The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e10 Episode Script


Previously on "The Mob Doctor" As long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
That's the deal.
If you don't leave right now, I am screaming for a cop.
I am a cop.
Constantine's plans are bigger than I imagined.
What part of "off the case" don't you get? Got to find a way back in.
I'm Dr.
You had me paged.
I heard that you see patients off the grid.
It seems our old friend Russell King is back in town.
My FBI handler wants me hooked up with another crew.
Otherwise, he's gonna pull me out.
King needs a guy.
That's me.
By tomorrow morning, I'll be rich, and you'll be connected.
Stavos: Franco crewed up with Russell.
It's gonna be challenging.
I like a good challenge.
You know, there was someone else there with him -- Grace.
She helped Franco with Russell.
I'll deal with Grace in my own time.
[ Tires screech .]
[ S.
Door opens, closes .]
[ Door closes .]
Grace: Good morning.
What took you so long? You called an hour ago.
Roll up your sleeve.
Let's go.
This isn't a medical issue, so you can put your bag away.
Sit down.
I've been waiting for you to come to me and explain yourself.
What are you talking about? What the hell were you doing with Franco? You, Franco, Russell King -- Christmas Eve outside the auction house.
Russell King is my patient.
He collapsed.
If I hadn't gone to see him, he would have died.
And Franco? He just happened to be there, too? Yeah, that's right.
So it was Franco who referred Russell King to you? I don't know, but I would assume so, yeah.
You should have called me.
Why? So you can kill Franco? Look, I don't want to be responsible for anybody's death, including Franco's.
If this is all you need from me You want things to be strictly business between you and me, that's fine.
But you're gonna tell me everything you know about Franco.
Is he working for Russell King in Detroit? I have no idea.
You see him again, you get ahold of me right away.
And you're right.
I do want him dead.
[ Dialing .]
[ Cellphone rings .]
I was just thinking about you.
Constantine knows we were together.
He asked me if you and Russell were in Detroit.
Well, what'd you tell him? I said I didn't know.
I don't think he believed me.
The thing is I'm not in Detroit anymore.
I'm on my way back to Chicago.
No, you can't come here.
It's not safe.
Detroit's economy's in the toilet, Grace.
There's no money there.
If I get Russell hooked up in Chicago, I find a way back in, and I get his protection.
But if it weren't for you, he would be dead.
Isn't that enough? Unfortunately, saving his life doesn't put money in his pocket.
I need to prove I'm an earner.
The FBI wants me on the inside, Grace.
Otherwise I'm useless to them.
It's just if anything happened to you, I, um -- hey, it's you and me versus the world, babe.
And I'm betting on us.
[ Up-tempo music plays .]
Louis: Where you going, twinkle toes? A bet's a bet, and you lost.
Can't I give you each 20 bucks? We'll call it even? Come on.
Nobody wants your money.
We want to see your fat ass dance.
You're a jerk.
Shut up and shake your money maker.
[ Laughs .]
Like you mean it.
[ Laughter .]
Do it for me.
I love this! Very good! Nate.
What's up? Whenever these idiots are done screwing around, I want you to go with Louis and Gio on some pickups.
You're moving up quick, kid.
Keep up the good job.
The sky's the limit.
Cut that crap out.
Don't quit your day job, Benny.
King: I've been trying to get ahold of Tony M.
For a month.
Haven't got an answer back.
You make one phone call, and all of a sudden, we get an invite.
Yeah, we go way back.
This guy can chop up a car to the bolts in less than an hour.
If he's even half as good as you say, you got a permanent spot on my crew here in Chicago.
I'm counting on it.
Tony M.
Nice to see you breathing, kid.
What's up, man? Good to meet you.
I'm Tony M.
Franco says you're the real deal.
Is it true you boosted the first truckload of vipers out of Flint? How'd you hear about that? I'm from Detroit.
Screw you.
Franco, I'm out.
What's his deal? Let me go talk to him.
What happened there? You never said he was from Detroit.
So what? You know the Pistons knocked the Bulls out of the playoffs three times in a row -- '88, '89, and '90.
I can't be around that guy.
Bad memories.
That was like 20 years ago, man.
It's not like he played on the team.
I lost 100 grand on those games, and I vowed never to work with anybody from that piece-of-crap city! End of story! He's a die-hard Bulls fan.
He was born and raised in Chicago.
Hey, Russell.
Where were you born? Humboldt Park.
Before or after the Mexicans moved in? [ Laughs .]
There ain't no Mexicans in Humboldt Park.
It's all Puerto Rican.
But nice try.
Who's your favorite all-time Bull? And don't say Jordan.
Norm van Lier.
Stormin' Norman.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Yeah, butterbean love.
Mickey Johnson.
I'll have you set up in 24 hours.
Eight lifts, two box trucks to move parts through the city.
And I got extra offices in the back.
How about I get us box seats to the Bulls game next week? Ohh.
I think he's a couple quarters short of a dollar.
Yeah, I'm more interested in the c-notes we're gonna be bringing in.
Welcome aboard.
Woman on P.
: Dr.
Devlin to trauma room 4.
Devlin to trauma room 4.
Devlin to trauma room 4.
Devlin to Everything all right, Dr.
Devlin? Oh, yeah, I was just, uh, paged to see a trauma patient.
A priest.
And you're standing out here because? Oh, it's just after my last confession, I was supposed to say 10 Hail Marys as penance, and I haven't really gotten around to it.
How long ago was that? Before med school.
I'm sure he'll forgive you.
Try saying the rosary sometime.
It never hurts.
Hello, Father.
I'm Dr.
That's quite an infection you have there.
Yes, I-I should have come in sooner, but I kept hoping it would get better on its own.
Well, can I ask you what happened? Of course.
But it -- it may sound strange to you.
I've heard it all before.
You can tell me anything.
I've been performing an exorcism and two days ago, while blessing my parishioner with holy oil, I was attacked.
Attacked? Yes.
I was bitten by the demon.
All right, so we're gonna drain your wound and then give you some intravenous antibiotics.
Thank you, doctor.
Judging from the teeth-mark impressions, I'd say it's a human bite.
So, when you say "Demon" Well, I've been working on my parishioner for a week now.
She would never deliberately harm me, but the demon used her as a vessel to lash out.
I've -- I've heard of exorcisms.
I was raised catholic.
But I've never met anyone who's performed the rite.
Well, I'm one of several priests in the state sanctioned by the Vatican to exorcise.
I let my guard down, and I gave the demon an opening to come after me.
[ Coughs .]
Oh, Father Doyle, this is Dr.
We'll be working together.
Let's see here.
It's a two-day-old human bite, surrounding cellulitis.
It's pretty deep.
Okay, we're gonna have to do a facial C.
To make sure the infection doesn't track into the brain.
The nurse is gonna take you for your scan, and I will meet you back in the patient room.
Okay, see you soon.
An exorcism in 2013? It's an attempt to eradicate evil.
In theory, there's nothing wrong with that.
This guy thinks demons are real.
Demons -- the things that take over your body and puke green-pea soup all over the place.
That's enough.
Are you taking this guy seriously? I don't know if demons are real.
I know evil exists.
I'm glad you decided to meet.
I see you got your appetite back.
Yeah, I didn't realize how much I missed Chicago beef.
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the local cuisine.
If you like, I can get you a little water to wash that down.
Yeah, that's funny.
You tried to drown me the last time I was here.
I warned you, but you didn't listen.
I want to tell you something Out of respect.
Me and my crew are setting up shop.
Not without kicking up to the syndicate you're not -- my syndicate.
No, no, no, no, no.
You're South side.
This is downtown.
It's no man's land.
I'll stay out of your way.
You stay out of mine.
Russell, you know why a thief never robs the same home twice? Because if he goes back, the owner's gonna be ready for him.
This ain't your home.
What's it gonna take for you to learn? Look around! We're downtown.
Come after me again, you better bring an army with you.
My whole crew's moving in.
Ain't nothing you're gonna do about it.
Enjoy your day.
Brett: Okay, I'm just gonna pack the wound.
I'm not gonna give you stitches so that it can continue to drain.
[ Knock on door .]
I have good news.
Your facial C.
is fine.
Your infection is localized.
Does that mean I'm cleared to go? As soon as Dr.
Robinson's finished.
Just need you to come back tomorrow so we can change the packing.
I am All done.
Thank you both.
[ Grunts .]
You okay? My leg is numb.
I've just been sitting too long.
Oh! Whoa! Father Doyle, you all right? I can't move my leg.
Grace, you're bleeding.
I know.
The scalpel.
All right, we got to deal with that.
Go to exam room "B.
" I'll be right there.
You got it? I'll be right back.
Come on.
All right, here we go.
Mm! Come on.
Here we go.
[ Horns honking .]
[ Gun cocks .]
All right, let's do this.
Oh, slow down, buddy.
You're gonna hang back on this one.
You can put that away.
Look, you never send everybody in to collect because if you do and something goes down, you need someone at the wheel, right? So you're gonna hang with me.
We're gonna get him on the next one.
Yeah, that's 'cause at the next stop, you got a thing for that waitress with the huge rack.
That's my future ex-wife you're talking about, pal.
Keep the car running.
Shut your mouth.
[ Laughs .]
Joey Riso, the guy who runs this place I took his daughter to prom last year.
Prom? You're like 28.
Yeah, he was not too happy about that.
[ Laughs .]
Throws me out of the limo and stabs me with a fruit picker.
Fruit picker? A fruit picker.
If the -- if the fruit is too high up in the tree, they get that claw out, and they claw it down with a fruit picker.
Left a scar on my ass.
[ Gunshots .]
Nate, Gio! Grab him! I got him! I got him! He's just a kid.
What the hell, man?! The cash ain't here! Is he alive? He has a pulse! What happened?! I went in there.
I see this big guy.
He goes running out the back with a gun.
I turn around, I see Joey shot between the eyes with an empty envelope in his hand.
And this kid goes running out the front.
All right, we got to get out of here.
We can't just leave him here.
He knows who shot Joey and who stole our money.
Pay-up was 5 grand.
All right.
Then we shove him in the car, and we get out of here.
Nate, bring the car around.
Nate! Now! The car! Make it quick! [ Sirens wailing .]
You're bleeding me dry, Dracula.
We got to run lfts, a hepatitis panel, and a rapid H.
You know that.
How long will Father Doyle's tests take? A few hours.
But that guy's a priest.
I'm sure he's fine.
Sadly, that doesn't reassure me.
I miss you.
Hey, how you doing, Grace? Oh, I'm -- I'm fine.
How is Father Doyle? The strength is back in his leg.
Must have been a transient ischemic attack.
Order an MRI? And carotid studies.
It's in process.
You are taking the rest of the day off.
Body-fluid exposure.
Go home and relax -- hospital policy.
[ Alarm chirps .]
Are you sure this place is cool? Yeah.
My uncle bought it at auction.
He's rehabbing it to flip.
We got to call Constantine and tell him what happened.
How's that gonna look, huh? A guy under his protection's dead, and we're 5 grand short? Right.
This kid's the only shot we got at saving our asses.
Well, what if the kid doesn't wake up? If the kid don't wake up, we find an incinerator, and we toss him in it.
Slow down.
You know what -- uh, let me call my sister.
[ Dialing .]
[ Cellphone rings .]
Hey, Nate.
So, uh, hypothetical question.
If somebody falls and hits their head and then they're not waking up, what should you do? Did somebody actually fall, Nate? Yeah, but I'm sure he's okay.
Okay? I mean, he's got a pulse.
That's good, right? Nate, tell me where you are right now.
Brain MRI looks normal.
I don't see any evidence of stroke.
Stroke? I came in for a bite.
An infection increases the risk of clotting, which could explain your weakness.
We also need to rule out meningitis and encephalitis.
Which is why we need to collect and examine your cerebral spinal fluid.
Could you please sit up and hang your feet over the side of the bed? It's also possible that my condition is not medical.
You think that you're possessed now.
Well, a demon can only possess one person at a time, but it will often attack the exorcist during the rite.
Most priests are strong enough to fend it off, but I've already shown that I'm vulnerable.
I realize how that must sound to you.
I don't think you do.
May I ask -- do you attend church? When I was a kid.
With my mom.
Not lately.
No disrespect, but explaining what I do to a nonbeliever is -- it's difficult.
Father, you don't need to defend yourself to us.
I need you to lean over that.
All right.
Feel for the interspace at L4 and advance in a cephalad direction till you feel a pop.
We don't take our duties lightly.
Before we begin the exorcism rite, we insist that the person see a doctor.
We pray on the matter for days.
We consult with our bishops.
We exhaust every possible cause of the affliction.
No one's questioning your faith.
We just need to do our job as doctors.
[ Groaning .]
I'm gonna need you to stop moving, please.
[ Groaning continues .]
[ Grunts .]
I am the vessel of the lord, and you are a disrespectful heathen who will burn! Father Doyle, I need you to put the needle down! You have no authority over me! Security! Security The devil is real.
He's among us, and he is coming for you! This is a move that is long overdue and unprecedented in modern times.
Now, with the lake to the east, our territory's surrounded.
That's why I say downtown should be ours.
Call it by divine right.
You already run the entire South side.
How much more do you need? Look, this is not about me.
This is about outsiders like Russell King coming to Chicago and setting up a chop shop and not paying up to us.
It shouldn't happen.
But downtown is too high-profile.
Every crime that happens downtown winds up on the news, and the cops need a face to pin it on.
And it's not gonna be mine.
I'd love to pin something on your face.
You are a pig.
All right, listen up.
being attacked from all sides, including within its walls by corrupt politicians.
Sounds a lot like Chicago.
That's why three men -- Marcus Crassus, Julius Caesar, and Pompey the Great -- they got together, and they formed the first triumvirate.
They took the city back, and they made it magnificent again.
Easy there, Julius.
The risk still doesn't match the reward.
I agree.
I ain't doing it.
I got to take a leak.
Celeste, I think this is the chance for us all to expand and build together.
What do you think? I think forget about downtown.
I think there's too many problems.
Besides, I don't like the company.
In fact, why don't I say my goodbyes now before he gets back? I doubt he even washes his hands.
No blown pupil.
How long has he been out? About an hour.
No blood behind his eardrum.
Who is he? According to this, his name's Sam Cooper.
This I.
'S from a local teen shelter.
He's a runaway.
And he has asthma.
That's great.
Was he hit with something? Nate: He fell off a fence.
Why didn't you take him to the E.
? That's not your concern, doc.
We need some privacy.
We caught him running from a robbery.
The store owner's protected by Constantine, but he was killed.
His eyes are open.
Sam, can you hear me? You okay? Please don't kill me.
Sam's awake.
He's pretty scared.
I want to talk to him.
No, he's too freaked out.
Like I care.
All right, you little douche bag, start talking.
Who the hell shot Joey? [ Wheezing .]
What, you don't want to talk?! - I'm gonna beat it out of you! - Hey! Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's wrong with him? He has asthma, okay? It's induced by stress.
[ Wheezing .]
Give us a minute.
He can't breathe! Give us a minute! All right.
We'll be in the other room.
You don't have to be scared of me, okay? I just want to help.
I'm a doctor.
You still work for them.
That's pretty good.
Is that yours? Yeah.
Is that your mom? I miss her.
I bet she misses you, too.
After my dad split She had to work two jobs.
She was stressed, and We just fought all the time.
You took off.
I had to get out.
At least I thought I did.
How long ago was that? Almost a year.
What happened today? I don't remember anything.
Look, Sam -- I'm done talking to you.
I thought we were sedating him.
Did you put him in restraints? I requested them, on Father Keyes' advice.
I take it you're Father Keyes.
I work with Father Doyle.
I came to tell him that, sadly, Lisa Dalton had passed away.
She's the woman that I've been attending to.
Lisa was rushed to the E.
a few hours ago.
She had a seizure, and they couldn't revive her.
Have the E.
doctors determined the cause of death? Not yet.
So I recommended these restraints as soon as she passed.
I don't follow.
It's a necessary precaution when a person is under demonic influence.
Yeah, well, Father Doyle said he can't be possessed.
One demon, one person, right? Demonic spirits often seek revenge on those trying to block their presence.
I believe this demon left Lisa's body and found a new host in Father Doyle.
Yeah, that's one explanation.
Another is that he has a medical condition.
Which you haven't found.
We're searching for an etiology, which is why we need to do an E.
, which is why you need to leave the room now, please.
If Father Doyle is possessed, I need to do an intercession.
You can't do that here.
Uh, Father Doyle, is this what you want? The E.
Can wait a few minutes.
The holy water signifies baptism and an acceptance by God.
Evil will refuse it violently.
In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti.
I command you, unclean spirit now attacking this servant of God, that you tell me by some sign your name.
[ Grunting .]
[ Screams .]
Before you start, I want you to know that I'm sorry about Al's behavior.
I should have spoke to you one on one.
Mm, you said that already on the phone, which is why I'm here.
What's going on? I want you to keep an open mind about downtown.
I already said I'm not interested.
You weren't interested in the old deal.
Constantine wants to offer you new terms.
Regardless of terms, we're still talking about downtown.
Celeste, there's millions of dollars to be made each month from stolen merch and the escort business alone.
Like I said, I ain't interested.
Still not interested.
We're offering you 50%, Al.
What if I offered you 50%? If you give me 50%, what's left for Trapani? What about Celeste? You are the most important part of this deal.
Let us worry about Celeste, hmm? You're the most important part of the deal.
Why don't you leave Trapani to me? How could I say no? You got yourself a deal.
Father Doyle's sedated.
Father Keyes is convinced he's possessed.
All his tests are negative.
It has to be psychiatric.
He's convinced he's possessed, so he's acting accordingly.
That's your official diagnosis -- that it's all in his head? I don't know.
Forget what you think you know.
Start at the beginning With an open mind.
Father Doyle has an infected human bite.
He was bit by a woman that he was exorcising.
And assuming that woman wasn't possessed She had to have been ill.
[ Sighs .]
The E.
doctors haven't found a cause of death.
Maybe there's something in her medical records.
Lisa Dalton died three hours ago.
Severely dehydrated, elevated white count, atypical monocytes.
It says she had some kind of bite, as well, on her ankle.
It looks infected.
Could be from a rodent or -- rodents carry a variety of diseases.
They're usually transmitted through their fleas, but they can also be transmitted through a bite.
There's, uh, hantavirus, rabies, lassa fever.
Stop right there.
A unique symptom of rabies is hydrophobia.
Fear of water.
So he wasn't scared of the water because it was holy.
He was scared of the water because it's water.
So if Lisa was infected, she could have passed the disease on to Father Doyle when she bit him.
I'll order a rabies test.
Brett, wait a minute.
Grace was exposed to Father Doyle's blood.
If he has rabies, she could, too.
She has to get vaccinated right away.
I'll call her.
And tell her to hurry.
If she waits too long, it's a death sentence.
Louis: What the hell is taking your sister so long? She's trying to get through to the kid.
You want him to talk, right? Probably giving him a rectal exam.
That's not funny.
Yeah, it is.
[ Cellphone vibrating .]
Did he say who shot Joey? The kid's talking, but he won't say what happened.
I'm done.
Let's tune this kid up.
If you hurt him, he's not gonna talk, and then you'll never get your money back.
You know, doc, you can leave.
You're not needed here any longer.
Look, I am not gonna leave so you can torture a kid.
No, we're not gonna water-board the kid.
We're gonna use a little bit of pressure on a couple of choice spots.
That's it.
Nate, call Constantine and tell him what is going on.
Whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no.
Absolutely not.
We got a job to do.
We're gonna do it.
Tell him, or I will call him myself, and then I will take the kid to the cops.
Gio: Like hell you will.
Look, I'm about sick of you running your little mouth off like you're in charge.
Calm down, all right?! She's closer to Constantine than any of us.
Nate, shut up! Screw you! Louis, I can get this kid to talk.
Louis, Louis.
Gio, why don't you take a little walk? What, now you're telling me what to do? I'm not telling you what to do.
Look, I'm saying -- we're hungry, right? You go out the front door, you take a left.
There's a chicken place on the corner.
Get yourself some chicken, okay? Fine.
You better tell Constantine what is going on before gio gets back and hurts somebody.
Constantine: Mr.
sandbag's feeling pretty proud, yeah? Excuse me, Constantine.
Can I talk to you? I'm in the middle of a hand, kid.
I'm sorry, but it's important.
$250 to call.
Yeah, well, my treys are looking pretty puny.
I fold.
Sorry about that.
Yeah, well, you're lucky I had a crap hand.
What's going on? Joey's dead.
A couple of guys killed him.
They took the 5 grand.
The shooter got away, but we nabbed the other one.
What do you mean, "nabbed"? Nabbed who? This kid -- he tried to run, but we caught him, and now we got him at a safe house.
A kid? What are you talking about? How old of a kid? He's 14, but we got him, and now he won't talk.
You need to get out of here right now and take care of this.
What? Offer the kid the $5,000 and tell him to keep his mouth shut.
I don't understand.
going to jail the rest of your life for, kid.
This is kidnapping of a minor.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, well, not as sorry as you're gonna be if he doesn't take that money.
You understand what I'm saying to you? Stunad.
Rabies? Are you sure? Your PCR test was positive.
We ran a post-mortem test on Lisa.
It was also positive.
Lisa was sick? Rabies symptoms include delirium, uncontrolled outbursts, seizures, and something called hydrophobia.
It's an acute fear of water -- most likely a subconscious reaction to the body's inability to swallow.
At the end, Lisa could barely drink anything.
We made a terrible mistake.
If we'd brought her to the E.
sooner -- we took her to a doctor.
He cleared her.
We did all she asked.
She begged for help.
We didn't do enough.
May God forgive us.
Doctor, how do we treat Father Doyle? Isn't there some vaccination? Yes, but unfortunately, it's only effective before symptoms manifest.
At this stage of the disease, there is no definitive cure.
Am I going to die? Well, there is an experimental treatment.
We induce a coma in hopes of protecting your brain while spurring your immune system.
I mean, it's Worked, but the odds are slim.
Well, you're talking to a man who believes in miracles.
Well, I'll, um Start activating the protocol.
And I'll, uh I'll say a prayer for you.
I can't find Grace anywhere.
Her cell's going straight to voicemail.
Have you called her family? Her mom's out of town, and her brother's not answering.
If she's not back soon -- find her! Grace: Can I see it? I'm almost done.
Don't look.
How'd you learn how to draw, Sam? I taught myself.
Whenever I feel an asthma attack starting, it calms me down.
[ Door opens .]
How's it going in here, kids? You need to get out.
You don't mind if I'm in here, do you, Sam? Huh? Oh, that's pretty good.
[ Wheezing .]
Looks like someone's got a little crush.
You think maybe you could do one of those of me? If I smile for you? Get in this good light? You're causing another attack.
Get out.
Do you have another inhaler? [ Wheezing .]
I think I have one in my car.
Put your hands above your head.
It'll open up your lungs.
I'll be right back.
[ Wheezing .]
Come on.
Come on! Thank God.
I don't think he's breathing, doc.
He's barely moving air.
What are you doing? Epi pen.
He needs epinephrine.
Get me some water.
You're okay.
Just take a breath.
[ Inhales .]
These are new.
Sam, what happened? [ Gun clicks .]
You should have minded your own business, doc.
Come on.
What the hell are you doing? Sorry, Grace.
[ Gunshots .]
You okay? He killed Joey! Right in front of me -- he killed him! He killed Joey! Okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
The missing 5 grand.
What the hell's going on? He said if I talked, he'd kill me.
When you went to the car, he came at me and -- okay, you're safe now, all right? Are you okay? I'm fine.
Look, we have to get you somewhere safe.
I want to go back home To Milwaukee.
I, um -- I actually have a friend who works there.
She's in Social Services.
If you want, I can get you some help.
Grace, you ready to go? Um, can my brother drive you home? You can trust him.
Give me a second.
How are you holding up? Good.
Um, Gio helped me dump the body, so, you know, we're good to go.
So that's it? No, uh, Constantine said that the kid can have the 5 grand if he keeps quiet.
So, if he kept quiet? So, what, we're gonna, like, bribe him now? I'm just thinking, like, if he needs the money, right? Yeah, I guess he could use the money, Nate.
Okay, good.
So get the kid.
Let's go.
Okay, whoa, Nate.
Hold on.
What is going on with you? What do you mean what's going on with me? I mean, you just killed somebody in front of a kid, and you dumped a body! What is happening with you? I'm gonna be in the car.
[ Cellphone vibrates .]
You sure you haven't had any symptoms -- no weakness, itching at the site, fever, headache? No, nothing.
Can we just do this? I really want to get out of here.
Grace, I've been looking for you all day to give you these shots.
They're gonna save your life, all right? So just drop your pants.
Come on, I can either inject you in your stomach or your ass, and you know which one hurts less.
[ Sighs .]
Aah! Now the immunoglobulin.
I promise I'll be gentle.
You know I'm an atheist.
When I was looking for you today, I definitely said a prayer.
I'm sorry.
I mean, not for today.
I mean, obviously for today.
I just mean, you know, for all of it.
You're really an amazing guy.
You deserve better.
That's the last thing I actually want to hear right now.
That's right.
Are you gonna tell me what's going on here? They both needed to feel they were getting the better deal.
Leaving us with nothing! You're not looking at the big picture here.
Now, what do we know about Celeste and Trapani? That they hate each other, for one.
Which means they'll never be able to agree on anything.
Leaving you as the swing vote.
You'll have all the power.
And all the money eventually.
Believe me.
We're gonna get everything we want.
Celeste, big Al.
It's an auspicious occasion.
Our first move together.
Let's not waste any time.
Let's do it.
How you doing, Russell? Did you come here to bring me another Chicago beef? Actually, I brought friends.
Wow! The whole gang's here.
And like I told you -- you want to do business in Chicago, you got to pay us.
Meet the new syndicate.
We own 30 cents on every dollar you make.
Paid out weekly, unless you want a war.
I'm gonna go check in on our new operation.
Now, don't forget these.
What can I say, you know? Nothing personal.
Just the price of doing business in Chicago.
Okay, you win For now.
You know, Russell, guys like you and me -- we're not that much different.
We're both a dying breed.
That's why we got to be smart.
Is it really that bad, in our line of work, to have friends? What's on your mind? There's one thing I'm gonna need from you.
And unfortunately, it's not negotiable.
Franco: What you went through today, it's got to be hard to process.
The things that that kid saw I should have gotten him out sooner, you know? Hey.
Because of you, that kid's home safe tonight.
You did your best.
All right? It feels really good to be honest with somebody finally.
Yeah, I think I might know how that feels.
[ Cellphone rings .]
I'm sorry.
What's up? Constantine joined up with Celeste Lapree and Al Trapani.
They're taking over downtown.
No freaking way.
If I want to operate here, I'm gonna have to kick up.
The price is steep.
You know, there's enough money to go around.
Well, that ain't all.
Constantine wants you.
If I don't hand you over, I'm out.
What are you saying here? I'm sorry.
I can't protect you anymore.
Get the hell out now.
He's coming for you.
Constantine's coming.
He's coming here? Yeah.
You -- you have to leave.
Listen to me, all right? I just got you back.
There's no way I'm running now! There is no other way.
You have to go now.
I'll be back.
I know.
[ Engine turns over .]

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