The Flash s01e10 Episode Script

Sight Unseen

Sleeping on duty is grounds for dismissal.
No, ma'am, I wasn't sleeping.
I was just relaxing.
Okay, so Julio and I doped all the races, right? Gum Legs is a long shot in the fourth.
Barry, I'd love to go horseracing with you, but I can't.
- What do you mean, you can't? - I have a report to finish.
Come on, it's tote-bag night.
Don't you want your free tote bag? - With the lucky horseshoe patch, huh? - Yes, I do.
- All right, then.
- But you go on without me.
You've been working on this all week.
- One more day won't matter.
- Tell that to Ruth.
Ruth? If she were any tighter, she'd snap.
- Did someone mention my name? - Oh, hello, Ruth.
Barry, you remember Ruth Werneke, Star Labs' chief administrator.
We met at a party, didn't we? I don't go to parties.
Tina, I was wondering when you're going to finish that report.
I'm working on it now, Ruth.
I'll be in my office.
And I'd like to get home before dawn.
Yes, wouldn't we all.
What happens at dawn, she turns into a human being? One of these days I'm gonna strangle her.
Look, I'm sorry, Barry.
I've gotta finish this.
That's okay.
Don't work too hard, all right? Okay.
And behold a pale horse: And he who sat on it had the name Death.
And so it begins.
First, Star Labs will be consumed by the evil it created.
Then, the men who conceived that evil will be destroyed.
And finally, the city that stood by and did nothing will pay the price for its silence.
And I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
- What's happening? - Contamination lockdown.
Come on.
Damn it! Maybe there's another exit.
It's too late.
The building will seal itself off.
Looks like we won't get home before dawn after all.
I'm telling you, Murph, cost of living the way it is it's getting real tough to make ends meet.
There's another way to make money in the department.
- You talking about investments? - No, I'm talking about a sideline.
I'm an entrepreneur.
Here's the latest thing.
- "I saw the Flash.
" - "I saw the Flash.
" They cost 6 bucks to make, we sell them for 20 bucks, man.
We could clean up with these.
Wait a minute.
I thought you didn't believe in the Flash.
I don't believe in UFOs either, man, but there's a lot of folks who do, okay? Those are the people we're gonna talk about.
I see a whole cottage industry: T-shirts, underwear, Flash gum.
- Flash gum? Wait a minute, Murphy.
- What? Just wait, all right? This guy saved my life.
This is beginning to sound a little like exploitation.
The story of your life, Bellows, okay? Every time opportunity knocks, you're out walking the dog.
It's amazing to me.
- You know, do you have anything saved up? - That's weird.
Did you see that.
That's very weird.
Car 20 Say again, dispatch.
Repeat, we have a code 10 alarm at the Star Labs.
Star Labs.
On our way.
Let's roll, brother.
- I thought you had this fixed.
- I did.
See? Got the horse right here His name is Paul Revere Hey, come on, we got the guys.
Where's the doll? The doll is working.
This is bad.
This is terrible.
You gotta call her up, quick.
- No use.
She won't go.
- Look a woman has to pick the winning horse in the last race.
- It's a Mendez family superstition.
- Call Sabrina.
It's her poker night.
- Poker? - Please, will you call Tina? - Please.
- All right, I'll call her.
- Thank you.
- She won't go.
- Please, will you just beg her? Please.
- I'll beg.
I'll beg.
All phone lines are inoperable.
Star Labs is currently in security lockdown.
- What is it? - I don't know.
Some kind of emergency at Star Labs.
- Oh, my God! - Don't touch him.
Whatever contaminated the lab must have killed him.
What kind of work were they doing here? I don't know.
You're the chief administrator, it's your job to know.
This is a complex facility, McGee.
I can't keep tabs on every project.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come on.
This is Star Labs security.
The lab is currently under the emergency lockdown.
No access should be attempted at this time.
Please stand away from the door.
Please stand away from the door.
Please stand away from the door.
- Please stand away from the door.
- All right, already.
One of these combinations has got to work.
Barry, what's going on? That's what I'm trying to figure out myself.
And, guys, whatever you do, stand away from the door.
Why? - Nice talking to you.
What door? - What's wrong with him? - What are you doing? - Accessing the videotape from the surveillance camera in that lab.
- You don't have clearance.
Whatever killed that man could kill us too.
Listen, McGee, I'm in charge here, not you.
Barry! Barry, thank heavens.
Barry, I'm losing you.
I rigged a video hookup through the Star Labs satellite computer.
What's going on in there? There seems to be some sort of toxic leak.
It killed a guard.
That's why the lab's locked down.
- What kind of leak? - I'm not sure.
But it has to do with something called Project Pandora.
- Does that mean anything to you? - No, nothing.
- Don't worry, I'll get you out of there.
- No, you can't.
If you break the seal on the door, the lab will decontaminate itself.
- What do you mean? - The entire lab will be irradiated.
The process will destroy any living tissue.
- We'll be dead within seconds.
- What? So, what do we do? What we should do is we should find out what really happened.
Hang on while I play the tape where the accident occurred.
I can't authorize some outsider to view one of our security tapes.
- Barry is a policeman.
- McGee, I'm warning you.
No, I'm warning you.
Now, stay out of my way! Those vials are floating all by themselves.
That's the security guard.
And I looked and behold a pale horse: And he who sat on it had the name Death.
Tina, see if there's anything else on the tape.
Let me fast-forward and see what set off the alarm.
That must be how the lab was contaminated.
Freeze that, Tina.
Did you see all that? Yeah, I saw it.
But I don't know if I should believe it.
Well, the thief must have used some sort of stealth device.
- An invisible man? - It's possible he found a way to generate an electromagnetic field to bend the light rays around him.
It's the only way I can explain what's on the tape.
- What was in the vials? - Let's find out.
I can't bring up the file.
Every time I try to access Project Pandora, it disappears on me.
It must be some sort of computer virus.
Let me try one of my retriever programs.
It's working.
"Project Pandora.
Client: Government Weapons Research Center.
" What is this? "Objective: To develop nerve toxins.
" Nerve toxins? "Project director: Dr.
Emil Velinski.
Project coordinator: Ruth Werneke.
" My God! Weapons research.
How could you do this? Get real, McGee.
This is a business, not a science club.
- But we're manufacturing death here.
- Don't be so melodramatic.
These things never get used.
They're put up on a shelf.
Well, it's not on the shelf anymore, is it? Tina.
What's it say about the toxin itself? I still can't access that information.
- You've gotta tell us everything you know.
- I'm just an administrator.
Well, what about this Dr.
Velinski? Maybe he could tell us something more.
Well, he lives somewhere in the Heights.
Near Columbus Square, I think.
I'll find him.
You hang on.
I'll be here.
Oh, good evening, Dr.
You're amazing, Reggie.
How do you do it? I could tell from the sound of your shoes and your little cough.
And the smell of your aftershave.
You're better than Sherlock Holmes.
Who's there? Nobody here but us, Reggie.
Doc, there's somebody else out there.
I can feel him.
I think your sixth sense just blew a fuse.
Look out, doc, he's right behind you! For God's sake, somebody help him! Dr.
Hey, I don't believe it.
It's really you.
- What happened? - He had some kind of a seizure.
No, he didn't.
He was murdered.
You're crazy.
There wasn't nobody near him.
I tell you, there was another guy here.
I can even describe him.
- Go ahead.
- Maybe 6 feet tall and kind of wheezes when he breathes and sweats like he was scared.
Call the police.
- Thanks.
- Anytime, Barry.
Yeah, Reg.
Take care now.
Barry, I was able to access more information on Project Pandora.
Two of those vials were an experimental, deadly toxin.
The third was the only existing vial of antitoxin.
Tina, somebody got to Dr.
Velinski first.
He's already dead.
It looks like the thief wants to make sure nobody's around to make more antitoxin.
- Would anyone else have the formula? - I'm not sure yet.
But I do know one thing: The vial of toxin he's got could kill everyone in Central City.
What about you? According to the computer we have less than four hours to live.
All right, let's set up the line right here.
Edwards, I want the phone lines fixed ASAP.
- Yes, sir.
- Allen, this is Quinn.
He's a government agent.
Barry Allen, from our crime lab.
Two women are trapped in the lab.
They've been exposed I'm already aware of your situation.
We've been monitoring your phone conversations with Dr.
- Keep the media outside the perimeter.
- Since you've been eavesdropping you know it's important we find those vials.
I've got 100 federal agents combing the city now.
They don't have a chance in hell.
The thief has a device that makes him invisible.
It's an optical illusion at best.
A trick.
- Or a glitch in the security cameras.
- No, sir, I don't think so.
If such a device did exist, don't you think we'd know about it? Relax, we'll have the vials back within 24 hours.
Twenty-four hours? They'll both be dead by then, you know that.
I've got a medical team standing by.
If necessary, we'll blow that door off its hinges and get them out.
You'll trigger the sterilization system and kill them both.
We're trying to override that right now.
Okay? Barry, I know McGee is a friend of yours, but you can't do anything right now.
Maybe you'd better head home and let Quinn handle it.
I'm not going anywhere.
This incident is now under federal jurisdiction.
Take a walk.
It's out of our hands, Barry.
The mayor got a call from Washington.
Like it or not And I sure as hell don't like it! - It's Quinn's show for now.
Like the man said, you're out of it.
- What are you doing? - We need to analyze the toxin to find out what makes it tick.
- I don't feel so good.
- Neither do I.
It must be the toxin.
Are we? Are we gonna die? Not if I can help it.
Come on.
I have to find that thief.
Or somebody else with the project who can make the antitoxin.
But to do that, I have to establish contact with Tina.
Why not hook up through the police communications network? I thought of that.
Quinn will know every move we make.
Not if I jam his signal.
Allen is no longer involved in this operation.
I'm in charge.
- I want to talk to Barry Allen.
- I'm afraid that's impossible.
I suggest you turn over any data you have immediately.
What happened? - Barry, thank God.
- Julio found a way to hook us up.
I'm trying to analyze the toxin now.
- How you feeling? - Ruth's feeling pretty sick.
I'm not feeling too good myself.
Tina, you gotta rest, okay? Conserve your strength.
I've managed to get another name out of the computer, Velinski's assistant: "Dr.
Taylor Cartwright.
1624 Sherwood Park.
" That'll be the killer's next victim.
I'm on my way.
You've got to reconstruct the antitoxin.
Reconstructing the antitoxin without my notes or without a sample of the toxin itself could take days.
We don't have days, Dr.
We have hours.
- How are they doing? - Not too good.
I found Dr.
He'll try to reconstruct the antitoxin.
Barry's been telling me you've been analyzing the toxin.
- Your information could help.
- Yes, of course.
But, Barry, first I need to talk to you alone.
We're running out of time, Barry.
Stop worrying about us and try to find the other vial of toxin.
If it's opened, a lot of people are gonna die.
You are my first priority.
Listen to me.
If anything should happen, I just want you to To take care of yourself.
Nothing is gonna happen to you, all right? Now, I'm gonna find those vials in time.
I promise.
All right, Allen, where is it? That's what they've been jamming us with.
- Shut it down.
- Wait, Quinn.
- Hey, wait a minute, man.
- Barry, what's going on? - Dr.
Cartwright, if you'll come with us.
- He's trying to reconstruct the antitoxin.
- He can do it under our jurisdiction.
- There isn't time! Two women are in that lab.
Without the antitoxin, they'll die! Edwards, cuff this man.
- You can't do that.
- Can't I? You two are interfering in a priority government operation.
So unless you'd like bracelets of your own, I suggest you shut your mouth.
- Look, man - Don't.
Barry, what's going on? Where are you taking them? What the hell's going on? I don't know, but it looks like trouble to me.
We better go talk to Garfield.
- Come on.
- All right.
Someone connected with this project is trying to sabotage it, Cartwright.
- You'd better tell me what you know.
- I don't know anything.
I don't believe you.
Instead of wasting my time with these ridiculous accusations you should let me work on the antidote before it's too late.
Get him out of here.
You know, I'm a cop, all right? Is it really necessary, these handcuffs? Just take them off, and we'll go have a Cartwright.
Even if Cartwright finishes the antidote we still haven't been able to bypass the lab sterilization circuits.
Keep on it.
If things get tight, we'll have to force those doors anyway.
But if we don't neutralize the fail-safe, those women will be killed.
And if we do nothing at all? They'll be just as dead.
Right? Where are they taking him? Where are they taking him? Quinn! Listen.
You know, those vials, you don't have to look for them, all right? - He's gonna bring them to you.
- What? He killed Velinski.
He's gonna try to kill Cartwright.
If he does, I'll catch him.
Damn it, he's invisible! Better yet.
If I can nail the killer and his invisibility machine l'll be a big man in Washington.
"A big man in Washington"? This time you can't escape.
Who are you? - Death.
- I know that voice.
That voice Gideon.
Star Labs.
My God, he exists.
Don't shoot, I want him alive! He disappeared! He was standing right there.
He disappeared.
We lost him.
And Allen's disappeared too.
I don't care about Allen.
I want Cartwright's killer.
And that stealth device.
- Did you see his face? - No.
I did.
It was our old friend Gideon.
Gideon? That's the last thing Cartwright said before he died: "That voice," "Star Labs" and "Gideon.
" I'm gonna see what the FBI has to say about it.
Also, I've cross-referenced it with Star Labs.
Okay, Brian Gideon.
Physicist and biochemist.
Worked briefly for Star Labs about six months ago.
Before that, he was involved with the Government Weapons Research Center.
They're the ones who paid Star Labs to develop the toxin.
According to this, he lost his security clearance and was fired.
I think I better have a talk with this guy.
You might wanna take some reinforcements with you.
We spend our lives blaming others, but we're all responsible.
I sold them my knowledge and tried to pretend that I wasn't responsible.
But the people of Costa Luca know the truth.
They paid with their lives.
Soon Central City will pay the price for harboring the death merchants of Star Labs.
I will taint the waters.
I will poison the well.
And they can drink their own destruction.
Looking for something? You may be fast, but you can't catch what you can't see.
No, wait.
What do you want? The toxin.
And the antitoxin.
There are two innocent women trapped in Star Labs.
- Innocent? They deserve to die.
- No! Two thousand people died at Costa Luca.
- Nobody cares about them! - Costa Luca? No one remembers them except me.
There was a nerve-gas leak from an American factory.
It wasn't a factory.
It was a secret laboratory developing chemical weapons.
- I worked there.
And Quinn was in charge.
- Quinn? One day, there was an accident.
An accident.
And there were bodies everywhere.
But what does that got to do with Star Labs? I went to Star Labs to start over to use my science to help people.
But then I discovered they were developing chemical weapons for Quinn.
All right, but the other scientists didn't know.
There are no innocents! We are all responsible! Stay back! - Are you all right? - It's just a dark spot on my CAT scan.
It's a brain tumor from Costa Luca.
You can't play with fire and not get burned.
Gideon, give me the antidote.
Let me save my friend.
It doesn't matter.
They'll all be dead anyway.
Don't you see? If it happens here in Central City, then maybe we will have done something.
You can't kill 100,000 people.
- I can, and I am.
- No, there's another way.
We'll call the newspapers, the television stations.
- We'll tell people what's going on.
- They never listen.
We'll make them listen! - Any movement inside? - No, sir.
Checked the area thoroughly, not a soul moving.
All right, we're moving in.
And remember, no live ammo just rubber bullets.
We're taking him alive.
Go! I'll help you.
I promise.
I'm so tired.
I'm so tired.
Gideon! My men have the house surrounded.
I just wanna talk.
Quinn! You set me up.
No! Damn.
Another dead end.
Ruth! Are you okay? My legs, they're numb.
It's the toxin.
It attacks the body's nerve centers.
Lie still.
We're running out of time.
Another half an hour, we'll be dead.
Barry will find the antidote.
No, he's looking for a needle in a haystack.
And the needle is invisible.
There must be a way we can help him.
How do you make an invisible man visible? He has to make sounds, doesn't he? Isn't there a way you can, I don't know, detect his breathing his heartbeat? Not easy on a busy street corner, even with directional microphones.
What about heat? - What? Science was never my subject but isn't there a way you can detect his heat waves? Ruth, you're brilliant! You can do more than that, you can see them.
It looks like some kind of recording device.
I'll run it through the laser scanner, maybe we can get an audio image.
Well, someone's up awful late.
"Invisible man should give off infrared heat signature.
Seventy-five- to 100,000 angstroms.
" - What is this? - It's from Tina.
Infrared heat signature.
It's a way to see the invisible man.
What's it say? It says, "Why didn't I think of that?" And, "Don't give up hope.
" This is Allen.
Give me Spencer, Search and Rescue.
Jack, about that infrared gear you guys have been testing how sensitive is it? Great.
Listen, I need to borrow a set.
It's an emergency.
Okay, I'll be down to pick it up in a couple of minutes.
Hey, Barry, I think I got something.
Listen to this.
Soon Central City will pay the price for harboring the death merchants of Star Labs.
I will taint the waters and poison the well.
And they will drink their own destruction.
Poison the well? He's gonna put it in the reservoir.
Infrared contact lenses, very impressive.
But they won't do you any good now.
First, you'll feel your body going numb then, you won't be able to breathe.
And then finally, you'll suffocate.
Your magic belt needs a power surge.
Someone has to do something.
We are all responsible.
Where's the antidote? It's too late.
- The vial is broken.
- Lie still, Gideon.
I'll send help.
Why aren't you dead? Something in my metabolism is fighting the toxin.
Our lab guys are still going over Gideon's house but it looks like he destroyed all his research.
We can't let that stealth device slip through our fingers.
How are we doing on getting those women out? We're almost out of time.
We're tapped into Star Labs' security system but we haven't neutralized all the emergency countermeasures.
- Where does that leave us? - There's a 50-50 chance that if we crack that door the fail-safe circuits will kick in anyhow and irradiate the lab.
- 50-50? - Yes, sir.
I can live with those odds.
Let's do it.
You wanna hear something terrible? What? I've been lying here thinking what I'll miss most when I'm dead.
My family my boyfriend, my dogs.
You know what I came up with? What? Chocolate.
Oh, God, yes.
Tina, are you afraid? I'm trying not to be.
Is it working? No.
We're ready, sir.
Cut the circuits.
Blow it.
Security breach.
Commence radiation sequence in 10 seconds.
- Nine, eight, seven - No! The fail-safe is starting to sequence.
Barry, I knew you'd come.
I found the antidote.
It's my blood.
I figure a couple of cc's of this and both of you will produce enough antibodies to fight the toxin.
What do you think? It may work.
Let's go check out the damage.
And you better call a coroner.
How did they get out? These two are now in government custody.
Transfer them to the Weapons Research Center - I don't think so.
- Allen.
Stay out of this.
Pack up your cloak and dagger and go home.
- You can't tell me what to do.
- Well, I can.
I just left the mayor's house where I reported your activities here tonight in full detail.
When I left, she was on the phone to Washington.
Quinn, I've just spoken to Washington.
I have orders to confiscate your credentials and your weapon.
- What? - You're on suspension and to be detained, pending full investigation of your conduct.
This won't stick.
I've done nothing to exceed my authority.
- Nothing.
- Mr.
Quinn, let's have a jury decide.
Because tomorrow, I'm going to call a press conference and blow the whistle on you and your entire operation.
Now go crawl back under your rock.
Well said, boss.
Let's go! Come on! - Hello there.
- Hi.
I think after you're feeling better we should take the racing form and feed it into the analysis computer.
I think we could really clean up at the track.
The only horse I would bet on is the Flash.
Yeah? I'd need a king-size bag of oats.
I could see to that.
Stay out of my face, Allen.
I just thought you might want this.
- What is it? - Well, some guy in a red suit left it for you.
Said it was that stealth device you were looking for.
You might have a little trouble putting it together, though.

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