The Glory (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

You're Mr. Ha, right?
Yes. It's been a while.
Yeon-jin doesn't have
a fitting scheduled for today.
I'm aware.
Can I go try this on?
Where's the fitting room?
It's tiny.
Somebody could come in whenever.
But you and I are so hot.
I see.
You always mean what you say, Yeon-jin.
Your neighbors say
you get beaten up all the time.
I was expecting much worse.
At Dong-eun's apartment,
I saw all sorts of pictures there.
Even though there were tons,
I knew everyone in them.
But I didn't know
this gentleman right here.
You have nothing to say?
How… How did you even find me?
It wasn't hard.
I didn't think of this before,
but I just found out.
Moon Dong-eun owns two vehicles.
She drives the one ending in 4-2-2-5.
I'll let you know when I find out
who's driving the other.
No way she took all those.
Hey, it's me.
That bitch is getting help from someone.
I have an idea on how to find out
who's driving the other car, yeah.
Assign someone to me, starting tomorrow.
I guess you found me
because I was working too hard.
You sound crazy right now.
You have no idea how much I know.
Want to try me?
Just say it already.
Tell me what you want.
If you happen to breathe
a single word of this to my husband,
I'll make you regret it.
How would you do that?
Nobody can try to stop me.
I'm more than happy
to talk to your husband, too.
Oh my god, just shut it.
I'm going to say something
you'll find interesting.
Lee Sun-a.
Semyeong Middle School.
First year, class three.
You're allowed to take
pictures of my daughter,
but I can't do research on yours?
You can go to my daughter's school,
but I can't say your daughter's name?
Maybe this conversation can get somewhere
if I drag your daughter here.
I'm so sorry. I am so sorry, ma'am.
Just, please, not my daughter. Not her.
Do you understand me now?
You should've had
a different attitude, no?
I'm a lot tougher than you are.
I'm calling you,
so make sure you save my number.
Looks like you have it already.
Pick up.
It's a bit weird, isn't it?
An elementary teacher. An ex-maid.
What could they have in common?
Ah, I get it now.
You want to kill somebody, I guess.
That man?
Dong-eun wants to kill someone. Me.
I'm right. You both have
someone you want to kill.
Then let me offer you the deal she made.
Help me. I'll kill your husband.
I can have him killed
faster than Dong-eun ever could.
I could kill him tomorrow.
You could bury him the next day.
Or maybe I could pay you instead.
But you'll have to do
whatever I tell you, yeah?
What do you say?
Mom, what's wrong? Where are we going?
Hurry up. Your dad will be up soon.
Come on, run!
Get in quick. We don't have time.
-Whose car is this?
Don't roll down your windows, understand?
Wait, Mom, you can drive?
You're warm enough, right?
Just sleep. I'll wake you when I stop.
Where are we going?
I don't know right now.
But I do know we're going to keep driving.
Someone might be following the two of us.
We'll come back to Semyeong
tomorrow or the day after.
At that point, I should have lost them,
and I'll know where to go next.
But for now, don't ask anything.
Please just do what I tell you, huh?
Wow, Mom, you're so freaking cool!
This is awesome.
I'm going to put on some music.
This one's my favorite.
I'm sorry, but the person
you're trying to reach is not available.
What are you doing after work?
I'm meeting up with somebody.
Really? But there's
a faculty meeting today.
Regarding the schoolwide field trip.
That's today?
No one told me anything about it.
Well, it just got scheduled.
See you there at 5:00.
We'll need to organize
everything needed for all the festivals
that are taking place
over the next two months.
Um, and the bus company we usually use,
we'll need to find another company.
We'll need to reference
what we did last year
and print out all the field trip records
from the other grades and compare them.
But last year's records won't be enough.
We'll need records from the past 5 years
to really see what's going on.
Well, it'll give us more information.
Got that, Ms. Moon?
You can take on this project, can't you?
All on my own?
That's what we agreed on.
Speak up now if you object.
I have no problem with it.
I'll do it.
That's what I thought.
Thank you.
Should I set it down in here?
Uh, right there. Over to the left.
This is their most expensive one?
Of course.
Imported straight from Italy!
-Probably costs as much as a used car.
How old is your kid?
-She's eight now.
-I bet she's very cute.
You know, you don't see many people
who have kids with dogs nowadays.
I mean, animals with fur
usually shed a lot,
and that can give kids
asthma or something.
Uh, excuse me, I should get back to work.
What do you want?
And you better make this quick.
I'm a little busy. Like, seriously.
You'll receive an address soon.
You need to lure Yeon-jin there.
That's all I need for now.
-I'm hanging up.
-Just hold on a second.
That was a lot faster than I thought.
At least tell me why.
Exactly how am I supposed
to get her there?
We just had a huge fight.
She probably won't even pick up.
That's for you to figure out.
Your dress looked pretty. Next week's
your wedding photoshoot, right?
Did my mother-in-law
tell you about my photoshoot?
Get busy before we start
discussing other things, Hye-jeong.
Ms. Moon, you might want to run down
to the parking lot as soon as you can.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Excuse me… but who are you?
No, this… this isn't it.
-I'm looking for someone!
That little shit.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
You can't be here.
-You need to go.
-I swear, this bitch…
Hey, get off of me! What?! Oh my God!
Where is she now?
Ah, she's here.
My baby!
It's Ma!
How've you been?
Excuse me. There's somebody here for you.
It's nice to see you, ma'am.
I'm a friend of Dong-eun's.
You've lost contact with her, haven't you?
You're saying
Dong-eun is working at some school now?
As what? A janitor?
A lunch lady?
So it seems like you don't know.
Dong-eun's teaching at that school.
A public…
Uh, Dong-eun's a public servant?
Well, it's a private school, so not quite.
Anyway, ma'am,
could you please get Dong-eun
fired from her school for me?
You're some crazy bitch, huh?
Who are you?
Why would I get her fired
from something that pays so well?
It's not like you would get
any of that money.
You haven't spoken to her
in over a decade.
I'll give you more
than Dong-eun could ever have.
Who the hell are you, huh?
Oh, I forgot that we've never met.
But I know you've met my mother before.
Dong-eun's withdrawal?
You signed? Don't you remember?
-You received a check back then, right?
You just need to get her kicked out.
It's a pretty similar situation.
Take this now, for the taxi ride there.
And this for the ride back.
Make sure she signs her resignation,
and then you can
come get the rest of your money.
Where does she teach, then?
It wouldn't be in Semyeong, would it?
How'd you know?
Open this door!
You're in there, right?
It's you. I looked up where you live now.
I know that's you in there, honey.
Open! Open this door, right now!
Stop that! What are you doing to my door?
There's a… a woman living here?
Moon Dong-eun, right?
-She's my daughter.
-There's nobody's living in there.
I went all the way to the county office,
and they said she lives here.
So don't lie to me!
I know that she lives in here.
You think you can try to hide from me?
Open it!
I don't care!
I don't care what they told you!
I said nobody lives here!
Why are you destroying my building?
Why would you do that? You're trespassing.
What the hell are you doing?
You old bitch, are you losing it?
You bet I've lost it.
I own this place!
Get out of here! Get out now!
Oh, honey.
Just look at this.
Is it monthly or long-term?
You don't own it, do you?
How'd you find me?
Oh wow. Not even a bottle of water.
I can put up some new wallpaper for you.
-I know someone who can--
-I asked, how did you find me?
How can you teach those kids
when you treat your mother
like this, sweetie?
So then, when'd you move in here?
When I was here in the spring,
she said no one lived here.
You came here? Last spring?
Of course!
I'm your mommy, right?
Blood is thicker than water, you see?
Go and hide if you'd like.
I'll find you again.
You did it, Yeon-jin.
You've found two new irons
to use against me.
This is my friend, Yeon-jin.
Is it okay if she stays?
Yeah, can't turn away free advertising.
We're doing a buy-one-get-one-free event.
Let me know if you'd like a procedure too.
I believe that everything is worth
what you pay for it.
-How long's it take?
-About 10, 15 minutes.
Why didn't you just call me
when you were done?
Go ahead. What's this about Dong-eun?
I wanted you to hear this from me first.
Don't freak out.
'Cause this is the truth.
Moon Dong-eun and your husband
have been playing Go.
Have they now?
How could you know that?
What the hell? Do you know how much that--
What if you had scratched it?
Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. I am so sorry.
You can leave it. Just go do your job.
Why buy a bag that's out of your league?
Just use a tote.
Now finish what you were saying.
You don't have the right to say it's fine.
What? You think I stole this
from a customer at the laundromat?
Well, I didn't.
A rich man gave it to me as a present.
Don't take it the wrong way.
I'm just saying it'd be a bit more green.
There's still a bit left.
Would you like some privacy?
Oh, it's fine. I'm going.
She just seems a little bit touchy today.
You know, you're right.
I just got my period.
That's why I didn't
sleep with your husband the other night.
He was so disappointed.
What are you even talking about?
The man who bought me this
was your husband, Yeon-jin.
It was your husband
who told me he plays Go with Dong-eun.
It's a small fucking world, right?
Did you meet up with Do-yeong? I mean…
Did Do-yeong go out of his way
to meet you?
Yeah, and he brought this with him too.
I should have told him
everything about you.
'Cause we're friends, I stopped myself.
Please add my free procedure
to my account, Dr. Joo.
I'll come back another time.
Maybe you should book an appointment too,
so your husband won't have to call me.
My husband sure has standards.
It was an Hermès bag, I mean.
Would you like a procedure too?
People usually end up returning
after seeing my work.
Semyeong housewives
are probably most of your clients.
I'll think about it
when it's going to rain.
You can come for your filler
if you don't have an umbrella.
It won't rain for a while, though.
See you later.
Come on, hurry up. Get in there.
Come on, stop stalling. Get in there!
Come on, inside.
Mr. Park, your team raided
a gambling den earlier today, right?
I said to never gamble again.
Didn't I say that?
You went to a gambling den?
Where did that money come from?
If I have to ask him and he gives me
that same bullshit story,
I'm going to kill you.
So then, there was a car accident,
and you extorted money from her?
I mean, people normally do that
for any accident. It's only natural.
They say if you hire smart people,
they'll backstab you,
and that dumbasses like you
just screw up for me!
I'm the reason you get to work, assholes,
And this is how you pay me back?
This is the reason
I can never leave the force.
I can't when you morons are
screwing up my business! Fucking bitch!
-Give it.
-Stop it! Get out of here!
No more! Does this look like
some sort of charity? Huh?
I've only been putting up with you
this long because of your wife!
-Get out!
-Hey, shit.
I told you you'll get your money
when my bitch wife comes back.
That's what you said yesterday,
and the day before that!
Don't come back
unless you're with your wife.
If I were her,
I wouldn't come back either.
Come on, stop that!
-Ugh, you're such a fucking bitch!
-My goodness.
-I'll set this fucking store on fire!
-Can you ring this up?
-What're you doing, you fucking bitch?
Want me to rip your eyes out?
I was in line first!
Hey, now. Stop messing with my customers!
Heh, I'm sorry. Let me ring you up.
Just one second.
-Let go!
-Stop that. Really, come on!
Oh, no, no, wait…
Sorry I didn't come
to meet you, ma'am. Please call me soon.
You were exactly right, ma'am.
Park Yeon-jin did find me.
I made a mistake.
One of the photos
that went missing was your husband.
My… My husband? You sure?
Park Yeon-jin might have discovered
the two of us have been working together.
Don't worry, ma'am.
I'll call you when I can.
I'm parking my car now.
So then I turned off my cell phone
and just started driving with Sun-a.
I don't want you to misunderstand
anything that I was doing.
I thought you'd think
I had switched sides
and was actually working for her now.
You already made that mistake before.
Have you had the chance to eat yet?
Please take care of my Sun-a.
I need to turn my phone back on
and get back on Yeon-jin's radar.
Everything we've done so far
will be useless if she meets my husband.
Thankfully that hasn't happened yet.
I made sure.
Don't worry too much about Sun-a.
I guess I'll try to buy us some time.
I'll ask for more money first.
From this moment on,
Park Yeon-jin is my boss.
Ms. Moon Dong-eun.
You'll be staying here for the time being.
I'm going to need your phone.
You can only contact me and her.
Just the two of us in this room.
What about school?
Your mother is going to pull you
out of school tomorrow.
You'll be able to finish
high school in the States.
Watch some American shows
to help your English.
But if I disappear,
my dad is going to kill my mom.
He said he'd kill my grandma and aunt
if my mom and I ever tried to run away.
That will never happen.
I promise you.
Just trust your mother and wait.
The one thing that I know
is your mother is doing
everything she can for you.
The life we have can be very cruel.
This is why you have to study abroad.
Just go and study as hard as you can.
The only way you can show anyone
how brave you are
is by leaving.
While you're studying,
go on a trip sometime.
Go visit art museums.
Eat dinner nice and slow.
That's the way you should live.
That's all you need.
Thank you, ma'am. Please take care of her.
Mmm, she's safe with me.
Oh, wow. You're so young and beautiful.
I've heard a lot about you.
I was Ms. Moon's teacher
when she was a student.
But I had to quit my job a long time ago.
Now it seems I've got
another student to take care of.
Come on.
Hungry? Want me to make you
some noodles? Would you like that?
I texted you earlier
saying I'd be out until 10:00.
Did you get it?
You trying to start something?
You're the one
who's starting things here, you know.
Did you go and meet with Hye-jeong? Why?
You're starting to scare me, hon.
I'm just trying to have
a calm conversation.
The past is in the past.
The future's what's ahead.
I don't have any other options.
I'm not so sure about that.
So I looked into your other options.
But why did it have to be Hye-jeong?
What did Hye-jeong say? Do I have one?
Who else could I ask?
Sa-ra's out since she's
ruining her life with drugs.
So Jae-jun, that thug?
Or Myeong-o, who disappeared?
Or your mother who's been giving
some shaman millions of won?
You're really doing this then?
You're really going to take their side?
If I'm taking sides, it will be Ye-sol's.
If you have ever felt
even the slightest bit of guilt
for me or your daughter, then…
you wouldn't have said anything.
Nothing. You should've waited.
But clearly, you don't feel any guilt.
You don't.
-Anything new today?
-Not really.
Just took Louis to the groomer.
When are you free?
I'm working here this weekend.
Guess we're closing this weekend, then.
I want to get a Christmas present
for a friend, but I have no idea what.
Would you like to come with me?
She's pretty young.
There isn't anything in the store?
Hmm, is it the redhead
or the racing flag girl with the accent?
Aren't you listening to me?
I just need you to tell me
if something's green or red.
Fuck, it's Christmas so it's all…
Are you free or not?
What exactly counts as "new"?
You asked if there was anything new.
Yeon-jin's husband
came to the store by himself.
Does that count as "anything new"?
He did? Why?
I have no idea.
He tried on a shirt and then he left.
Was it the first time,
or has he been here before?
It's the first time I've seen him.
But I'm not sure if he came
when someone else was working.
How long do we keep these?
None were deleted?
We keep them for 30 days.
But anything from before October 19th
has been reformatted.
You reformatted it? Why?
Yeon-jin had asked me to erase it.
There he is. Look.
Son Myeong-o?
Yeah. Our director asked about him.
He showed me
some of their security footage
and asked me if the man was Son Myeong-o.
When was that?
I told him all I knew about Myeong-o,
but I never heard anything about footage.
A little less than a month ago.
I must've forgot.
But yeah, they came to talk to Yeo-jeong.
The police really came to see Yeo-jeong?
Moon Dong-eun,
you're a lot more interesting now.
Hey, Dr. Joo?
I thought that was you.
I saw you walk by earlier,
but I wasn't sure.
I've been meaning
to get in touch with you.
You asked me to let you know
if anyone came to the morgue.
Yeah. A woman?
Uh, no. It was a man.
Uh, he came in like two hours ago.
Here's his number.
I never actually met him.
All I had was his cell phone number.
A long time after that,
I tried to call him.
Could you tell me when?
October 19th, 11:15 that night, I think.
But he hung up as soon as he answered.
Cursed me out.
That's very detailed information.
I keep records on my phone.
Why'd you try to call him?
Ah. That was back when I was
working at Seoul Joo General.
There's this body at the hospital.
This death was concluded
as a suicide in 2004.
Their family did not agree
with the investigation.
So the hospital refused to process it.
So when I heard there was a visitor,
I thought it was family..
But it turned out to be Mr. Son.
Were you the doctor
in charge of that case?
There is something I forgot to say.
The previous and the current
hospital directors are my parents.
Oh, I see.
I'm sorry, did I do something wrong
when I called Mr. Son?
No, not really.
But you do happen to be
the last person who called Mr. Son.
In that case, I do sound suspicious.
Just kidding.
That wasn't too funny.
Could you text me
if you have any other questions?
I have an appointment soon.
So you wanted me to…
find Son Myeong-o.
Weather's great,
but I was feeling a bit down.
I hear you'll even see patients at night.
Well, I'm glad.
A lot of patients come
even when they don't need an umbrella.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Hmm? Probably have a few.
My girl's very clever and pretty,
but she can also act very cold sometimes.
So you're dating a mean girl then?
Let me ask you.
How much can guys usually forgive?
Assuming the girl's done bad things?
I'm not sure.
Guys don't usually want to marry
women who've had plastic surgery.
But they won't care what work
you've had done if they don't know.
But what if he already found out?
Then I think you should just get filler.
You'll still be able to keep your beauty,
but it'll disappear over time.
That way, you can keep playing dumb
until he learns the truth.
I didn't know fillers could be romantic.
I guess I'll have to see if you're right.
I'll need you to put me under.
I need to see
how the filler will react before I--
It's okay. I know you're good.
I just don't like how it feels
when filler goes in.
All right, get some sleep.
I'm sure privacy is very important to you.
So I picked Seoul instead of Semyeong.
I haven't been here in a while, in Seoul.
This is nice.
I heard about the two of you.
Then you probably didn't hear everything.
I'm injecting the propofol
into the IV now,
so you'll feel sleep soon.
Start counting backwards from ten.
-It's been too long, Mr. Ha.
May I take your code, ma'am?
Thank you so much.
Have you heard this before?
If there's still air in this
before I administer it,
you could die right here and now.
Son Myeong-o…
what did you do to him?
Hey, there.
What's up?
One minute. Then I'm gone.
You said you wanted to talk, so talk.
Wow, you haven't changed.
Listen closely, Yeon-jin.
You know that asshole, Jae-jun?
I did everything for that bastard.
I drive for him, I keep him company,
I act like I'm his friend.
And you probably know
I didn't go to college.
But I basically went there.
I signed his attendance.
So it really hurts my fucking pride
to only be called a driver.
Get on with it. You're pissing me off.
Yeah, that's exactly how I feel.
If I were him, I'd have spent all my time
becoming a director at Jaepyeong,
instead of fucking you.
Who the fuck…
Hey, fucking asshole.
Don't call me.
-You trying to record me or something?
-What're you saying?
It's those damn junkies
that keep calling me…
Hey, what the…
-Oh, you crazy bitch.
Honestly, I expected more from you.
All you have is that I cheated?
If you want to threaten me,
you'll have to try harder.
You can't make money that easily.
I'll buy you a new phone.
How about this one?
Yoon So-hee?
Yoon So-hee?
Who's that?
Oh, bitch, please!
Yoon So-hee's body's at Joo General.
Been there for years.
That day, you were on the roof,
weren't you?
What the hell are you saying now?
You're not making sense.
It does make sense, doesn't it, though?
The evidence I need
to prove you were there that day…
is right here.
There! You're finally starting
to show your true self!
Check if you don't believe me.
But I'll be taking this
to your station tomorrow.
Holy shit!
I'm not going to
have to haggle with you at all!
You actually were there, weren't you?
You know I was joking
about the director thing?
I'll take cash.
Let's start with around a billion won?
You son of a bitch!
This condom was pretty expensive…
It's strawberry-flavored.
If I…
can use this on you, I'll take off 10 mil.
And I'll take off another 10
if we do it without it.
Sound good?
But wait, I almost forgot.
it's already been a minute.
And then what?
What did you do after that?
What? Who's there?
Who said that?
How did you sleep, Ms. Park?
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