Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The Third Game Is Over!

We only have to do one more thing to win
Totally destroy all
the relationships in Group K.
Totally destroy them
Episode 10: The Third Game Is Over!
Episode 10: The Third Game Is Over!
Destroy Group K's relationships
But how?
Remember what I asked Manabu
when we got our third teammate?
If it was a girl or not?
Yeah. What I'm trying to set right now
is a honey trap.
U-Um, thank you very much.
I owe you my life.
W-Wait a sec.
Between the two of us, shouldn't it be him?
Ah, well, I just did what
any guy would have done!
I hate this guy!
I caught him peeping at me when I was naked!
Th-That's not true! It was an accident!
And you weren't naked, you had underwear on!
You saw her in her underwear?
Yeah! No! Well, I did see her
underwear, but only for a second!
I don't even remember it!
Really? You really don't remember it at all?
I'm so sorry! I totally remember!
It's branded in my memory!
I lied. I'm just kidding.
I truly owe you my life, too.
Thank you very much for saving me.
Anyway, what was Katagiri Yuichi thinking?
What would have happened to you
if Hyakutaro wasn't there to catch you?
She must have been terrified.
I'll never forgive that asshole.
He's the worst kind of trash!
Please stop saying bad things about him!
W-Why are you sticking up
for a guy like that?
I'm sorry, but
If he finds out that I was talking
to the other team like this, I
Anyway, Yuichi got away from us,
so let's go back to the food station.
Are you hurt?
N-No, it's nothing.
Tomodachi Game
There are times when I really admire
your assertive personality, Hyakutaro.
Shut up. My granny always
told me to be nice to girls.
You really are a kind person,
aren't you, Hyakutaro-kun?
Why did I have to end up in Group C?
I see. So that's what happened.
If Group C succeeded in procuring food,
we might be in for a really long fight.
Katagiri Yuichi!
Oh, I'm totally up for a long fight.
You think you can just waltz
back in here, asshole?
Hey, Maria. What are you doing?
Get over here.
Let's start fresh! I wanna
take my time and enjoy this.
Hey. Get away from the girl.
Did you forget what you did?
Look at her! She's been
shaking the whole time!
Oh, I doubt that.
Right, Maria? We're on the same team, right?!
You'd better cut that shit out.
Huh? Why hold back with
something that belongs to me?
You piece of
Let's go!
Stop! This is exactly what
he wants you to do!
Damn it, Maria! Don't get in my way!
Manabu-kun, he's being violent!
This is clearly in-game violence, isn't it?
Yeah, it sure is.
But that's violence against a teammate.
What's prohibited is violent acts
against the other team.
Can't Do
Moving the Hider
Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
Change Sides (Switch)
Third Game Rule
Can't Do
It is forbidden to use violence against another group
and force them to give up the hider's location.
Yeah, that's right.
I can do whatever I want to this chick
and it won't break any rules.
Please Please, stop!
Is this Katagiri Yuichi's true personality?
What color is your blood?
Why did I have to end up in Group C?
Oh, that's it!
Why don't you switch to our team?
No, wait a minute.
Something's off, here.
It all seems too perfect.
Huh, I guess this guy's
experience with women
has made him really cautious around them.
Can't you see they might be playing us?
Playing us how?
You can't mean she's been
acting the whole time.
I hate to say it, but that's
exactly what I mean.
That was all an act?
Y'know, not everyone in
the world is like you,
screwin' off,
puttin' on a front,
and livin' the easy life, asshole.
What an idiot.
Those are land mines for a guy like him.
You think I'm screwing off
for the fun of it?
A virgin like you wouldn't
understand anything, anyway.
All women are capable of putting on
an act to get what they want.
T-That's so mean!
What, you wanna show off
in front of the girl?
Violence against teammates
is okay, you know?
Okay, stop right there, please.
We decided no fighting during
the Tomodachi Game, remember?
Also, the captain has
the final say on everything.
Is it time for Captain-sama to
make an appearance again?
Yes, it is.
That's how we've been able to
clear the Tomodachi Game so far.
You can't make up your own
mind to protect one girl?
That's pathetic, son.
Wait a second, Kei.
I'll call the captain and convince him myself.
Very well.
Why don't we both go talk to
the captain together, then?
It'll be easier to explain
your feelings directly.
if you don't mind, please call us
right away if they give any indication
that they might try to follow us.
Mizuse-san, just hang
in there a little longer.
Everything's going really smoothly.
Group K's captain, who's the pillar of the team,
has been absent during the third game.
Kadokura Juzo
-The team leader
-Psychological pillar
-Considerate of his friends
-Strong sense of responsibility
Onigawara Hyakutaro
-Strong sense of duty
-Acts tough but weak for women
-Kindest of the bunch
-An idiot
Shinomiya Kei
-The youngest
-Small and weaker than the rest
-In charge of contacting Captain
-Debt holder?
Niwa Banri
-Silent type
-Barely noticeable
-Manga otaku?
Hashiratani Chisato
-Calm and composed
-Seems flirty but distrusts women
-Probably really gloomy
Since he isn't here to smooth
over little conflicts in the group,
Opposite personality, so really annoying
the connection between Hyakutaro
and Chisato has become really fragile.
Most likely, the captain will agree
to let Maria switch over.
But, as we planned,
Maria will reject that idea.
Obviously, Hyakutaro will try to press her,
and she'll tell him that
I'm holding something over her.
I came up with something
really shocking for that.
Then Hyakutaro will fly
into a rage and punch me.
That would be our easiest way to win.
His teammates might hold him back,
but friction in the group will increase
and their relationships will crack.
Ultimately, I'll maneuver
Hyakutaro toward one decision.
Hyakutaro-kun, I can't
take this alone anymore.
And that will be for him to switch sides.
If we can pull that off,
we'll definitely win.
Once he's on our side,
I have any number of ways
to force him to spill
the captain's location.
Several Hours Later
We're back.
So, what did Captain say?
It's no good. He said
he won't let you switch.
Well that settles it, then.
But Captain said one more thing:
"If you still want to protect her,
there is one other way," he said.
It can't be
Wait a second! What are you thinking?!
Shut up! I've made up my mind!
Just calm down!
Let go of me!
Don't do it, Hyakutaro!
I know you don't give a damn
about how I feel!
I'm switchin' to Group C!
Of course I approve!
Then from this moment forward,
Onigawara Hyakutaro is a member of Group C!
Sorry, guys.
But even though I'm Group C now,
I don't plan on working with 'em.
I'm prepared to get more debt
when you guys win.
Keep playing. I won't hold you back.
Welcome to Group C!
I'm happy to have you, Hyakutaro-kun.
Now I can pop you one without holding back!
Ouch, ouch, ouch!
I knew you'd take a swing at me.
Your moves are so easy to read, kid.
Sorry, but I'm not going to let you
be violent in either group.
I hope you don't mind being tied up.
Well then, maybe now's a good time to go
and talk tactics with your Captain-sama!
Don't worry. We won't try to follow you.
What's going on, Yuichi?
I was able to get one Group K
member to switch to our group.
I-It hasn't even been one day yet!
Everything fell into place.
Now I just need to get
the hiding place out of him.
Then we win.
All right, then.
Don't get carried away, Yuichi.
Of course.
If I can help it, I don't
want to get rough, either.
I'll contact you later.
I really let you down.
I wanted to help, but ended up like this.
It's okay! It made me really happy.
But at this rate, I'm sure he'll
do horrible things to you
to make you tell us where
the captain's hiding place—
Not a problem! I know
I'm tough enough to take it.
You can't! He'll do anything
he possibly can to win.
H-He's even murdered people before.
I couldn't stand to watch
something like that!
Call in progress
Katagiri Yuichi (Group C)
Then it'd be better if I tell him now,
so you don't have to suffer.
We've won.
But, I can't do it.
Because actually, I
don't know where the captain
is in the first place.
W-What did he say? What does this mean?!
Everything fell into place.
I-I can't possibly have
About time! It looks like our genius
is finally making his play.
Are you sure that was the best move?
Hyakutaro insisted on switching,
just like you suggested.
It's fine, it's fine.
It's all part of my plan.
But more importantly
I told you to speak to me
politely when we're alone,
you blockhead.
So, this is your monster?
Just look at this pathetic little thing.
Listen up!
A true genius is someone who controls
and manipulates everything
from the shadows. Got it?
Hey, Hyakutaro!
Why didn't you visit the Captain?
You said you were going to
talk to him directly!
Well, because on the way there,
Kei said he got a call telling us
to come back because you guys
were up to something.
"We don't have a choice.
We'll have to call him."
That's what Kei said.
Incoming call
Katagiri Yuichi (Group C)
Hello, this is Shinomiya Kei.
It was you all along.
The true leader of Group K.
Oh, did you finally figure it out?
Honestly, I underestimated you guys.
So I didn't even notice
that you were controlling Group K's
movements at every step.
But at least I realized
before things got worse.
I won't make another mistake!
Oh, so scary.
Too bad, though. We've already
secured our victory for this game,
right when you let that time bomb
Hyakutaro join your team.
Hyakutaro's a bomb?
You should be bright enough to understand.
You're no match for me,
but the gears in your head do seem
to be turning just a little.
W-What's wrong?
They got us.
At this rate, we'll definitely lose.
Definitely lose
You seem very pleased, Prince.
Do I?
Well, I guess I am.
Thanks to Katagiri Yuichi, I wasn't
bored at all for the last few days.
In that sense, I should thank you
for giving me this chance.
It's all over now, though.
All that's left is finishing
off the checked king.
Is our victory truly assured?
Well, yeah. But a blockhead like
you wouldn't see it, would you?
There are two main points.
Hyakutaro switched sides, but
had no intention of betraying us.
And in this game, if the other
team uses violence against you,
the game ends immediately.
I see. So that's why
Hyakutaro's a time bomb.
If you get it, keep giving everyone
orders in your oh-so-dignified way.
I'm going to take care of something else.
Something else?
Well, since I have the chance,
I thought I'd find the enemy hider
and go for a clean win.
Shinomiya Kei. What's his story?
There's no story.
He's a genius, plain and simple.
His family and upbringing
are extremely normal.
Rank Score Name
Shinomiya Kei
Fujii Satoshi
Tsukamoto Yoko
Shibasaki Haruko
Watanabe Katsu
He's simply a genius who can
do anything he puts his mind to.
His one and only flaw
is that he's so good at everything,
he gets bored very quickly.
In fact, I think he joined the game just
to kill time because he was bored.
Playing the Tomodachi Game to kill time
But even then, he immediately
found a strategy—
to manipulate the very well-trusted
Kadokura Juzo from the shadows,
and control Group K through him.
Why is Kadokura Juzo obeying his orders?
Who knows? Maybe Shinomiya found
his weak point or something.
Weak point, huh?
Either way, the game is over.
The genius has already announced his victory.
This is bad. Really bad.
This is the worst situation
I could have imagined.
Huh? What? Is he serious right now?
Um, why is it so bad?
Because of violence.
If Hyakutaro, who's now in Group C, attacks
someone in Group K, we'll lose immediately.
So I tied him up, but I did that
expecting to win right away.
Since that isn't happening now,
Hyakutaro is a time bomb.
We have to watch him 24/7
to make sure he doesn't blow up.
That means we can't move one step from here.
Wait a minute
If we can hide Hyakutaro
somewhere before they come
Not a chance. You're too late.
You are already dead.
Banri-san! Chisato!
Well, then, ready for another endurance test?
Tomodachi Game
Hey! Where are you going?
That's not a question you should ask a girl.
Oh, sorry.
Ah, I'm getting so sick of this.
Is that right, Mizuse Maria-san?
Huh? Oh, no, that was just
I'm sorry for startling you.
Actually, I was waiting to catch you alone.
This is awkward, so let me cut
right to the chase.
You're from the management, right?
My cover's blown!
It feels stupid explaining it like this,
but for three days before
the game, our food rations
were based on how many
group members we had, right?
Since Group C had just two people,
They were only given water,
the poor things.
But even though you showed up alone,
you didn't appear hungry at all.
Now, doesn't that seem strange?
Any way you look at it,
you're not an ordinary player.
So it made sense to assume you
were on the management side.
I mean, I could ask you to tell me
about your original team instead,
but what do you think?
Why bother?
What now? What do you want from me?
I'll just cut right to the chase again.
I'd like you to betray Katagiri Yuichi.
That That's just a little
You can do that, can't you? Right now,
Group K is going to win, without a doubt.
If you wanted to keep
acting like a normal player,
wouldn't it actually seem weird
not to betray him?
But y'know, since I did try
to play cute and innocent,
I wonder if betraying him now
would seem unlike me.
Ah, so the issue is character.
But you seem like the kind of person
to choose fun over reason and logic.
Huh, he's really figured me out.
To put it simply,
you'll have more fun with me.
If you betray him for me,
you'll get to enjoy
watching that overconfident,
sadistic Katagiri Yuichi
crumble into a pathetic, teary-eyed failure.
T-That sounds like
It would be super fun!
It's Maria. Is anyone else nearby?
No. I'm being watched,
but they aren't close enough to hear.
Could you please tell me where
Mikasa Tenji's hiding spot is?
Luckily, I'm alone right now,
so I think it would be a good idea
to transport additional
food supplies while I can.
I think the only thing we can do
now is buy time, anyway.
If we have more time, I'm sure you'll be
able to find a way to turn things around.
Fine. I'll tell you.
Hey! Why are you with them?
Wait, you didn't
Did you betray us?
G G God
God damn it!
It appears that he did give her
the hider's true location.
There's nothing he can do
now even if we leave him,
so why don't we all start
searching before it gets dark?
This is hell.
It can't get any worse than this!
Hello, Mikasa Tenji-senpai.
It's nice speaking to you again.
This is Shinomiya Kei from Group K.
But wow, that Katagiri Yuichi
sure is the lowest of the low.
What are you saying?
He's totally happy to let you die
if it gets him the win.
By my estimation, he's planning
something really evil right now.
You should cut ties with that
inhuman brute as soon as you can.
What makes you think you know anything?
Huh? What was that?
I couldn't really hear you.
If you've got something to say to me,
you'd better speak up, dude.
Quit shooting your mouth off!
You don't know a damn thing!
I'm betting on Yuichi!
Wow, you startled me.
But I heard you loud
and clear, thanks to that.
Found you!
And that concludes the third game!
Sergeant Manabu here.
The game has ended.
All players, including hiders,
immediately gather at the food station.
All right! I'm on my way!
He lost? Yuichi lost?
Don't look so upset.
You all did your very best.
You just got the wrong opponents this time.
I am a genius, after all.
God damn it!
Now, everyone's back together again.
Let's announce the results pronto!
The winner of the third game,
Friendly Hide-and-Seek, is
Katagiri Yuichi he's a devil!
Yes, he probably brings misery
to everyone he touches.
family of crooks
Don't ever come back
to this school!!
Give it back,
We'll find you
you piece of shit
you suck
Ultimately, the essence of the
Tomodachi Game may be that it asks you,
"How many of your friends' sins
are you willing to forgive?"
NEXT: Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?
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