Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Hasta la vista, Lana!

Good morning.
Good morning.
Last night my hard drive was erased.
What, Lana?
As a result,
today the retreat starts all over again.
-Lana, no!
-What? Lana!
That was a joke.
Ha, ha, ha.
My data prognosis suggests
that you will miss my beautiful voice.
Today begins the last day of my retreat.
It's also sad.
Over the past weeks
you have all learned a lot
and surpassed yourselves.
-That's right.
-That we did.
Okay, at least some of them.
I'm very angry with myself
that I screwed things up like this
with Anna.
I'm curious to see
how you want to fix that.
I will let you know in due course
who the finalists of my retreat are.
There are finalists?
Oh my God!
It'll definitely be exciting.
And now I wish you a beautiful last day
in Lana Land.
Oh, thank you, Lana.
Anna really deserves an apology,
because my behavior was uncalled for.
And therefore,
I have to apologize to her now.
It's a big shock with Paddy.
I didn't expect that, but… yeah.
I took the time to think about it
and it shouldn't have happened
the way it did yesterday, and…
I would like to apologize to you for that,
because it was also very unfair to you.
I feel like I have to deal
with the pain and shock first.
I also hope that you will forgive me.
I can well imagine
that I need a bit of time now
to let that go through my head a bit.
But I mean,
I really like you a lot as a person,
but of course,
I'm still a bit… shocked now.
Very hurt, yes.
Yeah, I think it's good
that we were able to talk about it again
and end it in a nice way,
even if it's still hard,
but there's no reason
to go totally separate ways now.
I appreciate it.
I'm very grateful that Anna
understood my immature behavior.
Thank you Anna, thank you Lana.
I think I can still learn a few things.
Fabio is over, Paddy is also history.
Lana, I'm ready to go my own way.
There may be no man for her in the end
but what a rocket steep learning curve!
I think it's crazy that the time here
is over already.
Everyone has developed
in their own strong way.
-Do you think you deserve it?
-I really can't say…
I also think you can't really compare
everyone with each other.
But… yeah. I'm excited.
I mean, Lana sees everything
and she will make the right decision.
I think Lana will be able to decide
who has made more progress and who didn't.
-I think so too.
-For me, I got the most out of this.
I'm leaving this place with my girlfriend,
do you get that?
I already hit the jackpot.
Hello, you beautiful people.
Hello, you beautiful cone.
To consolidate your progress
of the last weeks,
another and final workshop
is waiting for you today.
So nice.
This data is important
for my final calculations
to determine who my finalists are.
On the last stretch.
Have fun.
The last workshop!
And it's going to be led
by no less than Salem and Pierre
the kings of ice tubs,
and shrinking testicles,
are back and they have big plans.
The goal of our workshop today
is to reflect with our guests
on the person they were
before coming to the retreat.
At the same time,
they should recognize the positive things
they can take from Lana
and integrate them into their lives.
And today we want to discard the old self
and manifest the new self.
Dear ones, each of you can check again.
Who was I before the retreat?
We are looking for a word
that describes the person
and this word we want to write
on the canvas.
I am super excited about this workshop.
I am so emotional.
I would like to get rid
of all the negative characteristics
that I took with me to the retreat.
I think here in the retreat
I really went through all the feelings
you can have.
Sadness, anger, joy, love.
There really was everything.
And I am definitely 100% ready
to leave the old me behind.
My dears, you did a great job.
It takes a lot of courage
to reflect like that,
and now each and every one of you
gets to step in front of the canvas again.
Dear Onyi, would you like to start?
With pleasure.
I chose the word superficial
because before I came to this retreat
I was actually paying attention
almost exclusively to superficial things.
-Okay, he should be tall.
He should be sporty and have charisma.
He should have curls, beautiful eyes,
a nice smile, smart, be romantic…
I just noticed that I was stuck
on the fact
that the man I would like to date
had a certain type of appearance.
And I learned here
that it's not really about that,
but that the inner values count much more.
I am happy for Onyi.
I am happy for her
that she can follow her own path.
As you can see, I chose the word reserved.
I have hardly sought out
conversations with you,
so you couldn't really get to know me
and I couldn't really get to know you.
And I'm super happy
that I got that knowledge at some point.
Otherwise, I'd never realize
that all of you are great people.
Yes, I really love you, guys.
Aw, Marco!
My word is externality.
I chose the word
because I have always looked
at what the ideal image of a woman is.
And I have always paid attention
to how I look to please men
and what I have learned
here in the retreat
is that you have valued me
as I am from within.
I took the word bitch
because I never thought
of talking to a man
more than if it was sexual.
And that's what I've had to learn here
at the retreat.
I think that has made me more open.
Bye, bitch.
My word is procrastination,
because I often didn't believe in myself
and thought,
"Okay, I can't do this,
so I'll just give up."
I just liked to run away
instead of facing the situations.
Or with Akka, usually,
I'd have left with the first problem…
Things that seem problematic
in the beginning
can turn into something good.
You should also give these situations
a chance in real life
and not just run away all the time.
I am mega proud of Sophie,
even if you don't always realize it.
I am also very happy
that she has developed
and that she was able to open up to me.
We are working on us.
I have taken the word player
because it contains
several negative characteristics.
I basically pretended to women
before the retreat
to just come across better.
And here at the retreat I learned
that I don't have to be afraid
to open up emotionally.
Akka's speech touches me.
I like that he can reflect
and surpasses himself.
My word is dismissive.
I came in here
and I learned to dare to say,
"I like you no matter what,"
and it didn't go the way
you might want it to go.
But that does not change my learning
that I am proud for myself
just to have remained myself.
Even if it happened a bit too fast for me,
I am convinced that she has made
the greatest progress here.
I chose to use the word narrow-minded
because before I came in here,
I was a person who was very much inclined
to put things in his head
and not to let anything else get to him.
And I would say that in this retreat
I definitely realized
you should always be open
to different opinions,
but maybe also try to see for yourself
where you might stand.
I can totally forgive Paddy
and I think he was just totally confused,
and yeah…
I chose the word manipulative,
because I tricked women
just to get what I want.
I also just didn't want to open up
to a woman
because I thought I would be vulnerable.
And I have learned to be myself here.
Not to invent words.
And it was the best thing I could've done.
I couldn't have opened up
without him either,
so I think we both really met here
for a reason.
I chose the word cold,
because I think it's the word
that's been used most in my past
by guys describing me.
I have always had feelings,
but I have never shown them.
Because I also had so many walls
and didn't want to be hurt
and that's why I'm proud
that I can feel and express my feelings
at all now, and…
simply no longer have these walls.
I learned to stop running away,
to show my emotions,
and that I deserve to be loved.
Yeah, Emely is warm inside and out.
Hot, to be precise. Dream woman.
My word is emotionless.
I think that describes the old me
quite well.
I just decided at some point,
because I was hurt a lot,
to say, okay, I'm going to turn off
my emotions completely.
But here at the retreat,
I realized that by shutting off
this emotion,
I was also losing such a big part of life.
Best man.
I'm also really proud of Tobi
for breaking down his walls.
And that's very nice that I…
was the reason.
My word is maneater,
because I used to like to play with guys,
to wrap them around my fingers.
I was definitely selfish.
I have also learned here with you,
especially with Tobi of course,
to open up emotionally.
I'm glad Stella is leaving
her maneater time behind,
but… she's still welcome to nibble on me.
Dear ones, you have all done very well.
Facing the past is not always easy.
Very few people do it.
And I think it's now time
to leave the past behind.
I am so ready to leave the old me behind
and embrace the new me.
By now I owe Lana a lot.
Lana, I hated you for a long time,
but you really have it.
I am ready for the new Ems, let's go!
I'm so proud of our little family.
I did not expect us to work so hard
on all of us during this time.
No one who watches this
can ever understand
what this retreat has done to us.
I am really a completely different person.
I lost a fucking nail,
but it was worth it.
I love the new Stella.
Awesome workshop, Lana.
The old Kevin was crazy.
But, hello! And the rest of bunch, too.
Do you remember?
This is how it all started.
Our hotties were so horny
in the beginning.
Are you all hot,
can I please make out with you all?
The energy here is so horny.
Oh, okay.
It's just horniness on another level.
There was temptation, seduction,
but also persuasion and temptation.
Fuck it.
Oh-oh, this will be really expensive.
Lana's rules were merciless.
68,000 euros!
So much money, in one night?
But thanks to Lana's rules
they learned to talk about their feelings.
I'm sorry, really.
There's nothing more I can say.
I feel betrayed.
What an ass!
And they learned to break new ground.
It just shows me that it makes sense
to really get to know someone first
and not just to look at their appearance
or something else.
I learned to just let myself go.
The result, that's what counts
and that's just super beautiful.
This way the participants learned
the true value of real relationships
for the first time.
I really see the vulnerable side
in her eyes.
I just feel like
I can trust you fully already.
It's also a new feeling with a woman.
In my head right now is really only you.
I think I could very easily
fall in love with you.
May I introduce, my girlfriend.
Girlfriend! Boyfriend!
I'm a little proud of you.
I really like the new one.
Another successful retreat is over.
Therefore, my job is done.
Congrats Lana, you did amazingly well!
But we still need to find out who wins!
They are all winners, Larissa.
But you're right,
it's time to award my prize money.
Hello, everyone.
Hi, Lana.
-Hey, Lana girl.
-Hello, Lana.
As you know,
I observed you from the first minute
and analyzed your behavior.
I'm somewhat nervous
because she might still say
something like,
"Okay, guys,
we'll split the whole amount".
I've finished the evaluation
and came to a result.
Each of you has had
your own unique experience
and has developed individually.
I recognize
that you have all made progress.
-Yes. Great.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Lana.
-Nice feedback from her.
Although you have all made progress,
there are only three places in the finals.
This'll be serious.
Simply following the rules
isn't enough for winning.
That sucks.
The prize money will be won
by the person who has undergone
the biggest development in my retreat.
I don't know
if I'm going to be in the finale.
Honestly, I don't think so.
The first finalist is…
I'm shaking,
that's how nervous I am right now.
Lana, don't keep us in suspense.
Emely and Kevin as a couple.
Oh my God.
Holy fucking shit.
My heartbeat is at the top.
Thank you, Lana.
We are good with each other again.
We forgive you for everything.
If someone told me finale,
I would have laughed at them,
and that this is how things are now.
I thought I'd play a few games here
and get kicked out
after two to three rounds
because I destroy all the rules.
I'm speechless.
Team Kemely deserves it, 180%,
to be in the finals.
Back then…
I still remember how it all started.
I immediately took out my lasso.
There's a vibe between us.
Do you think it matches?
I think so, yes.
That was the heaviest petting,
I've ever registered… worldwide.
He's just everything, I've ever imagined.
I fell in love with you.
What? Oh my God…
I've also fallen in love with you.
Oh my God. I have a boyfriend.
As further finalists are determined…
Please let it be me and Tobi.
That's so exciting!
Oh, what?
Lana, did you really just say my name?
What is happening?
Anna had the most difficult path here,
first with Fabio then with Paddy
and now she is alone again.
That really shows strength.
And what highs and lows she had!
-I fancy sporty, taller than me…
Fabio is very attractive to me right now.
We get along very well.
With Fabio I realized after all
that there was something about Sophie.
I think he tries to give me more security
but at the same time occasionally
I can see glances between him and Sophie.
I'd say the thing between us is over.
We'll have a great time with each other.
I'm hot.
This person is really good for me.
I think we were a bit too hasty
in our approach.
How good can you act all of this?
No, sorry at some point it's over.
I'm leaving behind the Anna
who wasn't sure
if she could be honest and open,
no matter if the other person
wants to hear it.
Yeah, I made it.
The last finalists are…
Stella and Tobias.
I didn't really think I'd be in the finals
at a retreat like this,
with a background like this,
but yeah… here I am.
Thank you.
I'm happy for my homie, Tobi,
and I think he doesn't want to share
Stella anymore.
Stella and Tobias,
their love story will certainly
be turned into a rollercoaster soon.
Oh my God.
Stella is going to make me go crazy,
just because of her personality and looks.
If I would have to describe my dream man,
then I think it would be him.
For real?
Since then I realized
how much I enjoy waking up next to you.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
For me, it's very clear
that I only want to have this with you
and nothing else.
I can't put into words
how good we are for each other.
I am super happy for both of you.
-Thanks, bro.
And proud, especially.
To everyone else, you are winners too,
without being in the finale.
You learned a lot about yourselves
and these experiences will strengthen you
on your path forward.
Yeah, totally.
You went through this retreat together.
You supported yourselves
through thick and thin.
Therefore, the remaining participants
decide who deserves to win.
So you decide.
Oh my God.
-That's going to be a tough decision.
I am very curious about who will win,
but you all deserve it.
Stella and Tobias.
Emely and Kevin,
please leave the group now.
Each of you will now cast a vote.
But your decision has to remain a secret.
I am curious
if we'll all have the same opinion.
I don't think so.
-I like to doubt it.
-It's going to be very distributed.
-It's going to be a close decision.
-Yes, it's going to be close.
Onyi, you will start.
The difficult thing is
that it could be anybody for me.
Kevin and Emely
are simply a match made in heaven.
Tobias and Stella overcame so many hurdles
and that's why they deserve to win.
Oh man,
that's going to be a tough decision.
Kevin and Emely really have grown
and Stella and Toby also have grown.
Not an easy decision, guys.
Let's see how it goes.
I am convinced that Anna
has made the most progress.
Okay, Samira. Let's go!
That's going to be a hard decision,
because I grant it to everyone.
Stella and Tobias,
because they found
a deeper connection than just sex.
Anna because she went through
all of this as a single
but grew nonetheless.
Kevin and Emely
because I think Emely grew so much here.
The person I choose
passed my test of trust.
I… vote for…
The decision wasn't easy for me.
I'm deciding for…
My vote goes to…
I choose…
I'm deciding for…
Stella and Tobi.
Kemely. Or… Anna.
That's by far the most difficult decision
in a long time.
I'm super excited
whom the others have voted for.
I'm so excited, I can't imagine who won.
I'm going to miss everybody a lot
and I hope that all of us at this retreat
will meet each other again.
It's the end of a journey, I'd say.
It was a sick experience, in any case.
I'm also looking forward
to finally know who wins.
And there they are.
I'm super proud
that there's one person who is single,
next to the two super great couples
and who shows that you can develop
a lot on your own.
We both feel very honored
that Lana saw our progress
and that we're in the finale now.
I've got to say,
it feels like after the first night
in the private suite.
My heart is beating like crazy
at the moment.
Here they come.
On a scale from one to ten,
I'd give Tobias and Stella a ten anyway,
and I won't begrudge them winning.
Anna totally deserves to be in the finale,
because she went through so much
and has become such a strong woman.
Yes, she can voice her opinion now.
Kevin and Emely are so close,
not even a toothpick fits in between them.
I'm proud of you.
Dear guests,
during your time in my retreat
I observed that you all engaged
in the process,
recognized your mistakes
and clearly developed.
You opened up and learned something.
Samira, you grew in and with the group
and know by now that you're 100% right
the way you are.
Oh my God, I'm going to cry.
That's right!
Laura, at the end of the retreat
you know exactly what you want
and don't do bad compromises.
Oh Lana, finally we see
a more emotional side of you.
It's so nice,
you should show this side of you
more often.
Stella, you don't need
fleeting relationships anymore
like you did in the past, to feel free.
Hold onto that knowledge
of your inner values.
Tobias, you learned
that only trust in yourself
enables the development of trust
in others.
Keep going on that path.
Thank you, Lana.
Paddy, even though your time
in the retreat was short,
you learned to listen to your inner voice.
Yes, going strong, boy!
Anna, you are truly an expert
for difficult cases.
You went through ups and downs
and grew with every step.
If I had feelings, I'd be impressed.
Yes, wow.
Sophie, with your looks
you created an uproar amongst the men
at the beginning of the retreat.
You proved
that you are more than your shell
and are now ready to connect
on an emotional level with people.
Akka, in the retreat you learned
that it needs more than just witty lines
to grow as a man.
Today you know that you can give concern
and appreciation without losing as a man.
Who's ready?
Emely, you don't run away anymore
when you develop feelings.
You've learned to permit them
and to trust in who you are
without fearing getting hurt.
The ice queen lies in the past.
You've achieved a lot.
Lana girl, I owe you my life.
Kevin, the retreat program
taught you to add feelings to your words.
Because of that, you can grow together
with your girlfriend now.
Your mom can be proud of you.
Onyi, with your reflected manner,
you looked for harmony within the group
and actively supported
your retreat friends with their growth.
During that you surpassed yourself
and learned that emotional connections
don't just mean love.
Marco, your time in the retreat was short
but still, you surpassed yourself
and learned that friendship
can be more important
than sexual attraction.
Come on!
Now it's time to announce the winner
of the 86,000 euros prize fund.
You're making me nervous.
-I'm nervous myself.
-You're more nervous than I am.
Stella and Tobias.
Emely and Kevin.
Get up, please.
The other guests have voted
and I've evaluated the results.
Two finalists share the second place.
Dude, I can't take it anymore.
What are we supposed to say then?
The first second place goes to…
I've learned how important it is
to be my own tower of strength
and I'm proud to say
I was able to implement that.
And I'm wishing the same
for everyone else out there.
-We're proud too.
Kevin and Emely…
Stella and Tobias…
Only one couple
has been declared the winner
and earns the prize money.
Emotional chaos,
all the feelings are going through me.
It's sick.
I'm feeling his heartbeat back there!
It's exactly the same for me.
I'm feeling like, "Oh my God,
what's happening here?"
I think we also had
an insane mental development in here.
I think we did great.
The winners of the 86,000 euros
in Too Hot to Handle: Germany are…
-Can you feel my pulse?
-Yes, do you feel mine?
Emely and Kevin.
I'm happy for the two of them.
They really deserved it.
Yes! Kemely, you deserve it
and I felt it in my heart that you'd win.
I'm happy for you.
I'm so happy because honestly,
they truly deserve it.
I love them.
Yes, I really love them.
Your time in the retreat is over.
From now on,
none of the rules are in place anymore.
You know what to do.
This is for you.
I take so many things from this,
I'm so thankful for everything.
I'm at peace with myself now
and truly proud.
The experiences
we've made in this retreat are insane.
When you look at our relationship,
where we were and where we are now
and to further strengthen
this emotional connection…
I'm looking forward to that.
Yes, me too.
It was simply
the most beautiful journey of my life.
Who would've thought?
At the drop of a Lana
these amusement-addicted boys and girls
turned into emotionally thinking humans
who don't fear showing their emotions.
I think we can release
these little sex birds
into their freedom with a good conscience.
Have a good flight!
We're looking forward to intense… talks.
You know what's up, right?
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