The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Just the Four of Us

(ominous voices whispering)
(music playing)
(both groan)
These double dates
with Mickey and Minnie are killing us.
Every inch of my body is exhausted.
And they want to go out again tonight!
Not again!
(upbeat music playing)
I can't take it anymore!
That's it, we're not going!
What do you mean?
I'll tell Mickey we can't make it.
You mean we stay home?
-Just the two of us?
-You got it!
Oh, Donald.
That's just what the doctor ordered.
(line rings)
MICKEY MOUSE: (over phone)
Mouse residence.
Mickey, Daisy and I can't make it tonight.
-MICKEY: Oh, no. Why?
-We're sick.
(alarm blares)
What did you do?
You said we were sick?
They'll be coming.
Coming to take care of us.
You know how they are,
we'll never be alone.
It'll be okay.
(tires screeching)
-(horn honking)
(ominous music playing)
-They're here.
-(knocking at door)
MINNIE MOUSE: Oh, Donald! Daisy!
What do we do now?
Shh! Pretend we're not home.
(footsteps receding)
DONALD DUCK: I think, they're gone.
MINNIE: We're here to take care of you!
-(Daisy screams)
-(alarm ringing)
-Wait, did we lock the back door?
-I don't know!
-They're inside.
-What do we do?
(screams, whimpers)
Come on, come on, Donald.
Where are you?
-(footsteps approaching)
-(gasps, whimpers)
-MINNIE: Daisy!
-(doorknob rattles)
MINNIE: Where are you, Daisy?
(singing) Daisy!
Daisy, I hear you have the flu
I'm half crazy
Trying to care for you
Well, well, well. Would you look at you.
(ominous music playing)
Aren't you the cutest thing?
(screams, grunts)
-Time for your medicine.
-(glass clinking)
-MICKEY: Yoo-hoo!
Don't be shy, Donnie.
Donald? Are you looking
for a spoonful of sugar,
to help the medicine go down?
That's curious.
We'll just have to enjoy some tea
until Daisy shows up.
(fly buzzes)
Oh, my!
Mr. Puppykins doesn't have a teacup.
Hmm, let's see. Hmm. Oh! One
There we are, your own teacup.
That's peculiar.
Hey, Donald!
Hope you don't mind, I used your shower.
That time of year again. (chuckles)
You didn't see me! (pants)
I didn't see him?
My mind's playing tricks on me!
Come on, Donald. Keep it together.
-You look horrible!
Whoa! You don't look so good yourself!
(both sneeze, shush)
-(both scream)
-(buzzer rings)
-(both pant)
-(both sneeze)
(thunder crashing)
(both scream)
(ominous choral music playing)
(Donald grunts)
Save yourself!
Don't you quit on me!
It's a dead end.
(thunder crashing)
DAISY: We'll never get time alone!
It's all my fault!
I shouldn't have lied.
You did it so we could be together.
But at least it's the two of us,
here, at the end.
MICKEY: Huh. There you are.
(thunder crashing)
(both whimper)
(heartbeat thumping)
(ekg machine beeping)
Donald! Donald! Just relax, it's okay.
We're safe, now.
(ekg machine beeping)
I'm sorry, Daisy! I blew it.
There's no need for an apology, Donald.
After all, it is finally
just the two of us.
Hey, what do you know!
Just the two of us.
I think you mean, the four of us.
Running around in the rain
made us sick, too.
How fun,
now we can recuperate together.
(music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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