The Traitors UK (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Previously on The Traitors
The players arrived here
at this Scottish castle to play
the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors, whose job
is to secretly murder the others
without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
With the Traitors kissing
their sixth victim goodbye
by murdering in plain sight
Who's not here? Amos. left the Faithful wounded
and suspicions heightened.
There's a matriarch, I think,
keeping them cool,
calm and collected.
I wouldn't have expected Theo
to be your 100.
And with the Traitors
feeling the pressure
Theo. Theo. Theo.
..mistakes were made
You know I love you.
But it had to be someone
from our group.
I am a Faithful.
..and divisions were formed.
The more the game goes on,
the less I trust Amanda.
But who will be murdered next?
Aaron, Fay or Andrea.
This is The Traitors.
We need to just get the numbers down
as quick as we can.
Yeah, the stress of it,
misleading people
and trying not to slip up,
it's one of the hardest things
I've ever done in my life. Yeah.
It's bittersweet, really, isn't it?
You know, I come in here to play
a game, and now it's within reach.
Will and myself, we are coming
to the end, you know,
and for everything
we've been through
to get where we are
and not be discovered,
it'd be nice to get to the final
and walk away with the prize.
Hopefully we will protect each other
right up until the end.
I thought I trusted Amanda 100%.
But what happened today, like,
the paranoia got to me.
Like, I just felt really paranoid
all day.
I need to work on her now
to make her realise how much
this means to me as well.
The only reason I'm here now
is because I've been
two, three steps ahead.
# I'm a cold blooded killer
And I'm coming for you
# I'm a pain dealer
I'm a faith healer #
Last night, the Traitors sealed
the fate of another Faithful
and murdered their seventh victim.
As day dawns at the castle,
the surviving players
head to breakfast.
But one Faithful will not make it.
Ah! First, yeah.
Oh, we're the first ones!
I can't believe I'm here. Same.
Eight of us left out of 22.
That's wicked.
Looking at that wall of people,
it was a really weird feeling
because I can't believe
we've come so far.
I really just can't believe
that we're all still here.
Who do you think's gone?
Amanda, Andrea or Fay.
I hope Wilf comes.
Do you still think that it's Wilf?
Yeah, I think I'm going to stick
with my guns in terms of
who I think it is.
I'm still sticking with the same
people that I think are Traitors.
So Aaron is a Traitor
and I'm still very set
on the Will theory,
but I think people are too blinded
by Will's personality
because I suppose in life
you can be a massive criminal
and still be funny.
Hi! Hi!
Here she is. Come on!
Oh, my God.
Well done, guys.
Congratulations. Yeah.
Come on. I'm not going to lie.
We're still in the game. Yeah.
Stay of execution.
I have a feeling of only just.
Yeah. The thing is, honestly, I know
we keep saying it every day,
but tonight we cannot afford
not to get a Traitor.
I know, we need to.
Here she is!
Well done. Congratulations.
You all right?
Good, thanks, how are you?
Yeah, good.
Good to see you, Meryl.
Also, guys
I bet you slept well. Yes. Yeah.
I've got a lot in my head, though.
I think I've seen the light. Do you?
I don't know, but, yeah. Go on.
Oh, I don't know. No, no.
Despite having the shield last
night, I still don't really sleep
that well because I was literally
up all night thinking about Aaron
and Fay as the Traitors.
That sounds weird, but I literally
can't get it out of my head.
I just want to be able
to tell Hannah.
Oh, God.
You look so nice, Amanda.
Do you know
I was thinking to myself?
It's like Russian roulette now.
That's what I think.
I can't explain it,
but I know who it is.
It's Fay and it's Aaron.
I know who it is -
it's Fay and Aaron.
Well, it could be. It could well be.
No, no, it's not "could be",
like 1,000%.
It's 1,000%. Breakfast,
it's getting really tough.
It's getting hard because
it's getting more personal.
Come in. Come in.
Hello! Hello. Hi.
How many people are left?
Two people.
Two people left.
We've got Aaron and Fay.
Literally, you've just said
OK, if they both walk through
that door,
then they've tried to kill me.
If one does and one doesn't
I think she's Faithful.
Honestly, I'm really like Fay.
Yeah, but I'd be shocked
if it Aaron.
Cos I just don't think it's Fay.
If you trust everybody in this room
like I do,
it's got to be one or the other.
Yes, it's one or the other.
Come in.
That's a woman's knock.
I knew it. Other way around, yeah.
I'm gutted. I'm gutted.
I think we need to go with Fay.
She's so powerful.
She was telling me
about her strategy,
and it's mad.
She listens to every word you say.
She's so eager to get to the final.
It's the perfect decision
at this moment in time.
Dear Fay,
by order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered!
It's very difficult.
Very difficult.
I mean, I think you expect it
every night.
They may have thought
I wasI'd caught onto them.
I think it might be one
of the men. It could be Kieran.
Yes, you're disappointed, but trust
me, people do stab you in the back.
I'm going to miss her.
I really like Fay.
Oh, I just knew it.
I had this feeling that they were
going to take her because she's just
such a strong woman. Even just
for making sense of things,
I think she was actually
really wise.
I didn't realise
I was the last person.
So I kind of like just said
hello to everyone,
then sat down and then I realised
that Fay wasn't there.
Fay has literally been taken out.
I just don't understand
who it could be, like, I'm so scared
that it's going to be
someone really close to me.
Like, imagine it's like Amanda
or Andrea or someone like that,
they're just taking people out.
I knew Fay wasn't a Traitor.
She's in it to win it,
like to get them.
We are so rubbish at this game.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning.
So Fay was murdered.
Aaron, will you help me?
Everyone repeat after me.
Bye-bye, Fay. ALL: Bye-bye, Fay.
I knew she was Faithful.
So congratulations,
the rest of you made it
through another night,
and there aren't many nights left.
The Traitors are relentless,
so you have to work hard.
Up next, the mission.
We're going to a stately home
which is even fancier than this one.
Quick question -
how nimble are you?
Oh. Semi-nimble, babe!
Not at all.
You'll be all right.
I'll see you there. Bye.
Bye. Thank you.
What's nimble?
And we need some shuttlecocks.
I've got one, Andrea. One?
I think we're doing
process of elimination now.
It's a very clever person
with an amazing poker face.
Do you have any consideration
at all about Amanda and Andrea?
Has Amanda ever come under scrutiny?
Because if you do the maths of it,
them two are the ones
that are justdoesn't even
come up ever.
If I was to pick between Andrea
and Amanda, I think I'd say Andrea
was the Traitor.
Andrea's name is coming up,
which is really, really painful,
which you just don't know.
You just don't know.
Are we all dancing to her tune?
Probably people looking at us now,
thinking, "What the fuck are they
talking about?" Exactly.
We're doing the same with Amanda
and Aaron right now.
So they're sitting over there
having a discreet conversation.
Them two are playing a game.
We're all getting a bit, like, sad
and quiet and things now, aren't we?
And Hannah hasn't changed at all.
I don't trust Meryl, really,
because I think
she would do anything. Mm.
I was thinking, out of Meryl,
Hannah, Will
Will, I don't know,
because he just tries so hard.
I don't mind.
I just think it can't really be him.
My guess is Hannah at this moment
in time.
I'm glad you said that,
because I didn't want to go
against the grain with everyone.
No, we've got to stick together.
I think people are kind
of leaning towards Hannah.
I was even having suspicions of you
last night,
and I was thinking, "It can't be
Amanda." Oh, were you?
Yeah, I was thinking
Cos I was like
I started putting percentages
next to everyone, and I'm thinking,
"It can't be Amanda, because
if it is, then I'll cry and
"I'll never speak to her again."
No, it isn't. It's not me.
"I'll never speak to her again."
It's not me.
I think I'm out of the spotlight
because I'm just a normal
little Welsh lady who's mum of five,
you know, five grandchildren.
With Aaron, we've been in the
journey from the start together
and we're all very close now.
It's hard to remember sometimes
you're actually playing a game.
I want you, me and Andrew to stick
together, though Yes.
Yeah, I think so, the three of us.
I think we do have to go for Aaron.
We're going to have to go, cos, yes,
his points with Theo were
Yeah, it was.
Basically, whatever Theo said to
him, he just diverted it back
to Theo. And when Theo weren't here,
he did look incredibly guilty.
Yeah. That's all we've got
at the moment, is reading
reactions like that.
It's the only obvious thing
right now.
Oh, here he is. What? Help!
I don't trust Amanda fully
at the moment.
I think she's ready to turn
on me at any point.
Hopefully, I have trust
in the people around me
for them to tell me
if she's talking about me
so I can think of a strategy.
I can't believe I'm thinking this.
Oh, I'm really struggling, man.
There's someone on my mind,
and I can't get rid of it. Who?
Who? And I just think
I don't know.
I don't know. Who? We're having
frank discussions today, mate,
so it's time to Yeah, I know,
but then if you say that to a person
and then I'm not going
to tell anyone. Neither am I.
Why would we? We're Faithfuls.
I'm not sure about Amanda.
Why aren't you sure about Amanda?
This is what I can't get
out of my mind.
She dropped Theo
like a piece of shit.
Yeah, that's a good point.
She literally
She was Just how close she was
with him.
She dropped the idea to us.
I think she will do something
like that in the future,
like she's done to Theo about me.
It wouldn't shock me if she tries
to turn everyone against me at all.
She just said Theo out of the blue.
That's why we all went for Theo,
Hannah, did you notice?
Honestly, did you see my face?
I was like, have I missed something?
When you think about it, right?
She's not emotionally involved. No.
Do you not think so?
I've never seen her get upset at all
since I've been here.
Can we do something, though?
Are we trusting each other now? Yes.
Well, let's make an alliance.
OK. Let's make a little bit
of an alliance. Right?
We'll do what we have to do tonight,
but we'll look at Amanda today.
So shall we take a calculated risk
and go for Amanda tonight?
No. I'm not confidant on Amanda.
You want to do a calculated risk
on Amanda?
I think people could switch
on Amanda very quickly.
Like she's the only one
that nobody's accused
in the whole thing.
Everybody's sort of been
on the radar, and she hasn't.
But people are thinking
about her now.
I think we should go for Aaron
tonight because it's
the most obvious thing right now.
No, but listen, if we go for Amanda
and it's notand Amanda's not
a Traitor and Aaron is,
I think us four are fairly safe
Yeah. come back tomorrow.
There's a possibility
that it could be Amanda,
but we're quite sure
that it's Aaron.
But I'm quietly confident
that if it is Aaron,
he's keeping me in
because he feels bad.
Do you reckon?
Cos she's so close to him.
They could both be it. Yes!
They could both be it! Yes!
And she could be trying to get him
out so she wins. Hang on, sit down.
Sit down. They're very tight.
If I have to now pick,
those are my two main targets.
Who was it you said yesterday?
There's definitely
not just young people. Yes.
There needs to be There's a head.
It's an older head older person ..that's
keeping the younger ones in check.
I swear to God, if a Traitor
takes all this money,
I am going to be so pissed off!
All right, prize fund.
Mission - shield.
It's us. It's us.
I think it might be a brainy
one today, I think.
With a chance to add even
more money to the prize fund,
the players are off
on today's mission.
For me, every day is a blessing now.
Yeah. These are the times
we've got to try and enjoy.
Do you think it's that house
over there?
Oh, yeah. It's not bigger than ours.
Where? That's massive. Oh, my God.
That's massive!
Imagine living in that.
Hi. Hi! Welcome. Ooh! Thank you.
In you come. Wow.
Don't touch anything, please.
I've gone a little bit
Antiques Roadshow.
This is unbelievably simple.
All the objects
have different values.
All I need is for you to bring me
these objects,
and then it will be added
to your prize fund.
And you might have seen this.
The shield.
There will be no trip
to the armoury today.
You might choose to go
for this shield
and therefore protect you
and only you from tonight's murder.
Depends whether you want to add
to the prize fund
..or not get killed.
I leave that with you.
If you bring me all the items,
you will add £7,000
to your prize fund.
That will take it over £80,000.
Are we clear? Yeah.
Easy peasy, right? Yeah. Easy.
I've just got to mention
one little thing.
It was just like, of course,
there's laser beams.
It's way too simple.
This is The Traitors.
Of course there are going
to be laser beams.
Oh, no! Oh, yes!
This is good for me.
Oh, sugar.
When she turned the lasers on,
it was amazing.
Then obviously, my arse went
a little bit because I know
they are really hard
tohard to play.
You've got 20 minutes to do it.
If you break a laser,
that means the value
of the item you're holding
is not added to the prize fund.
More importantly, it means
you will take one minute
off the clock.
Once everybody is over near me,
if there is any time remaining
on the clock,
the lasers will be reset
and you will have another go.
So are you ready
for your laser quest? Yeah. Yeah.
You have 20 minutes, and you must be
out of the room at the end
of that time.
Your time starts
The shield, should we just scrap
the shield until like, later on?
Forget the shield. I'm happy
to forget the shield.
Even though I'm worried
about getting murdered,
the shield kind of creates
a game within a game.
So we decided that none of us
were going to go for the shield.
Aaron is going first.
Oh, my God, Aaron. That's it.
Oh, my God, his hair. That's it.
I'm just going to get
straight into it.
If it's my last time I'm going
to be here,
I've got to get
that last little mission in.
It was quite hard, though.
Aaron, watch yourself!
It's good. It's good.
Careful, Aaron.
Careful of the laser.
There's a laser looking just Oh!
Just so you know, this item,
if he brings it to me,
is worth £1,000.
Well done, Aaron.
Wahey! Good lad. Well done, Aaron.
Well done, Aaron.
Yes, Tom Cruise!
SECURITY SYSTEM: Security breach.
Laser added.
No! They're adding lasers
after every one!
Correct. After each item
you successfully bring me,
one new laser will be added.
Oh, you're joking me.
So think about your order.
We've got a bit of money there,
though, so it doesn't matter.
Do you want to go next?
OK, OK. Guys, listen to me
really quickly.
We've all got over two minutes each,
so just take your time.
Go slow. Can I lean?
Yeah, that's it.
That's it. Well done.
SECURITY SYSTEM: Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced by one minute.
So you've lost a minute of the time.
Oh, shit.
I'm going to go next,
so we can get some money.
Four minutes has gone already.
Wilf, slow, slow, slow.
I want to take this.
I want to take it.
Do what you're comfortable
with doing.
I'm going to take it.
I have a little bit of an ego,
so I'm like,
"I'm going for the biggest thing."
So I go for this statue.
This item is worth £2,000.
The statue is literally,
like probably half the size of me.
Right? It's a big statue
and it's heavy.
And I'm like,
"Yep, I'm going for that."
Oh! Oh, my gosh.
Sh, sh, sh. Keep your head down.
Keep your head down.
Just careful. Just slowly. Slowly.
Will Will Nice one.
Will! Will, Will!
Five minutes have gone.
Doesn't matter. You're doing great,
Will, you're doing great. Well done.
Once you've got it through
this laser bit here, mate,
you're just literally
just going under. Lay her flat.
I was like laying it down,
and then, like, slowly
going over it. It looked like
a love scene or something.
Well done, Will.
Will's got skills. Fair play.
Done such a good job on that.
Security breach.
Laser added.
I'm going to go next.
Go on, Hannah.
Come on, Hannah.
Watch your hair. Slowly but surely.
Forget the bagpipes.
No, I'm not going for them.
Come to me.
Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced by one minute.
Lasers are activated.
Come on, Kieran.
I think a bit cocky at the
beginning, "We definitely got this."
Oh! Kieran, come.
It was a lot harder
than any of us thought.
A lot harder.
Come on, Maddy.
Maddy, come forward.
I was so rubbish.
I, like, ducked, and I was like,
"Was that my hair or my bum?"
That's another minute lost.
You've got ten and a half minutes.
Plenty of time.
That's it. Careful with your back.
Careful with your bum.
Don't lift up too much.
Don't lift your bum up at all.
That's it.
Sorry, Amanda,
that is another minute off.
I think if the lads
didn't go through first,
we'd be haemorrhaging minutes.
Take your time, Andrea.
I'm not particularly flexible,
but other than that,
good to medium nimble,
except if I have to go right down
to the floor.
Come on, Andrea, quickly.
With all of those deductions,
you have eight minutes left,
so the system will now reboot
to give you all a chance
at another go.
Security system reboot.
We had, let's be honest,
a few weak links,
but we worked together
as a team.
Three, two, one.
Wilf and Aaron.
Yeah, we put our boys in.
I've done boxing a lot.
It's all about balance.
But then I also was a dancer, right?
So dancing is about being nimble,
being able to control your body.
What item are you going for?
I'm going for the chalice.
Yeah, easy.
You're like a little cat.
In terms of growing up,
it was really difficult.
Because I had no stability,
I sort of misbehaved at school.
I went past a dance studio
one day and I was like,
"Oh, my God, I want to dance,"
and it changed my life.
I think dance really helped me
express who I was.
Mind this gap here.
Well done, Will.
Well done, Will.
He did it twice.
He was amazing at it.
And that screams,
"You're a Traitor."
No, I'm joking. He's just a dancer.
Security breach.
Laser added.
Seven minutes left. Who's going?
Aaron, listen, listen.
If you use this route to get to
the big vase,
but go back on ourselves
to the route we normally use, yeah?
So you can go back to the route
See? We shouldn't talk.
Sorry, my bad.
Escape time reduced by one minute.
Right, concentrate.
You've lost a minute.
Who's going next?
Come on, Kieran.
You have six minutes left.
Go on.
Watch your back and elbow.
That's good.
Get down, crouch. Yes. Good.
Forget the big one.
Just get the £300 one.
It's very tense.
That goblet is £300.
Just over this one.
The one below you,
and then you can crawl it.
Keep your back as straight
as possible.
Well done.
Put your foot down now.
Put your foot down now.
Easy, easy. You got it. You got it.
You've got this.
Watch your head.
Teamplay come in, Will guided me
through and saved me.
If I didn't have that guidance
halfway through,
I would have been out as well.
Another £300.
Security breached.
Laser added.
Who's going to come to me?
Come on, Meryl, let's go.
No-one speak to me.
An extra laser has been added.
Meryl, come to me.
The lasers have been reactivated.
The womanly figure is not made
for ducking and diving and limbo
and hopping and jumping
over laser beams.
Oh, shit.
Was that my bum?
I'll be rubbish,
so you go slow as you like.
Watch your head.
Quick, quick, quick.
I can't believe it.
Like, it's so hard.
Physical missions are hard.
It's tough to earn the money.
You have 40 seconds left.
It's all on you,
Andrea, you can do this.
That's it. We've got to get out.
Get out!
Come on.
..three, two, one.
It's amazing. I genuinely think
it's like being in a film.
These missions are literally
once in a lifetime experience.
Run with urgency.
Stick it in the car.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Well done.
Because of Aaron, Will, and Kieran,
you have added a whopping £3,700
to the prize fund.
That prize pot is adding up nicely.
Like, we did really, really well.
Just me watching it,
I found it incredibly stressful.
Let me ask you this - was nobody
tempted to go for the shield?
No, absolutely not.
OK, so nobody is protected
from murder tonight.
It might not be the best
gameplaying strategy,
but because we're all personally
invested in this now,
we want to stay on
a level playing field.
I don't think I would have felt
good if I had got that shield.
All right. Well, very well done.
I need to get those items
on Bargain Hunt.
I'll see you back at the castle.
That was fun. You were a team.
But the next time I see you,
as you know,
will be at the Round Table.
And I'll tell you this -
you don't have many left.
I'll see you back at the castle.
Thank you.
Bye, guys.
Come on, guys.
How you feeling about the
Round Table, everyone?
I just think I'm going to
go in there,
do what I think in my mind is right.
Hannah, what are you thinking?
I think I'm going to have to just go
for someone I haven't thought about.
Yeah, same, because the thing is,
we don't even, like,
discuss much through the day
any more.
It's the best way, though.
I think we kind of have to
do that now,
because we spend so much time
analysing and dissecting.
We're just going to end up
not enjoying the process.
And we got it wrong all the time.
Yeah. Well, like,
at the end of everything,
like, why not do what we think
could be right.
But what do you think could be
right? I don't get it.
You're saying, like.
No, just like
If you fuckers go for me,
I'll be fuming. Nah.
There's other people
that I'm looking at.
Tell me!
No, I don't want to.
I want to just go there
and feel what I feel.
That makes me a bit nervous.
I feel like I should be looking
at other people.
You should be looking at
other people. You should.
I'm like, "They're talking
about me again,"
and I feel like I'm going to
get it again tonight.
I'm just going to be like, "Oh, for
God's sake, just leave me alone."
But then I guess that's probably
just paranoia creeping off of me.
We'll just have to see.
Hannah, are you OK? I'm thinking
I don't know what to do.
I think that Aaron's a traitor.
He looks so guilty.
But I love him so much
that it's just It's so hard.
So Any thoughts on tonight,
or we just keeping it?
Just going to go Round Table crew.
I think there's no clear path still.
There isn't. I know.
People die the most on the toilet.
Do they? Yeah.
Like, if you're straining, imagine,
like you can pop a blood vessel,
like, you could probably
pop your brain or whatever.
Mm-hm. OK. All right.
Careful, everybody!
As we get older,
don't go very often.
On that note, I'm going to get
some more coleslaw.
Maddy, you are true to yourself,
I literally can't decide who it is.
What you're doing now is laps
of the table, basically,
and coming to the same conclusion.
The only thing is when you don't
actually have anyone in mind
going in there
That's the problem.
I was wondering about Theo
being Amanda's 100,
and then she voted for him.
I'm just saying that there's
something at the forefront
of my mind that's making me think
Amanda, I could get people on side
to get rid of her if I wanted to,
but that's not my game plan
at the moment.
I need to stick with the majority,
but if I have to jump on
that bandwagon, I will.
What does everybody think
about Maddy being a Traitor?
She's definitely 50-50.
Yeah, she's 50-50.
You don't know anything
that she's doing or not doing.
You don't know when she's acting,
she's not acting.
She didn't even get that upset
about Theo leaving last night.
I do want to make one point
about Maddy, is that, you know
when people are getting voted off,
and you do it all the time,
and you're like, it's not me, it's
not me, but the votes
are locked in, and it goes round and
you're like, it's not me.
Like you say it,
because you know it's true.
She doesn't do any of that.
She kind of just sits there
exactly like Alyssa did.
I do not believe you're going
tonight, Maddy.
They might kill me, though,
this evening.
Well, that could happen
to any of us.
That we don't know.
I've got a funny feeling
it could be me, mind.
What, tonight?
No, not from us.
Do you think so?
No, no.
Hannah has been looking at me
quite funny.
But that's
No way, Amanda.
The only person I'm really
Well, there's two now.
Kieran and Hannah.
I think Hannah is going
to look at me because obviously
we're looking at everyone,
and I think Kieran is going to
look at me too.
So those two need to go.
If anything, the consensus
is they're saying Aaron now.
I think more Hannah.
Yeah, so do I. Because I think
she's so brash and brazen,
you know, like, I found it
very difficult
between yesterday and today.
Now this morning,
and we're all tired
I have written either "Traitor?"
then I put,
"Or maybe she's just loud
on the Round Table,"
because you know how sometimes
she'll lead it? It's a possibility.
Certainly someone who's got
the balls.
Hannah's got enough balls to be able
to pull off being a Traitor.
It's not proof,
I never have evidence, proof,
but it's possible.
So tough.
What do you mean, "So tough"? You're
just going to go for the same vote
as always. I don't know why you're
saying it's so tough.
No, but it's tough to try
and pinpoint someone
or see someone in a different light.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
What worries me is if I'm not
in a group,
that means people are going
to be talking about me.
So then I think, like, "I've got to
get into the group again
"to make sure, one,
they're not talking about me,
"and two, they're talking about
someone else."
It was wild, the '60s.
I'd love to have been born
back then.
It was wonderful.
When I think now,
on the Underground, bare feet,
bells dripping around,
all of that,
wondering where you go,
and you sort of went with the flow.
It's the only thing I can say.
You'd sit around Eros in Piccadilly
Circus just chatting to people.
And it was so, so liberating.
You had no idea what you were doing.
Go on Oh, no, you've gone.
I've gone.
Oh, no!
I thought it was going to knock
mine. Oh, no, no, no!
With Andrea, because she's obviously
from a different generation,
her experience in life
is just a lot more, like, thrilling
and just a bit more crazy.
I was working often
in a sort of bar/nightclub that was
very, very branche for those days.
Yeah, you know, people working
on films and stuff,
they were brought there.
We had Ava Gardner. Yeah.
And we heard that she liked tequila,
so it was a terrible rush
to get tequila,
and then she wanted something
quite different.
Again, you can read it to nerves,
but today, you could just pick up
on body language.
In the car, he was like,
"You guys have got a secret."
But then that can be fed back
as well. That's the problem.
It's not really a problem, though,
is it?
Because we're still the majority,
so we know.
if the pack remains together,
you've got a chance
to get to the final.
I think there's strength in numbers
at the minute.
Me, you and Will especially.
We've been working as a team
during the day. Yeah.
It's time to work as a team
at night now. 100%.
Otherwise it won't work.
As evening descends on the castle,
who will have done enough
to stay in the game
as the Round Table draws near?
I know it's just a game,
but when you're here,
it's like this is our life.
I have to make it worth it now.
This is going to pay for me
being able to counsel young people.
It's going to change my kids' lives.
Just having that little bit more
financial security
would really, really help.
We have to work as a team tonight.
Everyone's moving up gears
into massive gameplay here.
We're coming to the end now,
like, the end is nigh,
and I feel like we've really got
to get another Traitor,
otherwise we're going to be
in deep waters.
I didn't think it would be this hard
playing this game.
I'm personally hurting someone
because they're all my friends.
I really, really don't know
what to do.
It's getting harder.
The smaller the group gets,
the closer friendship
we're going to have.
It's almost like you're throwing
your friend into a pack of lions.
Welcome back to the Round Table.
Congratulations on today's mission.
The prize fund currently stands
at £77,800.
To reiterate, if there are
any Traitors left at the end
of the game, they take it all.
And I imagine they'll be laughing,
because so far,
you've only caught one.
We're going to start tonight
with something a little different.
I would like you to look into
each other's eyes,
look at the group,
and one by one, pronounce,
"I am a Faithful."
Kieran, we're going to start
with you.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am Faithful.
Here's the thing -
you're not all Faithfuls.
So who would like to begin?
Yet again, we are no further along.
Going around in circles.
Same names keep coming up.
Those individuals are doing
exceptionally well,
and they are absolutely
annihilating us at the moment.
I feel like I thought,
if I get to the end, like,
or close to the end, it'll be
easier because then you can notice,
you'll be in more close proximity,
but it's even harder.
When I first come in,
I looked at who could do it,
and who could maybe be the matriarch
of running the team
with a sensible head behind them.
I thought Andrea would be able
to play the role with ease.
Yourself, Amanda, I think look at
life skills where you're at,
knowing it's a game.
Hannah, you came to mind for me
today, and I've always gone with
the thought of, you know,
"They're going to crumble,
there's cracks going to show." Yeah.
But my thought is,
"What if the cracks don't show?"
Yeah. "What if they don't crumble
because they winning?"
I saw you this morning.
We were all shaking in our boots
with fear.
I said, "I don't know."
I don't want to spend
the last two weeks,
I never did want to spend
the last two weeks,
being sad about people who've left.
There is nothing that we can do
about that. It is a game.
You come in as a strong personality.
I mean, come on. Yeah.
I am a Faithful. And I am.
There's nothing more
There's nothing more I can say.
Maddy, I love you to bits, but we
haven't questioned you this evening.
The acting thing with you, Maddy.
I'm sorry,
I feel like we're going round
in circles.
I think tonight, we need to be
a little bit more,
let's get the quizzing out the way,
I think, a bit more now.
But that's what gets me, is like,
when I said to you about the crying,
how would you? And you said, "Well,
I put myself in that situation."
Could you put yourself
in the situation of being a Faithful
when you're actually a Traitor?
I feel like me telling you guys
that I was an actor
was because, as a Faithful,
I've got nothing to lose.
I may as well tell you all.
I remember Hannah actually coming
out when Tom and Alec said
about them, "Has anyone else?"
and she did sit there and she said,
"Has anyone"
That's what stayed in my mind.
"..else got anything else to say?"
And you did, didn't you? Yeah. And
you didn't come out with it then.
As in like I haven't
done it for like eight months.
So I feel like But eight months
is not a long time.
It's not a long time.
I know actors that have not
been in stuff for years
and they still
call themselves actors.
If you come in telling the lie,
guess what? Yeah.
It's going to cause you issues.
Yeah, yeah.
Like I was quite shocked last night
when you didn't get upset
with Theo leaving. I did.
Do you mind me asking why?
I didn't vote for him.
I know, I get that.
I knew he was a Faithful.
Of course you didn't vote for him.
I'm not saying about that.
You didn't really seem like upset
I was watching you as well.
I was gutted.
And I was gutted today,
to be honest.
I could tell he was a Faithful
and I was disappointed in everyone.
Can I just take us back, though,
to the first-ever Round Table?
So I feel like you only have wobbles
in life at the beginning, right?
And we all voted for Nicky
and then Aaron puts up Imran,
and I just thought, "Hang on, if I
was a Traitor and if I was
"in that gang and I saw Oh, my
God, I know Nicky is a Faithful.
"I'm going to look amazing
if I put up Imran."
Part of me said, "Yeah, play it
smart, do what everyone else
"is doing." But I just felt guilty
and I just didn't want to
knock her out. Your name comes up a
lot, and when you know it does,
it keeps coming round,
round and round and round.
Of course, you've got Maddy
still here, so. No.
No-one influences me, mate.
I'll make my own decision,
simple as that.
Cos that's not worked, has it?
Hunches have not worked.
Strategies have not worked.
It worked once, but that was by luck
of the draw cos it could have
been Will that night.
So Yeah, it could have been,
Amanda. The light's not been
shone on you tonight,
and I don't know why.
OK. But I can say I'm 100%
So it's up to you guys.
For me, it was intense.
I know how influential
that Round Table can go.
I was just like trying
to read people constantly.
So, for me, Maddy, I've always
had a reservation about you.
Just, I think, mainly
it's because of the actor thing.
But then also Aaron.
Yeah, your name comes up a lot.
Amanda was on my mind at the point
cos of the Theo thing.
I don't understand how people
can turn on someone that quick.
I was really surprised with Theo
leaving yesterday.
And I think, for me, and I'm going
to have to say it now,
but, Amanda, you saying that you
were certain of him
and then voting for him last night
has been in my head all day.
I totally understand that.
The way I looked at it, it had
to be someone in our group.
I'm 100% Faithful.
I believe Andrea is.
Amos had gone, so it had to be
someone in our group.
To me, it was either Aaron
or it was going to be Theo.
And that's why I
I came up with Theo.
I don't know. I just feel like I
thought it was easier
and it's not easier.
I feel like I'm genuinely going,
not blind. I just feel like I'm just
going into, like, I don't know.
Oh, God.
The time for talk is over.
It's now time to vote.
Think hard
..and write down the name
of who you believe is a Traitor.
Are all the votes locked in?
Yeah. Yeah.
Hannah, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Amanda, I've put your name down.
That's OK.
I'm sorry. No, that's fine.
I think that the switch
confused me a little bit. Yeah.
We're all under the microscope.
It's fine.
Oh, God.
Kieran, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I feel I've made a mistake,
but I put you, Amanda.
Yeah. I know I got it, but I've to
go on shining light on other people
and not seeing.
But I think I made a mistake,
if I'm honest with you.
OK. But, yeah, I'm sorry.
That's two votes for Amanda.
Maddy, whose name is on your slate?
I've come for Aaron.
Just because, yeah,
I think you're a Traitor.
Who would have guessed it?
Andrea, who have you voted for?
I sincerely hope I am really wrong,
Like last time, like last time.
You are wrong.
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine with that.
I really hope I'm wrong.
That's two votes for Amanda,
one for Aaron
..and one for Hannah.
Aaron, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I've gone for Maddy.
Yeah, just slightly strange with
the whole acting thing.
So, and just, yeah, tit-for-tat,
I guess.
Amanda, who have you voted for
and why?
In the end, I went for Maddy.
I don't know. We're all just going
on and chasing what we've got.
So sorry.
Votes so far - two for Amanda,
two for Maddy for Aaron
..and one for Hannah.
Meryl, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I really, really didn't know
what I was going put.
Amanda, I wrote your name.
I never thought in a million years
you'd vote for Theo,
and I think that took me back.
I'm really, really, really sorry,
If Maddy receives a vote,
it's a tie.
If Amanda receives a vote,
Amanda will be banished.
So, then, for the final vote,
who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
I'm really sorry, Amanda,
I put your name.
The only reason is that I didn't
understand how
you could To turn on Theo.
That was just really difficult.
And if I've got it wrong,
I'm really sorry.
That's And the whole fact that
They might have needed someone a bit
older, and I just don't think
it's Andrea. And that's, that's it.
I'm really sorry.
I knew Wilf would throw me
under the bus.
He's avoided me all day.
He hasn't come near me.
He's totally in it for himself.
He's going for gold, isn't he?
It's fine. It's fine.
It's fine, honestly.
Well, it's not fine.
It's not fine for anybody.
Come on. Don't say it's fine.
It has to be done, doesn't it?
Yeah, it does have to be done.
Amanda, you are banished
from the game.
Please come up here and join me.
I knew my time was up.
Obviously, the Theo thing
that I slipped up with.
You know, it's gutting to go out
so near to the end
cos I've been through all
the emotions
and watching all the emotions
of every other person in there.
# When it rains
# It pours #
Amanda, now please reveal,
are you a Faithful
or are you a Traitor?
# There will be blood
in the water #
Oh, I'm getting emotional now
and I don't cry.
It's been amazing.
I'll take lots away from you all,
and we will meet up again.
You've all been absolutely
And, yeah, I'll take a lot
back to Wales with me.
I am a Traitor, guys.
Oh, my God!
Well done, kids.
Shut the front door!
She's not She's a Traitor?
She's not a
She's a Traitor. A Traitor.
She's not a Trai
She's not a Traitor.
All joking aside, fair play to her.
I'm really sorry, Amanda.
I really, I'm so sorry.
I don't know if I've got you wrong.
Like, I don't trust you,
but I don't know.
Faithful, you did it.
You got another Traitor.
Huge congratulations on that.
That is a blow for the Traitors.
I've never been so shocked
in my entire life.
Like I still can't believe
that she is actually a Traitor.
What I suggest is you go back
to your lodgings
because somebody
will be murdered tonight.
There's another Traitor?
Wait, so is there one left?
I don't know now.
Fuck me.
Fuck! I'm not even joking.
All of you guys, I was like,
"You're all wrong."
I'm so shocked.
Tonight, I think everyone's
celebrated the victory.
It's been a long time coming.
It's a massive, massive
turning point today. Huge.
Mate, literally,
she did the whole thing.
She got me close to her.
She got Andrea close to her.
Theo was close. She literally set up
a whole little group around her
so no-one would ever think it.
I'm so shocked.
I'm not going to lie. Guys,
tell me the truth right now,
because obviously you four
were in like a team yesterday.
You guys obviously talked about it.
No, no. We all had a chat.
We said it's someone older had to be
steering the ship,
someone with high-level skill set.
And when we looked at the two,
once Faye had gone,
it was between the two of them,
so it had to be one or the other.
I am the most gullible person
that I think I've ever met
in my whole entire life.
She's literally just manipulated me
and used me this whole time
and she knew I never would vote
for her as well, like, she knew it.
I need to start opening
my eyes more.
I'm ridiculous.
Can I just say, she was my best
friend in here, I feel,
and she voted for me.
She was like a mother to me in here.
Basically, all of the Traitors
have been my best mates.
And that's maybe where I've gone
Do you know what?
In the nicest possible way,
what a bitch.
Yeah! Amanda!
Let's enjoy the celebration
So, whatever happens
Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers.
I think I'm dead tomorrow. We all
think we're dead tomorrow.
Yeah, no, but especially me.
So it's good for a very short
amount of time.
And then we're back to worrying,
panicking and paranoia.
She's lied to me. She's used me as
a pawn piece this whole time.
Fair play for you guys,
because I honestly don't think
I would've ever vote for her,
as simple as that.
Of course you wouldn't.
She took you under her wing, mate.
So it's not your fault.
If we'd have said to you,
you'd have went "No way."
Simple as that. I would have, 100%.
And I would have probably
backed her through and through.
We had discussed potentially
Amanda's thing earlier on.
That's why I weren't saying much
to you, because we knew
I knew you guys
We hadn't planned anything.
We just thought that because
you're so close, you might
go and tell her
and there might be
Excuse me.
I'm going to have a little mingle.
I'm convinced that there's just
one Traitor left.
Spot-on. Maybe
My theory, I've got one right.
I hope it's not Hannah.
She might vote me.
No-one knows.
But we know there's one left. Yeah.
OK, off you go, Mads. Night, Maddy.
Bye, Aaron.
I'm going to go.
Love you. Drowning my sorrows.
See you later, Aaron.
Thank God we got another one there.
OK. All right.
OK. Well, we'll talk tomorrow,
The chimes of the castle
clock signal that the murdering hour
is near.
With everyone finally departed
for their individual lodgings,
it's time for solo Traitor
Will to return.
# Isn't it lovely, all alone?
# Heart made of glass,
my mind of stone
# Tear me to pieces,
skin and bone
# Hello
# Welcome home
# Hello
# Welcome home. #
Oh, my God.
Come in.
And then there was one.
You've taken out both
your fellow Traitors,
and you are the last one standing.
Why did you decide to banish Amanda?
I don't trust her.
I just kept thinking
and thinking that
I haven't built any
relationship with her.
It's OK.
Come on.
Listen to me.
Will, you're playing a blinder.
You've come in here, right?
To win the money.
Yeah. I know you feel heartbroken,
but you are smashing it, Will.
I feel really bad,
and now I'm by myself
and I feel rubbish.
I imagine it's really lonely
being the only Traitor.
So you have the last chance
to recruit.
Oh, my God.
In my mind, I definitely, definitely
need another Traitor
to get to the finals with me.
I need somebody that I can trust,
somebody that I feel
I have a connection with.
Tonight, it's going to be
ever so slightly different.
You're going to choose a Faithful.
You will send them this note,
and you will have a secret
face-to-face meeting with them.
And you'll give them an ultimatum -
either join you and become a Traitor
or get murdered.
If they choose to join
you as a Traitor,
you will come back to this turret
and murder as usual.
Who would you like to issue
this ultimatum to?
Why him?
He's intelligent
and he's a strong person.
And he'd clearly shown today
that he can make
people's opinions change.
Also, they are going to think
it's another man.
There would never be
three female Traitors,
and people will pick up on that
at some point.
So it has to be a male.
I'd rather them go for him than me,
so it's a tactical move as well.
Please write the name of your chosen
Faithful on this letter.
Thank you for that.
You will meet your chosen
Faithful shortly.
Good luck. Thank you.
"Dear Kieran, your presence
is required at a secret meeting.
"Please make your way
to the firepit immediately."
I don't know whether this is good
news or bad news.
I don't know whether I'm still
going to get killed or not.
My mind's racing massively,
as you can imagine.
It's a massive, massive twist
of events,
which I did not see at all.
It looks like I'm going
to have a chat
with our remaining Traitor.
It could be Aaron.
Or Meryl.
I'm about to find out.
Let's see how this plays out.
Next time on The Traitors
This is your penultimate breakfast.
So, well done for making it here.
Oh, my God!
She's gone.
Whoever it is,
you're so good at this.
That's when you know that someone's
a Faithful or a Traitor.
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