The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Let's go grab some soju.
Why didn't you tell me
about the Japanese?
You handled the Chinese situation.
So I should handle the Japanese.
It all worked out, anyway.
Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
About Lee Haeryun.
How's it going with her?
She's just
a business partner.
Nothing more.
Come on, man.
You know you can tell me anything.
Now that I think about it,
everything went well.
The Chinese guys trust you,
and the old geezer
I've been dealing with is gone now.
We now have a new Japanese connection,
so it'll be a good place for you to start.
Start what?
What do you mean, sir?
Once this thing wraps up,
I'm walking away from this business.
Then, you'll be in charge of it.
I have a new goal now.
A normal life.
I just want to be a normal man
living a safe and secure life.
I've never had this thought before.
But ever since I met Euijeong again,
I've kept thinking about what I should do
to be someone who's worthy of her.
So from now on,
I'll show her that I've changed
and I'll live an honest, law-abiding life.
You see,
Euijeong is a cop. You know that.
You're going to keep dating a cop?
Yes, she's a cop.
That's why I want to be a person
who's worthy of her.
Chief Seo is too short-tempered,
and Heesung has a lot
on his mind after having his kid.
Seungho, you're the perfect fit.
I'm sure you'll do well.
I believe in you.
Are you really
getting out of this business?
It's why I'm headed here.
Isn't this good for you?
Are you waiting for someone?
I see. You invited Euijeong.
Bit by bit, I'll show her
how I change.
Hey, you made it.
So Seungho's here, too.
How's your wound? Are you okay?
- Let's go inside.
- Okay.
This Free International City
and airport construction plan
aims to make the greater Yeongjong area
the center of East Asian trade
as the largest hub of the 21st century.
The total estimated cost
of the project is 132.9 billion won,
and the construction period
will last from 1995 to 2001.
Now, I'm going to show you current photos
of Yeongjongdo, Yongyudo,
and Muuido Islands.
You'll also see concept drawings
of the Free International City
and new airport after completion
in comparison on the slides.
The slides, please.
That's where we went.
Muuido Island.
And that's Yeongjongdo Island next to it.
Right now, it's only busy
during the summer,
but when this deal's wrapped up,
people will be visiting
And the Marine Tourism Complex
is next to it.
Secondly, if you look
at the illustrations,
the International Fishing Village is
at the center
of the Marine Tourism Complex.
You must have made a fortune
to invest in this kind of business. Right?
By the way, what are you going to do?
I'm talking about Yankees.
Where did you hide him? You're putting me
through a wild fucking goose chase.
Come on.
If you continue to stay quiet,
I'll keep following you around like this.
Wait. Did you off Yankees, too?
Like you did with Cho?
Could you please maintain
some class for the occasion?
Sure. I'll speak quietly.
Too bad, though.
I know
you're the owner of Gangnam Crystal.
I'm sure they'll go easier
on a drug crime than murder.
Why don't you quit the drug trade
and turn yourself in?
Then, I'll turn a blind eye
to Manager Cho's murder.
No more digging.
I'm not sure what you're saying.
I'm giving you a piece of fucking advice.
Leave the drug trade
to the losers.
You're too good for it.
Let the losers do it.
Just do as I say.
Then, I'll look into why Mr. Cheon died
as a thank-you gift.
We're making history, so to speak.
Next, let me introduce
our most steady and leading investor
in the tourism and entertainment district.
The CEO of Gangnam Industry,
Jung Gicheul, will say a few words.
Ah! Come on.
Ah! Mr. Jung! Mr. Jung Gicheul!
Mr. Jung! Mr. Jung!
Bravo! Here he comes!
Mr. Jung! Here he comes!
Man, what is this?
"Grande Joie"?
Sounds good. Hmm?
Let's go.
Hey, did you scan their faces?
Yes, I took photos of them all.
That tastes damn good.
My name is Jung Gicheul
of Gangnam Industry.
Since our host did such a wonderful job
with the explanation,
I'll keep it simple and short.
The Free International City's districts,
such as the business district and
Are you going to let Hwang Mingoo
keep sticking his nose in everywhere?
He even fucking saw
Euijeong's face just now.
Shouldn't we keep that crazy bastard
on a leash or something?
If that bastard Hwang Mingoo
arrests Jung Gicheul before we do,
all the work we've done
will go down the drain.
We'll all be fucking screwed!
Do you get it?
Let's get it together.
Doesn't it seem like Hwang Mingoo
heard from Jaegeon Group
about Jung Gicheul's drug trafficking?
He's such a pain in the ass.
Hello, sir.
It's about
Detective Hwang Mingoo.
Yes, sir.
He keeps getting in the way of our work.
How may I help you with that, sir?
Keep me updated
with his activities every day.
Also, tell him to take it easy. Eh?
Yes, sir.
I'll keep you updated. Bye.
Everyone's here early.
This is Seungho's girlfriend,
Ms. Lee Haeryun.
And this is my girlfriend,
Ms. Yu Euijeong.
Nice to meet you.
We've met before, right?
Nice to meet you.
I heard you two went to the same school.
Please sit down.
I heard you were a cop.
So are you a corrupt cop?
Just kidding.
I heard you even shot a gun
to save Mr. Jung's life.
You must really love him.
what do you do for work?
It's not rude to ask, right?
I make drugs.
I'm just kidding.
Did you believe that?
But you're a cop.
That's so adorable.
Haeryun's father
is Korean-Chinese.
And we're pretty close.
He's looking to invest
in culinary businesses in Seoul.
They're Korean-Chinese. I see.
Where in China?
Haeryun is helping
her father with finance.
And in long term,
she's hoping to invest
in real estate in Korea.
He's right.
Money is all I have.
It must be nice to be rich.
You two must be so in love.
It's not easy to get back together
after going out in high school.
The first time must've left
a really strong impression.
Wasn't that funny?
You're a tough crowd.
I guess it's a cop thing.
I guess it's because you work
in a family business.
She's really funny.
So are you two in a relationship now?
Well, we are
In terms of business,
- we're deeply
- I like him a lot.
How about you, Seungho?
Don't say it out loud. It's cheesy.
What about you, Euijeong?
Is it okay for you to date Mr. Jung?
- You're a cop.
- Why not?
You know what Mr. Jung does.
Don't you get judged for it?
What do you mean?
Whatever Gicheul does
or has been doing doesn't matter to me.
He promised he'd change.
And I believe that.
This is fun.
But I have to go.
Watching what I say isn't really my thing.
How about we go and get a drink?
This was fun, Euijeong.
I'm actually not interested
in real estate.
In my grandfather's motherland,
I want to study, work,
date, and be successful.
Like regular Koreans.
That's all I want.
And hopefully with you.
How much for an apple?
Three thousand won for five.
I want this one.
I like the red color better.
We'll take five red apples.
In China, people love
to receive apples as gifts.
Because they're the symbol of peace.
Here you are.
Remember when Mr. Jung gave me a watch
when I first arrived in Korea?
In China, we never give watches as gifts.
It means you'll die when it stops.
Is it good?
It's so good. Thank you.
I'm sorry.
About Lee Haeryun.
It was so rude of her.
It's okay.
I understand.
But we won't have to see her again.
What do you mean?
You saw the investment pitch.
From now on,
I'll only introduce you to good people.
I promised I would change,
and I intend to keep it.
I'd like to see you for a long time.
So to do that,
how about we keep
a little distance between us?
For now, at least.
Like this much?
this much?
All right. We do have to
see each other for a long time.
I'm going to live in Korea from now on.
I got my father's permission, too.
Where did you get this?
From now on,
I'm not Korean-Chinese Lee Haeryun.
I'm Korean Lee Sunyoung.
What are you thinking?
Whenever you're with me,
you seem distracted.
I do?
Do you think about work?
someone else?
I'm not sure about that.
Couldn't it be that I'm bad
at expressing feelings?
Do you even have feelings for me?
If you haven't felt them,
it means I'm really bad
at expressing them.
Seungho, when you're with me,
I want your undivided attention.
You know
I like you a lot.
Am I getting your attention now?
This is just all so confusing to me.
What is?
It's just
I think
I might like you
even more than I thought
from now on.
Hey, sit down.
Come on. Sit.
Let's put the puzzle pieces together.
Manager Cho, Yankees,
Mr. Cheon, Gangnam Union.
- What do they have in common?
- What?
It's drugs.
I'm so glad you're here.
I mean, you should know the big names
in the drug trade better than I would.
You're right.
Let's fucking write down all their names!
Whatever comes to mind.
Just try to squeeze
all the names out of your memories.
- Yes, sir!
- We have to fucking find Manager Cho.
- Yes, sir!
- All right.
Write down everything about people
who make, sell, and buy drugs.
Their names, nicknames,
addresses, and even family relations.
- Okay?
Yes, sir!
-Every fucking thing, okay?
Yes, sir!
These names are dope.
"Gullebang Bridge." Fuck. "Godori."
Meth Park.
You forgot Meth Park.
- Mr. Meth Park.
- Right!
- Meth Park?
- There's a saying
that all drugs in Gangnam
go to Meth Park
before they go to customers.
That's how famous he is.
I'm sure even Yankees can't sell the stuff
without his verification.
So this guy named Meth Park
must be meeting with Yankees, right?
That's right.
So what are you doing?
- What?
- Call Meth Park!
- Call him!
- Come on.
Call him now.
Hi. It's me, Dodgers.
I got 10 packs of imported snacks.
Would you be interested in trying some?
They taste absolutely amazing.
Page me if you're interested.
Are you done?
Mingoo, can I call my girlfriend?
Hey, keep him locked up
until Meth Park contacts us.
Yes, sir. Get up.
Kwon Seungho.
Yes, sir?
How was the date with Lee Haeryun? Good?
You bastard. You got laid, right?
He totally got laid.
This is why I wanted to go.
Let's eat.
Have a seat.
The Chinese and Japanese issues
have been solved.
So let's drink to that.
Fuck, I used to be pretty popular too.
You did?
Be careful.
Knock her up, and you'll end up like me.
I'll tell you about how things work,
so listen carefully.
There's a place called Jinpo Port
in Jeolla Province.
We sail out from there, get the stuff,
go directly to Pohang,
and hand the stuff to one of our men.
Half of the money we make
from this goes to our company,
and we share the rest.
Back then, Boss took 40%
while Jungbae and I took 30.
But now there are four of us
How should we split it?
You and I will take 30%.
And the other two will take 20%.
You heard him.
Wait. That means you're taking 10% less.
Seungho contributes the most,
so he deserves it.
Thank you.
What the
So who's our man in Pohang?
A guy we know. He captains a cargo ship
that goes between Korea and Japan.
When's the Chinese sending the stuff?
They said soon,
and they'll let me know.
Right, Chief Seo.
Remember Hwang Mingoo?
Yes, sir.
What about him? Is he after us again?
We might need to get rid of him.
That fucking pig.
I'll keep that in mind.
Hey, mister.
Hi, LA.
Are you kidding me, you punk?
You think
I'm here for some peanuts?
Hi, LA.
It's Dodgers.
"Po-tay-to, po-tah-to."
Same fucking English.
So where are these imported snacks from?
Come on, mister.
You weirdo.
You know I like you, right?
Hey, get off me. Now!
You crazy bastard.
You're fucking high, aren't you?
You're the one who's fucking high.
Who are you?
Me? I'm a junkie hunter
who came to catch a junkie.
Man, you're older than I thought.
Sorry I was so rude earlier.
It was so dark
I didn't recognize you, sir.
Please, have a smoke.
I apologize.
I'm usually not like this.
I know I shouldn't,
but its happens sometimes
since I deal with so many people.
Don't call me "Sir." I hate that.
Both my son and daughter-in-law are cops.
If that's the case,
then my son is
a fucking Olympic gold medalist.
You junkies lie all the time.
I don't know where Yankees is.
Then, sir
Who is cooking Gangnam Crystal?
I thought you were after Yankees.
I don't care about that fucking prick.
I want to catch who's in charge.
Jung Gicheul.
Junkies don't work with thugs.
I guess you didn't know that
like a fucking prick.
I love it.
You've got guts. Ha!
Very charming.
This is why I call you "Sir."
How about we stay close friends?
Good things might happen.
Business-wise, you know.
I got a call from Mr. Lee.
Hwang Mingoo caught
a junkie last night and questioned him.
And his name is Park Jaeman.
Does this mean that bastard Hwang Mingoo
is getting in on the drug trade?
Hang on.
What was his name again?
"Park Jaeman."
Do you know him?
Detective Park's father's name
is Park Jaeman.
Let's not tell Detective Park about this.
Why did you go to Gangnam Police Station?
I was caught and taken there.
I didn't go there willingly.
How did you get freed?
They wanted to know
about someone else, not me.
I didn't say anything,
so what can they do about it?
Did the detective there say anything else?
Sir, I'd like to ask you a favor.
That detective who took you in,
Hwang Mingoo.
Please never meet him again.
Even if you're forced to,
don't tell him anything.
Especially about Junmo and his wife.
I would appreciate that.
Hey, Dohyung.
He fell off the face
of the Earth long ago.
Some say he stowed away
on a boat to China.
And some say he got stabbed to death
after getting involved
in some murder case.
Are you sure you know nothing?
You know I've never lied to you.
You even helped me get clean,
so I could live like a decent human being.
Where did you hear about the murder case?
Hey, that hurts!
That's Yankees' girlfriend's name.
Apparently he told Wendy
he got involved in a murder case,
so he had to score big and leave.
Where is she now?
Let go of me!
I'm with the police.
If you tell me where Yankees is,
you won't be charged for making drugs.
I'm the one who wants to find him first,
so please tell me when you find him.
That bastard ran away
with all the fucking money we made.
Do you know Manager Cho?
I know that motherfucker.
We raked in
quite some cash with his stuff.
But after he kicked the bucket,
I've had to do this bullshit.
Did you know?
Know what?
That Manager Cho died
or about the Gangnam Union?
That name's so damn corny.
Just tell them everything you know.
You just have to go tell the police
that this is the man
who killed Manager Cho.
What if I get fucked
after getting mixed up in this case?
You don't seem to be
in a very good situation here either.
I'm not talking about prison.
I mean like a mental hospital.
I don't want to give birth
in prison either.
I guess a hospital might be better.
A mental hospital is a hospital, too.
You have to keep your promise, okay?
You cops always lie, so I can't trust you.
If this goes well, I'll send you there
instead of a mental hospital.
It will be easier there
to make a fresh start.
And please get clean.
For your child's sake.
If things go to plan,
they'll put you in jail.
The prosecution already knows about this,
so I'll get you out
when you're sent to them.
My life's been ruined anyway.
So I guess I'll trust you.
I'll get going, then.
I need to loosen up.
- Mingoo.
-Hey, Dodgers.
- But you promised
- We have a guest.
Mingoo, this is Yankees' girlfriend.
Look at this fucking idiot.
Long time no see, Dodgers.
I heard someone
was sucking the cops' dicks.
So it was you.
With all of you here, it's a total mess.
Fuck, is this a junkie reunion or what?
Hey, Wendy.
Why the hell do you all
have names like that?
I heard you were looking
for that motherfucker Yankees.
That's right.
If you heard I was looking for Yankees,
you must know what information I need.
I know. That's why I'm here.
Okay, Wendy.
What's the thing you think I want to know?
You want to know who killed Manager Cho.
You're good.
But you see,
what I have right now is so juicy
that it's luring so many fucking flies.
So why should I believe
your fucking lie
when you showed up
at such a convenient moment?
If you can't trust me, don't.
Let me use your lighter.
What do I do with this cutie? Hmm?
After the God damn
civilian government came in,
these fucking Gen X kids
have no respect for the police.
God damn it, do I need to
beat some sense into you? Huh?
What's this?
This jacket.
It's what Yankees was wearing
on the day Manager Cho died.
You see the blood stain here?
He got this when Manager Cho
beat him to a damn pulp.
And since he was beaten to a damn pulp,
Gangnam Union offed Cho
because they back Yankees.
I know.
I know that, too.
But there's no evidence.
Either bring me evidence or Yankees.
Not this fucking bullshit.
Seo Jongryeol.
How do you know him?
Yankees said Seo Jongryeol
killed Manager Cho.
And he's committed murder before.
What the fuck?
This is getting fucking interesting.
- Hey.
- Stay away from me.
Why are you being cooperative?
Including that idiot,
everyone is looking
for that asshole Yankees now.
But they can't find him,
so now they're all coming to me.
I heard you were looking for me, too.
Stop that, you fucking bitch.
What if those thugs
are looking for me, too?
I don't want to end up like Manager Cho.
And I'm sick of this life too.
- What's this?
- That's ice.
That bastard Yankees
left only these small potatoes.
Why are you smelling them?
As if you know how.
Hey, do these belong to Yankees?
How should I know?
Drugs are drugs.
For being in possession of these,
put me in jail until this case is over.
And with a little pocket money.
What the hell
As a thank you, you know.
You had this all planned out, didn't you?
I think they call it
a reward for a crime tip
or whatever.
And as you can see, I'm pregnant.
I don't want to get mixed up
in this case, Mingoo.
Do you promise to testify later?
Hey, you fucking thugs.
Are you marching off
to make trouble again?
Didn't I tell you to maintain class
Here's the government's God damn class,
you fucker.
- You motherfucker
- What?
Hey, blind man. You're coming with us.
Cuff him.
You're dead now, motherfucker.
What's this about?
Goodness, haven't you
been beaten enough? Hmm?
Wait your turn. You're next.
Enough with the tough guy act.
You fucking
You're under arrest for the murder
of drug dealer Manager Cho.
You can remain silent
or do whatever the fuck you like.
Just know you're fucked now.
Take him away.
Jung Gicheul.
It's so fucking weird you weren't caught,
so I won't stop digging.
I told you what you should do
if you wanted to live a quiet life.
You don't have much time.
I'll see you around.
That fucking
Let's go.
That fucking bastard!
Okay. Hurry up.
What did he say?
I asked around,
and apparently,
Yankees' girlfriend is a cooker.
And she told the police
everything she heard from him.
But why did she only rat on Chief Seo?
Yankees wasn't there that day.
How did he know Chief Seo shot him?
Find out what he's doing right now.
What about Jungbae?
He's the only one who was there
that day but isn't here now.
Yes, sir?
Ask your girlfriend
if we could get more
than 16 kilograms this time.
If they have more in stock,
let's take them all.
May I ask what for?
Isn't it obvious?
Look, we don't know
how Chief Seo will respond,
and we don't know
what Hwang Mingoo will do.
Nothing is certain for now.
So we've got to earn big when we can.
Don't you think so?
God damn it.
Do you think we can rely on Seo Jongryeol?
What if he mentions Jung Gicheul,
Hong Heesung, and you
and make things even worse?
He wouldn't talk that easily. Don't worry.
That bastard Hwang Mingoo will give up
only after he gets sick
of wasting his time.
Also, Seo Jongryeol is
not an original member of the gang,
so they'll continue the trade without him.
But these thugs
must be getting fucking nervous
with the cops around.
I think they're planning
a big score for one last time.
They're trying to import
as much as possible.
That's actually good for us.
This deal will be our last chance.
Don't overdo it.
What are you talking about?
After all we've done to get here?
Putting Jaegeon Group's
Sung Kisoo into retirement,
Kanemoto's death, and Lee Haeryun.
Don't forget you're a cop.
So you can go back to being one.
Don't worry.
I can go back.
I can go back.
I'm from Yeoksam High's
31st graduating class.
Mr. Jung sent a message.
"Don't worry,
and use your right to remain silent.
"Everything the cops say is a lie.
"We were the only ones there.
"I'll hire the best lawyer in the country.
"So don't worry." That's what he said.
Oh, hello.
I'm from SMPA.
I heard you caught
Manager Cho's murder suspect.
We were interested in that case, too.
So I came to check how it's going.
So you didn't kill Manager Cho, right?
The right to remain silent.
Hey, blind man.
Stop that if you don't want to die.
All right.
Let's start over.
You know Manager Cho, right?
The right
to remain
- silent.
- You fucking bastard!
- You motherfucker!
- Stop!
- Put that down.
- Let go.
All right. Let's see how far we can go.
What's your name?
No. What's your father's name? Huh?
The right to remain silent.
- Stop.
- You goddamn motherfucker!
Is that his name?
You fucking son of a bitch!
The right to remain silent? Motherfucker!
Hey, go and
Where's that fucking bitch?
That Wendy bitch.
Yankees' girlfriend. Bring her here now.
She was sent to the prosecution yesterday.
Then SMPA's Narcotics team took her.
Why SMPA's Narcotics?
Apparently, she got extra charges
for drug manufacturing.
God damn it!
God fucking damn it! Fucking shit!
Nothing ever fucking works out!
- How did it go?
- He's not saying anything,
and he's maintaining
his right to stay silent.
Keep watching him.
Yes, sir. I'll keep you updated.
We decided the delivery date.
- When is it?
- In two days.
Is there a chance
that we can increase the imports?
It takes one whole week
to make the product.
What? Did something happen to Mr. Jung?
No, nothing special.
Well, it's just
some detective's been pestering
the boss lately.
And he seems to think
that could stop our trade.
He's very sensitive these days.
Doesn't that mean
something like that
could happen to me, too?
Don't worry. Eh?
I'm here.
If by any chance things don't seem right,
I'll tell you immediately.
Then, you can go to China
for a bit and take a break.
But for now,
you can just relax
and enjoy your time in Korea.
Do you know what I think
when I look at you?
"What a kind man
"he is."
Thirty kilograms.
My father
had bought extra in case he needed more
from the chemical suppliers.
I'll give you all that.
I'll make sure to bring over
the stuff safely.
I promise.
Hey, take him out.
Will this be okay?
Everyone in the town is exhausted.
That's why we've been
putting a roof over your heads!
We must meet the quantity by the set time.
It's Father's order.
Do you understand?
Yes, ma'am!
What a piece of shit.
Some will go to Jinpo Port
and the rest will go to Pohang.
No matter what happens,
our main focus is to stay low
and take photos for evidence.
All right, everyone.
We'll need your best
for today and tomorrow.
This investigation could achieve something
that will go down in history.
When it's all over, drinks are on me.
I'll be counting on you.
Yes, sir!
Gicheul, my brother.
I told you that cop bitch
was going to fuck you over.
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