The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e10 Episode Script

The Scourge of Skyborg

[theme music]
[Bandit barking]
(Race) 'What's really weird about
these nightmares, doctor..'
'is that I've never met this Skyborg character.'
But you say there is something
familiar about him?
Yeah. It's the way he flies that jet.
Okay, here's his file.
Intelligence One lists him as a foreign
He calls himself "Skyborg", an expert pilot and a renegade.
He works for the highest bidder.
If I were superstitious, I'd say your dream
was a bad omen, Race, especially now.
Because of your upcoming experiment?
(Jonny) Hi, dad. Race.
I double-checked your calibrations, Dr. Quest.
It's all set for the flight test.
(Race) 'So, this is CAP, huh?'
(Dr. Quest) 'Yes, the first flight
'capable of solo piloting any aircraft.'
Ha! Is CAP short for Captain?
(female #1) 'Negative, Race Bannon.'
I am CAP, Computerized Aircraft Pilot.
CAP is programmed to perform the most sophisticated
aerial maneuver with split second timing.
And fly better than any human pilot.
Huh! That remains to be seen, doctor.
All that's left is to install it in Quester One
and test it against an experienced
human pilot volunteer.
[Bandit barking]
[sonic humming]
(Race) 'Sure you don't need a hand
carrying that, HardRock?'
Quite sure, Race.
The tonnage I'm capable of lifting far exceeds.
[laughs] Just kidding, HardRock.
[sonic humming]
[intense music]
Okay, Dr. Quest, let's see what CAP can do.
(Skyborg) I should've known
you'd be mixed up
in this computer caper, fly guy.
Race Bannon, you've owed me for a long time
and after getting my hands on that computer
your old buddy Skyborg's gonna collect, collect in full.
(Dr. Quest) 'Computer Aircraft Pilot
checks out at this end, Race.'
Now, it's up to you to put CAP through the practical test.
- Ready? - 'I'm ready, doc.'
(Race) 'So far, CAP's broken
no traffic laws.'
But why are we flying over the Grand Canyon?
It's the perfect natural obstacle course to test CAP.
(CAP) Suggestion, Race Bannon.
Hold on.
[monitors beeping]
(Dr. Quest) 'CAP's control is perfect.'
I'm glad you think so, doc.
Now it's time to test CAP's performance against your own.
Assume control, Race.
(Race) 'With the greatest of ease.'
You always thought you were the best, didn't you, Bannon?
Let's see how good you are now, fly guy.
Robots, he's all yours.
Huh? What'swhat's..
Something's wrong. We've lost all
Huh? What the..
(CAP) 'I repeat, Race Bannon.
Can you talk?'
Race, why has CAP been deactivated? Race!
Dr. Quest, who's controlling Quester One?
No one.
[intense music]
There's still a chance to land Quester One
and save Race by remote control.
[keys beeping]
(Jonny) 'You've got it
under control, dad.'
Okay, robots, bring him back alive.
Wanna tell me where we're goin'?
(Skyborg) 'Your comin' to me, old buddy.
Ha ha ha.'
'Quester Two, lift off, now!'
(male #1) 'Report your progress,
When will you deliver Quest's new pilot computer?
You'll have it soon, Your Excellency.
My robots are bringing it here now.
Ah! But that's not all they're bringing.
[dramatic music]
There, Doctor Quest, that's the last of them.
I hope Race isn't hurt.
He's just gotta be alright.
We'll know soon enough, boys.
[dramatic music]
Race is gone.
And so is Quester Two.
And the experimental computer, CAP, makes three.
Race and the computer were taken somewhere in Quester Two.
All we need answered is, where and by whom?
There's one way to find out, HardRock.
[Bandit barking]
Jonny's right. Quester One's tracking devices
can locate Quester Two.
(Dr. Quest) 'Okay, buckle up.
Prepare for lift-off.'
(Race) Alright, no need to shove.
Where's the creep who runs this floating junkyard?
Ah, the infamous Skyborg, I presume.
I saw your jet parked topside.
'You don't look like much to me.'
Then take a closer look. That is, at my human parts.
What is it that's so familiar about you?
My voice hasn't changed as much as the rest of me, fly guy.
FlyJud Harmon.
You-you can't be alive.
Alive? But obviously I am.
At least, parts of me are.
What-what happened to you, Jud? What made you into thisuh..
This machine? You did.
But don't you remember?
(Skyborg) Remember when you and I
were test pilots together?
We were always rivals.
(Skyborg) 'Try and beat me, fly guy.'
I didn't know we were racing.
(Skyborg) 'Then you won't mind
eatin' my jets. Ha ha ha.'
(Race) 'Jud, what are you doing? This
isn't part of the test flight.'
(Skyborg) 'For once,
I'm gonna beat you, fly guy.'
(Race) 'Jud, don't be a fool.'
'That jet's not designed for the higher altitudes.'
No lie! That's why I'mI'm gonna..
(Race) 'Jud!'
(Skyborg) If you hadn't forced me
to compete, Bannon
I would never have crashed. I was found and rebuilt.
They turned me into something half-man half-machine.
A cyborg.
So I now work for the foreign government
that saved me.
'Now my nightmares make sense.'
Well, this is no dream, fly guy.
I got your computer and I got you.
- 'Jud, listen to me--' - The name's Skyborg.
Back off, you tin can. I've got a plane to catch.
Not before I catch you, fly guy.
The impart robot can be handy.
According to our trackers, we're at out destination.
Quester Two, Race and CAP should be
on that deep sea platform below.
We'll land Quester One on the beach.
Everyone hang on.
[dramatic music]
But, dad, Race is our friend, too.
Sorry, boys, you'll have to stay here.
(Hadji) 'We want to help find him.'
But, dad..
[dramatic music]
Heh heh! Love those party crashers.
I'm always ready for 'em. Ha ha ha.
[sonic alarm]
(HardRock) This is a trap,
if I've ever seen one.
Undoubtedly, but we've no choice.
[Dr. Quest grunting]
[electricity crackling]
Can't standweakening.
I will shield you, doctor.
[sonic humming]
(HardRock) 'Electricity.'
'Oh, my main weakness.'
(Jonny) I'm worried, Hadji,
they've been gone too long.
(Hadji) Maybe we should try
contacting them.
Dad, this is Jonny. Come in, come in.
Something's wrong.
Dr. Quest, are you alright?
Yes, Race, except for a few aches and pains.
He's even less human than I am.
That's a matter of opinion.
[monitors beeping]
'Skyborg, report.'
Have you secured Dr. Quest's flight computer?
Without a hitch, Your Excellency.
(male #1) 'Have you tested it yet?'
Uh, no, sir. No, sir.
Do so now then. Bring it to me, understood?
'Clear as a mountain sky, boss.'
(Race) 'Why not put CAP
through a real test'
'that'll impress Dr. Frankenstein.'
Yes, fly against me, unless you've lost your
Don't, Race, you haven't a chance
against Skyborg's weapons and CAP.
How about it, old buddy? One on one.
Have it your way, fly guy.
Do you think we should be doing this, Jonny?
Since we can't reach dad or HardRock, we've got no
Let's go!
Not Dr. Quest.
But I always like having flight insurance, Bannon.
You're going to think twice about shooting us down
and you'll fight, or I toss Quest overboard.
[theme music]
(Hadji) 'Jonny, there's Quester Two.'
- And I see Race inside. - But where's dad and HardRock?
Okay, computer, do your thing.
(CAP) Notation, notation.
I prefer Race Bannon.
Race Bannon.
Look, Jonny, inside the jet. It's Dr. Quest.
Skyborg's kidnapping him.
Come on, we've gotta stop him.
(Jonny) How do we get inside?
Just mix a little magical open sesame
with a touch of Sim Sim Salabim!
[dramatic music]
Okay, computer, show your stuff.
Bring down Quester Two.
Command noted.
Search and detect programs are fully operational.
Quester Two tracked and locked.
Attack phase engaged.
(Race) 'Okay, Skyborg,
it's kick off time.'
[laughs] Score one point
for the human pilot.
Some computer! You missed him completely!
(CAP) 'and unpredictable.'
Only chance is to keep fooling Cappy.
That crazy..
He killed his engines.
I thought this box was supposed to be the best.
Oh, it is. But then so is Race Bannon.
(CAP) To compensate
both irrational maneuvers
I will initiate fool proof attack
'by launching a heat seeking missile.'
[alarm blaring]
Uh-oh! This one's gonna be rough.
We've gotta make our move now, Hadji.
(Skyborg) 'Stowaways!'
Sim Sim Salabim!
What did you call me?
The computer's too heavy.
Hey! Don't touch that!
Didn't you hear what I said, kid?
Too bad for you.
(CAP) Missile is closing in on target.
That computer is totaled. We're out of control.
This is it. Maybe I can use one of Cappy's tricks.
A perfect figure eight.
Switching back to manual.
I'm still a better pilot than any fool computer.
'The heat missile!'
Yahoo! Here comes Race.
Everybody okay down there?
We are, but I don't know about Skyborg.
[dramatic music]
Race, you fool, why bother to save me?
Maybe I just think everyone..
deserves a second chance.
I'm glad to see everyone made it.
(male #1) I want Quest's computer
delivered now.
Do you understand me, Skyborg?
Skyborg? Never heard of him, creep.
The name's Harmon. Jud Harmon.
[glass shattering]
[electricity crackling]
Ah! That felt good.
But I'm sorry about your computer, doc.
Well, I can always build another one.
Yeah, it'd make a good co-pilot.
I'm gonna turn myself in..
and return to the human race.
(HardRock) 'I welcome you.'
So do we, Jud.
So do we.
[theme music]
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