The Unit s01e10 Episode Script


All right, now i need you over here.
You believe that no one can get past you, no one can get past you.
Sir, sir.
Sir, please, i must speak with your superior.
What's the i have a message.
It's life and death.
I know who you are.
You have been here 31 days to train the new troops for the democratic government.
I don't know what you think you your cover name is daniel.
Your call sign is whippoorwill.
What do you want? I cannot say.
Not to you.
Please, i need to speak to the person of the highest rank, the american you are picking up in that car.
The person of the highest rank you're gonna speak to is right here.
Sir, please.
How 'bout you tell me mr.
God bless america.
Please, this is a misunderstanding.
What am i supposed to do? Molly: Kim.
They're towing my car.
Jonas: Well, that much we figured out.
What's up? It's all registered under bob's name, and without power of attorney i can't pay the bills.
Didn't bob give you he did, but it expired.
He can only reinstate it himself, and he's out of town.
Isn't bob due back soon? He offered to extend beyond 30 days.
To get the pay bump.
If i could just talk to him for five minutes, see how he wants me to handle this let me take care of it.
That's nice of you.
I can make some phone calls, try to get bob on the horn for you.
I'm in charge of the t.
Should be pretty quiet.
I will handle it.
I'm heading to the office, get some work done.
Call me if you need anything.
Thank you both.
Hey, what's the good word? Fella puts his spoon down on his napkin.
Looks down at his bowl of chili.
Lieutenant says, "are you finished with that?" Man shakes his head.
Lieutenant says, "well, then, do you mind?" Private pushes the bowl over to him.
Lieutenant begins to eat.
All the way down to the bottom of the bowl, where he finds a dead mouse.
Lieutenant throws up, all of it going back into the bowl.
Private says, "yeah, that's about as far as i got too.
" You my second this evening, kayla? I am, sergeant major.
Jonas, kayla.
It's just jonas.
Otherwise we're gonna have a long night.
Papua, new guinea? We have a new task force garden gate.
Goes in tonight at 2200.
Tikrit? Joint task force rain barrel.
Reports artillery firing in the region of balal.
And following up on task forces khandahar, bali, han river? All reporting situation normal, unchanged.
Let's make a phone call.
When they answer, you talk first.
Woman: All city trust.
Hello? Yes, can you hear me? Yes.
All city trust? Yes, may i help you? This is sergeant who am i speaking with? This is marissa.
Marissa, i'm calling on behalf of an american fighting man overseas about some diddy-assed problem caused by you towing his vehicle away.
Who is this? Who am i? I'm general eugene bask.
I'm calling from the pentagon.
One minute, general, while i contact my supervisor.
So i want to know how [woman translating.]
How a civilian, a stranger, a man i have never in all my born days had knowledge of or played darts with, knows my name and call sign.
Private zemede.
Yes, sir.
I am not here.
Sir? I am not a soldier.
I am an advisor here to teach.
Nothing more.
And what am i teaching you? What am i training you to be? A soldier, sir.
A warrior, defender of your new democracy, a fighter for the precious brand-new freedom that your family your wives and many children may enjoy.
Correction: Your several wives and girlfriends may enjoy.
And what does it take to be a soldier? Discipline.
The discipline not to shoot your mouths off.
I find out anyone, anyone has been talking on the outside about who i am or why i'm here, i will personally, so help me, i will personally see to it that he gets a job guarding a pumpkin patch.
Now show me how we keep our guest safe second he steps off that plane.
Don't face me.
Face out, damn it.
Object is security, not face-time.
Intruder, mr.
Hold the line.
Not till i give a command.
Hold on.
Hold your yeah, get me the center.
I'm reporting a code four, four, alpha, india, juliet.
He's dying, mr.
Yeah, i would think so.
This is whippoorwill.
jonas: No, i don't know sergeant brown's mother's maiden name, and i will not be put on hold.
I don't understand.
Why do you know these other because it is my business to know every other detail about sergeant brown.
And i know a little bit about you too, marissa.
For instance, i know you're not calling me from the home office in omaha.
That in fact you are calling me from peshawar, india.
You cannot be sure of this.
Shall i tell you the exact address and floor? Would you like to speak to a supervisor, sir? Yes.
I would be happy to be connected to your superior.
In fact, why don't you find me the bank president? One moment, sir.
Bob brown.
A 4-4-a-l-j.
This is dog patch.
Snake doc, you minding the herd tonight? Moving us up to a two-level cipher.
My men just shot a guy coming at me with a steel pipe he used to pry a hole in the fence.
Is he still alive? He's in the final boarding process.
He's jabbering.
He's not coherent.
No i.
On him.
I'm sending you pictures and fingerprints though.
Kayla: Coming in now.
Here's the thing.
Subject approached me about a half hour before.
Wanted to talk to my principal the guy we're picking up.
You mean the chairman of the fund for the u.
And southern hemisphere.
Yeah, that's the one.
Look here.
This guy, he knew my cover name and call sign.
You've been compromised.
We should call the mission off? Mr.
My translator.
The man, the stranger dead.
Dog patch, subject just died.
Means we'll get nothing from him now.
Jonas, it's a managing director, all city trust.
Tell him he has to hold.
Mr whippoorwill, we're gonna tell your visitor not to land.
Meantime co-director of the pentagon interagency high committee on finance.
Dog patch, this is whippoorwill.
As you know, our group is charged with approving and rating all financial services doing business with our troops.
You were talking to him.
What was he saying? It it was nonsense.
He said that, um, he was happy to be back home, back on his grandfather's farm.
This is jonas blane.
I'm looking to reroute the chairman's plane.
It's under the auspices of the state department.
Yes, i'd be happy to repeat.
The plane needs to be rerouted.
That can't be right.
It just came in.
Highest level.
Code-word clearance.
Get me brown.
Already got him.
Whippoorwill, you there? Go.
You better be alone for this.
All right, i got some cover noise.
Did you call off the chairman's plane? I didn't call it off, and it ain't a chairman.
Chairman's visit was a cover.
You're to escort another passenger arriving 0130 your time.
Who is it? U.
Secretary of state.
You still there? Yeah, yeah.
Give me the chapter headings.
He's on his way to riyadh.
This will be an unannounced layover doing a routine refuelg.
Jonas: He's gonna be meeting with the country's president.
Secret summit under the cover of night.
They're counting on complete secrecy with this one.
'Cause you can't kill a guy if you don't know he's here.
Jonas, look, i can't vouch for his safety.
Get me tom ryan on the phone.
Your troops? He's o.
My troops are he leave a number? On leave.
Call it.
A guy with a homemade weapon knew i was here.
Kayla: Eric white please.
Room 137.
You listening? You're the man on the ground.
What's your read? Tell mr.
White it's about his children.
Call it off.
You agree? It's forwarded.
I'll get back to you.
White, it's nancy.
Please return.
Get me the state department.
Worldwide operations center.
Their order explicitly states now please.
See ya.
Excuse me.
I was in here a few weeks ago, and i spoke to a man: Kyle.
I'm sorry, he's already gone home.
But my escrow closes tomorrow.
I've sold my home, but i haven't received the check.
Kyle didn't give you the check? Not kyle.
I decided to sell the home myself foolishly.
I couldn't afford it otherwise, but i found a new ma'am, we're closing for the day.
There's really very little i can do for you.
I understand.
Thank you for your time, miss molly blane.
Linda kaplan.
Thank you.
Your husband? Mm-hmm.
My husband darryl brought me this back from vietnam.
Bronzed currency.
From a country no longer exists.
That's a nice piece of history.
Your husband still in the military? He's no longer with us.
Tell you what.
Sit down.
Maybe i can advise you on your situation.
"State acknowledges receipt of advisory from sergeants blane and brown.
" Can't it go any faster? It's encrypted.
"Please be advised, threat does not "repeat, does not merit stand-down order.
Proceed with mission as planned.
" Why would the secretary of state ignore our advice? Well, okay, because a) To skip this meeting would threaten a fledgling democracy in africa and would weaken our position in the region.
And b? Because the man fancies himself a cowboy.
Pull up the names of the officers working shift tonight at the pentagon operational watch.
Jonas, shouldn't we i've already got it.
I'm rear admiral irwin pettijohn, acting watch officer.
Shunt this line.
Make it look like it originated from room e-12, department of defense.
I can do that.
You're my assistant, lieutenant myers.
You found a buyer for your home.
Mark harris.
He's a realtor.
He negotiated the sale so i wouldn't have to pay fees to an escrow company.
I see.
He gave me a check for 10% up front and promised that i'd have the rest in time.
I mean, i've already put money down on the new house in minnesota.
Is that sale contingent on selling your property here? No.
Means i'll lose the down payment, doesn't it? I need your current address.
My business card.
Do you have the title to your property? Oh, yes, right here.
"Linda's clip 'n' curl.
" Yeah, i work from home.
You're a hairstylist? For pets.
Was something i could do no matter where darryl was stationed.
You want to pay the bills as an army wife, you got to get creative.
You're preaching to the choir.
You say you sold your current property.
Your buyer, this mr.
Harris he arranged the sale, but i just haven't gotten the final check.
Linda, you haven't received a check because nobody's bought your home.
Mark said escrow's closed.
He hasn't even opened it.
Why don't you give me mr.
Harris' phone number? Excuse me, are you mark harris.
Molly blane? I'm running late.
Thank you for meeting me.
About linda kaplan it's my sale.
You understand? This is my find, and it's my sale.
You haven't bought it.
Not yet, but i gave her the deposit.
You're delaying escrow long enough for the price to rise, find another buyer, and flip the property.
In the meantime you've got a poor lady in limbo.
What i'm doing isn't illegal.
It's immoral.
She's moving tomorrow.
You told her the property was sold.
What's your interest? Common decency.
Is there no such thing as an innocent victim? I can file a grievance.
Look, this property is very valuable.
It's in a low-income housing str listen to what i'm saying.
Conway-holtzblatt is planning on building a mall on that property.
It isn't public.
I don't look, power and light just received an application from c-h to run 50 new power lines under that land.
The announcement won't be public for another month.
Can check it out yourself.
Doesn't change anything.
Changes everything.
The value of that house just skyrocketed.
She's selling it for a song.
Why not just buy the house yourself? Looks like you can afford it.
I don't have time for talk.
Easier to sell it to someone else, get a hefty finder's fee for yourself.
Don't file a grievance.
Don't file it and i'll let you in.
Damn right it's the admiral.
They're standing at attention, kayla.
I can hear them.
You tell him for me man: That information's been locked out, sir.
What do you mean it's locked out? Kayla: It's bob brown.
Brown: Dog patch, you there? We got a problem.
Here you go.
It's lieutenant myers.
He's already landed.
They're telling me they can't interrupt traffic control.
Kayla: It's coded red.
It's imperative that he gets off that plane.
You got to bluff him back on.
I just received a message from admiral pettijohn, d.
What is it? It's coded red.
Prompt response.
They want you back on that plane, sir.
Man: What cipher they using? What cipher they use to secure that line? It was a 10-12-3-12.
Don't have it on me.
Both those expired two days ago.
Didn't you re-key? I re-keyed on the red cipher as per the date.
What is the red cipher? He's lying.
What is that message? Who are you? Daniel, sir.
Daniel, you just screwed yourself out of a military career.
We will go forward as planned.
You will get me to this meeting.
And once i get back to that plane And a further 150 million in direct military aid in return for a clear-cut timetable for the next elections.
Go, dog patch.
We're trying to trace the identity of the attacker.
No hits on the fingerprints.
He spoke fluent english? Possibly american educated? He had some american inflection.
No prints means he must have entered the country before september '01.
Wearing a soccer jersey.
Team logo? San francisco state.
Won't mean much though.
There's secondhand american clothes everywhere.
They import it by the ton.
All we've got.
Hold on.
Follow car, what's that headlight? Says, "i don't know.
He should not be there.
" Jonas: What's the problem? A headlight where there shouldn't be.
Road's been blocked off.
All cars, pick up speed.
Man: 66 degrees and partly cloudy i'd like to get paid in advance this month.
That's not how it usually works.
My ads are bringing in more revenue than this radio station has seen in a long time, and you know it.
Where's serena? She's with her grandparents in texas.
About getting paid? I'm still waiting on that ad copy.
I wrote a couple different versions.
Take your pick.
You have a gun.
You want to reconsider that advance? Bob got me a permit for it.
Is that loaded? Silly to carry it otherwise.
Offend your sensibilities? Uh, just don't believe in 'em.
I'm more the poetic type.
You don't find a pistol poetic? You ever hear of poetic justice? Okay.
So then there's no sale? No.
There is good news.
I confirmed there are plans it doesn't matter, molly.
I needed to move to minnesota tomorrow.
Linda, listen to what i'm telling you, and think about your future.
I don't have a future.
I'm sick.
I'm sick.
It was detected late.
Where? It's ovarian.
I'm moving to minnesota for the treatment.
I'm sorry.
I'm not looking for pity.
I'm only telling you so that you understand i have no concern for my future.
All that matters to me is tonight and tomorrow.
I may have a solution then.
Hey, kim, i'm gonna go find an atm.
You gonna get me that cash? Well, you need it, right? And there's someone here to see you.
Jonas has a message.
He still can't put that call for you through to bob yet, but he's making some progress at getting your car back for you.
Well, that's good of him.
You come out here just to tell me? Actually, i wanted to speak with you about our investment fund.
An opportunity an investment opportunity may have presented itself.
What? It'd be taking advantage of a particular situation.
We'd also be helping someone, but it'd be taking some advantage.
But for us it would be very lucrative.
How? I haven't consulted with the other wives.
It's your money too.
I can't molly, when we started the investment club what we were doing was agreeing to trust you.
Is this a good deal? This is a great deal.
Well, there you go then.
What's the plan here, soldier? Who the hell are they, and what are we doing to get some distance from them? If you don't know, then get on that thing and ask someone.
There appears to be two men on the cycle.
Their faces are covered.
Get us out of here! Call someone.
Sir, shut up.
Follow to limo, the motorcycle is preparing to overtake.
He's passing on the right.
Block him, follow.
Throw open your doors.
Follow, block them.
[Speaking foreign language.]
He says he thought the motorcycle was on the left.
He got confused, you ordered us not to.
Dog patch, this is whippoorwill.
We've been attacked.
Principal is unharmed, repeat unharmed.
And the men? Training's broken down.
They all went belly up.
They're like the rangers.
You give 'em a they all need to be taught again.
You're the man on the ground.
Give the orders.
The assassins turned tail and ran.
Look, i've got no idea if they're gonna come back of if they got someone waiting up ahead.
Daniel, what do we do now? Kayla: Routing through centcom.
Office of the nsa.
Put him through to the white house.
How the hell do i know? We're off the map.
He changed the route.
Jonas: Correct move.
Lead car, right, All cars follow.
Jonas: I got the u.
Carl vinson standing by off the coast.
if we get there.
Give me that line.
We can get a helo to you in less than three hours.
How do we do this? Ask the man in front.
We take the back roads.
Use the scenic route.
I kill anything that moves.
You got a question for me, dog patch? Your follow car also failed to respond? Yes.
I got one more.
Just yes or no.
Your translator, elsabet, she learned her english in the u.
, far as you can tell? Yes.
That is all.
Get me the dossiers on bob's crew.
And find me what division san francisco state plays and what conference.
Men's soccer.
But we just determined soccer players sometimes exchange jerseys.
Trade shirts after a game.
If he didn't play for them, he might have played against.
Find out for who.
Now it's the president of all city trust.
He says he's willing to re-open brown's records if general bask tell him the general's will have to call him back.
Ktml, this is kim.
Man: I want to request a song.
I'm sorry, tonight's show was prerecorded.
Tell me the song.
Maybe we can get it in tomorrow night.
Treat menice.
Elvis presley.
You sound too young to be an elvis fan.
My dad loved that song.
Made my mom crazy though.
I don't see much of 'em anymore.
No? I'm getting shipped out all the time and relocated.
I just got reassigned.
Where to? Philippis.
Know anything about it over there? Not much, but i know how it is to be on the other side of the world from the ones you love.
I'll bet your folks are thinking about you.
Treat me nice.
That the one? Yeah.
Maybe i can play it here in the booth if you just want to listen.
That'd be really nice of you.
What's your name, soldier? Mike.
All right, mike, let me find it for you.
Linda, i'd like to buy your home, but i have to be honest with you.
It's not a fair deal.
It isn't? For you.
There are plans for a mall on the site.
I checked it out.
Your property is very valuable, more valuable than you realize, more valuable than mark harris represented.
My friends and l some of the wives on the base we have an investment club.
You deserve more for your home, and i wish i could offer you full-market value.
What i can offer is all we have.
It's more than what mark harris was going to give, but less than what the property is worth.
Is it enough to close on the new home in minnesota so i don't lose the down payment? More than enough.
That's all i care about.
You do understand molly, you're doing me a favor.
San francisco plays in division two in the california collegiate athletic association.
Try u.
San diego.
Big engineering school.
Go, dog patch.
Jonas: Restrict yourself to yes or no.
We've identified your dead john doe.
His name's ammanuel uday.
He earned an engineering degree from the university of california, san diego, in 2000.
Soccer scholarship.
Returned to his homeland in 2003.
Arrested by the former regime for pro-democracy political dissidence.
Refusal to be conscripted in the army.
Jonas: He also has a sister.
Sponsored her coming over a couple of years behind him.
Same school.
Sister's your translator.
There's another party joining us on the line: Doctor ghebre michael, state's language school, east african division.
Michael: Good evening.
Thank you, doctor.
Bob, you're gonna do two things.
First, you're gonna sign off.
Make it look like you're turning off your phone, but leave it on speaker so we can hear what the others in the car are saying.
Doctor michael will translate.
Got it? Yes.
Tell your drivers to reverse course.
Give no explanation.
This is whippoorwill.
All cars halt.
Daniel? [Speaking foreign language.]
Michael: He's asking her, "what is he doing?" And she says, "i don't know.
" All cars, at my command, reverse.
[Speaking foreign language.]
Michael: "do you think he suspects?" [Speaking foreign language.]
"For the sake of god, don't do anything now.
" There are two killers, and they're with you in the car.
Lead car, doors open.
Follow car, doors open.
Follow driver, lead driver, exit your vehicle and approach.
Go, go, go! What the hell sir, shut up, get down.
Tell the truth now, or i will kill you.
I will shoot you.
The only reason you're alive is so you can tell the truth.
[Speaking foreign language.]
Shut up! They forced me.
They told me if i didn't cooperate they would torture me again.
They tortured me and my brother.
Your brother? [Speaking foreign language.]
Shut up.
Turn here.
The one who climbed the fence and got shot? [Crying.]
Oh, god, yes.
He was trying to warn you.
He loved america.
[Door slams, music plays.]
Did you forget something, rory? Excuse me, can l i'm mike.
Are you kim? Yes.
I found you.
You found me? Why were you looking for me? You played me a song.
Oh, well, mike.
Yes, you're welcome.
It was really nice what you did.
I didn't know you were pregnant.
If i'd known you were pregnant, i might not have come down here.
Mike, you don't move.
I'm just gonna be a minute.
You know what i wish? I wish that you were pregnant by me.
What? I wish that you were pregnant by me.
Well, i'm pregnant by my husband.
He's in the mps, my husband.
There he is now.
Rory! That ain't you.
That ain't you.
I heard you on the phone.
That's why i came down here.
You're gonna stay you're gonna stay in this damn chair, you hear me? What did i tell you? Please.
Please what? Please what? Please what? I'm gonna tell you what i want you to do.
Now, i know that a woman in your situation is very delicate, and i will respect that.
Mike, mike, all right, all right.
Why did you come down here? Just tell me why you came down.
Your husband ain't here.
You're a soldier.
You have a sense of honor.
You can do something honorable right now.
Mike: Shh, shh, shh.
No, no, i'm begging you.
I have children.
I have a child.
She drew me a picture.
She's gonna show it to me when i come home.
Please, i need to see her picture.
I need to see her face.
Get away from her.
Take it easy, man.
We were just having a conversation.
Move away.
Or what? I'm gonna kill you, or you can leave.
You're okay.
Here, sit down.
You let him go.
I'm sure his fingerprints are all over the place.
It's all right, it's all right.
It's all right, i'm gonna call the cops.
Jonas: This had to have come from up top.
From the defense ministry.
She says isaias was a plant along with some others.
Plan was to stage an attack on a high-ranking american, blame it on terrorist muslim insurgencies.
It was the generals.
They wanted you to back a coup, overthrow the president, make them your allies in your war on terror.
Has a ring of truth.
Daniel, i need to speak with washington.
Kayla: Jonas, how can we be sure she was coerced? I pulled up her student records.
Her real name's hajdah.
She led antl-u.
Protests on campus before heading back africa ahead of her brother.
I heard.
How you feeling? Better.
He's in custody.
Guy's a suspect in half a dozen rapes in the past four months.
Killed the last one.
You were lucky.
He came back.
Hello? Bob: Hey.
Jonas said you needed to talk to me.
Never mind.
It was nothing.
In the grand scheme of things, it was really nothing.
Your voice sounds strange.
Everything all right? Fine.
Everything's fine.
Just i just want you home and safe.
Well, i love you.
I'll see you soon.
Love you too.
Nice home.
Be a mall before you know it.
Good memories.
I usually just keep the bottom locked.
Thank you.
Well, i i guess i better get on the road.
I'll wire you the money.
You should have it by the time you arrive.
The house hasn't been swept.
It's full of cat hair, and i'll take care of it.
You take care of yourself.
Linda, no.
It's a military token.
Belongs with a military woman.
It's from a country no longer exists, but maybe it's still a nice piece of history.
Piece of our history.
Thank you.
State's reporting the secretary's plane's in the air en route to riyadh.
Any mention of disciplinary action? For sergeant brown? Or me.
Clean as a whistle.
Then that's a very good night's work.
Riyadh, tigrinia, italy.
Keep a watch out on that.
It's colonel ryan.
Betty blue.
Yeah, we had a leak in the dam, but i put my thumb in it.
No, not at all, sir.
We we tried, but the kids are in bed and we put the dog out.
Now, you get a good rest.
Now, what i'm gonna do now that i'm queen for a day? Bust into the boss' office and get a hit of his schnapps.
You come along? Good morning.
It's j.
Phillip swain, president of all city trust.
And who are you? Yes, this is colonel wallace.
Swain, you're calling about the account of one robert brown.
Swain, my office at the pentagon takes yes, sir, takes the financial welfare of our fighting men quite seriously.
You will? Major carstairs, please note that all city trust will reinstate sergeant brown's account without prejudice.
One moment please.
This is general james booth.
Who am i speaking with please? Mr.
Swain, i would take it as a personal favor oh, no, no, no, i do understand that you are reinstating sergeant brown's credit rating.
I don't want it reinstated.
I want it raised.
Well, sir, the pentagon will take that most kindly in you.
Thank you now.
Schnapps time.
Can i help you? Oh, the key is stuck.
Excuse me? What are you doing here? I'm just gonna clean up.
Why? I just bought the house from mrs.
Linda kaplan does own this house.
I am linda kaplan, and i didn't sell it to you.
That's her.
She's the one.
We've had her on our records for some time.
Trouble is, she's awful good at disappearing.
But the money? It's not in minnesota.
We tracked the account where the money was wired.
It's an offshore account.
Can't trace the exact location.
How do i get it back? Don't know that you can.
It wasn't mine.
If it wasn't yours, then whose was it? It wasn't only mine.
It was entrusted to me by my friends.
It was all we had.
Hey, you.
I'm running a little late.
Yeah, i got home, couldn't help but notice.
Didn't get everything finished last night.
Everything at the t.
? It's fine.
Everything's fine.
Same here.
Be home soon.
Love you.
Well love you too.
Any chance, ms.
Blane, you recognize her husband? Cync by xxy
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