The Following s01e10 Episode Script


Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
The warden granted Joe Carroll's request for a transfer.
He's leaving.
Joe's not in the transport vehicle.
Where the hell is he? So Joe's free, and now I get locked up.
Protective custody.
Better if I don't know.
I know you're scared of me, but I hope that will change.
My son needs a mother.
And I have an idea how we can find her.
She has to die because you slept with Joe's wife.
Why did you do it? Because I love her.
Nick Donovan made an encrypted cell phone call checking the status of Claire Matthews.
Your wife is in Huntington County.
What's taking her so long? I looked all over the place! She and Joey are both gone! Aah! Emma, why did you leave us? If you don't get him to a hospital immediately, he's going to die.
You can do this.
I'm sorry.
Earlier I received a very exciting e-mail.
I wanted to tell you about it, but I thought I'd surprise you.
Man, you're a heavy sleeper.
Get up.
You don't want to sleep the day away.
What are you doing here? I'm trying to get you up.
Now go.
Come on.
Get in the shower.
Come on.
You're gonna miss breakfast.
Aah! And now an update from Richmond, Virginia.
A press conference this morning has not eased our nation's paranoia as we've learned that FBI, CIA, and NSA are now all in pursuit of Joe Carroll and his cult of serial killers.
Amanda Porter's not exactly talking.
I take that back.
She's actually saying a lot.
And what does she say? Well, let's see.
Uh, she's a pisces.
Favorite movie is the "Notebook," she's an advocate for the death penalty.
She believes in creationism over evolution, enjoys seventies soft rock, and hates peanut butter, whole milk, and Anne Hathaway.
They got to let me talk to her.
I agree, but it's DC's show now.
I mean, it's their call.
You got to let me talk to Amanda Porter.
It's not going to happen, Ryan.
Come on.
This woman knows me.
I broke her once already.
He's right.
He should be there.
If the DC guys can't break her, I'll recommend it, okay? We got another problem.
Quantico found a portal break in their server.
We were hacked? - Where was their failsafe? - It stalled.
The optical lines were interrupted for several seconds.
With a worm encrypted with a virus just like at the farmhouse.
What did they access? Telecommunications log, specifically phone calls to the Protective Custody Division.
It's possible Joe made an attempt to trace Claire Matthews' location via our satellite system.
We got to move her right now.
Yes, we do, but we need you to convince her of that.
Will you call her? Using what phone exactly? No.
I want to do it in person.
You got to get me a chopper, and from now on, I want to be in charge of her safety detail.
Like hell you will! Nick, let him go.
He's not an agent, Debra! It's nonnegotiable.
The cell tower linked to your wife is near a Roadside Motel on Highway 31.
Typically there's in a designated area away from the other guests.
I'm thinking an M17 or my micro-Uzi with a silencer.
You ex-military? Hell, no.
We're better than that.
They were both raised by militia.
Constitutional extremists to to be accurate.
You sure about this? You want your wife back, these two can do it.
They've got the skills and the know-how.
You go with them, Roderick.
I can't.
I got to work today.
Duty calls.
Oh, I'm sure you'll work it out.
I'm sure I can't.
I insist, Roderick.
You've failed twice.
This time, I want my wife.
Jacob! Hey, squirt! Ohh! How you doing? Look! Jacob's here! Hey, Jacob.
When did you get here? W-w-where's Paul? I got here late last night, and Paul, well-- Paul couldn't make it.
Joey, will you give Jacob and me a minute? It's okay, dude.
We don't need a minute.
Jacob, let me explain, let me talk to you.
Look at this place.
Will you show me around, buddy? Will you do that? Sure! Come on.
Let's go.
_ When is Ryan Hardy getting here? Okay.
He's pulling up now.
All right.
Ryan Hardy? I'm Marshal Ferguson.
Claire's in the next room.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Nobody's telling me the truth.
What do you want to know? I'll tell you anything.
Uh, for starters, why was I denied media access? Joe's people were targeting women named Claire Matthews in the Richmond area, and two of them were killed.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I just-- I don't understand why no one can find him.
I mean, how does a cult of killers stay hidden this long? His followers have proven to be sophisticated.
Their tactical skills, cyberinvasion, they're on a terrorist level, plus some of them are trained military.
And now he's with Joey.
That madman has my son.
We need to move you someplace safer.
Those are cool shades.
Where'd you get those? I've got two subjects going through the lobby now.
Be advised it looks like they're headed for the stairway, possibly the elevator at this time.
Whole wing is locked down.
They're somewhere in this hallway.
I got the master key.
See you on the other side.
Do a walk-through.
Let me know when it's clear.
Yes, sir.
You got it.
Where's Claire? I'm right here.
I'm ready.
Is there a problem out there? My men in the lobby saw a couple guys that looked suspicious.
Let's do this.
No screw-ups.
You and Claire go out the back.
I got you covered.
Stay with me.
Come on.
Come on.
Get in.
- Aah! - Come here! Ohh! Back off.
Drop the gun.
Or what? You're not gonna shoot her.
Come on.
Come on! We got to go! Come on! Damn.
That hurt.
Do you have a cell phone? No.
Take out the SIM card.
Where are we going? Someplace safe.
I don't understand.
Where is he? I don't know.
He destroyed his SIM card, deactivated the GPS on his car.
He's being smart.
He's worried about being traced, so he must have Claire.
Where would they go? Brooklyn is a 4-hour drive.
Have an undercover patrol his place in Brooklyn.
You think he went home? Hey! FBI surveillance footage is in.
There's a total of 4 dead at the scene, including Marshal Ferguson.
I have face recognition.
Let's get IDs.
We need find them before they find Hardy.
_ Is this the place? I hope so.
I'm looking for a guy named Tyson.
Ha ha! What the hell are you doing here? Come here.
This is Claire.
- Hey.
- Claire.
Good to meet you.
Come on.
Let's go inside.
So how do you two know each other? Uh, we went through Quantico together.
I've been stuck with ever since.
Tried to get rid of him.
I dumped out on the road a couple of times, but he found his way back.
Are you still with the Bureau? I'm no longer an agent.
In fact, I'm no longer alive thanks to a certain crime syndicate.
I now live in the wonderful land of nonexistence.
Tyson's been in Witness Protection for 4 years.
So you did the right thing coming here.
This is a safe place.
All right.
Talk to me.
Who's trying to kill you? took out a motel full of federal agents, but we lost them.
No one's gonna find you here.
Thanks, Ty.
That's what friends are for.
I've read enough.
You shouldn't do this.
This will make you rich and famous for 5 minutes, and then it's gonna be a bad idea.
Tell me why.
This is gonna define you.
Now you were a kick-ass agent, but if you publish this, you're gonna be that one agent, the Joe Carroll guy, forever and always.
What if I told you I wanted to do it, that it might help me, you know, really help me? Then I say go for it.
What do I know? I missed you, man.
It's really good to see you.
This is a cool room.
I guess.
This place is awesome.
What? You don't like it here? I don't know.
I miss my mom.
How did you sleep? Morning, Joe.
I slept great.
Good morning, Joey.
Hey, Joey.
Don't be rude! No, no.
It's all right.
My son is still, um, adjusting.
Have you-- you get a chance to have a good look around? Yeah.
Joey gave me the grand tour.
I'm sure you're going to be very happy here with us all.
There's just one thing I'd-- I'd like you to do for me.
Yeah, sure.
You talk to Emma, give her a chance to explain her side of things.
You two need each other.
After what she did-- She was taking care of my son.
She did what was asked of her, and now I ask a favor of you.
Resolve this, settle your differences.
You understand? She left us for dead.
I'm sure that's-- that's how you feel, but I need you to forgive her.
You love Emma.
I know you do.
Okay? Emma's a selfish bitch, always was.
Surveillance footage from the hotel matched Vincent McKinnley, wanted in connection with 3 separate murders in New York state.
The other one's Brock Wickford.
They're brothers in a sense.
They met in the juvenile system, both products of abuse.
They were sent to a foster care home that was later busted for militia activity.
I'm sure they picked up some great skills there.
I've hacked into Vincent's e-mail account.
He communicates internationally, same as our other cult folks.
I couldn't retrieve any content, but I did find this one sequence embedded in his e-mails.
What is that, a password? It could be.
It's meant to be hidden.
Charles Mead had a series of encrypted URLs.
See if you get lucky.
On it.
Yeah? Nothing? Thank you.
Ryan and Claire aren't at his place in Brooklyn.
They've just completely disappeared.
Joe wanted me to come and talk to you, so here I am.
Can you sit? Well? Okay.
This is hard.
I've been thinking about what to say to you since last night.
When you were surprised to see me? Did you think I was dead? No.
I don't-- I don't know.
I didn't know what to think.
I'm so sorry about Paul.
I loved him, too.
No, you didn't.
I did.
I know you think I abandoned you, and maybe I did, but you can't just blame me.
I was doing what Roderick told me to do for Joey.
You didn't have to leave us.
It was crazy that night, confusing.
I was nearly killed, too.
- I almost lost Joey.
- No, you didn't.
You were fine, both of you were.
I felt terrible, but I couldn't go back, not with all the police, and Roderick just kept saying, "move forward, take Joey home.
" You would have done the same thing.
That's where you're wrong.
Please don't be like this.
I wish I could undo it and make things right.
I love you, Jacob.
You know that, right? Where did Ryan go? He wanted to clean up.
So you guys are pretty close.
I'm not gonna lie.
I know the story.
Or as close as anyone can get to the man.
He tries really hard to push you away.
I just refused to budge.
That's how it is with him.
Refuse to budge.
He tries, but he can't quite bring anyone inside.
You know, it goes further back than Joe Carroll.
I know about his family.
He tell you about his death curse? Yeah.
What about other women? There were some, yeah.
When he was younger, he went through them quick, some good ones, too.
But no one serious? His last girl-- Molly-- she wanted to be serious.
Sweet girl, too.
That's a good thing.
I don't think-- Excuse me.
Hold this for me, hold this, hold it.
What? Molly, so nice to finally meet you.
You, too, best friend.
Oh, no, but wait, wait, wait.
You have to tell me what is wrong with this man.
I mean, really.
I need all the dirt before I invest any more time in him.
Ryan? Oh.
Cut your losses now.
I'm the better pick.
He's a freak.
Really? How so? Ooh.
Hand puppets.
It's-- it's his hobby, fetish, whatever.
He makes them out of old socks, puts on private shows.
It's creepy.
I'll take my chances.
She tried, held on as long as she could.
You know the drill.
But let's face it.
If he couldn't go there with you, she didn't stand a chance.
So was there ever anyone serious? Yeah, Claire.
Okay, okay.
What lies are you telling about me now? Girl talk.
None of your business.
Is that right? Ryan.
What is it? I don't know.
I found it on my sweater.
They must have tagged you when Joe's guy jumped you at the motel.
Does that mean they know we're here? Yeah, they know.
Ty, I'm really sorry for bringing my problems into your home.
I owe the guy.
Ryan has saved my life more than once, and he's not one to ask for help, so him coming here says a lot.
I'm glad you came.
Well, if they're out there, I didn't see them.
I have a state-of-the-art alarm system out there.
These guys are better than that, man.
Carrying micro-Uzis and wearing vests.
Well, we're short on ammo, so we better make these count, and this will blow right through their vests.
We just got to surprise them with a trick or two.
What'd you have in mind? I hate Bologna.
I know it's not your favorite, but I couldn't find anything else.
Lizzie needs to go shopping.
Who's Lizzie? Why is she here? She's a friend of your dad's.
And everyone else, they're friends, too? That's right.
Why do they all live here, and how come my dad's not in jail anymore? Maybe you should ask him that yourself.
I'll be right back, Joey, okay? Oh.
S'mores, s'mores, s'mores, s'mores.
Hey, Joey.
Don't mind me.
A little chocolate, a little chocolate? You're doing it wrong.
Hmm? You're supposed to heat the marshmallows first.
Of course.
So, Joey, there anything you want to ask me? You know, I'll tell you anything you like.
Let me just take those.
You don't break the crackers.
Don't you know how to make s'mores? You know, it's, um-- it's-- it's been a while.
Uh do you think you could help me? I don't know.
Oh, come on.
I'm dying for s'mores.
It's absolutely my favorite food.
It's my favorite food, too.
No way! Is it really yours, too? Oh, now you've got to show me because I'm useless.
Come here.
Jump up.
There we go.
When am I gonna see my mom? What if I said really, really soon? Yeah.
Now chocolate, yeah? Anything? No.
Not yet.
So we just wait? I want you to stay up here, lock the door, barricade yourself in.
We're gonna be right downstairs.
Are you okay? I'll be okay when we're out of here and when you're safe and Tyson's safe and Joey's safe-- No.
I mean, I know-- I know that you have this theory that everyone dies on you.
It's not a theory.
Well, it's not reality either.
Is this really the time to talk about this? I don't know.
Is this the time? You tell me.
When is there ever a good time for us to talk about anything? Why didn't you call me? I told you.
I'm your past.
You need to move forward.
What if you are my forward, Ryan? I mean, look at us.
We're so screwed up, we're damaged.
Who else is out there for either one of us? It's just that I know what I'll always represent to you.
Well, then what if I told you I love you? I'd say that's a really bad idea.
And and that I love you, too.
There's a-- there's a house through these trees.
Claire's in the back west corner.
Eh, we got to move fast.
Brock, you're up.
Scout the place.
Put that on.
One down.
I told you it would work.
Point-blank range right through the vest.
- Guard the back.
I'll check on Claire.
- All right.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I heard a gunshot.
What happened? There's two more of them outside.
Wait here.
I know you're in there, Claire.
Come out.
No one else has to die.
No more bloodshed.
I'll take you to Joey.
You just come out.
Aah! Ryan! You okay? Ryan! Tyson! Come on.
Hey, Ty.
Did you get him? No.
He got me.
Come here.
Get him inside.
All right.
Come on.
Over here.
Let's get him over here.
All right.
Put him down.
Put him down.
Easy, easy, buddy.
Set him down.
There's two wounds.
Shh! No.
Don't talk.
Don't talk.
We have to get him to a hospital.
Hang on, buddy.
Come on, Tyson.
Stay with me, baby.
Come on.
Just stay awake.
I'm okay, I'm okay.
- That's it, that's it.
- I'm okay.
- What was that? - I don't know.
Wait here, I'll be right back.
Ryan, don't go down there.
You heard him.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I'll be right back.
You don't want to do that, Claire.
Claire? The killing has to stop.
Don't you want to see Joey? Take me to my son.
Claire! Claire! Claire! Wait! I love you.
Unh! Yeah.
Come in.
I just wanted to check on you.
How you doing? Are you okay? I know it's gonna take time, but I want to win back your trust.
I love you, Jacob.
You were right.
It was a password.
This is from Charlie's encrypted URLs.
Watch what happens when I enter the sequence.
And the raven, never flitting Still is sitting, still is sitting on the pallid bust of pallas just above my chamber door And his eyes have all the seeming Creepy as hell.
Looks like one of Joe Carroll's fan sites.
There's something here.
Can I? Shadow on the floor; and my soul Is that a glitch? No.
See how the pointer vanishes when I scroll over it? Nevermore! What the hell? Wow.
There's a secret door.
It's called steganography, innocuous web sites with hidden portals.
Is this live? No.
It's recorded.
Hello, friend.
You've been allowed entry.
Be prepared to change your life forever.
Enter your name and your e-mail, and someone will get back to you.
Oh! Get away.
What? I'll be right back.
Why are you doing this? You know why.
I'm not gonna kill her.
I'm dead because of her.
She betrayed us.
She deserves to die.
You're the one that's dead.
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.
Jacob, kill her.
Kill her.
You know you want to.
You want to.
Just kill her.
I'm not gonna do it.
Kill her.
I'm not gonna do it.
Just leave me alone! She lied to you.
She lied to you.
She lied to you.
Just kill her.
Just kill her! Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
I'm so sorry, Paul.
What is it? I never told you how Paul died.
I took a pillow, and I suffocated him.
I killed Paul.
Oh, Jacob.
I've killed now.
I killed my best friend because of you.
I have a real taste for it now.
I'd watch my back if I were you.
I'm gonna hang around for a while in case he wakes up if that's okay.
Hello, Ryan.
How are you? More importantly, um, how is your friend? Is he okay? I do hope you didn't get him killed.
I'd hate for you to have to add him to that long list of dead loved ones.
If you hurt Claire Hurt Claire? Heh heh heh.
Have you been listening at all, Ryan? I love Claire.
She's on her way to me now.
By all accounts, she came quite willingly.
I'm done, Joe.
I quit.
Oh, come, come.
That's no way to talk to the man who saved your life.
I've allowed you a second chance.
Don't you understand anything yet, Ryan? No.
This is your story, your-- your rebirth.
Don't you feel it? With every death, you come just that little bit more back to life.
So, no, no, you can't quit now.
You're-- you're not quite yet the man you need to be.
You go to hell.
Don't push her away.
You got to stop with this death curse.
It's crazy to think that way.
You can let people get close to you.
I mean, look at us.
I'm practically your wife.
You haven't gotten me killed.
We've been together over 20 years, I'm still standing.
Nobody wants to die alone.
We all die alone.
All the more reason not to live that way.
Well, hey.
I got you.
Yes, you do.
All right, love birds.
Food's ready.
- Joe? - Hmm? Molly.
Ha ha ha! Joe! It's so good to see you.
Ha ha ha! Oh.
Ha ha ha!
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