Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e10 Episode Script


New developments in the story
of the Plant robberies.
It's said that the missing Plant specimens
are being transported to July.
Though the July government
is suspected of involvement,
they have denied all accusations.
The investigation is ongoing.
Which one of you will be
beneficial to our planet?
Humans or Plant.
Which would you choose?
And which side are you on, huh?
You humans just love to distinguish
your friends from your enemies.
Worms are on no one's side.
Because we are the planet itself.
Here's what Knives believes.
Humans are too greedy
to use Plant properly.
Which means
you will suck the Plant lives dry,
just as you did with the Earth.
You've heard of a Last Run,
haven't you?
Is that why you're
collecting the red Plant?
Isn't it smarter than allowing
them to be totally consumed?
Humans or Plant
which will be beneficial to our planet?
I won't argue that things
are fine the way they are.
But there are people cultivating
vegetation that can replace Plant.
You mean Luida?
Luida is a geobotanist.
She wants to save the people
on this planet in her own way.
I'm doing the same thing.
The same as her?
I find that hard to believe.
Come with me.
Where are you going?
You're not coming?
Is your life on sale or something?
We might be able to figure out
Knives Millions's real objectives.
Swiping my prey, are you?
This is July
It's changed a lot.
The third city of July
is the biggest of the seven cities.
With the large amount of
aquatic Plant it monopolizes,
they can even buy
lead bullets by the truckload.
Talk about luxury
Hey, you're
Don't run!
Stop right there!
Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!
That's right. Not another move.
Officer, please
We ain't done anything wrong.
Don't play dumb with me, Humanoid Typhoon!
Have you come to destroy our city next?!
You won't turn July into
a second Jeneora Rock.
This ain't the time, you wannabe saint.
My parents were at Jeneora Rock, then.
And you
Spiky Head!
Are you okay?
I didn't give the order to shoot!
Shut up, idiot!
Yes, sir!
Let's go.
Spiky Head!
Don't let them get away!
I suppose you saw the vegetation
and were amazed by their technology.
However, their plan will take
a massive amount of time to complete.
Can we guarantee that humans
won't die out before then?
Luida's ambitions to change
the environment are admirable.
But we're fighting against time now.
We don't have the privilege
of choosing means.
So, which means did you choose?
A race with no need for food or water,
nor susceptible to the desert heat
That is the new humanity we will build.
You've been doing body
modification experiments on humans?
You must have encountered them.
E.G. the Mine
Monev the Gale
Double Fang Livio
And Nicholas
Mr. Wolfwood?
That's right.
Nicholas the Punisher.
He's one of my works as well.
Even an immortal
wouldn't survive traveling with you.
I'm sorry.
You completely lose your senses
whenever you face humans.
I'm sorry.
But thank you.
For sparing their lives.
You up and ran What choice did I have?
Treat your wound, already!
If you don't hurry, you'll be a carcass.
Spiky Head
Those scars
Oh, how embarrassing.
Are those the price
for being everyone's savior?
The picture paints itself.
How a misfit like you
has been treated by humans.
I can't believe you'd still
want to save them.
Count me out.
My body moves
before I have any chance to think.
I can't leave behind those who need help
Including you.
You've known the whole time, huh?
Do you think that as long as it's you
who sacrifices, everyone can be happy?
This is awful.
People will lose their lives to illness
or poverty sooner or later.
I save those lives
and I give a purpose to
people who have nothing.
By kidnapping orphans and
sick people and treating them like toys?
He's right.
I've never done anything to demean them!
Guess not.
You seem more earnest than you look.
Do you want a sip?
As for the operations,
their adaptability became
stronger than normal humans.
But that's all there is.
They still feel hunger and thirst.
They are my failures.
They can't hold a candle
to Independent Plant like Knives Millions.
Not to perfect organisms like him
If I couldn't fix them,
I had to make changes
before they were born.
With Knives's help, I started
my research on bio-cloning.
These children are the result.
How could you do this?
But their power is only
similar to that of the supply gate.
They are neither human nor Plant.
But they have still come into this world.
I just hope you can understand.
I'm doing this for the sake
of humanity's future on this planet.
You're a conceited man.
If that's how you feel, Miss
Why don't you kill me here and now?
In doing so, you'll fulfill your wish
and some will be saved.
But you'll also lose
countless other possibilities.
Knives and I are looking
to a world that is far in the future.
Though the work is lonesome,
someone has to do it.
I'm willing to sacrifice anything
for the birth of new human race.
Even if it's one of the twins.
This is ridiculous.
You wanna "save the world", huh?
The important thing is how you
feel when you see these children.
I feel sorry for them.
Who exactly are you pitying?
This is why I hate humans.
You judge everything by your own criteria.
Stop it!
Shut up!
I hit one!
See? I Told you!
I'm sorry!
Why can't you just mind your own business?
I'm sorry!
If I get injured and the insurance company
don't pay out, it's your responsibility.
I'm sorry!
That doctor is nuts.
This is all a trap to lure Vash here.
We have to tell him.
Please. Come on
Found you.
Oh my!
Are you going to kill
a pitiful child like me?
How cruel
See? You judge everything
by its appearance.
You humans just love to discriminate.
Monster? Did you just call me a monster?
I'd say
the monsters here are you!
Just a little longer.
We need to hold on
until the elevator arrives.
Run when I count to three.
One, two
Mr. Vash!
Both of you, hurry!
What took you so long?
That was close.
Thank god. But how did you know?
It was just a hunch
Mr. Vash! Don't go in there!
It's a trap!
It hurts!
That's what you get, idiot.
I hate you!
Fancy that. I hate you too.
We've got a lot in common.
No way, idiot!
Just go.
Yeah, yeah.
Your wound
Does it hurt?
Keep your dirty hands off me!
You traitor!
It's all because of you that Mr. Knives
Hey, Spiky Head!
Leave her. Let's go.
Damn it
Roberto, we have to go after them!
I've done it now.
When did you
Did I have too much to drink?
Don't touch it, idiot. It hurts!
But the blood
Get me some booze.
How can you say that at a time like this?
You are such a nag.
Well, anything I drink
might leak out the hole, anyway
It's all my fault.
Sure is.
It's because you made me stay sober.
Now I've gotta face this
with a clear head.
Take this.
No, I can't leave you here.
You're in charge now. Do as you please.
You can always run away if you
get scared. We clear?
Meryl Stryfe
is not on my side
I'm sorry
All your talk about not wanting to kill
is a fantasy that cowards cling to.
Even kids know that.
Behind every person who lives,
someone else has died.
That's the way of the world.
I don't have time to hesitate
for fear of making sacrifices.
I have to choose.
In order to protect the things I cherish,
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'm the guide, after all.
For the orphanage's sake?
What a great babysitter I am.
I managed to bring you here alive
when you're always asking to get killed.
But all that ends here.
Thank you for all you've done.
It's one of our kind from back then.
I put it here to serve as a warning.
Even humans
don't consume them out of spite.
Why are you here?
I came to reclaim the Plant.
And not just that
The robberies happening
all over the planet,
they're all your doing, aren't they Nai?
You make it sound like a crime.
I was just trying to save our kind
from discrimination and mistreatment.
Nai, you know we can live
among humans if we
Your urge to save humans
isn't born out of love.
You just want to assuage your guilt
for the crash 150 years ago, don't you?
You've fulfilled
the terms of the contract.
Take it.
What's one piece of paper worth?
I ain't gonna forget what you did to me,
until the day I die.
Or what you did to Livio.
Have you put down your cross?
What if I have?
No way! Nai?
You lived
You survived the Big Fall?
Long time no see, Count Revenant Vasquez.
Researcher Bill Conrad.
Make your choice.
Join the hundreds of
thousands that died in misery
or live and atone for your sins.
Where did you get that eye?
Forgive me.
What we did to your kind
can never be undone!
Atonement never ends.
No matter what you do, the humans will
never forgive your sins.
No matter how you disguise yourself,
to humans, you'll always be a monster.
It's true that humans can't
live without sacrificing others.
But they're trying desperately
to move forward.
I want to trust them.
I pity you. You are quite sick.
I'll relieve your pain.
I will rebuild you
into a perfect Independent
like me.
Stop, Nai!
The time has come to even the scales!
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