The Orchestra (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

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It's Elin. I can't come to the phone
right now, but please leave a message.
Are you still here?
Yeah. I was just finishing up.
If you like to work overtime,
Regitze should've left you sooner.
She didn't leave me actually.
We agreed to split up.
Alright. We're having auditions
for Simon's spot tomorrow.
So we'd better be well-rested.
- Don't work all night.
- I won't.
- Have a good evening.
- You too.
Go home soon, Jeppe.
So you're the one tooting in here.
I just wanted to wish you good luck.
I'll put in a good word for you.
Don't say a word.
It's very important
that you don't say anything.
- Alright.
- Good.
I'm not part of the selection committee,
so I don't have a say in it.
And yet you're here chatting away.
The audition starts
in less than an hour.
I won't be here for New Year's.
- Okay.
- I'm going to a monster truck rally.
- Nice.
- It's wild.
Maybe you should give some words
of encouragement after the concert.
Tell them that
they're a pain in the ass to work with.
Thank you.
narcissistic and difficult.
Are you nervous too?
- No.
- I am.
I went to the bathroom
several times this morning.
- Explosive diarrhoea.
- Let's try to be quiet.
- Number 52.
- Thank you.
That was Bo Høxenhaven.
- Should I
- Yes.
Oh, it's you, Bo.
Are you having problems?
I just heard a noise back here.
Bo's number 52.
Do you have everything?
- Of course. Yes.
- We haven't got all day.
Good luck.
You're awesome.
How did it go, honey?
- It went great.
- No.
You can't do that to me.
- Today, I can.
- Honey.
- I really think I'm gonna get that job.
- I'm so proud of you.
Your father would be too
if he was still with us.
I was right.
It's a good thing
you didn't meet up with Elin.
Now for the important stuff.
- Oysters. Cuvée Churchill.
- Oui, oui, oui.
- Hi.
- Hi, honey.
- I've missed you.
- See you, schnookums.
Do you want to come in?
We can have a glass of wine
or maybe a bottle.
That was a bad joke.
How about a cup of coffee?
No thanks.
I have to get going.
But Will I see you
at the New Year's concert?
Yes. Where are you
gonna celebrate New Year's?
With some friends.
- You don't have any friends.
- I do now.
You're welcome to go
to my sister's place with Alma and me.
I've promised the guys
that we're gonna party hard.
I mean
See you later.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Does he have to stand right there?
I'm getting distracted
when he's peeping in like that.
- Jeppe, get him out of here.
- Of course.
- What's up?
- What?
- What's up?
- What do you mean?
You're distracting them in there.
Is that illegal?
No, but they feel like
you're staring at them.
Go to the cafeteria.
- What?
- Have they decided yet?
Don't answer that.
That'd be unprofessional.
- I won't.
- Then don't.
Who's Mablewood's favourite?
Don't answer that.
I won't.
I'm not gonna answer that.
Nod if it's me.
Is it?
Go to the cafeteria, Bo.
If he sticks to his guns on that,
the orchestra will revolt.
- What do you mean?
- Bo's number 52.
How do we know he's number 52?
He was stumbling around back there.
We have to disregard that
and remain objective.
If Bo gets the spot,
the orchestra will go on strike.
Bo's behaviour is outrageous.
I'm just being frank here.
People will find other jobs.
Ultimately, the board
will make you find another job -
because you
can't control your orchestra.
I think I'm home free, mom.
I can't tell you how I know.
I just can't.
Mom, can I call you back?
There's someone I have to talk to.
- I'll talk to you later.
- Bye.
Hi, Elin.
- Hi, Bo.
- I have to
The way I behaved the other day
I apologize.
I'm very sorry.
It won't happen again.
It's fine.
I've missed you.
- So
- What are you doing here anyway?
Thank you. I've waited for this.
I'm honoured to be the person who's gonna
take the section to the next level.
I'm talking to Elin Toft Madsen.
No, Irene.
Yes, Bo.
I didn't know you were Elin's teacher.
Maybe you should teach full time.
Come to my office
so we can talk about it.
- That's fantastic. Bye, bye.
- Bye.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
I applied for the job.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
I didn't expect to get it, Bo.
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Yes.
You got it because
you're a woman with a clubfoot!
What great qualifications!
That's really mean.
Don't talk about my clubfoot.
Thank God for diversity
and affirmative action!
You're lucky you weren't up against
a black, gay, tone-deaf dwarf!
Then she would've gotten the job!
Let's try not to say something
we don't really mean.
Bo's trying to say that he's disappointed
in his own performance.
You know what?
Don't speak for me, God damn it! I'm not
fucking disappointed in my performance!
Go fuck yourselves.
You know what? Your birthmark
doesn't look like Beethoven.
- Yes, it does.
- No.
It looks like a piece of shit.
- I'm sorry.
- He'll cheer up.
He will.
Thank you.
I mean congratulations.
Are you sleeping here?
You're in a sleeping bag.
It's just temporary.
- Until I find a place.
- That's fucking pathetic.
It's not so bad.
I'm close to work.
Pack up your shit and come with me.
I'll wait outside.
I can't look at you. Alright?
My eyes are bleeding.
Is that your mom?
- Do you have a problem with that?
- No.
Bo, is that you?
I didn't tell my mom about the job,
so please
- Do you want me to tell her?
- No. Keep your mouth shut.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
The battery's dead. This is Jeppe.
The assistant orchestra manager.
- This is my mom, Vibeke.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Jeppe Nygren.
Any news on the job?
They'll tell us in the new year.
- You'll surely get it.
- Yeah.
The thing is that Jeppe needs a place
to stay for the next couple of days.
We were thinking he could stay here.
Certainly. Come on in.
I'm glad Bo finally has a friend.
Eat as much as you can.
- The food's great, Vibeke.
- Good.
Jeppe, will you be here for New Year's?
We usually celebrate alone,
but it'd be nice
to have some company at the table.
I mean
If it's okay with you, Bo.
- Well thanks for the invitation then.
- You're welcome.
We have to go grocery shopping.
We have to get hats,
table bombs and horns.
Bo loves those horns.
He does?
It's not weird
to get excited by a festive horn.
- No, no.
- You make it sound pathological.
- A horn spices up the party.
- That's exactly right. Thank you.
Your mom's very nice.
I'm sorry you didn't get the spot.
You deserved it.
Let's get some sleep.
It'd be nice if we had a bunk bed.
Happy New Year.
I'm just gonna squeeze in here.
Happy New Year.
Sit here, Alma.
Happy New Year.
Hi, Bo.
I guess I should say
congratulations on the debut.
You played out of tune twice.
Then I'm better than Simon I guess.
- Can everyone hear me?
- Yes.
As you probably know,
Gertrud couldn't be here today -
so I have the pleasure
of saying a few words
on the last day of the year.
It's been
an amazing experience to meet -
so many talented and committed people
who Excuse me for a second.
That's embarrassing.
I'll put it on silent mode.
What a coincidence.
It's Gertrud.
I'll put it on speaker phone so you
can all wish her a happy New Year.
- Hello, Gertrud. Jeppe here.
- Hi, Jeppe! Is everything alright?
You bet. I'm just about to wish
the orchestra a happy New Year.
Tell them how difficult, self-important
and narcissistic they are!
Isn't that what you said?
I don't think so.
Listen up.
I'm not coming back.
I'm done.
I'm fed up with all that shit.
You'll have to take the reins
until we figure something out.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Terrific speech.
It was magnificent.
I had no idea you were such a funny guy.
- Top marks for that one.
- Thanks, Bo.
This is my daughter, Alma.
- Alma, this is Bo.
- Bo Høxenhaven. Second clarinet.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Hi.
Congratulations on the promotion.
That came out of nowhere.
It's probably a temporary thing.
Perhaps. Mazel tov.
Why can't I
celebrate New Year's with you?
Because we agreed that you'd celebrate it
with your aunt and mom.
But you're welcome
to celebrate New Year's with us.
Are you living together?
It's temporary.
- Are you gay?
- I'm not.
I don't know about
Me neither.
Please. I don't want to spend
New Year's with mom.
I get it.
I can't stand the thought
of spending New Year's with my mom.
She's become so weird lately.
Mom would be sad to hear that
What would I be sad to hear?
Bo, stop it!
This is a proper New Year's celebration.
- It looks so good.
- It's fit for a king.
- It's blinis.
- Oh. And two different kinds of caviar.
- How old are you again?
- Eight.
When I was eight, I got a record player.
Do you know what a record player is?
- Yes.
- Do you own one?
- No, I don't.
- How do you listen to music?
I use my phone.
I have "Götterdämmerung" on LP.
It's by Georg Solti
and the Vienna Philharmonic.
I'll play it for you. Then you can
experience uncompressed sound.
It's a pleasure to bid you all welcome.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Ten, nine, eight -
seven, six, five -
four, three, two, one.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, honey.
- Mom.
- My dear.
- Alma, happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
- Jeppe.
- Happy New Year, Bo.
Happy fucking New Year.
Happy New Year, honey.
- There are fireworks.
- Come on.
It's started already.
- What was that?
- You have such a lovely family.
- Yes, I do.
- Wow.
- I can't see anything.
- You can't see?
Why does she have to stand on a chair?
It's a shame about Bo.
What do you mean?
That they didn't
make him principal clarinet.
Bo said they'll decide in the new year.
- Bo.
- What's up?
That's so pretty.
- I'm so disappointed, Bo.
- Here's mom.
I'm disappointed too.
You don't know
what disappointment feels like!
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