Ultraman (2019) s01e10 Episode Script

Star Council

You must be kidding.
After going to all the effort
of building it, you busted it.
I told you it was too soon.
But this was designed for combat
from the start, wasn't it?
It was meant to be used roughly,
so you should make it tougher.
Since this was made for combat,
it has to meet the speed demands
of hand-to-hand fighting,
so it's been made as light as possible.
You need to use it more carefully.
I can use it however I like.
I'm the one who's paying for this,
you know.
At any rate,
you need to leave this with me.
Use the everyday one for now.
Don't break that one too.
Don't you worry.
I only use this one against humans.
Well, thank you for this.
I appreciate you coming
all this way for me.
There's something I want to ask you about.
I heard that you destroyed one of
Earth's passenger jets 12 years ago.
It seems to me that you aren't the one
behind that explosion.
Why do you think so?
Because you didn't destroy it,
and were in fact trying to protect it,
weren't you?
Playing dumb, are you? Whatever.
I'll eventually find out anyway.
A dog that is too nosy will be rejected.
Is that what you think?
But dogs only do
what they think their master wants.
That has to be Hokuto.
Mr. Hayata.
What in the world is that guy after?
Excuse me.
Thank you for the other day.
Rena Sayama?
How did you know it was me?
You have to ask?
I even wore a hat today.
My disguise was perfect.
Do you remember me?
You forgot again?
I went to your live show
after we talked last time.
-Did you remember?
The show
I'm sorry about that.
Thank you for coming, but I never thought
that kind of thing would happen.
That's all right.
That wasn't your fault, Rena.
Oh, that's right.
-You're still open today, right?
There's still 30 minutes until we close.
-Thank goodness.
-Come this way.
You're in high school too, aren't you?
-Do you work part-time here?
-Something like that.
-Then there's something I want to ask you.
This place
is only a museum on the surface.
It's actually still
the base for the SSSP, isn't it?
Have you ever noticed strange things
while you've worked here?
What kind of strange things?
Let me see.
Like strange people or cars
entering and leaving or
Strange devices sitting around or
Strange passageways.
-No. There's nothing--
-More precisely,
is Ultraman here?
I've heard lots of stories
about what was in that suit,
like that it was an alien
or a robot or something.
I think that it was a human inside.
And though the SSSP doesn't exist anymore,
I think it was one of those people.
Why do you think that?
Here. Look at this.
This mark on Ultraman.
Doesn't this look like that?
Yes, I guess it does.
I know what you're thinking.
Just because it has the same mark
doesn't mean Ultraman is here, does it?
I realize that.
-But what?
I want to see Ultraman again.
I want to tell him something.
About your mother?
Well, that's half of what I want to say.
If you were at my show,
then you saw it too, right?
I was just focused on what I was doing.
I only did what was natural.
Oh, crap!
I said that without thinking.
What was that?
I'm sure that's what Ultraman would say!
Yes, you're right.
For Ultraman,
it was probably only natural.
Even so
No, in fact, that's exactly why
I have to tell him my honest feelings.
I want to see Ultraman again.
-Excuse me for a second.
-It's okay. Go ahead.
What do you want, Mr. Ide?
I'm busy right now.
Don't act like that, Shinjiro.
I've got work for you.
Another extraterrestrial life form
has shown up again.
All right. I'm on the first floor now,
so I'll be there soon.
Sorry, but something just came up.
-I have to go.
-Oh, okay.
Oh, that's right.
I'll look into Ultraman for you.
This is the Giant of Light Museum,
you know.
We've got more info on Ultraman here
than anywhere else.
See you.
Is it possible
-Stand back!
-It's dangerous!
What's going on?
-Something escaped onto the platform.
It's dangerous! Stand back!
No way!
So, there's already a crowd.
Lately, news of alien sightings
spread like wildfire on the Internet.
Ide here.
Evacuation of the passengers
and station workers is complete.
The police are cooperating too.
Get into position right away.
Thank you, sirs.
Thank you too.
What are you doing? Let's go.
Yes, sir.
A totally empty station is kind of spooky.
Hey, you guys. You're finally here.
Is he the guy we heard about?
You were taking so long,
I went ahead and killed it.
You don't have a problem with that,
do you?
You again?
So, what do you think? Like what you see?
What's your problem, man?
-Mr. Moroboshi!
Was someone watching?
Oh, crap.
That kid
He's a lot more aggressive
than I expected him to be.
We're going to have to get busy fast.
I hate to tell you this,
but we're not so shorthanded
that we'll hire people we don't know.
I think Mr. Hayata knows who I am, right?
-I knew it was you!
-Hey, kid.
You mean you know this guy?
Well, you see
I'm a grade younger than Mr. Hayata
at our school. My name's Seiji Hokuto.
Nice to meet you.
Since you know who I am,
let's start over, shall we?
Will you hire me to work for the SSSP?
He has no family register?
That's right.
At the very least, the person Seiji Hokuto
doesn't exist on paper.
Does he actually go to the same school
as the kid?
That part was true.
Apparently, in order
to get close to Shinjiro,
he forged the necessary papers
to get admitted.
Any history previous to that?
At this point, we have nothing else.
Is he an alien?
His DNA is without a doubt Earthling DNA.
it appears that something happened to him
that caused him
to lose all his limbs.
Those arms and legs you see him using now
are sophisticated prosthetic limbs.
You mean
those are fake?
It's hard to believe, isn't it?
Including that suit he was wearing,
that boy's body uses
extremely advanced technologies.
It's far more advanced
than anything
that currently exists on Earth.
I told you.
I bought that information about Ultraman
from someone who knows who he is.
Trust me, would you?
I find that hard to believe, son.
There's hardly anyone who knows
who Ultraman really is.
That's not true.
Naturally, everyone in the SSSP knows,
and there must be people
in the Universal Alliance Council
who know as well.
How do you know about that, son?
"It takes a thief to catch a thief,"
you know.
All right. Fine.
We can talk about that later.
First, tell me what you're after.
Why do you want to join the SSSP?
Well, you see,
I have a friend, Yuko,
who I've known since I was little.
-Yuko is an alien that lives on Earth.
Go on.
I was raised in the alien town
with Yuko and the others.
Your name is Mr. Ide, right?
Have you been to that town?
The people who live in that town
hide their true identity
in order to go about their lives.
Can you understand how miserable,
painful, and depressing that is?
Yes, I believe I understand.
All right, if you say so.
Yuko and the others live under
those harsh conditions even now.
They hope that someday Earthlings
will learn who they really are
so they won't need to continue
living their lives
in secret.
Eventually, in the not too distant future,
the government
and the Universal Alliance Council
intend to make a joint announcement
regarding that.
After you do,
if there are any aliens
who have harmed or killed Earthlings,
what will you do?
Are you saying that feelings towards them
will worsen?
We are beings
who intrinsically dislike aliens.
The reason we've never officially
recognized the aliens until now
is because we are fully aware of that.
The fact that we deal with aliens
through the formal channel
of the Council is proof.
If people found out
that even only a few brutal murderers
are among the aliens,
a movement demanding the expulsion
of all aliens would be unavoidable.
As long as they are living on Earth,
even aliens must obey the rules
stipulated by humans.
Anyone who can't do that
must be punished.
-Is that why you--
-What I want is
to create a world where
Yuko can proudly live just as she is.
As long as anyone
stands in the way of that,
I will eliminate them.
The best way to do that
is to become Ultraman
and join the SSSP, don't you think?
That's just lip service.
What he's saying does make
some sense though.
True, what he's saying is plausible,
but I don't believe
that's his true motive.
The psychology of Earthlings
is truly quite intriguing.
How about this?
Let's give in to his request for now.
So you can keep an eye on him?
If we continue to press him like this,
I doubt we'll be able to get
any more information out of him.
Right now,
I want to find out who his backer is
more than anything else.
So, he's bait
to lure them out?
I'm not the kind of person
who can be duped into being used as bait.
I heard that Moroboshi gave you
a pretty severe tongue-lashing.
But, you know, I have no idea
how he knew about me.
I really can't figure it out.
I bet not.
In this instance,
you're not to blame.
The way he found out who Ultraman is
most likely involved
Why, if it isn't
the last person I want to see right now.
That's not a very kind remark.
What does the Universal Alliance Council
want with me?
I've developed quite a taste
for the "yakitori" here.
The usual, please.
-Sure thing. Coming right up.
-All right
I'm working on a project right now.
It's to find the whereabouts
of a certain missing person.
They must be pretty important
-if you're searching for them yourself.
They are talented technicians
for the Alliance Council.
They are one of those so-called geniuses.
Really? So, why come to me?
Well, you see,
I've traced him as far as his contact
-with a certain informant.
There you are.
That's what I like.
This is what I call real yakitori.
Would you like some?
-No thanks.
-Such a pity.
Enjoy your meal.
Oh, one more thing.
You've been pulling some
pretty crazy tricks lately.
Speaking as someone
who also has a secret identity,
it might be best
not to stand out too much.
I'll remember that.
I'll cover the bill.
I gladly accept your generosity.
I told you it's nothing to worry about.
However, I'm being tailed,
so I won't be returning for a while.
Also, I'm sure they are tapping
this communicator.
Don't worry about me either.
I've taken measures to handle that stuff.
I trust you.
Until now, we were never detected
no matter how hard they looked.
We're still able to live.
So, how did it go?
I sure hope they believed
what I told them.
I wasn't lying,
so I hope they believed me.
You know, why don't we stop this?
I understand how you feel.
But it'll cause trouble
if we make any more waves.
Are you crazy?
We only just started.
I realize that, but if this continues--
How dare you!
You're partly to blame
for what happened to Yuko, you know.
I'll contact you again
when I get the money.
Please! He's still breathing!
If you help him now, he can be saved!
-But, if we did that--
-I know!
But I don't want any more people
on this planet to be killed.
So please save him!
What about them?
It appears they've fallen
for the disguise you made.
I see.
What about this boy?
I'll take care of him.
After all, this all happened
because I got involved with this family.
Isn't that why
you brought him here anyway?
I can fool the Alliance Council.
I'll give him arms and legs.
I have to look after
a whole family anyway.
One more person won't matter.
All right.
I guess it's time to
stamp out some baddies again.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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