Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e10 Episode Script

La feria

Do you really think the Swiss
are going to drink this?
They want us to commit to selling
them 4,000 liters a month.
We've been paid!
It's ours?
I think, first, Switzerland,
then Paris and the rest of the world.
It's only the beginning.
That filly has an owner she belongs to Lobo.
I don't know which of you is more foolish!
If Roman lived here,
no one would dare bother us.
He can't live here son,
he has his own house.
But Grandpa always says,
that you need a man.
What do you know about her?
What's there to know?
What everyone else knows,
she lost her husband, has a son
Does she have a boyfriend?
A woman who is so young alone
You've never thought of re-marrying?
I have decided to cancel my
marriage to your daughter.
If you would've left Jimena alone,
you'd be rich.
I've missed you so much.
We'll never be separated again.
I knew it was him!
That son-of-a-bitch!
I am willing to put aside
my differences with you.
But please, my
daughter, come home.
If after a prudent time, you
still want to marry him
You will both have my blessing.
What's going on? -What's happened?
-What are you going to do?
He's going to let me marry him.
Andyou believe him?
I AM going to marry him.
Sir, a man has arrived,
he insists on speaking with you.
Good afternoon.
It's not customary for visitors to
arrive without previous notice.
I've come to return your rifle.
Take this.
And to speak with Almudena.
I'm so happy to see you!
Are you alright?
I'm getting tired of this situation.
But we're going to get married.
I can see you don't believe it.
Believing it doesn't make it real.
Almudena, your father
will never let us marry.
The last time I saw him,
he wanted to kill me. You saw him.
But he gave us his blessing.
You, yourself heard it.
The only thing your father
wants is to re
People change.
You, better than anyone,
should know that.
Give him a chance.
Father is a hard man, but
he loves me.
I know it.
there's a dance in town.
We could see each other there.
And we can forget about all this.
I'll be there.
(Rooster crows)
Good Morning.
Even when you sleep you can't keep
that silly look off your face.
You talk in your sleep.
-Of course you do.
You said,
"Cesar, Cesar, kiss me, Cesar!"
You're making that up.
Have you set the date yet?
No but as soon as possible.
Every day we wait is an eternity.
I know you don't want to hear this,
but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high.
Just because your wedding didn't turn out well,
doesn't mean mine will too.
Do you really think Father will
give his consent to this marriage?
(Door opens)
You have to get up.
They're moving my bed back in it's place.
We'll be together again?
Well at least until you're married.
- We will ALWAYS be together
The fair is very lovely, you'll see.
And the alcohol
is cheaper than at the bar.
Oh yeah? Have they brought any new
women to the brothel?
We've been paid!
I told you, the Swiss are never late.
How wonderful money is!
Just what we need,
to go to the fair.
Tell me you'll take me, I
never get to go anywhere.
With Roman? No.
He'll lose what we've worked
so hard for gambling.
Cesar, please.
I can't spend anything at the fair?
You're the most boring
bandit in all of Spain.
Look, do what you want with this.
But the rest, we need to save.
Lola, Lola!
Jean Marie.
Let's ask the Swiss
for more money.
I think they've been more than reasonable.
-You said this is only for them right?
-Lets squeeze them a little more.
The Swiss aren't
going to like this.
All this worrying over money.
It's because I'm
bringing Almudena here.
And I don't want her
living in a hut.
Oh, so now all of this isn't good
enough for the little Mr.?
Send them a telegram and tell them
we want double for the water.
Double? That's crazy. I refuse!
I'm a partner too.
You have to trust me.
Ask for double
or nothing.
One more, Roman.
(Knock on door)
We still haven't set a
date for the wedding.
I told you, you have
to wait a while.
At least a month.
Any other way would be an offense
to Felix and his family.
Don't worry.
It will be as you wish.
I just
wanted to thank you.
For giving your consent.
Because the wedding will
be celebrated. Right?
Cesar is a good man.
I can assure you.
When you're married,
you'll leave with him.
And I will have lost a daughter.
Leave me alone!
Are you crazy?
What do I need them for?
I'll rot in this
disgusting town!
Stop talking nonsense.
That will never happen to you.
Look at you.
- Don't touch me!
You ruined my wedding!
And you?
- You're a saint.
You accused that
girl just to hurt me.
No, not to hurt you.
Where were you going with her?
You're going to drive
me crazy, Nieves.
What I want is to
get out of here.
If only you were rich.
Stick out your tongue.
Open your mouth.
It hurts to swallow, right?
Lay down.
- I told her she has to eat more.
Men like a little meat,
but she doesn't listen.
Rosario, please. Let me work.
Open your legs.
You still have itching?
Okay, that's enough.
Get dressed.
I've counted 5 with anemia.
Not to mention, lice,
crabs and gonorrhea.
But I make sure they always wash well.
-It's not enough to just wash.
There are a few you'll
have to quarantine.
With the fair? Impossible!
You don't understand the demand we have.
You can't do this to me.
Haven't you thought of
leaving Tierra de Lobos?
What? Everyone knows my
wedding to Almudena was annulled.
Well there are some
who have been talking.
I'm the doctor of Tierra de Lobos,
and I plan on staying here.
Lay down.
Halt for the Civil Guards!
Good Morning.
Where are you headed?
Excuse me, is it much
further to Tierra de Lobos?
Just stay on this path, it will
take you another hour by foot.
Very kind.
You shouldn't walk alone in your condition.
- I needed to get there earlier.
What's the hurry?
Are you going to the fair?
- No, Sir.
I'm looking for Cesar Bravo.
I'm just giving you a trim.
- You're sure you know how to do this?
Seriously? Please, I took care
of all the girls at the brothel.
From top to bottom,
I did a very fine job.
You just relax.
Did you know my father?
Not me.
But he did a good
job with the cabin.
You know what? I want to put a
great big door at the entrance.
And here, a stable for the horses.
That's a lot of stuff
for such a small cabin.
I'll keep the cabin, but over there
a two story house made of stone.
Don't move your head.
I'll keep the porch too.
Long enough for both houses.
And later, when it rains,
the grass will grow
and in the meadow, the kids will play.
I'm not the motherly type.
Oh but I am.
I want to have 5 boys.
Here take a look.
Let's see.
- You look like a Duke, a nobleman.
The mother that birthed you,
isn't to blame, huh?
You don't understand fashion.
-No wait, what have you done to me, Lola?
You have lots of prime potential,
but it lacks refinement.
Look, this is my finest hen.
- No, no, thank you.
A rabbit. A rabbit Mr. Lobo.
Mr Lobo, come here.
Look at this horse. Mr Lobo.
Mr. Lobo!
-Look at these sheep.
These are quality animals.
Fine Spanish horses.
They're very fast.
(Bull mooing)
What's new?
What do you have this year?
A stud, sir.
A unique stud.
A descendant from
the farms of lsabel ll.
5 dollars per mount.
If the female is good,
he never fails.
No, I'm not interested.
(Bull mooing)
How much you asking for him?
-You already heard me, 5 dollars a mount.
I mean, how much
to buy the animal?
This beast is worth
his weight in gold.
How much?
400 dollars.
That's a lot of money, isn't it?
That's what he's worth.
Besides, Mr. Lobo doesn't seem interested.
It's not for Lobo.
For you?
You looked hard at
that stud, huh?
What are you talking about?
I don't know.
You've kept everything really quiet.
- Shut your fucking mouth, boy.
Everything's okay, right?
Have you noticed how
they looked at me?
I don't understand, sir.
Some of the town folk.
As always, right?
As always?
Don't fuck with me, Anibal.
Couldn't you see,
they were disrespecting me?
They keep watching me, because
everything they have, they owe me.
I don't believe anyone
would disrespect you, sir.
It's the red head.
She stirs up everyone in town,
and puts ideas into their heads.
No one asked your opinion.
Leave me alone.
I'm wasting my time here.
And where will you go?
To the fair?
Every year it's the same.
No, Rosario.
I am referring to wasting my
life away in Casa Grande.
If I bought the stud, I could
become independent from Lobo.
But 400 dollars
In this town, no one can
be independent of Lobo.
But with the breeding stud,
I could start a business.
Start something of my own.
I have nothing of my own.
If you like, you can come here.
You know I need a man.
And you would be
treated like a king.
I don't want to be kept man.
I like to work and earn my way.
I'd make you work
in other ways.
I have to go.
How much do you have saved?
About 50 dollars?
Tonight I have a game going.
Important people from the fair.
I could include you.
American poker.
You could win a lot of money.
How much does it cost to enter?
- Your savings.
These are all the women in town?
Fuck, No wonder I never
leave the brothel.
Have you seen Almudena?
Cesar, are you even listening to me?
You're going to get married.
This is a preview, right?
Thank you, Herminia.
- Hello.
How are you?
- Good.
I've spoken to my father.
He said to wait a month,
and then we can plan the wedding.
To wait a month.
- Yes.
Well we can talk about
that another time.
Shall we dance?
To this music, Almudena?
I don't know.
Come on, all you
have to do is lead.
Hold this.
And come here.
Good evening Herminia.
-Good Evening.
-Some wine.
Good Evening.
Well have you danced much?
- Yes.
Before I met you.
If you'll excuse me.
Do we have to put up with this?
- This is how it is.
It seems offensive to me.
It's also offensive that your son couldn't
conserve what was offered to him.
Hello, Roman.
- Miguelito.
This is for you.
"Would you
like to dance with me?".
I see you've learned to read.
Well you've taught me well.
- Good Evening.
Do you have rooms?
Yes, we have one left.
You're lucky.
We're normally filled up during the festivities.
- How much is it?
One dollar in advance.
Will it be you and your husband?
- No, I'm here alone.
Ah, I'll accompany you to your room.
So why have you come to Tierra
de Lobos, if I may ask?
I've come to find the
father of my child.
Come, I will take you.
You're late
Here you are.
My savings.
- Are you sure you wanna do this?
"Are you ready, gentlemen?"
"You know the rules"
Alright, come in.
The player I was telling
you about, Anibal.
Good Evening gentlemen.
- Good Evening.
This is the player?
Come on
You've mislead us, Rosario.
This is a serious game.
Is there a problem, Mr. Mayor?
My money's as good
as anyone elses.
Yes sir, yes.
Well, let us finish this hand first.
Sit down.
Isabel, let's go.
Father, look at what I've won.
The man at the booth says
I can't play anymore.
It's time for us to go home.
The carriage is already here.
Good thing by the look on your face.
Yes, the same bored look
I have every year.
Thank you, father.
Thank you.
Good night, my daughter.
I know this isn't what you
wanted for your daughter.
Because you think I'm a dirt farmer who
doesn't even have a place to fall dead.
What I think is my business.
Honestly, what you think
doesn't matter to me at all.
But I love your daughter
and she's going to be very happy by my side.
She's not gonna need anything.
-Well of course she won't need anything.
There's no doubt.
There's something I want you to know
- Listen well, because I want this to be very clear.
Even if you marry my daughter,
you and I will never be family.
I'm having a hard time
not stepping on you.
(Elena laughs)
Stop the music.
Awe, don't do this to me now.
If you don't mind,
I'd like to dance with the lady.
Yes, I mind.
- Please, I don't want any fighting now.
Would you grant me this dance?
- Haven't you heard me?
What's going on, gorgeous?
What's the matter?
You're not at the fair,
like everyone else?
Lobo doesn't like me
to be around others.
You're not missing anything.
- Yeah, but he has me caged up.
Just for him.
He doesn't want anyone
to look at me
or even touch me.
It's been years
since I've danced.
I'd like you to accept an invitation
to have dinner at Casa Grande.
With your father and
son, of course.
No, no. Very kind of you, but no.
You're not going to even
consider giving me a chance?
Miguel, lets go.
Maybe you like younger men?
Good night.
Elena, please.
Forgive me, it wasn't my
intention to upset you.
May I accompany you?
You can't.
Your call, Anibal.
How much did you raise?
5 dollars.
You have to pay more attention
when you play with adults.
I call.
You lose again.
Cowboy, you aren't on the ranch.
I hope that wasn't
all your savings.
There's a saying in poker that
perhaps you don't know about.
When you enter a game, you have
to find out who the sucker is.
If you don't know by the first two hands,
then the sucker is you.
I should've punched him
when he cut in on us.
Why don't you go to the brothel?
Relax a bit.
It doesn't work, believe me.
What a time we've had!
A hell. A bonafide hell.
I'll never go anywhere
with this woman again.
You just don't know how we
Spaniards enjoy ourselves.
I've never seen other Spaniards
throwing stones at dumb-asses.
Because they didn't
want to serve me.
Hey Cesar
-There's one over there that
says you got her pregnant.
There's one over there that says
you got her pregnant.
- Yes, I heard you say that already, Lola.
With a big belly.
She says, the child is yours.
Impossible, little brother?
Have you counted last year, in Portugal?
No, Roman, no.
It's not what you think.
Didn't you say you wanted kids?
Well there you go.
But it can't be, Lola.
Above all
if Almudena finds out?
She won't even think
about marrying you.
Let's see how you get
out of this one.
I open with 5.
How many do you want?
- Two.
I'll play these.
I'll take two.
Your 25 and
I'll raise 60.
I'm in.
and everything.
I'm out.
Are you sure?
You asked for it.
Straight King high.
Colors beat it, right? (Flush)
I'm not sure
if I've learned correctly.
I want another game. I have no
intention of losing to a lucky streak.
I don't play to show off, Mr. Mayor.
What an asshole to stop the orchestra.
Now that's playing dirty.
At that age, his arsenal
of weapons are few.
I should've busted his face.
The way I feel
We've heard you already,
let's not go over it again.
For you, he's a father-in-law.
But for me, he's the
same old son-of-a-bitch.
Alright, but until I marry her,
I don't want any problems with that man.
You mean like getting
girls pregnant?
Stop it Roman.
You know it wasn't me.
Whats happening with the pump?
- I've stopped it.
Due to your absurd proposition
of demanding double Stop.
we are obligated to
cancel our contract. Stop.
Respectfully, the Mineral
Water Company of Switzerland.
Stop, respectfully.
Very well mannered.
- Which means?
That your brother has
turned everything to shit.
This can't be.
So they don't negotiate, no bartering?
What are they going to barter?
What are they going to barter?
They're Swiss, SWISS!
But they said they needed our water!
- Until you decided to ask for double.
You know you did.
Now nothing.
Let's see if his little brain
comes up with a
way to fix this.
I don't have to tell you
that this cannot leave here.
Of course.
In two days,
everything will be done with.
(Door opens)
Sir, your carriage is waiting.
- Thank you.
You haven't told me anything
about the big game.
Oh hush, hush.
It isn't like it use to be
a game between gentlemen.
They let anyone play now.
- You lost.
Your foreman
took about 400 dollars.
Anibal? He hasn't said anything to me.
- Believe me.
I was there.
He got 90 dollars from me alone.
That way you'll learn
to keep your money safe.
Tell him I hope for a
chance to win it back.
Anibal has backbone
and he's smart.
I've taught him so well
that he almost looks like my own son.
We'll see each other later.
So, 400 dollars, without
me even knowing about it.
Sir! Sir!
If I may
I think Anibal wants to
buy the stud that we saw.
That's why he didn't say anything.
Five and five.
- Five and five?
We've been playing for an hour now,
and you still haven't learned the rules?
I'm sorry,
they just don't stick.
He solves equations and doesn't
even know how to play Parliament.
How adorable!
I've got it.
We don't need the Swiss.
Even if we need them, they got rid of us.
- We're opening our own bottling company.
"Mon dieu"! (My God)
Look, we've got
the water, right?
We'll bottle it and we'll sell it.
And how do you plan
to do all that?
By investing everything,
we've made up 'til now.
Shove it up your ass.
Listen, I don't know how I
didn't think of this before.
It was right here,
from the beginning.
If you invest everything
how will we live?
We should write the Swiss
and just apologise.
It might be rough the
first two months.
But after that, we'll have profits.
- We'll have to work three times harder?
But without pay.
Yes. And if we do it
right, we'll be rich.
And if it goes wrong?
I refuse.
It's my money too.
Jean Marie.
Think about it.
- I already have.
Roman, I'm not just talking about making money.
I'm talking about getting rich.
And if it goes bad? Then what?
- It won't go bad.
I'm going to the fair, for now.
I heard there's a guy
who can stick to money.
And what are you going to do?
Live like this for the rest of your life?
What do you want
me to do, Cesar?
He has completely lost his mind.
He's always been a risk taker.
Come here, I'm going to show
you how to play Parliament.
There you go.
400 dollars.
You can count it if you'd like.
- Of course I'm going to count it.
You rob a bank?
Where I got the money from,
is none of your business.
When can I take the stud?
I'm sorry to tell you this but
I need more money.
Excuse me?
I need another 80 dollars.
I've had another offer.
Are you trying to swindle me?
- I swear I'm not.
- If you don't match it,
I will lose money.
Jean Marie what's wrong?
We're in the middle of it all.
It's just that everything
was going well.
But no.
He has the brilliant
idea to ask for double.
Well just forget about
business right now.
Come over here.
Lay down relax
and forget about everything.
Lola will fix everything.
- Yes, for you everything is very easy, right?
You're here making silly soup
But I am a partner.
And my business is going under.
Your business?
I have one tenth
You have shit.
Well I am going to
be firm with Cesar!
And I am going to make him
write a letter to the Swissbegging
that they give us the contract back.
- You're going to get "firm" with Cesar?
You don't think I am capable?
You don't think I'M CAPABLE??
No, I am not capable.
I'm not capable
not capable.
Will you stop?
Lola will fix everything for you.
This will fix everything.
Come here.
Close your eyes, Jean Marie
and let me take you away.
I'll let you, I'll let you!
Jean Marie.
This isn't going anywhere.
This happens to a lot of men.
If I told you about the brothel
- I don't want to know.
Who'll fix ME, now?
What I want is to enjoy the money
and not spend my time working for it.
I'm getting tired with all your
"me, me, me"!
Whoever can beat him
will be a champion.
This is the strongest man
in the world!
Who has the guts to fight him?
I do!
A strong round of applause!
- Are you crazy or what?
He's gonna tear
you apart, Roman.
Look Cesar, get married already
and go start your bottling company.
You want to fight?
You want to fight?
Go fight!
But don't expect me to help you.
You both know the rules?
The battle
If you know what's good
for you, don't get up.
Come on, Roman!
Come on, let him have it.
Hey kid, out of here.
Urs is the winner!
- Get up, Roman!
I said enough!
Look, he opened his eyes.
Hello gorgeous.
- Hello.
I'm happy to see you too.
Easy, stay put.
Don't move until I take
care of your wounds.
You brought me here by yourself?
With your brother.
Of course.
If he can't be involved, he explodes.
- He saved your life.
He always does.
What do you expect?
You're always getting into trouble.
You don't like how I dance?
Lobo dances better.
Come on. You do too.
But he didn't leave me with a
desire to kiss him last night.
Oh my God!
Miguel, son, my baby!
(Church bell chiming)
It has been a pleasure
doing business with you.
- Likewise.
Have a good trip.
- Thank you.
I need all the construction material
before the bottlers arrive.
This is a lot. We've never
had an order this big before.
50 dollars.
It's all I have left.
No more talking about it.
I don't want to interfere
where I'm not asked but
now that everything is going so well,
isn't it risky to change everything
from night to day?
That's what they say, Damian.
But those who don't risk anything,
don't make anything. Good day.
Good day.
See you later.
Hey, Damian, you're here, great.
Come with me,
your grandson is very sick.
- What?
What's happened to him?
What does he have doctor?
Take it easy, Damian.
Poor thing.
He fell to the floor shaking.
Don't be mad.
Shhh, I'm not mad son.
Please, I need everyone to leave.
Yes doctor.
It's ready.
Who's going to help
you with the wedding?
The wedding?
I don't know, maybe Lola.
Lola? No.
You can't put Lola
next to my father.
He'll shoot himself with his rifle.
- Here, take some.
Then, I'll definitely ask her.
Can I help you?
- Cesar?
Don't you remember me?
- Cesar, don't do this to me.
You know this child is yours.
You're confusing me with another man.
I don't even know you.
How can you say that to me?
You promised to marry me.
What are you saying?
I've never even seen this
woman before, Almudena.
For God's sake, Cesar,
it's me, Carmen!
Ma'am, I'm telling you,
I have no idea who you are.
You told me that you
loved me, YOU PIG!
You were just interested
in my Father's money!
I am telling you,
I don't know you!
So do yourself a favor
and get off my land!
I swear Almudena,
I've never seen before her in my life.
I promised Tata that
I wouldn't be late.
You had to be there.
Bing, bang, boom.
After the first two punches
he wasn't so mouthy.
The only thing brave about
him is his last name.
But, the guy's alright, isn't he?
So what do you care?
I need to step out for a moment.
I need to ask you for a favor.
What do you want
that stud for, Anibal?
We have enough already.
I was thinking of making
my own money, Sir.
I don't want to be an
employee all my life.
I have better plans
for you, Anibal.
Forget about that animal.
- Thank you very much.
But I am going to buy him.
The owner raised his price on me
and I just needed 80 dollars.
If you could loan it to me?
Very well.
I'll give you the money.
But, like you said
this is a loan.
Make no mistake. I won't rest
until I've repaid you in full.
I'm indebted to you.
- Yes.
You are.
Thank you.
What's wrong with him, doctor?
Come I prefer that
Miguel doesn't hear us.
It's very serious.
He has malaria.
He needs quinine within the
next few hours
or he'll die.
Well give it to him,
what are you waiting for?
The medicine is expensive
- I have the money. Cesar Bravo just gave me some.
It's not just the money, this
medicine isn't readily available.
We'd have to go to the capital
- Very well.
What if I take Miguel to Madrid.
- No, we can't move him.
A trip like that would kill
him before we got there.
Then we're wasting time.
I'll go to Madrid and return with the medicine.
That's impossible.
- Even if I have to kill the horse.
You'd have to kill a few of them
So you want me to just wait around
and watch my son die?
I am saying
that there's nothing more we can do.
I don't care what you say.
I'm going to get that medicine.
We have to try.
- Here.
Alright then.
Go to this address.
Ask for Don Cosme.
He can help you.
This can't be.
Cesar would've told me about it.
Tell you what?
- You don't want to know drink.
I don't want to.
Maybe that girl's telling the truth, and he
didn't even know it these things happen.
because getting women pregnant
without knowing it, is so normal.
Or he lied.
You don't know him very well, either.
It just can't be.
You'll see how this all works out.
He wouldn't lie to me.
I wouldn't put my hand in the
fire for anyone much less a man.
If you could have seen her
Felix is good.
Rosa, please.
From the moment you met Cesar,
you haven't stopped suffering.
(Wolf howling)
What? Have you stayed
for the heck of it?
Have you spent all the money
or is there some left?
- I don't waste money, I invest it.
It didn't matter what we said anyway.
You would of invested it anyway.
- I don't need your permission for anything.
Besides, you've never been worried
about this well nor will you ever be.
Alright Cesar. Keep it up.
You have a little ways to go,
before you're just like Lobo.
Why do you want the money?
- I'm going to Madrid.
To Madrid.
Well go.
This isn't a good time for a visit.
I wanted to explain about
yesterday, Almudena.
I don't know that woman at all.
How many women have
you been with?
How many more or less?
Well, I don't know with many.
And you remember them all?
All of them? You're sure?
Do you remember all the women
you've been with a short time
one night stands?
Please, go.
We'll talk tomorrow,
I don't feel like it today.
- Almudena.
I've never seen that
woman before in my life.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
What did he tell you?
Did he ask for forgiveness?
- I need to find that woman.
She has to tell me the truth.
Jean Marie, honey.
Are you gonna be
like this all day?
I don't know how you can
look me in the face.
I feel like half a man.
You're a man. Period.
It's just that
you're under appreciated.
They push you around and
you just sink lower.
What can you expect from a man
that can't even
Jean Marie.
"Mon cherie"
Come here a moment.
Please, I need to be alone
to think about things.
What you need is to
feel like a man again.
And I know how.
Putting makeup on me?
This is a natural remedy
that the Africans use.
From Africa.
It's to help you get your joy back.
You understand?
Where did you get that?
- At the fair.
They use it on the studs,
seeing how there are so many animals.
Do I look like an antelope?
An animal is an animal,
Jean Marie.
You'll see.
We don't even know what it's made of.
And things always go wrong with me, Lola.
If the scientific community
could see me now.
If the scientific community could see you,
Jean Marie
they would give you a prize.
Anibal, where is this stud?
In the stable, resting. He's incredible, you're
going to love him. I'll even let you brush him.
So now you're a cattleman?
Well, only in my spare time.
This is all I owe them tomorrow.
What do you think?
Not bad at all.
I should offer his stud services
throughout the province.
I'd be silly to just
stay in Tierra de Lobos.
Of course, in 20 years,
you'll be rich.
The same, for a lot less.
Buying studs with my father's money
and keeping them in our stables?
I'm going to go feed him.
Why do you treat him like that?
Treat him how?
You're horrible to him.
Anibal, wait!
I'm going with you.
If everything goes well, by the end of the year,
I'll buy some cows and start my own herd.
Lets see how it goes. In a few years,
you could be an important cattleman.
I'd be content with much less.
What's happened? Where are you going?
- The stud has disappeared.
What do you mean he
disappeared, Anibal?
Or they've stolen him, sir.
In my own house?
- And in broad daylight.
Who would think of
doing such a thing?
Have you thought about the
guy who sold him to you?
Where did he come from?
- I believe from Villego.
It must've happened between guard shifts.
He couldn't have gotten far.
Take two men through the woodlands.
I'll try to find them on the open plains.
We'll find him. I promise.
I can barely hear him breathing.
I'm sorry.
This is going much faster
than I thought it would.
Stay out of here!
My son will get better!
-My daughter
he needs to receive his last rights.
Roman will get here in time!
Is this what you need?
We still have time, right?
But how did you know
My job is to take care of the
people of this town, Damien.
How did you get it?
lets just say, God
was on our side.
Mr. Lobo!
Thank you, I don't know what to say.
Go back to your son.
Let me at least pay you for the medicine
- That's not necessary.
I don't know how to thank you.
I feel indebted to you.
- No.
You don't owe me
anything, Elena.
I think highly of you.
But I would have done this
for anyone in this town.
This ointment is marvelous.
You really don't know
what you've done.
What have I done?
What's important is,
that it's functioning
like a Swiss watch, right?
Thank you Lola
because you knew there was
still a man inside me.
A man, capable of anything.
Including standing up to Cesar?
You know what?
It's not worth it.
After all, it's just work.
Yeah but this ointment
we must save it
like treasure buried.
Like, buried treasure.
- Huh?
You say, "like buried treasure".
And just so you know.
It doesn't have any magic powers.
I made it with these
little hands
and four chickpeas.
You're little "friend"
is perfectly fine.
The only problem you had
was right up here.
Are you saying
that you rubbed my
with uhmm
- Mhmm.
- Hmm?
It's starting to itch a little.
Where do you think you're going?
You told us to leave right away.
You can take the stud.
But not the money.
-So, what do we get for our troubles?
You get to avoid getting shot
right now, that's what you get.
Let's go.
What's wrong?
Why are you staring at me?
You've been very sick, sweety.
But I can still go
to the fair, right?
The fair has come and gone, son.
Wow, I guess I have been asleep.
Quite a bit, darling.
The last thing I remember was
Roman fighting the strongman.
Who won the fight?
-No one.
Someone had to win.
You know what I would like?
For Roman to give that
stupid Lobo a beating.
Don't say that, my darling.
Mr. Lobo has saved your life.
Good Evening.
-Good Evening.
Would you mind if we sat
and talked?
Why are you doing this to me?
You really don't remember me?
No, because I've never seen
you before in my life.
You're an asshole.
A bastard, like all the others,
I wish I would've never met you.
- Shhh, lower your voice.
Lobo sent you, right?
Tell me
how much is he paying you?
I have proof you know.
Proof upstairs in my room,
of when you and I were together!
Let's go see it.
But it's all lies!
I'm right here.
I'm sorry.
Are you ok?
- Yes.
Thank you.
- Hello.
I'm looking for a woman,
Carmen, and she's pregnant.
Oh yes, she just went
up to her room
with Cesar Bravo.
Everything's going as planned,
so no need to worry
Excuse me.
We haven't found him.
What about you?
Nothing, no luck.
What a shame, he was
good breeding stock.
Even though he was stolen,
I appreciate everything you have done for me.
I'll repay your money.
I know.
And do you know how
you're going to repay me?
No, sir.
Well, there's no need to try and
figure it all out right now.
You have work to do.
Sir, I
- You have work to do.
It's been a while since a drink
has tasted this good.
Should I tell my son?
- No, don't tell him anything.
For now.
(Crow cawing)
(Distant screams echoing)
(Bird calls)
(Snake rattles)
(Wolf baying)
(Cocking of a rifle)
Don't even move.
You're under arrest for
the murder of a woman.
Cesar has killed a woman.
What's wrong, Roman?
- What?
Let my brother go. Cesar!
I can do much more than you can.
- You mean kill?
When I prove his detention is illegal,
they'll have to let him go.
It's impossible that anyone could
find out what you did?
And what you did?
Do you believe he killed that girl?
Say it.
The question is, where
did they bury the body?
Lobo has nothing to do with this.
Where did all that blood come from?
I don't remember.
Don't you think you've humiliated us enough?
- I know this has something to do with you.
Isabel, what are you doing here?
I'm tired of seeing you treat him this way.
Leave him alone.
I'm going to be the foreman in Casa Grande
very soon.
I want you to kill him.
They're going to release Cesar Bravo.
He says he is ready to confess.
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