The End (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Picking Scabs

Drive on, drive on
My special one
Don't you stop
Till you know you're gone
Drive on, drive on
My special one ♪
Till you know you're gone. ♪
Hope you don't mind.
I gave up pots in the late '90s.
Oh, I don't know, the fuss.
Why, Iris?
You gave it to her.
Gave her what?
Do you know I called the raid?
I have a contact in the police -
he'll be interested.
I don't know what it is
you think I've
You're monstrous.
Sick, parasite, preying on
This is probably a good time
to ask this,
are you upset
because Iris took her
My best friend.
Because your best friend, Iris,
took her life?
You helped her.
Or are you upset because she did it
without telling you first?
It is monstrous
when something you've cared about
reveals itself to be less -
friends, marriage -
it's all so disappointing.
You were close to Art and then
You were there when he died,
my god.
Where is it,
the stuff you gave them?
I didn't give them anything.
Is it here?
The police were through here
a few hours ago,
they went through the whole house,
if I had something
they'd have found it.
Where is it, hm?
Where have you put it?
You asked me not to touch it.
And I didn't know
where you were storing it so I
Oh, so it's just a coincidence
that I come home
and it's just gone. Magic!
If you were thinking
like a normal person,
you'd know I've only been trying
to help you, OK?
Yeah, why is that?
I mean, your wife put a
around her throat because of me.
I mean, a normal response
is to want to ruin me.
Is that it? You've taken it
and you're going to set me up?
Give it.
Well, what's your plan then?
Are you gonna become
a one-man evangelical operation
that goes around killing people?
You are so fucked.
Do you know that?
And I don't know
what screwed you up,
but I don't think I have
Well, I don't need to hear that
from a guy who's been playing
happy families
for what,
four months after his wife
Ey, Kate, Kate,
where's your phone?
I want the Nembutal back now!
OK, you need to look at this,
Hey, it's OK, I'll drive.
So she's hypoxic?
And seizing.
We've induced.
Good. Who's consulting tonight?
Dr Walsh.
Good. Can I?
Can I come with you?
As you can see,
they are the same
in the same shots.
Extraordinary activity which is
really helping us
with this diagnosis.
The issue that we have at the moment
is that
she's still seizing.
I need some help in here.
Oh, Oberon.
You shouldn't be in wet clothes.
Has no one here offered you
a cup of tea or something?
She's alive that's the main thing.
She's been put in an induced coma
for a few hours,
it's the potential
neurological damage.
We don't know
how long that she was under.
and we don't know
her much of oxygen she lost.
When will we know that?
She's blaming me.
No, she isn't.
She wasn't meant to follow me.
He's a child,
he can't be responsible.
If I'm blaming anyone
it's you, Mum.
You were meant to be
looking after Oberon.
I have been.
It's not her fault.
Then why was he out there
in the water?
Why was he swimming out there
in his clothes?
Why were you?
Who were you looking after Mum?
Yourself. Just like always.
Oh, god.
What the fuck is going on?
I'm thinking,
on the way over
the night she was born.
We had Indian vindaloo
for dinner,
because she was running late
and you wanted to hurry her along.
You wanted her with us.
We nearly had her in the carpark.
Do you remember that?
That was me, Dad.
No, it wasn't.
Yes, it was.
they let you out of your cage.
Oh, god.
That was you.
That was a beautiful night.
Come on, Catherine.
Come with me.
No. No, I'm gonna stay here.
Christopher can stay with her.
No, I wanna stay here.
You can manage that?
It's OK, I'll come find you.
Come on
I wanna stay.
..up on your feet.
I'll call you
if anything happens, go on.
Get some fresh air.
It will do you good.
Come on, come here.
Thought we might say hello
to your father.
I'm wondering if I should ask him
to take me instead.
Too cheap.
Keep thinking about
this mother in America.
Her daughter, she had tonsillectomy
and negligence
in the post-care,
so she ended up brain dead.
No, it's not constructive.
And it was high profile
because the mother fought
to keep her daughter alive
on a ventilator, like, for years.
The doctors said,
"Oh, she is a corpse,"
and they'd like the bed back,
but she just kept
I don't know
if I'd fight like that.
I mean, I don't know
if I wouldn't.
You don't need to know
anything tonight.
We looked into adopting.
You don't know that.
Yeah, after Oberon
I had three miscarriages.
I just didn't think
I could face another.
I saw what it did to you.
And then Persephone.
Yeah, but before, there was a form
that we had to fill in
from the agency,
what we were willing to accept -
age, disability
Would we adopt a child who was deaf?
Down syndrome?
Christopher said yes,
and I said
This isn't a test.
It is not punishment
for anything you've done
or we've done.
You know that?
That's God-talk.
You know better.
I hope you're not praying?
Allahu Akbar.
Mum, I need to say something.
No, no, enough tonight
It's picking scabs.
No, tonight I get to
my daughter's
My granddaughter.
Oh, for fuck's sake Mum,
I want to say it, come on.
Go on then say.
You asked me
when you came to live here.
When you dragged me
halfway around the world
just to dump me.
You asked me
if I was going to ask you,
whether you planned to try again?
Whether you planned to try
to kill yourself again.
And you'll notice
that I haven't asked
but I have always asked -
since forever,
since her age.
That's why I had to get out
of England.
I think because I couldn't keep
asking myself that same question
when I couldn't fix it,
when I couldn't save you.
What, Katherine?
Did you forget something?
No, but you did though.
You came back.
And I hated you for it
because you were why I lived.
I'm sorry.
He said he'd call.
She's alright.
Butterfly. ♪
He's high as a kite.
We should film it,
put it on YouTube.
I saved him.
You saved him.
I'm a superhero!
Superheroes can't go to school.
I have too many special powers.
Well, you can still go to school.
We'll get her a cape.
Me too, butterfly.
I'm sorry.
So she's?
Up, talking.
You know, she's gonna be fine.
Well, good.
It was Mum who took the Nembutal.
She said she didn't want me
to come home and throw it away.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah, I guess.
Do you want to come up and see her?
She'd love it.
Nah, hospitals.
But give her my
Yeah, of course.
What are you picturing?
A room full of people,
and they're all watching me
doing this.
Am I there?
Oh, shh.
Shush, shush.
Oh, say it.
Say it, please.
Please say it.
You are so fucking sexy.
Oh, my god.
Oh, I said I'd collect those.
It was taking up space.
Do you wanna see
what I've done with the place?
But the vertigo?
And the insomnia,
night sweats -
all pretty typical.
The blood in the urine?
I don't mean to second guess you.
I looked at your urine test
very carefully,
but it is not abnormal.
Sexual activity
when there's vaginal dryness
will produce blood
and there's likely to be
vaginal dryness
when you are perimenopausal.
Bed three we have
Jelena Likarova.
That is not a real name.
What else?
Well, Philippa's in with the boges.
Not for me to say, a humble,
simple nurse but
She could use some help.
Agitated delirium and the pain
I've tried
every fucking neural blocker known
to sorry.
What's his morphine at?
What it should be.
Not enough.
It's OK, I am handling it.
Hey, Mrs Bogdanowicz?
So much pain.
Do you want to step out
for a moment?
And Dr Lee can stay
with your husband.
Remember we talked about
palliative sedation?
And you know
it means that he won't wake up?
And that we'll maintain
that sedation until the end?
OK. Would you like us
to call your family?
Your daughter?
Do it now.
One, "Alternative means
of alleviating suffering
"have been ineffective
"or have produced
intolerable side effects."
Two, "The patient must be
close to death
"so sedation would not
significantly shorten survival."
Three, "The goal of sedation
must be to alleviate suffering,
"not end the patient's life
or hasten death."
Screw this.
How long?
It can take a week sometimes
or a few days.
Five months he's been in there.
And for what?
And then all his wife's
going to remember is how he died.
And I'm not saying, Mum
No, of course not.
Well, I could not risk
what happened to Iris again.
And what we did
was monumentally irresponsible.
So I think one could keep it
in their pantry, OK.
That's over.
I would have to store it
and I would have to be with them
while they take it.
Well, I think
people would like that.
It's comforting
to have a doctor there.
What's comforting?
Go get your brother up.
It's time.
You know you don't have to.
I know.
Didn't bring my swimsuit.
Oh, bugger it.
Fuck it.
Don't make me read your mind
You should know me better than that
It takes me too much time
You should know me
Better than that
You're not that much like me
You should know me
Better than that
We have different enemies
You should know me
Better than that
I should leave it alone
But you're not right
I should leave it alone
but you're not right
I should live in salt
For leaving you behind
I should live in salt
For leaving you behind ♪
Let me see.
Well, it's not exactly breakfast,
but I could heat up
one of these apricot chickens.
I don't mind this, you know.
Looking after myself.
I might go on a cooking course
maybe in Vietnam.
We could meet up there
you know, re-group
I know Asia's never really
been your scene, exactly
but I think you'll find
they've changed a lot
No thanks.
I'm happy here.
Well, you should think about it.
Three minutes, is that all?
Yes. Hello?
Stick your fingers
down your throat, Henry.
I think you've pocket dialled me.
I've done something terrible,
I need your help.
Fingers down your Vomit.
Get it out!
Captioned by Ai-Media
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