The Matchmakers (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Love Blooms at the May Festival

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
(Jung Soon Gu, 29 years old)
(Note: He chooses to remain single.)
(Lieutenant of the Capital District, Soon Duk's older brother)
Why have I chosen to remain single?
Because I felt bad for my sister
who was married off to a man, knowing she would be widowed soon
because of my success as the son of our family.
I cannot forgive my father for marrying her off to him,
so I choose not to marry for the rest of my life.
(Maeng Sam Soon, 21 years old, the 3rd of the old ladies)
(Note: A romance novelist)
Lieutenant Jung?
I'm over him already.
I already decided to focus my energy on Bachelor 23,
the good cook.
Washing my hair at Suseongdong Valley was
the one thing I wanted to try among the stories
my mother told me about agents of love.
So, I asked Lady Yeoju to let me do it.
I will turn it into the rendezvous of my life
like the ladies in Bukchon.
(Episode 10: Love Blooms at the May Festival)
What you say under such a spell
will not be held against you.
do not hesitate to answer me truthfully.
did you lie that you did not like me?
I am sure that you like me too.
When we circled the pagoda,
you said you would be my protection.
When I collapsed at the inn,
you ran over to me faster than anybody.
And by the river, you became truly relieved
when you saw that I was fine.
Also, you talked to me with great poise and calm,
but your pulse was racing faster than normal.
Please turn a blind eye.
Then I will leave as soon as my job is done.
All of these incidents say
that you also like me.
By any chance,
was I mistaken because I was a nerd?
My heart ached
when you spoke without looking at me.
Back then, I did not know the reason.
I think I know now.
It was
because I also liked you.
I cannot forget my deceased husband
until the end of my life.
That is why I cannot accept your feelings
or let you have mine.
You are
What brings you here, Lord Gyeongunjae?
Are you in need of another dead body?
Are you Socheon,
the one who wrote "The Scholar's Man?"
You came looking for me
after eight years because of that novel?
That novel was a depiction
of the murder of Deputy Administrator of Pyeongyang.
Was it not?
Did you write it after someone told you the story?
It was not something I heard.
It was something I experienced.
You must be that woman
who dressed up as a man in the novel.
The numbers do not match.
Do you truly not know? Or are you simply pretending?
Your uncle said to keep it that way, saying it was the custom.
I did not know since I am new here.
And if that is the case, we should stick to the rules.
I will
take responsibility for this.
I did not understand why the main character
worked with his enemy to cover up his dead daughter's affair.
But I finally understand.
Anybody would work with his enemy
to cover up his son's homosexuality
because the honor of his family was at stake.
Both of you did not take your lives like the novel.
Who killed Jo In Hyun and created this false charge?
I am the one
who killed Jo In Hyun.
If I had not visited him on that day,
would he not be alive right now?
I think about that
every single day.
These were the letters
Lord Park Bok Ki exchanged with the translator of the Ming.
It should be enough to prove that he pocketed the tribute articles.
By tomorrow, he will notice the letters are missing.
We do not have much time.
Lodge a letter of appeals at the royal court tomorrow.
I am sorry.
I do not think I can do this.
All right.
I am sure you feel uneasy about reporting your uncle.
However, it will be better
if you do it because you are his family.
This letter does not only contain the corruption of the tributes.
It also has evidence of treachery, a plan to kill Prince Unhae.
What do you mean? I did not see anything of that sort.
You would know what I meant after tomorrow.
I also believed it was right
to report my uncle and rectify this wrong custom.
However, if I used these letters as evidence for my petition,
our family would get annihilated.
Calm down.
I am sure we will find a way to resolve this.
What are you two doing?
Rumors said
you were a homosexual.
Was this true?
I am sorry.
I survived,
but he took the stab without a chance to resist.
He lost his life then and there.
Did you just say
Jo In Hyun was killed by his father?
What was in that letter as the evidence of the plan
to kill Prince Unhae?
Lord Park took the letters back when he came into the room,
so I did not get a second look.
But I did not find such things when I looked over them.
Even if I had missed it,
nothing had happened to Prince Unhae at that time.
It seems like
the Dongro Faction stopped the plan after his death.
Many innocent lives
were sacrificed to cover up that incident.
My father also passed away less than half a year after that.
I came to realize
our existence
must have been a misfortune.
So I wanted to wash myself of that sin
and chose to live recovering abandoned dead bodies.
I do not wish to speak of this incident again.
Why did you choose Sunhwa Temple?
This temple is sponsored
by Left State Councilor Jo Young Bae's family.
He will not let you live if he finds out about you.
I do not understand why you choose to remain here.
Perhaps that was why he chose this place of all places.
The memorial tablet of the one he loves rests here.
I understand that you were falsely charged,
but it might be difficult to prove your innocence
under the law.
And just as you said, my lovesickness was my problem.
Do not mind it.
You may continue to make the matches.
However, Lieutenant Jung said he would protect you
until the weddings ended.
That is all. Be careful.
This letter does not only contain the corruption of the tributes.
It also has evidence of treachery, a plan to kill Prince Unhae.
What do you mean? I did not see anything of that sort.
What was the evidence
of treachery that Jo In Hyun saw?
Why did the mortician monk not notice anything?
Lady Jung.
Lady Jung?
My gosh. She left again.
What will I say this time?
I am here.
Why are you out here again?
I felt frustrated as if my head was stuffed with cotton wool.
I could not sit in my room.
It is not like your head is a blanket.
Why was it stuffed with cotton wool?
Please get up.
Lieutenant Jung is here.
My brother?
I could have gone to Sunhwa Temple with you.
Why did you go with Lord Gyeongunjae?
It was not that I went with him.
He had been waiting in front of Sunhwa Temple.
Soon Gu.
It feels like my head is about to burst.
Can you scold me next time?
What about that novelist?
Did you meet him?
Lady Yeoju was falsely accused.
Do you also know who the real culprit is?
The matchmaker met the mortician monk at Sunhwa Temple.
At Sunhwa Temple?
Is she trying to find the list of the dead people?
Or is she trying to become a Buddhist nun?
Good grief. What in the world is she up to?
As soon as she returned, she picked up initial reports
of the incident from eight years ago
and the document given to the daughter-in-law
of the left state councilor at the Ministry of Law Enforcement
and the Ministry of Culture.
Wait, is she digging up your son's incident?
You never let me talk.
Bring me that mortician monk who met with Lord Gyeongunjae
and that woman.
Yes, my lord.
He died in his father's hands?
Are you all right?
I am not all right.
I never imagined vindicating Lady Yeoju
would have anything to do with exposing my father-in-law's crimes.
What about Lord Gyeongunjae?
What do you think he will do?
He says Lady Yeoju is innocent,
but it will not be easy to prove it.
It is tough to hold a father responsible
for killing his son over homosexuality.
However, he would become the shame of his family,
so everyone wanted to hide it.
Soon Gu.
Do you also think the honor of one's family is
more important than the life of one's son?
I do not think so.
But our father also married you off to this family against your will
to save our family.
My incompetence
has not done you any good.
I am sorry.
What do you mean?
I was married against my will?
I know everything.
You and Father
fought for days before your marriage.
Back then,
I should have done my part to call this off.
Soon Duk.
If it gets too hard to stay here,
come back home.
Why do you say that to me?
I fought with Father
because he tried to stop me
from marrying my husband, just because he was sick.
I was trying to convince him.
Is that true?
I am sure that you like me too.
It was
because I also liked you.
I loved my husband so much.
I see.
I had
a wrong idea.
I am sorry.
Do not cry.
(Cordially sealed)
(Cordially sealed)
The May Festival is coming up,
so I send my regards on this fan.
Summer enriches everything,
but things can easily go wrong and also rot everything.
When you are appointed as a government official in time,
I hope you will create a gentle breeze like this fan
and become someone who looks after the people.
I thought I would win this round.
Can we play one more round?
I must win at least one round in this May Festival no matter what.
I am paid to play you. We can play as much as you wish.
Something urgent came up.
Let us postpone our lesson.
I am sorry. My legs suddenly got entangled.
You should have been more careful.
You were the one who suddenly ran out.
I hear you are about to marry
the only daughter of the left state councilor.
You should focus on only on thing, both in ssireum and marriage.
What is wrong with him?
Lady Jung.
What are you doing?
Spin it around.
That darned fox, playing a trick on me.
Darn it.
This is driving me crazy.
Why do I think of him at such random times?
I will forget him over time.
You do not even disappear anymore.
(Year of the Yellow Mouse)
(Year of the Red Monkey)
These were the letters
Lord Park Bok Ki exchanged with the translator of the Ming.
(Jo In Hyun, Tribute corruption)
This letter does not only contain the corruption of the tributes.
It also has evidence of treachery, a plan to kill Prince Unhae.
Did you just say Jo In Hyun was killed by his father?
(Jo Young Bae, murdered)
Many innocent lives
were sacrificed to cover up that incident.
(Lady Yoo)
(Bestowed with a memorial gate)
The symptoms of golden silkworm poison mentioned
in a Ming book on medicine I read recently
were similar to the princess' symptoms
from eight years ago.
(A merchant from the Ming)
You speak fluent Joseon. Have you traded for long?
What if I have?
Has anyone else asked for golden silkworm poison in the past?
Who killed him?
Probably the ones who plotted the crown prince's kidnapping.
They wanted to silence him.
(The Crown Prince abducted)
Both this maid
and the princess
have most likely contracted golden silkworm poisoning.
Lord Gyeongunjae must be competing
in the swing contest for the May Festival.
I saw him swinging in pair with old bachelors.
Goodness, it was such an eyesore.
Thanks to him,
the Capital District Office will have excellent progress
in the problem with spinsters and old bachelors.
What do you mean?
The old bachelors who associated with Lord Gyeongunjae said
they would all marry the old ladies.
We would no longer be reprimanded
over the problem with spinsters and old bachelors this year.
Lord Kim.
The problem is not performance of the Capital District Office.
We must stop Lord Gyeongunjae from marrying off the old women.
Why is that so?
A symbol tells us what is to come.
(It means a small movement shows what will happen in the future.)
Did you forget
the excuse we used to stop the Crown Prince from marrying?
It was the rampant problem
of spinsters and old bachelors in Hanyang.
However, if the Lord Gyeongunjae steps in as a royal-in-law
and marries three spinsters with old bachelors,
the royal court will use this as the momentum
to marry the Crown Prince.
My sister, you already knew
what the symbol meant.
We should use this chance to eliminate Lord Gyeongunjae.
Why do you blurt out the things of your mind without thinking?
Do you have a plan to stop his endeavors?
"Stop his endeavors?"
Marrying spinsters and old bachelors is very important to our kingdom.
If Lord Gyeongunjae of the Dongro Faction would do that,
it is something we should celebrate.
Also, the mother of Erudite Maeng's three daughters
is of the Jo family clan.
Are you saying you will sit around
and let the Crown Prince marry?
Please do not worry.
Even if all spinsters of Hanyang get married,
the Crown Prince will never marry.
(Cordially sealed)
Take that to the Mount Nam Valley.
(Cordially sealed)
Thank you for relaying the news of Hanyang.
If I am appointed to an office,
I will become a virtuous official who works for the people.
I also painted something on fans as a token of my gratitude.
The painting of Mount Mokmyeok is for you.
How did you know Maeng Ha Na had been
exchanging letters with him?
He disappeared from the abode of the King's nanny.
But the Queen did not punish her.
Instead, she gave her a roll of silk.
I found it odd and kept watching, then came to that knowledge.
It looked like Maeng Ha Na was the one who hid him
that night.
How impudent of her!
I will get her
next time.
I have impersonated Maeng Ha Na
and sent a letter to the Crown Prince.
Young Master, if you come to Hanyang in the upcoming May Festival,
I will give you a tour of the city.
Also, you will get to find out how good I am at swinging,
so please come.
I will wait.
My mother will not let me go out.
What should I do?
My son is now old enough to write poetry?
When did you become such a big boy?
How is it?
I liked it.
I especially liked how you used the word companion,
not friend.
I should show it to my teacher too.
He is coming.
What? Already?
He could feel burdened if he found out I was listening,
so let us keep this a secret.
Yes, Mother.
Have you been well?
Yes, have you also been well, Teacher?
I was quite troubled with a matter of my heart.
What is the matter?
I miss my late wife.
Do you mean the princess
you were forced to marry?
My aunt told me about it.
My apologies if it was inappropriate.
Everyone in Joseon knows the story. No need to apologize.
I will tell you a secret no one knows.
I was not forced to marry her like the rumor says.
I loved the princess enough
to give up on my dream of becoming the Premier.
You were having a hard time because you missed the princess.
Sometimes I have a hard time because I miss my birth father and mother.
I understand how you feel.
When that happens, suffering is all I can do.
Do you remember your birth parents?
I was too young to remember them.
But I remember how they often smiled at me.
My mother also told me they were good people.
I have always noticed it,
but you seem to have a good relationship with your mother.
Yes, I love my mother the most in the world.
As long as I am with her, I am not scared of anything.
Listening to you
helps me clear my disordered heart.
I beg your pardon?
Thank you.
"Hogangbulhohak gipyeyagwang."
"If you only pursue the power and do not pursue learning,"
"it will only result in a flippant effect."
It is time to end the class.
Did I interrupt the class?
I was about to end it.
To hear my grandson studying,
it reminds me of my late eldest son.
He was a smart and sweet son.
My apologies.
When you age, you remember the past clearer than yesterday.
Sorry for bringing up an uncomfortable subject.
Thanks to you, my grandson enjoys studying.
Because your grandson is smart and kind-hearted,
he would have done well even if it were someone else.
Oh, I heard Erudite Maeng's daughters are
getting married on May 25.
You played an integral role in resolving the spinster problem.
You even know the date of their marriage?
You are a talent like no other in Dongro Faction.
Your move deserves attention.
You are not just one of many sons-in-law.
Was she telling me to pull the right strings?
It seems she is aware the spinster's marriage leads to
the Crown Prince's marriage.
How can she be so calm?
Whom do you mean?
(The day of May Festival)
Enjoy the festival and come to the tightrope act at noon.
I have already talked to his mother.
Do not be sidetracked.
I understand.
Gae Dong will reserve a good spot for you.
Geun Seok, make sure to listen to your aunt.
Soon Duk.
Are you making Geun Seok watch me?
Geun Seok should have fun with his friends.
I do not mind, Aunt.
I would like to meet my future uncle.
Be polite to your future uncle.
Yes, Mother.
Just because Mother went to meet Royal Noble Consort Suk,
do not let your guard down.
You should come home early.
Sure. Have a good day.
Come with me. Bye.
Geun Seok, we should go outside the city.
You have to meet your future husband later.
I met him last night.
My lord?
Are you the headmaster's young master?
Oh, yes.
Gae Dong, will you give us some privacy?
I will be behind the alley.
I am sorry for calling you out at this hour.
I do not mind.
But we were meant to meet tomorrow.
That is why I wanted to see you.
Since it is the last May Festival before getting married,
I would like to spend it with my friends.
If you do not mind,
I was thinking maybe we could spend the May Festival separately.
I do not mind. You should enjoy it with your friends.
Thank you.
- Wait. - Wait.
Should I say I received it from you during the May Festival?
And I received this from you.
This is our secret.
I like how we have a secret before even getting married.
- Bye. - Bye.
If you do not hurry up, I will not take you with me.
Get a hold of yourself.
What has gotten into you? You never came before I did.
Sometimes you need a day like this.
To tell you about the May Festival plan today
At 2pm, Suseongdong Valley.
At 2:30pm, ssireum area.
And at 3pm, the swing. Am I right?
That is correct.
Then shall we move to Suseongdong Valley,
the place of the first match?
What are you doing here?
I was out to enjoy May Festival with my nephew.
You always wanted to meet Geun Seok.
What do you want to do today?
I am not sure.
How have you been
- Hello. - Hello.
No men are allowed in Suseongdong Valley today.
Maybe I should have asked why he was here.
Did I make you wait?
No, I just arrived.
Come with me.
What is wrong? Are you nervous?
Imagine you are just washing your hair.
Follow me.
I will be up there.
Lieutenant Jung.
I told you to watch Lady Yeoju.
What are you doing here?
No man is allowed
in the valley below.
What about Bachelor 23?
Oh, right. He should have been here a long ago.
I will
- My goodness. - go look for him.
The food took too long.
Oh, no.
Lady. That is too rough to eat.
You should only pick soft leaves that look like this.
No. Not that one
Not yet.
We should not waste any time here.
I cannot do it anymore.
I need to stretch my legs.
Oh, my legs feel numb.
Oh, my.
My goodness.
Are you okay?
She fell.
Oh, my goodness.
- What do I do? - Are you okay?
Lieutenant Lieutenant Jung.
What do we do?
My gosh.
I thought this only happens in novels.
I do not care even if I cannot get married.
If I cannot marry Lieutenant Jung,
I would rather marry no one.
My lord!
Oh, yes.
What just happened?
Did you not say the bachelors had no problems?
However, Bachelor 23 did not appear.
Why did Lieutenant Jung suddenly appear?
I do not know why Bachelor 23 did not appear.
Am I the only one
who cares about this marriage?
I care about this marriage too.
My life depends on it.
Since Lieutenant Jung started it,
he shall take responsibility.
Lieutenant Jung will take responsibility?
What do you mean?
I understand.
Take responsibility for what?
My lady.
If you are okay with it,
will you marry me?
I would love to.
Thank you.
What on earth? So suddenly?
I feel relieved
that Lieutenant Jung is getting married.
We should leave them alone.
But How can they
how can he propose to her out of nowhere?
You said it yourself.
It takes less than a moment for a man and a woman to fall in love.
I think Lieutenant Jung is a better match for Lady Sam Soon
than Bachelor 23.
What do you think?
That is true.
What do we do about Bachelor 23?
He thinks he is marrying Lady Sam Soon.
Too bad. He is the one who broke the promise.
I even gave him advice
to win a woman's heart with delicious food.
How is it?
I also made this.
Are you happy that Lieutenant Jung is marrying Lady Sam Soon?
You have been smiling since earlier.
Your heart is not in pain anymore to see them together?
My heart still pounds,
but it does not hurt as much as before.
In fact,
I think I am happier than before.
Some Agents of Love hear a sound,
and some feel a certain energy.
I wonder how you recognize a match.
Lord, are you
We are late for ssireum.
No, if we go now, we can still watch it.
Wait for me.
Oh, right. Ssireum.
We are late. Run.
When I lift the rock,
catch the fish with this basket, understood?
Geun Seok.
Catch a lot!
Aunt Ye Jin.
If you raise your voice like that, you will only drive fish out.
Be quiet.
You are louder.
Are you ready?
One, two, three.
I caught a fish.
We should do it again.
Yes. Let us catch two this time.
One, two, three.
I caught another one.
You are good at it.
For whom is this jehotang
when I do not see anyone?
Whatever. I did my best.
Lady Doo Ri.
Lady Doo Ri!
Are you Lady Doo Ri?
Lady Yeoju told me to reserve a spot
for you.
This way.
How meticulous.
Excuse me. One second.
Come here.
Oh, dear.
Here we go.
I thought you were not coming.
What are you talking about? I am not here for you.
I shall win and give the cotton cloth to this lady!
Why? You should not.
Come to the center.
- We should start. - Come now.
- Hurry. - Let us start.
What is wrong with him?
Now then, grab the satba.
- Ready. - Go for it.
Darn it.
- Oh, no. - No!
Hang in there!
Keep watching me.
- The blue satba wins! - The blue satba!
Good grief.
What a fool.
Why look at me in that situation?
How embarrassing.
You said you would give me the cotton cloth if you won.
But how could you lose in the first match?
That man earlier
was a front-runner.
Sure, he was.
Drink this.
Did you bring this for me?
I am giving it to you because the one for it did not come.
You get punished for wasting food, no?
I am grateful to that guy who did not show up.
Oh, right.
I cannot give you the cotton cloth,
but I do have something for you.
But why?
It is to apologize for the incident when we first met.
And I bought it thinking it would look good on you.
You must be bummed out not being able to participate
in the ssireum match because of me.
There will be ssireum matches in Chuseok.
So do not worry.
Live a happy life with your future wife.
You should also take the state examination
and not just focus on farming.
After all, you are smart.
All right.
You should live happily too.
- Yes! - Good job!
- Nice. - That is it.
Yes, trip him. Use your leg.
Are they not there?
I am worried about Lady Doo Ri. I must check up on her.
Excuse me.
Have you not seen Lady Doo Ri at the ssireum field?
Oh, I have.
But she headed that way with a scholar.
Did you act as a matchmaker?
No wonder he was good-looking.
Thank you for telling me.
Lady Doo Ri is all set. Let us go to the swings now.
Why does everyone say Bachelor 24 is handsome?
Welcome. Have a look.
We have sea bream.
What took you so long?
I am extremely nervous.
Do not tense up.
Just proceed as you have practiced.
By the way, why is Lady Ha Na not with you?
There she comes.
My gosh, what a beauty.
Which family is she from?
I am shocked.
The main goal is to walk to the swings
to make the scholar ask for your family's approval.
(The groom asks the bride for marriage approval.)
The scholar you met eyes with at Sunhwa Temple
when you gave advice. Remember him?
We did not meet eyes.
It was a one-sided stare from that scholar.
That scholar will participate in the May Festival swing contest.
I thought of him as nothing but a rich nerd.
But not bad.
When you see him at the swing field,
approach him naturally.
Getting too close makes you look easy.
But the scholar will not recognize you
from afar due to the crowd.
Stop when you are five steps away from him.
If we are five steps away,
how will he make conversation with me?
Wait, she is right.
I dislike loud men.
The scholar will take the remaining four steps.
Do they not look good together,
standing near each other?
We should stop being a third wheel.
Let us watch them from a distance.
It is my first time enjoying the May Festival.
It is better than I thought.
Your first time?
What did you do during the May Festival until now?
I hated crowded places,
so I was at home reading books alone.
That, too, is not as bad as you think it is.
Since you came this year,
you should continue to do so starting next year.
My plan is to enjoy the May Festival with you from next year onwards.
There is no need to forget about your late husband.
I, too, have not forgotten about the Princess.
Like you,
I will not be able to forget her all my life.
I surely have feelings for you.
Do you
not feel the same?
(The Matchmakers)
Do you believe in fates?
A man and a woman's predestined bond
is similar to fate.
Will we not go through what your husband did
to your son eight years ago?
Do you have someone in mind?
Bachelor 12.
Do not lose this lady.
The symptoms are telling me
that you are the Agent of Love, my lord.
Are you going to get rid of them?
We should
never meet again.
(The Matchmakers)
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