The Legacy (2014) s01e10 Episode Script

Afsnit 10

- I have talked to the board.
I am not interested in working there,
I want to come back to the art gallery.
Recommend me and tell them that
you support me for the directorship.
That Jensen bloke accepted
the new lease,
we'll get 50,000 more a year
for the acreage.
I'll keep the four hectares down there.
Are you ready to become a farmer?
No, I am not!
Dad's got a company
that makes these mats.
- Where does he get his hemp?
- He grows it.
- Right.
- You're holding the future.
- You, you, you, me!
- Andreas, what do you mean?
You agreed to the blueprints, right?
- Yes.
- But all of a sudden the rooms
are too small and you're stomping
about in the fields and want hemp.
Are you afraid
Solveig might leave you?
I don't want to break up.
I just don't know if I can forgive her.
- Didn't I tell you to fuck off?
- Marlee wants the money you owe him.
It won't be me they send next time
if you don't meet that deadline.
I have a debt in Thailand
I have got to pay back.
400,000 is a hell of a lot of money.
You need to know that if you lend him
400,000 you will never see it again.
- I think he really needs that money.
- He always does.
I'm going to have a think about it.
But what the heck, there is nothing
to think about. Didn't we have a deal?
Yes, we had a deal, but it isn't
my fault you have got into trouble.
I'm going to have to sell the resort, it'll
hurt but I can get almost a million for it.
There's this Irishman. He was interested
in it before, I reckon he'll buy it off me.
In that case
that is what you'll have to do.
When I get back, we can start over.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello. I'm Jan.
So you are going to farm
the land yourselves.
Yes, that's the plan. I am going to
agricultural college in the winter.
- This is all new to me.
- No, and you?
Oh, right No, it's just me.
Andreas is so busy with his handball.
- I see.
- But anyway - Yes.
I know very well that I'll have to learn
everything from scratch.
I have received
the soil sample test results
- and this land should be good for hemp.
- Why hemp exactly?
I like the idea of growing
without the use of poisons
and hemp is the future,
but of course you know all about that.
And you were thinking of turning all
the fields over to hemp in time or what?
No, the rest of the land
has been leased out.
Well yes, that was my intention.
But you've just leased it
to that Jensen bloke.
I will terminate the contract
if it goes well here.
I reckon it seems a bit spontaneous,
the whole business,
I must say.
But, I like that.
I can offer you 1.5 krone per kilo
and I'll show up with the equipment
and manpower when it's time
to plant and reap. You can get
35 tons out of this area.
And you'll transport it all over
to your premises for processing?
Yes, we'll turn it into the world's best
insulation material.
- Just call.
- I will. - Have a nice day.
1.5 krone a kilo,
that's not bad, I know that.
So now you're going to be a farmer
and grow 70 hectares of hemp?
Maybe, I don't know.
Maybe you could just let me know
how our family and I
fit in with your plans?
If we want to have kids, what then?
I don't know about kids right now,
Andreas, that's the thing.
I am sure we'll have some.
But right now I am mostly
- Right now you're mostly
- Yes, but chuffed that I've found
something I really enjoy doing,
something I feel like doing.
Can't you just support me a bit?
Mind your fingers.
We are a couple who want to share
and live together, right?
It's not just so you can forge
ahead just how you like.
We have just put up those walls
in the house the way you wanted.
It's not the way
I bloody wanted them.
In that case tell me
why I should live here in your house?
Can we please not have
this conversation now?
All right, but you'll have to answer
my question first.
I don't know, Andreas. Right now
I just want to plant these fields.
I don't know what we're going to do
afterwards, Andreas.
Sorry, what we're going to afterwards?
I suppose am just
a bit confused right now.
About everything!
I have drawn up a contract.
As you see, it says you are solely
responsible for selling the works.
Well now, you do accept that it
takes time to find the right buyers?
Yes, of course.
And it'll be a little at a time
so as not to flood the market?
And nice and steadily
we'll get the value up.
- That's fine, Gro.
I am not short of money. - Good.
- All sales to be approved by you.
- Yes, it's very fair.
Yes, I think it's a good idea.
You won't be able to come
after me later.
Don't be silly.
Gro collects 5 per cent in commission
when a work is sold. I didn't ask for that.
No, but you'll be the one doing all the
work, so I think it's only reasonable.
You are simply the most decent
person I know, Frederik.
Is that a problem?
- All I need to do is sign?
- That's up to you.
I don't even feel any pangs of guilt
at Emil not getting a penny.
He has had more than enough,
that little turd.
How are things at home?
They're fine.
Actually, I am meeting Solveig
for lunch, so I'll have to go now.
- I see. How lovely.
- Yes, it'll be nice.
- Thanks for all you've done.
- Yes.
- What about the children?
- Also fine as far as I know.
I had a chat to Hannah,
she's finding it a bit difficult.
So it's a good thing
she's got you to talk to.
Yes. She said she thought
you were going to get divorced.
She hoped for it in fact.
It's just her way of putting it.
I can't sleep with Solveig.
but it'll come, Frederik.
I am so impressed
by the way you're handling it.
You stay, you fight
I mean, if it had been me
I'd have walked out ages ago.
- Give her my love
- Yes, I will.
- Hi.
- Hi.
See you.
Hi. He is in such a dreadful state.
And yet he walks in with a contract
giving me a 5 per cent commission.
Did you tell him
about the Russian buyers?
But we haven't even talked to them yet.
Helsinki is still very interested too.
Helsinki has been interested for years.
It's the Russians who want to buy.
Frederik fully accepts that it may
take ages to find the right buyers.
As long as you don't turn into
one of those artist's children
who spend their lives
guarding the legacy.
You slaved for your mother
while she was alive.
Sell to the highest bidder
and forget that legacy.
Hey, Neil, I'm on my way.
Yes, I will be there at 10.
Camilla, I've good news.
I have sold it.
No the jerk exploited the situation,
so I am getting far less than it is worth
but that's fine, it's enough to cover
that fucking debt so I can move on.
Yes, but right now I am on my way
to the resort to sort out the final details
with the paperwork and to give Neil
a guided tour tomorrow
and then I'll come home to you.
I miss you, Camilla.
I can't wait to see you again.
- What are you doing?
- You're having doubts about us.
You don't want kids. I don't know
what the hell you expected.
I didn't mean it like that.
I didn't mean it like that, Andreas.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to Michael's.
You can't just go. We've got to talk.
We have.
Listen to me! Maybe I am confused, but
that doesn't mean you can just walk out.
Put a sock in it, Signe!
When you don't have any appetizers
you pick up your vodka
and you knock it back
and then you sniff your arm.
Get the idea?
Watch me. We'll try again.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
And now we clink our glasses.
That's right!
It's an interesting work, The Beak.
It radiates power and it is magnificent.
But having it up in the air
with that rotating mechanism,
It would be a lot more powerful
if it stood on the ground.
Oh, yes, so he wants to ruin
her installation
and turn it into an ornamental
object in his hall.
I mean, how the hell can one be
so completely imbecilic?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
They're willing to pay
half a million for The Beak.
Maybe we can get them a bit higher.
- Haven't they made up their minds yet?
- It looks like
- they haven't found their buyer yet.
- Veronika could just as easily
have decided it wasn't going
to hang from the ceiling.
Yes, but she didn't.
No, if Helsinki doesn't want to buy
we will ask some of the other major
institutions. We're in no hurry.
Well, will you tell them
the meeting is over or shall I?
Yes, of course.
- Yes.
- It wasn't what I said at all.
Carburettor was what he wrote.
- What did you think it was?
- Well, he explained it to me instead.
Thanks for lunch.
- Yes.
- It was really lovely.
Yes, it was nice.
By the way, I never got round
to telling you that I am in therapy.
When is that?
Well, the thing is, I mean
I have only been once so far
- but I am going again.
- Oh?
What's it like?
I don't quite know, I mean
You just chat or what?
About us?
About me
I mean, about everything.
Do you want to tell me about it?
Not I mean, no.
- I'll just take these out.
- But I do want you.
Are you in the mood?
In that case I'll just take these.
No, it's just us.
What are you doing sitting here
in the dark?
Is something up?
Where is Andreas?
He's not here right now,
he is sleeping over at a friend's.
- Are you coming?
- Okay.
This is Isa,
she's just got back from India.
And this is Signe
who's got boy trouble.
- Oh, we'll work things out, Thomas.
- So you're the one
- who has the house now, then?
- Yes.
Have you asked
if I could doss here?
- No, but does it matter if Isa
- That'll be fine.
You can come with us, we're going
down the garden to make music.
It's the only thing that works for me
if I'm having boy trouble.
La musica.
Isa plays quite fantastically
on practically anything.
That's really sweet of you
but I think I'll just stay here.
Know what, if you want some
company you know where we are.
Good morning.
Have you seen Andreas?
No, he isn't here.
I talked to him yesterday about
that door down there being moved.
I really don't know much about it.
No but that door needs to be moved
30 cm that way.
No idea.
See, we can block off this door,
he said something about making sure
there was room for your bed
up against one of the walls.
I don't know, OK? Just do whatever.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Shall we sit down?
- Come on.
- How are you feeling?
- Hellish.
Me too, I can't sleep.
I just lie there thinking and thinking.
I can't get my head round stuff either.
I mean,
all that practical stuff, right?
Yeah. What do you mean,
the practical stuff?
I have to find somewhere to live.
I can't go on living
in Michael's one-bedroom flat.
No, and there's no need to.
Just come back home.
Nothing has changed though.
- What?
- Well, what about those kids?
Do we even want
the same thing anymore?
So it's just over, is that it?
Yes, that's it, isn't it?
Listen, I love you.
- And I love you.
- Yes.
I can't go on anymore.
- Hi.
- Hi. welcome back.
- Thank you.
- I have a present for you.
Wow, I can't wait to read it. You've had
the most fabulous reviews. Well done!
- Thank you.
- Hi.
Do you mind getting some more
champagne from the kitchen?
- Right away.
- Thank you.
Piotr's offered 600,000.
Goodness, and he wants to use it
as a coat rack in his hall?
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I was just having a word
- with your Russian buyers.
- Yes.
It is one of Veronika's most important
works, it's her very last.
How on earth can you sell it to them
if Helsinki is interested?
No, Kim, and I am not going to.
They want to ruin it as an installation.
- No!
- Yes! Of course I won't sell it to them.
That's good news.
I am so pleased to hear it.
- Hi, Lone.
- Hi.
Hi, Kim.
- Congratulations on getting the job.
- Thank you.
Actually they are the ones
I should be congratulating?
- You are so sweet.
- Have you talked to Thomas?
- Is he coming?
- No, Lone.
Yeah, I know perfectly well.
It was doomed from the start.
Grab a glass, it was good you came.
- Hi.
- Hi.
What's all this?
I thought we'd get pissed.
Where are the kids?
At Morten and Camilla's.
I have got I am getting this ready
for Mojitos, some lime and mint.
You can have a White Russian
and I have bought ginger ale
so we can make a Fidel Castro.
You can have the works.
- I see.
- Tell me what you want.
In that case I'd like to start
with a Mojito.
Coming up.
So the kids have sitters
and we're going to get pissed?
Yes, that's what I was planning.
Don't you think we need it?
I'd just like to say that I am looking
forward to working with you all again.
- Cheers.
- Cheers
- I have some people you've got to meet.
- Oh? - Yes.
Look. I'll have to get this.
Gro! Gro, it's me. Gro, it's Emil.
No, Gro, you mustn't hang up.
I need your help.
Listen, will you? I've been put in
gaol for possession of marijuana.
- Emil, for goodness sake.
- Yes, yes, I need bail.
- How much?
- 300,000.
- Hello!
- Gro?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
What's keeping you? Everyone
is asking where you've got to.
- Emil is in prison in Thailand.
- For what?
Possession of marijuana.
He could go to prison for years.
He needs bail.
It appears we can get him
out for 300,000.
I see.
If only I could have lent him
that money.
He was busted for possession, I can't
see what that has to do with his debt.
He thinks he's been shafted
by his business partner
because he sold his place
to pay off his debt.
- It sounds like at tall story to me.
- Do you think he is Iying?
He sold his place to pay off his debt
and then he got busted?
Damn it, if only I could have
lent him that money.
Gro, don't you start feeling
responsible for this too.
What do you think they will do
to him inside? A nice little white boy.
Gro, come inside, there is somebody
who wants to talk to you.
I'll be right with you.
- Do you mind?
- Shouldn't I stay here?
No, it's fine, I'll call.
Good news. The Beak is ours.
It's the right decision
and in the nick of time.
I have sold them The Beak.
The foreign ministry is hopeless.
I need the money.
Can't Signe lend him the money?
She's got the house
and she could quickly raise it.
I'm not having her paying
for my kid brother.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Do you mind talking to them?
In your diplomatic fashion, tell them
that we need the money at once.
I'm going to call Frederik.
- I can't dance to this!
- You can!
- I can dance to this stuff!
- Come on!
Let's go to the bedroom
and have a rematch.
What do you mean a rematch?
- Did you come?
- No. - No, you didn't.
It was just prick.
- Talk about saucy!
- Yes.
Oh no, it's Gro.
Hi, Gro.
I can't hear you, just a tick, tick
Now I can hear you.
No, I am not pissed.
I am just pleased to hear from you.
What's up?
I don't believe it!
For fuck's sake!
No way is any of my money
going on something like that.
Gro, he isn't getting
a penny more out of me
and I am sure
you can understand why not.
No, they have to come from your half.
Yes, fine. Fine.
I'll mail it right away.
What was that? What did she want?
- Emil is in prison in Thailand.
- No!
Possession of drugs.
Frederik, is he in prison now?
What are we going to do?
- We're not going to do a thing.
- What's that?
It's for Gro, she is selling
one of Veronika's works.
As usual we're the ones
who'll have to pay to get him out.
- So you can buy him out?
- We can put up his bail,
- but he'll still face years in prison.
- But that is awful.
Is it?
- Yes, years in a Thai gaol.
- Will you miss him?
Don't go there.
Don't get angry with me because
the news has affected me.
Ouch, ouch, Frederik, ouch.
Did you stand like this
or did you lie down?
Did my kid brother fuck you
from the front or from behind?
Frederik, we can't talk
about it like this.
You say you always want to talk about
things. Did my kid brother fuck you
from the front or from behind? Did you
stand like this or did you lie down?
We did it standing up!
- Standing up!
- Emil had fucked hundreds of women
- before you. Was he better than me?
- No, stop! Frederik, no!
I met Ole.
He told me Andreas had moved out.
But are you OK?
Obviously you'll have to work
everything out, and that takes time.
You have been close to each other
for so long.
But you can travel now. You've been
wanting to do that ever since Australia.
I don't want to travel.
- I want to stay here.
- In that case that is what you must do.
But I can't. Because it's a huge house
and it has to be completely renovated.
I am all alone, mum.
I haven't even got a job.
- No, but you can get one.
- I can't just get a job.
I just don't know if I can cope.
There are sides to you that I think
I have made it difficult for you
to live with.
Because it hurt me so much
every time I saw them.
They reminded me
that I was not your mother,
that Veronika was your mother.
- It's all right, mum.
- No.
It isn't.
You have this headstrong, streak,
this wildness that is
completely alien to me.
You take after Veronika.
And that's all right.
It's all right.
Now the money has been transferred.
I don't know how many days
it'll be before he gets out.
He'll be all right.
I will have to hire a lawyer down there
too. If only we can avoid a trial.
If he gets convicted
we'll never get him out.
Gosh, that's Helsinki calling.
Answer it.
Hi, Marti.
You forgot to mention
that you'd sold The Beak.
- No.
- No.
The money is on its way to Thailand.
Yes, but
You have transferred the money,
the contract has been signed.
But I can't say no to Helsinki,
I mean, it's perfect.
Didn't you hear what he said?
It'll get its own room!
You have sold The Beak, Gro.
No, it just can't end like this.
We must find a way out.
Oh, damn.
We have all the sketches.
If we tell Piotr that that Beak is bigger,
I am sure he'll accept it instead.
You are so unscrupulous.
But won't it seem odd if we
suddenly find a new work,
an extra Beak, won't it be off that
we didn't come across it before?
I suppose you could say
it was her very, very last work
and I had intended to keep it
for myself?
Yes, of course.
But when you saw
how passionate he was,
you thought that he should
at least have the option.
Yes. But I'll have to be able to
document it.
Well, you are the one
with the records of provenance.
You and I, Gro,
we are the only two
who know exactly what she produced.
What harm would it do?
Helsinki gets the genuine Beak
and all we have to do is cast
a new beak for Piotr.
And Emil will get his money.
Everyone's happy.
- I want those walls taken down again.
- What's that?
Those walls must come down.
We've only just put them up.
I am sorry about your efforts
but I hope it's possible.
Yes, of course it is.
May I ask why?
- I never did like them really.
- OK. He who pays the piper!
- Yes.
- Lads! -Yeah.
- We're going to pull these walls down
again. - What?
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye. - Bye.
Thanks for today.
See you.
I just
wanted to say sorry.
Gro has transferred
the money for Emil's bail
so now he should be
on his way out of gaol.
That's good.
Of course what I really want
is for you to hate him
and I know that's just not the way it is,
but I love you.
You have simply got to tell me
if you have these yearnings
for something that I am not,
please tell me,
- and then I'll leave.
- No.
We'll work out what to do about
the kids and we'll be civilised about it,
I promise.
I have always known that it was
you I wanted.
I love you.
I am sorry.
What about the moulds,
have you still got them?
No, we chucked them out, but
- The models
- Exactly.
They're still here somewhere.
- Definitely.
- Exactly. - Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes
Yes, precisely.
- Is it Helsinki that's interested in
the sketches? - No.
Can I trust you?
Of course.
I want to cast one of these.
But you can't, they're not finished,
she didn't want to use any of them.
No, but I will finish one.
And it has to be bigger
than the original.
I have got to get Emil out of prison.
I know it's despicable and all that.
So you're going to forge
a work of art?
- Hi.
- Hi, Signe.
- I saw your car outside.
- Yes, I needed to talk to Rene about
- something to do with mummy's art.
- I'll be happy to help you.
We are going to complete
some of mum's works.
And you can do that even though
she is dead?
Yes, it's always like that.
Yes, of course.
But the thing is, Signe,
I was wondering,
if we could borrow the barn
to work in?
No, it's not really convenient, I'll
need the barn when the farm machinery
- starts arriving.
- Are you going to farm the land?
I am going to grow hemp.
So that's why my father
has moved back in!
Right, no, it's for insulation,
you can't smoke it.
But actually Gro,
they won't be coming till spring,
- so if you can be finished by then
- Definitely.
In that case it'll be fine.
- Hi, I just wanted to say thanks.
- Oh, right, of course.
What happened to the walls?
I needed more space.
A good decision.
Andreas and I have split up.
Are you living here all on your own?
A bit like Veronika, with Thomas
in the back garden and
I know, apart from that
it isn't the same of course.
Have you heard from Emil?
He was furious when I refused
to lend him that money.
Well, actually he is
in prison in Thailand.
- No.
- We are trying to get him out.
I have just transferred his bail,
so I expect he'll be out
in a couple of days.
I am sure it'll be all right.
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