UFO s01e10 Episode Script

The Square Triangle

How's everything going? - Oh, quiet.
- Good.
Oh, Alec.
Can I see you for a minute? Sit down, Alec.
I want to talk to you about the new leave roster for Moonbase.
- I thought you might.
- It has to change.
And who tells them? I might have guessed.
'Jo Fraser is in reception, sir.
' - Who? - 'A reporter from the press agency.
' - Did I make an appointment? - Yes, sir, last week.
Thank you.
Alec, can't you handle it? It's the head of the studio he wants to interview.
Article for a heap of glossy film magazines.
I'm no PR man.
It won't be that bad.
GPA will syndicate the story and keep the rest of the press away.
Commander, the refuelling schedule.
Give it to Colonel Freeman.
I'm about to be thrown to the press.
EXcuse me.
Yes, Mr Straker? - 'I'm ready, Miss Ealand.
' - Yes, sir.
Would you like to go in? Before we start, I must tell you that I'm a busy man, Mr Fraser.
I must apologise My name is Josephine Fraser.
I sometimes find that in a man's world, Jo is more convenient.
Hmm well, er Is it a man's world? I think so.
I hope you'll forgive me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Please sit down.
Well, fire away, Miss Fraser.
And how long have you been head of this studio, Mr Straker? Do you tape-record the interview and take notes? I noticed the microphone in the front of your purse.
Oh, that's to ensure I don't misquote you.
And the notepad's for my impressions.
Of me? I think first impressions are so important.
I think so, too.
- 'Fuel checks are complete.
' - I'll tell Commander Straker.
Black, no sugar, sir.
Just how I like it.
Well, I'll walk you to your car.
Thank you.
I thought the age of chivalry was dead.
No, I have to go up on the studio lot.
It's on the way.
no, I'm not sure about that very smart.
I've earned it.
Well, thank you.
You've been very kind.
A pleasure.
- Goodbye.
- Miss Fraser.
Commander Straker? 'Commander Straker? ' 'Commander Straker? ' Miss Fraser, I didn't eXpect you back so soon.
- I left my handbag.
- Oh, I see.
- I'll get it for you.
- No, it's all right.
I'll get it.
Have you found it? Yes, thank you.
Stand by.
When I give the word.
Now! Cut it.
How are you? All right? - Fine.
How was it? - That was great.
Right, we'll take some close-ups.
From the point when your hand comes up.
- Good morning, Roy.
- Good morning, Mr Straker.
- You died beautifully.
- I don't go much on blood, though.
We got that contract matter straightened out.
Miss Ealand will put you in the picture.
Commander Straker has to authorise these.
Lieutenant, where is he? He's on his way back from the lot.
Messages? Callers? No, sir.
Only Miss Fraser.
Miss Fraser? Yes, she came back for her handbag.
She left it in your office.
- You didn't let her go in there? - Well, only for a moment.
I see.
'Voice-print positive.
Identification Commander Straker.
' 'I think first impressions are so important.
' 'Do you tape-record the interview and take notes? - 'You didn't let her go in there? ' - 'Only for a moment.
' Alec.
Something wrong? Did anyone call me during the last 15 minutes? I bleeped you on the lot.
- No, in the office, on the intercom.
- I tried there first.
- What did you say? - Nothing.
You must have said something.
It's important.
Well, Just "Commander Straker".
There was no reply, so I clicked off.
"Commander Straker.
" All right.
Thank you, Ford.
How could I be so stupid, Alec? That reporter had a tape recorder.
It was left in the office.
Chances are it picked up Ford on the intercom.
He only said "Commander Straker".
What could it mean to anyone? Not a lot, I agree.
But maybe enough for that woman and her friends to start snooping.
- It was a girl? - Yes.
Miss Ealand, get on to the Global Press Agency.
I want to contact Josephine Fraser.
It's urgent.
'Yes, sir.
' - What was she like? - Hmm? Oh, intelligent.
Attractive? 'I'm afraid we have no one on our staff named Fraser.
' - Are you certain? - 'I checked the personnel files.
' - Yes, I see.
- 'Check the other agencies.
' Right.
Thank you very much.
Yes, Miss Ealand? 'I called the Press Agency, sir.
They've never heard of Miss Fraser.
' Well, check all the other agencies.
I want her found.
'Thank you, Miss Ealand.
' Intelligent, attractive and a possible security leak.
It was my mistake.
I'll take care of it.
- I still think I should go.
- It's simple enough, Alec.
Find Miss Fraser and get the tape, a logical sequence.
Well, you can look after things here.
Well, there it is, Alec.
The responsibility seat, the other side of the fence.
I'll check in every few hours.
'Have trace on positive track.
'Course, four-two-eight-one-four-siX green.
'Speed, zero-SOL-eight.
'Range, 2 million miles.
' Termination? - It should be through any second.
- Moonbase to launch Interceptors.
'Red alert.
Red alert.
' Control to Interceptors.
UFOs on positive track.
Green one-four-zero.
Moonbase to SHADO Control.
Confirm UFO sighting.
- May I have some ice, please? - Yes, sir.
How far is the Grenville Motel? About eight kilometres down the road.
- May I use your phone? - Of course.
Thank you.
'Range, five million miles.
' 'Two UFOs positively hit.
Missile three not confirmed.
'UFO changing course, moving out of range.
' we've lost it.
'I think first impressions are so important.
' 'I have a sighting bearing green zero-four-two.
'Maintaining stationary position at 5, feet, earth atmosphere.
' Yes? Commander Straker, sir.
He wants to know how it's going.
Tell him everything's fine.
No trouble.
- Well, do we have trouble? - I don't think so.
- But we have an unidentified trace.
- Yes.
- Then something's there.
- I guess so.
- It could be that UFO.
- It's stationary.
The point is do we have a UFO on our hands or don't we? In my opinion, it's a million to one against, - but we'll maintain a radar track.
- No.
Launch Sky One.
Tell waterman to investigate.
Yes, sir.
This is SHADO Control to Skydiver.
'Launch Sky One.
Investigate possible UFO.
'Position zero-one-two, three-zero-two, red three.
' Roger, Control.
- Launch stations.
- Launch stations! - Check circuits.
- HP Circuits Ok.
Relays Ok.
Ok for launch, Captain.
'One and two cleared.
' - Liftoff stations.
- Liftoff stations.
Check boosters.
Checking boosters.
We still have positive track.
Green on three.
Confirm radar fiX.
Control to Sky One.
New position zero-one-eight-two-nine-four.
Range, 25 miles.
'I have it on internal radar.
' Should have visual contact in about a minute.
I think I can see it.
'Have visual contact.
' Panic over.
It's a weather balloon.
- Miss Fraser.
- How did you find me? The studio gate logs all licence plate numbers.
I got your address and a couple of places where I might find you.
It was a simple process of elimination.
- Who do you work for? - Myself.
And sell whatever you get to the highest bidder.
Look, I'm sorry I lied.
If I hadn't, you wouldn't have seen me at all.
Just give me the tape, Miss Fraser, and we'll call it a day.
The tape, Miss Fraser! You've played it back.
- There wasn't time.
- Right.
Well, why don't you say it? - If you Just sign this, please, sir.
- Oh, get outta here.
I'll leave them on your desk, then.
Even a practice launch for Skydiver needs an authorisation.
Hold it, k eith.
I'm sorry.
Can you imagine what Straker would have said? Yes, sir.
I can imagine.
What now? Police? Who are you? Jo Fraser, freelance reporter.
I've only had one article published in the last month.
- Is it still there? - Yes, Lieutenant.
Ask Colonel Foster to come in.
Get Control.
He'll want to speak to Commander Straker.
- Colonel Foster on the video link.
- Oh, thank you.
Hello, Paul.
'Hello, Alec.
This is a surprise.
Where's Straker? ' I'll eXplain later.
What's up? We've picked up radio signals about 5 miles east of the base.
It's some sort of vehicle.
It's on an erratic course, but heading our way.
- 'Have you any ideas? ' - Not really.
We can't make radio contact.
- Could it be unmanned? - 'Possibly.
' If it maintains this course, it'll run into us.
'It'll be a couple of hours before there's any real danger.
' Well, get onto it right away.
Lieutenant, I want an immediate rundown on all installations on the moon operating surface vehicles.
Why did you do it? It's a dirty world.
You have to cut a few corners.
To get what you want.
Like that car of yours.
The car? Huh! It's on hire.
All part of the front.
- Does it matter? - Let's say I'm interested.
You've heard it all before.
I'm a very good listener.
With an ice-cold clinical outlook.
'Intelligent, attractive and a possible security leak.
' Huh.
You don't believe me, do you? You know, if there's one thing I hate it's eating dinner alone.
Well, what do you think? It's a tough decision.
Tell Moonbase to launch Interceptors.
Right, sir.
Interceptors 1, 2 and 3, immediate launch.
Repeat - Interceptors 1, 2 and 3, immediate launch.
Mmm nice.
Well, it suits me.
I'll get things moving in the kitchen.
- Can I help you? - No, I can handle it.
- I left the wine in the car.
- I'll get it.
Oh, thanks.
Yes, Miss Ealand? - Commander Straker, sir.
- Well, you'd better tell him everything's under control.
'He says he's glad to hear it and he'll be back tomorrow morning.
' 'Miss Ealand, do a voice check for me.
'It's Miss Fraser.
Just routine.
' 'You mean a G-6, sir? ' That's right, Miss Ealand.
A full G-6.
'I understand, sir.
Record immediately.
' Yes.
Come and say hello to Miss Ealand.
Hello, Miss Ealand.
You're working very late tonight.
Hope to see you again soon.
Goodbye now.
' Yes, that'll be fine.
Goodnight, Miss Ealand.
Well, why don't you help yourself to a drink? I'll break out the can opener.
We can see it.
I'll go down and radio back a photograph.
Transmit a print of this to SHADO Control.
You know, Ed, you're a terrific cook.
I Just follow the instructions on the can.
The wine was great.
You should have had some.
You know, you have a nice home here.
It's a place to sleep.
You know, it's funny, Jo, I enJoyed today.
Ever since my divorce, I've kept myself pretty much to myself.
You know how it is.
Yes, I do know.
It's Russian.
From a base about 12 miles east of Moonbase.
Russian? It's a mobile rig used for mining in rich surface ore areas.
Get on to their base.
- Tell them unless they divert it - I'll eXplain the situation.
We understand your concern, but we still can't establish radio contact with the crew.
'Something must have gone very seriously wrong.
' 'They're out of control.
' All we can do is to keep trying.
Get me SHADO Control.
We've contacted the Russian base.
The crew of two can't be contacted.
- 'Is the radio link Ok? ' - It seems to be.
- They Just don't answer.
- What's its position? '2 miles east of the base.
'A surface mobile is on the way, but it won't get there on time.
' Send out a Moon Mobile.
Try to establish visual contact.
' We should be making visual contact any minute.
Yes, I make it about two miles.
' and criminal records show she was indicted five times.
' - I see.
- 'Is there anything else, sir? ' No, that'll be all right.
What's the matter, Ed? Get out.
What's wrong? I know.
That's what's wrong.
One article published in the last month, the car on hire You were right the first time.
You earned it the hard way.
What did you have mapped out for me? To take me for all you could get? Or maybe something more cosy, like an idyllic weekend and a guy with a camera happens to burst in at the right time.
Maybe at first.
Oh, come on.
Don't give me that.
Don't tell me there's an emotion in that pretty head.
- You're getting soft! - Soft?! That's the way you get eaten alive.
Oh, you wouldn't understand.
It's a man's world, remember? 'Come in, service rig.
'Come in, service rig.
Do you read me? ' Get me a direct radio link with the Moon Mobile.
Right, sir.
- 'Colonel Freeman, sir.
' - Right, put him on.
- 'what's the position? ' - We have visual contact.
We're trying to contact the crew without success.
- Fire a warning shot.
- A warning shot? You're five miles from Moonbase - That's a civilian vehicle.
- Fire that shot.
Range, 48 yards.
Angle, zero-decimal-two-eight.
Not too close.
Try another one as close as you dare.
Yes, sir.
Range, 32 yards.
Angle, zero-decimal-two-four.
- No reaction.
- You're certain they saw the shot? Any closer, they'd have been part of it.
- Stop them.
- You mean? I mean shoot to stop them.
I'll take the responsibility.
Do you read me? Give us a couple of minutes, we're going to try something.
Come in M3.
'Come in M3.
' - Come in M3.
- 'M3 to Control.
' - Control to - Get me Colonel Foster.
- He's trying to board the rig.
- What?! - Has he made it? - I'm not sure.
I can't see him.
If he's not inside They're both incapable.
'The air pressure's down.
They could have inoXia.
' - How far away is it now? - 1,5 metres.
This is a red emergency alert.
Seal all airlocks.
All personnel to carry out decompression drill.
Call the Russians, find out how to stop this thing.
Yes, I understand.
The quickest way to stop it is to throw the red master power switch.
It's situated left of centre on the control panel.
'There's a red switch on the control panel.
' - I can see it.
- That's the master power control.
' How far is it from Moonbase? Just a few hundred yards.
'The crew are fine, but I doubt if they remember much.
' There must have been a pressure leak.
The lack of oXygen induced a sort of drunkenness.
- 'Drunkenness? ' - Like drinking whisky.
We call it inoXia.
Ah, we know it in the same way.
EXcept our description would substitute vodka for whisky.
On behalf of SovateX, I would like to thank you for your cooperation.
- Good morning, sir.
- Ford.
Well, it's all sorted out.
Clever girl, Miss Fraser.
You were quick with the voice-print.
The international crime computer did it.
Her record's as long as your arm.
- Is she wanted by the police? - No.
But she won't stay out of trouble for long.
Her kind never do.
- Where's Colonel Freeman? - In your office, sir.
- Hello, Alec.
- Hello.
Well, I hear you had quite a day.
You could say that.
Paul Foster might have lost his life.
Ordering him onto that rig - a tough decision.
- The right one, of course.
- It wasn't quite like that.
Whatever way it happened, you were responsible.
I certainly have to hand it to you.
That Miss Fraser, she didn't have you fooled for a moment.
I'd have probably got emotionally involved.
Yes, I can see how it could happen.
- I say, Alec - SovateX well It's all yours.
Yeah, the other side of the fence.

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