Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Misty Hollow

The first victim, Nadia, was your
granddaughter, wasn't she?
Do you have any idea why she was targeted?
All of the victims are
young women. Any idea why?
I assume that the culprit likes young women.
But these incidents are too systematic.
They happened once every four months,
killed in the same weather,
in the same way.
What are you getting at?
I'm saying that the culprit may have a
motive other than sating their hunger.
But we can set that aside for now.
Do you
believe that the culprit
is someone in the village?
Misty Hollow
Episode Ten
I do not.
Just as wolves are only
born from other wolves,
werewolves are only born
from other werewolves.
Most of the villagers were born
and raised in this village.
The only possibly suspicious ones would be
the outsiders who've settled here.
Heinemann the doctor.
Cnut the engineer.
Alma the artist.
I tested those three.
Werewolves are monsters that defy reason.
It's difficult to see through them
if they are disguised as humans.
But they are different
from us in several ways.
For example
How keen their senses are.
For example, we made them smell
a pungent golden-rayed lily,
or banged pots and pans near their ears.
A werewolf would be startled
into revealing themselves.
But all three of them were fine.
Which means there are no werewolves
amongst the villagers.
You seem very knowledgeable
about werewolves.
The greatest weapon werewolves
have is their blood.
They evolve.
They control their lineage.
They are careful about who breeds with whom
in pursuit of producing the strongest child.
They have this all figured out when
they mate and create offspring.
That's how they became so powerful.
Silver and holy water don't
work on the latest generation.
And that's the result
of their selective breeding?
What should we do, Shizuku-san?
Sounds like silver's not gonna work.
Guess there's nothing we can do, then.
That's not true.
You can go after them in their human forms.
You can target their eyes or their mouths.
Or you can set them on fire.
Oh, thank goodness.
I guess they're a little more
killable than Master here.
But eventually, they might
also become resistant to fire.
Who knows what will happen
once a Kindsführer is born?
It's a legend.
The ultimate werewolf that results
from all their selective breeding.
That's what they call it.
A werewolf that's faster, tougher,
smarter, and more powerful.
It is their god.
You stated that silver won't work on them.
It sounds like you've seen one
it didn't work on yourself.
Well, I did.
Is this the incident from eight years ago?
Yes. That mother and child
were also outsiders.
Mother and child?
A woman and the daughter she gave birth to.
They had us completely fooled.
Mayor, are you sad about
Louise being kidnapped?
Louise was our village's guardian angel.
She's what gave us hope.
If she dies, I don't know what we will do.
By the way, how did you find
the werewolf eight years ago?
It was Louise. She saw through them.
She never said much, but she
was a mysterious child.
I can't believe Louise was attacked, too.
She was this village's hero.
Because she found the
werewolves eight years ago?
The mayor informed me that you
knew the most about it.
Knew the most about it?
I'm just a victim.
That woman tricked me.
Thirteen years ago
I found a woman unconscious in the forest.
She had beautiful silver hair.
She was clearly in bad shape, and her
body was covered in terrible wounds.
Her belly was also slightly swollen.
When I asked her what her
name was, she said it was Rosa.
When I asked her where she was from,
she just told me that she ran away from home.
Back then, the other villagers
were more accepting of outsiders.
We had thought that she must've
worked at some mansion
and been fired for having
an affair or something.
Rosa gradually recovered,
and six months later,
she gave birth to a girl.
Her name was Jutte.
Thinking back on it now, there were
a lot of things that were unnatural.
She didn't leave the house much, and we'd
hear howls from the forest more often.
When Rosa was a human, she was a
mild-mannered and intelligent woman.
Did you have feelings for her?
Yes, well
Thankfully, everything came to light
before I made a terrible mistake.
Eight years ago, the day
before the spring festival
Rosa came running
and defended her daughter.
We took up sticks and knives
and beat the living daylights out of them.
I wonder how Louise realized
Jutte's true identity.
She said she was in the forest,
picking flowers, when Rosa appeared
and called out to her, thinking
that Louise was her daughter.
And then she said,
"Even if you smell a pungent flower,
make sure you don't show your ears."
Louise thought that was strange,
so she apparently gave it a try.
And you're sure those werewolves are dead?
Of course. I was tasked with identifying
their burnt remains the next day.
I saw the bones of a giant
therianthrope and a small animal.
Who do you think is behind the incidents
that are happening right now, Cnut?
They have every right to think
that outsiders are suspicious.
But I'm not the culprit.
I don't think Doctor Heinemann could
do anything like that either.
Which leaves
Stay still for me, okay?
Oh, you needn't worry.
I have no way of moving.
I think it was about five years ago
I came here to draw the waterfall,
and then just ended up living here.
Have you taken in the view? It's amazing.
It was love at first sight.
I saw your art at Gustav's place.
You're quite talented.
Thanks. I actually come from a family
of artists, and even went to school for it.
Do you like drawing girls?
These are the girls who were killed.
Their families asked me to do
portraits of them after they passed.
Nadia, Fine, Rita
Who do you think is the murderer?
I don't think it's any of the villagers.
It could just be a violent wolf.
I see it every once in a while.
It's always early in the morning
or right after the sun goes down.
It runs so quickly into the forest
A beautiful golden wolf.
Golden? Well, that's definitely rare.
Maybe it's the master of the mountain.
Or perhaps a werewolf transformed.
Are there any other villagers
who have seen this wolf?
Don't think so. I mean, I live
on the outskirts of the village.
It appears that the villagers
are suspicious of you, Alma.
Ah, I figured. Well, that's no good.
And what do you think, Aya?
Do you think I'm behind this?
I can't say for certain yet,
but I've learned two things.
You're lying about coming
from a family of artists,
and that you went to school for art.
You're holding that charcoal like a pencil.
Someone who'd studied art would
hold it with two fingers.
You must've learned to draw on your own.
I actually don't have a family.
I was abandoned by my
parents when I was little.
But it's embarrassing to admit it.
I'm not lying about how
much I love art, though.
Thank you.
It's drawn quite nicely.
Don't you think so, Tsugaru?
I'll set this drawing on the
altar once you die, Master.
I'd love that.
Unfortunately, I'm quite immortal.
Say, Aya. How does it feel
to not be able to die?
It would honestly bore you to death.
I see.
Then maybe it was a waste to draw you.
I think art exists to leave a
record of things that change.
Change, you say?
Louise had been changing a lot lately, too.
It was always fun watching her.
This is definitely better than Mount Atago.
So that's the hollow
Definitely looks like some
monsters live down there.
I wonder if those are the
burnt remains of the tower.
Can't say there's anything
too interesting here.
He'd mentioned that the werewolf named Rosa
said that she had run away from home
I wonder where she came from.
Who knows? Perhaps she was
living among humans, or
Perhaps she lived in the werewolf village.
Is something the matter?
No, it's nothing.
I heard that you examined
the mayor last night.
On my way home, I ran into Gustav
And then, the incident happened.
I heard Louise scream,
but I couldn't do anything.
Miss Rindo, please solve
this case immediately!
I'll do anything I can to help!
Then I'm going to ask
something rather forward
Gustav and his wife, Deborah
How have they treated Louise up until now?
What are you getting at?
Her wheelchair.
The wheels and armrests
were both dirty from use,
but the push handle on the back was clean.
It appears that she got around the
house mostly without any help.
Admirable self-reliance, but if
you look at it another way
Are you trying to say that
Louise was being neglected?
I wouldn't go that far, but I wonder
if she was hard to approach.
She's this village's
guardian angel, isn't she?
I can't say you're wrong.
Did she ever leave her house on her own?
No. Whenever she went out, someone would
Oh, come to think of it, I believe
it was about a year and a half ago
Louise disappeared while Gustav and
Deborah were out, and we all panicked.
We found her safe that evening.
Her wheelchair got stuck in the mud
by the river, and she couldn't move.
We asked her how it happened,
and she said that she was
trying to go to Alma's house.
You saw a drawing of Louise
at Gustav's house, didn't you?
She apparently took a liking to it
and wanted to see Alma's other works.
Louise must've been so scared at the
riverside that she couldn't even yell.
She must've wanted to go home immediately.
True, she did seem that way.
She stayed in bed for quite a while after.
I guess detectives speak as though
they saw it all go down.
Yes, when they're things I'm certain of.
Couldn't they have made these easier to chew?
Oh, things are becoming
much easier to swallow.
It's an interesting flavor indeed.
This is pretty sweet, if you ask me.
Oh, goodness!
What are you talking about?
To think you'd come to our little village!
Please, come in!
Not afraid to risk your life?
You sure got an interesting
way of fighting, Cage User.
Once an Edo boy, always an
Edo boy. We're pretty careless.
If only you had actually been shot.
What was that, Miss Shizuku?
Wh-What the
I'm terribly sorry, but this is your own
fault for letting this lot into your home.
As I had imagined, you are
quite unsightly, Aya Rindo.
Back when I had the rest of my body,
I was often told that my beauty was unmatched.
You two must be from Royce.
Agent Three from the advisory security
department, Alice Rapidshot.
Likewise, Agent Four, Kyle Chaintail.
How did you find this place?
The great detective who lives
on Baker Street told us.
Why, I haven't the foggiest
of who that could be
Master, maybe you shouldn't feel so
competitive towards Mr. Holmes
Kyle, I'm gonna shoot these pieces of shit,
so you take care of the talking head.
All right.
How about we both stand down?
Nothing good will come of us
trying to kill each other here.
Nothing good, but nothing lost, either.
Isn't your priority the werewolves?
We can actually lead you
to the werewolf village.
Are you trying to say that you
have the Penultimate Night?
Who the hell cares? We can
just kill you and take—
No, no. There's no point in having the
diamond if you don't know how to use it.
We made a deal with the mayor,
who said he'd tell us how to use it
after we solved his case.
There happens to be a werewolf
committing serial murders.
Since I'm already a detective,
it'd make things easier for you
if you struck up a deal with me,
Alice, let us retreat.
You don't get to decide that.
I'm the boss around here.
You should listen to advice from your elders.
Indeed, you should listen to your elders.
Damn it!
Talking head, when are you
gonna solve the case?
I just need a couple more days.
That's too long!
The Banquet's going to beat us!
Have no fear. They haven't
appeared in this village yet.
Any funny business and I'll shoot you dead.
Shoot me? Dead?
That might be the funniest joke
I've heard this past century.
Thanks for the—
You don't have to get so
jealous every single time!
This is a medical procedure, after all.
I am not jealous.
So, what's your outlook on this case, Master?
What's there to say?
I see what's there to see.
There was a very obvious
clue left at the scene.
And what was that?
The window.
The window?
The window used in the escape.
Hey, hurry up!
It's Alma's house!
I knew it was her!
Alma, did something happen?
Answer me!
Alma? Hello?
Stay back!
If you get too close I won't
be able to hold back again.
Hold back what, exactly?
Ever since a year ago
My throat would hurt and my stomach
would growl every once in a while.
And everyone would look so delicious!
Before I knew it, right in front of me—
Everyone, stand back. We'll take care of her.
Stay the hell out of our way,
you shitty detectives.
Are you the one who attacked those girls?
Where's my daughter?
Answer me!
I ate her! I kidnapped
and ate her immediately.
She was delicious!
What the hell? That was a silver bullet.
Do they not work?
It appears as though I'm
better suited for this.
Got it.
They're getting away.
I know, I know.
How strange. You must've
gained weight, Master.
How do you propose I gained
weight in this form?
I'm sure I landed a hit.
Looks like silver really doesn't work.
Could you hold onto this, please?
I'd appreciate it if you
treated me with more care.
All righty, let's give this a shot.
Damn, that's hard.
Ya bastard!
Looks like we're even in strength!
Miss Shizuku! Aim for the eyes!
I know that.
Miss Shizuku!
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