The Longest Promise (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 10=
I, Zhu Yan,
am not someone
you can summon
however you want.
You little brat
Your Supreme Majesty.
Where did he hide me?
You'll be teaching
this batch of disciples.
If you've tasked me with that,
Your Supreme Majesty,
please don't interfere with my teaching.
Most importantly,
you can't harm any of them.
I'll listen to you.
This is such a strange place.
How did the Priest
hide me inside here?
I feel like
he has hidden me here like this before.
But I can't remember anything
about that.
I sense something in this hall.
I wonder who casts a spell.
it's the cicadas or ants in the mountain
who engage in cultivation.
Perhaps it's Chong Ming's food.
Your Supreme Majesty,
if there's nothing else,
I will proceed with my cultivation.
It turns out
I'm inside his sleeve.
I was too cautious
and caused you
some misunderstandings.
I hope you don't mind it.
You should choose
your first disciple you like.
May I know who you prefer more
out of the four of them?
I just met them today
and I don't know much about them.
I can't decide now.
It's fine. Let's discuss it briefly.
Let's start with the princess
of the Western Huang.
I did spend a short while
with the princess
inside the Power of Chaos.
She's daring and righteous.
But deep down,
she's foolish, reckless,
and mischievous.
She might need some time
before she can achieve something.
He's insulting me again.
Foolish, reckless, and mischievous.
He added "mischievous" this time.
What do you think
about Bai Xuelu of the White Clan?
Bai Xuelu
has a firm determination
inside her delicate look.
She has potential.
You have a bad taste.
I will show you
what foolish, reckless,
and mischievous people do.
I thought I was in paradise.
I couldn't help but dance.
Let go.
(Foolish, reckless, mischievous)
What have I done wrong
to deserve such comments from you?
So, I wrote it down
to remind myself.
You can write so well.
Your handwriting is unique
and has flair.
I believe you find them
appealing as well.
Let me do you a favor.
(Foolish, reckless, mischievous)
Since you admit
that you're foolish, reckless,
and mischievous
and wrote these
by yourself.
Take that as gospel
that spurs you on.
Get out.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I know you're generous.
Please remove these characters
on my hand.
You should keep them
to prove that you're not.
And these characters
will disappear naturally.
I You
Are you threatening me to stay?
I told you.
You can go down one month later
when the lesson ends.
(Foolish, reckless, mischievous)
(Balsam shade?)
(Foolish, reckless, mischievous)
(I'm the peerless beau.)
(There's no way I'd ask for the shade)
(from an underachiever like her.)
(No, no.)
I want to remind you
that the characters on your hands
won't disappear
after one month.
If you can't meet the requirement
raised by the Priest,
you're leaving here
with them
one month later.
This Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Why did he humiliate me
when he didn't allow me to leave?
Trying to make me feel embarrassed?
I won't let you have your way.
Isn't that Princess Zhu Yan?
What are you doing here?
What are you hiding?
What's this?
Foolish, reckless, and mischievous.
Why did you write that on your hand?
I thought you would
receive some kind of reward
from the Priest this morning,
it turns out to be a punishment.
Craving words on faces
is known as the facial tattoo penalty.
What about the tattoos on your hand?
Let me see.
These words describe you very fittingly.
I have some good soap.
I'll send it to you.
You sounded like
this is something embarrassing.
We're not allowed
to wear accessories here.
Isn't it unique
to have prints on my hand?
Who knows if it will
become a fashion tomorrow.
You have a unique behavior
that stands out from others.
I have never seen someone
who enjoys
flattering themselves like you do.
It's clearly a punishment,
yet you try to make it sound better.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
You can seek this punishment
from the Priest too
and see if he bothers to guide you.
I think we shouldn't
disturb the Priest.
We shall see him
during the lecture.
(General Qing, thank you for lending me)
(the scarf the other day
to cover my shoulders.)
I've washed it myself
and had someone deliver it
to your room.
Deliver the scarf to his room?
Stop it, please.
Why haven't you gotten up yet?
You're almost late.
Why is your hair wet?
It's already 7 in the morning?
How come the characters are still there?
I gave you the soap, right?
Didn't you wash it?
No worries. It's fine.
Maybe we'll expect something fun later.
Well. Hurry up. Let's go now.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
has arrived.
(Cunsi Hall, Jiuyi Mountain)
Greetings, Priest.
Greetings, Priest.
(Reckless, Mischievous)
I didn't expect that from you.
You're so considerate.
We've been partners before,
I will take the punishment with you.
Please take your seat.
(Zhu Yan)
Zhu Yan is late. Deduct one point.
Zhu Yan's not ashamed of her mistake.
Deduct another point.
Instead of being shameful,
Zhu Yan's proud of her behavior.
Deduct another point.
Zhu Yan's current ranking
is the last.
Why do you mock me like this?
Princess Zhu Yan.
This artifact
is an automatic scoring system.
Not even the High Priest
can control it.
Why do you blame the Priest?
Correct. This scoring system
has been widely used in Ye City.
Haven't you seen it before?
I forgot that.
Princess Zhu Yan comes
from Western Huang,
it's a remote place.
So, please don't blame her.
You're right, princesses.
The Western Huang is a remote place
and lacks educational supplies.
Since the artifact is useful,
do you mind donating this
to 180 academies
in the Western Huang?
Everyone there will surely appreciate
the favor extended
by both White and Dark Clans.
Both Princesses of
the White and Dark Clans
help to clear their peer's doubts
and they abide by the rules.
They're worthy of being the role model.
As a reward,
I grant each of you one point.
Thank you, Priest.
Magic techniques are a form of art too.
So, you should at least
have a basic aesthetic taste.
(Maybe I'm being paranoid.)
(Shi Ying will never)
(take an interest in Zhu Yan.)
Greetings, High Priest.
Greetings, High Priest.
At ease.
Priest, please come over.
I have a word with you.
Yes, Your Supreme Majesty.
What's the matter, Your Supreme Majesty?
Have you heard of Magpie Branch?
Magpie Branch?
Are you referring
to the long-lost powerful toxic
of the Azure Clan?
I received news
that Qing Gang brought
the Magpie Branch into the mountain.
It's highly poisonous
with no taste or color.
No one has ever seen it,
except for those who drop dead
after seeing it.
This is why
Qing Gang could pass through
the strict search
when entering Jiuyi Mountain.
During the assessment in Qianyue Peak,
you blamed me
for ordering the two Grand Marshals
to take action against him.
Now that he's already
passed the assessment,
we have no right to disqualify him
from attending the lectures.
So, he will stay in Jiuyi Mountain
for the time being.
I've observed Qing Gang
and I found that he's kind of single-minded,
however, he's upright.
He doesn't seem like someone
who will kill me.
Never judge a book by its cover.
I want to remind you
that he's very likely
to make a move against you
in the coming month.
You ought to keep a close eye on him.
There are four states,
virtuous, saint, supreme, and real.
Those who attain the virtuous state
can distinguish star signs,
and comprehend the principles
of Yin and Yang.
Those in the saint state
integrate with the harmony
of heaven and earth
and make peace with
the Eight Worldly Sufferings.
As for those in the supreme state,
they can freely roam around the world
and boast extensive perception
throughout the world.
Experts in the real state can understand
the changes in heaven and earth,
the laws of Yin and Yang,
and the celestial movement.
They can alter the course of the world.
Throughout thousands of years,
the expert who attains the real state
is only Emperor Xingyun, Lang Gan.
Zhu Yan sleeps in class.
Deduct one point.
(Zhu Yan)
She misses another point.
Princess Zhu Yan, please stand up.
Do you think
my lecture is dull and
unbearable to listen to?
(If I tell him
I don't understand a word,)
(they're going to mock
that I'm lacking education)
(because I'm from the Western Huang.)
(I can be embarrassed.)
(But I can't bring disgrace
to the Western Huang.)
Because I think
these theories are not useful,
they're just some rigid teachings.
I want to learn
more advanced magic techniques.
You want to learn magic techniques?
Very good.
Tell me
what's the most powerful magic technique
in Jiuyi Mountain?
Does anyone
know the answer?
Yes, Priest.
Celestial Assault is
the ultimate attacking technique
in Jiuyi Mountain.
Once the Celestial Assault is launched,
no lives remain.
Not even the immortals or demons.
You said Celestial Assault
is an attacking technique.
But is the attacking technique
the most powerful technique
in existence?
What will happen
if Celestial Attack
confronts with
the most formidable defense technique?
So, this answer is invalid.
Well said, Princess Zhu Yan.
Now tell me,
what do you think is
the most formidable defense technique?
The ultimate defense technique
in Jiuyi Mountain
is Sprawling Roots.
It can summon the earthly
spiritual power
deep under the ground.
The person acts as the center
and stands on the ground
to absorb limitless energy
to resist attacks.
Bravo. Well said.
Still, everything she said is theory.
What if Celestial Assault confronts
with Sprawling Roots?
If none of these two techniques
can defeat each other,
it means
the strongest magic technique
doesn't exist.
So, I'll conclude
that question posed by Priest is flawed.
She has a point.
The immortal official
has given explanation
on the question you asked.
But you were sleeping just now.
Experts in the real state can understand
the changes of heaven and earth,
the laws of Yin and Yang.
And the celestial movement.
They can alter the course of the world.
We practitioners are tiny,
but we are determined
to shake the world.
Thus, we have to learn
to borrow external forces.
Everything in this world
is bound by rules.
The only thing that exists
beyond the rules
is the ever-changing nature
and the flowing time.
Hence, the ultimate magic technique
is to borrow the power
from the intangible time
and that's enough to change
the course of all things.
This point
has been clearly explained in
"The changes of celestial movement,
and they can alter
the course of the world."
You mentioned
we could borrow the power
from intangible time.
Does that mean
we can control the time?
Meaning to say,
Time-reversing Spell does exist.
But I remember
that someone told me there's none.
Everything in this world has a boundary.
With the boundary,
we are born,
flowers and trees grow,
nature is created,
so do all sentient beings
in the world.
Without the boundary,
the world
will be chaotic.
Life and death are
the highest boundary of all
that nothing can go beyond its rule.
This is stated in black and white
in the magic technique scroll.
Had you listened carefully,
you wouldn't have said that.
If you can tell me
the gist of magic technique,
I can easily acquire that
if I learn it diligently.
The immortal official has taught
about the four states of practitioners.
In fact, it's the intelligible way
to learn the operational principle
of the entire world.
If you don't know about
the way of earth and heaven
and the principle of Yin and Yang.
You can't understand it
even if
I tell you the gist directly.
Zhu Yan.
Do you admit your mistake?
I won't punish you.
All you do is
copy the introductory chapter
of Yuanxu Scripture
for three times.
The introductory chapter is too long.
Send it to Cultivating Hall
in three days.
How could I finish all these
just in three days?
Thank you for reminding me.
You might as well skip your meal
to finish your work.
(Introductory Chapter
of Yuanxu Scripture)
Yan, you should take a break.
You've been copying that for half a day.
You skipped your breakfast earlier
and now the lunchtime is over.
Priest isn't here.
So, just eat something.
Forget it.
I can't let that person
look down on me.
I must finish copying
as soon as possible
before I can enjoy the food peacefully.
Princess Xueying.
General Qing.
Princess Zhu Yan.
I'd like to have a word
with Princess Zhu Yan.
Princess Xueying,
could you leave us, please?
Remember to eat.
Princess Zhu Yan.
I'd like to ask you a favor.
Are you going
to Cultivating Hall tomorrow
for the Priest?
Could you
Could you help me
to get a strand of his hair?
In return,
I will help you with the copying.
The Priest's hair?
It's said that the Priest
is a mage prodigy
and his hair
can help us to improve our skills.
So, I
It's fine if you don't want to.
Forget what I said.
Hold on.
Will you help me?
If so, I'll do the copying right now.
You don't have to.
Just tell me
what's the meaning of those characters
when put together.
(Introductory Chapter
of Yuanxu Scripture)
Your Supreme Majesty,
Princess Xuelu is here.
Greetings, High Priest.
Bai Xuelu, your performance
is excellent lately.
Thank you for your compliment.
Tell me,
what did your father tell you
you set out for Jiuyi Mountain?
Yes, High Priest.
My father
asked me and my sister to go back
as soon as possible.
If he has said so,
why did you compete
for the position of the first disciple?
I stay here
because my will is
different from my father's.
I admire the Priest very much
for his virtuous character
and robust abilities.
I'm willing to follow him to cultivate.
Very well.
I appreciate your ambition
as a woman.
This bamboo slip is the basic principle
of Jiuyi Mountain's magic techniques.
You may study it.
(Jiuyi Yuji Technique Annotation)
Thank you, High Priest.
If you're grateful to me,
keep an eye
on the general from the Azure Clan.
Do you mean Qing Gang?
As you command.
I'll report to you
on his slightest movement,
High Priest.
You may leave.
Finally, I've finished the copying.
Where's Lord Chong Ming?
He went up to the mountain
to search for some fruits
to replicate the color
of your balsam shade.
That's easy.
Why can't he ask me?
Chong Ming is proud.
True. He's an ancient divine bird.
How could he seek advice
from a foolish, reckless,
and mischievous person like me?
What are you doing?
Four wrong words
and five phrases are missed.
They're related to the circulation
of the microcosmic orbit.
You should revise more on this theory.
In the Pavilion of Books,
you can borrow
the Explanation of 24 Meridians.
I thought you had no expectations of me.
Why did you review my work
so meticulously?
I know
why you dozed off during the lecture.
Because you had no master
to teach you these theories
from a young age,
and you have no interest in them either.
You couldn't understand a word
from the immortal official.
You fell asleep because of boredom.
I asked you to copy the scriptures
to make up
for your lack of knowledge.
And I'll remark on your mistakes
so that you can learn from them.
How did you know I
As the master,
I know the strengths and flaws
of my disciples.
Including me?
Since you're my nominated disciple,
in the coming month,
I'll fulfill my duty as your master.
This is my principle.
I won't want to disappoint myself.
However, it depends on yourself
how you learn.
Can you help me get a strand
of the Priest's hair?
(I was too focused on listening.)
(Almost forgot about
Qing Gang's request.)
Priest, you're serious
in your word and deed.
All of us should learn from you.
Seeing that you work so hard
to correct my stuff.
I think
I should do something for you.
Maybe I can give you
a shoulder massage.
I get you.
You want me to use
the jade ruyi.
Well, you want me to use the jade ruyi
to massage your back.
I know it, you want me
to take the jade ruyi
and stand away from you.
So that I can listen to
your guidance clearly.
I said no.
Since you ordered me
not to stand away from you,
I'll come closer
and listen to your guidance.
What are you up to?
Can you bear to see me
being foolish, reckless, and mischievous
throughout my whole life?
Can't I have a chance
to get enlightened
and learn from wise minds?
You're serious
about correcting my mistake,
I want to do something
to express my gratitude.
But you're so guarded against me.
Look, the mistakes
you made in this bamboo slip
are the same as the last one.
You were just copying the scripture
without truly understanding the meaning.
You need to read extensively
to compensate for the knowledge
you've missed in the past.
Please make a reading list for me.
Come with me.
Me? Now?
Where are we going?
It's already noon.
Probably you're taking me
to eat something delicious.
If you intend to read,
I'll teach you a way to read.
Million Books Transmission
can speed up
your reading substantially.
Million Books Transmission?
What's that?
The most basic reading skill.
Kin of the Six Ministries
have already acquired this
during the first month of schooling
in their own place.
They know that, but I don't.
Well, I'll learn this.
I'm sure I'll get the hang of it
when I go down in a month.
Very good.
You should master it by nightfall.
it's only six hours left.
I'll teach you.
Six hours are enough.
Receiving information through
the Million Books Transmission
only creates confusion
in my mind,
lest I truly understand them.
Cultivators should improve
their seven sensations and
five aggregates, sensation, perception,
mental activity, and consciousness
beyond ordinary levels.
Million Books Transmission
merely expands your hearing sense.
There are still many things to acquire
that go beyond
the common perception of mortals.
I see.
according to the method I taught you.
If you can master it
and study up
on the theoretical knowledge,
you can at least not fall asleep
during the lecture.
And when you return to Extreme Wind City
one month later,
your trip can be a fruitful one.
But if you can't persist,
the exit is over there.
All right, I'll learn.
It's a piece of cake.
I haven't been eating
a satisfying meal these days.
I'm looking forward to my dinner.
What delicious food have you prepared?
Thank you, Priest.
It's bland, though.
Priest, are you using this soup
to cook fish?
I don't eat meat.
If so,
have you prepared other ingredients?
There are many wild ginseng and mushroom
in the mountain.
Please pardon me,
I have no clue
about the new dish you're cooking.
Just this?
Rice with tea broth.
I didn't eat much in the morning.
This dish
isn't delicious enough.
I mean, it won't make me full.
This is the last dinner
served in Jiuyi Mountain.
I won't force you
to eat this.
No, I want to eat.
Otherwise, I won't have anything to eat.
Have you mastered
Million Books Transmission?
Your method is indeed
No need to butter up.
What have you gained?
I just learned
that everything in this world
is maintained
through balance.
If we borrow strength from nature,
we must return to it.
If we borrow time,
we must return to it too.
The more powerful and trickier
the magic techniques are,
the more damage they return
to the practitioners.
If one blindly uses the skills
without knowing the theory behind them,
they're very likely to suffer
from the backfire,
let alone achieve mastery.
There was once a senior practitioner,
whose power was about to disperse,
forcefully launched Celestial Assault,
which led up to his soul
being diminished into thin air.
A few days ago,
I have offended you in class.
Thank you for enlightening me.
As long as you learn from your mistake.
The magic techniques of Kongsang
are profound and immeasurable.
If you encounter
anything you don't know,
you can ask me at any time.
As stated in Yunhuang Compendium,
there's a powerful Mind-reading Spell
that can decipher the thoughts
of the Kongsangs.
Do you know about this, Priest?
Does that mean
he can read my mind too?
I know your character.
I won't use it on you.
How come some words are missing?
I know you're not inferior to others.
And you can be good too.
So, I'm willing to enlighten you.
Is this a reward
for my hard work?
No, this is the reward.
I have fish now.
This is mine.
Yummy. So yummy.
That's my reward.
Lord Chong Ming.
Since you only like
to eat the fish head,
you can give me the fish meat.
I can help you to search
for the pigments
of the gold balsam shade.
But I took the fish first.
Chong Ming.
Come on.
You can't reach me.
You're a divine bird
and you can catch any fish you want.
Come on.
Stop right there.
You can't catch me.
You can't catch me.
(Father said)
(our eyes emit blue light)
(when they sense the existence
of the God of Dragon.)
(No wonder I always get giddy recently.)
(Does it mean)
(that the God of Dragon is around here?)
(I came here)
(two hundred years ago.)
(But I didn't sense anything like now.)
(By any chance,
the God of Dragon awakes soon?)
(Jiuyi Hall, the Emperor Valley)
(Eastern Creek of Jiuyi)
Is the place where
the God of Dragon rests
around Jiuyi Mountain?
I have a gift for you.
Thank you for your tutelage.
This is my gift of being your disciple.
I just learned it from the books.
A stubborn stone can bow.
This is the first step.
You have already bowed to me
in the hall last time.
No need to do this again.
No, it's different.
Previously, I held grudges against you
and I wasn't convinced.
Today, I must sincerely
perform the bow to you
to show my sincerity.
You're just a nominated disciple.
You're leaving after one month.
Don't be so ceremonious.
Like you said
when you were reviewing
the bamboo slips.
"If I'm a Master for a month,
I'll fulfill my duty for a month."
Likewise, I'm now your disciple
for a month,
I shall serve you for a month.
allow me
to comb your hair.
Comb my hair?
Hair-combing is a tradition
in the disciple ceremony.
Hadn't you imparted me
with the Million Books Transmission,
I wouldn't have read about
the disciple ceremony and the speech
in the Four Virtues.
It's a tradition
in the ancient past
and has already been abolished.
That's why I must do it
to show my sincerity.
Please, master.
You owe me a wish, don't you?
this is my wish now.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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