TrollsTopia (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Cheery Glo-mato - Highly Amused

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
[Rock music]
- [Screeching] Yow! Way to rock!
- Haha! That smash was so
- dissatisfying.
- Aw!
Yow! Spoke too soon!
Ugh, I can't end an epic solo
on a bland smash!
I'm craving something new.
Ugh, too dry.
- Aw!
- Yes!
- Yeah!
- Too crunchy!
- Aw!
- Yeah!
Too obvious!
Aw! Yeah,
we should have known that one.
Uh! There
[Val screaming]
That, mwah,
- hit the spot.
- Yeah!
HOLLY: Y'all!
What did you do
to my cheery glo-mato, ya'll?
[Sad music]
That was your cherry tomato?
Cheery glo-mato!
Y'know, 'cause it glows?
And 'cause there's only one way
to grow it?
Sunlight, compost, H2O! ♪
Grow for mama, go, go, go! ♪
I was gonna enter it in the
Country Corral Fair next month!
It was gonna be my prize-winner.
Oh, Holly, that's awful.
But I'm sure Val didn't know?
Did you, Val?
- No.
- I understand. It was an honest mistake.
A horrifying,
soul-crushing honest mistake.
One so devastating most Trolls would
die before takin' the high road.
But not me!
Not me.
- So, we're cool?
- Yes, Val. We are cool.
High road, Holly!
High road!
Well, that worked out.
Who wants ice cream?
- [Screeching] Yeah!
- POPPY: Ice cream?! No!
- Aw!
- Val, you've gotta apologize to Holly!
I did apologize. I
said: "We're cool?"
- Conflict resolution!
- Yeah!
"We're cool?"
Wow, okay.
Val, look. An apology
needs to show empathy.
- And by empathy you mean?
- Really? Ugh!
Okay, empathy happens when you think about
how your actions hurt someone and
No way, Popsqueak.
I'll just stick to the rock way
of doing things.
Fine! But your conscience
is gonna get to you.
- And by conscience you mean?
- Ugh! Conscience, Val!
The voice in your head that makes
you feel bad when you do wrong!
Eventually, you're gonna
have to listen to it.
Sounds like a real drag. Pass.
What? Ugh!
You can't pass on your!
Oh, nevermind!
Ugh, I've gotta hug something!

Pff, can you believe Poppy?
- S'up, Smidge?
- Hey, glo-mato.
- Wait. What'd you say?
- I said, "Hey, Val."
'Cuz Val's my name.
And this has been a totally
normal social exchange.
You okay?
You look kinda soft rock.
I'm fine.
I-I just, I thought she said
- VENDOR: Hey Val!
- Huh?
- I got your glo-mato!
- Ah! What?
- I said, "I got your usual"?
- But, but
What? I'm not
weird, you're weird!
It's never gonna stop!
Who's that!
It was me.
Your conscience.
Please, I need your help
with this!
- Your shoulder?
- Huh?
She can't see me!
Oh! I see what's
going on here.
You feel bad
about smashing Holly's glo-mato,
so your deeply
underdeveloped conscience
is following you around
in the form of a glo-mato.
Ooh, that Troll's perceptive.
[Glo-mato giggles]
[Val screams]
Yes, okay?
How do I get rid of it?
Well, to clear your conscience,
you have to really think
about what you did.
And then find a way
to express your regret.
- Oh, Maybe in a thoughtful card or
- Card! Got it!
"Hollee, sorry I did that thing
I did the one time. Vall."
And you misspelled Holly.
And you misspelled Val!
You gotta do better than that.
I don't know!
I've never done this before!
[Glo-mato laughs in scary voice]
[Scary voice]
Uh-oh. Someone's gotten bigger.
Oh, please, Poppy,
what else can I do?
I don't know!
Sometimes when I need to say
sorry, I write a song and
Song! Yes!
I can write a song!
Wow, she seems stressed.
I bet she could use a card.

POPPY: Hey, Holly!
Looks like you're
feeling better.
Yup, I'm happy to say
I've let bygones be bygones
By which I mean how Val took out
all her pent-up aggression
on my poor glo-mato
who never did a
thing to harm anyone!
High road!
So I'm whippin' up
a new fair entry:
cookie dough sculptures!
Wow, that is just great!
Hey, by the way,
I'm sort of looking for Val.
Have you seen her anywhere?
VAL: Holly!
I wrote this for you!
- Ow!
- Wha?
- Ooh, this could be bad.
- Prepare to be apologized.
I smashed your
favorite vegetable ♪
Hey! ♪
'Cuz it was,
oh, so smashable ♪
But now I got this glo-mato ♪
Bleh! ♪
And, uh-oh, he's gotta go ♪
I wrote this song
I wrote this song ♪
In hopes that
I might get him ♪
Gone, gone, gone, gone!
I might get him ♪
Gone, gone, gone, gone! ♪
Help me get him gone! ♪
Huh! So?
Apology accepted?

Oh, oh, Holly,
I am so sorry, I
I I just
I need a minute, ya'll.
High road!
Oh, man.
I made it even worse?
Oh, no.
[Glo-mato laughs]
I'm still here!
Oh, you were right, Poppy,
my conscience is gonna eat me.
[Glo-mato laughs]
Someone hasn't resolved
their feelings!
Wow, eaten by a gnarly
projection of my own inner demons.
So cool.
No, Val! I didn't say that your
conscience was gonna eat you,
I said it would catch up with you and
that you would have to listen to it!
Listen to it?
Do you wanna tell me something?
Actually, yeah I do!
I kept wondering
why you didn't ask.
Uh, maybe 'cause you lurk around
like some nightmare creature.
Yeah, I get that.
Now, let's talk about empathy.
Oh, thank you!
[Val laughing]
[Poppy chuckles]
- Val.
- Hey, Holly, are you all right?
Oh, I'm fine. Cookie dough
is good for the hair.
Makes it nice and shiny.
- Really?
- I don't know.
But I'm just gonna keep
tellin' myself that
'til I get it all out!
Now what is it?
Holly, look.
For the first time in my life,
I've actually started listening
to my conscience.
[Glo-mato giggles]
I really thought
about how smashing your glo-mato
must have made you feel.
It's this thing
I learned called empanada.
- GLO-MATO: Empathy.
- POPPY: Empathy.
Empathy. And all I wanted
to do is to tell you
I'm really sorry.
And to give you this.
Aw, a lil' baby cheery glo-mato.
Yeah. It might still
grow in time for the fair
if we both cheer it on together.
And it definitely will
if all three of us chip in!
Get in here, y'all!
[Glo-mato giggles]
Looks like someone
isn't needed anymore.
You ready, y'all?
I guess.
Stupid empanada.
Grow, glo-mato!
Grow, grow, glo-mato! ♪
Till you glow, glo-mato!
Glow, glow, glo-mato! ♪
[Classical music]
Trolls, we gather to honor
the parting of Ms. Glouise,
a good friend
and an even better glue stick.
[Trolls crying desperately]
I can't believe I left the cap
off. I'll never forgive myself.
Uh, Poppy, shouldn't we
hurry this up a little?
We've still gotta get
through seven markers
- and a felt-tip pen.
- Poppy! Poppy, I
Oh! Why!
Oh, uh, sorry. Glitter
to glitter, hugs to hugs.
I need your help with him.
Branch! There you are!
Ah! That expression, that's it!
The ire! The exasperation!
Revelation gushes
from your very pores!
- Uh, what's going on?
- He thinks I'm his muse.
- Branch? A muse?
- Yes, my muse!
One who gives me the inspiration
I need to create great art!
Allow me to explain.
But first, to set the mood.
[Dramatic classical music]
T'was noon.
A fortnight ago.
I, Dante Crescendo, sat down to
compose my next masterpiece.
The first note shall be!
The first note shall be!
But it was all for naught.
I had contracted an undeniable
case of composer's block.
I had never witnessed
such intensity.
His passion stirred my soul!
I found myself
instantly inspired!
So, you see, Branch is my muse!
And I must observe his every move
until my masterpiece is complete.
- Well, that makes sense.
- Makes sense? C'mon!
I mean, I feel bad you're
struggling, really,
but he can't just follow me
around, 'cause I won't like that!
Not good enough. Dante, Branch
would love to be your muse.
Marvelous! Marvelous!
And worry not, Branch,
once I've written this piece
I will be out of your hair!
Would you look at that?
Two Trollstopians being brought together.
Actually, Poppy,
they're being glued together.
Dante, if you're gonna do
whatever this muse thing is,
can you please
just do it quietly?
Of course!
I am but a ghost.
- Marvelous!
- Ah!
[Branch grunts]
- Marvelous!
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Amazing.

Branch, that did it!
- Wait, seriously? You're finished?
- Yes!
With the first of 27 movements.
[Branch grunts]
Okay, new plan!
Get that quill ready, Dante!
'Cause nothing brings out
the ol' Branch intensity like
ration inventory!
- Hmm, this doesn't seem to be conjuring anything.
- BRANCH: Four.
- But I'm sure it will come!
- Five

So, Minuet, you're a
talented Classical Troll.
Think you could quickly
finish this symphony?
- It's for a friend.
- No, I can't, Branch.
As first chair of the
Classical Troll Orchestra,
I must constantly practice my
violin and my bass violin
[Classical music]
Ah. Well, okay, I guess
I'll just write it myself.
How to begin
Sorry, what's this thing music
always starts with?
This crazy straw thing?
- Ah! Crazy straw thing?
- Ah, I'll just write crazy straw thing.
Now, how many keytar solos
go in this baby
And how do I make it clear when
I want to use this sound?
[Drop sound echoing]
You'll bungle the entire piece!
Just give me the quill!
Ah! It's so tasteless!
Can't believe he
would do something
- Morning!
- Ah!
- Someone had a productive night.
- My symphony?
I-It's complete?
The evidence suggests
I wrote it in my sleep,
but, but that's impossible!
Which just proves that you,
O muse, are a miracle worker!
So you don't need me?
You're done?
Yes! I can't wait to share it
with Trollstopia!
Come! Come see what Branch
hath drawn forth from my soul!
Wow! It's so cool!

Okay, Gary, the last nail
is always the hardest.
Just need to concentrate.
- Oh, my guh!
- Ah!
- Smidge?
- Oh, hey, Branch, don't mind me.
I've just been experimenting
with a brownie recipe
and am hoping you can be my muse,
blah, blah, blah, as you were.
What are you talking about?
You know I'm not a muse.
Well, yeah, I did.
But then Dante told us
he wrote an entire symphony
in a dream!
Blah, blah, blah, as you were.
I am but a ghost.
Branch! We're struggling
with a new look for Mr. Dinkles.
Inspiration, go!
But I'm not a muse!
It's all a big mis
Yeah, yeah.
Save the modesty, man.
We'll just stalk you
'til something clicks, okay?
[Branch screaming]
- Branch!
- Ah!
Ah! Oh, oh!

- Inspire us!
- Inspire us!
I'm not a muse, okay?
Dante didn't compose anything
in his dream!
I didn't?
No! I just made it look like you did.
Minuet wrote the symphony!
But I thought it was a favor
for his friend!
Plus, he wanted to use this
[drop sound]
[Drop sound]
So, my triumph
over composers block,
the sudden burst of originality,
was a ruse?
Look, Dante. I
No apologies, Branch.
I'm glad to finally see
what a fool I've been.
And while that may sound
like something a Troll would say
just to salvage his dignity,
as you can see, I'm great!
I I sorta messed
this up, didn't I?
But it's not too late
to make it right.

What are you doing here?
I wanna apologize, Dante.
You came to me for help
but all I could think about
was how it inconvenienced me.
I'm sorry.
And I may not be a muse,
but I bet we can find
plenty of things to inspire you
things you may have overlooked
'cause you were so focused on me.
Like flowers blossoming
in the sun
- DANTE: Aw!
- BRANCH: On someone's wedding day.
- I do.
- DANTE: Wonderful!
Well, that was awkward
and remarkable!
- I think I might be getting something.
- Oh, just you wait.
Just look around you
And I know you'll find ♪
There's something magical
Before your very eyes ♪
Might not be obvious
With just a gaze ♪
But take a deeper look
You might just be amazed ♪
There's beauty in things
To be realized ♪
Just follow your heart
And open your eyes ♪
To all of the
simple magic of life ♪
And you will become inspired ♪
With the world as your muse ♪
Feel the spark
Feel the fire ♪
With the world as your muse ♪
Feel your heart
Flying higher ♪
With the world as your muse ♪
Muse ♪
With the world as your muse ♪
Muse ♪

[Crowd clapping]
Well, Dante got his new masterpiece.
Way to be a friend, Branch.
Yeah, it feels like all the loose
ends of this little adventure
have finally been tied together.
SMIDGE: No, Branch,
glued together.
There's beauty in things
To be realized ♪
Just follow your heart
And open your eyes ♪
To all of the
simple magic of life ♪
And you will become inspired ♪
With the world as your muse ♪
Feel the spark
Feel the fire ♪
With the world as your muse ♪

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