The World of the Married (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

-Let me go.
-How can I
when I saw everything?
-Let me go!
-Tell me why you did this.
What's it to you anyway?
What's going on here?
Are you the owner of this vehicle?
You're Dr. Ji's son.
-Hey, kid--
-No, it's all right.
It's fine.
Excuse me for asking,
but who are you?
What do you mean there are
unresolved feelings between them?
Hatred and contempt?
Is that what you mean?
Beneath it all,
it could be obsession, sympathy,
or even affection.
I can't tell yet.
One of the two will have to be ruined
for its true nature to reveal itself.
If there is a chance of an ember
still being intact,
it's wise to pour fuel on it
to confirm its existence.
All I want anyway
is my daughter to be happy.
Are you willing to see the end of it?
Even though anything can happen?
I'm sure you're also just as curious.
From what I understand,
you have feelings for Ji Seon-u.
I'm afraid you're mistaken.
I don't have any feelings for her.
For a more accurate treatment,
all I did was practice transference.
I didn't quite expect that.
It's the best way
to uncover people's true intentions.
Do you know what it's like
to hate someone with all your heart?
You can't possibly find peace
while that person
is still in your line of sight.
Either that person needs to die
or you need to die!
One or the other must be ruined
for it to end.
Oh, I know it all too well.
You know what that feeling is?
It's love.
Shut it.
How dare you think
that I'm the same as you?
How do I look?
Jeez, look at how handsome my son is.
I wonder who he takes after.
Mom, of course.
Here comes Mom.
-You look stunning.
-You really do.
I'm one lucky man.
All right, let's begin the photo shoot.
Isn't my wife stunning?
Gosh, stop that.
I'm only stating the facts.
Guys, you're making me barf. Stop it.
All right, fine. Gosh.
You look gorgeous though. I'm not kidding.
What do you want this time?
How dare you barge in here!
If you want to talk,
we can do that outside!
Is it okay if your wife finds out
that you keep coming to see me like this?
How far are you willing to go
to make my life miserable?
All I wanted was to come back here
all successful and live a peaceful life.
Is that too much to ask for?
You took the words right out of my mouth.
You're the one harassing me!
What were you watching?
To me, you're the best.
I love you.
You haven't thrown this away?
Do you watch it whenever you can?
Don't tell me
you're secretly hoping
to get back together with me.
I become furious every time I see you.
Because of you, I was charged with assault
and was forbidden to see my own son.
It still pisses me off!
So what could you possibly
be fantasizing about?
And what is it that you secretly expected
when you decided to come over
at this hour?
Be honest about it.
Plead, beg, or just say
what you want from me.
Not that it will change anything though.
But know that if you keep holding out,
it may make me cross the line.
So please…
get out of my sight.
With you gone, I'll be able to breathe.
With you gone,
my life will be perfect.
Check out this photo.
Gosh, don't we look perfect?
With you gone,
my life will be perfect.
I'm glad you came.
I couldn't be happier.
Just so you know,
our success rate
is just as high as the clinics in Seoul.
I hope we're not too late.
I guess you could've come sooner.
I won't know for sure
until we run some tests,
but I've been successful
with couples with more dire cases.
Just remember that stress is your enemy.
Anyway, let's start with some basic tests.
How long must we wait?
Our appointment was ages ago,
so why won't you even check?
I have a dentist appointment too,
so I can't afford this setback
in my schedule.
I'm sorry,
but I'll still have to ask you to wait.
-You expect us to wait indefinitely?
-What are they doing?
-I can't waste my time here.
-What's going on?
Director Ji hasn't come in yet.
What the hell?
Did you call her?
I can't believe this.
-Dr. Ji.
-I'm sorry.
I apologize, everyone.
I'll soon be seeing patients.
Can I have my charts?
My gosh, Dr. Ji. Did you just get in?
You're late.
Yes, I know.
She must've drunk herself
to sleep again last night.
Please show them the way.
Sure thing.
Hello, please follow me this way.
Come in.
It's Mr. Gu Ja-seok.
Come on in.
I'm sorry, sir.
I wasn't well this morning, so I slept in.
I understand.
There's a lot on your plate right now.
It won't happen again.
Tell me if you need a break.
I'll make room in your schedule.
There's no need for that.
I haven't slipped up until now,
and this won't happen again.
About Dr. Kim Yun-gi though…
Do you by any chance know
if he has a connection
with Chairman Yeo?
What's with that look?
It's as if you have something to say.
I thought about it,
and I think you were right.
What's most important to me right now
is Jun-yeong.
So I was wondering
if you could take over
as associate director for a while.
If it's you
I'm passing the position over to,
I'll be able to let it go with ease.
I like where I am though.
Besides, the hospital
won't benefit from my promotion.
Someone more passionate about the job
should take it.
Are you sure you're not interested?
I'm not interested in it at all.
Are you good?
We still have a few more tests left.
Maybe we should've done this sooner.
It would've made you worry less.
It's all right. Besides, I'm not worried.
Even if we don't get pregnant,
I'll still be grateful to you.
Mr. Son, please join me.
I'll put a rush on it.
-Take care.
-Thank you.
I'm worried, so at least leave me a text.
I'm stepping out for an hour.
Please push back my appointments.
Why do she always have
so many personal matters?
It's always that way with women.
They always bring their personal lives
to the office.
Unbelievable. What the…
Women are not all like that.
It's just Dr. Ji.
To generalize us all
is unfair.
-Please wait outside.
Ms. Ko Ye-rim?
Ms. Ko needs to get her test done.
Did she go somewhere?
I'll look for her.
I told you not to come here.
Park In-gyu…
He found you, didn't he?
Don't you think about lying to me.
I changed my phone number
and hid to the best of my ability.
But he found me again.
can I help you in any way?
He should never know
that we're in contact again.
Now, please leave.
And don't ever come to see me again.
Da-kyung, I thought
you were off to the restroom.
What is it? Is that Dr. Ji?
I wonder why she's here.
Is it her day off?
What the hell?
She's ignoring us now, is that it?
Sure thing.
We'll meet there
and head to Da-kyung's together.
All right.
See you then.
Your dad can't seem to go a day
without seeing Jenny.
I should tell the housekeeper
to prepare dinner.
And I should tell Tae-oh
to come home for dinner.
Let me escort you both
to the massage room.
Hyeon-seo, she's the one
who requested you.
Hold on.
-Have you lost weight?
I don't know why you bothered.
Anyway, could you apply
more pressure this time?
Sure thing.
Aren't you going to show me to my room?
This way, please.
-Have you tried calling her?
-You looked everywhere?
Where on earth could she have gone?
-What's wrong?
Is something up?
You see…
It's about Je-hyuk and Ye-rim.
They came to talk about their infertility
and were taking tests,
but Ye-rim suddenly disappeared.
No one knows where she went.
She suddenly disappeared?
Damn it. She's not picking up.
What is it?
What are you up to?
If you're not busy, how about a drink?
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
Why? Are you busy?
I'm a little distracted at the moment,
so I'll call you back.
Thank you for coming.
How long have you been working here?
Have you been in contact
with Ji Seon-u all along?
Is she the one
who told you I'm a member here?
I've been working here
for over a year now.
It took me a while
to become a certified masseuse.
I recently heard you moved back to Gosan,
but I didn't expect to run into you here.
Do you still report
my whereabouts to her?
Are you anxious?
Not at all.
Why do you ask?
I heard you got married,
but you don't seem all that happy to me.
I can see why.
Once a cheater,
always a cheater.
Jun-yeong, we need to talk.
What's going on?
I think they're dating.
Look at her go.
-What's up with you two?
Are you two dating?
We finally have a couple in our class.
Whether I steal or act crazy
is none of your business.
it is my business.
Others may be excused, but not you.
So tell Hae-gang the truth
and promise you won't do this again.
Tell him yourself that I stole from him.
I couldn't care less, so do what you want.
Damn it.
It's because of kids like you
that make people point fingers at me.
All children with divorced parents
suffer from prejudice
because of reckless kids like you.
Must you make it so obvious?
Hey, Jun-yeong.
Is something up between you and No-eul?
Of course not.
Are you two…
-Are you insane?
Then can you help me out?
I like her, you see,
which is why I need your help.
You're closer to her than I am.
-Oh, no.
-Jenny's making me curry.
Your parents are coming over,
so of course I came home early.
So where are you right now?
I'm nearly home
and my parents will be there shortly too.
Hurry on home then.
Jenny, your mom's almost home.
Where's the curry, Jenny?
Daddy's starving.
That's odd.
Your mom couldn't have made it this early.
Let's see who's at the door.
Is the speaker on or not?
What are you doing here?
How dare you come here.
I'm not one to be patient, you know.
So let's quickly wrap things up.
I'll call you tomorrow,
so get lost for now.
Jenny, Mommy's home!
Did someone stop by?
Yes, for a newspaper subscription,
but I turned him down.
I mean, who reads actual
newspapers these days.
I'll go and get changed.
Look at her eating fried chicken.
Could she be any better at this?
Be careful.
Go ahead and have a sip of water.
Not so fast.
Da-kyung, you should eat too.
-Do you need something?
-No, it's not that.
I'll feed Jenny,
so go ahead and enjoy your meal.
Jenny, let's take the chicken outside
so that your mom can eat in peace.
-Off you go.
-Come on.
All right.
Your father never knew
how to do things like that.
In that sense, Tae-oh's a sweetheart.
-Enjoy the rest of your meal.
Jenny, let's go out and play.
-Lucky you, Jenny.
-Over there?
-Gosh, look at her.
-Let's go!
It's about Tae-oh.
I learned that he's been
keeping in contact with Dr. Ji.
I'm well aware of it.
Tae-oh's honest about it though.
He tells me why he went to see her
and all that.
Are you really okay with all this?
His son lives with her,
so that much I should understand.
Of course, I had that in mind
when I decided to move back here.
What is it?
Does she worry you?
I'm not bothered by her,
so don't let her get to you either.
I trust Tae-oh and we're a solid couple.
Do you remember what I said
when I approved
of this marriage?
I said you could always come back to us
if you weren't happy.
Of course.
I remember.
you know I love you, right?
No, I don't, you brat.
It's me, Mr. Lee.
I'm sorry to call at this hour.
Can you get me ten million won
from the reserve fund tomorrow?
Have it ready by the close of business.
Would you like a glass too?
Sounds good.
Someone mentioned…
how once a cheater
will always be a cheater.
I'm sure you heard of that phrase too.
Does that…
bother you?
How is it for you?
Our relationship
wasn't just a simple affair.
No matter what people say,
we both know it's not true.
So don't let those words get to you.
Seeing you get hurt will only hurt me too.
You're right.
Never have I been embarrassed
of our relationship.
But why,
even though we're married now,
am I being haunted by that thought?
It's not because of what others say.
The fact that I can't get those words
out of my head…
disgusts me.
Damn it.
Where on earth did she go?
Honey, what's going on?
I came to my parents' house.
You should've at least called and told me.
I looked for you everywhere.
What's going on though? Is something up?
Why weren't you picking up?
I've been hearing some good news.
Will you soon be
the next associate director?
Gosh, where on earth did you hear that?
It's my job to stop by
hospital after hospital.
I pick up on things, you know.
Just you wait.
You'll soon be coming by
this hospital a lot more.
You're the best, Myeong-suk.
Care to join me for some coffee?
Oh, I see you have a visitor.
Yes, he's a friend from high school.
Hello, I'm Woo Ho-sang.
You're Director Ji, right?
I heard good things about you.
He's also good friends with Tae-oh.
I see. Enjoy your conversation then.
Why would you tell her that?
You made her feel uneasy.
What's there to be uneasy about?
Everyone knows
everyone around here anyway.
By the way,
do you know who's here to visit Dr. Seol?
He seems familiar.
He's Chief Woo from Jaeu Medicine.
A sales rep for medical appliances.
He's been around often lately.
Carry on, then.
Dr. Ji.
A word, please?
I'm thinking about having Dr. Kim Yun-gi
be the associate director.
-All things were considered
during the lengthy conversation
I had with the chairman,
so please respect our decision.
Did Chairman Yeo have a say in this?
Dr. Ji.
So it was him.
We'll be receiving a donation
from TO Pictures.
An annual donation of 100 million won
for the next 10 years.
The board has to approve,
but that's only a formality at this point.
Until the personnel announcement is made,
you can start handing over
the associate director duties to him.
Director Gong called me in.
Do you know why he called?
What is it?
What's going on?
on becoming the associate director.
You ended up getting the job anyway,
so I at least hope you'll act responsibly.
I'm the new associate director?
I had my doubts,
but I honestly didn't expect
Dr. Kim to be a dark horse.
I was suspicious of him from the moment
he started approaching you
with that charming smile of his.
Consulting Jun-yeong
must've been a part of his plan too.
Even my back hurts
from the knife he put in,
so I can only imagine how you feel.
The size of the donation doesn't matter.
It still doesn't give you the right
to dictate hospital personnel.
What I want is for you to leave Gosan.
I'll offer financial support
so that you can start over.
You crossed a line
that shouldn't be crossed.
There is no line in this world
that I can't cross.
I'm willing to do whatever it takes
to ensure my daughter's happiness.
If happiness is what you want for her,
you should've kept her
away from Lee Tae-oh.
She used to be a smart young lady.
What a waste, right?
Don't I know it.
She became a mother at a young age,
and married a man with several issues.
It's why I'm now trying
to get rid of any obstacles
that could get in her way.
And that's me?
An ex-wife who still harbors
feelings toward her husband
shouldn't be around my daughter.
Thanks to this move of yours,
I no longer have a line to stay behind.
After all, I need to protect
myself and my son.
I'm sure you're aware
that Gosan is in the palm of my hand.
Doing what I say
would be the wiser choice.
Dr. Ji?
Hello, Mrs. Gong.
What brings you by?
You're apparently not here to play golf.
I came to meet someone.
My husband told me the news.
You're stepping down
as associate director.
I should get going then.
I'm sorry that your efforts
couldn't save you your job,
but I'd appreciate it
if you kept the work inside the office.
My husband being seen
with a divorcee at night in a bar?
It won't do his reputation any good.
Others will gossip
and I'll also be humiliated.
He took ten million won
from the reserve fund.
What does it now add up to?
It's 40 million won in total.
At least let me know what's going on.
Where's Im Zoe?
Oh, I'm afraid she quit.
She no longer works here.
Oh, no…
What did I tell you?
I told you to get your act together.
What are you talking about?
Feisty, isn't she?
What the hell?
Was this your doing?
You're saying it like
I forced you into this.
Zoe wanted a man to date
and that reminded me of you,
so I nudged her in your direction.
Who knew you'd get caught
so easily in her net?
Don't be an idiot and blame me for this.
This only happened
because you're a son of a bitch.
How do you know Chairman Yeo?
We should talk inside.
Would you like some tea?
How do you know each other?
-Have you had dinner?
-I want to know
what you schemed with him behind my back!
He asked me for a favor,
so I've been counseling him.
And what exactly is this favor?
A psychiatric evaluation on me?
The associate director position
is what you got in return.
And you call yourself a doctor?
This may sound absurd,
but I did this for you.
I needed to know
what Chairman Yeo was planning
because he's someone
who can be a threat to you.
You crazy bastard.
Don't indulge in the fights they pick.
That's rich coming from
a backstabbing prick.
I have no intention of keeping that job
and I will step down when I can.
However, I have no choice at the moment
since I need to persuade Chairman Yeo.
It's how I can protect you.
I trusted you.
I trusted you,
so I opened up to you about everything.
But you sold me out.
Can you even call yourself a doctor?
Don't you ever approach my son again.
Yes, Jun-yeong?
When are you getting home?
I'm almost there.
Nothing happened, right?
I think something's up
at Ms. Ko's place.
Ye-rim, please calm down.
Calm down and hear me out.
Ye-rim, please.
-What's going on?
-What's going on between those two?
Please stop.
Please don't do this.
Don't do this.
He must have done something wrong.
Let's talk this out.
The divorce papers will be sent
to your office when they're ready.
I'm sorry.
I must've been crazy.
Please don't do this.
Let's at least talk face to face.
I'm so sorry.
What's going on?
What did you do to anger Ye-rim this way?
Lee Tae-oh.
This was his doing.
I admit I pulled the trigger,
but I was set up.
I got caught in his trap.
What are you talking about?
You're not making any sense.
It was all a setup.
She approached me
and was given orders
to send photos of us together to Ye-rim
by Tae-oh.
It all played out like he planned.
Who knows what he has planned for you,
so brace yourself.
Stay on your toes
if you don't want to end up like me.
That bastard…
is insane.
But know that if you keep holding out,
it may make me cross the line.
So please…
just get out of my life.
What brings you by…
It's your day off, right?
Let's go.
Go where?
You'll know when we get there.
Watch your hand.
Take your pick.
Choose one you like.
They're all so beautiful
that I'm having trouble choosing.
I see.
How about this?
Could we take a closer look?
-Sure thing. That's a good choice.
Hyeon-seo, give me your hand.
-To try it on.
What do you think?
I think it's stunning.
Do you like it too?
Sure, it's pretty.
It looks too expensive though.
872,000 WON, 1,102,000 WON
We'll take it.
Are you aware of how much this costs?
I have enough to buy this for you.
I'll take your measurement today
and the ring will be ready in a week.
-Excuse me.
Just a second.
It's our wedding ring,
so please treat it with care.
Sure thing.
Here are the test results.
Like I suspected, you have the flu.
I'll write you a prescription,
so please take it easy.
No wonder I've been fatigued lately.
If you need a boost,
I can set you up with some fluids.
No, that wouldn't be necessary.
By the way, have you heard
about Ye-rim and her husband?
There seemed to have been
quite the commotion.
The house is now on the market
which means that
she's thinking about moving
after the divorce.
That I didn't know.
Divorce isn't always the solution though.
The younger generation
tend to take divorce too lightly.
It could be meaningless
to maintain a broken marriage.
But it's never that easy
to live as a divorcee.
A friendly drink with her boss
leads to all sorts of weird rumors.
I'm afraid that's still how people think.
You know that better more than anyone.
Two years ago, on that day,
I should've accepted
that it was over between us.
No matter how hard I tried,
our marriage was nothing
but an empty shell.
I was so confident and told you
that I'd never break my marriage,
but here I am.
I should never have
involved you and your husband
in my mess with Tae-oh.
The guilt is so overwhelming
that I don't know what to say.
Now that it's all over,
I finally see the truth.
What I held onto at the time…
wasn't love, but my ego.
Obsession is meaningless.
It only worsens the pain.
So Seon-u,
you should once and for all
let Lee Tae-oh go.
Break away from your ties with him.
Just let go and leave Gosan.
Don't join his battle for revenge.
Trying to
solidly keep your ground like that
only looks like an obsession to me.
What is marriage?
What is divorce?
Even though the marriage
is an empty shell,
some refuse to break it.
How is it that even though I let go
and got a divorce,
this tie between us
still exists?
That's not the case for everyone.
This one is on you.
Both wanting to win
won't get you anywhere.
If you ask me,
you and Tae-oh are the same.
Take it.
What is this?
How's that for a monthly salary?
Your job here…
You can quit at any time
if it's too demanding.
I can make enough for the both of us.
So tell me.
Do you see a future of us together now?
Isn't this enough
for a decent future together?
Can I ask what you did to make this?
Why would you ask that?
Don't you trust me?
Where are you staying right now?
In-gyu came by.
Are you all right?
He has quite a lot of money
in his possession.
I think…
your suspicions are correct.
Do you know where he is?
Can we talk?
That's a nasty scar.
If you had sought out proper treatment,
it wouldn't have turned out that way.
Did you see a doctor?
Cut to the chase, lady.
I'm not interested in a long chat.
I know you attacked me
because Lee Tae-oh hired you to do so.
You broke into my home
and threatened me
using my son as hostage.
I'm aware of it all.
Where's your proof?
The scar on your face.
How far does the deal go?
Are you to threaten me
until I leave Gosan?
did he hire you to kill me?
Are you not scared at all?
I could very well…
-finish the job here.
-And how much would that be worth?
Is it enough
to risk throwing your life away?
-You're nuts.
-I'm asking if it's worth all that!
Who are you to talk about my future?
You're the reason I ended up in prison!
In the end,
you are responsible for your actions.
Haven't you learned that lesson?
Do you really think
that Lee Tae-oh has your back?
He orchestrated this, right?
You were just following orders.
Tell me the truth
and I'll ask the police
for leniency.
Get the hell out of my house.
Tell me.
Say that Lee Tae-oh made you do it.
Get out.
-I knew it.
Give it back!
Hand it over.
Give it back!
Stop doing this, In-gyu.
You're too young…
to be throwing your life away.
Get lost.
Or I might just kill you.
Can we talk?
That's a nasty scar.
If you had sought out proper treatment…
Did you record your conversation?
I did,
but he never said anything damning.
Get in.
Min Hyeon-seo quit.
When she returned,
she unannounced that she was quitting
and packed up and left.
We're still all dumbfounded by it.
Did she say where she was going?
I'm not sure.
She said something about
moving to a different city.
Ulsan or Busan, maybe.
Min Hyeon-seo!
What do you mean you need more money?
I already paid what you asked for!
Besides, I thought our deal was over.
Ji Seon-u is helping Hyeon-seo
get out of the city!
I will tell that woman everything
unless you pay me 30 million won.
Meet me right now at Gosan Station.
I'll be right there,
so sit tight if you want your money.
Damn it!
I'm going to kill this bastard.
Do you have a place to stay?
I know someone in Ulsan.
There's a job for me
at the factory she works in,
so that's where I'm headed.
Forget about everything that happened here
and live your life.
I won't ever contact you again.
Don't even think about coming back.
I will take this to go, please.
Here. Please enjoy.
Let's go.
Just a second.
Please stand back.
A person died at Gosan Station last night.
Once he gets me the money,
we can leave Gosan together.
Is there even any hope left for us?
Let's just please end this.
Let me go.
I think it's the person I'm looking for.
I saw the body on the ground.
I had an errand to run and was passing by.
Do you recognize that scarf?
The person who fell
and died at Gosan Station
must be someone Dr. Ji knows.
Don't tell me you think I pushed them.
Gosan Station
has security cameras everywhere,
but a server maintenance
was being conducted that night,
so there is no recorded footage.
We can't let Da-kyung find out.
You and I will have to
take this to our graves.
Are you Mr. Lee Tae-oh?
I'm afraid you'll have to come with us.
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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