The Interest of Love (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Do you know how to play the piano?
Just a bit. I taught myself.
Let me see you play.
No, it's okay.
What's stopping you? No one's here.
That day,
we were just two travelers
on a train platform.
Like an unspoken agreement…
neither of us opened up…
about our personal matters.
Like two strangers…
we only shared that very moment.
That was a classical piece, right?
Chopin once loved a woman.
He wrote that piece for her.
Musicians are romantic
even when they're in love.
He must've loved her a lot.
But they broke up.
They came face-to-face with reality.
Social status differences,
family disapproval issues,
and other such things.
That's why it's called
"The Farewell Waltz."
I didn't know it was a sad piece.
Thank you for today.
For what?
Just everything.
I had a good laugh
for the first time in ages, thanks to you.
Are you happy?
Earlier today,
you said that you're trying your best.
So are you happy?
There's our train.
Should I break up?
Should I break up with Jong-hyeon?
What did you mean…
back there?
Then what did you mean by that?
Why did you ask if I was happy?
What about you?
Are you happy?
Su-yeong, will you be coming home late?
We need to talk.
Why are you outside?
Good to see you.
It's been ages
since we last saw each other.
Sang-su told me a few months ago
that you all work at the same branch.
Right. I didn't know you met with him.
Yes, I ran into him at your bank.
But why didn't he come today?
-A VIP client suddenly passed away.
-I see.
He went to offer his condolences.
You guys are really laid-back.
When I heard you guys
were all working there,
I was a bit surprised.
Wait, did you…
say anything to Sang-su?
-Come on.
Why are you so upset?
Sang-su knows about us.
Yes. So what?
We dated in college, briefly.
We weren't even serious.
There is no "we."
I'm dating Sang-su now.
Okay. I get it.
So, what? Are you going to see him now?
Are you going to confess?
What's it to you?
He hasn't confronted you about it
even though he found out months ago.
For whatever reason,
he's pretending not to know.
Isn't this a good thing for you?
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have acted like that.
I thought about what I did and regretted.
The fact that you saw
such an ugly side of me…
was hard for me.
That's why…
I'm going to move out, Su-yeong.
I've saved up some money.
So I'll be able to move back
to the old rooftop
by the end of this month.
-Thank you for your hospitality.
It must've been
uncomfortable living with me.
What about your exam?
I won't give up. Don't worry.
I'm going to keep the promise
I made to you at all costs.
So can we start over?
Should I break up with Jong-hyeon?
Hey, did you get home?
Yes, just now.
Then can you open the door?
-Here you go.
That's Chopin.
Why didn't you leave it on?
I like that piece too.
Do you?
It sounds warm and beautiful.
Not the title, though.
"The Farewell Waltz."
That's the title
that Chopin's ex-lover made
after breaking up with him.
He dedicated this song
to the woman he loved.
But in the end,
it became "The Farewell Waltz."
By the way,
why listen to Chopin out of the blue?
You were never interested
in classical music.
No particular reason.
Sang-su, I heard
you found out about everything.
About my relationship…
with Gyeong-pil.
Why didn't you say anything?
Because it was all in the past.
And it wasn't like you did anything wrong.
But I didn't open up to you about it.
I wasn't honest with you.
Not telling me about it
doesn't mean you were dishonest.
It's really okay. I mean it.
That's it?
What do you mean?
It's strange.
You say that you're fine,
but why do I feel hurt?
Then should I get upset?
Do you also have something like this?
Like what?
Something you haven't told me about.
Never mind.
Goodness, I'm exhausted.
Are you happy?
I love you.
To show our respect
for your individuality and creativity,
KCU Bank will
no longer require a dress code.
There's a box out in the hallway
to return your uniforms.
Does this mean we can wear
whatever we want to work?
Uniforms are fine.
It's a hassle to choose outfits every day.
What's the matter?
Now we can wear
all sorts of pretty clothes.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
And thank you
for dropping off Su-yeong yesterday.
I saw your car in front of her house.
Here, let me. It's my job.
I'll take it from here.
-Hey there.
Why did you do that?
About Mi-gyeong and me.
Why didn't you say anything?
What was I supposed to do?
Get mad and ask why you did that to her?
So you even knew what I did.
It's all in the past.
What's so strange to you?
It's not necessarily strange.
I just don't get it.
How could you be completely fine with it?
Are you sure you even like her?
Well, I guess it's none of my business.
I guess she's returning her uniform.
Why else would she not need her uniform?
Right. You missed this morning's meeting.
I guess it just kind of happened.
Why did you bring this out?
-To return it.
Because I don't need it anymore.
Are you really quitting?
-Are you leaving the bank?
You didn't tell me about this yesterday.
-Mr. Ha, this is--
-So why all of a sudden…
Hey, Sang-su.
We get to show off our fashion sense now.
-Go return your uniform.
Are you really quitting?
So why all of a sudden…
Sang-su, have some coffee.
Don't mention it.
Are you free later today?
Why did you want to come here?
Because we haven't really
gone out for dates.
I was also curious about this place
since you came here often.
Why won't you answer?
It's not important.
Isn't Seon-jae the friend
you've been hanging out with?
Seon-jae's still young, so a bit immature.
All the answers are in the textbook,
but Seon-jae still asks me.
But you still answer his questions.
You're a good friend.
This is where you wanted to come?
How did you know I was a member here?
-I booked you for next week.
Thank you.
Mom, what are you doing there?
Did you ask her to come?
Ms. Han is the new friend that I made.
She stepped outside for a bit,
so I'm watching the shop.
Are you here for a couple's massage?
That's great.
This place may look rundown,
but they offer excellent service.
Goodness. You're back.
Say hello.
I told you my daughter
had a boyfriend, right?
Doesn't he look dependable?
-He looks wonderful to me.
And I'm incredibly proud of him.
Goodness. Why are you talking like that?
If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you're bragging about your son.
She's my mother.
My mom is the owner of this shop.
What do you mean, no?
You can't date Ha Sang-su.
I tried my best to keep an open mind.
I mean, he's calm and cautious.
He's warm and friendly too. I like him.
But the owner
of that building is my friend.
Why did he have to be the son
of my friend's tenant?
This is more than I can handle.
My pride has been hurt.
Why did it have to be him of all--
I like him more than he likes me.
I like him more.
So put your pride aside.
I won't break up with him.
What was that all of a sudden?
Why did you bring her here?
She seemed pretty shaken.
I just thought it was time.
Do you like her a lot?
Think about it.
Given your personality,
you must like her a lot
if you decided to introduce her to me.
Why do you like her?
I feel comfortable.
We went to the same college,
and we get each other.
She's easy to get along with,
so we never argue.
She's also acknowledged
and respected at the bank.
What is it?
Well, it just sounds
like you're complimenting a colleague.
Not your girlfriend.
Are you really quitting?
-Are you leaving the bank?
You should've given me a heads-up.
I was so flustered today.
I didn't want you to be nervous.
There's nothing bad about being nervous
when meeting my boyfriend's mother.
Anyway, thank you.
To be honest, I was touched today.
You took a step
toward me for the first time.
Do you want me to come over right now?
Right now?
It's too late. I'll see you tomorrow.
I wasn't being serious.
You must be tired too. Get some rest.
Okay. Good night.
Are you happy?
-Are you that happy?
-About what?
-You're living together now
yet still have so much to say.
Well, yes. I'm happy.
Fine. I guess that's how newlyweds are.
Yes, I can talk.
Hey, newlywed. Don't be late.
He's happy as a clam. You're here early.
What was that yesterday?
What was what?
You gave me the wrong idea.
Wrong idea? What do you mean?
Were you shocked
because you thought she was quitting?
I hate how sneaky you are sometimes.
Quit trying to feel me out like that.
It's offensive, no matter what.
All right.
I'm here.
Your cousin is outside.
-How did you know?
-Know what?
How do you know his face
when I've never introduced you two?
Well, that's obvious.
You introduced us before.
Maybe you don't remember
because it's been so long.
Thank you for your support last quarter.
Thanks to you,
our branch improved its performance.
And I was able to save face.
You should thank him instead.
I only did it because of him.
By the way, what brings you here today?
Even Deputy Manager Park from HQ is here.
I came to discuss the workforce assignment
for the subbranch in Seogwang University.
I came…
to take a better look.
At what, sir?
I brought some coffee.
Please serve President Park first.
I heard he's my daughter's boyfriend.
Are you talking about Mr. Ha?
That's true. He's dating Ms. Park, sir.
Mr. Ha is an excellent employee.
Of course, he's not as good as Ms. Park.
But he's a man
of conviction and principle.
His performance is outstanding as well.
There she comes.
Is Ms. Park's father
the head of Daeseong Construction?
And is her cousin
the deputy manager of Strategic Planning?
I knew her family was rich,
but this is on a whole other level.
I used to be jealous of her
for dating Mr. Ha.
But now, I'm jealous of him.
He's the male version of Cinderella.
Seeing how they're here,
maybe they'll get married.
You're probably right.
Getting married is easy
when you're that wealthy.
Ms. Bae, can you come here for a minute?
I haven't approved of him yet.
I only came
because you asked for the first time.
I know.
But what's gotten into you?
You used to avoid me
whenever I came around your workplace.
Wait. Are you the one chasing him?
You should go.
You need to learn how to get
what I can't buy for you.
I want a formal introduction.
Did he leave?
Did he surprise you?
That's just how my dad is.
He must have heard from Mom
and got curious.
Were you uncomfortable?
I'm glad, though.
We're meeting each other's parents now.
We'll become a family soon.
I'd like to have lunch together,
but I have to work outside of the office.
I'll be clocking out from there too.
I have a site inspection.
Then how about
some wine at my place later?
We'll see. I'll call you later.
Okay. Call me later.
Isn't she the owner of the gukbap place?
She's delivering food despite her leg.
You're right.
Her husband always did the deliveries.
Did she just call that woman mom?
-Are you all right?
Mom, are you okay?
-Oh, no.
-Are you all right, ma'am?
-Oh, no.
-Are you hurt?
Let me see, Mom.
I'm okay.
You're not okay. You're bleeding!
The oyster gukbap place at the market?
I can't believe
she didn't tell us this whole time.
I had no idea and even talked about
how the owner had trouble walking
because of her leg.
I feel terrible now.
I'm sure she had her reasons.
So please keep this a secret
from our colleagues.
Of course.
Ms. Seo, Mr. Ha, and I
all know how to keep a secret.
Mr. Ha took the lady to the hospital.
Is she okay?
Why are you still here?
I was worried.
You should go.
I heard you had an inspection.
I'll wait for you.
But it's still working hours,
and I have a reason to be here.
I can do it some other time.
She needs to receive a few tests,
so it'll take some time.
Thank you.
What should we do?
I think your colleagues
heard you calling me mom.
You are my mom.
Get your leg checked out.
You should get it treated.
I'm fine.
But I'm not.
I'm not fine.
Hey, Mi-gyeong.
Hey, Sang-su.
Are you still at the hospital?
What? Yes.
Ms. Bae told me.
I heard Su-yeong's mother was injured.
It's not that serious.
Could you keep this a secret
from the other--
What do you take me for?
Don't worry.
I said the same thing to Ms. Bae.
I see. Thanks.
Why are you thanking me?
I'm not sure. That came out wrong.
-Thank you.
-Thank you. Goodbye.
Did you take the afternoon off?
Or is something going on?
What about your mom? Is she okay?
How bad is it?
Where did she get hurt?
Did you know?
That she feels
psychogenic pain in her leg.
Her nerves are fine,
but she's refusing to get treatment.
She was fine when I left Tongyeong.
So what happened?
Is there something else
I don't know about?
Other than how you had an affair?
Or how Su-hyeok saw that woman
and died in an accident that day?
Is there anything else
that I need to know?
You ruined everything for us.
Hi, Jong-hyeon.
I'm fine.
Thank you for today.
Is your mother okay?
Aren't you getting on a bus?
Well, I…
Would you like to go for a walk?
Why did you act that way…
when I returned my uniform yesterday?
Gyeong-pil pulled a prank on me.
He talked as if you were quitting.
Is that how shocked
you're going to be if I quit?
Are you going to quit?
If I can't tolerate it
any longer, then yes.
But not anytime soon.
Are you tired?
It feels like you tricked me.
You never said anything about hiking.
But that's what we're doing.
This is my college campus.
I know you graduated from here.
You must be very proud,
seeing how you brought me here.
Of course, I am.
It's the first time
I achieved something through hard work.
The students here must be healthy,
thanks to hiking every day.
We used to call this place
the Hill of Oblivion.
Because once we reached the top,
we were utterly exhausted
and couldn't focus.
That's nice.
You could forget everything
and start fresh.
You can do the same too.
What would you like me to forget?
This exhausting day.
Hurry up.
Whoever gets there last has to buy dinner.
This number is not available right now.
At the tone, please record your message.
I think they're closed.
They serve a mean pork cutlet here.
But all pork cutlets are delicious.
This place is exceptionally good.
This feels like boot camp.
Grueling training, no food…
Should we go somewhere else, then?
You mean down that hill?
The back gate leads to the main street.
Then we could've just come here
through the back gate.
Why did we take the hill?
You're right.
Did you really go here?
Of course.
I don't believe it.
But I really did.
If you don't believe me,
ask Gyeong-pil and Mi-gyeong.
Let's go.
You can drop me off there.
I'll go into the alley.
That's okay. I can just get off here.
Thank you.
Wait, so…
When can we have a meal together?
Is there a reason why we should?
Is there a reason why we shouldn't?
What's wrong with having a meal?
You're right.
How about tomorrow then?
Does the weekend not work for you?
No, that's fine.
Sang-su, where are you?
I've been calling you.
I see.
I came out to see someone.
I'll come over later.
What brings you here?
I have something for you.
Can I come in for a minute?
Come in.
Sorry for barging in.
I called, but you didn't answer.
Why did you want to see me?
To give you these. We don't need
to wear uniforms anymore, so…
They're brand-new.
I wanted to give them to you.
That's not necessary.
I hope you'll wear them.
Thank you.
How is your mother?
-Ms. Bae told me.
I told her not to tell the others,
so don't worry.
Yes, she's fine.
That's a relief.
Are you coming from the hospital?
I see.
Here's your coffee.
How's it going with Mr. Jeong?
Is something wrong?
No, we're doing fine.
You don't have any plans
to get married yet, do you?
I get it.
He's still young, and so are you.
Once you become my age,
your parents
will pressure you to get married.
Look at how my dad visited the bank.
He must've been curious about Sang-su.
I met his mother yesterday.
They think marriage is on the table
given how we've been dating for a while.
But Sang-su and I haven't discussed it.
When we get married later,
will you catch my bouquet?
It'd be great if you could.
Are you home?
Did you drink?
Yes. A bit.
Why did you drink so much?
It's late.
You should've stayed home and rested.
I just wanted to see you.
I parked your car in the parking lot.
That car doesn't belong to me.
I know.
I understand how you feel.
But I bought it already.
I didn't want to watch it collect dust
in the parking lot for months.
We already talked about this.
Why bring this up again?
Then why are you studying
to get certified?
Why do you want to move to HQ?
Isn't it because you want
to live in a better house
and have a better car and clothes?
Why can't I give them to you first
-if you're going to get them anyway?
-That's ridiculous, Mi-gyeong.
Are you still going to play golf tomorrow?
All right. I'll get going, then.
Take the car back.
Drive it or throw it away.
Do what you want with it.
I just hated seeing it
in the parking lot every day…
because it felt like…
a rejection.
I'm sorry.
Thanks, Jong-hyeon. And I'm sorry.
I'll pay off the rest of
the hospital bills. Don't worry.
Su-yeong, what is this?
I didn't mean to look at it.
But I read your mom's text yesterday.
Please give this to her.
I'm not rich,
and I didn't take out a loan.
I happened to get hold of some cash.
It wasn't meant for me, anyway.
That's ridiculous.
Jong-hyeon, you see…
it makes me mad
that we struggle with things…
that others find to be simple.
And that we're desperate over things
that seem trivial to others.
This is my way of venting.
I'm going to take a nap.
I'll leave the money here.
I'd like you to have it.
But if you don't want it,
just leave it here.
Are you sure about this?
If I take this money, I'll feel bad again.
And then we'll go through…
the same problem again.
You can decide what to do with it.
Your father passed away at an early age?
-Yes, sir.
-Mine too.
Because of that,
I became the breadwinner when I was 15.
That's when I decided
to become a useful father
instead of a kind one.
Being affectionate serves no purpose,
so I chose to be a father
who could provide for his child.
That's how I've been living my life
and will continue to do so.
I don't care whether I like
my daughter's boyfriend,
or if he comes from a good background
because I can make up for what he lacks.
As long as his family
didn't commit any crimes, that is.
I don't care how you feel either.
I'll give her anything
and everything she wishes to have.
What did you and my dad talk about?
I think he loves you a lot.
I beg to differ.
He only shows his affection through money.
He's never been the warm-hearted type.
Let's have dinner together.
What is it? Do you have plans?
I'm sorry, Su-yeong.
I promise to pay you back.
I'm here.
I'm sorry.
I forgot I had plans with Jong-hyeon.
Yes, I'm with him right now.
You don't need to treat me to a meal.
I'm hanging up now.
What are you looking at?
The bus route.
This is exactly what life is like.
A circle.
You fool yourself into thinking
that you're going somewhere…
but then you're back to square one.
You're just going in circles.
Our entire life
is just one big, never-ending circle.
Why aren't you saying anything?
You caught me lying to you.
Can you help me with something?
Last time, it was hiking.
Is it cold-weather training this time?
I'm close with the manager here.
In return for coming here whenever I want,
I clean the rink every now and then.
But why do I need to take part
in your secret deal?
It's nice and cool here.
Can't you see that my cheeks are cold?
That's not how you do it.
This is a bit different
from regular sweeping.
You need a delicate touch
when smoothing out the surface.
Be gentle. Treat it as if it's a baby.
Like this.
You're showing off
over something so trivial.
You must be good at everything.
Despite being good at everything,
it looks like you don't know how to skate.
Does that make you happy?
Shall I teach you?
You're a quick study.
I'm a natural.
I just never got the chance to learn it.
This is a piece of cake.
Let's race to that end of the rink.
You played hockey for over a decade,
but you want to beat me in a race?
That's right.
I'll just use one leg. You can use both.
I want a ten-second head start.
All right.
Get ready.
Get set. Go!
Don't go yet.
It hasn't been ten seconds.
Why aren't you coming?
I lost.
But you didn't even try.
I'll just… let you win.
A circle.
You fool yourself into thinking
that you're going somewhere…
but then you're back to square one.
I fooled myself into thinking
I was going somewhere.
But here I am.
In the end…
I'm back to square one…
once again.
I skate pretty well, right?
Thank you.
I don't think…
I can do this anymore.
Once again…
I'm back to Su-yeong.
I'm done thinking now.
Ahn Su-yeong, I like you.
I like you too, Mr. Ha.
I liked you from the moment I saw you.
They're seeing each other, right?
When I'm with you,
I forget about my troubles.
Su-yeong. I have a question.
Is it because of me you're going?
And what I said yesterday?
Are you okay?
Are you free today?
I have something to tell you.
Will you break up with Mi-gyeong?
Subtitle translation by: Sooji Kim
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