Tunnel (2017) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Some people don't hide in the dark.
Some people hide out in the light.
You want to challenge me?
All I did was respond to this prank.
Park Kwang Ho, these are
He killed someone
and left these dots again.
Are you alive, Jung Ho Young?
Was it you?
Why is it eight?
There's another victim somewhere.
Whether it's a corpse or a survivor.
Isn't that strange though?
I've never seen that.
Did he change his MO?
He was reminded of the past.
30 years have passed,
so he thinks no one would know.
We lost you 30 years ago,
but I will catch you this time.
Professor, what are you doing
at the crime scene?
I needed to confirm something.
It's here too.
What are you saying is there?
This is a memo from the autopsy
from the Hae In River case.
It wasn't related to the case,
so it wasn't in the forensics report.
The victim, Yoon Da Young, had
seven dots on the back of her foot.
Yoon Da Young is the seventh victim?
I wasn't sure.
So I checked the autopsy reports
of the other cases.
None of them had the dots.
Only the victim at Hae In River
had those dots.
As well as this victim today.
From what I can tell
Could there be
be two different killers?
That's what I wanted to say,
Lieutenant Kim.
What kind of nonsense is that?
You don't know this bastard
well enough, Professor.
Park Kwang Ho is right.
I'm positive it is Jung Ho Young.
Only you seem to agree with me.
Who are you again?
Oh, this is Professor Shin Jae Yi,
who's our criminal psychology consultant.
Professor Shin, this is
My name is Mok Jin Woo.
Only two victims have the dots.
Then is Jung Ho Young telling the truth?
Did this happen
because we lost him yesterday?
Are we even really policemen?
The investigation on serial killer Jung
Ho Young has been ongoing for three days.
Another body has been discovered,
shocking everyone today.
I was coming back from exercising
and saw something like a mannequin.
Did you see it on your way out?
I'm not sure about that.
The victim was Ms. Nam, age 19.
She was strangled with a stocking.
There were no other injuries.
Who are you?
Did Joo Hee cause trouble again?
Joo Hee! Nam Joo Hee.
Joo Hee won't be able to answer you.
I thought she was home.
Ms. Nam left home on that day
to meet her friends.
She was found strangled to death
this morning.
The investigation headquarters has
been set up at Hwa Yang Station.
Jung Ho Young is wanted for the
murder of Ms. Lee, a college student.
He is also the only suspect
for this murder.
They have decided to open up
this investigation to the public.
The police have released a warrant
with the image of Jung Ho Young.
There is also a reward of 10 million won.
They are putting everything they have
into his capture.
However, he has committed another
murder as if he is taunting the police.
People are starting to wonder if the
police are helpless to do anything.
I heard you lost him when he was
right there in front of you.
I'm sorry.
Today, another person has died?
Then you better catch him tomorrow.
Do you understand me?
Guys, let's work harder.
We're detectives,
not funeral undertakers.
I'm so sick of smelling dead bodies.
You've lost your sense of smell.
You can catch him if you're sick of it.
What do we know about Jung Ho Young?
Besides the fact that he kills people.
What clues do we have to find him?
Is there nothing?
We should look into his family first.
This whole country knows his face,
so where can he go?
He will hide in a familiar place,
or someone's hiding him.
Do you know their location?
Both his mother and younger sister
live in Seoul.
Kwang Ho and Seon Jae, you can go there.
Min Ha and I will visit his friends,
colleagues, and all acquaintances.
Okay, listen thoroughly
and get something.
Jung Ho Young, that punk.
We have to catch him by tomorrow,
no matter what.
That's all for now.
Kim Seon Jae.
Come see me.
Why didn't you tell me
Jung Ho Young called you?
Are you going to catch him alone?
Don't you know what kind of person he is!
I'm sorry.
Just as much as you
we want to find him too.
You may have been fine
on your own all this time.
I won't stand for it any longer,
you got it?
That's enough, Sung Shik.
You're just the same, Senior!
Let's do this the right way.
Right way? What
What did Jung Ho Young say anyway?
Do you want to see another person die?
How about that woman
you care about, Detective?
Is that why you showed up
at her place yesterday?
I can't stop thinking about it.
I feel anxious.
I'm sure nothing will happen. Let's go.
Why would only these two victims
have dots on them?
Professor Shin, I heard
you were looking for me.
What is it?
These are three recent murder victims.
Because of the victim types,
I assumed Jung Ho Young did it.
That's why I even looked up cases
from 30 years ago.
But these two here,
Yoon Da Young and Nam Joo Hee.
Only they have dots on their heels.
The murderer left his mark on them.
What could the reason be for that?
What about the relationships?
Does Jung Ho Young know the victims?
No, I thought that at first.
They have no connection to him.
The key points in analyzing
a serial murder case are
relationship to the murderer, MO,
and geographical characteristic.
Excluding Jung Ho Young's wife,
Kim Ji Eun
the other three victims are consistent
in terms of these three points.
But you've found differences
in these two cases?
Could it be a different murderer?
The year 2004, in Korea
I heard there were two serial killers
at the same time.
Killer A was the actual murderer
in one of the cases.
Killer B confessed to doing it.
It's possible there's a murderer
we do not know about.
He may be somewhere close to us.
Two serial killers?
More importantly, I heard the victims
in the past were marked with dots.
The killer marked the victims
on the heels with dots.
Kim Young Ja was the fifth victim
and a survivor.
We didn't know it at the time.
If these two cases were not
Jung Ho Young's doing
then Jung Ho Young probably is not
the killer from 30 years ago.
But why is the MO the same?
Why is he obsessed with skirts?
Do you think there really
is another murderer?
You shouldn't have been out
so late at night.
I was kind enough to give them a hint.
Will they figure it out now?
I'm not finished with the autopsy.
About those dots,
what could they be drawn with?
I'm not sure.
Looking at the size and form,
it could be tattoo ink.
It could be a pen too.
It could be a fountain ink pen too.
Fountain ink pen?
What kind of crap is that?
He's not making any sense.
Never mind.
You said you could analyze
the dye, didn't you?
I did. Why?
Please look into its composition
and which company it came from.
We can't overlook anything
when it comes to Jung Ho Young.
I might know where he is hiding.
Please help us out, Professor.
Okay, but you know
do you really think
Jung Ho Young did this?
Are you bringing that up again?
Even that woman Professor Shin said so.
It could be two different killers.
I don't know much about
criminal psychology.
It's about finding the common trait
in all these cases.
It doesn't look like the same culprit
from a legal point of view.
Some have dots and some do not.
What do you think, Lieutenant Kim?
No, I don't think so.
It's the same guy.
He might be putting the dots
there again because of me.
What do you mean by that?
You said you were curious about
my tenacity in catching criminals.
I did.
To tell you the truth
my mother was a victim in
a serial killing case 30 years ago.
I became a cop because of that.
The man who killed my mother
I wanted to catch him myself.
To see the face of the person
who did that to an innocent woman
I wanted to see that person with
my own two eyes.
That person is Jung Ho Young.
How could such a thing happen?
After he was caught by me,
Jung Ho Young changed his MO.
His method of body disposal
and using the dots again
I believe my interrogation two years
ago brought the past back for him.
Hold on.
Then shouldn't there be dots
on Lee Seo Yeon's heel?
If what you say is true.
We'll know once we catch Jung Ho Young.
Please contact us once you have
the results for the dye.
I will.
I'll get going now.
Stop frowning.
I will catch that punk no matter what.
It must've been hard for him to tell me.
I feel so sorry. What should I do?
I have a child a child.
Why did we end up meeting?
There is something
you're wrong about, Lieutenant Kim.
Your mother was not innocent.
She was not such a good woman.
Hey, Jung Hye Ji.
Are you home, Jung Hye Ji?
I don't think she's home.
She's not picking up either.
Excuse me.
No one is in that house.
She ran away a while ago.
Ran away?
The whole world knows that
her brother is a murderer.
How can she walk around here?
This neighborhood is
getting worse and worse.
I wonder if we can meet
Jung Ho Young's mother.
Oh, she's coming out!
Are you in contact with your son?
How many times do I have to tell you
that I don't have a son?
How do you feel right now?
He's not my son. He's not!
Do you have anything to say?
All the neighbors are staring.
Leave right now.
Get out of here!
Okay, okay. That's enough.
Please move.
How many times do I have
to tell you he didn't call!
We're with the police.
We have a few questions to ask.
He never came here, so just go.
Has he called you?
Or do you know of places he might go to?
I told you I don't know anything!
Grandma, that window is broken.
Shouldn't you stick something on there?
What's the point? It'll break again.
Is that how you raised your son too?
Did you neglect him when he was broken?
What would a young man like you know?
Have you raised a child before?
Please leave now.
Grandma, about 30 years ago.
Jung Ho Young was taken
to the police station, right?
Some women had died in that area
and he was taken as a suspect.
He was let go because he had an alibi.
That alibi was a lie, wasn't it?
If I had let him go to jail then,
this wouldn't be happening to me now.
He didn't have an alibi, did he?
Are you hiding your son somewhere?
Where is Jung Ho Young?
Just get out!
- Grandma!
- You people
Why did you provoke her?
I suppose you must be feeling like crap.
How many times do I have
to tell you he didn't call!
6,700 won, please.
Sir, you should take this.
Jung Ho Young hasn't called?
No, he hasn't.
Maybe he smuggled himself out to China.
Hey, don't even say something like that.
If he really got smuggled out,
we're all demoted.
Stop saying nonsense.
What do his work colleagues
and people who know him say?
They all cut off ties with him
once he got arrested two years ago.
I told them to contact me
if he contacts them.
The chance he will is low.
Rookie, did you get anything?
His sister left her house.
We met Jung Ho Young's mom,
but they don't seem to be in touch.
Their relationship isn't good.
She doesn't seem to be hiding anything.
I suppose even though it's her son,
a murderer is too much.
I requested a copy of her phone records.
We'll know once we see them
whether she's lying or not.
Min Ha, what about this team?
What about the tips that came in?
They're checking the ones that
seem promising, but nothing so far.
Gosh, this day is almost over.
Where is this bastard hiding?
Even if he hangs up quickly,
I wish he'd just call.
Then we'd know where he is for now.
What? Is he really calling?
This is really him.
Min Ha, track this call.
Jung Ho Young?
Why did you go there?
What did you want with that old lady?
Why? You thought I'd turn myself in?
So you're thinking
of turning yourself in?
You have no other way of catching me
unless I turn myself in?
I told you to atone for your sins.
I'll think about it if you do all that.
Detective, what are you doing anyway?
Another person died.
You killed her.
It wasn't me.
I told you Hae In River wasn't me either.
You little punk.
You expect me to believe that?
I know that you're telling the truth.
Who are you?
The only person here who believes you.
On Yoon Da Young and Nam Joo Hee
a signature was left on their bodies
that a person like you wouldn't leave.
If you had left that there,
you would have said so already.
You like to show off to the extent
of calling the police yourself.
So what?
When did you first kill a person?
Why is the method of killing
the same if it wasn't you?
Why are you obsessed
with women in skirts?
Is this an interrogation or curiosity?
It's because of your mother, right?
I know you called today
because of your mom.
You must have seen her interview on TV.
She said she has no such son.
You only strangled your sister
out of curiosity.
But she locked you up
in a psychiatric hospital.
"My son is not in his right mind."
No, he's not even human.
"Don't ever let him out
until he acts human again."
Was your mother wearing a skirt
or was it your little sister?
You're trying very hard.
You weren't killing women
you saw for the first time.
Weren't you killing your mother
over and over again?
Miss are you Professor Shin Jae Yi?
What's with this punk?
I told you not to
come after me, Detective.
Where are you? Where are you hiding?
Do you want to see another person die?
How about that woman
you care about, Detective?
Hey, Jung Ho Young. Jung Ho Young!
Is it important?
Yes, it's very important.
That's right. I'm Shin Jae Yi.
It's nice to meet you.
Did he hang up?
How does he know you, Professor Shin?
What's going on?
Why would you butt in there, Miss?
What are you trying to accomplish
with this crazy bastard?
Also, you believe him?
You want us to believe that
he didn't kill those two?
It might not be a lie.
Yoon Da Young and Nam Joo Hee's
cases are different.
What's different about it?
Jung Ho Young will always be like this.
You will never find him
by just tracking his location.
Ah, now I get it.
Is this why?
What do you mean by that?
It's your hobby to interview murderers.
Catching the murderer
isn't important to you.
You only care about the murderer.
This about writing some academic paper.
Aren't you doing this
as research to write that?
- Hey, Park Kwang Ho.
- What? Why?
Am I wrong?
She doesn't care about the victims.
She doesn't know how it feels to wait
for family members who can't come back.
Do I have to know?
Isn't it enough just to catch the killer?
No, you can't!
You think a detective
just catches criminals?
It's a job that requires us
to save people.
I don't know what it's like here in 2017.
This job is about
saving people in the end.
If you provoked this punk
and he kills again
you killed that person, got it?
Chief, we have a location.
Min Ha, send the location to me.
Seriously, this bastard.
What is that?
Is this punk playing us?
I think Professor Shin is right.
Right about what!
We'll never catch him like this.
If I were to kill a person
I was curious about how it would feel.
my sister liked it too.
When I strangled her,
she didn't look like she was in pain.
Instead, she smiled.
Catching the murderer
isn't important to you.
You only care about the murderer.
If you provoked this punk
and he kills again
you killed that person, got it?
You should apologize to Professor Shin.
Why should I?
Don't even bring her up.
She has no blood or tears.
Hey, Park Kwang Ho.
Forget it.
She wouldn't even blink an eye.
What apology?
If I were to kill a person
I was curious about how it would feel.
Did you get home safely?
About what Kwang Ho said earlier
It's okay. It's not like he was wrong.
I see you're not okay.
I'll apologize on his behalf.
But Kwang Ho has his reasons
for saying those things.
She doesn't care about the victims.
She doesn't know how it feels to wait
for family members who can't come back.
Does he have family who can't return?
It's him who can't return.
It's nothing.
Anyway, don't dwell on it too much.
Good night.
It is made up of carbon black.
It's a pigment ink.
It's waterproof,
so water won't wash it off.
It won't fade for a long time in the sun.
But we found traces of asbestos.
I don't know what any of this says.
It's all in English.
We first realized the dangers
of asbestos in the early 1990s.
It is toxic to the human body.
It was no longer imported
starting in 2003.
So it's no longer in use.
Yes, even 30 years ago,
it was mostly imported.
There was one domestic company though.
Shinhaehwa. This dye is from there.
I've never heard of it.
Of course they closed 20 years ago.
I've heard it before.
Hey I've found a connection.
August 1, 1969.
A letter arrived
to a newspaper in the US.
The person who sent the letter
was the Zodiac Killer.
I'm sure you've heard that name
in papers and movies.
The Zodiac Killer claimed to be
the murderer of recent serial killings.
He instructed them to publish this
on the front page.
Not only the Zodiac Killer,
but there was Jack the Ripper too.
Son of Sam in New York.
Also, the domestic terrorist "Unabomber"
revealed his own crime.
Every now and then, murderers
contact the police or the media
using letters or phone calls.
Why do they do such a thing?
They could end up getting caught.
Two reasons.
In order to change
the direction of the investigation.
Or in order to flaunt their work.
That is why we need to
be certain of their intent.
We need to look in the opposite
direction of what the killer intends.
There are times when this isn't true.
This letter was sent by
a killer who murdered two women.
You can see by the content of the letter.
The incident was accidental.
He insists that he did nothing wrong.
He says the one missing body
is in a stream.
In reality, a body
was found in a stream.
Sometimes, the reason
you must believe a killer
is this, right here.
It wasn't me.
I told you Hae In River wasn't me either.
Going back to the Zodiac Killer.
The Zodiac Killer taunted the police
endlessly with those letters.
In the end, the killer was not caught.
These murderers
who flaunt themselves like this
how should we catch them?
Your husband Jung Byung Chul was
the president of Shinhaehwa, right?
It was my father's company.
Then it got passed down to him.
Did Jung Ho Young hang out there too?
The factory was like
a playground for the kids.
There's an apartment
where the factory once was.
Is there a warehouse
or any other building?
Why are you asking me
about the past anyway?
You must think he's hiding there.
We did have one more factory
We've found out where
Jung Ho Young could be hiding.
I thought I should let you know,
Professor Shin.
There won't be any more victims.
Thank you, Lieutenant Kim.
I'll call you once I return.
- Be careful.
- I will.
I'll be careful.
You must be outside.
Yes, I have somewhere I need to be.
This is Shinhaehwa's first factory.
There's an apartment there now.
This is the second factory.
We think Jung Ho Young is hiding here.
They've been planning to develop it
for years, but haven't.
It's in the same state it was
when it closed 20 years ago.
What about the layout?
You can see it's structurally complex.
It will get difficult.
Also, it's been deserted for a long time,
so I don't know what state it's in.
We should enter quietly.
I looked at the map
and there's no houses nearby.
The entry road is no longer there.
No one even knew
there was a factory there.
He has to be there.
There's no better place
to hide than this.
There's no better place
to run from either.
The entrance is here.
But the factory spreads out
in all four directions.
If he's hiding out,
he'll spot us right away.
We can all get him before he sees us.
He's very quick on his feet.
If he gets out in any direction,
we'll lose him like we did before.
We'll contain him from two directions.
Tae Hee, Min Ha, and I
will come in from here.
Kwang Ho and Seon Jae come through here.
The rest of you
need to block the exit route.
Yes, sir.
When should we go?
Right now.
Come in.
If I'm not interrupting you,
can we talk for a moment?
Please sit.
No matter how much I think about it,
I have my doubts.
I'm talking about how only Yoon Da Young
and Nam Joo Hee were marked with dots.
It seemed like you agreed with me.
That's why I'm here.
Lieutenant Kim says he will catch
Jung Ho Young and then confirm it.
The problem is it is
not easy to catch him.
They will never be able to catch him
by searching for him.
Maybe if they make him come to them.
That's right.
They need to set a trap,
stay quiet, and wait it out.
They will need very good bait
in order to do that.
Good bait?
You will need him to know that
you are willing to become bait.
Then he would run
into the trap out of excitement.
It's like ping-pong.
Like this.
I'm glad I came to see you.
Thank you.
Rookie, take this.
I don't need a gun to catch that one guy.
I don't need it. Let's go.
Let's go.
- Set your watches.
- Yes, we have.
Though the investigation
has been made public.
Jung Ho Young's serial murder case
is still at a standstill.
The only suspect, Jung Ho Young,
has yet to be caught.
Citizens continue to fear
- It's Jung Ho Young.
- Don't turn that up!
Turn that off. Turn it off.
Hey, what happened with Yeon Ho?
They found out she was adopted.
I haven't heard more yet.
She was adopted?
Where to?
They're in touch with them now.
I should see her face before I go back.
We have to catch Jung Ho Young today.
Then I have to go back today.
But can you really go back to 1986?
Don't say that. It's bad luck.
Of course, man. I have to go.
It's just too bad, that's all.
We'll go through here.
Kwang Ho, Seon Jae, you go over there.
The rest of you,
wait at the exit route.
Yes, nothing.
Let's try over here.
Jung Ho Young's inside.
Jung Ho Young's inside.
One two
You punk!
What is this?
Hey, where's Jung Ho Young?
Where is Jung Ho Young?
What's going on?
Who is that?
Someone else was here, right?
Did you see him or not?
We can't answer if we don't know him.
You little rascal! Look away.
That's enough. Jung Ho Young's not here.
Gosh, how many times is this?
Hey! What are your names?
What school do you go to?
No, give me your IDs.
What is it to you, Mister?
What's up with kids these days?
I ought to just
If he's not here, where is he?
What's going on?
Is it nighttime in Korea now?
Are you calling to ask about that?
Of course not.
If you don't mind, call later.
Hey, do you know the name
Yeon Ho Park?
How do you know that name?
That's right. That's your name.
There was a phone call from South Korea.
I think there's someone
who's looking for you.
What are you talking about?
Who's looking for me?
Anyway, I said you were in Korea.
I definitely said that.
Someone looking for me?
There is a lot of focus on circumstances
regarding the serial killings.
The motive, intent, and next
location of the next murder.
People are extremely interested to know.
I'm here with Professor Shin of criminal
psychology from Hwa Yang University.
Professor, where do you think
Jung Ho Young will kill next?
Jung Ho Young has committed
his crimes mostly along Highway 47.
There aren't many cars there.
However, if he were to murder again
I think there's a high possibility
he would choose a different location.
His hunting grounds have been exposed.
The more a serial killer kills
they tend to get closer
to their place of residence.
Therefore, his next crime
I predict it could be around here.
I think it could very likely
be around this reservoir.
- Turn up the volume.
- Okay.
She's making herself the bait.
Where is he hiding?
Yes, Professor.
Has Professor Shin ever spoken
to Jung Ho Young?
Yes, he spoke to her
the last time he called.
I thought so.
- Professor Shin is in danger.
- What?
She gave an interview.
I think she's trying to trap
Jung Ho Young.
It would be easier to explain
if you saw the interview.
You should call her right away.
Yes, I will.
What is it?
Hold on.
This phone is turned off.
Leave a voicemail at the beep
Professor Shin gave an interview.
What? Explain it to me so I understand.
- However, if he were to murder again
- What is this?
I think there's a high possibility
he would choose a different location.
His hunting grounds have been exposed.
She's trying to lure Jung Ho Young in.
I predict it could be around here.
I think it could very likely
be around this reservoir.
- To this place.
- What!
Where's the backup?
Not there yet?
A person could die!
You punks!
Gosh, I'm going crazy.
What is this?
Hey, can't you do your job properly?
What kind of GPS tracking is this?
Her phone is still turned off.
Go by her last known location.
It's here. Step on it.
Miss, where are you going?
You can just go.
It's hard to get a taxi here.
You ought to be careful.
Where did she go?
Professor Shin!
Professor Shin!
Are you serious?
Do you want to die or something?
Have you seen this woman?
Who are you?
Take a good look! Have you see her?
Oh, it's that lady from before.
You saw her?
She was walking by herself
back by the reservoir.
I told her it was dangerous
and to get in, but she declined.
Sorry, but let's talk later.
Do you know Professor Shin Jae Yi
by any chance?
What about Professor Shin?
She was close by.
But we found her from so far away.
What are you talking about?
Tell me clearly!
That girl you were looking for,
Park Yeon Ho.
She finished school in England two years
ago and came to Hwa Yang University.
Professor Shin Jae Yi.
She's in the same area as you,
but you didn't know?
Say that again.
Who is Yeon Ho?
She's Shin Jae Yi.
Professor of criminal psychology
at Hwa Yang University.
Where is she?
That sound.
You son of a bitch!
Miss, Miss!
Wake up!
Why is this so hard to untie?
Wake up.
Miss, wake up, would you?
I knew you'd cause trouble.
You're doing this
to get back at me, aren't you?
You were worried someone would die,
so you became the victim?
Answer me! Please wake up!
Please wake up, okay?
Hey, Shin Jae Yi.
Shin Jae Yi!
Please wake up.
Don't you dare die!
Miss, can you see me?
Can you see me?
Professor Shin.
Are you okay, Professor Shin?
Hey, stay focused. He went that way.
Go after him now!
Son of a bitch!
Do you know who I am? Can you see me?
Gosh, you really
Miss, if it weren't for that whistle
Blow this if you're in danger.
I'll come and rescue you.
This necklace.
That little thing
She would blow that whistle
whenever anything was wrong.
Why do you have this necklace?
Who are you?
What is this?
It can't be
Are you Yeon Ho?
I'll pay it. Let's go.
Why would you pay for it, Miss?
Hey, Miss.
It's the lady
who researches crazy people.
Hey, crazy lady.
Criminals are not meant for research.
They're meant for catching.
There's a fire!
Why are you here?
You don't live here, do you?
Miss, I can't live in a house with you.
You should move.
It's not one house.
I live on the first floor.
You and I really don't mesh well.
You agree, right?
Are you just insane or thoughtless?
I'm not hurt, so please stop.
Why should I stop?
Are you really not injured?
Are you okay?
I'm okay. Are you satisfied?
I don't like dumplings.
Adults like people who eat well.
Your parents will get insulted
if you say you dislike everything.
She doesn't care about the victims.
She doesn't know how it feels to wait
for family members who can't come back.
Do I have to know?
No, you can't!
You think a detective
just catches criminals?
It's a job that requires us
to save people.
If you provoked this punk
and he kills again
you killed that person, got it?
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