The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Inter-Academy Exams

Good job. You made it.
You look exhausted.
When did they get here?
They arrived ten days ago.
On the same day they left?
No way
It's finally going to start.
I'm so excited.
What's wrong?
She looks really sad.
Misfit, it seems that
you arrived here first.
And you are?
Rivest Ainy, a third-year.
How did you cheat this time?
Don't let it bother you.
I heard you arrived in two days.
That's quite a feat.
I apologize for suspecting you
without evidence.
However, I can't accept the way you refer
to yourself as the Demon King of Atrocity.
Students of Demon King Academy,
I am Diego Kanon Ijessica,
the principal of Hero Academy
and homeroom teacher
of the special class, Zelga Kanon.
Today marks the first day
of inter-school activities.
We will begin with some light recreation.
Each school will demonstrate
its magic with the items on these tables.
Well, pretty standard so far.
From Hero Academy, rank two, Ledriano.
Yes, sir.
From Demon King Academy
Head of the third-year class, Rivest.
This is the Hero spell, Rihido.
It can make medicines more effective
and when cast on a sword
The results are clear.
Beautifully done, Ledriano.
This is the holy power of love
that is the Hero's magic.
What will you present?
A spell to turn animals
into monsters, Nedra.
What's wrong?
So this is all the head of Demon King
Academy's third-year class can do?
Enough. He must be nervous.
Demon King Academy's students
could not be so low-level
that they would fail to cast
a spell on a simple mouse.
You humans always did love setting traps.
Apart from Rihido, you also cast
the imperceptible barrier, De Lenos,
a hidden barrier
that blocks only demon magic.
But once you see the trick, it's simple.
What's wrong? Is this still too low-level?
A holy sword?
You cast Rihido and produced a holy sword?
How could a demon
Holy magic is simply magic
on a different wavelength.
Thank you for the demonstration,
Anos Voldigoad.
So you are the reincarnated
Demon King of Atrocity?
How dare you say that?
Can't you see the difference
between these white and black uniforms?
A Mudblood couldn't possibly be
the Demon King of Atrocity.
If one of you is stronger
than him, step forward!
He is a misfit.
You dare insult the Highbloods?
Silence! There will be order!
We will resume the lesson!
Did you find anything?
I combed through the legends of Azecion,
but there is nothing about
the Hero Kanon being killed by a human.
I see.
However, there is an interesting
episode from these legends.
It was spread to various lands
by graduates of Hero Academy.
"One day, the deep darkness
shall swallow Azecion once again."
"But you need not fear."
"Raise your hopes and prayers
to the Legendary Hero,
for one bearing the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man, Evansmana, shall appear
and restore light to the world."
The Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man, Evansmana.
The holy sword created to slay me?
Interpreted, the Legendary Hero is Kanon,
and the deep darkness
which swallows Azecion is
My reincarnation?
The legend was passed down to ensure,
my liege, that once you were reincarnated,
you would disappear once more.
That is what I must conclude.
Anos, do you have a minute?
Continue your investigation.
Yes, my liege.
What's wrong?
Are you free?
A festival?
The birth of the Hero Zelga.
Oh, him?
What? Over there, isn't that
So they're here too?
Hey, wait a second!
We might be intruding.
You're good, mister!
I guess you don't care about the festival?
No, it's just, well
I was thinking about something.
The way the Hero Academy students
looked at us was kind of scary.
It nearly turned into a brawl too.
We finally have a chance
for inter-school activities.
I just wonder if it will
only get worse from here.
What are you doing?
Even when someone treats you as
an enemy, you find it hard to do the same.
I'm not that different from anyone else.
And if you could join hands
with the Highbloods?
Wouldn't that be better?
You're very strong.
Your strength saved me
when my mother was in danger.
I've wanted to thank you ever since.
Thank you.
You're making me blush a little.
Which prize are you getting?
Here you are. Choose any one you'd like.
What is that necklace made of?
Oh, it's a shell! How cute.
It would make a nice present.
Then I'll take this one-shell necklace.
For me?
Yeah. As a sign of gratitude.
Thank you very much.
They're very pretty.
There are two shells and two bands
May I have the honor?
Hey, what's that necklace?
This? Well
I had put it on for me yesterday,
and now I can't take it off.
It's true. I've never seen
a fastener like this in Dilhade.
Who put it on you?
Come on, tell us!
It's a secret.
Don't worry. We won't tell!
A lovely present.
Were you watching?
It turns out that type
of necklace has a story behind it.
What kind of story?
The story of Michens's Necklace?
2,000 years ago, during the War,
human lovers heading to their deaths
that had hopes of reincarnating together,
would split a holy shell to make
two necklaces and put them on one another.
The story I heard wasn't that sad.
That's how it started.
Soon after, the custom was
to combine the two necklaces into one
and present them to your lover.
That one! That's the modern story.
When the shells of
a one-shell necklace given to your lover
are split into two,
it serves as a marriage proposal.
You gave it to her, Lay?
When's the wedding?
Marriage? We're not
What's wrong?
Eleonore isn't here.
You're right.
Maybe she's feeling sick?
Today, we will conduct
the inter-school exam.
Asura and Gaize!
Each school will use its military magic.
Lake Holylight will be the battlefield.
There is a submerged city and many caves.
We will send members of our special class.
From our school
Please do send students of a decent level,
but perhaps that is asking
too much of your students.
Please forgive me.
Ms. Menoh, send us out.
They've insulted us!
We'll crush them!
Just stop.
If you fall for slight provocations,
you won't win even when you're capable.
What? Try saying that again!
All right, everyone.
Just calm down. Anos is right.
Ms. Menoh, are you sending him out?
I'd consider it
if Anos's team had enough members.
How many do we need?
At least ten.
If we include these girls, we have 13.
-Any problem
-Hold it.
The honor of the academy is at stake.
We can't allow a misfit to represent us.
You may not understand this,
but we are proud to have come this far
under Ms. Menoh's tutelage.
Even if it is
a slight provocation, allowing it to pass
casts shame on Ms. Menoh.
Very well.
But if you can't
figure out the enemy's game,
you're only doubling the shame.
We do not need you to tell us that.
Then it's settled.
To be honest, I'm pretty irritated myself.
We knew you would be.
Is everyone listening?
Go out there and win!
The inter-school exam will begin shortly!
Rivest, was it?
What kind of man is he?
He's a nice boy.
He may be the head of the class now,
but he was at the bottom
when he entered the academy.
He hated the Ancestor at first too,
but now he's a Highblood Separatist.
What changed him?
One day
You're working hard.
I don't like magic
that was invented for fighting.
-I don't want to hurt anyone.
-to hurt anyone.
You're a very nice boy.
It's true that Gaize
was created for battle,
but I'm sure that the Ancestor
felt the same way you do.
Not to destroy, but to protect.
I think that's why Gaize
distributes magic to others.
The Ancestor
Thank you, Ms. Menoh.
Ever since then, he's revered
the Ancestor more than anyone.
He was able to find pride in his blood.
Are the thoughts
of the Ancestor in the textbooks?
If the textbooks were all there
was to learn, we wouldn't need teachers.
No response!
Magic eyes can't perceive
the enemy's magic!
I can't summon my familiars!
The magic field may be stagnant.
And Leeks?
I can use it.
Each team will perform reconnaissance.
Search for the enemy
and report back with Leeks.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
Lord Rivest! They're here!
Lord Rivest?
Lord Rivest!
Do you know why you can't use your magic?
Damn! Wait, this is
Your mana
has been weakened!
Serves you right!
I beat my half already.
That was way too easy!
Man, this is boring.
Laos, Haine, we're knocking down
that Demon King's Castle.
That's weird.
Why can only
Hero Academy students use magic?
They didn't have enough time to expand
their barrier through all that water.
They must have
set something up from the start.
Do you know what they did?
It's faster if you see for yourself.
I'll lend you my eyes.
What? This is
There's holy water
mixed in with the lake water.
Holy water grants mana
to humans and poisons demons.
I've never seen it used like this before.
Those magic devices are releasing
an infinite amount of holy water.
There must be another device
to manipulate the water's flow.
But that's completely against the rules!
Lord Rivest, there is no response
from any of the scouts!
They're here!
Heroes are attacking
from three different directions!
Not yet.
Keep drawing them in!
Leo Aeas, fire!
Our mana is being drained!
We won't be able to maintain the castle!
Come to me, Holy Earth Sword Zale!
Bring the students
back to the surface at once.
If anything happens to them,
it's the Hero Academy's responsibility.
I have called for help with my familiar.
It will take some time, so please wait.
I will be filing a complaint about this
along with yesterday's recreation.
Don't be hasty. There's very little
a demon can do down there.
I can't just sit and wait!
Even five seconds?
What? Why?
He has a stigma.
That is a deep wound from holy magic.
No healing spell can treat it now.
You allowed such dangerous magic
during an inter-school exam?
I didn't think the students
of Demon King Academy were this weak.
This is due to your incompetence.
Don't force the responsibility on me.
Ms. Menoh, I'm sorry.
This is my fault!
I put you in harm's way
for the sake of my stupid pride.
That isn't
No need to worry. Stigmata can be healed.
I refuse your treatment.
You have a strong will,
but a mother bird is responsible
for its chicks until they leave the nest.
Are you so weak
that you'd shame your teacher, Rivest?
Their badges.
They used these to manipulate
the water that dissipated our mana.
And they used them to erase
the evidence of holy water too?
Anos Voldigoad,
I hate you with all my heart.
But today, for the first time,
I wished I had your strength
Please, Anos!
You need not say more.
You performed with honor,
as you said you would.
Leave the rest to me.
Hey there, mister.
I thought we might have a rematch.
You haven't had enough fun either, right?
We've been waiting for this.
You took very good care of our seniors.
They were even weaker than advertised.
Not as weak as you three
who depend on that holy water, though.
Simply a geographic advantage.
You used magic devices.
If you're that afraid of it,
why not get rid of all the water?
We'll wait for you to finish.
What's that?
There won't be much of a wait.
Impossible! The lake!
The holy water granted to us by the gods!
Who's waiting for who?
What are you saying? The exam is over!
You! Obey my orders!
They've done this much.
We can't sit around.
And this seems way more fun.
Halt! You have no permission
for an inter-school exam
Both schools, take your positions.
Don't worry, Mr. Diego.
We'll use that.
The second round of the inter-school
exam will begin shortly.
So as not to bring shame
to your ancestors,
this time will be a fair fight!
Next episode, "The Light of Life."
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