Thunderbirds (1965) s01e10 Episode Script

The Uninvited

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Siren blares) - It sure is hot, Maguire.
- Not much further.
All this way just because some nut reports seeing a flying saucer! Hey, Slim! I don't believe it! Maguire - the car! Run for it! Stop! - Quick! Let's take cover! - Run for it! The other fella's going back to the ship! I hope he's not fetching friends.
He's gonna fire again! Gee, that was close! I don't like it, Slim! What's going on? 'Earthmen! Earthmen, you are in our power.
' - You will leave the cave now.
- No! Never! Very well.
You give us no choice.
- What the heck is that? - Whatever it is, it didn't work.
What do you make of that smoke? That's not smoke, Slim! That's gas! Here's another one, Slim! These guys really mean business! Hey! Hey Slim! I feel kind of dizzy! Maybe we Maybe we ought to surrender like he says.
So the cops are trapped by the Martians.
Then you get to the scenes Mr Stutt included.
That's right.
And may I say those scenes were an inspiration! Great cinema! Yeah, yeah.
Mr Stutt knows that.
- 'Well, chief? ' - 0K.
Mr Stutt will advance you four million dollars, but you must start shooting the film within the month.
Thanks, Mr Stutt! And you, Mr Bletcher.
After four failures, I never thought I'd make another film! You won't if you mess this up! Now, clear out! Mr Stutt's a busy man.
Yes, sir! A thousand times, thank you! Four MILLl0N times, Goldheimer.
Four million! Well, boss, it's all set up.
Now leave me.
Part one of my plan completed! Have you completed your arrangements? Yes.
You will soon have a film of International Rescue's equipment.
It will cost you two hundred million dollars.
It is a high price to pay.
Not for the power you will gain.
Remember, any country would be happy to trade for this information.
You would not double-cross us? - '0ur leader would not like that.
' - If you pay, you'll get the film.
Don't worry.
We'll play our part, if you play yours.
'Remember - cash on delivery.
' It is time, Kyrano, for you to help me once again.
Soon you will be under my influence.
You will do just as I say.
You cannot resist me.
I have a power over you.
The distance between us is great, but you cannot escape me.
Kyrano! Kyrano! Just what the doctor ordered.
You spoil us, Kyrano.
You should take it easy.
It is my pleasure, Mr Tracy.
Kyrano! Kyrano! Oh-h-h! Aa-aa-aa-gh! Now you are in my power.
You will obey me.
You will locate Thunderbird 1's automatic camera detector.
No! No! Do not resist! Immobilise the automatic camera detector! 'Immobilise the automatic camera detector! ' Put it out of action! Aa-gh! Ah-h Ah-h Kyrano? Where are you? Are you hurt? Father! Father! - What happened, Father? - I I fell Became dizzy That's what I was afraid of.
You're overdoing it.
Please, Mr Tracy.
It's nothing.
I'm fine.
Come, Father.
You must rest.
So I said, "Look, 0'Rielly.
Get me out of these Martian parts, or I'll find another agent.
" What did HE say? I said, "Look here.
"I reckon I could find better parts than these.
" So what did HE say? It isn't as though I wasn't versatile.
I don't HAVE to play these Martian zombies.
- Clear the set! - How's my make-up? Just fine.
- See you later.
- So long, sweetheart.
- Hey! Where's the rest of the crew? - We're all here, Mr Bletcher.
With the new cameras, we can operate from one console.
They're all set up! Great.
Can they work independently? Yes.
That one is the real beauty.
Its focussing is as sharp as a knife.
Mr Stutt ordered that one personally.
Get started.
You're beginning with scene 141 - the scenes Mr Stutt included.
Why can't we stick to the schedule I made out? It'd be more economical.
Listen, pal.
It's his money.
He calls the tune.
You start where he says or not at all.
Sure! Anything you say.
OK, Pete.
Go to your place.
Yes, sir.
Did you alter the strength of the explosive charges? Sure.
Everything's fixed just like you said.
- 'Are you guys in there ready? ' - 0K, Mr Goldheimer.
Scene 141.
Cameras 2-5 and 6-B - interlock.
(Goldheimer) 'Hit your smoke, Brian! ' Smoke coming up! '0K, thank you! That's fine! 'Now clear the cave! Get right out of it! ' So long, fellas! Right.
Action! Oh-h-h! 0h-h! Earthmen, you must come with us.
We have orders.
No! Never! We will never be your slaves.
'Very well, then.
' If you cannot be made to come willingly, you must remain in that cave.
It will become your tomb! What went wrong?! - Half the mountain blew away! - It's a landslide, boss! Try to get those guys out! This is terrible! It looked very good to me.
A fine piece of filming.
Father, what brings Y0U here? Since my attack, I've had a strange compulsion to watch you work here.
Good, Father.
That's nice.
- What exactly are you doing? - Checking Thunderbird 1's systems.
The ship has to be perfect at all times.
I see.
What are the systems? Sit in the control seat, and I'll explain.
This is the Ultra HF guidance system.
And that is the horizontal flight control.
And here is the automatic camera detector.
Automatic camera detector What does that do? It warns Scott if any cameras are operating near the craft.
It prevents anyone photographing it without his knowledge.
(Hood) 'Immobilise the automatic camera detector! ' Father, are you all right? I I don't know.
I had the same strange feeling as before.
There is something I must tell you, but I find it difficult to remember.
'I had a message.
' From whom? Mr Tracy, perhaps? Yes Perhaps it was.
It's all right, Father.
Don't worry about it now.
I'll go to him.
Meanwhile, you sit there and rest.
'You're in my power! Immobilise the automatic camera detector! ' - We can't shift that rock! - What?! They're trapped! Water's pouring in fast and the roof's giving way! Someone tampered with those charges! Two men are dying and no one can save them! What about this International Rescue outfit? Yeah! I've heard they've pulled off some tricky rescues.
But how do we contact them? Well, I hear you just send out a call from any radio transmitter and they pick up the message.
'This is the Goldheimer Film Unit calling! 'We need your help desperately! This is urgent! Repeat - urgent! ' (Beeps) Go ahead.
'Two actors are trapped by a landslide in the Nevada desert.
'They're in a cave that's flooding.
' OK, Scott.
You'd better go.
Sounds like we'll need Thunderbird 2 - Pod 5? Pod 5.
Do you think International Rescue will make it in time? Sure they will! OK.
I've played MY little part, so now can I blow? All right, but keep your mouth shut.
What about my cut? You'll get it if you do as you are told.
Now go.
OK, 0K! Make it soon, huh? International Rescue from Thunderbird 1.
Approaching danger zone.
Height 2,500 feet.
Air speed 7,500 miles an hour.
- We'll touch down in two minutes.
- 'FAB, Scott.
' Hey, I hear an aircraft! It must be International Rescue! Excellent! My plan is working perfectly.
to help with my equipment.
(Scott)'Hello! Can you hear me in there? Can you hear me?! ' Yeah Who are you? Say the water! 'I'm here to help.
How long can you hold on? ' I'll have to get my buddy on his feet.
I figure the water will be past our heads in half an hour.
That doesn't give us much time.
Thunderbird 1 to Thunderbird 2 - what is your ETA? - 'Five and a half minutes from now.
' - FAB.
Unload the excavator as soon as you touch down.
We don't have much time.
Hang on, pal! That guy out there figured he was gonna help.
We'll drown, I tell you.
This water's rising faster! Whoever you are out there, please hurry! 'Stay calm.
The rescue equipment is coming.
' This is Thunderbird 2 approaching danger zone.
What a machine! My price goes up every minute.
We're gonna drown! I can't stand it! Listen! Do you hear anything? They're trying! I don't know how, but there's something going on out there.
'Listen carefully.
'A hole large enough for you to escape is being drilled.
'When I give the word, dive into the water.
' - But I can't swim! - 'The current will carry you out.
' - But I'll drown! - You'll drown if you stay here! How's it going, Virgil? 'I figure I'll be through in five minutes.
' I hope they can wait that long.
I didn't even want to be in the film! If I get out of this alive, I'll find out who fixed those charges, and I'll fix HIM! - I'm through! I've hit water! - Withdrawing equipment now! Right, you guys.
Any moment now! 'Dive! Now! ' (Coughing and spluttering) We made it! Those guys saved us! - How can I ever thank you?! - Glad we could help.
Say, can I feature you in the movie? We're not the movie star type, but thanks.
Now we have to get back.
That's right.
We have to be on hand in case another emergency call is received.
Life is pretty hectic.
This is magnificent! Now all I require are the last shots - the two Thunderbird crafts taking off.
'Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2.
'Taking off now.
See you back home.
' FAB.
- So long, Mr Goldheimer.
- So long! And thanks again! Sorry, no pictures.
That's a shame! How about those I've already got? You can't have taken any - the detector would have warned me! Someone's tampered with it! Anyone could have used a camera without me knowing! Can we check what your cameras have filmed? We can play back from the console.
Start the playback.
But no one has been filming! Maybe, but if you don't mind, the playback.
OK! You see! Just a video recording of our earlier film shots.
What about the other three cameras? I've got to destroy that film! - You do the same to your shots.
- Yes, sir.
Who's that leaving the camera site? Hey! I don't recognise that guy! He's not in the unit? - I never saw the guy before! - Right! Agent 7-9 to General X 'Calling General X.
' Go ahead, Agent 7-9.
I trust you have good news for me.
I am happy to report that the mission was entirely successful.
In fact, it's in the can.
The information you require is secured.
'In a few short hours, I shall deliver it to you in person.
' At last At last I have outwitted International Rescue.
Their plans are secret no longer! That guy has got away with a film of our operation, Father.
It's not magnetic film, so I can't wipe it with the electronic beam.
'Listen, Scott.
' The future of International Rescue is at stake.
That film must not get away.
Without tight security, we cannot continue.
'I know.
I just wish I knew how that camera detector was sabotaged.
' We'll look into it, but first we must destroy that film.
This is International Rescue.
I'm requesting you to hand over your film.
Now do as I ask! Please! If you don't, I'll use more persuasive methods.
I'll count to five.
'0ne! ' Two! 'Three! ' This guy's not gonna stop! Four! Darn it! Warning shots might change his mind.
I'll really have to give it to him! 'This is your last chance! Stop now, or you'll get shot to pieces! ' OK, buddy! You asked for it.
International Rescue - I've lost him! - 'He was too quick.
' - And he's in that tunnel? 'Yes.
'He might wait till dark and then come out of the same end again.
'Lf I went in on foot, he'd have too big a start on me.
' Virgil could take care of one end.
We'll get Virgil to come to the south entrance of the tunnel while you, Scott, go to the north end.
Have you got a bearing, Alan? Yes.
The north end comes out at GH7/FG4.
I'll set a course right away.
' (Beeps) - Hello, Father.
- 'Virgil, we're in serious trouble.
' Head for the Stapleton Road Tunnel.
Calling General X from Agent 7-9.
'Go ahead, Agent 7-9.
I was expecting you to have arrived by this time.
' My apologies.
'I have been delayed.
' What do you mean?! When do I get my film? 'Soon, General! 0nce I have shaken off International Rescue.
' I do not understand.
you have defeated them, and the next you say they are chasing you.
'What is going on? 'Lf these designs are not in my hands within the hour, 'our agreement is at an end! ' Yes, General.
'I advise you to get rid of International Rescue soon.
' I don't want them to follow you here! - 'Is that clear?! ' - Now what do I do? I wonder if he'll carry on to the other end? Well, Scott should be arriving at the north end now.
OK, Father.
I'm here.
'Keep your eyes on the exit.
'Virgil should reach the other end soon.
' Good! No sign of International Rescue.
The fools have gone to seek me at the other end! I'm nearing the south end of the tunnel.
I should see it when I'm over this ridge.
We've just about got him trapped.
There! He's heading back the way he came.
'Don't let him out of your sight.
' The state police are co-operating.
Use any means you like to get that film.
The terrain is pretty rugged.
' I'll get Scott to give you a hand.
- Scott, you'd better help Virgil.
- 'Yes, sir! ' 'I'll be right with you, Virgil.
' FAB.
I'm gonna try to create a landslide.
Scott, I think he's left his jeep and gone into the trees.
I'm going after him, but it won't be easy to land here.
Where is that agent?! My patience is getting exhausted! Agent 7-9 from General X.
Come in, please.
What has become of that incompetent fool?! Perfect! He can't have got far.
- Anyway, he's left a trail.
- I'll be with you in one minute.
Scott, he's heading south-south-east in a Grade Angel executive aircraft - serial number SQW44.
I'm on my way.
Ah, yes.
I think I understand how to handle these controls all right.
Now, to get more speed out of it.
Ah! That's better.
General X from Agent 7-9.
Come in, General X.
'Agent 7-9, where is that film?! ' I am rushing the film to you now, General, and I am happy to say that I have finally disposed of International Rescue! 'Just one concession, General - can I land near your villa? ' Very well.
As you approach, you will see a field.
'How's it going? ' Father, we're breaking off the chase.
The craft was due for an overhaul.
It can only stay up for a few more minutes.
The controls aren't responding! (Engine spluttering) What is the matter with this aircraft? I'm losing height! That must be the general's villa over there.
I think I should just make it! Pull up, will you?! Pull up! Excuse me, General.
This time I shall make a different approach.
I've sighted him, Father.
It looks like the end is near.
I I can't see! I can't see! (Coughs) I guess that's the end of that episode.
The film couldn't have survived that smash.
Right! Action! Cut! Print! Boy, these special effects fellas know their job! That would please even Mr Stutt, or whatever he called himself.
I wonder whether Stutt could be the agent who's always after our plans? Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, Virgil.
Anyway, whatever disguise he wears, we'll get him - one day.

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