Three-Body (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Endless drifting ♪
To the end of the dark forest ♪
The wind is like a hand ♪
Trying to keep time ♪
Who is the hunter with a gun ♪
Trying to devour the entire universe ♪
The light is like an eye ♪
That penetrates dreams ♪
Don't answer ♪
Who is eager to fill his eyes
with the starry sky ♪
The earth is no longer rotating ♪
You gave me a small universe ♪
In the arms of the universe ♪
Calling humbly for
the vast space and time ♪
The world aches dully ♪
=Episode 10=
Lord or God, neither is related.
I told you that anything sufficiently weird
must be fishy.
If you ask me, it's really like
a pyramid scheme I cracked before.
The mental state is similar.
Shen Yufei must have been brainwashed.
I think Yang Dong's death
Our only finding
is concerning Yang Dong.
Yang Dong didn't kill herself
when she should.
But she did it when she seemed
unlikely to do it.
What happened during that period?
We can only make a breakthrough
after we find the key point.
I think we should see Ding Yi.
We need to know in detail
what Yang Dong did
(Large Particle Collider)
between the experiment and her suicide.
We mustn't overlook any detail.
Isn't it inappropriate for me
to talk about Yang Dong
with Ding Yi again and again?
You think too much.
You don't even know her.
You just want to know her.
It's really inappropriate.
You don't have to go.
I have ten people at my disposal.
I asked Dr. Ding to recall some details.
I've organized them
in chronological order.
As for the contact of
Yang Dong and her colleagues
with other people,
I'm still investigating.
Well done! You're great.
Generally, weddings are
very important for women.
But Yang Dong didn't even
(Ding Yi went out to buy invitations)
choose her own wedding invitations.
As a woman, she didn't even like shopping
and only bought black and white outfits.
She used to buy
several suits at one time.
In my mind, she was really simple.
(The couple went to a mall,
shopping for clothes and shoes)
The first time
I went to Dr. Ding's house,
I saw a red dress on a hanger.
I also saw several bright dresses
when I went there,
which were fashionable with tags on.
He told me that
they shopped for the dresses together.
As a woman
who only paid attention to physics
and never cared about her life,
Yang Dong would drop her research,
decorate the house with Ding Yi,
and prepare for their wedding.
Isn't it weird?
Don't you feel like going to a concert?
Besides physicists' names,
can you tell me the name of any singer?
I don't know any of them.
But we should start to know.
The album you often play
while driving isn't bad.
I've played it for years.
I think your research
Shall we ask a fortune teller to
designate a lucky day for our wedding?
Do you like it? I had a manicure lately.
It's good.
The bed is comfy.
Let's order this one.
As Shen Yufei said,
Yang Dong started to enjoy life.
At least since then,
after Yang Dong contacted Shen Yufei,
she had shown signs of change.
It's just normal
for ordinary women to do those things.
- But Yang Dong was different.
- So, what do you mean?
It isn't normal for a female physicist
to do such things, is it?
That day, she went to
a furniture mall with Ding Yi.
She stayed there all day long
without mentioning anything about physics.
I like this one.
It's special.
According to Ding Yi, Yang Dong abnormally
didn't discuss physics with him.
And from that day on, she seldom exchanged
academic information with him.
Shall we get a tub?
Then we can take
a flower bath every night.
That might be another sign of despair.
But she seemed very happy.
Look, this is her photo at that time.
She seemed relaxed
in a completely different state
from when you took the photo of her.
It feels good.
If you like, we can come here often.
I didn't expect that we could
enjoy such leisure time.
We can live like this in the future.
Shi Qiang,
I really don't know what you want to do.
You asked me to stop my work, come here,
and review all the things about
Ding Yi and Yang Dong with you.
Isn't it absurd?
You guys do one thing
over and over again
in scientific research.
- Isn't it absurd?
- We were doing experiments.
We have to seek proof repeatedly.
When we detectives review the path
that victims and suspects have taken,
we're also seeking proof.
Why do you get heated?
Why do you get heated
every time I mention Yang Dong?
Enough, I can't outargue you.
Why don't you get heated
on hearing Shen Yufei's name?
Did you really meet Yang Dong just once?
All right. We've reviewed
everything again.
Have you drawn any conclusions?
The conclusion is that
after Shen Yufei contacted Yang Dong,
Yang seemed to
have given up scientific research.
She wanted to be a housewife.
She chose to be a carefree turkey.
If she was carefree,
why did she commit suicide?
Only Lord knows.
Shen Yufei's Lord?
Obviously Pan Han and his people
are against us,
especially for our attitude
towards Wang Miao.
Commander, does it make any sense to
win over Wang Miao in this way?
(Does redemption make sense
or destruction?)
They did many things
in a more extreme way than us.
They targeted at scientists directly
and even destroyed
many scientific research bases.
But I have to say,
their actions have a greater impact
than ours.
(People can see destruction, but
most of them can't see redemption.)
Welcome to discuss with us
the significance
of the existence of science
at this meeting.
It's important to find out
someone's behavior.
Look, by reviewing Yang Dong's behavior,
we can find that after the failure
of Liangxiang experiment
and the suicide of Professor Munphy,
she found that physics might not exist.
Then she contacted Shen Yufei.
She was sure that physics didn't exist.
Yang Dong's words were,
"Physics has never existed."
Is there any difference?
Of course there is.
If physics doesn't exist, there may be
a problem with our fundamental theory.
If physics has never existed,
it would overthrow human's
understanding of the entire earth
for thousands of years,
whether in the macro world
or in the micro world.
How could they be the same?
Fine, I agree with you, OK?
I agree with you.
Then, well
She, well, well, then she would
She would choose
to be a carefree turkey, right?
Then she prepared to live a normal life.
She accepted Ding Yi's proposal,
(Decorate the new house Apply for a job)
bought a house and began to decorate it
till she found a new job.
Is it right, Xu Bingbing?
I inquired about it
at the Institute of Applied Physics.
The head there said that they really
hoped an expert in fundamental physics
like Yang Dong would work there.
Yang Dong herself was also
very enthusiastic about her new job.
But unfortunately, on the third day
after she accepted the offer,
she killed herself.
The people of the Institute
were deeply regretted too.
They didn't know the reason.
That's the problem.
The last three days are the point.
What did she do?
Suicide note.
She should have written the note
during that time.
If in the last three days,
she found out that
physics had never existed,
how did she find it
without contacting Shen Yufei?
Had she straightened out her thinking,
then in the last two days,
she was confused again?
Xu Bingbing.
There was a countdown
in front of my eyes too.
I've also seen the universe flicker.
- I was really desperate at that time.
- (OS: Tell me what will happen)
(OS: at the end of the countdown!)
I might have thought of suicide,
but more likely,
I was going to live negatively,
give up my research,
be a teacher,
and muddle along the rest of my life.
But suddenly one day,
there was another countdown
in front of my eyes,
or something else that shocked me.
I can't imagine
how great the shock was
to make me give up my life.
Are you clear?
Clear enough.
Let me tell you the rest.
During that period, Yang Dong
was about to start a normal life blithely.
But the weird thing is,
Yang Dong's mother,
Professor Ye Wenjie,
seems to have never mentioned
any changes of Yang Dong in this period.
It doesn't seem right.
As a mom, why doesn't she
care about her daughter at all?
Are you suggesting that
Professor Ye has never cared about
(Ye Wenjie Professor of Tsinghua
University) her daughter, right?
Unlike you, Professor Ye
doesn't spend all her days on research.
She is a retired old lady.
If she has time to take care of
her neighbors' children,
how could she not notice
such a big change
that happened to her own daughter?
So, I think you should find some time
to have a good talk with Professor Ye.
Don't you like talking with her?
You'll get more information talking to her
than I question her directly.
All this mess you make me do
occupies lots of my research time.
Professor Wang,
if physics has never existed,
what's the point in your stupid research?
I, uh, I just, I
I, I
I just
What did I just say that offended him?
You scientists are
all childish, aren't you?
Oh, right.
You're a cop.
Don't take his side.
I consulted experts
about the universe flicker.
What did you get?
Tell me about the results
of your investigation first.
The investigation has
reached an impasse.
Wang Miao and Sha Ruishan
both mentioned that
they might have put a large screen
in the air very far from the earth,
a very large screen,
like playing a movie.
I haven't found out more than you have.
You know what,
your metaphor is very vivid.
Put a large screen in the air,
just like playing a movie.
I can hardly contradict that.
The only thing I can contradict is
humans can't do that.
Just because humans can't do it,
does that mean nothing will happen?
Chang, what do you mean?
Is Shen Yufei an alien?
Did you hear
Did you hear what I told you?
Did you hear what I told you?
That's a possibility.
Do you mean you believe it?
Like the fishy things you often say,
alien is just a byword.
When we face supernatural phenomena
and things that science can't explain,
we can impute them to aliens.
But what are aliens?
We have no idea.
But now,
everything is really happening before us.
I don't care if it's
an alien's trick or a fishy thing.
I want to explore what it really is,
what form it exists in,
what kind of power it has
and what its purpose is.
I think it's the greatest value for us
if I puzzle all these problems out, right?
I was right about you.
You're definitely not an average turkey.
Then what's the difference between
aliens' tricks and fishy things?
I also have the right to think.
(Tsinghua University)
This is nanomaterial.
Let's call it a day today.
Thanks for listening.
Let's go.
Let's go now.
Hurry up.
- Professor, goodbye.
- Bye.
Ms. Ye.
Thank you.
I know you managed to take time
out of your busy research
in order to give my students
a lecture on applied physics.
I'm so happy to meet with
your approval.
Though I'm retired,
I'm still interested in academics.
Sometimes, when they hold such an event,
I'll come to attend.
The research in our life
needs successors.
By the way, Ms. Ye,
some things have happened recently
in the Frontiers of Science.
The investigation team asked me
to assist in their work.
Recently, I read some files
about your past experience.
A part of them seem to
not have been declassified yet.
It was really a special experience.
In fact, there's no secret anymore.
You've never lived in that era.
Advance! Advance ♪
That was a memorable era.
In the direction of victory ♪
Three red flags
are fluttering in the wind ♪
Take a step!
Left foot!
Take a step!
Left foot!
Right foot!
Come on.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
Chop the branches down.
Back then, the administration sent
educated youths to the countryside.
I was assigned to
the Greater Khingan Mountains.
Come on!
We plant trees in all directions.
We can shoulder an entire mountain.
Hurry up.
Comrade, move!
Go ahead.
Next one.
Ma Gang, come here.
Can I help you, Mr. Bai?
Let me ask you a question.
Do you know how old this tree was?
You can count the rings.
I did.
Most of the trees here
are over 300 years.
How long it took you to saw through it?
No more than ten minutes.
Let me tell you, I'm the fastest
chain saw operator in the company.
Whichever squad I'm with,
the red flag for model workers
follows me.
More than three hundred years.
A dozen generations.
When this tree was but a shrub,
it was still the Ming Dynasty.
During all these years,
how many storms it had weathered?
How many events it had witnessed?
But in a few minutes, you cut it down.
You really felt nothing?
What do you want me to feel?
It's just a tree.
The only things we don't lack
around here are trees.
There are plenty of trees
much older than this one.
Alright. Go back to work.
Mr. Bai, can I be featured
in the Great Production News?
Intellectuals always
make a fuss about nothing.
Are you Ye Wenjie?
I'm a reporter for
the Great Production News, Bai Mulin.
I saw you when you borrowed books
from the production team.
I know you.
I've read your articles.
I can tell how you're feeling.
The two of us are the only ones
who feel this way.
Come and take a rest.
I visited this region a year ago.
I remember arriving around noon,
and my hosts told me that
we'd have fish for lunch.
I looked around the bark-lined hut
and saw only a pot of water being boiled.
No fish.
Then, as soon as the water boiled,
the cook went out with a rolling pin.
He stood by the brook
that passed before the hut,
struck the water with the rolling pin,
and dragged big fish out of the water.
What a fertile place!
But look at that brook now.
It's just dead,
muddy water in a ditch.
I really don't know if they're engaged in
construction or destruction.
Where did you get these thoughts?
I just read a book,
and it really moved me.
Can you read English?
This was published in 1962
and was very influential in the West.
Silent Spring, Rachel Carson.
Where did you get this?
The book attracted the attention
of the higher-ups.
They want to use it
for internal reference.
I'm responsible for translating
the part about forests.
What does the book tell about?
Pesticides and the environment?
There's something deeper.
I want to write to
the central leadership
and inform them the bad phenomena.
Keep it if you want to read it.
But don't let anyone see it.
This kind of book, you know
Flying wild geese ♪
Please fly quickly ♪
Send a message to my hometown ♪
The children from afar miss ♪
Their homesick mother ♪
Flying wild geese ♪
Please fly quickly ♪
Send a message to my hometown ♪
The children from afar miss ♪
The book dealt only
with a limited subject,
the negative environmental effects
of excessive pesticide use.
But the description in the book
shook me to the core.
(Chairman Mao wrote in On Practice,)
(Marxists regard)
(man's activity in production as the
most fundamental practical activity,)
(the determinant of
all his other activities.)
(Man's knowledge)
(depends mainly on his activity
in material production,)
(through which he comes gradually
to understand the phenomena,)
(the properties
and the laws of nature)
We are marching on a great road ♪
Ready? Begin!
We are marching on a great road ♪
Spirits high and fighting will strong ♪
Keep up. Don't lag behind.
Pack up the firewood piled in the west
and move it into the warehouse.
Take a break in your huts.
Gather in five minutes for the meeting.
Did you work today?
(OS: Next.)
I've been with the company for so long.
I can't just walk around doing nothing.
Have to participate in labor.
That's the spirit of the revolution.
Your name?
Bai Mulin.
A chain saw.
A rod.
- OK. Go ahead.
- Thanks.
I worked near Radar Peak.
The trees there were so dense.
I sank into the rotting leaves
up to my knees.
I fear I'll get sick from the miasma.
Radar Peak?
The regiment urgently assigns us
to clear out a warning zone
around it by cutting down trees.
What's this place?
It's said to be a military base.
According to the folks,
when it was built three years ago,
the military mobilized a lot of people
to string a power line
along the peak and to construct a road
leading to the top.
Tons of supplies
were transported up the mountain.
It seems to be an important place.
But after the completion of the base,
the road was destroyed.
What's the sound?
The antenna appears.
What is that?
The peak was nameless before.
It got its moniker from the large
parabolic antenna dish at the top.
What is it used for?
It doesn't look like a radar antenna.
I don't know.
Though its orientation always changes,
it's never moved in a continuous manner.
Let's go.
I've been here for so long,
but I never noticed it.
The antenna isn't always visible.
But when it's extended,
many strange things will occur.
Animals in the forest become
noisy and anxious.
Birds erupt from the woods,
and people will suffer nausea and dizziness.
Also, those who live near Radar Peak
tend to lose their hair.
According to the folks, these only began
after the antenna was built.
Radioactive rays?
It's more than that.
One time, when it was snowing,
the antenna was extended,
and the snow instantly turned to rain.
Sometimes, when the antenna
was extended,
a clear day would turn to
thunder and lightning,
and strange lights
would appear in the night sky.
It's a forbidden area.
Before I came here, I was told to
avoid approaching the place,
or the patrols were allowed to
shoot without warning.
Do you remember the two men who were
reprimanded last week?
No sooner than they chased a deer
to the foot
of Radar Peak, the sentries stationed
halfway up the peak shot at them.
They were so terrified
and turned to run.
(Military Zone)
Luckily, the forest was so dense
that they weren't hurt,
though one of them peed in his pants.
When they returned to the company
the next day, both were reprimanded.
Maybe it was because of this incident,
we were directed to create a warning zone.
Could the base issue
labor assignments to us?
I hear it has great political power.
I have to go now.
(The whole nation should study earnestly
the international situation.)
We are marching on a great road ♪
Spirits high and fighting will strong ♪
The party leads the way before us ♪
As we thunder through the storm ♪
Advance! Advance ♪
Come in.
I'm here to return your book.
I was going to look for you.
You're just in time.
I'll show you the letter I wrote.
I told you last time that
I was going to write to
the central leadership.
Take a seat.
My handwriting is sloppy.
It's beautiful.
The Taihang Mountains have turned from
a historically fertile place to the
barren wasteland due to deforestation.
The Yellow River's silt
is rising rapidly now.
The great reclamation
in the northern tree farm
will lead to severe consequences.
The content is informative
and tightly argued.
I'll make a clean copy of the draft.
Don't burn yourself.
My hands are trembling
due to frequent use of the chain saw.
This sheet is wasted.
Why don't I copy it for you?
The chain saw is too heavy.
No wonder your hand is trembling.
Let me copy it for you.
Thanks a lot.
You have pretty handwriting.
You studied physics?
Useless now.
So you study the stars.
How can that be useless?
Colleges have reopened recently,
but they're not taking
graduate students.
A highly educated talent like you
has been sent to this place
It's a shame.
I didn't tell him that I was fortunate enough
to be sent to the northern tree farm.
(50,000 educated youths
all over the country)
At the moment,
the hut was quiet.
I could hear the sound of pen nib
scratching against paper,
and smell the fragrance of the sawdust.
Since my father died, I hadn't felt relaxed
and experienced warmth for a long time.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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