Thirty Nine (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

He Who Dances Must Pay the Piper

The glass windows
of a cake shop got shattered.
-Three female friends
-Over a million views?
were responsible for the incident.
Let me see.
I can't believe this shop owner.
She obviously uploaded this
to promote her cake shop.
But look at the title.
"A Beautiful Robbery."
It's a touching story.
A robbery? That's absurd.
We even paid for
the glass windows that weren't broken.
-Let's read the comments.
-My gosh, seriously.
"That's a true friendship.
I wish I had friends like them."
"I root for your friendship.
I wish you guys good luck."
Gosh, look at all this.
"The second girl is so cool.
I wish she were my girlfriend."
-Who's the second girl?
-That's me.
This guy is crazy.
-What are you typing?
-That you're mine.
-Don't do that. My gosh.
Are you the second girl, Joo-hee?
No, it's Mi-jo.
She picked up a brick first.
Oh, I see.
Then who's the third girl?
"I'm Jang Joo-hee, the third girl."
-My gosh, stop watching.
-No, wait.
-Just once more.
I was just really touched
by your friendship.
So I wanted to share your story
with lots of people.
I mean, we live in such a cold world.
You know what I mean, right?
Not really.
I didn't reveal any of your names though.
No one will recognize you.
This is driving me crazy.
Is this the place?
Yes. This is where
the terminal patient came, right?
Yes, that's right. Welcome.
Damn it.
Wait. Hey!
Yes. I'll be on my way
right after I sign some stuff.
Okay, I'll meet you there. Bye.
Do a lot of people go
to the dermatology clinic?
You look excited.
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
No, I'm not.
Look at what you're wearing.
You're obviously excited.
-Sorry. I'm running late.
The signed documents are on my desk.
-Okay, Director.
It's Director Cha's day off today.
Was that Director Cha just now?
What is that?
This is so embarrassing.
My gosh, come on.
You're here.
You're going to get your makeup done
before meeting the director, right?
Well, yes. Give us a second.
What is all this?
I'm just a supporting actor.
I only appear in five scenes.
This is what we do for our actors.
It's no big deal.
This is driving me crazy.
There's our actress!
This is so embarrassing.
My goodness.
You're ruining your hair.
-Stop it.
-They're going to style it anyway.
-Thank you.
-Thank you for the food.
Where's the leading man?
Does he stay inside?
Do you guys have a waiting room here?
-Maybe he's in his car.
You came here to wish me good luck,
and you're looking for him?
-No way.
Did you get skincare?
Your skin is glowing.
I know, right?
I got a small filler injection
a few days ago.
Since I didn't have
a lot of patients that day.
Did you get one too?
Seon-u gave her a small injection.
Chan-young, you must be cold.
Sir, where should I put this?
Put it behind the director's seat.
Will you stop?
-It's fine.
-Just leave it.
-She's right.
-Should I go sit on it?
This is my first movie.
Are you trying to ruin it for me?
No, not too close.
Be careful.
You don't want to get too close to them.
Are they your friends?
Yes, you could say that.
Hello. It's nice to meet you.
-I'm a huge fan.
Gosh, thank you.
Look at all these snack carts.
Are they all yours, Ms. Jeong?
I'm not even surprised.
There's a lot of food,
but don't eat too much. Stay fit.
I'll just have a bit.
I love tteokbokki.
Why the bag?
Be quiet.
Hey, no photos.
-Can I have your autograph?
-Oh, sure.
-You can do it here.
-Oh, okay.
Thank you.
You're beautiful.
Thank you.
-What's your name?
-Cha Mi-jo.
-Cha Mi-jo.
-"Cha Mi-jo."
Can you write, "I wish you prosperity"?
-"I wish you prosperity"?
"I wish you prosperity."
She came prepared.
She must've planned this since yesterday.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I hope you don't use it
for something weird.
No, of course not.
She won't do anything illegal.
Can I have it on this?
-Are you sure?
-A huge autograph, please.
What's your name?
Jang Joo-hee.
-Jang Joo-hee.
-"Jang Joo-hee."
Let's begin.
Ready. Action!
Are you really not going to meet Ji-yeon?
What's the point? All we ever do is fight.
Still, you should meet her.
She waited for you.
I'll decide for myself.
Don't tell me…
I can't believe you did it.
You're insane.
The director will kill you
if he finds out.
You wrote the article?
So don't tell Ji-yeon.
Great work today.
-Ms. Jeong.
Look who it is. Mr. Yim Si-wan.
It was an honor.
No, it was my honor.
I'm really glad that I got the chance…
to work with you.
I was already really nervous.
Then Mi-jo and Joo-hee made
a huge deal out of everything.
I was so embarrassed
that I wanted to hide.
So? Did you do well?
-Gosh, it's okay.
-Let me.
I was too nervous that I don't remember.
I'm still nervous.
She did great.
She barely made any mistakes.
-Come on.
-When can we see it?
The movie.
It'll probably come out next summer.
Right, Jin-seok?
Well, I'm not sure.
Dad, how are you going to fix this?
I know, right?
I shouldn't have asked that.
Eat nice things and sleep well.
And we'll watch it together next summer.
Here. Drink this.
What is it?
Gosh, did you go somewhere
and collect spring water again?
I told you there could be
parasites in there.
What are you talking about?
It's medicinal herb tea. Drink it.
-Gosh, it's so bitter.
-Drink up.
It doesn't really stand out.
Let's just put it here.
Why don't we hang it there?
Why don't you just hang it in your office?
Then others won't be able to see it.
It's for the patients to see.
He was so good-looking.
His face was so tiny.
Your face is tiny too.
No, it's not about the size.
He was walking toward us,
and there was a huge halo.
He looked amazing.
He must get skincare, right?
I wonder where he goes.
You should've gotten one for the clinic.
Why did you ask him to sign it to you?
Are you upset?
Anyway, can I go home now?
While you were at a fan meeting,
I had to stay here all day.
I didn't even have time to eat lunch.
Then to celebrate my meeting
with Yim Si-wan today,
I'll buy you something expensive.
I'm too embarrassed
to go anywhere these days.
I canceled all my golf appointments.
Why are you so embarrassed?
Lots of people get divorced.
Rumors spread like fire.
You know how it is.
People will find out
that Ju-won isn't yours.
Mom, stop saying that.
You're practically the one
spreading the rumor.
How could you say that?
Gosh, I'm getting a headache.
If I knew this was going to happen…
What does she do?
That wannabe actress
you dated for a while.
She hasn't been around.
Does she not act anymore?
Why do you ask?
Is she married?
Now that you're getting a divorce,
I just think you should
marry the woman you love.
Why couldn't you say that to me then?
Why couldn't you
just approve of her back then?
I have plans. I'll get going.
Do you resent me?
Because I was against you marrying her?
Yes, I have resentment.
I resent myself.
I resent myself
for not coming to my senses sooner.
But don't bring her up like that
as if she's just a replacement.
She deserves better than us.
I just…
My gosh, I can't believe… Goodness.
Hey, guys!
-How are you?
Have you been well?
Hoon seems to only like you, Mi-jo.
What were you doing, Hoon?
Let's go inside. Just a second.
We could've waited
to discuss things about Ju-won.
I always felt so anxious.
But now, I want to be at ease.
Let's tell Ju-won once he's older.
He's too young right now.
I agree. Let's take our time.
Ju-won and I are going to England.
-What's the point of staying here?
Everything's ready.
A house and a school for Ju-won.
Let him finish the semester here.
He's going to drop out.
You know how fast rumors spread here.
I didn't want Ju-won to hear any rumors,
so I rushed things.
That's too far away.
I have close friends in England.
They're going to help us settle down.
How is Ju-won? I bet he's shocked.
You should try talking to him.
He doesn't smile.
Give my regards to Chan-young.
What about you?
How are things?
I bet your parents are shocked too.
They're furious.
That's why I want to leave
as soon as possible.
Next time, I'll teach you
English words related to animals, okay?
-That's it for today.
Let's see.
That's a promise ring, isn't it?
How did you know?
I told Mi-jo that you were single.
You did?
You were our little cupid.
What did she say when you told her?
She thanked me for the information.
Are you going to marry her?
Why don't we come up with a plan?
You know she's stubborn, right?
Still, she's kind.
So you know.
She's kind, pretty, and smart.
She's a rare breed.
Who said that?
The director.
I'll try to come up with a good idea.
I know
Mi-jo very well.
Then I'm counting on you, Hoon.
Let's do this.
-Let's clean up.
Here we go.
Doesn't it get boring?
Time really flies.
Maybe you keep yourself busy
to take your mind off things.
I understand.
When there's a lot on your mind,
it's better to tire yourself out
and get a good night's sleep.
So-won, do you remember anything
about your parents?
No, I parted with them
when I was really little.
I see.
Do you know where they live?
I heard they both passed away
due to an accident.
Everyone has a sad story.
They're all so sad.
Do you think
you became a good piano player
because of your adoptive father's money?
That's what he always told me,
so I guess it's true.
I wouldn't be able to get into Juilliard
even if I received the same education.
Not everyone can become that good.
You were born with the gift,
and it came from your late parents.
I'll be honest with you.
I'm not very fond of Seon-u's father.
He wanted to meet me.
What for?
Pretty obvious, isn't it?
He wanted me to stop seeing your brother.
I think
I know how you felt.
It was really hard to stand it
when he said those things to me.
But if I break up, it'll be a loss for me.
Where will I find
someone like your brother?
Don't you agree?
It's your loss
to be like this.
I bet your parents are
feeling really upset from above,
watching the gift
they gave you go to waste.
I'm going to go help with dinner.
-It's hot. Careful.
They're going to England.
But I'm worried because Ju-won's so young.
Convince her to stay.
She already bought a place to live
and even decided on Ju-won's school.
I met my mom
for the first time in a while.
Seon-ju had told her everything.
Even about Ju-won.
Why did she do that?
That's probably why she wants to leave.
You must be
really worried about Ju-won.
Yes, I am.
-Come in.
-Your next patient is here.
Come on in.
Goodness, you have a lot of patients.
Do a lot of people go
to the dermatology clinic?
Yes, we do.
You kind of look like your mom,
but you're also a bit different.
What can I help you with?
You know Lee Gyeong-suk, right?
Your mom.
Who are you?
I need this one.
-You can go.
-Oh, okay.
You see, Gyeong-suk owes me something.
You've come to the wrong place.
Please leave
if you're not here as a patient.
Don't turn your back on her.
Your mom and I will be disappointed.
What's going on, Dr. Cha?
It's nothing. You can get back to work.
What's going on?
You're really making it harder than it is.
I'll treat you, sir. Come with me.
This doesn't concern you.
I said, come with me.
Dr. Kim.
Dr. Cha, what's the matter?
Who are you?
Are you not going to leave?
My goodness.
You have a lot of allies.
I'll see you next time.
Who is he?
He came to the wrong place.
I don't know him.
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine. Let's get back to work.
Jin-seok, can I see Ju-won for a moment?
Thanks for coming to see me.
I've always wanted to meet you.
Well, you see…
I'm your dad's close friend.
I heard you're going to England.
That's amazing. I've never been there.
It's also my first time.
I bet you're going to miss your dad.
Open it.
I just wanted to give you this book.
Your dad might fly over to visit you
with the help of a bunch of balloons.
Your English is going to be great.
That's going to be cool.
I'm already pretty good.
What are you doing?
Dad's friend gave me a present.
His friend?
Yes. A small and pale lady.
Is it fun?
Let's read it together.
I'll look into it.
Great work today, guys.
I'm off now. See you tomorrow.
-Get home safely.
-See you tomorrow.
See you.
-Let's go home.
Can we talk?
You seemed startled earlier.
It was nothing.
I'm really tired. Let's go.
Who is she?
Mi-jo's older sister.
-Why is she here?
-I don't know.
Stop whispering
and get over here, Joo-hee.
Mi-hyeon, the yangjangpi is good.
Why aren't you eating it?
Sit down.
-Hey, Mi-hyeon.
-Chan-young's here.
-What is it?
-I don't know.
Stop whispering!
Did you hear?
Sit. Both of you.
Sit down.
Tell me what happened
with Mi-jo.
Don't you dare lie to me.
You know what will happen
if you get caught.
Yes, of course.
A strange man came to the clinic today.
And Mi-jo shivered in fear.
Who is he? You guys know, don't you?
I've never seen her so frightened before.
Did something happen recently?
Well, to tell the truth…
Mi-jo found her biological mother.
Not long ago.
And we accompanied her there.
Did you meet her too?
No. We just waited outside.
So we don't know what happened.
Where was it?
A prison.
She's in prison?
Mi-jo went there to visit her?
Did she kill someone?
-She committed fraud.
She's been convicted
of seven counts of fraud.
I wonder what's going on with Mi-jo.
Who do you think came to see her?
And why did he come?
Hey, Mom.
Did you have dinner?
Yes, I did too.
Mom, how about some ice cream?
Even though it's winter,
ice cream still tastes delicious.
For me, ice cream tastes best
when you have it after an exam.
You used to go to a supermarket
as soon as you finished your exams.
Did you do that in college too?
I drank then.
Is something wrong?
-Does it show?
-Your face says it all.
What is it?
Back when I was in high school,
do you remember
how I left to find my biological mother?
Of course. Thanks to that,
you made two best friends.
It turns out
that I went to the right place.
My biological mother
really used to work there.
Recently, I met Joo-hee's mom.
She gave me
my birth mother's contact number.
And? Did you meet her?
I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.
Don't be.
I'm the one who's sorry, Mi-jo.
Why are you sorry?
To tell the truth,
I knew all along
where your biological mother was.
If I knew you were going to find out,
I guess I should've
told you about her earlier.
You knew?
What about Dad?
He knows too. But Mi-hyeon has no idea.
I'm sorry we didn't tell you.
I think I know why.
It was my first time going to a prison.
Judging by her character,
she didn't seem to have lived
such a great life.
That's just
the feeling I got.
I guess you guys didn't tell me
because of the situation she was in.
No, not necessarily.
You didn't seem interested
in finding her anymore.
So we were going to tell you
if you ever mentioned her again.
The thing is…
I don't know what to do.
Is there something wrong?
Today, a strange man…
came to see me at the clinic.
He told me
Lee Gyeong-suk owed him something.
What a joke.
Right, Mom?
How could he…
What's wrong with him?
What do you want to do?
I don't know.
Should I meet him and talk to him?
No, don't.
I don't want to put you through that.
It must've been so hard
to go through this all by yourself.
That's why I came to see you.
No matter
how much you feel sorry for her,
you still shouldn't give her money.
You may think of it as a one-time thing,
but that wasn't the case.
I mean, it might not be the case.
She came to you too?
She came to you too?
No one came.
Listen calmly, Mi-jo.
She reached out to us one day.
You know how we used to
frequently visit the child care center?
I guess she found out.
It started when you were
around 30 years old.
She said it was urgent
and wanted to meet you.
But we didn't want you
to find out about it.
Back then, you barely got any sleep
because you were a resident.
So we helped her out once.
But she continued to ask us for help.
That's what happened.
I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Mi-jo.
Wait for me. It's cold.
I'm embarrassed.
Don't be embarrassed.
Didn't that make you hate me?
Didn't you hate me
because I reminded you of her?
Why would I ever hate you?
You had nothing to do with what happened.
I did think…
that it's such a relief
that you're with us.
This may sound selfish,
but I was relieved
that you didn't grow up with her.
Your life would have been really tough.
You see, Mom…
I think I was always worried…
that a day like this would come.
in the end,
it really did.
And it turned out to be
more horrible than I expected.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Something's up, right?
Where were you coming from?
I went to see my mom.
Did something happen to her?
I just felt hopeless.
I figured she might be
able to help me find the answer.
The man who came to the clinic…
Yes, who is that guy?
My biological mother sent him.
Apparently, she owes him money
and sent him to me.
My plan was
to tell my mom everything
and come up with a plan.
it turns out she's asked my parents
for money several times.
I see.
Speechless, right?
I feel the same way.
I'm not very good with words.
You can't badmouth her
because she's my biological mother,
but you can't defend her either
because of my adoptive parents.
There's nothing you can say.
Do you want instant noodles?
I'm out of instant noodles.
I'm glad you're here.
Are you flustered?
It's nice.
It's nice to hear that.
I feel overwhelmed.
I don't know what to say.
Then why don't you look happy?
Because eating noodles with you
is all I can do for you.
I was glad
when I saw you
standing in front of my place.
If I told my sister,
she'd probably go
to that prison to throw a fit.
And Chan-young is sick.
As for Joo-hee,
I was worried she might end up crying
out of unnecessary guilt.
But you were
standing there smiling.
It was nice.
You see,
I'm going to stay by your side…
till death do us part.
You really aren't good with words.
You were right.
"Till death do us part"?
It's old-fashioned and nice.
I bet kids these days
don't even know what that means.
I don't care as long as you get it.
-I also don't know what it means.
-You don't?
-I'm 22 years old.
You're not 39?
Are you even human?
How could you do that?
You told me you missed your daughter.
You cried and told me
that you regretted everything.
So I thought
you had learned your lesson, so I…
Did you want to meet her to do that?
Don't ever call her again.
That's the only thing
you can do to repent.
How dare she? That evil…
Mom, what's wrong?
It's nothing to worry about. Let's eat.
Ju-won is going
to take that book to England.
What is it about?
It's a deep story about happiness…
and yearning.
Isn't it just a kids' book?
By the way, where are we going?
Somewhere I need to go,
but I couldn't go by myself.
Are we meeting someone?
Not really.
Let's just go.
I'm nervous.
We came all the way here.
Come help me.
If I reserve a spot,
it'll make things easier.
I thought about it.
When the time comes,
my parents will be too sad to do anything.
But still,
how could you think of doing this?
I should've come by myself.
Then who…
Who else could I come here with?
With my parents?
Should I reserve a spot
at a columbarium with them?
You were the only one I could come with.
I thought about asking Mi-jo and Joo-hee.
But these days,
we barely look at each other.
If any of us starts crying,
we might all end up bawling.
So I couldn't ask them to come here.
I'm sorry.
I know it's hard for you too.
Let's go.
I'm sorry.
It must've been hard for you.
I'll go with you.
Let's not cry in there.
Let's not say it's for me.
Let's just check it out.
Let's do this.
Hey, Mi-jo.
Do you have time at lunch today?
You must be busy.
No, I only see patients on the day,
so I'm okay.
Seon-u's the one who's busy.
Anyway, is something wrong?
You don't look so well.
My mom…
I think I overheard my mom
talking to her this morning.
Yes. Her. Your birth mother.
The thing is, my mom seemed really upset.
I'm not sure
if it's okay to ask you this,
but Mi-hyeon told me that a strange man
came to see you at the clinic.
You met Mi-hyeon?
Yes. She called me and Chan-young,
so we both met up with her.
I see.
It seems like something's up with you,
and my mom was yelling this morning.
So I'm just really worried.
What's going on?
It's nothing.
Don't worry.
Gosh, why did she even…
My mom did nothing wrong, right?
All she did was try
to help you meet your birth mother.
I know.
Do you really?
What do you mean?
Do you really think that way?
Do you really think
my mom didn't do anything wrong?
Yes, I do.
But Joo-hee,
I think you're crossing the line here.
What? How so?
Never mind. I'm sorry.
Why won't you…
Why won't you tell me?
I always tell you everything.
It's always like this with us.
You and Chan-young talk about everything.
I'm always the last to know.
-The same with Chan-young's illness.
You guys found out first,
and I was the last to find out.
You know I went to the department store.
I went there to tell you--
I know.
You couldn't bring yourself to tell me
because you knew
I had to take my mom to the hospital.
But you see, Mi-jo…
I can take it together with you guys.
Why do you guys suffer first
and wait until the last moment
to tell me things?
I'm sorry. You're going through a lot too.
I shouldn't have…
I didn't know you thought…
I didn't know you felt that way.
But you got it all wrong.
It's not like that.
To be honest,
I'm scared about Chan-young leaving us.
I'm also scared that things
might not be the same between us…
once she's gone.
I'm helpless.
I'm sorry.
I need to go now.
I'll see you later. I'm sorry.
That brat.
Thank you.
Why are we meeting at Joo-hee's?
We haven't seen her mom in a while.
Let's go inside. It's cold.
Joo-hee's in for a surprise.
What? You didn't tell her?
Hey, Mom.
I haven't seen you girls in ages.
Are you glad to see us?
Yes, I am. I'm glad you came.
Make some tea. They must be cold.
met her.
You know that, right?
I came to tell you
how it felt to meet my birth mother.
You didn't need to do that.
I heard a creditor came to your clinic.
I shouldn't have told you
about Gyeong-suk.
I'm so sorry, Mi-jo.
He was a creditor?
My mom didn't know it'd happen.
Goodness, that's not what she meant.
What's with you?
Did she
ever ask you for money?
Apparently, she's taken
quite an amount from my parents.
It must've been hard.
I finally understand
why you couldn't tell me about her
all these years.
I mean, talk about a mess, right?
still remember the day
you first came to the snack bar.
Thank you. Bye.
You seemed like Gyeong-suk's daughter,
but you were so…
You were so pretty.
You were such a good kid.
After that, I didn't think
I'd ever see you again.
But the three of you became best friends
and even took turns
taking care of me at the hospital.
I just couldn't…
tell you the truth.
Thanks to you…
Because you chose to keep it to yourself
and bore it by yourself,
the three of us were able
to make so many fond memories.
Every time I think about
how hard it must've been for you,
it makes my heart ache.
Thank you, Mom.
Goodness, what's wrong with me?
Why can't I stop crying?
It's because I'm old.
I'm going to go wash my face.
You should drink some too.
What tea is this?
You see, Mi-jo…
It's okay. Say what you want to say.
Thank you…
for saying that…
to my mom.
It's okay.
It's okay.
My ear hurts.
Where did you park your car?
Down there. The parking lot was full.
It's cold, isn't it?
No, I'm okay.
It's tough, isn't it?
You have no idea how scared I was.
There was a huge mess to clean up,
but you and Joo-hee were both hurting,
and I was worried I might leave
without being able to help.
You both were trying hard to act okay
because I was sick,
but I was worried that you guys
might fall apart once I was gone.
I was really scared.
You don't need to worry about that.
Just focus on taking care of yourself.
I feel at ease now.
You handled things nicely today.
I think I'll be able to leave peacefully.
Will you please stop?
Stop saying such things.
Don't say such things, okay?
Okay, I won't. I really won't.
If you cry, you owe me 100,000 won.
You're crying, aren't you?
What do you want to do with that money?
I'll treat you and Joo-hee
to some nice liquor.
How about we go to a snack cart?
I'll drink water.
Let's celebrate with a drink.
I haven't even started.
"He who dances must pay the piper."
Why are you suddenly quoting a proverb?
Do you think I don't know what that means?
But why do you have to pay the piper?
You must really know the meaning.
I told you that I read Land
from start to finish.
Of course, I know what it means.
"He who dances must pay the piper."
It means whoever created a mess
should be the one to clean it up.
If my relationship with my birth mother
is the cause of all this mess,
then the one who cleans up that mess
should be me.
Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee
It's just wrong.
Every now and then, I forget
that Chan-young's fighting this alone.
I shot a photo for my funeral.
She couldn't even smile
when she took the photo.
Hey, I like this angle.
I really lived a great life.
You guys and Jin-seok.
I'm grateful.
I wish I could take away your pain
and be sick instead of you.
Ripped and synced by
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