Two Worlds (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

This is the only way to happiness for everyone.
I’ll go back to where I belong.
I should stay where I belong.
We both should part ways and stay where we belong.
Sorry, Tai.
- I can’t take it.
- Kram.
I don’t think I can stand seeing you cross the boundary
then die right before my eyes.
Sorry, dad.
I’m back now.
Long time no see.
You’ve grown a lot.
I’ve missed you lots.
I’ve missed you too.
Crossed the boundary? Are you for real?
It’s just like the world we’re living in. But they’re not us.
People there have helped me a great deal.
So much I don’t even know how I can pay them back.
You must have seen and been through a lot.
I’ve saved Phupha in that world.
Good on you.
You have really grown up, son.
Breaking news! Police have successfully purged and taken control over Por’s casino.
However, since there was shooting in the scene,
The casino was on fire.
Por himself had been executed.
and his son, known under the name of ‘Tai’ had made an escape.
Witnesses said Tai was seen wounded from the fire.
If you had seen him, reporting tips to police will be appreciated.
Why don’t you take your shirt off first? You’d get sick.
I can just do this with my shirt on.
It’s so so cold.
Dad would do this whenever I have bad dreams.
It’s like a dream catcher.
Thank you.
I wasn’t gonna do anything to you
I just want to give you the pills.
It will get worse if you don’t take these pills.
What do you want!
I’m just worried about you.
Exchange ceremony.
I….I’ll leave the pills here, ok?
I brought you food.
You should eat something.
I put the rest here.
Why the hell did you save me?
I really owe it to you.
Since when did I ever help you?
If I told you the truth, would you agree to eat something?
I’ll take that as a yes.
I have crossed over to the other world with the power of Moon Shadow.
We are acquainted in that world.
You’re really kind to me.
But when I came back here into this world,
I realize I want to help you out as much as I can….to pay you back.
You think I’m a kid?
Well, I’ve answered your question.
If you don’t want to eat, then that’s fine.
Does it hurt again?
Can you please help clean and dress it up?
Do you trust me now?
I’ve brought clothes for you to change.
How did you know I’m here?
I come here with you all the time in the other world.
Can you stop lying about this?
You asked me yourself!
And what are you doing here.
Here often?
Well……I guess
You just lied to me right?
I spend a lot of time with Tai in another world.
I would know.
When you lie me.
Stop talking sloppy.
Get it done quickly.
What’s up?
I thought I saw another one of you just now.
You should see a doctor.
You were coughing all night.
You have Lummana, right?
How did you know?
My mum died from it too.
Only Blood Vessel fruit can help.
But they’re very rare.
I was too young to hunt for them.
So Mum passed away before I could find them.
If the time is now, do you think you’d be able to find them?
But I won’t share any with you.
You’re not family.
But we are in another world already.
We’ve exchanged ash too.
Wouldn't you help me?
What are you laughing about?
You’re no different no matter where you are.
Always hard to express your feelings.
You might look different on the outside.
But your heart’s the same.
I know you wouldn't believe it anyway.
Let’s go eat now. I’m hungry.
Actually, I’ve never asked you about it in another world too.
What’s your mother like?
Can you tell me more about her?
Why should I?
We don’t have much else to do around here.
But that’s up to you,
You can just sit here and bore yourself out.
My mum was kind.
I got beaten up by dad almost everyday.
Mum was the only one who consoled me.
Mums are like that.
My mum consoles me
whenever dad scolds me too.
I’m sorry.
What for?
Sorry your mum died.
Can I ask you something?
You’re not the one who killed my mum right?
What makes you think so?
The more I know you in another world,
I’ve become more certain that.
You’re not that kind of person.
Can you tell me the truth of
what happened to my mum?
I didn’t mean for it to happen
When are you going to pay back?
I’m really all out this month. Can I take a raincheck?
What the hell!!
Next time don’t do anything if I don’t ask you do.
i give you 1 more week. Find the money and pay us back.
I’m really sorry.
Would you stop drawing already.
I told dad I was out drawing.
He’ll suspect something if I go back empty-handed.
You only paint landscapes?
I do portraits too.
I’m drawing you right now.
You haven’t asked for my permission!
Don’t play hard on me.
There’s nothing else to do around here anyway.
Do whatever you want then.
What are you drawing?
Here. Come over here.
Can you see right here?
The lighting is about right.
You can render this part for shading.
You should go to sleep.
Just a bit more.
You should take a rest. Come on.
How about this?
Is this close enough?
Book says Blood vessel fruit grows well
in the right temperature
Not too hot, not too cold.
It should be exposed to light and wind.
They’re best when found on the cliff.
You asked me if I’ve ever come here before, right?
In fact, i’ve never been here before
but somehow there’s something
that draws me here.
So you should wake up now.
I want to hear your story of another.
Thanks, Tai
Not like this.
Not like this, Tai.
Not like this.
Tai. Is that really you?
Sorry I’m late.
But I’m keeping my promise.
Here I am now.
I won’t go anywhere from now on.
If I said I love you
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
The blue substance comes from the power of black stone.
Once you break the black stone,
the blue substance inside will appear.
But if you damage the black stone,
blue substance will also forever be gone.
I cannot live a life with Kram.
Do you think we could cross over to the other world if we jumped?
We will never part - not in this world or any other world.
This Ash Exchange represents a promise.
I will find you wherever you may be - in this world or any other world
And I will forever love this Kram - no matter where we’d be.
I’ve found old pictures of you.
But who were these 2?
They don’t look familiar to me.
What are we having today?
Fish porridge.
Ooh…my favorite!
Your favorite? It’s actually MY favorite!
What’s yours is mine too.
Almost finished?
I’ve just started. Maybe 10 more minutes.
We can do so much in 10 minutes.
It’s been 10 years? Haven’t you had enough?
Don’t believe ya.
So they say happy times fly fast
It might be too late before we know
I missed the chance to tell you how much I love you
If I said I love you.
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
I don’t want to be in a world without you
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
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