The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

In This Life

Leo, Kari,
meet your daughter Iris.
Would you like
to hold her?
Leo, she is
absolutely perfect.
Who's this little lady? Hope.
They've been looking out
for each other
since the moment they met.
From the moment we laid eyes
on you both, we just
wanted to protect you.
We knew that
even if we couldn't,
you'd protect each other.
Paging Dr. Bennett.
Scattered Brain Syndromestrikes again.
I was I was thinkingabout the girls.
Leo. You
You don't have to apologize
for missing your daughters.
I just get lost thinking
aboutwhat they're doing.
You love them
so much.
And that is one of the things
I love about you.
That and your incredibly sexy
Scattered Brain Syndrome.
Hey, uh, pretend
you're with them now.
What would you
be doing
on a Tuesday night
at 8:30?
I'm sure Irisis helping someone
or working onan assignment from school.
And Hope
I'm sure
she's with friends,
getting intosome kind of trouble.
Damn thing
keeps jamming.
Who the hell are you?
You shouldn't
have come.
I-I followed the smoke,
hoping it was you.
H-How are you?
Are you okay?
I-I brought your bag, and
I found your headphones
and your cassette playerand
Well, I-I foundsomething else, too.
Just for the record,
I'm doing great.
Oh, yeah.
It fits like a glove.
I still
can't believe they left
without saying goodbye.
Sometimes it's easier.
Hope wasn't actinglike herself yesterday.
She was so pissed
offtrying to pick a fight.
Any idea why?
I told her something
she didn't want to hear.
I told her I thought
something was off with Huck.
That I didn't trust her.
And why would you
saysomething like that, hmm?
Because it's true.
I don't.
Huck has her own gun,
plenty of bullets.
Why take yours?
Something is off
with her.
just because Silasisn't
who we thought he was
doesn't mean
Huck isn't Huck.
I know this isn't what
you want to hear, but
You're actinglike she's a stranger.
Maybe she is.
I can't shake the feeling
that she's hiding something,
that she's That she's what?
There is only one room
in this place
that we haven't searched.
Huck said it was filled
with bodies.
Tell me who you are.
The hell
you talkin' about?
Tell me.
Hope, come on.
Put the pistol away, and we'll talk.
I decoded those numbers.
I know you're CRM.
I want you to say it.
This is crazy.
What are you, some kind of spy
or something?
The story about how they found
you messed up on that raft,
all of that
Was that just a plan
to get into Omaha?
Pretend you were
somebody else?
I'm the same person
I've always been.
If you'll justput that weapon away,
I can explain.
I know you don't
wanna shoot that.
You don't wanna hurtanybody else.
Not like before
that night
with your mom.
Thing is,
you kill me,
they'll stillcome looking for you.
So you admit it.
You're one of them.
I am.
You knew that, and you still came with me.
I think it's 'cause part of
youknows I'm on your side.
Screw. You.
I only came with you
to keep Felix and Iris safe.
The second you said
you'd come with me,
I knew
I was the asset,
whatever the hell
that is,
and that
they were expendable.
The others
What do they know?
So you
and the rest of those assholes
can leave them
the hell alone.
Remember our training?
I said to surviveoutside those walls,
you got to make
big choices quick.
What are you gonna do, Hope?
The lentils were overcooked,
weren't they?
Mm. Not at all.
I had two helpings,
and I'm goodfor at least one more.
Did you ever hear
from Dr. Abbott
since he went back
to Portland?
Not a word.
We were sad
to lose him.
It was just
so sudden.
Before he left, he
wouldn't stop talking about
how much
he loved it here.
The opportunity to moldthe
best young scientific minds.
I know.
Apparently, he got word
his sister wasn't well.
Okay, mister, your
extra lentils
as requested.
Just, um
Oh, I knew it.
They are terrible.
But you're incredible.
Well, I am.
But no more lies,
No more lies.
They were terrible.
Hope, come on.
You gotta
let me get my pole.
I'm not gonna hurt you, I swear.
Put the pistol downso
we can fight these things.
put it down.
The sound's just gonnabring more.
Watch your back.
Use your forms.
Like I showed you.
Work your angles.
Trust yourself.
You got this, girl.
You got this.
Holy shit.
Are you sure thatthis
is the room that Huck
I'm sure.
We could've used this stuff
to fix your ankle.
Or fix the tire.
Huck didn't want us to.
This doesn't make
any sense.
Then why would she leavewith Hope?
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
But when we catch up to them,
you can ask her yourself.
She just shot him.
I just ran, thinking I was next.
Thinking I couldn't
yell for help
'cause maybeyou were all in on it.
Huck is the one with blood
on her hands.
After what she did
to my uncle
to me.
But why?
We don't know.
But we know
that it wasn't you.
It wasn't you,
I didn't do it.
No, you didn't.
You're not a monster,
You never were.
Not even close.
Where's Iris?
Where's Hope?
Are they with Huck?
We have to save them.
Damn, girl.
You learned your shit.
All that training.
Shows what you can
dowhen you apply yourself.
Pistol's gone.
We should keep walking.
I thought you came to me
as a friend.
I did.
I care about
all of you.
Then why
are they expendable?
Look, it was never supposed
tobe this complicated.
Truth is
your dad's
not in danger.
Never was.
Those last two messages
he sent
saying he was
in trouble?
They weren't from him.
They were from me.
I thought
it was the easiest way
to get you
to leave the University.
The CR found out
about the messages
and intercepted
the rest.
So we took advantage
of that.
I wanted you
to want to go.
To see if you would.
I thought you were
strong enough.
I was right.
Figured your sister'd try
and talk you out of it,
so you'd come to me.
And the two of us
would go.
Just the two of us.
You were convinced
the world was gonna end.
So I taught you
how to fight.
I needed you to see
what was worth fighting for.
So, what's worth
fighting for?
A future.
The same future the
Civic Republic is fighting for.
Sure, we could've
gotten you here easy.
But getting you to see
the world right?
That what your father
was working for
was important?
That was gonna take
a lot more.
It would've been easier
if it was just you and me.
But you came
to see it.
Why it's always about
the big picture.
The greater good.
They take their shit seriously.
They have to.
The world's future
is at stake.
Having other people trying to
find out where they are,
getting in the way
of you seeing
what we have to do
to save it?
That wasn't gonna work.
That's why the others
were expendable.
I did everything I could
to split up the group
without hurting anybody.
Tony and Percy.
Was that you?
Is thathow you spilt us up?
The truck, the maps.
We were two days away
from knocking at
the CR's door.
The second their location
got compromised,
it would have been over
for everybody.
That's what I had to do
to stop that from happening.
You killed them!
To save everybody else!
There was no other way!
We do what we have to do
for the greater good.
So why me?
Why do you peoplegive a shit about me?
Kid, you have no idea
who you are.
It's a 2004 cabernet
from Napa.
One of the few left
from before.
I think Hope mightwant to be a vintner.
With that mind?
I found a few books
on winemaking in her room
before I left,
come to think of it,
could just be her
wanting to drink booze.
Did I ever tell you about
how I first knew?
She was
all of 6 years old.
And I walk into the study
to find processor chips
and circuitry everywhere.
I thought she was just
being disruptive
to try to get
my attention.
I was wrong.
She was just doing
what Hope does.
She was being curious.
Next day I walked in,
she put the whole thing
back together all by herself.
This isn't somethingnormal kids do.
It's not.
She's special.
She's extraordinary.
I know.
They both are.
She's gonna make
some amazing wine.
Or maybe
she'll save the world.
We have to
pick up the pace.
What do they want from me?
And where are we going?
Hope, you cracked a CRM cypher.
It takes a special kindof
smarts to pull that off.
You're idiots.
I am not worth all this.
It's not just
about you.
It's about
people like you.
Making sure their giftsaren't being wasted.
It's gonna take a lotto
bring this world back.
People like you need
to bea big part of that.
I radioed the CR this morningafter we left.
A chopper's meeting us15 miles up
to take you
to your dad.
I-If things didn't go
the way they did,
if we had
just made it there
It would have
been easier.
You would've been happyyour dad's okay.
They would've asked you to
stay, and you would've stayed.
What if
I didn't want to?
If I don't?
You do.
You will.
It'll be dark soon.
We need
to find shelter.
I wouldn'tthink about running.
What would they do to me?
To you?
But they'll find you.
They always find you.
They have to be
a ways ahead of us by now.
100 miles ahead and gaining.
That's more than a ways.
It's okay.
We'll figure it out.
We will.
I'm sorry
about your uncle.
And I'm glad
you're okay.
And I'm sorry about
how I was with you.
Let's just focus on
catching up to them,
finding Huck.
She's gonna pay
for what she did.
It's gonna be me
who does it.
That refueling station
we raided it's close by.
They must've been there,
seen smoke.
We need to go.
It's holding.
With any luck,
we'll get about
50 miles out of this thing.
Well, if they stickto the planned route,
then we just need
to get 20.
Cut 'em off
at Murray Road.
Hold up.
This thing is stick.
I'm not gonna be able to put
my foot down on that clutch.
You're looking at me? Mm-hmm.
I can't drive.
I never learned.
Well, you're gonna learn now.
Off the brake. The left brake?
There's only one brake.Okay.
There you go.
Okay. Now ease into the clutch.
No, no, but we
Okay, okay.
Just stop.
I don't think
I can do this.
You can.
You're gonna let the carroll forward,
take your footoff the clutch slowly,
and listen
to the engine.
That's it.
You're gonna be onewith the car.
You did not just say
"be one with the car."
That's totally something
my dad would say.
Who do you thinktaught me how to drive?
I'm glad you're here,
I'm glad
I'm here, too.
Now focus, alright?
We gota lot of ground to cover.
Here we go.
Here we go.
There you go.
Heads up.
Found 'em
when I was scouting ahead
after the Mississippi.
I was gonna save 'em
for your birthday.
Thought we'd still be
on the road then, but
This mission
It's about you.
But, um
it's about me, too.
There's a lot more
going on than you know.
Maybe more than I know.
I once told you that
it was complicated with dads.
Thing is, it's complicated
with moms, too.
Stay back.
Must've seen the light
from the road.
You want them
to be safe,
they can't know
we're here.
This is life and death.
You gotta trust me
on this.
Another big choice.
Time to make it.
Holy shit.
What's going on?
You okay?
I'm fine.
The truck how'd you get it going?
We checked the room
you tried to hide from us.
The one you told us
not to go into
because there were bodies.
There weren't any.
You lied.
I'm sorry, kid.
Must have beena crossed-wires thing.
I never said Yes, you did.
she meant the basement.
You must have heard wrong.
You all just left.
Without even
saying goodbye.
I'm sorry.
We just
We just thought
it'd be easier.
For all of us.Yeah.
But you guys are here now.
And And you fixed the truck.
That's awesome.
You're here,
you're safe,
and we're all together.
All good things,
All good things.
And we should get
some shut-eye,
hit the road
in the morning.
And you shouldn't beon that leg.
I'll grab the rest of
your stufffrom the truck.
Ah, no.
Iris here made me a splint.
I can get it.
Felix, come on.
When the hell are you
gonnastart letting other people
take care of you
for a change?
Old habits.
Got the key?
I'll pull the truck
around the corner,
out of sight from the road, just in case.
give me a hand.
Not one more step.
Not one more word
of bullshit.
You're gonna drop
that key,
and you're
gonna tell me
what the hell you're doingwith Hope.
Leo, there's something
I need to talk to you about.
But before I do,
I just want to reiterate
how much I care about you
and about us, our future,
and everyone's future.
That's what this is
all about the future.
In 24 hours,
you're going to be
reunited with Hope.
She's on her way here.
Don't say anything.
Just take a moment
to process it, okay?
All those months ago, when you
told me about her gifts,
about her genius,
when you haven't even told her,
you trusted me.
But I told them.
I had to.
We need generations
of great minds.
You were frustrated with her.
She was frustrated with herself.
But she is safe,
and she's seen the world now.
And because of that,
she is ready.
To bring back the world,
it's going to take
the brightest minds
working together.
And she is one of those minds.
Every model shows that if
we don't make progress
in the next 30 years, human
lifewill be gone from the planet.
This is bigger than us.
So, you can hate me.
And I'll live with that.
I'll live with that
so that the world can live.
Paging Dr. Belshaw.
What's on your mind?
Drop the key.
Just grab Iris and go.
Get in the truck
and go.
No, you are not gonna
tell mewhat to do right now.
It's how you live.
Felix, please.
I don't want
to hurt you.
Felix, you got to listen to her.
She's CRM.
She wants me.
You can't save me.
Walking away is the only wayyou'll live.
Hope, what?
Felix, I never wanted
to hurt you.
I just wanted you
to be happy.
I really did.
Is it true?
Is it?
Are you
It's true.
And I'm sorry.
No! Felix!
They really care this muchabout
somebody starting a fire?
I don't think this is about
I mean, we
We had their truck, their maps.
We stole their gas.
I radioed Huck
on an open channel.
Maybe they overheard
and put two and two together.
I think I might know
a way out.
Follow me.
Felix, don't make this worse.
Hope, Iris, take the truck and go!
Not without you!
Get out of the house!
Huck, stop!
We need to find
that gun.
You got one last chance,
Let us walk,
everybody lives.
You're not taking her.
Keep looking.
It has to be here.
Get out of the house!
Just go!
Get out of here!
You're dead!
I got it.
Shit. You alright?
My wound opened up.
It's bleeding bad.
Just keep going.
Come on.
We can make it.
You can.
I'm slowing you down.
This blood is just gonna
lead 'em right to you.
I didn't give up on you before.
I'm not going to now. Move.
Hey, Silas.
Come on.
You saved us.
You get a fresh start.
Twice now.
You're not
a monster, Silas.
You did that, Silas.
That's what matters.
What are you doing?
Saving you.
So you can save
the others.
Huck, stop!
Hope, do it.
Come on.
Take the shot.
What if I It's okay.
You don't need me
to protect you.
Do it, Hope.
Just shoot.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
what are you doing?
Get away from him!
I will do it!
I swear to God I'll do it.
Iris, you and Felix
take the truck.
Get as far back
to the university as you can.
We're not leaving you.
Nothing is gonna happen
to me.
You don't know
what's gonna happen to you.
I do.
They need me to help my dad
with his research.
Because of who I am.
What I am.
Huck's mission
was to get me there.
I decoded the message.
I'm the asset.
Turns out I'm smarterthan I thought.
Don't worry about me.
I'll be okay,
no matter what happens.
You don't have to do this. Silas, no, no.
They don't know
you're here.
Getting me
will slow them down.
Protect Iris.
Keep her safe.
But no matter what Huck did,
don't be the monster.
Elton, you believed in me
when I didn't.
You're my best friend.
Thank you.
Go before they see you.
No. Silas.
Come on.
Nothing you can do.
We got to go.
You know,
it's not too late.
You can give me that gun
right now.
You, me, and Iris
We can just leave.
They'd just come after youlooking for me.
This is the only way.
I'm doing what I'm
doingbecause I have what I have.
I was never gonnaleave
for Omaha without you.
I know.
I only left last night
'cause I was trying
to protect you.
I know.
'Cause that's
what we do.
We protect each other.
And we always will.
I love you, Iris.
And I know
you're gonna be okay.
We all will.
Five miles north,
you'll find safety.
She's just a kid.
Not anymore.
You are aces.
I want you
to know that.
In this life
sometimes you got to do badto do good.
So grin, girl.
Come on.
What's on your mind?
It's nothing.
Well, I've got somethingon mine.
Something that's beeneating at me,
something sensitive.
What is it?
You can tell me anything.
This placeis important to you.
It is to me, too.
The civilian governmentis
doing great things.
You should know that's
notwhat I'm questioning here.
But I do have my
suspicionsabout your military.
Will's scouting expeditionwith them
was due back
a few days ago.
Well, things happen.
I-I-I mean, I'm sure
they're f-fine, but
Dr. Abbott?
How can you be certainhe
went to visit a sister?
I just
I think it's possiblewe're being lied to.
I have an idea,
How we can know
for certain.
But I'll need your help.
We're here.
You can
put that away now.
Gotta admit.
Considering how
this all went down,
I was afraid
you'd fight this harder.
It's not about the now.
It's about the future.
Greater good.
Thinking about
the big picture.
That's what I'm doing.
Where do you think
they took him?
I don't know.
How are we gonna find the others?
I-I don't know.
So what are we
gonna do?
I don't know.
But I know we're gonna
figure it out.
What lies ahead is not
gonna be easy, but
we're a part
of it now.
I used to think we were
the last of the species,
but since then,
so much has changed.
I've seen
the impossible happen.
That's how I know we're gonna
find the others and save them.
Because we can do
the impossible.
We're gonna make
our lives count.
Not because we're
the last generation.
Because we're the beginning.
Mothers can be
complicated, too.
It's good to see you again,
You've had
quite the adventure.
Would you please relieve
Miss Bennett of her belongings?
Seems we need a bit more workwith her,
but she's not
fighting it.
She won't.
She knows
what's at stake.
And I assume you were
gonnatell me about the loose ends?
That truck, the others still out there.
We heard
the transmission.
Makes me wonder
what they know.
The ones that are
still out there
They're not a threat.
I'm taking care of them. We've found one.
We'll get the rest.
You should've let me
handle this.
I was gonna make sure they get
back to the Campus Colony.
I didn't want to have
to step in,
but that incident back home
before you left for Omaha
put your judgment
in question.
At least
in the eyes of others.
I had to see to it that
your bringing us the asset
was an
unmitigated success,
no loose ends,
so I did.
I am.
And as far
as the Campus Colony
we'll talk.
A lot's happened
since you left.
I can't tell you
how pleased I am
to have you
at the facility.
You Bennettsare going to accomplish
great things together.
Yeah, we are.
Ah, storm's coming in.
We're gonna have to find
some shelter.
We'll find some.
Then we'll
get them back.
And then we'll kickthe
Civic Republic's ass.
I love you,
And I know
you're gonna be okay.
We all will.
I'm pretty surethis one goes over there.
You're right.
Because I'm not
the real asset.
We are.
The two of us together.
We have spent our whole lives
making each other better.
Your smarts.
Your instincts.
What if
we can't trust her?
Your bravery.
Your fight.
They have no clue
what you can do.
That's how we're gonna
beat them.
They think they need me
to save the world, but you
You are gonna save
the world from them.
We will.
We got this.
So grin, girl.
We just will.
Because we can.
This is howwe give our lives meaning.
We're the future.
Get behind me.
I thought
you were dead.
I thought you all were.
Wait. Why?
Why would you think that?
You don't know?
Know what?
We've got a lot
to catch up on.
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