with one blow.
-Minister Cha.
-What is it?
The Foundation cut our budget
for the Ministry of Justice.
It was a unilateral notice
without negotiations
and we will be short on funds
for our shadow organization.
That wench…
Minister Cha, you can't just…
I'm sorry, Chairwoman.
I couldn't stop her barging in.
It's okay. I had a good sleep.
And don't do that next time.
She serves this country.
Long time no see.
Has it been a long time?
I admit I have been ignorant, haven't I?
But please do forgive me.
It's not easy being a chairwoman.
Why did you cut the budget?
So that's why you're here.
You must have been very disappointed.
But please do understand.
There are so many places
that need our support,
but our donations are down
since people have become ungenerous.
But you increased your budget
for the Blue House.
I see.
That was a decision by our staff
and I can't remember every single detail.
Shall I help you remember, then?
Don't you smell something fishy?
What, exactly?
For some reason,
I'm smelling blood around you.
I wonder why is that so.
I'm not sure what you mean.
How long has it been again
since Chairman Seo took his own life?
Oh dear.
Did I rub salt into your wound?
If I did, I apologize.
You did serve him for a long time.
You must still be grieving and in pain.
What is it that you want to say, Minister?
When you're in my seat,
you come to hear all sorts.
For example?
A power figure who was greatly respected
by our citizens took his own life.
So why did they hurriedly cremate him
instead of holding a national funeral?
And why had he left his will on his PC
instead of in his own handwriting?
He'd always write
with a brush and ink too.
Do you have much free time
on your hands these days?
Would you like more work?
Come back with more definitive evidence.
I'm sorry, but I'm a little busy
with our state affairs.
Our guest will be leaving now.
Oh, and one more thing, Minister.
I'm really sorry,
but your vehicle is costing us
an awful lot in terms of gas.
Since our country
isn't in a good financial shape,
you won't mind if we switch it
with something smaller, will you?
Our people will be touched
to see that our leaders
of this country are surely different.
You've completely lost it.
What the hell are you doing?
Why is it taking so long to secure
evidence against Jung Seon-a?
I'm sorry, Minister.
Please give us some more time.
You incompetent imbeciles!
I should go see Kang Yo-han.
Pardon? Did you say Kang Yo-han?
What is this? Why are you so startled?
I didn't expect you to mention his name.
His name appears on her file
that she used to be his maid.
I'm sure Kang Yo-han knows something.
A clue to track down that wench's past.
Get me an appointment with him.
And find a quiet place.
Yes, Minister.
Are you sure this is the place?
How did you find out anyway?
Most of all, why are you here?
Just in case you'll be bored on your own.
Were you that worried
about sending me off alone?
Yes, I was worried.
-Not about you, but Jukchang.
I was worried you'll beat him
half to death like last time.
It's an electronic rolling shutter.
It looks like this is the only way in.
-Hey, Elijah.
Yes, the shutters are down.
Yes, all right.
Why did she call you?
It was Elijah who tracked down
his IP to this address.
She's a genius who was admitted to
the College of Computer Science
at Stanford at a young age.
Still, I don't think she can open this.
Let's look for another way in.
Be careful.
-Su-hyeon, come up.
-It's open.
Hey, Elijah.
You're truly amazing.
How did you even hack into this?
Whatever. Just be careful. Both of you.
Honestly, those computer illiterates…
NUMBER: 010 0178 1905
All right.
I'm at Jinheung Building right now.
Really? At this hour?
I attend the First Cram School
in this building
and I'd stayed back late
to study for my exam…
Mister, I'm really scared.
What do I do?
Don't worry, I'll open it up.
Really? Thank you so much. Thank you!
Do you think we'll be okay?
What if there are guards?
You think a loser who hides behind
the monitor has bodyguards?
It's only a tiny private channel…
Why wouldn't you pick up?
Don't lie to me.
It's been more than 40 minutes already!
I'm starving, all right?
Where are you now?
I'll go get my jjamppong.
Hey, it's been a long time.
It's been a long time.
Are you here on your own?
Let go!
That hurts!
Let's go.
I'll come with you, all right?
Hey, what took you so long?
-Go back.
-That hurts!
Are you all right?
Go see who that is.
Kang Yo-han?
You go get Jukchang.
Now the numbers are even, right?
Damn it.
Now we're really getting started,
you loser!
Hello there!
Wow, educating our youth on law?
That's very admirable.
Never mind me. Keep going.
It's okay. Just keep working.
But if there's anything interesting,
show me too.
Minbo Group?
Great sound!
I can even hear
President Min Yong-sik breathing.
What the hell are you doing here?
Is this Team Inwang-dong,
that's more brilliant than the NIS?
Let's talk inside.
Why not just discuss it here?
We're all one team.
How did you even find out
about this place?
I have much interest in
youth and legal education, you see.
Whatever, just get to the point.
How do you know Jung Seon-a?
Well, I'm not sure
what you're talking about.
I heard she once worked
for your family as a maid.
-Is this true?
I shouldn't really talk about
other people's private matters.
There are even rumors that
she even killed her own parents.
Really? What a surprise.
Your face says,
"I can't give it to you for free."
What is it that you want?
Cooperate with us on his trial.
All you need to do is indict him
and sit back and watch.
-The Prosecution, that is.
-Heo Joong-se will have a fit.
Why are you being so narrow-minded?
It'll be me dealing with him anyway.
All right.
Thank you.
I found this on my way here.
Should I give it to you? Or to him?
An online broadcaster…
Isn't that rather dull
for the Live Court Show?
He's been instigating violence
and causing social agitation.
Wouldn't the Blue House like it too?
It goes in line with the President's
strengthened policies
on law and order.
You do have a point.
All right. You have my full approval!
-How did it go?
Then let me map out the plan on this one.
It's me who knows guys like Jukchang best.
This is a blatant challenge to
our honorable, respectable citizens!
How could they put
a patriotic youth to trial?
He plucked up the courage
to defend his nation!
Are judges that great?
Do they think they sit above the law?
This is clearly a coup! A coup d'etat!
That's not how it's supposed to be…
Anyway, all this was born
out of his pure patriotism
to defend this country. Was it not?
I will keep a close watch
on this trial to the end
on whether the proceedings
are just and fair!
Damn it.
Kang Yo-han! I'll rip him to pieces!
This is driving me crazy.
Look, Mr. Lawyer.
I'm a political offender.
A revolutionary.
I'm not like
your petty criminals, all right?
Then should I not submit evidence
for extenuating circumstances?
For example, your unfortunate upbringing?
Hold on.
Wouldn't it be in my favor
to publish that at least?
Submit that for now with all the details.
All right.
Since we're on the topic,
Kang Yo-han and some young judge
swung their wooden bats
and threatened me in my face.
How about we use that against them?
You'll need a doctor's certificate
if you wish to claim insanity.
But I saw them!
You think I'm lying to you?
Oh, really?
Then can you tell me
all the names of the people
that witnessed the scene?
We'll need objective evidence.
Forget it.
I was there all alone.
Before that, are you sure
you're confident about this?
I can't end up in prison, you know.
Yes, don't you worry.
I'll make sure you're released
with a stay of execution.
The effort you go to!
You take care of all those plants here,
and sensitive girl and a weird man
at that weird mansion.
I'm just as weird as he is.
Right. You have been weird these days.
What is it?
Did the Professor say something?
What about him?
I haven't seen him
ever since I saw him here last time.
Oh, really?
I thought he'd been nagging you again.
You show up at the station
and asked me what I would do
if you were to do something bad,
and then Kang Yo-han showed up
when we were off to catch Jukchang.
Have you been up to no good these days?
Does it look like it?
Well… I'm just asking.
I'm just jealous. That's all.
It's weird seeing my best friend
hang out with some billionaire.
It's like you're now
in a whole different world.
I see.
But he's not rich.
Once you get to know him,
you'll see that he's a poor man.
I'm way richer, you know.
I have good memories with Mom and Dad,
and this house that I've been cherishing.
I even have a fan club, don't I?
"Ga-on, I reject it!"
I'm leaving.
-You're leaving already?
-I'm busy.
You think police officers are free?
Take care.
And I have you,
Hello, Young Master.
I know you're the chairwoman
of our support group,
but don't you think
you're barging in here too often?
So why do you keep making me
want to barge in here?
Are you doing that on purpose
because you miss me?
What's your business?
The Live Court Show.
Why did you pick such a scandalous case?
He's not a politician
nor is he a privileged one.
So what's there to talk about?
Isn't he just a petty offender?
He's one of Heo Joong-se's men.
He was livid
and ready to disband your department,
but I managed to coax him in time.
I told you to just put up with it
for two more years.
Why do you have to keep causing trouble?
Wow, so that hooligan is
one of the President's men?
Now this is interesting.
Unfortunately, he attacked my niece.
Did he?
Still, you can't.
Concede on this one.
Just give him a lecture in court
and let him go.
What if I say I can't?
Then that will leave me
in an awkward situation.
And if that's the case,
you too, will also find yourself
in a much awkward situation.
All right.
Let me think about it.
I just love you these days.
You've been awfully good, listening to me.
So let's stop barging in here, all right?
Exactly! Instead of having me
barge in here,
invite me every now and then.
Is your house as beautiful as ever?
Just like how it was?
Do you miss the house you were a maid at?
Don't you ever say that again.
I was a guest there
who had stayed there temporarily.
Don't you ever insult me.
All right.
I'll take that to heart.
-We are Jukchang!
-We are Jukchang!
-We are the power!
-We are the power!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
-Jukchang! Jukchang!
As you can see, the atmosphere here
at the Supreme Court
is hot due to today's trial
Our citizens who fully
support the defendant
are continuing to protest
even inside the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has decided
no to have an open trial to the public
citing safety reasons
due to the build-up of tension.
The court is now in session.
Mr. Kim Choong-sik.
My name is Kim Ju-won.
Please call me Kim Ju-won.
In court, you are trialed under
your registered name.
Mr. Kim Choong-sik.
Let me ask you one more time.
Mr. Kim Choong-sik.
Yes, Your Honor.
You are before the court today
for instigating and abetting
random group violence
against foreign workers, women,
and the LGBTIQ.
Your Honor?
Do you have something to say?
-Go on.
Before we start the trial,
I would like to make
a solemn declaration
before our history and our people.
My heroic deed is not something
that may be judged
by a mere, worldly court.
For this reason, I wish to make
a declaration of national salvation.
Mr. Kim, the court is not
a place for propaganda.
The judges
in the era of Japanese Imperialism
would have said the same to
our patriotic independence fighters.
What is the truth you are concealing
that you're so afraid of, Judge Kang?
All right.
Let's hear it.
A man of principles must confront
a million who only chase
their own interests.
Therefore I, Kim Ju-won,
will gladly become the devil
for my beloved homeland.
So fellow Koreans!
Let's end this hypocrisy,
and put our people first.
These three years of the pandemic
has savaged the job market
and now the foreigners have invaded
our land, indulging in crime.
Our women parade in the streets
in their arms, cooing all over them.
This is how they are robbing
our youth of jobs,
of our women,
and now, our spirit.
To restore order to our country
means to reclaim our rightful
ownership of this land.
I say this with confidence,
with the love for my country.
Let's drive the foreigners off!
Let's chase out the mutts
from the Republic of Korea!
For a clean Korea! For a safe Korea!
Let's rebuild this country.
That is patriotism,
and we are the power.
Power! Yes, that's right!
That's our leader right there, gentlemen.
Guys, vote for him! Quick!
Let's see the stats. 55, 56, 57…
Hey, what is this? What's going on?
It looks like his followers have
formed a coalition.
Are you finished?
Yes, I'll stop here for now.
-Mr. Kim.
-Yes, Your Honor.
Are you aware where those foreign workers
you and your followers
assaulted are working at?
Should a revolutionary mind such details?
They work at a sewerage construction site
and they had lost two of their colleagues
due to a toxic gas leak.
The work there had been delayed because
no one was willing to go down there.
Mr. Kim, whose jobs
did these workers rob, exactly?
We will always see
innocent victims in war.
Do not devalue the rightful rage
of our people, Your Honor.
Did you say,
"our people," and "rightful rage?"
It sure does look rightful.
It is very rightful.
Those foreigners deserve that
for trying to steal our women.
Haven't you heard of an untainted,
homogenous nation?
Did you say, "our women?"
Women are also citizens of this country,
not some object you'd lent to someone.
"Our women," my ass.
I'm sorry, that wasn't appropriate
for in the courtroom.
I couldn't help my rightful rage.
That sounded like cursing.
Your voice was too soft to catch that.
How about you come down here
and tell me again?
-Mr. Kim.
-Or should I go up there?
Mr. Kim, please focus.
-Mr. Kim?
-Yes, Your Honor.
I suggest you calm down.
Yes, Your Honor.
Though it's my first time
meeting you today,
I'm starting to pity you already.
I can't help but wonder
what a tough life you must've led.
Well, I remember meeting you before
but I guess you don't.
-Your Honor?
May I have your permission to step down
and continue my conversation
with the Defendant?
Yes, you may.
Thank you.
Here, before me…
stands a young man.
Though he pretends to be strong,
deep inside him is a child
who is hurt.
What the hell is this?
I'm talking about the files you submitted
as evidence for extenuating circumstances.
Mr. Kim, you were desperate
for attention from a young age,
am I correct?
-Your grandmother was awfully worried.
My Choong-sik isn't a bad boy, really.
-I was told
he'd been inciting some protest,
-but he would never to that.
-What is that?
He's just being immature, that's all.
Did we discuss this?
So please forgive him.
By the way, Choong-sik.
-That money you took…
-Turn it off.
-Your Grandmother had saved that
-Turn it off!
-towards her own funeral.
-Don't turn it off.
So return that money to her
if not anything else.
I'm asking you.
Are you out of your mind?
Why mention such a thing?
How will they hold your funeral otherwise?
My goodness… You must have lost it!
what was Mr. Kim like as a student?
In fact, his former homeroom teacher
finally agreed to testify.
-Why don't we all watch it together?
-Testify to what?
Incite violence for a political purpose?
He did hang with the school bullies
when he was in school,
but he was never a part of their group.
It was more that he followed them
around, wanting to look cool.
Oh wow, that was
a waste of time and money.
A loser who pretended to be cool?
You know Choong-sik?
He used to go to my school.
And do you know what he did?
He was expelled for setting up
spy cams in the girls' toilet.
He's the last person to be
a revolutionary, or whatever it is.
So please pardon him.
So they will frame him a loser
instead of a devil?
This will mess things up big time.
Though this is what the Defendant's
acquaintances say about him,
there is one thing
that's been bothering me.
Mr. Kim has incessantly requested
donations through his channel
claiming he needs funds
for a revolution to save the nation.
And the total amount collected
wasn't a small sum.
Just what did you do with that money?
Why are you avoiding my eyes, Mr. Kim?
Did you perhaps, purchase explosives
or guns from the black market?
What is this "revolution fund"
in the first place?
I know nothing.
I exercise my right to remain silent.
Mr. Kim, if this is all true,
this is an offense against the state.
And the punishment for treason
is the death penalty
or imprisonment for life.
-Are you aware of this, Mr. Kim?
-No, Your Honor.
Do you have anything
to add to that, Counsel?
It wasn't a rebellion my client had
been preparing for with that money.
I was hesitant to disclose this
as this is a private matter,
but I guess I have no other option.
Shall we have a look?
-Here it is.
-I'm an online streamer,
and Mr. Kim started donating heavily
after he got on a competitive streak
against one of my other fans.
He'd donate millions every day.
No! I do not know this person!
What the hell is this?
-Mr. Kim, calm down.
-He'd keep pestering me to meet him.
It's just so overbearing.
I really would like him to stop.
Did you perhaps also send
your grandmother's savings to…
Wow, that's going too far.
One moment. It's okay.
It's okay. I promised to have you out
with a stay of execution.
Resume your seat, now.
It's okay.
Your Honor and distinguished judges,
as you can see,
my client is not a revolutionary,
nor is he a threat to our state,
who incites rebellion.
To be frank with you, his crimes are petty
for him to even face trial.
Though the scale of his wrong-doing
is not minute,
we will appreciate it if you would
give him a chance to turn himself around.
We have thought about what would be
the most appropriate form
of punishment for the Defendant,
between flogging or penal servitude.
However, there were also opinions
to give him another chance
considering his young age.
Therefore this Court has decided to
sentence him to three years in prison
with a stay of execution of five years.
However, given the nature of the offense
and the Defendant's likelihood
of recidivism,
the Defendant is
to wear an electronic anklet
and placed under probation.
His location will be shown
in real-time on Dike app
based on the signal transmitted
by the anklet.
Electronic anklet?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
How will you cope in summer?
You can't even wear shorts now!
Calling for a party to hunt down Jukchang!
Jukchang, try your best
to run away from us.
We'll chase you to the end.
I ask our fellow citizens
who are watching this trial
to be the Defendant's probation officer.
I ask you not to take your eyes off him
and check where he is at
and what he is up to at all times.
Because he needs your attention.
Don't you agree, Mr. Kim?
After all the effort
I put into raising him,
he ruined everything!
Kang Yo-han!
Just give him a lecture in court
and let him go.
All right.
Let me think about it.
So he played me, did he?
Do you see Jukchang over there?
Let's teach him a lesson!
This live show will continue
until the very end.
You know what that means.
Subscribe, like, and comment!
The recent Kim Choong-sik case
is an embarrassment to the nation
which must never take place ever again.
It is a vile disgrace to
all the voluntary salvation efforts
that are taking place nation-wide,
fuelled by the innocent patriotism
of our respectable citizens.
It is a foul-smelling case
that taints their reputation.
I say foul-smelling
because it reeks of conspiracy.
Where did he go?
-Let's try this way.
-Come on!
Before that, is that man,
Kim Choong-sik, even Korean?
I mean a real Korean like us.
Not a fake Korean,
but a Korean with Korean citizenship!
Because a descendant of Dangun
would never do such shitty…
I apologize for my words.
Because if he's pure Korean,
he would never do something
so shameful as this. That's all here.
Jukchang, peek-a-boo!
Ready or not, here we come!
-Are you going to let him be like that?
-Are you crazy?
Don't you ever bring up
his name again, all right?
Youn-jeong, this is just too much for me.
Damn it.
Hey! It's no use running away.
This shows you where you are!
Everyone! We will punish Jukchang for you!
Let's begin.
Hey, you think this is funny?
Oh, you don't find it funny?
Let's teach him a lesson!
-Butler, can you turn it off?
-Yes, Master.
What is it? Are you feeling uncomfortable?
I feel like we've created another monster.
Monsters aren't created.
They were always there, lying dormant.
And they wake up
whenever there is a good excuse.
You're working hard.
Minister, how did you…
Why are you so startled?
It's not like you, Director Jung.
You're here to search and seize, are you?
That's so amusing.
You think you're that great?
For a Minister of Justice to
come here for that herself?
Then did you have a favor to ask me?
You must be mistaken about something,
but I'm here to remind you
of where you stand.
Where I stand?
You know it too.
Someone like you
are better suited
for standing behind someone
with their hands folded together politely.
When people don't know their place,
their ends aren't always good.
You should speak for yourself, Minister.
Perhaps it's you
who doesn't know your place.
Do you honestly believe
you're the forerunner for the election?
After what happened to your son?
Don't you think
you're being overly confident?
You think you erased
your past perfectly, do you?
My past?
Just what is it that
you want to talk about?
Why do people around you
keep dying, I wonder.
First, your mom
when you were 12 years old,
and your dad who'd abandoned his family
when you were 20 years old.
And then,
there was Chairman Seo recently,
whom you were serving.
I didn't know you wrote fiction.
Your imagination is truly wild.
Stick to what you do best.
I heard you used to be a maid.
How crude.
I'll be seeing you again.
Yes, Seon-a.
Kang Yo-han leaked info about me
to Cha Gyeong-hui.
-Look into it.
No way, not Kang Yo-han…
Just shut up and look into it!
Stand in my way, and you'll pay the price.
It looks like
you worked hard all this time.
Would you be okay with that?
I'm going to kill him.
Kang Yo-han…
I'm going to rip him to pieces!
Leave them with no choice
but to point their swords at each other?
Hello, Young Master.
That's why I thought it might be fun
playing a game with you.
Will she take your hand?
You have one week.
Bring me what I want.
She may side
with Cha Gyeong-hui in the end.
The start.
She'll testify that Kang Yo-han
forced her to commit perjury.
Isn't that too risky?
You said she's unpredictable.
Even if we risk our everything,
it's do or die.
You're scared of me?
That's too bad.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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