The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry!
I just broke your expensive cup.
I bet it's super expensive.
I'm so sorry about that.
It's okay.
Your eyes are just like
your daughter's.
Seok Kyung's are like mine, right?
I hear that a lot.
So, what did you want to discuss
about my children?
The thing is, Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung
got involved in a bad situation.
"A bad situation"?
Did something happen at school?
It sure did.
You live in such a lovely,
well-kept house,
but your kids are a complete mess.
They say kids mirror their parents.
I guess you're not a great mom.
These kids are just 17 years old,
but they lynched
their own classmate
and threatened him.
It's such a dreadful
I'm sorry.
I just don't know what to say.
From what I heard,
something like this happened
before they came to our school too.
What was the kid's name?
Min Seol Ah, was it?
They bullied a schoolgirl
and it was all over the internet
and social media.
How is the victim student?
Was he badly hurt?
I bet his physical wounds
wouldn't amount to the pain
he'd feel inside.
He'll be traumatized to continue
studying at the same school.
Which is why I'm thinking of
punishing this school violence
well and good.
I will teach them a real lesson
and be sure to nip this in the bud.
You can discuss that with me.
Oh, you must be Seok Hoon's father.
I'm Gu Ho Dong, your children's
assistant homeroom teacher.
Are you the new resident?
It's nice to meet you.
Hello, I'll be moving into
the empty house on the 45th floor.
Yoon Hee?
I hope we get along, Seo Jin.
Is this woman out of her mind?
I can't believe
I must hear such nonsense.
Security! Stop them from moving in!
You don't seem to know yet,
but Hera Palace isn't a place
where just anyone can move in.
You need a resident's
recommendation letter or
By recommendation letter,
do you mean this?
(This resident is allowed
to move into Hera Palace.)
(Recommended by Joo Dan Tae)
"Recommended by Joo Dan Tae"?
Now, do you see
how things are rolling?
Is Chairman Joo
demented or something?
How could he allow this woman
into Hera Palace?
I can't believe
I must spend 24 hours a day
next door to someone
as lowly as her.
Call Chairman Joo.
I won't believe anything
until I check myself.
Until then,
you can't move a step
from this spot.
Take a look.
What's this? A bribe?
That depends on what you think.
It could be a bribe
or a token of friendship.
So you want me to take this
and cover up the kids' incident?
What if I refuse?
No. You will do that.
If you wanted justice to be served,
you'd have gone to the government.
Not here.
Am I wrong, Mr. Gu?
You have great foresight.
I won't have to say more, will I?
I knew we could reach an agreement.
I will delete the video myself.
Of course, you should.
You're very thorough.
Here you go.
Not many people are able
to take my money
- and ignore my will.
- I'm not surprised.
I got your point.
I'm an investor.
My job is to invest
only in what has value.
I'll soon find out whether
you're someone who'll take
my hand and go far
or grab my ankle
and hold me back.
Or I could be the one to present
an unpleasant surprise.
I'm just kidding.
- Hello?
- You need to come here quick.
It's a total mess here.
This is
Is it true you bought
an apartment here?
Is this recommendation card
the real deal?
Are you saying that
I forged that card or something?
If you forged this card,
we'll report you to the police.
Listen, I'm a human being
just like you,
and I bought this apartment
according to the law with my money.
How much different
do you think we are
to act so lowly and discriminate?
- What? "Lowly"?
- My goodness
Would you believe it if you were us?
There's no way
Chairman Joo would recommend
It's true. I signed that card.
It's true?
I don't know how I should negotiate.
There's something I have in mind.
It's a condition that you and I
both need.
What is it?
Say you'll move into Hera Palace.
Hera Palace?
What are you talking about?
Hera Palace?
I didn't mishear that, did I?
You can say no if you want.
Call me if you change your mind.
Hera Palace
isn't a place just anyone
can live in, Ms. Oh.
Yes, I heard about that.
You need a resident's
recommendation and approval.
a recommendation from you
guarantees acceptance
with no questions asked.
The moment the apartment title
is put in my name,
I will hand over the deed
of the Myeongdong house to you.
I signed the recommendation card
because it wasn't against any rules.
Must I explain everything?
Our kids all go to the same school,
so it works out well.
Let's try to get along.
"It works out well"?
What stupid nonsense
Chairman Joo.
Are you trying to ruin Hera Palace?
Did you know of this, Attorney Lee?
- Honey?
- No!
This was Chairman Joo's decision.
Don't blame me. I'm not part of it.
How could you?
You could've at least tipped me off.
Am I allowed to continue
bringing in my things?
I still have lots more furniture
and electronics.
I hope we all get along
in the future.
Can you get out of my way?
How could you let her move in here
without discussing it with me?
You know how much I hate her
and yet you stabbed me in the back?
- How could you?
- Calm down.
Do you think I can calm down?
You should've stopped it
at any cost!
Do you think I loved the idea?
It involved a business deal
and I had no choice!
If you want to complain,
go complain to your husband.
Yoon Chul played the biggest role
in getting Yoon Hee to move in.
- What?
- Your husband.
He seems to care
so very much about Yoon Hee.
They have a special relationship,
don't they?
Explain in detail what happened.
So that I can understand.
What now? Are you visiting
Seok Kyung's again?
Why do they keep hanging out
with someone
who doesn't belong here?
This elevator is for residents only.
The elevator for the help
is behind you, so please get lost.
I'm going home.
What did you say? "Home"?
The door is open.
Can you step aside?
Mom, Mom, Mom!
Bae Ro Na went into
the apartment across ours.
Is this a prank?
This is a dream, isn't it?
Are we teasing her again?
Be quiet. You're so noisy.
Your mom has to think for once.
Is it a fact that she's living here?
Oh! Good idea.
No way.
My gosh.
It's so pretty.
Mom, Mom. Is this really our house?
Are we really going to live
in Hera Palace as of today?
Are all of this furniture
really ours?
It is our place.
- Do you want to see your room?
- Yes. Where is it?
Hang on. Close your eyes first.
- What?
- Come with me.
Mom. Is all this mine?
The bed and desk are so pretty.
Mom, this isn't a dream, is it?
Pinch my cheek.
It's not a dream.
I don't believe it!
- What is this?
- It's a gift from Seok Kyung's mom.
Go and check it out.
- A piano?
- Do you like it?
I wondered what to get you
as a moving-in present,
and thought a piano would be nice.
I hope you become a great singer.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
I like it so much.
I'd wanted a piano all my life.
I'll practice like crazy.
I'm so, so happy.
Check it out.
Seol Ah. It's so nice
to see you smile.
My lovely daughter.
I thought you'd be busy moving,
so I brought you some food.
Why did you bring us this
when we could order jajangmyeon?
My gosh.
You're a good cook too?
You're my winning lottery ticket,
my lifesaver, and lucky charm.
Stop with the praise. It's too much.
It's so tasty.
My gosh.
You arranged everything very neatly.
Su Ryeon. Thank you so much.
I owe you everything
for helping me move in here.
I won't ever forget
what you did for me.
You don't owe me anything.
You've been through so much so far.
You're starting off
on the 45th floor,
but make much more money
and go up to the 60th, 70th floor,
and then the 85th floor
where Cheon Seo Jin lives.
Will you end up wanting
to move into the penthouse?
Why would you say
something like that?
I don't deserve to even
want to live in the penthouse.
That's nonsense.
How about that?
You're right.
Why didn't I think of that?
We're on the board of
Hera Palace for a reason.
If we gather our votes,
it's a matter of time
before we can kick her out.
Even if we exclude
the penthouse couple,
we have Dr. Ha and his wife,
you two,
and me, and that's more
than half the residents.
We can kick her out immediately.
It'll all work out just fine.
Why won't you say anything?
You're up for it,
aren't you, darling?
Did Dr. Ha say he's in?
Did you ask what they're thinking?
There's no need to even ask.
Ms. Cheon and Oh Yoon Hee hate
each other.
How can they be neighbors?
There'd be a fistfight.
I have a feeling
the fistfight will happen upstairs.
I'm so scared.
You knew
Oh Yoon Hee would move in here,
I guess you knew.
Did you put her up to it?
Not at all.
Chairman Joo signed
the recommendation form.
That's a lie.
Are you that pleased
to see your first love
who gave you butterflies move in?
Let me make this very clear.
I can't stand seeing Yoon Hee
every morning and evening.
Chairman Joo approved her
and she already moved in.
We must send her away.
I'm living in torture right now.
It feels like an old nightmare
is back to haunt me.
It's driving me crazy.
That was over 20 years ago.
We can't use that as a reason
to make her leave.
How interesting.
Am I the only person
who finds this unnerving?
Are you happy and at ease to see
how Yoon Hee is finally
living in comfort?
Did you feel that sorry for her?
Did you love her so much
to feel guilty all your life
for leaving her for me?
Stop it right there.
You're crossing the line.
I know you kept
a fire burning for her
in your heart
even while marrying me!
You stayed up last night
studying for the exam.
I brought you a change of clothes.
It's a heart.
I got my salary.
Pay for your lodgings.
I don't want to.
Stop giving me money.
I'm giving it to you to feel good,
so you don't have to feel bad.
It's true. It's not much anyway.
Take it.
I'll become a doctor
as soon as I can and support you.
I'll get rid of this scar
for you too.
This is nice.
- Let's eat.
- It's so good.
Dad, it's me.
About the next
Cheong Ah Foundation scholarship.
I want to recommend someone
who is studying medicine.
My love is
Holding onto the end of the night
It's no longer
What's going on? Did you get
the Cheong Ah Foundation scholarship?
Did you even go to the party
and take photos with the director?
Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't refuse to attend
when they gave me a scholarship.
It doesn't mean anything.
Do you call that an excuse?
Who told you to take
that dirty money to become a doctor?
Don't disappoint me!
There's no such thing
as dirty money.
I haven't slept in days,
and I'm tired.
Wait, Ha Yoon Chul.
Return the scholarship right away.
Go and throw the money
in Cheon Seo Jin's face!
What do you want me to do?
There's no way
my parents can support me.
Every single relative is poor
and I can't borrow from anyone!
I just need to swallow my pride,
so why are you making a fuss?
That's just an inferiority complex.
How could you say that?
Do you want to pay
for your studies
by groveling to the girl
who made me like this?
You being involved
with Cheon Seo Jin
I hate that more than death!
Will you stop
talking about Cheon Seo Jin?
Just stop it.
I'm sick of it now!
Ha Yoon Chul!
(Scholarship Certificate,
Cheong Ah Foundation)
Stop drinking.
Leave me alone.
Darn it.
What else am I to do?
Studying must be hard enough.
Why do you want to live
with such a burden?
I will give you
a pair of wings.
Wait and see. Who do you think
will remain in Hera Palace?
I will do anything I can
to get Oh Yoon Hee to leave.
Oh Yoon Hee, Oh Yoon Hee!
Aren't you sick of it?
That's just your guilt talking.
Watch yourself.
Unless you want to see
Yoon Hee or me leaving
in a body bag.
You cleaned the floor
multiple times today.
Aren't you tired?
I'm not tired at all.
How could I get tired
of cleaning my own house?
You really kept your promise.
We're living in Hera Palace now.
I lived long enough
to see a good day.
Not a single day was I free
from money problems.
Now, we have no debt,
and I don't have to worry
about rent or deposits.
It's unbelievable, isn't it?
I'll get into
Seoul University of Music,
and I'll go to Italy to study,
and I'll sing in the greatest
opera hall as a prima donna.
Yes. You can do
anything you want now.
Ro Na. It's our first night
in our new home.
Will you sleep with me?
- Yes.
- Great.
Let's go.
Die! Die!
Did you have a bad dream?
Did I wake you?
No. I was unable to sleep.
Hera Palace.
I put so much work
into building this place,
and its reputation is damaged.
This place was meant only
for the greatest people of Korea
to discuss education
and create the greatest community.
And Oh Yoon Hee dirtied everything.
Ro Na's mom?
Don't get close to her.
I won't accept that.
Can you help me?
I don't know
how to use the equipment.
It's similar
to doing dips.
You work on
your pectoralis major.
My gosh.
There's nothing you don't know.
Is it because you're an attorney?
You explain everything
so eloquently.
I think you're really smart.
Can I ask you
whenever I have questions?
And treat you like my older brother?
"A brother"?
Yes. A brother.
We do have
a special relationship, don't we?
I like this much better
than us being strangers.
I guess you're very sweet.
I've never been
to such an upscale gym,
and I was feeling lost.
Now, I can count on you
for help and advice.
By the way,
you're dead sexy
without the glasses.
Don't you get that a lot?
What? I'm sexy?
People tend to say
I'm more on the cute side.
Goodness, stop it
You're already going to the gym?
Enjoy your time here while it lasts.
It'll be a good experience.
Does talking like that
make you feel better?
I'm really grateful to you
this time.
I was wondering what your house
would look like.
I wanted to have it.
I came so far thanks to you.
I'm grateful for that.
I'm planning to desire more things
from now on.
Your house on the 85th floor.
The things you have.
The things taken away from me.
All of that.
You'd better protect them well,
Cheon Seo Jin.
What an aggressive way
to welcome your new neighbor.
Is this how you treat your neighbors
in Hera Palace?
Stop messing with me.
I'm doing my best not to kill you.
Don't fight that.
I'm always ready
for whatever blow you have.
Who does she think she is?
Find where this person is.
As soon as possible.
- Any other information?
- There's none.
She ran a linen shop at Dongdaemun
10 years ago. That's all I know.
I'll make sure to find her
no matter what it takes.
I will kick you out at all costs,
Oh Yoon Hee.
I will.
This is it for today's
performance class.
And there is an audition
for those who want to be ambassadors
of Cheong Ah Arts High School.
1 boy and 1 girl will be selected.
They will host all school events,
and their activities will
be recorded on their school records.
I'll take applicants now. Anyone?
Min Hyuk, Eun Byeol.
Bae Ro Na, you too?
I want to be an ambassador
for Cheong Ah High School too.
Okay. That's brave of you.
Be well prepared, applicants.
That's it.
I have something to say.
Say it.
If you have nothing to say,
I'll get going.
I like you.
I've liked you for a long time.
I know it might be burdensome
to you.
That's why I couldn't say it.
But I can't stand seeing you
taking care of another person.
Hey, Ha Eun Byeol. What's wrong?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
What do you think of me?
No, don't answer now.
Answer me after we both
become ambassadors.
I'll try my best.
I'll never let another girl
take the chance away from me.
Especially Bae Ro Na.
Now that we bought that land
from Oh Yoon Hee,
let's start working under the table.
Of course. We have the land
that is square and nice
in the most valuable land
at the center of Myeongdong.
We'll be able to sell it
at the highest price.
Who's the person wanting
to buy this land?
If they're planning to build
a shopping mall as big as this
at Myeongdong, they must
be enormously wealthy.
I heard he's the most successful
Korean-American in the States.
His name is Rogan Lee.
"Rogan Lee"?
He came to Korea
because of this contract.
I'm going to meet him.
Can I join you?
I visited him several times,
but I couldn't meet him yet.
He's the owner of a 100-story
building at the center
of Manhattan, New York.
Of course, he'd be
someone hard to reach.
A 100-story building?
The Madison Towers?
What did he do to make
that much money?
His father was a very successful
building investor.
He's now the owner
of a famous theater.
He's my biggest role model.
Just with the observatory profit,
he'll be able to feed
three generations. He's filthy rich.
Then he would have no idea
how the prices of real estate
in Korea works.
Okay. We can rip him off
and hit it big.
Let's call the price
by 10 times or something.
How do you think rich people
became rich?
They became rich
because they doubt everything
and trust no one.
If our plan works, the profit margin
we can take will be tremendous.
Don't you think that's the only way
to make it worth the humiliation
we had to suffer to buy the land
from Oh Yoon Hee?
By the way, will Oh Yoon He
continue to live in Hera Palace,
Dr. Ha?
You don't know?
Are you going to let her
keep living here?
That can never happen!
Hera Palace deserves
better than that.
I will take care of it.
So don't worry, Princess.
Focus on class.
Only the top five students
can go to Seoul University of Music.
You know it, right? Okay, bye.
Hello. I moved in
to Unit 4502 yesterday.
I prepared some food for you.
- Rice cakes?
- Here.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, I don't eat rice cake.
You'll get yelled at by Ms. Cheon.
Do you want to get fired
because of that rice cake?
You're right.
Don't tell her.
Cheon Seo Jin is powerful.
I haven't seen people giving rice
cake when they move in these days.
We don't do that at Hera Palace.
Unless it's something
like a box of dried yellow corvina.
Is that so? I'm not used
to the custom here yet.
Your sense of fashion is
How should I put it?
It's abstract.
We rarely see such clothing
here at Hera Palace.
Unless she's a housekeeper.
I'm still organizing my stuff,
so comfortable clothes are better.
Would you like some rice cake?
No one in my family eats it.
My husband and child
are very picky about food.
My mother-in-law is chef Wang Mi Ja.
You know her, don't you?
I don't know. I rarely watch TV.
It seems like you're going out.
Have fun.
She doesn't know my mother-in-law?
How can she not know
Chef Wang Mi Ja?
She's a regular on "The Best Chef".
How could she not know her?
Contact Ms. Cheon right now
and tell her to call
the Hera Palace board.
She should get kicked out
like a dog
to realize who she was messing with.
It must be more annoying for you
as you're living on the same floor.
It means you're at
the same level as her.
What do you mean we're at
the "same level"?
Once my husband comes back
from Dubai,
I'll move up to the 60th floor.
I'll move out immediately.
Yes, I was on the way out.
Take a hot bath
and wait just a bit more.
I'll relieve all your stress.
I'll get going.
She's gone crazy.
She's cheating big time.
(Ma Ri Sauna)
Ms. Byeon.
The new cell phone is amazing.
It's going to be a hit.
The stock price jumped too,
didn't it?
I heard your pharmaceutical company
will go public on the KOSDAQ.
Is that true, Ms. Song?
Your eldest son will take over,
won't he?
There's a rumor that a medication
for dementia was invented.
It's going to make it big
when it goes public.
Please share the unlisted stocks
to us three.
Stop wasting your time.
There's only one person who deserves
the stocks of my company.
Who is it?
What do you mean who?
It's Ms. Jincheon.
Ms. Song. Your 13 minutes is up.
- Please come here.
- Okay.
You're not cold, are you?
You're going to have
a seaweed facial, right?
Why are you asking me?
It's all up to you.
Where did you take baths?
Your skin became rough.
It must be from the foreign water.
My goodness. You can tell that?
I visited some European countries.
The spas there weren't that great.
Why don't you close your business
here and come to Gangnam?
I'll let you take the spot
of the sauna at my hotel.
Thank you for your kindness.
But I started from the bottom
and came this far
only with this washcloth.
This is my second hometown,
and it's my heart.
That's why I like you.
The pride and passion you have
as a scrub mistress.
Oh, right. About the stocks
you told me to keep last time.
It hit the ceiling,
and I made good money.
No one can match
the information you have, ma'am.
You three
are my saviors.
What are you talking about?
You're our savior.
Do you want me
to get your scar treated?
I don't need a surgery.
This is one honorable scar to me.
(Ma Ri Sauna)
Ma'am, ma'am!
Get out of my way!
Move away!
We're almost there.
Please be there for me, ma'am.
I'm alive because you didn't
miss the golden hour.
You were faster than an ambulance.
How did you run to the hospital
in underwear?
It's nothing.
You're making me embarrassed, ma'am.
Thinking about it,
you saved a lot of people.
When I had a heart attack, you did
first aid on me and saved me.
You detected
my breast cancer as well.
You're like a skilled doctor.
You found out about the lumps
even doctors couldn't find.
Ms. Jincheon is our savior.
We'll help you big time one day.
We take revenge,
but we return the favor as well.
Oh, my goodness.
You're making me embarrassed
so stop saying that.
Have a glass of cold
sweet rice punch I made.
- Okay.
- Nice.
Hello, this is Dan Tae Joo
from J King Holdings.
Am I speaking with Rogan Lee?
Yes, this is he. How can I help you?
I heard that you're planning to open
a shopping center in Myeongdong.
I'm the person that owns
the property there.
Yes, I heard it from my secretary.
I'm actually still looking into it.
I can assure you,
that you won't find
a better piece of property
Are you available at the moment? I'm
actually here at the hotel lobby.
No, I'm a bit tired tonight. Why
don't I have somebody call you back?
Why is he so arrogant?
Is it that hard
to show me your face?
What did he say? Are we meeting him?
He said no again?
What is this? He's humiliating us.
How many times
are you being rejected?
We even came to his hotel.
Does he actually want to buy it?
He wants
to buy it, of course.
That's why he came to Korea.
He's apparently looking for a
property worth 500 million dollars.
"500 million dollars"?
When it comes to property,
rushing things is never good.
We should remain calm
and have him make the hasty move.
Only then will we negotiate.
Patience makes money.
500 million dollars?
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
Our classmate became our neighbor.
Of course, we would visit you.
It's braised short ribs.
My mom wanted me to share it and
I wanted to see you too. Surprised?
No, I'm not. Come in.
I didn't have enough time to cook.
I'm not sure if it'll be good.
If I had known beforehand,
I would've done it properly.
I'll make you more delicious food
if you come visit again.
Ms. Oh. I'm sorry,
but we would like to hang out
by ourselves today.
Oh, right. I'm not good
at picking up social cues.
You can stay until late,
so have fun.
Thank you for coming.
I hope we're not bothering you.
Thank you for the food.
I'll leave you guys here.
You're an opera singer.
How could you eat this kind of food?
Does your mom have no sense
of understanding what it takes?
Tteokbokki covered
with chili powder,
and greasy fritters?
It's so inconsiderate of her
to give us these foods.
My mom would've passed out
if she saw this.
They all look like junk food.
What's wrong with you?
You're so mean with your words.
Aren't we all here to get close?
Ro Na, don't be upset too much.
You know they don't really mean
what they say.
Yes. I'm okay.
Gosh. Look at you.
Seok Hoon is eating food
at someone else's house?
Let me try it too.
It's not bad.
- Is it good? Okay.
- Yes, try it.
- It's good.
- Right?
This one too.
I need to use the bathroom.
It's good.
- Pass me the juice.
- Okay.
(Ro Na's Diary)
(Today, my mom and I got into
a car accident on our way to)
(I think Seok Hoon considers me
as a friend)
I wonder if Seok Hoon drank
the chocolate milk I gave him.
I think I have feelings
for Seok Hoon.
What are you doing?
Oh, nothing.
Aren't you coming?
Go ahead without me.
I want to take a look at her room.
She decorated it nicely.
Ro Na has a pretty nice taste.
Don't you agree?
I don't know.
I can't believe
she already took a photo.
- Seok Kyung.
- Yes?
What are you doing?
Just looking around her room.
Didn't she decorate it nicely?
Bae Ro Na and her mother.
Are you going to let them live
in Hera Palace?
Of course, not.
We should gather a board meeting
and have them move out.
We've already decided to do that.
She received
a recommendation letter,
so we can't make her leave
without a good enough reason.
Then what should we do?
- What would you like to drink?
- I'll have a latte.
We'll use her inelegance
or vile behavior
to make her move out.
We'll use whatever reason possible
to have people vote against her.
I'll set things up.
You guys just need
to follow along.
Can you do that?
That will be easy.
Has anyone seen my hairpin?
What hairpin?
You know that hairpin
that my dad sent from Dubai.
You mean the one
that has diamonds on it?
Where did you leave something
so expensive?
I don't know. This is so annoying.
There's been a robbery case
in our school
which is absolutely unacceptable.
The stolen item is a hairpin
with diamonds on it.
And because it's such a pricey item,
I have no choice
but to check your belongings.
Ro Na, open your pencil case.
What is this? Do you smoke?
No, this isn't mine.
Then why was it in your bag?
Well, yes. It's my bag.
But I swear it's not mine.
I really don't smoke.
How dare you lie to me?
Did you also steal Jenny's hairpin?
- Oh, my gosh.
- My goodness.
- What is that?
- My gosh.
Ro Na, what are you going to say
about this?
Who taught you to bring
a porn magazine to school?
I promise this isn't mine.
Someone put it in my bag on purpose.
It was you, wasn't it?
You did this, didn't you?
Are you putting on an act again?
Tell me! Did you do this?
What are you talking about?
I'm already upset about losing
my hairpin.
My dad bought me that hairpin
for my birthday!
I never liked your attitude
and the way you talked to me.
Follow me to the teachers' office.
Please believe me.
They're not mine. I swear.
Something's wrong.
I'm telling the truth.
Stop talking nonsense
and just come with me.
Please believe me.
I've never seen those stuff before.
I'm telling you the truth.
- Come with me.
- Please believe me.
I've never seen them before!
Don't you think Ro Na deserved that?
I didn't have to do anything.
If I knew she was like that,
I wouldn't have gotten close to her.
It was you.
The cigarettes in her bag, right?
What are you talking about?
It wasn't me.
You went inside her room yesterday.
Well, yes.
But it really wasn't me.
Don't you trust me?
Are you going to lie to me as well?
I'm disappointed in you.
Seok Hoon. Seok Hoon!
Didn't she decorate it nicely?
I don't think penalty points
will be enough for this one.
She deserves to get suspended.
Once she gets suspended,
she won't get to apply
to become the school ambassador.
She never stood a chance anyway.
It's going to be a fight
between Seok Kyung and Eun Byeol.
Why would she smoke
when she does classical singing?
Please deal with Ro Na
according to the rules.
(I am Oh Yoon Hee's mother-in-law!)
I have something to say
about Oh Yoon Hee,
the resident who lives in Unit 4502.
Oh Yoon Hee abandoned
her old and sick mother-in-law
as soon as her husband died.
She may be rich enough to move
into the most expensive apartment
- in this country.
- What's going on?
But I, her old mother-in-law,
can't even afford to pay rent,
and I barely manage to eat
just to stay alive.
Does this make any sense at all?
How can she be so ungrateful?
She just cut ties
with her mother-in-law
just because her husband died.
She's a shameless person
who took every single penny
that my son earned
and just ran away with it.
- Oh, my goodness.
- How horrible.
- She's unbelievable.
- My goodness.
What are you doing here?
Will you please stop?
(I am Oh Yoon Hee's mother-in-law!)
What's going on?
This is really fun,
so just be quiet and watch.
Will you please stop?
You're finally here.
Do you only care about yourself?
I'm still Ro Na's grandmother.
How could you neglect me like this?
You not only made my son die,
but you won't even let me meet
my own granddaughter.
Do you have any idea
how upset that makes me feel?
You have no idea how angry I am!
Why don't you at least
give us an excuse?
Did you really abandon
your mother-in-law?
You're unbelievable.
I really can't live
with a low-class like you.
I've only heard about
this kind of stuff on the news.
Don't you all agree?
- Exactly.
- She's right.
Let's talk in private.
- Come on.
- My goodness.
- My gosh.
- Unbelievable.
My poor son.
He'll be so sad to see me like this.
This is why they say it's important
to pick the right daughter-in-law.
Will you please stop it already?
Did you forget
why your son died?
He got drunk while cheating on me
and died by accidentally
falling off the balcony.
Am I responsible for that?
How dare you talk back?
Mother, have you ever given Ro Na
a warm hug?
You never even bought her
any toys either.
All you ever cared about was money!
After I got married,
I always gave you money
every single month.
And your son died
with a huge debt
just so he could help his mistress
open up a business,
and I paid everything off myself.
You're the one who stole
all the condolence money
we received at his funeral
and just ran away.
And you even wanted
to cut ties with me
because you were scared I might
want to move in with you.
You never wanted to see me again.
But you're suddenly blaming me
for everything?
For the first time in my life,
I got to live in a nice apartment
and have a proper life.
But is that really so hard to watch?
Is that why you're here
causing a scene?
How could you use your son
who died while cheating on me,
to talk about my insolence
after what he made me go through?
What a dynamic life.
My gosh, how pitiful.
Will you please leave?
- You can't do this, ma'am.
- Get off me.
Hey! Get off me! Don't touch me!
Please let go of her.
She's my daughter's grandmother.
I'll take her out.
I'm sorry for causing a scene.
I'm sorry you had to hear
about my private life.
It's really embarrassing.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Let's go, Mother.
If you want to rip off
a single penny from me,
you'd better get up right now.
You darn punks.
(I am Oh Yoon Hee's mother-in-law!)
Lead the way.
(I am Oh Yoon Hee's mother-in-law!)
She has so much charisma.
She really does.
Hey, why are you crying?
My goodness, you idiot.
My gosh.
Do you really not know
why I'm crying?
Hey, get over here!
How dare you push your husband?
Come here!
I feel really bad for her.
Don't you, Ms. Cheon?
We'll still kick her out,
but she reminds me
of my own mother-in-law.
Gosh, I'm starting to feel so upset.
Princess. When did you come?
You must be hungry. Let's go eat.
You lost.
You lost.
Just admit it.
You can't kick Yoon Hee out of here.
So what?
You're not going to let me
move in with you?
No, I can't let you do that.
I don't want you complaining
to Ro Na about everything.
And I don't want you roaming around
as if you own the place.
You really know
how to speak your mind.
How did you manage to stay
so quiet all those years?
How did you know I lived here?
I got curious,
and it wasn't hard to find out.
We haven't stayed in touch
for five years.
Who was it?
Who told you I lived here?
No one!
(Sowon Bank)
If you tell me the truth,
I'll help you
lease out a place of your own.
(Sowon Bank)
You've become a lot more magnanimous
than before.
Stop drinking.
Are you okay?
No, I'm not.
My life
is a mess, isn't it?
But I do feel a bit relieved
now that everyone knows
about my life.
It's not your fault.
You worked really hard.
You did a great job raising Ro Na
even in that kind of situation.
You did great.
You look
a lot more upset than I am.
I just wonder
if things might be different
if I didn't leave you back then.
Do you regret having married
Seo Jin?
Life is full of regrets.
I heard life is about
bearing with the choices
you didn't make.
It's not
your fault.
You don't need to feel sorry.
Back then,
we were so young.
my life wasn't always so miserable.
I'm glad I was able to have Ro Na.
Thank you for saying that.
We should go now.
I shouldn't have called you out.
Gosh, are you okay?
Sorry. That was a mistake.
You should go after your wife.
Seo Jin just saw us together.
What? What was she doing here?
I called her here.
Your wife was the one who made
my mother-in-law cause a scene.
I'm sorry about this.
Yoon Chul.
I can't stand this anymore.
I'll make Yoon Hee
hit rock bottom again.
I'll kick her out of this place.
(634EOH 9727)
My husband went to his villa again.
He went there
with a bunch of shopping bags
for Seo Jin.
(634EOH 9727)
Joo Joo Dan Tae?
(The Penthouse)
Will I never deserve
to be with you, Yoon Hee?
It's time to get your revenge
on Cheon Seo Jin.
You nasty and shallow wench!
Were you with Yoon Hee all night?
I really like your enthusiasm.
Ms. Shim, you don't deserve
to be so happy.
Go ahead and shoot! Shoot me!
You darn jerks!
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