ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

The Horror of Hook Mountain

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra,
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Come on, Tygra.
What's the lesson today?
Climbing prowess?
[grunts] Proper snow manners?
- Tell me. Whoa!
- [Tygra] Behold, Lion-O.
The majestic and terrifying
beauty of Hook Mountain.
That's super creepy
and super cool!
Cool indeed.
This remote and harsh landscape
can reach temperatures
as low as 300 degrees
below zero.
Good thing we got our booties!
- [blowing raspberries]
- And that's not all.
It is home to such perils
as super avalanches,
trick snowfalls
and lethal,
stabby ice canyons.
Sheesh! This mountain
is a little much.
Sure is, Lion-O.
Here, one won't get far
without a team they trust.
Which makes it the perfect
place for today's lesson.
A lesson in stab canyons?
A lesson in trust, Lion-O.
Oh, right, right,
right, right.
Let's do it!
I'm gonna nail trust.
Good. Now, to be
a good leader,
- you must trust those around you.
- Got it.
So first,
we'll try a trust fall.
You'll fall backwards
towards me and I'll
[Lion-O] I don't got it.
I'm ready, Tygra!
Uh, Lion-O
I trust you!
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
- [continues screaming]
- [whimpering]
- [whimpering]
- [screaming]
[continues screaming]
- [Tygra groans]
- Oh, gosh!
Trust totally rules!
Ahhh! What's in my eye?
Is it a stab canyon?
- It's just a snowflake, Lion-O. [blows]
- [thunder rumbling]
Uh, we should go home.
Looks like a storm's coming.
The other cats
are probably worried.
[man on TV] But the wholegrain loaf will
be where the rubber meets the road
They just bake?
For 261 glorious episodes.
- Cheesy cracker? No?
- [Thunderkittens groaning]
But, Tygra,
we're working on leader stuff.
And I "trust" that as long
as you and I stick together,
and there aren't
any stab canyons,
we'll be just fine.
Now, let's get up there.
Whoo-hoo! You'll see.
Everything's gonna be
- [wind howling]
- terrible.
I probably should've worn
more than just a dumb cape.
Lion-O, we need to find shelter.
A fine idea.
But, whoa, lookit!
I don't know.
Wooden shacks can carry
deadly mega-termites
And stinky smells.
Hmm. That is true, Tygra.
But I trust
we'll make the best of it.
Trust grappling hook.
Uh, Lion-O. Wait!
Lion-O, don't!
- [knocking]
- [both grunt]
Why didn't you use
the claw line
when we were
climbing the mountain?
[mumbling] I don't know.
- [both] Ooh!
- [Lion-O] It's empty.
Hey! Super-snuggly rug alert.
Uh, it's probably a bad idea,
but I am pretty tired.
Okay, I guess I'm just gonna
sleep in this weird bed now.
[wind howling]
[in sing-song] One, two,
good morning to you.
What? What?
Have you been hovering there
watching us sleep all night?
[laughs] Well,
don't be silly, silly.
I was in my chair
watching you sleep all night.
[chair creaking]
Oh, my gosh!
Easy, little guy.
He's just a strange boy who
slept in our bed last night.
Wait a minute.
Is that cat your
Friend? He is.
I'm Snowman and
this is Snowmeow.
Sorry if we startled you.
We just don't get many
visitors around here.
We love to people-watch.
We'll watch people
do anything.
Sleep, eat, sweat.
[chuckles nervously]
Well, uh, hello to you both.
[clears throat]
My name's Tygra.
Well, hello, Tygra.
You must be starving.
I'll make some breakfast.
[Lion-o snoring]
- Lion-O, wake up.
- [farts]
Tygra, I trust you slept well?
We've got to go! The thing
that lives here is home.
I'm excited to meet it!
Engage trust!
- [sizzling]
- Greetings, kind host.
I'm Lion-O.
Lord of the ThunderCats.
Well, hello, Lion-O.
[both laughing]
- [Lion-O gasps]
- [chattering]
By Thundera, you're naked!
Let's get
some clothes on that.
[both laughing]
Uh, I hate to run so soon,
but, uh, we should
really go now, Lion-O.
The skies are clear and I'm sure
the other ThunderCats are
[both gasp]
[Snowman] You're not
going anywhere.
Not safe.
The SparkleMa will get you.
The SparkleMa?
The SparkleMa.
- Old creature. Ancient creature.
- [wind howling]
What reigns over the cold,
white slopes of Hook Mountain.
She comes when the snow does,
up from where she sleeps.
She drapes that tongue
across the fresh snow
like a blanket
and whence camouflaged,
ready to pull
any that dare pass
down into her wretched mouth.
[both gulp]
- [Snowman sobs]
- [steam hissing]
Oh! Oopise-boopsie.
Bacon's burnin'.
Boy, you guys
are gonna love this.
We got fresh
pterodactyl bacon
Lion-O, we need
to get out of here.
Use the Sword of Omens
to call the others for help.
But then the others will come
and be eaten by the SparkleMa.
No, no, no, no.
Don't you get it?
There's nothing out there
because the SparkleMa
isn't real.
Snowman just
made it up to keep us here.
'Cause of the SparkleMa, who
is totally real I might add.
I don't know what his plan is,
but I'm sure it's terrible.
Hmm. It does seem suspicious.
But a good leader
trusts, right?
So I'll trust
everything Snowman says.
Lion-O, the lesson
wasn't to blindly trust.
Sorry, Tygra.
I see your thunder lips moving
but all I hear is,
"Bacon, bacon!"
Smells incredible,
blizzard buddy.
[both laughing]
[Snowmeow chattering]
It's fine.
I'm sure the other cats
are out there
looking for us right now.
- [all snoring]
- [man on TV] In a tragic turn of events,
- Barbara's bundt cake has deflated.
- [timer dings]
Oh, rookie mistake, Barb.
Am I right?
Right? [laughs]
[Tygra] Three hundred seventy
five unbearable minutes
and still no clue as to what horrific
plans Snowman ultimately has for us.
Yay, kitties.
Play, play! [laughing]
[Tygra] That's it. Snowman
wants us as his pets.
I must reach the ThunderCats!
Uh, hey, guys. [chuckles]
Can I play with you?
Aw, heck yeah.
What do you wanna play?
How about
Thunderian Picture Guess?
I'll draw first, you guess.
Oh, you know Well,
it can't be because
Uh, electric kittie stick.
The SparkleMa.
- Lightning purr shovel.
- The SparkleMa.
Pew, pew, pew,
meow, tool noise?
The SparkleMa.
Wait. I've got it.
Thunder, thunder, thunder,
ThunderCats HO!
[man on TV] And a minced
meat pudding takes the day.
Lion-O needs our help!
Let's move.
All right. The show was
making my dreams boring.
- Look at those pies.
- Panthro!
Right. Right. Hero stuff.
[Lion-o] What the hay, Tygra?
You tricked me into activating
the Sword of Omens.
What about trust?
I've been trying to tell you, Lion-O,
you can't literally
trust everyone and everything.
Snowman is lying
to keep us here as his pets.
Oh, baloney!
Snowman is our friend.
Lion-O, Tygra, are you in there?
- [gasps]
- Hey, Cheetara!
See, Lion-O,
no SparkleMa. It was
[creatures chittering]
The SparkleMa.
Snowman, I know some of us
haven't been
very trusty today
But I am your friend
and you have to let me out,
so I can save
my other friends.
[sighs] Goodbye, sweet friend.
All right, everybody.
Get ready!
[Lion-o] Not so fast,
you eight-legged jerks!
You can't take us
without a fight!
[both] Sweet poses!
[chuckles] Thanks.
Now, ThunderCats HO!
- [Panthro] Wait. Lion-O?
- [Cheetara] Where are you going?
Hey, ugly, eat stick!
I'm missing my show for this?
It's the series finale!
I apologize for not thinking
you were real,
but that's no excuse
to be so rude.
- [grunting]
- [creature chittering]
[grunts] Whoa!
Too slow, bug breath.
I got him, WilyKat.
- Whoa, whoa!
- Careful, WilyKit.
[both] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[both screaming]
No! Not crab cakes.
Can't catch me!
Huh? [grunts] Stupid snow.
- Uh-oh.
- [creatures chittering]
I said, stay back!
Ha-ha! Whoa!
Lion-O, where are you?
[Lion-O] Hey, Tygra!
Over here!
[birds yapping]
How about a
Trust fall! [screaming]
But, Lion-O, I can't catch you.
- [continues screaming]
- [both] Whoa!
What's he doing?
[continues screaming]
How long is this gonna take?
Whoo-hoo! Whee! Hey!
Ho-ho! Whoo-hoo!
We did it!
Lookin' super
out there, everyone.
Some really sharp moves.
Hold on, there were
five spiders.
Oh, no! Look!
Move it, Snarf!
[Snowmeow chattering]
Blizzard buddy!
- [creature grunting]
- [thuds]
[all] Ugh!
Yeesh, stab canyon.
Well, I still say
you can't trust everyone,
but I should've trusted
Snowman about the SparkleMa.
But think, Tygra,
by not trusting anyone
and screwing up so badly,
you ultimately taught everyone
how important trust really is.
Now, come on over, Snowman,
the SparkleMa
has been defeated.
Huh? Oh, uh, those
weren't the SparkleMa.
[all screaming]
This is the SparkleMa!
[Lion-O] Uh, a little stinky,
but, uh, I don't know, not bad.
- [Snowman] Who wants to play Picture Guess?
- [all] Me!
- [Lion-o] Oh, yeah.
- [Tygra] Why not?
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