Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Lost and Hound

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
You know that Mafia case
you helped me with?
- They want me to consult on another one.
- I'll do court security again.
Well, not unless you
wanna come to Boston with me.
- This is Brooke. Leave a message.
- [beeps]
Hey, Brooke.
Keep getting your voice mail. Call me.
I know with Curtis
and my dog stuff and everything,
you're just like, "Oh, she's so weird."
- Maybe I like weird.
- You do?
I wanted to scout
some venues for my wedding.
I'm sorry. You're engaged?
To, like, a regular person? To who?
The most perfect woman in the world.
My O!
My X!
[both laugh] Mmm.
[Scott] You know, cops,
they usually run license plates
when they do traffic stops.
But it looks like Dad ran a bunch
every Wednesday afternoon.
Grandpa Fun Day.
Every Wednesday, Dad would take
Matthew out on the town. Just them.
[Laura] The ice cream truck
drives everywhere…
And sees all the cars!
[rock music playing]
Hooch! [panting]
Get out of the way! Move!
[both grunting]
- [grunts]
- [woman] Oh-ho!
It's okay! I broke my fall with my face.
[bird chirping]
I was beginning to wonder
when Hooch showed up at the door alone.
Huh! Yeah, well,
I was getting him out of the car,
and he decided
he needed to run around the block
and through the garbage bins
behind the Lorenzonis'.
And then through just a hedge. A hedge.
Oh, good. I'm glad you had fun.
Hey, we have business to discuss.
you wanna take Hooch to your room?
I was thinking maybe you could
build a fort and Hooch could destroy it.
Yes. I like that idea.
- I like that idea a lot.
- Good. Okay, go on, bud.
- Come on. Go to my room.
- [Hooch barks]
We've had a major break in the case.
Turns out the ice cream man
was helping Dad with the investigation.
- Isn't that brilliant?
- Wait. What are you talking about?
Dad was taking Matthew
to the ice cream truck every week.
One day, the ice cream man tells Dad
that he found a bunch of fancy cars
from out of town.
Turns out
they were owned by these criminals.
- [Scott] Great.
- Yeah.
Yeah. But…
But you see how none
of these pieces of yarn connect to Walton?
That's kind of important.
I am working on it.
Turns out
this all happened in June and July.
So I was gonna check
the Cypress Beach police blotter
and see what was going on around then.
Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
But you had me come here right away.
What did you need from me?
We are so close. I can feel it.
Promise me that whatever I find,
you're gonna help me follow up on it.
You couldn't have asked me that
over the phone?
- Ow.
- No.
I needed you to see the new yarn board.
I also needed
one of those special Scotty-Laura promises
that you can't break
because I'm looking into your eyes.
Okay. Will you stop squishing me?
Hey, just checking in.
Wanted to see how you're doing.
[Brooke] I'm good.
You know, just super busy with this trial.
I know. Yeah.
Scott, is something wrong?
No, I I don't know.
I just, uh…
It's kind of hard having you
go away for so long
when we just started dating again.
I know. It's hard for me too.
Hopefully Hooch can keep you company
a little longer.
Just another month or two.
They'll fly right by.
Totally. I mean, what's two months, right?
It's eight weeks.
Sixty days.
1,460 hours.
And I'm counting every one.
- I should work. I'll talk to you soon?
- All right. Bye.
Hey, Scott. You busy?
I need to talk to you about something.
Is it a case?
- Something bad?
- Oh, it's bad.
But, uh, it's easier if I just show you.
[Scott] Oh!
Hooch was with me all morning.
How did he
Where's the trust, Hooch?
I'll clean it up.
It wasn't Hooch. Xavier did this.
He came in this morning
and somehow blew up the coffee maker,
slipped on some coffee,
knocked everything over.
Wait. Xavier slipped?
[Jessica] I know, right?
The guy can literally juggle
on a surfboard without falling.
I've seen it on YouTube.
Something must've happened,
thrown him off.
You gotta find out
what's going on with him.
- Me?
- Yeah.
I barely understand him on a good day.
You were his partner.
Uh-uh. No. I'm out all day
with Erica running errands.
I got you a prisoner transport job
taking a hacker across town.
Give you time to talk.
[Scott] Hey, X! I got a job to run by you.
- What is that?
- It's a whistle.
It's a prehistoric orca and a whistle
inspired by the ones that Tlingit
Native American tribes used to make.
Did you know they gave them
the name "Blackfish"?
- No.
- Yeah.
It's cool.
So this job…
It's just transporting
a prisoner across town.
Hacker, nonviolent. Should be pretty easy.
Cool. Let's go.
Oh! Ah. Ah.
- [Scott] I… I got it.
- Wow.
No, no, no. No.
No, you guys go ahead. I got this. Hmm?
Hey, okay.
Fix him.
Hey, um, so, you okay?
You seem a little, uh, distracted today.
Man, I don't believe in distraction.
It implies certain things are worth
our attention more than others.
I try to keep my mind open to all things.
Try to stay aware of everything
in my surroundings at all times.
- Oh!
- [Hooch whines]
There's a wall there.
Yeah, I know.
[sniffs, clears throat]
Prisoner's name is Dixon Hart.
They're bringing him up.
[Xavier exhales]
[Scott] Hey, anything new?
Any big changes in the life of X?
Well, life is change.
By the waves of the ocean,
we rise, we fall.
it can be nice to talk about stuff, right?
I mean, you're always talking about
riding your own wave.
Sometimes it might be nice
to share a wave.
To talk,
you'd have to be surfing the same board.
That's a thing people do?
Tandem surfing.
But don't let Lilo & Stitch fool you.
It's not for the beginners.
[door buzzes]
We'll come back to this.
Meet Dixon Hart.
Convicted of 12 violations
of federal cybersecurity laws.
So, you know,
don't let him play with your iPhones.
- Who's this?
- This is Hooch. He's my K-9.
Awesome! I love dogs.
This will be great.
[Xavier clears throat]
[elevator bell dings]
- X.
- Hey.
- Coming?
- Love to.
[Scott] All right, Mr. Hart.
Your chariot awaits.
Come on, Hooch.
Looks like I got
my work cut out for me today,
so I'm gonna need you to be
on your best behavior, all right?
Mr. Hart,
you'll be riding in the back with the K
- X, where's the prisoner?
- The what?
Mr. Hart! Mr. Hart,
where do you think you're going?
I was just I was looking around.
Well, try it again,
and I will book you for attempted escape.
There's not gonna be a next time.
I've reformed, okay?
- I've changed my ways.
- Great.
Hey, sorry. I didn't notice.
You didn't notice
a prisoner about to walk off?
- You notice when I change my hair gel.
- My awareness would've grown in time.
In time for him to walk out of here?
What's going on? This is a big deal, X.
[reggae music playing]
Is that your phone?
You're the only one I know
with a reggae-ska ringtone.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- [cell phone thuds]
- Oh.
- I'll get it.
- Yeah, I'll just
- [grunts]
- [ringtone stops]
I don't mean to pry,
but Olivia's calling a lot.
- What's up?
- Yeah, we should leave.
[car door closes]
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- You're welcome.
And thank you for coming.
- Oh, yeah.
- [Angel whines]
I did not want to pick up
all these computers alone.
I just wish I could help.
- My back hurts just watching you.
- [laughs]
So, how's it's going with Scott?
- Yes.
- Who's Scott again?
Oh! Scott. Yes.
Well, you would be so proud of me.
He and I talked, and it is safe to say
we're just good friends.
- Just good friends, huh?
- Totally. We have fun.
- [laughs]
- We enjoy the same things.
- Mm-hmm.
- Except running.
And we have really great talks.
But he is in love with his lawyer friend
with the beautiful skin.
- Trust me, girl.
- [sighs]
One day, he's gonna realize
what he really needs.
He will.
Speaking of,
I need another one of these lemonades.
- Mind if we hit the vending machine?
- Yeah, sure. Absolutely.
- [whines]
- All right, we'll be back in a bit.
- Angel, remember, I always come back.
- Hi.
- [chuckles]
- Aw.
[Angel whines]
[alarm beeps]
Mmm. Oh, yeah.
I don't know what it is about these.
It's like I'm addicted or something.
Think I'm gonna get Angel a seltzer water
because she loves bubbles.
And a dog's real best friend,
the pepperoni stick.
[Jessica] Mmm.
Oh, that looks good. You might wanna get
two or I'll be stealing it from Angel.
- [gasps] You wouldn't.
- She can share.
- [beeps]
- [whirring]
Oh, my God. This is so good.
- Meat sticks.
- Well, Angel has really good taste.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, man. That was a kick.
I guess this baby likes Italian.
Where's the van?
Angel was in the van!
Angel! [gasps]
Somebody took my Angel!
Oh, God.
We were only gone a minute!
We can catch them. Come on, come on!
No! We don't have a car! We need a car!
Okay! We need to find a car and get them
off the road and get my Angel back!
Erica, listen to me.
We'll find Angel, okay?
Finding is what the Marshals do.
Hooch. Hooch, it's unprofessional.
Hooch, it's gross. It's gross.
Don't lick the criminal, Hooch!
I think he likes me. [laughs]
Besides, I'm not really a criminal.
This is just a huge misunderstanding.
Oh, yeah. I read your file.
Okay, well, then you saw that I was just
showing the FBI their security issues.
Yeah, and the Department of Defense
and NORAD and the NSA.
Yes. Yes, exactly.
It was like a favor.
- It's funny they don't see it that way.
- But I didn't hurt anybody.
- I didn't know it was a crime.
- Jess. You're on speaker.
Erica's K-9 van got stolen
at the computer warehouse.
They took her dog, Angel.
- What?
- They took Angel?
- Jess.
- They stole her dog?
Wow! That is evil.
Guys, I don't know
where your heads are at on this.
My two cents is we have to help her.
- Who was that?
- [Scott] It's the hacker.
We're Never mind.
We're on our way.
Okay, perfect.
So we're going with my idea then.
Excuse me? Your idea? No.
You are under arrest.
We are helping her, not you.
- [barks]
- [siren wailing]
The van was a charcoal gray Sprinter
with a scratch on the bumper
from when I backed into a pole while Angel
and I were singing a Lumineers song.
And the license plate is 1-Echo-4-9-9-0-1.
Bumper stickers.
"Fur Mama," "K-9 is my copilot,"
"Rescue dogs rescue you."
"Rescue dogs rescue you."
You're writing too slow.
He's writing too slow.
You know what? Let her do it.
It's okay. That'll be better.
I am not losing my Angel because you
missed my bumper stickers, okay?
- [Hooch barks]
- [Erica] Oh!
[Erica panting]
Hey. We got here as fast as we could.
We got here as fast as we could.
I literally just said that.
The local PD's got an APB on the van.
You and X can search.
Erica and me can get a ride with them
back to the office.
The office?
Oh, I'm not going to the office.
I'm going to find Angel.
Oh. Erica, we already have a prisoner
and a dog in the car.
Great! There's an extra seat!
Let's go!
All right.
[Erica] Hi, Hooch. We've got to find her.
Just keep an eye out for the van.
They could've ditched it anywhere.
What are you doing?
I'm sending Angel's picture everywhere.
Rescues, shelters, foster centers.
Even… [whimpers]
…cat people.
Hey. That's really brave of you.
Yeah. Thank you.
Who are you?
Dixon. I'm helping with
the whole dognapping thing.
- Hi.
- Not helping.
Actually, if you want,
I could hack some big dog sale sites.
No. No, thank you. No hacking.
What How's this not clear to you?
You are a federal prisoner.
It's Erica's dog, man!
X, while we're looking for the van,
I thought maybe we could discuss
the whole Olivia thing?
Nothing to discuss.
Our paths just, uh… [inhales]
…might be diverging.
You sure?
You know, Olivia wants things
that, uh, you know, I want for her too,
but maybe I can't do.
And every time I try
to talk to her about it,
no words come out, you know?
Okay. So there's something
you can't talk to Olivia about.
Is that why you're so upset?
[whimpering] I'm not upset.
Okay, let's try this. Um…
What's your favorite surf spot?
- Uluwatu.
- Ulu That place.
Say a big wave comes, right?
And it's scary big, but you go for it.
And you're in it, right?
You're in the it's a it's a tube?
- It's a tube.
- Yeah.
You're in that tube, and you're tubing it.
And you ride it all the way.
Don't you feel better, you know,
like, conquering that fear?
Well, fear can be an adversary.
But it can also be a god.
You ride a wave at Uluwatu all the way,
you smash dry reef.
You die.
- That's a bad example.
- [cell phone rings]
- Jess, please tell me you have something.
- Maybe.
Beat cop spotted a gray van
over in Visitacion.
No plates, but same make and model.
And there's a tarp over it.
Probably to hide the sign.
- Do you have a location?
- Sending you the address now.
- [beeps]
- [gasps] What is this? Driver's ed?
Rip it!
- I'm going as fast as I can.
- Rip it!
I am ripping it!
[Hooch barks]
[horns honking]
[tires screeching]
[officer] Check if any of the residents
have priors.
Hey! Hey! Hello! That's my van!
Why are you just standing here?
Excuse me, who are you?
Sorry, Deputy Turner. US Marshal.
Tell them those monsters took my baby!
Okay. Let me handle it.
The van's federal property.
- You have a warrant?
- I'm working on it.
My partner's in the car
guarding a prisoner,
and it's just the three of us.
I'm thinking if we can get
the resident out
- Um, what's up with your friend?
- What
[Erica grunts, gasps]
Angel, I'm coming!
- Oh, my
- Does she have a weapon?
- She has low blood sugar.
- [Erica] I'm coming for you!
- [officer 2] Does she need an ambulance?
- She's normally not this crazy. I swear.
- I'm gonna handle
- Hey! Are you insane, lady?
You! Where did you get that van?
That van? It's mine.
- It's yours? You put it there?
- Yeah, lady.
I drove it there, I parked it there.
So it's my van!
- Perfect. You're under arrest.
- Wait! You can't just arrest me!
Sure I can. You just confessed
to receiving stolen property.
- Let's take a look at that van.
- Let's.
- Come on.
- [barks]
[stammers] I told you, I took the van.
I don't know anything about a dog.
So, a German shepherd opened the trunk
and then politely locked your gate?
Okay, run me through the timeline.
I need to know everywhere you went,
everything you did,
everyone you talked to.
I found evidence!
[panting] I mean, a clue.
- An evidence clue.
- [barks]
I saw Hooch sniffing this throw rug,
so I sniffed it too and it has pee on it.
Dog pee. It has to be Angel.
And Angel only pees inside
if she's scared.
Just like her mama.
- Where is this dog? Where is she?
- Bro, bro!
Bro, she is crazy.
- I didn't do anything.
- He's lying!
That van you stole is government property.
So is the dog.
So unless you wanna spend the next
five years in a federal prison, bro,
I suggest you start talking.
All right. Geez.
I saw them loading the computers
in the back of the van.
That's all I was after.
I didn't even know that there was a dog
in there until I drove off.
I sold the computers to this chick I know
and she wanted the dog too.
- [growls, barks]
- All right. Let's talk about this chick.
[Angel whines, barks]
Two grand? For a dog?
Four if they're trained.
- Sit.
- [barks]
- Sit.
- [barks]
Still, two's pretty good. [chuckles]
Yeah, but Mom always said
we couldn't take care of a pet though.
Don't you have to walk 'em
and feed 'em special food?
Uh, I think it's called dog food.
- [huffs]
- [Angel whines]
Stop worrying. We'll get rid of it quick.
We'll do a run to Reno.
Hit the storage space, load up the truck.
- We'll sell the computers, the dog.
- Okay.
Then maybe we'll take you out
to Crazy D's.
Good for some hot chicken? Potato salad?
I could totally go for
some Crazy D's right now.
[cell phone rings]
[Angel whines]
- What do you want?
- [stammers] Okay! Valery, listen.
Any way I could
I could get the dog back?
I've been thinking about getting a dog,
and there's just so many
Uh, sorry, bud. A sale's a sale.
[stammers] What if I, like, buy it back?
Like $150.
- [scoffs]
- Or, like Or, like, $5,000.
- 5,000?
- Oh, yeah! He said five?
Ian, where are you gonna get
five grand for a dog?
- Please, I really need this dog back.
- Who cares?
Wait. Ian.
Are you with the cops?
The cops? No, no.
Listen. You stole the wrong dog.
Give her back now or we will find you.
As a deputy US Marshal,
I have a very particular set of skills.
Skills I've acquired
She hung up.
What do we do now?
We get Jessica to dig up the call records
and we track 'em down.
I don't understand.
You want an emergency warrant
and citywide police support
for Erica Mounir's dog?
Not just a dog. Angel is federal property.
And she's
the light of my best friend's life.
Right. So you want me to call a judge
and get an emergency warrant for today?
Today? Try in 20 minutes.
Look, I know Erica's your friend,
but this is crazy.
No Lis [exhales]
Respectfully, Chief,
Angel seeks explosives, she finds weapons.
That dog protects us.
- [sighs]
- The least we could do is protect her.
It's not just me talking here.
A lot of deputies in this office feel
very, very strongly about this.
Fine, I will call the judge.
Thanks, Chief.
Good job, guys.
- Thank you, Sarge.
- Awesome!
Yeah, cool.
What What did we do?
This goes right,
you helped save a great dog.
- We did it.
- Yeah, all right.
- [Erica] Come on, Hooch. Let's find Angel.
- All right.
So listen,
while we're waiting on this warrant,
we've gotta talk about you and Olivia.
Look. Empanadas.
No empanadas, and no spin moves.
- Chill.
- Come on, man.
Look, what is this thing
that you can't talk to Olivia about?
It's nothing. I'm fine.
Well, then tell me what you're fine about.
- She got a job offer in Indiana.
- [Erica] All right. Let's move in, guys.
She wants to be closer to her folks,
and I gotta go
'cause she's the woman that I love.
But also, it might tear my soul in half.
I'm gonna get us some empanadas!
- Empanadas aren't gonna
- Scott, what the literal heck?
- I'm trying to talk to X.
- Why are we waiting here?
- Why aren't we going inside?
- Because we need a warrant.
- Hooch.
- What?
We didn't need a warrant
at the last place.
'Cause you threw a chair
through the window,
and the guy came outside and confessed.
Okay, so I'll get another chair!
- You're not smashing any windows, Erica.
- I'll do it!
I'm already under arrest.
- For the team.
- This is not a team.
You're a prisoner.
No one is smashing a window.
- [cell phone rings]
- 'Scuse me.
- [growls] Thank you.
- You got it.
- [barks]
- Hooch.
- Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
- Are you sure?
Oh, that's awesome, Jess. Thank you.
We got a warrant.
- Yes! All right, let's go.
- Yes.
- Come on.
- [barks]
- I'll check the bedroom.
- I got the kitchen.
It's all clear. Erica!
I told you to wait outside.
I don't want you in danger.
You know who's in danger, Scott?
So, I'm not gonna waste a second
till I find her, capisce?
She's got a point, man.
Thank you! I can smell her.
I evaded arrest for three years.
We can't let them get away like I did.
You don't hear yourself, do ya?
[gasps] Look!
[gasps] Angel's fur! Oh!
They put her in a dishwasher box?
Angel hates dishwashers.
Based on all these dirty dishes
and takeout containers,
I think they didn't much like
dishwashers either.
I wonder if that's why they wanted her.
You think they took a dog
to put a dog in a dishwasher box
'cause they hate dishwashers?
Okay, we'll file that under
the dishwasher theory.
[Erica] I like the theory.
- These are clearly not dog people.
- Mm-mmm.
[Scott] Computer's warm.
They probably used it
right before they left.
We can get a forensics team,
but it'll take a while.
Scott, isn't Dixon a hacker?
Yes! I'm a hacker. I'm great at it.
And don't hackers hack into computers?
He said yes.
Why don't we go outside
and discuss your dishwasher theory?
It's a strong theory.
- Dixon, you can't be here for this.
- No.
- You gotta go in there.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Okay. I'm bringing you in here
where it's soundproof.
We should find somewhere for Dixon to sit.
That's a chair.
Hey, free.
So, we'll have Dixon
sit at the computer desk.
Hands where I can see them.
Let's go.
Looking forward to diving into
the subtleties of dish-washing.
[door creaks]
I always skip the extra rinse
to save water.
We don't have to talk about dishwashers.
All right, Angel, hang on.
We're coming for you.
[whines, barking]
Just shh…
Idiot dog.
Oh! Hey, careful
with the espresso machines.
- They're worthless if you dent
- …you dent the chrome.
Yeah, I know. You sound like Mom.
[scoffs] Rich.
[whining, barking]
Why did you bring this stupid dog anyway?
Why couldn't we keep it simple
just for once?
The dog is worth a lot of money.
[Angel whining]
Do you know
why most family businesses fail?
Because they don't expand.
You expanded us
into getting hunted by marshals.
Oh, we're fine, Nicky.
God, we ditched the phone.
We just gotta get this stuff to Reno.
And then we can go to Crazy D's
and you can get all the potato salad
that you want, okay?
- Just chill.
- [barking]
Why don't you just shut up!
- [man] Here you go, my friend.
- [man 2] Right on. Thank you, man.
Anyone want the rest of my empanada?
Think we're okay.
[Dixon] Hello!
[Scott] Go, go, go.
Okay, so I did some thinking,
and I'm pretty sure this Valery chick
took Angel somewhere in the East Bay.
- Genius! Where in the East Bay?
- Okay.
I can't get an exact location,
but it's the warehouse district
just below Prentiss Street,
where they stash stuff
before they take it to Reno to sell.
They're taking her to Reno?
No, they're not taking her anywhere.
- Let's go.
- [Erica] Good job.
[siren wailing]
[Erica] How much farther?
It's not far, but it's kind of a big area.
We just have to get there and see.
[cell phone rings]
- Laura, I can't talk.
- It's very important.
- I'm kinda busy.
- So am I.
I'm in the middle of cracking this case
wide open.
I spilled orange juice on my laptop,
and it was a really big disaster,
so I had to go into work
and use the computer there
- to check the police records.
- Laura!
Well, I wasn't getting anywhere,
but I had a hunch.
So, I looked in the clinic's records
under those same dates,
and I found something.
Laura, a dog has been kidnapped,
and I am trying to rescue her.
Wait, someone kidnapped a dog?
Why are you talking to me? Go find her!
[cell phone beeps]
- What kind of monster would kidnap a dog?
- [cat meows]
[siren wailing]
[siren off]
[Xavier] Oh, this place is huge.
Lot of places to look.
[panting] How do we find Angel?
- Do you think Hooch could maybe track her?
- No, not if they drove her here.
There's no trail.
There's no way to search it all.
Erica, we might not be able to go right
No! We cannot give up!
Did you bring the rug Angel peed on?
Course I did. It's an evidence clue.
I think if Hooch smells this
Wait, didn't you just say
that Hooch couldn't track her?
He can't,
but maybe he can do something else.
[pants, exhales]
Yeah, you smell her?
- You smell Angel, Hooch?
- [sniffing]
She needs you.
I know you love her. I know.
I need you to tell her.
- [barks]
- [gasps]
That bark. That bark.
He does that whenever he sees Angel.
- [laughing]
- Exactly. It's his love bark.
If she's out there,
then maybe she'll respond.
- [barking]
- [whines]
[Scott] Where's he going?
- I think he hears her!
- X, stay with Dixon.
We'll call if we find anything.
- I'm on it.
- Let's go. Let's go.
[Hooch barking]
This is awesome! [laughs]
- This way. This way.
- [barking]
You sure about this?
I still don't hear anything.
Yeah, dogs hear
four times farther than humans.
- That far?
- Oh, yeah.
- Do you hear his bark change?
- Yeah.
Higher pitch, longer.
He's getting excited. Look at his tail.
He is going to find her!
Come on, Hooch. Come on, where we going?
- [barking]
- Go, go, go, go.
Would you shut that thing up?
What? I'm a dog expert now?
Come on, Hooch. Come on.
Where is she, buddy? Where is she, buddy?
- [Angel barking]
- That's it! I can hear Angel's love bark.
This way. This way.
[barking in distance]
That sounded like another dog.
No, you're hearin' things.
- [barks]
- [barking in distance]
- What was that?
- We gotta get out of here.
Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
Come on!
- [Erica] I hear her!
- Where is she, Hooch?
Over here.
It's her! Angel!
- She's in the truck!
- [barks]
A love bark. It's just so
Crazy, right?
'Cause it makes you wonder if, like,
everybody's got someone out there
just waiting for their love bark.
You know?
You think
[reggae ringtone playing]
- [beeps]
- Scott, what's goin' on?
X, they just passed us.
We're by the warehouse on the north side.
[Erica] Come, now! They're getting away.
Okay, I'm on my way!
Sorry, on our way.
[rock music playing]
[siren wailing]
- See anyone?
- There's no one to see.
How could you see anyone
if you're not looking?
You got this!
Would you chill? You're paranoid.
You heard that guy on the phone, Valery.
He has a very particular set of skills.
We should've been on a plane to Paris
like an hour ago!
- You're gonna get us thrown in jail!
- I'm sorry I tried to grow our business.
Now? Now you're gonna be
passive-aggressive with me? [scoffs]
Just like Mom!
There. There's the truck! Right there!
Oh, yes!
[Scott] Watch out. Watch out.
[horn honking]
Move, move, move, move!
Oh, great! Perfect!
There's an SUV coming up fast behind us.
What do you wanna bet me
that's the Marshals?
Drive faster!
We'll get clear,
and we'll find a place to ditch the truck!
- Stop yelling at me!
- [groans]
- Can you catch it?
- I'm trying.
They've got a huge head start.
Let's see what we can do.
- [Erica] No, no, no!
- [Xavier grunts] We're boxed in!
No, they're getting away!
Hurry! Do something!
- Ram them. Ram them!
- Jessica, we found Angel.
She's going east in a cube truck
near the warehouse district.
We need backup.
That'll be tough.
Local PD's tied up at a huge street fair,
like, six blocks away.
There's multiple roads closed.
I'm looking for another way in, but
Wait, hey, isn't that Olivia's beat?
She could get there the fastest.
That's a great idea.
[Jessica] Good luck.
Local PD's tied up.
Jess thinks our best bet
is to call Olivia.
- I don't know, man.
- [Erica] Huh?
Our paths and the shifting energies
of the universe and
No, X, no! No paths, no shifting energy.
You gotta call Olivia.
You keep saying you're fine,
but you're not fine.
You gotta tell her what's going on
because we are running out of time.
[Erica] I know how you feel, X.
Angel's my heart.
She's my heart with white fur
and the sweetest little face,
and I can't lose her!
It's her love bark, man!
X, you know we're right.
[ringtone plays]
X, baby. How are you?
I've been so worried,
I've been stress-eating doughnuts.
O, we're in high-speed pursuit
of a graffiti-covered,
white cube truck south on Laird
just past Orange.
- Need backup.
- On my way!
[siren wailing]
[Xavier] Baby, put the snacks down.
I gotta come clean.
After Afghanistan, I was so lost.
I saw things that wrecked my soul.
I didn't wanna be in the world anymore.
Truck just passed Whitney Avenue!
And what saved me was surfin'.
It's the only thing that calmed me,
made it possible to live.
We talked about this, baby.
Turning down 1st. In pursuit.
[horn honks]
We talked about your PTSD.
No, but that's not all.
Suspect approaching Olive!
I'm scared that if I move to Indiana
and leave the waves behind,
that the demons will come back
and I won't be the man
that you fell in love with.
X, baby, I fell in love with all of you.
Turning onto Brickley.
Seconds out. Coming in hot!
And nothing can ever change that!
- I love you so much, baby.
- I love you more!
And no matter what…
Got a visual on the truck. Engaging.
Indiana or no, I promise you
we are going to figure this out together.
[Valery] Faster!
What do you want me to do? Ram a cop car?
It's better than going to prison!
They're gonna ram it.
They're gonna ram Olivia's car.
- Olivia!
- Angel!
Stop it!
[gun clicks]
[all screaming]
[screaming continues]
- [siren wails]
- [crashes]
Where are they? Do you see her?
Where'd they go?
- I don't know. I don't see them.
- [engine cranking]
It just stopped!
[Erica panting]
The truck's on fire! The truck's on fire!
Angel! I'm going anyway!
No, no, no! Stay with Hooch.
- I will get her.
- Okay.
Olivia! Olivia!
I'm okay!
- I'm okay.
- Oh, thank God.
It's okay. It's okay, Angel. I'm comin'!
We have to get away, Nic!
Fire! Fire! This thing's gonna blow!
Wait, my seat belt's stuck!
Hey! On the ground!
- [Olivia] He's mine!
- [X grunts]
[both groaning, grunting]
Reminds me of our first date!
Best day of my life!
- [screams]
- [groans]
[both grunting]
- [barks]
- [Erica] Angel, stay calm.
Scott's coming for you!
- Hey!
- [Hooch barks]
Hooch, go! Don't let her get away!
[Valery screams, groans]
You! You took my baby!
You put her in a dishwasher box!
It was business. It wasn't personal.
It was personal to me!
- [Angel barking]
- [Scott grunts]
- [Olivia] You're under arrest!
- [groans]
- X, baby, you okay?
- Yeah.
What you said about moving, I
- Baby?
- Yeah?
Home is wherever you are.
[folk music playing]
- [Angel whines]
- [sighs]
[Angel whines]
Yes! Yes!
- [Angel whines]
- [Erica sobbing]
- It's okay. It's okay.
- Scott, you saved her.
We all did.
"It's okay, Mama. It's okay, Papa."
Those are my friends!
Those are my friends!
Put your hands here.
I missed you so much.
I missed you so much.
- Good boy.
- [barks]
[Scott on phone] Hey, how's Angel doing?
Vet said a little smoke inhalation,
and now she really hates dishwashers.
- But other than that, she's just fine.
- [whines]
How are you?
I'm okay.
I just filled out my after-action report.
Turns out that guy, Dixon,
was inspired by the day.
Wants to turn his life around.
He's gonna actually help us
in the cybercrime unit.
Speaking of inspired,
you were amazing today.
Slightly unhinged at times, but amazing.
Love makes you do crazy stuff, I guess.
Yeah. I've just, uh,
never seen you like that.
You were incredible.
Thank you. That really means a lot, Scott.
[Scott] Um…
- I'll I'll call you back.
- Oh, okay, yeah.
- [beeps]
- What are you doing here?
You You're not supposed to be back
for 1,460 hours.
Well, after our conversation,
I thought about it,
and I realized that is too long.
So, I jumped on a plane
and drove right here to surprise you.
Don't look at me.
I didn't have time to shower. I'm hideous.
You look amazing.
Oh, stop.
Also, I called the office,
and I hear you were quite the hero today.
- Mmm.
- I missed you, Deputy Turner.
Hooch, calm down.
It's your old friend Brooke, you remember?
Sorry. He's had a wild day.
- [Hooch whines]
- Wild, huh? I like the sound of that.
- Mmm.
- Mm-hmm.
All right, we're here.
There's the house.
- Yeah.
- What's up?
Remember I found that clue
in the records at the vet clinic?
It turns out around the same time
those criminals were in Cypress Beach,
with the fancy cars,
Dad came into the animal hospital
with a badly injured dog.
Bringing an injured dog to
an animal hospital is not super unusual.
Well, this dog was unusual.
Dad called her Daisy.
And there were no owners listed,
no records.
And I asked Mom about this case,
and she remembers that Dad
was really upset about it
and really vague about what happened.
I mean, suspiciously vague.
And when she got better,
Dad took her himself
to find her a good home.
All right. Maybe you should stay here.
It could be dangerous.
We don't know what we're walking into.
Your mouth is moving,
but I'm not listening.
What do you want?
Hi there. I'm Deputy Turner, US Marshals.
Good for you. What do you want?
Just wanna ask you a couple questions,
if you don't mind.
I mind. Unless you got a warrant.
Wait a minute. Is that Hooch?
Hooch! How you doing, boy?
Daisy, look who's here.
- You two must be with Scott Turner.
- [Scott] Yeah.
You should've said so in the first place.
Come on in.
Your dad arrested me when I was 19.
Best thing that ever happened to me.
Turned my life around.
So, how did you end up with Daisy?
Your dad gave her to me
because he knew I didn't scare easy.
And he knew I believed in second chances.
[Scott] Second chances?
He said not to talk about it.
Said it could be dangerous.
I never asked what was going on.
It was obvious.
It's dogfighting.
Nothing worse.
Taking a dog so full of love
and make 'em fight for sport.
I saw your father's eyes
when he came to me.
I knew he was gonna put a stop to it
or die trying.
Looks like they missed each other.
Like puppies.
Gonna get 'em some water.
if Walton is holding dogfights…
Then we have to stop him.
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