The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e10 Episode Script


Did you know that the guys are
meeting at your dad's place?
We're going, right?
[Putxi] You guys look
like you just saw a ghost.
They want to sue me.
It was an accident.
All you have to do is prove that.
The firm will love this case.
It's international and about sports.
Did I interrupt you
in the middle of something, or?
Pela, what are you doing here?
I can't deal with you anymore, I can't!
Stop meddling in my life!
How pissed off is Mom?
She cares for me, and I care for her.
These cookies
have the good stuff, dummy.
Don't be so stuck up, Laila.
-What's wrong?
-You're trying to hurt me.
-No, I thought you were hot.
-You're trying to hurt me!
[Nil] Emma, just go.
It was just physical attraction, I swear.
Terrats told me all about your deals
to build a new sports center.
What's with this sudden air
of moral superiority?
Is it true?
I should've asked you to stay.
[Anna] Thanks.
-What for?
-For always taking care of me.
[Germán] Now what?
What's wrong?
[Sílvia] Your dad had an accident.
Hey, girls. How's it going?
I want you on the rink in two minutes.
We need to warm up
before the game today.
Come on, hurry up.
I don't know if I can.
Of course you can, Gina.
All of you can.
Hey, I know it's a tough situation.
[Terrats] You're all in mourning.
Who wouldn't be?
[Terrats] But this game is important,
and the best thing you can do
for Lorena is play.
Give it your best. And win.
[Terrats] Yes or no?
[Terrats] Come on. Get ready.
[claps] Let's go.
I'll see you on the rink.
Come on, you can do this.
[door closes]
Come on, guys, grab your sticks.
No, hang on a second.
That was shitty pep talk.
We're not ready,
and not everyone's here.
Is this game really the best thing
we can do for Lorena right now?
I never thought I'd say this, but
screw the hockey league.
Yes, you're right.
[Berta] We're a team.
Inside and outside the rink.
What's taking them so long?
It's normal, Terrats,
they need some time.
Listen, what happened
to Lorena is a big deal.
We shouldn't pressure them.
I know, but this game is important.
If we win, we'll move up to third place.
Terrats, please.
Anna, I'm not heartless.
I know they're a mess. I know that.
But I also know that playing is going
to help them forget for a bit.
[Terrats] You've also gone through
some serious stuff, yet here you are.
Damn it, they were almost ready.
Terrats, wait a moment.
Where the hell?
[doorbell rings]
What about the game?
We don't want to play.
We'll move down to fourth place,
it doesn't matter.
[Berta] We want to be with you.
Is everything okay?
We flirted at one of the club's parties.
We exchanged phone numbers.
Then, we began texting each other and
I don't know.
It was fun, of course.
It was like being 15 again.
Son of a bitch!
I don't know
He made me feel young, full of life.
It was a mistake.
A mistake that hurt me deeply.
I know.
I know, and I'm sorry.
I really am.
I was too proud to ever ask you,
but I wanted to know who it was
so I could break his face.
You wouldn't have.
No, but I might've done
something to hurt him.
Thanks for coming with me
to Budapest anyways.
And for trying again.
Yes, yes, I understand. I understand.
Yes, yes, very well.
Okay. Thank you.
That was the funeral home.
The funeral director will be here
half an hour later than was scheduled.
Apparently, he has another service
at a different cemetery.
It's okay, honey.
Do you want to go stop by the flower shop
and buy some flowers?
It's just This is all very surreal.
We are going to bury his ashes
this afternoon, Mom, and I
But I can't stop thinking
he'll be at home eating your pasta.
-Life is very cruel, sweetie.
-[Sílvia sighs]
It screws you over
when you least expect it.
Oh, Mom. If I'm having a hard time,
imagine how bad it must be
for Lorena and Óscar.
I don't know how I'll convince them
to go back to school and practice
They will, don't worry.
I don't know, Mom.
Have you seen Óscar?
He's done nothing but cry
in his room all day.
He didn't cry at all during the funeral.
I don't know,
at least Lorena is letting it all out.
It happened so suddenly.
Come on, let's go.
Youssef. I'm leaving, okay?
-[Youssef] Bye.
Take care.
Thank you.
[Sílvia sighs]
And now comes the worst part,
because once we bury the ashes
it will all be over.
Oh, don't say that.
Pela will always be with us.
Do you know what I was thinking
during the funeral the other day?
That he was an asshole.
Just that?
I've cursed him in every way possible
for leaving us like this.
And I hope he heard me,
wherever he is.
[Enric] Sílvia!
-Hello, Rosa.
-[Rosa] Hi.
How are you?
[Rosa] We're coping.
I'll wait for you in the car.
I wanted to see you.
I'm just taking care of some things,
you know that.
Do you want me
to take you somewhere?
No, no, no.
Everything's under control, thank you.
It might do you some good
to take a break.
If you want, we could go for a walk
or get some coffee
No, no, I'm fine, really, I am.
[Enric] Are you sure?
Hey, Sílvia, I know what it's like
to lose someone you love.
You have to be strong for your children,
but not with me.
-[Enric] Come on, let me help you.
-I can't
I can't right now, Enric.
[Sílvia] I really can't. I'm sorry.
So many things have happened,
and I don't
I still need to process them.
-About the new sport's center--
-No, no, look, I
I only care about my children
right now, okay?
I don't need to take a break,
or get a coffee or go for a walk.
I just want to be at home
with them. You get that, right?
Yes, of course.
But don't do this alone.
I'm not alone, Enric.
I have my mother and my children.
We'll get through this.
[videogame sounds]
[Raquel] Hi.
What are you doing here?
The entire hockey team
came over to see Lorena.
Didn't you hear us arrive?
What are you playing?
Nothing, nothing. It's It's stupid.
[phone buzzes]
Someone's texting you.
It must be Putxi and the guys, right?
I don't know. I haven't checked.
It's easier to kill zombies.
No, no, they're not zombies.
I'm sure they're worried about you.
They're your friends.
Text them back, come on.
You're amazing.
I'm sure Putxi will offer you a blunt
to cheer you up.
What an idiot.
[typing noises]
This legal terminology
is impossible to understand.
What are you looking for?
I'm looking up possible convictions
for assault charges,
-but I can't find anything
-Oh, come on, Anna, drop it, please.
Let it go, please.
[Anna] Mom
I don't think having Montse
as my attorney is a good idea.
Oh, come on, Anna, she's really good.
She won a similar case recently.
Yeah, but I don't know, she's young.
But you're the one
who told us about her.
Well, Germán recommended her,
but I don't know
Listen, honey,
I understand that you're anxious.
I am as well, Anna.
But really, Montse is good,
she's a professional,
and she's fully immersed in your case.
[Núria] Honey
we will help you as much as we can,
but please, you need to trust
the people around you.
[Núria] Especially, Montse.
Yes, I know, you're right.
But, I don't know
Everything will be okay.
You hear me?
[Núria] Do you want some tea?
-Put this plant over there.
I'll go make some tea.
Do you remember our grandfather?
Yes, of course.
Like, when he died, I mean.
[Anna] Can I see?
How cute.
It was September,
the first day of school.
It was an incredibly sunny day,
but the strangest thing happened
after we left the church.
What happened?
It started raining heavily.
We got completely soaked.
Dad said that Grandpa was angry
for having his funeral in a church,
so he was making us pay for it.
He sounds vengeful.
Yeah, he was a man of character.
But he loved us very much,
and played with us a lot.
In fact, you became very sad
when he passed away.
I don't remember that.
-Did I cry?
-[Anna] Did you cry?
You refused to eat for an entire week.
Hey, if you want to look
at more photographs,
the albums are in the office.
I'm saying this because those photographs
are the kind without a filter;
-the one's you can actually touch.
-Shut up!
Do you want me to get them?
I can't imagine
what it's like to lose a father.
I wrote Lorena a text, but
I can't bring myself to send it to her.
What are you going to say to her?
I don't know. I don't know
I want her to know
that she's in my thoughts.
[Anna] Right.
What if I text her some heart emojis?
Through text?
No, Emma, not that.
[Anna] You don't text things like that.
You should do it in person.
You're friends.
The thing is,
I lied to them at the party the other day.
How so?
I made them believe that things
were going well with my new team,
and that we were having a huge party,
as if I didn't actually miss them.
Listen to me, Emma,
Lorena doesn't care about that right now.
[Anna] Come on, go.
[doorbell rings]
I'm so sorry.
Everyone's here.
It's great to see everyone here,
wearing the team jersey.
You're team's jersey is pretty cool too.
Yeah, but I like this one better.
[Gina] I'm not giving you your spot back.
I'm not leaving after all the extra hours
of practice I've had to endure,
not even if they paid me.
[giggling and laughing]
-Did they treat you badly?
Remember the day she showed up
wearing a leotard?
And when she said she was
"saving" the team?
[Gina] Hey, no need
to add insult to injury.
[Flor] You used to brake so hard.
You fell all the time.
[Lorena] Like in that video
you uploaded to Instagram.
[Raquel] The one where she did
a triple axel and hit the ground.
How's working at the bar with your dad?
Does it suck?
[Laila] Now you care about me?
You made me eat those cookies
and then left.
[Raquel] No, I want to be here
with my friends.
It's important for Lorena and the others.
Well, I think it's unfair, and I can't
believe you're asking me to come back.
What about what I want?
Why is it always what you want?
[Raquel] I said no! No!
I'm sick of you!
I'm not coming back!
I said no, damn it!
Are you all right?
What happened?
Nobody ever asks me what I want,
and I'm tired of it.
What are you doing?
Dude, I'm hungry.
Yeah, but you could ask first.
Oh, it's not a big deal, dude.
It's her house.
-Oh, hi.
Don't you have a game?
[Putxi] Hey, Óscar,
are you sure you don't want some?
Quit offering me to smoke, Putxi.
[Lluc] He's like a Catalonian Bob Marley,
but without a fucking clue about reggae.
Come on, Óscar,
what do you want to do?
Do you want to play videogames?
I'm not in the mood.
Although, getting drunk
wouldn't be a bad idea.
There we go. Sounds like someone
wants to get wasted, am I right?
I'll mix a few drinks
you're going to love. You'll see.
Bernat, help me make some drinks,
come on.
No way, I'm making my own,
you always put too much rum.
Losing them sucks, man.
Either one of them.
It's not supposed to happen.
I mean, it's not right,
they're supposed to die of old age.
Do you
Do you still think about your mom?
I felt like shit when it happened.
I don't know if you remember,
but I didn't even go to practice.
I don't know
I think that eventually you learn to live
with the void they left behind.
And then you realize
that you can move on.
[Putxi] I didn't put that much.
[Putxi] Óscar, try this,
Lluc's complaining again.
[Putxi] Let me know if I put too much rum.
Don't make me read, honey.
You're better at those things.
Oh, Mom, I don't think I can do it.
-Are there any fries left?
-We're making some sandwiches for you.
Lore, do you want to read something
at the burial?
Aren't we scattering Dad's ashes
throughout the cottage?
Lorena, we've talked about this.
We're not allowed to.
Besides, where exactly?
That place is a mess.
The town cemetery is beautiful.
Besides, our entire family
is buried there.
No, no, no. Are you crazy?
You want to bury Dad there?
Look, Lorena, we'll have
a small ceremony, okay?
Just family. It will be nice.
Ray will play the guitar
No, Mom, no.
How can you do this to Dad?
He wouldn't have wanted this
and you know it.
He always said
that he was free like the wind.
Honey, I I
we have to respect his last wishes!
Lorena, calm down.
Everyone's distraught, okay?
Don't make it worse.
We'll go to the cemetery,
everything's been organized.
Since it's a criminal complaint,
we'll go to trial for sure.
But that takes time, right?
Well, the justice system
isn't known for being fast,
so we'll have time to prepare
a good defense.
Yes, the best defense possible.
We have to prove that the incident
that caused Joana to enter a coma
-was an accident.
-Well, we were arguing.
But you didn't mean
to put her in a comma.
No, no, of course not.
But I did push her.
There was an assault, yes.
And for that, they can ask
for a high compensation.
-How high?
-That depends.
If she can play again, we might get lucky
and only have to pay a small compensation,
because you'll only have to pay
for the hospital bills and her time off,
but if she can't play again
What then?
The compensation might cost you a fortune,
for ending her career.
[Núria sighs]
But there's an even
worst case scenario, Anna.
-Worse than that?
-I'm sorry, but it's my duty
to inform you of all possibilities.
Yes, of course. Tell us, please.
If the judge rules out
that it was an accident
they could ask for jail time.
Jail time?
From a minimum of three months
to a maximum of three years.
What do you mean three years?
No, no
[Flor] That was a badass move back there.
[Flor] Can you imagine what Terrats' face
must've looked like?
I'll let you know when I get home.
[All talking]
My dad's not being put in a hole.
No fucking way.
I know the perfect place to set him free.
At Turó de la Murtra.
He used to take us
rock climbing there as kids.
Is it far?
A little bit.
But we have to stop somewhere else first.
[bird chirping]
[Lorena] Everything looks the same.
It's as if time itself has frozen.
I feel like I'm going
to find him inside, unshaved
and looking like a mess, as usual.
You don't have to go in, Lore.
Stay here with Gina
and we'll go find it inside.
Yeah, you don't have to go.
No, I want to go in.
Do you know what I think?
If I died all of a sudden, like Pela did,
my parents
wouldn't even notice I'm gone.
Why would you say that?
You're parents spoil you, Raquel,
they give you everything.
Yeah, they pay for my clothes
and everything else,
but they don't care to know how I feel.
Come on, Raquel,
don't say those things.
We're all very sensitive today.
They only care about money,
showing off and their business.
Just because they make mistakes,
it doesn't mean they don't love you.
Do you think they'll ground me
for not listening to them?
Not a chance.
They'll ignore me, as usual.
[phone rings]
Berta, are you coming or what?
In a minute.
[incoming text]
[Youssef] What happened?
Nothing. Nothing
They're fine, Youssef.
Leave them alone for today.
They're keeping Lorena company.
-They could've gone after the game.
-[Terrats] Yes.
You know me well,
you can imagine how pissed off I was.
[Terrats] I know.
But you have to admit
that they've got balls.
The things they do I would've never
thought of doing them when I was young.
I assure you that with this bond and
determination, we'll make a comeback.
-Of course.
-[Terrats laughs]
What was the band's name?
Me la Pela.
It's the first album
my dad and Ray recorded.
He'd always play it in the car,
and Óscar and I would complain.
"Mediterranean diet, ladies."
Always offering nasty kebabs.
And beer, every single time.
I don't even like it.
That was
one of the best nights of my life.
I should've stayed with him back then.
If only I had known
We can never know these things.
You have to live every day to the fullest.
Fucking accidents.
It drives me crazy, thinking that
this could happen to my mom or Óscar
or you.
I'll never leave you alone.
What do you know?
It's not here.
Laila, how much longer
are you going to avoid Emma?
She's two faced.
Don't you know?
She wouldn't leave your side
when you got a bad reaction,
and she looked worried.
She left because
you yelled at her to do so.
Hey, I think I've found it.
Lorena, come here.
[Emma] That's the one, right?
Yes. Thanks, Emma.
How does it work?
Does it have a cord?
There was a time
before the Internet, sweetie.
[Lorena] Yes!
Now we can go to the hill.
-[Sílvia] How is he?
-[Putxi] He only drank a little bit.
[Lluc] Sorry for bothering you, Sílvia,
but he wouldn't stop talking about you.
[Sílvia] No, no, it's okay.
You did the right thing to call me.
Hey, hey, honey.
Hey, I'm here. Hey, it's okay.
It's okay, Óscar.
Hey, hey, Óscar.
Look at me, look at me, okay?
Come on, let's go.
That's it, grab my hand.
That's it. That's it.
Thank you.
Let's go.
That's it, Óscar, that's it.
[breathing fast]
Oh, honey
[Sílvia] It's okay.
Hey, hey.
Óscar, let's go, okay?
Let's go, sweetie.
-[Nil] Do you need help?
-No, I got him, I got him, thanks.
That sucks, man.
I know.
[car approaches]
Hey, how are you?
Is everything okay?
Yeah, I just needed some air.
I'm okay.
[Germán] I meant to call you.
How are you?
[Anna] I'm getting there.
Montse came by earlier
to talk to my parents.
How did they take it
when they heard about the lawsuit?
I thought they'd be angry,
but they're sad.
I guess they're disappointed,
even if they don't say it.
What Montse said scared us,
to be honest.
It doesn't look good.
My mother is trying to hide it,
but she's clearly worried.
We're all very worried.
Anna, what happened at the gym
Yes, I know.
I know it was crazy and
well, we talked about it.
Do you regret it?
[doorbell rings]
[Terrats] Hey.
Are you going running like that?
No, I'm not in the mood for running.
Do you want some tea then?
-I was about to finish mine.
-No, no, thanks.
No, I have too many things
going on in my head.
Because of Anna?
And Núria.
She's going to commute every weekend,
so she can follow the case.
That makes sense.
I offered her to stay with us.
It wouldn't make sense
to make her stay at a hotel, right?
Santi what are you trying to tell me?
She can't know
about what happened between us.
But you're separated, right?
Yes, but she wouldn't be too happy
if she found out that I slept with you.
With me? Right
She can't stand me, right?
Let's just say you're not her cup of tea.
We had a fight when I told her
that I lent you money for in vitro.
Well, I'm sorry
that you had to argue about that.
I shouldn't have accepted that money.
I was obsessed,
and I wasn't aware of something
that was always in front of me.
What's that?
That I already have a daughter, Berta.
And she's wonderful.
I'm sorry
I didn't want to think anymore,
so I drank.
No, no. It's okay, Óscar.
I'm the one who should be asking
for your forgiveness.
-To you and Lorena.
The day before the accident, I
I had an argument with your dad.
I was angry.
I was pissed at him
for showing up uninvited
and for interrupting Enric and me, and
-and I I got heated up
No, Óscar,
I told him to leave me alone,
to get out of my life.
Maybe he was sad the next day
and drank more than he should have,
or maybe he did something stupid
on his bike. I don't know
-Mom, Dad wasn't mad
-Óscar, maybe if I hadn't told him off
he would still be alive.
Mom, Dad wasn't mad at you.
He understood perfectly.
I talked to him that night.
It was an accident, Mom.
The road was wet
that truck ran him over, and
It's not your fault.
[door closes]
-[Santi] For you.
-What's this?
I wanted to surprise you.
I know it's not much.
Thank you so much, Dad.
-[Santi] May I?
-Yeah, of course.
You know,
now I understand
why you were so defensive
whenever I talked about the future;
about playing again.
I didn't know what to think when you said:
"I'm not how you think I am."
Look, Anna,
despite what happened, I know you.
I've watched you grow
and I know who you are.
I want you to know
that I'm proud of you.
You should be prouder of Emma, Dad.
I'm proud of both of you.
But I feel like I've been
letting you two down lately.
You're doing great.
Look, we'll pay the fine, okay?
Whatever it takes to keep you out of jail.
We'll get a loan or something.
It's important for me to know that
you and Mom are on my side, really.
Why would you ever doubt?
Come here.
Girls, aren't you tired?
Yeah, we should take a break.
Yeah, let's take a short break, come on.
Oh, man, I stepped on shit. Gross.
-[Raquel] Must be a boar's.
-[Berta] Seriously?
[Raquel] Didn't you see
the holes on the ground?
-On the ground?
Wow, and she claims to want to study
medicine and examine cadavers.
Flor, that's different, those are dead.
[Raquel] I've seen them around
my neighborhood, they're harmless.
[Berta] I know, but their tusks
mean business. I don't really like them.
-[Raquel] Why? They're harmless.
-[Flor] This is what they eat, acorns.
-[Raquel] Tiny acorns.
[Flor] What do you call them?
Little acorns?
How's it going at the Olímpic club?
Well, not really. It's bad.
They're a bunch of stuck ups.
I thought you were best friends.
Only between themselves.
But they treat me like a loser, so
I'm sorry about what I said earlier.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
How are things with Nil?
My father won't let me see him.
And he's making me work overtime
at the bar.
And I'm pretty sure we're spending
the whole summer in Morocco.
Really? Fuck, that sucks.
My cousins are there.
I have fun with them.
[Gina] Have you seen Lorena?
[Emma] Oh, shit. No.
-I haven't.
-No, I haven't.
She was here a moment ago.
I'll go look for her, okay?
-[Flor] Okay.
-I'll be right back.
I remember one day
my dad had the flu
and had to stay in bed for a few days.
I was shocked to see him sick
so vulnerable.
Óscar told me that
that if we sang to him, he'd get better.
So there we were,
the two of us singing to him
for two days straight.
[Gina] Lore
It's just
I don't know if we're doing
the right thing.
I mean
my brother also has a right
to say goodbye to him.
And my mother, and my grandma.
Do you want to go back?
I don't want them to bury him either.
We were meeting that afternoon
to look for gigs.
We all feel the same way, Raimon.
Pela had his quirks,
but we still loved him.
Thanks for letting me come
to the cemetery.
Of course, Ray. You're like family.
We should get going.
Mom, Lorena says
she's at Turó de la Murtra.
What is she doing there?
She says
She has Dad's ashes.
I'm sorry.
Come here, dummy.
You're just like your dad.
Are you mad?
You're wearing Dad's jacket.
It's too big for me.
[O A by Esperit! playing]
Goodbye, Pela.
Safe travels, my friend.
[deep sigh]
I'll miss you, Dad.
I hope Mom's right
and I turn out to be more like you.
Your dream was to make music
and be free
and you did.
I also hope to find
my dream someday, Dad.
Thank you for everything
you've taught me.
I promise I'll be as happy and free
as you were.
I'm suffocating in this town.
If you really care about Sílvia,
prove it to her.
Back out of the sports club deal.
What's wrong?
Anna is looking for information
about my previous family.
She's only 16.
This could really hurt her.
We can't hide this from her.
When can we meet?
We have a problem.
Hey, I don't care
if you and Júlia are going out.
This is the end of the season
it's a very important game.
I'm fed up.
-But you like hockey.
-Not anymore!
[Anna] If you play this well
against the Olímpic, you'll win.
What's wrong?
They know we aren't as good as them.
They're going to crush us.
It's okay if you don't want to.
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