The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Shadow of the Truth

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
Now, your husband
has claimed the highest position in Capital District Office.
He is the chief magistrate of Capital District Office.
I envy you.
This is amazing.
Much congratulations to you.
You must be happy.
Stop it.
It is not that I got promoted,
so it is awkward to be congratulated.
Do not say that.
It was possible because you assisted your husband well.
Please share your secrets with us.
Then, I will give a tip just for Lady Yoon.
What do you mean?
Your late husband only passed the first part of the exam.
And your two sons have never taken the state exam.
What is the point of having a fortune?
An aristocrat without an official position.
All shine and no substance, right?
Lady Yoon should learn from her.
What are you doing when the state exam is soon?
You know, Mother.
I do not intend to take the exam.
Rather than me, my brother should
You have to inherit
everything related to Kang's family.
You should pass the state exam
and produce a son, which Tae Ha could not do.
I am sorry.
But I cannot
live the life as you wish.
I will
I will do anything to make Tae Min pass the exam.
Please do not kick us out.
I will do anything.
Please save me and my son's lives.
That mouth!
That mouth!
How dare a woman cry out loud?
If you had done your job right,
Tae Ha and Tae Min would have passed the state exam a long time ago
and saved the Kang family hundreds of times!
Since you got married, all you did was eat like a dunce.
How dare you talk back to me?
You can bribe someone or make others take the exam on behalves of them.
Make them pass the exam this time by any means.
You know
how he raised you.
In place of his dead son,
he had you as he wished in the palm of his hand
like a puppet.
Didn't he?
Stop it.
Tae Ha and I do not believe what you said.
Get out now.
You be careful too.
Tae Ha.
Tae Ha.
(Chapter 10: The Shadow of the Truth)
Since the bad guy got caught, is it all over now?
Of course.
They will also investigate Ms. Min soon.
But then, why do I keep thinking it smells fishy?
Fishy? This smells fantastic.
I'm home.
- Hi, Na Rae. - You're home.
It must have been tough working part-time.
Wash your hands, so you can enjoy this.
It's kimchi fried rice!
I'll wash my hands quickly.
- Don't eat it before I do. - I got it.
I keep thinking it is strange.
What is so strange?
That guy got caught so easily.
He boldly showed up at the venue
and acted as if we wanted to say, "I am right here."
I can smell something foul going on.
It makes you become more suspicious because you keep thinking that way.
And your fart smells fouler.
- My fart does not smell. - It does.
Let's eat.
Na Rae, come on out!
In a dark room with barely any lights,
Yoon Hee was all alone for months.
The one who killed Yoon Hee
was your grandpa.
(Entrance Ceremony, Congratulations)
I picked this up in the annex back then.
I wonder if you know it.
Is it your mother's?
I thought I lost it.
Thank you.
I barely have
any of my parents' stuff now.
Yeon Woo.
I want to check something.
(I pray and pray again.)
It has not changed.
I thought once we handled Ms. Min,
it would go back to what it used to say.
There may be something we haven't handled yet.
Do you think
that is your grandfather?
When my parents passed away,
I was devastated because I thought it was my fault.
But when I thought it was Ms. Min's fault
as Grandpa told me,
I felt relieved a little.
I think that's when I started
to understand everything only with my head
and to ignore
my feelings and emotions.
What about now?
Do you want to know the truth?
I'm scared.
I'm scared to confirm the truth with Grandpa.
I'm also scared
to look the other way.
It must be scary.
But whatever it may be, I will trust your decision.
In return,
do not ignore your feelings from now on.
Do not ignore what you want and what you want to do.
It does not matter how long it takes.
Do not run away.
Because I am by your side.
Thank you.
I don't know what's on your mind,
but leave the house as soon as possible.
If you want to get a small share for Tae Min,
you should act tactfully.
Are you going to give Tae Min his share?
Of course.
Tae Min is Jung Hoon's son too,
even though he has never seen his father
or felt his love.
It's all because of you.
Because of me?
Did you forget?
I made myself clear that I did not want your child.
That Tae Ha is the only grandson I need.
But you did as you please and gave birth to Tae Min.
Right. That was what you said.
It must be upsetting.
Because your precious grandson, who you raised as you please,
is having it his own way these days.
Don't be sad just yet.
You don't know what is going to happen.
This is the schedule and details
of the pop-up store for Yeon Woo's brand launch.
Before the launch,
Midam is going to negotiate its sponsorship for a show.
A show?
It is going to be aired on TV?
Midam was asked to sponsor it,
but they will negotiate to include your garments.
Should I proceed with the PR after confirming the schedule?
Tae Ha.
I'm sorry. What was that?
I need you to confirm the details
on the pop-up store for Yeon Woo.
Tae Min.
Tae Min, did you see this?
- It's strange. - This is so funny.
How many times do I have to tell you?
This isn't how you write a proposal.
From now on, if you don't get it, just ask me.
What are you going to do if you are this inflexible?
Tae Min.
Is there something going on with Vice President Kang?
I'm not sure.
I don't know. But why?
I found him strange during the meeting.
He was subtly zoned out a bit.
Something is going on.
Come on. How would he know
something you don't know?
Ms. Min is asking for you.
Why is Ms. Min's secretary taking him?
I guess she wants to talk to her son.
Her son?
Is Tae Min the son of Ms. Min's secretary?
Seok Ju, are you doing this on purpose?
You really have no idea?
Tae Min is son of Ms. Min.
And he is Mr. Kang Tae Ha's little brother.
That makes sense.
Ms. Choi is too young to be his mother.
Kang Tae Min.
Kang Tae Ha.
What did Grandpa do?
To Tae Ha's mom
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
It's not true. It's a lie, isn't it?
What would I get from lying about such a thing?
Did you really say that to Tae Ha?
Now? Why?
You use information like this at the right time.
It was faster than I expected, though.
The right time? That's crazy.
Both you and Grandpa are out of your minds.
This is nuts. How can you do that?
You could have told Tae Ha at any time.
Like I said, I waited for the perfect timing.
For this darn company?
- Is it that important? - Of course!
Without SH, I have nothing!
Forget it.
There will be a commotion, so stay at a hotel.
No. Why would I?
Tae Ha will meet Chairman Kang soon.
There can be a collateral damage.
Don't act as if you are worried. It doesn't suit you.
I really want to know. Why did you give birth to me?
To use me to take the company?
Stop talking and go to the hotel.
To get your share before the shareholders' meeting,
you have to be safe.
Do you know
that you are utterly cruel?
Because Mr. Swindler is looking so fine,
I plan to abduct him.
Will it be all right?
Abduct me?
It is your fault that you are so fine.
These eyes.
This nose.
These lips.
They are all made beautifully.
I am going to abduct you and take you home right now.
Do not worry about anything and take it easy at home today.
Should we do that, then?
Get in.
Ms. Oh showed me the floor plan for the pop-up store.
It looked very neat.
I heard you put much effort into it.
Thank you.
No. It's what I do.
Good job.
Excuse me.
I have something to tell you two.
Ever since I joined the marketing team,
I have watched you
under Chairman Kang's order.
All the conversation I had with Chairman Kang is in here,
including the photos of Yeon Woo I sent him.
Ha Na,
what is
He knew about your marriage contract too.
The bride didn't come to the wedding
because he made her not to.
It's also a lie that he'll get the surgery in the States.
Stop it now. I heard enough.
truly sorry.
Why are you
telling me all this now?
Because I was ashamed
that I lied to the people who trusted me.
I will take responsibility for what I've done
in any way possible.
You can go now.
I need to see Grandpa.
Why do you not collect your thoughts first
I have to see him now to do so.
I will go with you, then.
This is something I should take care of.
You can go home first.
Hey, what brings you by? You didn't even call me.
What's the matter? Is there a problem?
I heard everything went well with the congresswoman.
Did you know from the get-go
that Yeon Woo and I had a marriage contract?
If you haven't eaten yet, let's have lunch together.
That day, in the annex
Were you the one who did that to Mom?
Where are you going?
Mr. Kang told me to take you home.
I must go to Grandfather's house.
Chairman Kang's house?
Why do you need to go there?
We do not have time. We should hurry.
Wait, I'm coming too?
Ms. Yeon Woo, wait up!
Who said that?
Hye Suk?
Your mother had a heart problem.
You know that too.
I know
someone locked the door from the outside that day.
Tell me the truth.
Did you keep Mom in the annex
and blame it all
on Ms. Min?
Is it true that you lied to me?
So what?
I did it for my son's sake. What's wrong with that?
If it weren't for Yoon Hee,
Jung Hoon wouldn't have ended up like that.
I was going to give him everything I owned.
But she suddenly latched on to him. She should've known her place.
How could you do such a thing?
I did it for my son.
No parent wishes harm on their own children.
So that's why you did this to me
and even lied to me?
Yes, that's right!
You're my grandson.
Did you forget?
When you were left all alone,
I took you in and raised you until now.
- I saved you. - No!
You pushed me into the flames of purgatory.
Mom tried to hold onto my hand, but I pushed her hand away.
Ever since then, I've been suffering from the guilt from it.
The resentment and hatred toward Ms. Min
totally messed me up.
That is why I said I'd give you everything.
About your marriage too.
There would've been no problem had you obeyed me.
How could you want to give up the company and everything else
because of a girl from goodness knows where?
My goodness.
You're a failure, just like your father.
Do you think I'll forgive the girl who turned you into this?
Leave her alone.
Don't do anything.
I am
no longer your grandson.
What did you say?
You neglected my mom and let her die.
I'll never forgive you for that either.
You little
What an ingrate.
Fine, suit yourself.
Let's see if you can still say that after losing everything you have.
Jung Hoon, your father,
also came back to me in the end and begged me
to save Yoon Hee.
Don't worry.
That will never happen.
Shall I go inside and see what's going on?
No, I will go inside and see.
Tae Ha.
Tae Ha!
Tae Ha.
Tae Ha, are you all right?
No way.
How could Chairman Kang
Where are you going?
I should go to Lady Yeon Woo.
Young Master Tae Ha collapsed. It must have given her such a scare.
I should go there and make some porridge for her.
Sa Wol.
Not now.
What do you mean?
I'm as upset and angry as you are now,
and I feel so bad for Mr. Kang.
But I've learned that there are moments when I shouldn't step in.
Until they reach out to us first,
we should just wait.
He'll keep sleeping because of the medicine.
Don't worry too much.
He has to be hospitalized?
This is my first time hearing about this.
Of course, he didn't tell you.
If his heart is left untreated,
it won't last long.
It won't last long?
Do you mean
He should be hospitalized at once.
He was doing okay up until recently,
but he suddenly got worse about three months ago.
I wonder what happened.
Three months ago?
The phone is turned off. Please leave a message after the tone.
You will be charged
Thanks for the gift.
I'm impressed.
Tae Ha should know too.
He's all grown up now.
You still have a lot to learn.
What you did should only be done when you have nothing to lose.
How brazen.
Father, I believe you have more to lose than I do.
Tae Ha will never come back as long as he has Yeon Woo.
What will you do now?
Unlike Yoon Hee, Yeon Woo isn't ill.
I guess you now think everyone is beneath you, don't you?
Don't threaten me.
What you and I did is something
those who like to talk about wealthy families would love to gossip about.
Will you be all right?
The Internet is a scary place these days.
Father, I see that you still have a lot to learn too.
All right, very well.
Now, I'm not so bored anymore.
Thanks to you, I now know exactly what I need to do.
All right. Thanks.
He suddenly got worse about three months ago.
Three months ago?
So his condition started getting worse when I came here.
No way.
That can't be.
Crape myrtles are also called the tree of 100 days. Do you know why?
It is because they flower for 100 days.
Why are you asking me about this all of a sudden?
When you have been here for 100 days,
the last crape myrtle flower will wilt.
That day, the gate of time through which you can return to Joseon
will open for one last time.
Are you saying I can go back to Joseon?
Of course, you do not have to go back.
if you choose to stay here,
Kang Tae Ha's heart will stop beating,
just like it did in his past life.
Am I going to die?
I will die exactly like I did in my past life.
If fate is why my heart
suddenly took a turn for the worse,
- With time - I pray and pray again.
Do not harbour too much resentment.
- That can't be. - Do not harbour too much resentment.
Please, my heart
So I must decide whether or not I will go back?
In life, there are moments when you must make a choice.
If I decide to stay here, he will die.
Are you saying that is my fate?
Without changing your past,
you simply cannot change your present.
Why on earth are you doing this to me?
I am just trying to pay off my debt.
I must keep my promise I had made to someone a long time ago.
Hey, look at those eyes.
- She is a monster. - A monster!
- Go away. - Get lost!
- You are a monster. - Die!
- Go away! - You look like a freak.
- I said to go away! - Get lost!
Darn you. Go away!
We told you to go away.
- Go! - Get lost!
You rascals!
You freak, go away.
- Hey, run. - Come on!
Are you all right?
Oh, no. You are hurt.
Come along. Let me take you to a physician.
This must be yours.
Please take this.
I wish to give you this.
You wish to give it to me?
No, that is not necessary.
If you ever see someone in a difficult situation,
be sure to help them.
That will be enough.
That is why I wish to give you this.
To show you that I will be sure to keep that promise.
Is that why you saved me when I was thrown down the well?
Someone's small act of kindness
can save lives sometimes.
All I can do is
move your time, my lady.
As for what you wish to do in that given time,
it is for you to decide,
just like how it has always been.
I am beginning to understand why my mother's journal
remains unchanged and why
I came here.
Do not worry.
Everything will be okay.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean?
Do you not remember?
Last night, you practically begged me
to stay right by your side.
"Yeon Woo, I like you so much."
"Please do not go anywhere."
"Stay right by my side."
You talked in your sleep like that.
I did? I talked in my sleep?
Yes. Then you asked me for a kiss,
pouting like this.
You're teasing me right now, aren't you?
You caught on.
Why? Are you mad at me for teasing you?
It must've given you such a scare.
I'm sorry.
I promise you that I won't worry you again.
Are you really okay now?
How could I not be okay
when I have someone who truly cares for me like this?
Yeon Woo, can I take you somewhere today?
I am dead broke.
Gosh, I wanted to buy something when visiting Lady Yeon Woo.
How about I sell something?
Sa Wol, I'm off to work.
I have a double shift today, so I'll be home late.
Wait, Na Rae.
I need a part-time job too.
I want to work part-time too.
Would you be able to help me find a job?
If Sung Pyo finds out, he'll get angry. Will you be okay?
We will not tell him.
Just recommend me to an employer,
and I will take care of the rest. Sounds good?
I told you to sleep
with your blanket up to your neck even on warm nights.
(Pear and Bellflower Root Extract for Kids)
Try this.
Isn't it bitter?
Oh, it's good.
Let me get you a glass of water.
Gosh, my goodness.
Oh, my!
I want to hire you. Can you start today?
You see, I'm a little expensive.
You will pay me well, right?
Yes, of course.
Just bring a copy of your bankbook, your health card,
and your ID card, okay?
Hold on.
My ID card?
Oh, I see.
My face is my ID card.
- What? - Look.
(Cold Makgeolli, Spicy Dakbal, Assorted Jeon)
Darn it.
Why must I bring so many things just to work?
Forget it. I will not work.
I now live in New Joseon too.
(Seo Yoon Hee, Kang Jung Hoon)
You truly resemble your parents.
What were they like?
My mother was
warmhearted and strong,
just like you.
And my father
loved my mother very much.
Had they had a chance to meet you,
they would've been so happy.
(Kang Jung Hoon, Seo Yoon Hee)
She's the one
who will stay by my side for life.
Isn't she pretty?
They keep calling about the witness interview.
What should I do?
What about Mr. Hwang? You still can't reach him?
No, it's been a few days since he stopped coming to work.
Go through Hwang Myung Su's employee records
and try calling every number you can find.
Bring him to me at all costs. Do you understand?
Yes. Understood, ma'am.
(Hall of Remembrance)
What's wrong?
I think I just saw someone.
Forget it. I must have been mistaken.
(Kang Jung Hoon, Seo Yoon Hee)
(Gu Ji Eun)
(Gu Ji Eun)
You said you'd perform surgery on her.
You said you'd perform surgery and save her.
So why did you do that?
Why did you do that? Why?
Ji Eun, I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
It's all coming to an end now.
(Gu Ji Eun)
Are you really going to
cut all ties with Grandfather?
I'm not sure.
He was my only family.
The other day, you said
you had obeyed Grandfather all your life.
You did that
because you cared for him.
You did nothing wrong,
and it is not something you should regret.
I just can't forgive him
and myself as well.
It is okay.
Forgiveness will not solve all your problems.
What truly matters is that
you carefully listen to what your heart is trying to tell you,
no matter how it makes you feel.
Shall we live in a place like this?
Somewhere quiet, where nobody knows.
Sure, I would like that.
How bitter.
I must say, I envy you.
You taste bitter, but you are useful, at least.
Here, I really am nothing.
Sa Wol, what are you doing here?
Just hanging out.
It's because of me, isn't it?
You're sick of me now,
so you're having a hard time.
Na Rae told me that you were looking for a part-time job.
Are you planning to move out?
No, do not get the wrong idea.
Then why are you doing this?
Why are you having a beer here all by yourself?
I just
I feel like a dunce here in New Joseon. That is why.
What? "Dunce?"
All I have is my old-fashioned name.
I am of no help to Lady Yeon Woo,
and I cannot even work to earn money.
I am just freeloading at your place.
Sa Wol, it is totally fine.
You can freeload at my place.
Just marry me.
I, Hong Sung Pyo,
wish to take you to be my wife.
Will you marry me?
Yes, I will.
Of course, I will marry you.
(Entrance Ceremony, Congratulations)
(Entrance Ceremony, Congratulations)
Hello, Grandfather. It is I, Yeon Woo.
I would like to see you tomorrow.
No, I will meet you at your place.
All right, sure.
Yes, it's me.
You know, the thing we talked about the other day.
We'll proceed as planned.
It seems that Mr. Hwang has fallen off the grid.
He still hasn't come to work or called?
The police keep contacting him for his witness interview
concerning that case,
but they still can't reach him.
Do you think it has something to do with Ms. Min?
Ms. Min can't be cooking up something new.
She has already revealed all the cards she's holding.
Then could it have something to do with Chairman Kang?
I just think something is fishy.
Please allow me to say one more thing.
Don't be afraid to go up against him if need be.
No matter what anyone says,
you've made it this far on your own.
So, don't back down.
I apologize for being impudent and nosy.
It's all right.
You're always impudent.
Pardon me? I'm just
I'm always on your side.
Right, that's why I'm always grateful to you.
I want to apologize on Ms. Min's behalf for everything she did.
I'm sorry.
Why are you apologizing? You have no reason to apologize.
I just thought I should do my duty too.
But about the pharmacist, I suggest you look into it again.
What do you mean?
My gut tells me that you should.
You know that Ms. Min isn't dumb.
Also, I'd like to believe that she's not that messed up.
What will you do about Grandpa?
I'm still thinking.
First, I want to figure out
what I really want.
Then I'll find the answer I'm looking for.
All right.
Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll get it done.
Take it easy though.
You're here.
Come this way. I have something to show you.
Doesn't she look a lot like you?
I fell in love with the painting the second I saw it
at my father's gallery.
It was one I couldn't have, you see.
Why not?
I know I can run the gallery better than my older brother.
Also, I was with you when you went around
collecting these art pieces.
I have a right to them as well.
These don't belong to us.
It's like I said.
They will be given back to society one day.
That's absurd!
Why should we do that?
This is exactly why I can't let you run the gallery.
Because you are this greedy. Do you get it?
- Father! - Enough.
We're done talking about this.
You're wrong.
I'll have it all.
Everything I want
will eventually fall into my hands.
Who knew
that this would bite me from behind?
This painting is the reason I kept you in our lives
while unaware of how you've been gnawing at my precious grandson.
Precious, did you say?
Then ask for Tae Ha's forgiveness.
Tell him you are sorry
and that you apologize for lying to him.
Yes, it's those eyes.
They resemble Yoon Hee's in a way that freaks me out.
This dead watch started ticking the moment you entered our lives.
You're also just like Yoon Hee who was ominous in her own way.
That being said, how can I keep you in our lives?
That is enough.
Your twisted ways and wrongdoings?
Blaming others will not change anything.
So apologize.
Asking for forgiveness is what decent people do.
Ask for forgiveness? Why should I?
You were all he had after he had lost his world,
but you took advantage of his love and trust.
All I ever wanted was to give Tae Hae everything.
Do you still not see
how your futile greed only hurt Tae Ha even more?
Please do not hurt him any more than you already have.
Everything would've been fine had you not come along.
Do you get that?
If you know how much he loves you,
please give him
the chance to forgive you.
to free him from the pain,
- just this once - That's enough.
I don't want to hear another word.
You are never to be back here.
(Tae Ha)
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
The person is unable to answer the phone.
Please try again.
Who are you? Why is Yeon Woo
(Go to 37-1 Geocheon-ro if you want Park Yeon Woo back.)
(You'd better move fast if you wish to save her.)
That's 37-1 Geocheon-ro.
Okay, 37-1 Geocheon-ro.
What are you going to do to me?
I don't know. What do you want us to do?
We were told to ship you off to somewhere.
But I'm on the fence.
Pretty girls like you are worth quite a lot.
Don't lay your hands on her.
We are to keep her safe until this is over.
- Do you hear me? - Yes.
Who sent you?
My grandfather-in-law?
Where will you send me?
You're better off not knowing.
My stomach is killing me.
Please let me use the restroom.
You were told not to harm me.
- Hey. - My stomach
What do you think you're doing?
Darn it.
- Over there. - Go!
I guess you won't be leaving with that pretty face of yours.
Yeon Woo.
Get searching.
- Don't just stand there. Go! - Yes, sir.
Are you all right? Are you hurt?
I am fine.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
My lady, are you all right?
Are you hurt?
Mr. Hong, look after Yeon Woo for me.
Where are you going?
To my grandfather.
It really is over for us.
But Tae Ha
You won't be able to stop him.
Lady Yeon Woo,
let us wait here.
How are you here?
How does it feel
to have been betrayed by your dear grandson?
It took a long time
for me to get here.
Do you finally get
how it feels to lose a loved one?
It's exactly what you did to me
twenty-three years ago.
Have you already forgotten?
Your son
killed my wife.
Do not worry too much.
I doubt either one would hurt a blood relative.
I am just glad that you are all right.
Whoever saved you
will be blessed for eternity.
What do you mean someone saved me?
Someone told the young master that you had been abducted.
Mr. Hong,
what did Sa Wol mean by that?
A text was sent to him from an unknown number
stating where you were.
From an unknown number?
That part has me suspicious as well.
Who could've sent him a text like that?
My lady, what is it?
It is odd.
It is as if
everything is going as planned.
Everyone who I was involved with back in Joseon
had an effect on me here
no matter how small the situation was.
If it is the same pattern, then
Tie the ends of a connection that is as tangled and repeated
as the strings of that knot.
If Hwang Myung Su gave him the drug,
he would try to make you take it.
That was what he did to my husband back then.
It is him.
You should remember
since my family died from the accident your son caused.
Kang Sang Mo,
it was you who killed them.
Doctor, please do your best with my Ji Eun.
Please save her.
Due to the severity of the car crash,
it's hard to guarantee anything.
And on top of that, she's pregnant.
Sacrifice the child if you have to. Just please
save my Ji Eun.
Doctor, can I pull you away?
You see
Got it.
Where is he going?
He has a surgery to do.
Sir, why don't I escort you to the waiting area?
- But - This way, please.
Hold on a second.
Please come with me.
- Sir - Hold on.
- Grab him. - But
Let go of me!
You said you'd do her surgery.
You promised to do her surgery.
Let go of me!
You promised to do her surgery.
Hold on.
Are you that man from
You switched the schedule to save your son,
but they all died.
You're responsible for all their deaths.
I was only trying to save my own son.
What about my Ji Eun?
Was her life expendable?
Are you kidding me?
Look here.
We all cherish what we hold in our own hands.
I made the best decision given the situation,
and you
were just unlucky.
I was unlucky?
A person died,
and that's what you say?
I paid a compensation.
I paid more than what the bereaved asked for.
Even her parents gladly accepted the money,
so why are you upset?
Shut that mouth of yours!
Sure. It's settled, then.
All I have to do is pay up after killing you.
Then, all will be well. Is that it?
Is it?
It was him.
It was all his doing.
Min Hye Suk and even Yeon Woo.
They have been conspiring together just to mess with your head.
I've only been trying to get you away from them.
Take a good look.
That is the true Kang Sang Mo.
A brazen and despicable old man who always blames others.
Don't you trust your grandfather?
You can't do this to me. Not after what I did to raise you.
Were you the one who sent me Yeon Woo's photo?
Have you been pulling the strings
while hiding behind CEO Min?
You sure are a smart one.
I expected no less from Chairman Kang's grandson.
Stop. What are you doing?
Why would you kneel before him?
If you stay here,
he will die.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
I know that I only have a few days left.
I wonder why I never knew the joy of a disgustingly normal day.
I'm going to do them all with you.
Lady Yeon Woo, can you not stay?
Stay with me in this world.
Please save me. Please fix my heart.
This is the only way to save him.
I am going to go back to the Joseon I came from.
No, you can't.
I wish to be remembered for a long time
even though I only lived here for a brief amount of time.
Hurry back to me.
I'll be waiting for you right here.
My love for you will be everlasting.
I love you.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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