Theodosia (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The Darkening

[dramatic electronic music]

Happy eclipse and end-of-
the-world-as-we-know-it day.
Keep it down.
Speaking of which,
aren't we supposed to be
keeping a low profile?
If I'm saving the world,
I want to look cute doing it.
- [sighs]
- So come on.
Where have you hidden the eye?
A magician never
reveals his secrets.
I thought you weren't
working today.
Oh, I'm not. I'm just
Wasting precious time when
you could be telling Theo
how you feel about her.
You don't give up, do you?
You mean, unlike you.

- He's been there all night.
- Doesn't he get tired?
Well, they plan on
unleashing chaos
onto an unsuspecting
world this afternoon.
Napping's probably
not a priority.
What route should we take?
Ground floor, side
window, flowerbed.
So what did you
tell Theo exactly?
I don't know.
Something like, "I was
wondering if, like,
"maybe you like-liked me
or just, like, like me.
Do you see me as more
than just a friend?"
Okay, what
I thought Theo was
your girlfriend.
She's not.
Right, gotcha, sorry.
Carry on.
[whispers] Good luck.
I don't want Safiya
to be my girlfriend.
We need to work on
how you let a girl
know how you feel about her.
[exciting mystical music]

If you could meet
and greet the guests,
let them know the eclipse
is at 2:54 precisely.
Do you need any help
photographing it?
No, no, don't worry about this.
I have got it. One
perfect corona coming up.
How exciting. Theo, Henry.
Shouldn't you two
be getting ready
for the fundraiser?
I thought that was
a grown-up thing.
We were just going
to the arcade.
Not today.
The Eye of Horus being stolen
has really set us back,
so it's all hands on deck.
It'll be fun, I promise.
I've made you the
cutest costumes.
- Costumes?
- Go on, get dressed.
I'm sure you'd make
a great girlfriend.
Well, duh. Forget it.
It's not like you meet my
minimum requirements anyway.
[lights buzz]
What was that? What's
up with these lights?
[ominous music]
I don't know, but I've
got a bad feeling.
Maybe not the best hiding place.
I was hiding it in plain sight.
No one sees something that's
right in front of them.
I've got bad news for you, Will.
- What's it doing?
- No idea.
Theo's the one that has
a connection with it.
- I better move it.
- No, don't touch it.
Only Theo can handle
magic that strong.

She and Henry should
definitely be here by now.
[lights buzz]
Let's go find them,
check everything's okay.
- Come on.
- We can't both go.
I'll stay, keep
an eye on the Eye.
You are avoiding Theo.
Not everything is about Theo.
You sure about that?

Ah, welcome. Hello, sir.
Hello, madam. So have
you been here before?
We have a
In case anyone forgets who
the world revolves around.
- Hello, moon to Theo?
- Sorry.
There's something
up with the Eye.
- I can feel it.
- Let's get a move on, then.
Welcome. Welcome.
Goodness. Are you in pain?
- Shall I fetch a doctor?
- No, it's just my smile.
Oh, how unfortunate.
- What on Earth?
- In its orbit, actually.
Do not be smart
with me, young man.
- Lavinia, you made it.
- And not a moment too soon.
You need to remove the
rictus grin from the door,
and if you must have
the children present,
at least put them to
good use serving snacks.
Ugh, fundraising is an
unfortunate necessity
for any museum, and I'm informed
a full tummy donates money.
Up, hop, hop.
[whispers] This is terrible.
[whispers] I can't believe it.
Nice to see you too.

- I've had an update.
- The girl's still at the museum.
You will have to deal with her.
I need to prepare.
Out of chaos comes the light.
You will locate the
Eye and bring it to me
before the eclipse.
You must not fail.
Fear not, master.
The Eye of Horus
will show the way.

[upbeat string music playing]
[indistinct chatter]

Thank you so much.

It's delicious.
When the next guests arrive,
we'll bypass Clive
- These are definitely better.
- Henry.
Are you going to
eat yours, or
- Get what are you doing?
- I just want the
- Get off!
- I just want the round
What are you doing? Stop.
[sighs] Great.
[chuckles] I'm sorry.
Did I interrupt your lunch?
We were just wondering
why, tragic costumes aside,
you didn't show up at
the arcade this morning.
Well, Mum made us the fun
in fundraiser, didn't she?
Well, might I suggest
you get a move on.
The Eye has been acting up.
It's all glowy and weird.
Yeah, Heka magic is at its
peak during an eclipse.
I can feel it growing,
and so can the Eye.
It's getting ready
to show us the way
to the Staff of Osiris.
[ominous music]

- Miss Krait.
- What's she doing here?
Looks like she
got an invitation.

[liquid bubbling]
Soda fountain's on
the blink, Will!
Think you can fix it?
Could be tricky,
but, um, let me check
the, uh, valves.
Or the flanges, maybe?
Me and Saf could
create a distraction
while you make a break for it.
So I'd be snake bait?
- No. No thank you.
- Wait a second.
It's great that the
Serpents are at the museum
because the Eye isn't.
If we can trick them into
thinking that it is here,
they'll stick around
until the eclipse is over.
The Eye won't reveal to
them the hiding place
of the Staff of Osiris,
and the world will be safe.
Okay, but how do we trick them
into thinking it's here?
By acting super suspicious.
That shouldn't be too difficult.
What we really
need is a fake Eye,
but I think that would
just take too long to make.
If only you knew an inventor
who was good at making things.
Of course. Do you know anyone?
No, not really.
No one particularly
comes to mind.
- Do you?
- No.
- Yeah, very funny.
- Look, I'll get it done.
Let's go.
[dramatic music]
Got another live one, Will!
It's okay. I can fix it.
[machines ringing,
lights buzzing]
There might be some sparks, so
you might want to look away.
- It's not dangerous, is it?
- Guess I'll find out.
Okay, I've got it.
Okay, what are the
other machines doing?
- How are they doing?
- Uh, not good.
Not good at all.

Hey, nice job.
And just in time. Looks
like we've got customers.
[ominous music]
Big, burly customers.
- Friends of yours?
- Definitely not.
- And I want to keep it that way.
- Yeah.
Being pals with those two
looks like it could be painful.
Don't worry, you
get out of here,
and I'll deal with them.
Thanks, Artie.
I owe you one.
- Could I borrow that?
- Uh, sure.

Gentlemen, what
can I do for you?
Soda, lemons, lemon sherbet,
maybe a quick go on
the Mesmer Machine?

That was close.
[soft ethereal music]

So you want to go
that way, do you?
Well, I guess there's
nothing else for it.
[dramatic electronic music]

- Don't mind if I
- [clears throat]
- Don't.
- [chuckles]
[bright string music playing]

[indistinct chatter]
[clears throat]
Oh, what are you doing here?
Theo, Miss Krait is
one of our guests.
Very special guest.
She's helping us get
a new dig permit.
We only give those
to archaeologists
who don't lose the
things they find.
I promise you, we are doing
everything we can to
find the Eye of Horus.
Any leads yet on
where it could be?
- Oh, a long, long
- Really far away away from here.
That's for sure.
Yes, I'm afraid the police
haven't found anything yet.
Hopefully it will
turn up very soon.
Your family has had
such a run of bad luck.
Who knows what will happen next?
- Uh, if only we could find it.
- [clears throat]
[dramatic music]

Anyway, places to
go, people to feed.

- Ah!
- [grunts]
- What's going on?
- Watch the door.
- Excuse me!
- He's gone that way!
What's happened to him?

Where where is he?
I'm over here, you idiots.
- [shield clatters]
- There!

What are you doing here?
Who, me? Nothing much.
- [in stage whisper]
- Quick, take the Eye.
- She's got the Eye.
- Well, thanks, Henry.
I was actually
just on my way out.
Oh, okay.
Well, it was nice
bumping into you.

Hi, sorry, excuse me.
- Oh.
- Oh, sorry, Clive.
- Didn't see you there.
- My mistake, I'm sure.
Oi, what Get your
hands off of me!
- Barging me around like that.
- [sighs]
This is a museum,
not the underground.

Behind every fabulous woman is
an equally fabulous handbag.
- Oh, thank you, my dear.
- It is an eye-catching design.
It almost appears to be glowing.
Why, let's not get too
carried away, ladies.
- It's just an old handbag.
- Do you mind if I
What do you think you're doing?
I was just admiring
Unhand my handbag!
Oh. [Chuckles]
You are clearly in
need of a crash course
in conversational conventions.
Nothing for you to
worry about, my dear.
The secret of talking well
That should keep Krait
busy for a while.
The granny decoy is
my best invention yet.
You ready to go
again if we need?
All set.
Not long till the eclipse now.
- It's nearly all over.
- I hope Will's all right.
The Eye is getting so powerful.
The signal is so strong,
it's almost like it's
[suspenseful music]
Right here?

- Give it here.
- Good luck.

To the left.

Who are these people?
[ominous music]

I cleanse myself, mighty Aapep.
The time of chaos nears.

[dramatic electronic music]

- Do you think they saw us?
- Wait.
- Are there Serpents here too?
- Of course there are.
We always said this would be
the first place they'd come.
I know, but
I really wish you hadn't come.
[chuckles] Yeah, okay.
I can take a hint.
Don't get me wrong, I
mean, I'm glad you're here,
but we are surrounded
by Serpents.
I had no choice.
The Eye sent the machines
at the arcade haywire.
Then the Serpents turned up.
I don't know, this
is gonna sound crazy,
but it was like the
Eye wanted to be here.
It was sort of pulsing.
Look, now it's
brighter, more intense.
It seems to really
like being around you.
[soft music]
- I mean, the Eye, of course.
- Anyway
- Okay, now is so not the time.
- You need to get out.
[tense music]
Hand over the Eye.
- Get off. That's mine.
- It's mine.
What have you done
with it? [cackles]
- No!
- Will, Will, go, go, go!
- Catch me if you can!
- Get it, quick!
- Safiya, come on!
- Oh, no, no, no.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go.
- Come on.
Quick, quick, close the door.
[dramatic music]

Nobody likes a sore loser.

Is there any way to
turn this thing off?
- It's reacting to the eclipse.
- It must be close.
Ever wish you could make
like Houdini and disappear?
Oh, that's it. Follow me.
[tense music]

- Do you think they saw us?
- Yep.
- What's that for?
- Get back.
- What are you doing?
- You'll see.
Scream later. We
don't have time.

No, it's impossible.
I need you to search every
inch of this museum now.
We can't let them get away.
[ominous music]

- The eclipse is upon us.
- She has not returned.
Get the carriage.

Okay, we should get
out of here now.
[bright string music playing]
- It's time, Henrietta.
- Yes.
[glass ringing]
Ladies and gentlemen,
the eclipse
is just a few minutes away.
If you could make your way
to the front of the museum.
And Clive here will
provide everyone
with the appropriate eyewear.
Let's get to the garden.
- Roped up like this?
- That's gonna be fun.
- Oops!
- Shh!
Ooh, blundering baboon!
Huh, quite the stampede.
It would seem
fundraising functions
aren't your forte.
Have you seen the others?
Maybe they managed to get away.
[ominous music]

Get your glasses, your
solar viewing glasses.
Marvel as we are plunged
into eternal darkness.
You failed us again!

- [chuckles]
- Fascinating.
[crowd gasping]
- The eclipse is starting.
- Okay, give me the Eye.
Thank you.
What happens now?
The legend says it will
reveal the hiding place
of the Staff of Osiris.
- Well, maybe it's a map.
- Try angling it down.
[soft ethereal music]
You see anything?
The ground. Uh, that bucket?

I sure hope Will has
gotten out of the basement.
I wouldn't want
him to miss this.
No wonder he's confused.
I mean, talk about
mixed signals.
You know you're not
actually the sun, right?
What do you mean?
Hurting anyone who
tries to get close.
I haven't hurt anyone.
You really have no idea the
effect you have on people.
I I'm sorry.
Have I said something
to upset you?
We're not talking about me.
Well, who are we talking about?
What what's happening?
[ethereal music]
Soon, the sun will blink,
and the gates to Osiris
will open.

Oh, where are they?
The light, it's coming
from the garden.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Wait for it. Wait for it.
I've never seen
anything so beautiful.
- Oh, I have.
- When?
The day I first saw you.
[both laugh]
Come here, you old charmer.
[dramatic electronic music]

Here they are, safe and sound.
- Is everything okay?
- I think so.
I mean, the Eye has taken
a bit of a shine to Theo,
- but otherwise
- Can't you turn that down?
The Serpents are
around the corner.
Fear not, Theodosia.
Though daylight shall
succumb to night,
the power of chaos may
still be vanquished.
The sun will arise again, and
the Eye will show the way.
- Is it just me, or
- Yeah, no.
She's being totally weird.
All: Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
- three
- Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Now! [Camera clicks]
Oh, get out of the
way, you old bag!
Who's ready to get mooned?
[soft dramatic music]

- Amazing.
- Incredible.
Once in a lifetime, literally.

[Eye humming]

What's going on?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I think so.
I think it's trying to
tell me something, only
- Theo!
- Safiya!
- I was talking to the moon.
- It got in the way of the sun.
- It's an eclipse.
- That's what it's meant to do.
What are we supposed to do now?
[dramatic music]

Where have they gone?

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