Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

How the Contest Ends/To Stay Best Friends...

You ready for this, Tomo?
You bet. I was born ready!
I've been preparing myself for this marathon!
Same. I'll be taking the win today!
Someone sounds confident.
How does loser owes the other
a week's worth of juice sound?
You're on! Better not go back on your word!
Except the girls and boys
are running different courses.
Don't mind them.
Hey, I think he's been trying to
catch your attention.
Watch me, Misuzu–chan.
I'll finish this marathon for you!
Don't mind him.
Everyone on your marks!
It's great to see them so lively
At least try to run at the start!
You heard her.
Oh, fine.
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"The Match Concludes"
Karate with me hasn't been
much fun lately, yeah?
No, that's not
It's alright. I get it.
But I can see you're trying
your hardest to come after me today.
You can run all you like,
I'll still leave you in my dust!
No hard feelings?
Oh, it's on, dammit!
Better keep cool when I beat you!
Marathons are like, such a drag.
Draggiest in all of Dragsville!
Do your best!
Hanao–chan's like, not playing fair!
Totally cheating!
I am not!
Wow, they're already this far.
in front of me!
What!? Why!?
Why me!?
This is so much fun!
It's times like this
where we're competing that
"Girls turn back here"
That's right
I enjoyed myself too much to notice.
This was never a fair match.
Hold up, Tomo!
You overshot it! You overshot your point!
Girls are supposed to go back!
Like I give a damn!
Aren't we in the middle of match?
That's impressive, Kosuke!
Long distance runs
are supposed to be our forte.
I feel really good today!
I can tell that I'm becoming stronger!
They've already finished their lap!?
That's crazy fast! Are they even human!?
My journey has only just begun.
Damn, are you saying
I still can't keep up with her!?
You're burning up!
A fever's never gotten
to you this bad before.
Did you so something weird yesterday!?
Yesterday? I
I went for a run right after dinner.
When I got back it was 10 PM.
How many hours were you out there for!?
After that, I thought of having
a bath and going to bed.
Yet when morning came,
I was somehow in the buff.
I can't think of anything weird
Everything about it was weird!
You practically asked to get sick!
Hey, Tomo!
What now!?
I don't have my phone on me
and the teach is way behind with the others.
Doesn't seem like any cars are around either.
You dumbass!
There's only one answer to this!
I have my
bulked up hulking body for a reason!
Please be calm when I say
Y–You have a cold.
Okay, how about you calm down?
I see, Jun carried me here.
Apparently so.
This was supposed to be a fun marathon
but instead I gave him trouble.
It seems he still came in first place.
Really!? Didn't he have
to lug me all the way?
Isn't that why he won?
Tomo, is everything okay now?
I'll be on my way.
Since you being sick is a rare event,
you better make the best of it.
You're freakishly strong, so any weakness
shown will be crazy effective.
Lots and lots of pampering.
You can wake up now.
Here's some water.
Having you and Misuzu be extra kind
to me today feels so odd.
Here's a lesson for you since you've
never been this hurt or sick before.
This is what it's like when you're
so weakened you can't move.
Is that so?
Akemi–san's coming to get you.
Can you walk?
Actually, uhh
C–Carry me!
You brought me here on your back, yeah!?
I don't recall that so do it again!
One more time!
You're You're not making any sense!
Carry me, dammit! I'm sick here!
You seem like the opposite, actually.
Oh, so this is what it's like.
You've gotten so big now.
You too
Me? What about me?
No, sorry. Forget I said anything.
Sorry about all the trouble I caused.
I even ruined our match.
Don't let it bother you.
If you're in trouble,
then it's only right for me to help you.
But if you're in trouble then
it's only right for me to help you.
Tomo, where is she!?
In the car on the way to the doctors.
Wait for me, Tomo!
Spring onions?
Sup, Jun! Thanks for coming!
I thought I'd see how you were,
but looks like you're all good.
Mum insisted that I stay put
even though I'm totally fine again.
She's right to.
A lot happened that I couldn't say it.
Thanks for yesterday.
S–Sure. Try not to be that dumb
Oh, right!
Here, you can have it back.
How long can I have it for?
Until I become a stronger man than you.
When the time comes
I'll be back for it!
Until you became the stronger man, right?
Hope you weren't thinking dumb shit like
being better than me at everything.
I won't let anyone beat me at what I do best!
But hey, that goes for the both of us.
Is being on my level not good enough?
You kidding?
It's the best.
"To Remain Best Friends"
"Aizawa Dojo"
Shortly before middle school.
"Aizawa Dojo"
"Aizawa Dojo"
I finally
"Aizawa Dojo"
"Aizawa Dojo"
scored a point off Tomo.
I did it!
I scored a point! From you!
Aww man, you caught up.
That makes me a little sad.
Sad? Shouldn't he be frustrated?
I didn't think it'd be so soon.
Akemi has said countless times
that Tomo has a natural gift.
That Tomo would be the best in every sport.
However, to follow in my footsteps,
to challenge any and every opponent
will not be in Tomo's best interests.
What does that mean!?
"Entrance Ceremony"
I'm finally in the same school as Tomo!
I bet he'd look great in a gakuran.
Hey, Jun!
We can finally go to school together!
Wearing a skirt is a bit much.
You gunning for a laugh on the first day?
What? Junichiro thought you were a guy?
He did
I knew he was stupid but not to this extent.
So, what do you plan to do?
Surely you can't carry on like before?
It's no big deal!
Being a boy or girl won't get in our way!
I doubt things are that simple.
Tomo's a girl.
Come to think of it
The signs were always there.
Did I choose not to see them?
What a bad joke.
Kubota–kun, you seem close
with Class C's Aizawa–san.
Are you two dating?
Oh right. Of course it'll seem that way.
I can't bring myself to call her!
Aizawa–san, are you going out
with Class A's Kubota–kun?
No way, not him!
Is that so?
That dude doesn't even think I'm a girl.
Then this guy
C'mon, don't tell her.
What happened next?
Hey, it's Jun!
Your friend?
We go way back!
Right, Jun?
Did you feel that aggro?
Pull yourself together man!
A year went by without me apologising.
We spoke whenever necessary
but other than that
we became just acquaintances.
I really have to make up with her.
Yet I don't want her to have a hard time
when people misunderstand us.
–Once middle school came,
–Not Tomo again!
Hell yeah!
I assumed Tomo would be less audacious.
But she shows no signs of changing.
I can no longer keep up with her games.
There's a lopsided
difference in our strengths
and I have no desire to run around outdoors.
How can we make up?
I know, I just have to get myself a girlfr
Nah, that'll be rude to the girl.
Plus it's not like girlfriends
just pop out of nowhere.
I need someone in between me and Tomo.
Someone sensible and
cautious enough to slow her down.
She also has to be someone
who will spend time with Tomo
and understand my situation.
How's that loner lunch set?
Funny, it became rancid all of a sudden.
I always see you by yourself.
Why haven't you tried making friends?
I'm by myself because I tried and failed.
Nonsense, you simply refuse to.
You don't want a replacement for Tomo.
If you find that someone, then your
relationship with her may never be the same.
I assume that's how your brain works.
I've had enough of your glum face.
Stop sulking and make up with Tomo.
I'm certain that she needs you.
Gundo do you
want to try dating me?
Sounds interesting.
So, why did you agree?
Because I thought it would be fine.
Do you like me?
Please, it's not like
you're in love me either.
Well, yeah
I know I started this,
but are you really sure about it?
No problem.
At the end of the day, the basis of
maintaining a favourable relationship
lies with whether our interests are aligned.
Huh? Y–Your hand!?
It's soft!
Can we let go now?
I can't stand how sweaty your hand is.
See you, Gundo.
I'm heading this way.
Hold it, Junichiro.
Is there anything else?
Yes. I'd like you to call me
by my first name.
First name?
What would it seem like if only I used
your first name despite us dating?
That our love's a one–way street
with me doing the loving.
I will not have that happen.
Never thought I'd see the day
Gundo's my girlfriend.
Girlfriend!? That's right,
I have a girlfriend now!
That Gundo, the one who always
bickers as soon as we meet.
My girlfriend
Good lord, what a turn things have taken.
You can't call this any form of love.
I know this relationship is
doomed from the start.
Still, I could enjoy it while it lasts.
That was as far as my optimism went.
Our first date was
riding bicyles up a mountain.
Is this a great view or what?
How stupid are you?
Day two was fishing by the river.
We're sticking these on the hook.
Stay away!
Oh god, it's alive!
Hey, Misuzu.
Did you not have fun today?
I see
If I tried to hang out with Tomo now,
I'm sure it'll be a repeat of
these two days with Junichiro.
I can't take this.
Hey, what's wrong?
I thought you could have done
something about this.
As things stand, you'll only make her worse.
Hey, what's up Misuzu?
You look down.
Did something happen?
Too much happened.
I'm sorry, I
don't think we can remain friends.
Ow, hold up!
Where are we going!?
Class is about to start!
I don't care. Let's go.
The heck are you being so miserable for?
What's this about not being friends anymore!?
I'll kick your ass!
That's a threat.
I mean, I can't play sports with you
when I have no stamina.
That doesn't matter!
It's not like I'm on the move 24/7.
I care way more about spending time
with you than goofing off with the others.
Aren't you the same?
Where did you learn that move?
Did I say something weird?
Does it matter if you can move or not?
Let's say
I know!
Can't an athlete and some kinda
professor be friends?
What professor is that?
Don't laugh!
I felt stupid for thinking that hard.
It seems going out with you served a purpose.
So I'll be nice
and swiftly reject you.
Sorry, Misuzu.
I know I was the one who asked you out
But being with you
just doesn't feel the same.
I don't think we should keep
seeing each other anymore.
He struck first!?
You listening?
Hey, Misu
Don't ever call me Misuzu again.
Looks like I'll have to do this myself.
I'm scared about how she'll react now.
But I've made up my mind!
H–Hey there, Tomo!
There's something I'd like to say.
I should start first, right?
But how?
Hey Hey, Jun.
Should I come clean to her?
But if I did that
I'm talking to you here. Answer me, dammit!
What was that for!?
Why'd you talk to me outta nowhere?
You've been avoiding me this whole time.
For a year.
S–Sorry! It's all my fault!
Don't cry.
I am not! Dumbass!
So what's your reason for avoiding me, huh?
When school started, people thought
we were you know dating
I thought that being together
would give you problems.
You were worried over that shit!?
If you want us to be together like always,
then who gives a damn what folks think?
Well, what's it gonna be?
want to be with you.
Forever and always.
I want us to be together.
T–Then we'll do exactly that!
A–As friends!
Yeah! You and me will always be best buds!
Here's to another great friendship, Tomo!
I thought we wouldn't change.
That we didn't have to change.
But I changed, and she probably did too.
Which means I'll have to think about it.
I need a way for us to stay together.
I'll start by facing her
without looking away.
What kept you, Jun?
Let's go to school!
Face Tomo without looking away Face her
I've thought about it sometimes, that
She really is cute!?
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