Undead Unluck (2023) s01e10 Episode Script


The Roundtable members
hold their own even against Victor,
the most powerful man.
However, their victory is prevented by his
and combat skills which surpass
that of Andy's.
In order to bring Andy back,
Fuko returns with the card in hand,
getting close to Victor
to change the tide.
Fuko makes physical contact
with Victor to create a stroke
of Unluck and Juiz comes up with a plan.
Fuko's affinity for Andy is high
so if they can bring
his consciousness back,
a giant stroke of unluck can be
instantly affixed to Victor.
For her voice to reach Andy,
Fuko opens a hole where
the card was in Victor's forehead
and begins to shout.
Her desperate words miraculously
awakens Andy's consciousness
and a giant stroke of unluck rains down.
Fuko wakes up in a hospital room
and Andy in his usual guise
is sitting next to her.
Fuko sheds tears of joy and relief
but now Apocalypse opens once again.
How fascinating.
You really are unseen.
A self-targeting compulsory
activation type.
When you shut your eyes your body
and anything you recognize
as your property
becomes invisible along with you.
But here's the strange part.
That's your blood coming
from your stomach, isn't it?
Or were you not aware?
I don't want you running off on me
so I cut open your stomach
and put a tracker in there.
If you join us,
I'll deactivate my ability.
But I'm afraid that if you don't,
your wound won't heal until I'm dead.
So you see
You're mine now, Unseen.
I'm not handing you over to them.
Everyone is assembled.
Now, then, proceed, Apocalypse.
Quest results!
Wait, is today really August 31st already?
Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm.
I've been asleep for that long?
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
A total shut-in moving like that,
your body's not used to it.
Those who sit at
the Roundtable, hear me!
I now declare the results
of the six quests you
were tasked to fulfill.
Item one: capture of UMA Burn.
Participants: Juiz, Tatiana, Billy
- Isshin, Phil, Top.
- Hmm.
Reward: the addition of an 11th seat.
One more Negator
may now be added to the Roundtable.
Item two: capture
of the UMA Eat.
Participants: Juiz, Tatiana
Billy, Phil, Top.
the location of Negator Unburn.
For the next seven days I
will reveal their exact location.
Unburn is currently here
at the marked coordinates.
They won't detect
that they've been tracked.
You may catch them if you need them.
But, well, I wouldn't expect you
to since you already captured Burn.
Item three: neutralization
of UMA Language.
Participant: Nico Vorgeil.
Reward: the unification of all
the world's languages.
Altering the memories and cultures
of all non-Negators.
All languages have now
been unified to English.
Mui, dear, are you there?
Oh, Master Shen, yes, sir.
Is something the matter?
Are you wearing your necktie now?
Hmm? No, sir.
I'm actually in the middle
of training at the moment.
That's great. What perfect timing.
Um, what did you say? Repeat that, please?
A little bit slower this time?
No, that's all I needed.
Sorry. Catch you later!
Uh, yes. Roger, I understand.
Confirmed unification of languages.
Item four:
capture of UMA Past.
Participants: Juiz, Nico, Phil.
Reward: Artifact Rebellion
can be found at this location.
Item five
Capture of UMA Spoil.
- Participants: Andy, Fuko
- Uh, present!
Reward: location of Negator Unrepair.
They're right here.
We did it!
There's Unrepair! Andy!
They might just be able
to provide you an actual death!
Item six:
capture of Negator Unseen.
- How very unfortunate.
- Huh?
Yeah, we had an inkling.
The guys that went
to investigate Unseen all died.
Their bound bodies ended up in
a deserted area,
and all of 'em bled to death.
My guess is Unseen got taken by Unrepair.
All quests have
not been cleared.
Therefore, you shall receive a penalty.
Now adding UMA Galaxy!
It's ginormous!
What is this thing?
- So this thing
- Is our penalty, huh?
Huh? It went towards the ceiling.
Is it surface-bound?
Come, Move.
You call for me?
Hey, Move. Thanks again for the other day.
Ah, that's the thing that
brought us here, isn't it?
Move, transport us to the surface.
Galaxy has been added.
A new rule that the world will believe
has always existed.
I wonder.
Will you be able to overcome
this penalty, Negators?
Andy, where are we?
Australia, I figure.
Oh, I've seen that before!
It's supposed to be the biggest rock in
the world, right?
Juiz, I've done my part
in transporting you all here.
Now I expect to be treated
to quite the show.
Yes, I understand, Move.
You'll have a front row seat
to my justice.
- Hey.
- Hmm?
I thought that this would be, I dunno,
a lot scarier or something.
This isn't so bad.
You're wrong.
We're dealing with a UMA added
by Apocalypse.
They possess rules that
can lead humanity to ruin.
And this one is no exception.
The alteration, it's starting.
Hey, what is that? It's amazing!
Whoa, look at it!
Nico, I want confirmation on this.
I'm already on it.
Dimwits, it's me!
A brand new rule was just patched in!
What may be basic common knowledge
to all of you there isn't to us Negators.
So give me your knowledge, now!
Right, roger that, Dr. Nico.
We're the superior ones whenever
a new rule is added, huh?
Don't say that.
Or you'll get killed.
Now I see.
This Galaxy is a cluster
of celestial bodies like Earth.
Basically, this penalty spawned a slew
of these Earth-like bodies all at once,
which birthed myths
and a naming system called days
of the week based on the celestial bodies
and introduced the concept
of extraterrestrial lifeforms
called aliens.
Right at this very moment,
those aliens have begun invading
our planet.
Awesome, that's so cool!
What are those things?
Are they flying ships?
They enemies?
These aliens were born moments ago
by the alteration into a world
that's always had a Galaxy.
So naturally they believe this
is how it's always been.
Born on a planet with
several hundred million
years of history,
they've been training themselves
for decades to become soldiers
and were given spaceships so
they could invade other planets.
With their own planet on a path to ruin,
they're looking for a new place
to call home.
I'd wager that's
the backstory these guys got.
We are known as Acks.
We've traveled far to your planet
to take it as our own.
This shall be our new home world.
What'd I tell you?
You don't say?
One hell of a penalty, all right.
Who is the representative for this planet?
I am the one.
Ah, if you offer no resistance
to our invasion
then we plan on using your life forms
as our labor force.
Your people all seem
to possess moderate intelligence.
If you resist you'll be deemed
a hindrance and thus eliminated.
Make your choice.
I shall choose neither.
Withdraw your ships.
We've done our research on this planet.
Your civilization
is shamefully undeveloped.
You've yet to make
an advancement into space due
to your species' lack of cooperativeness.
You cannot possibly win by force.
This is genocide.
In order for my family, friends,
and people
to live on this planet,
all of you must die.
Is that your vision of justice?
Yes, it is.
A vision infallible to any form
of reasoning otherwise.
I see.
Well, then, in that case
I'm going to have to negate that justice.
What did you just say?
Whoa! What the
So cool! This is seriously awesome!
No! What have you done to us?
Andy, Fuko, observe closely.
This is a penalty.
My ability managed to
avoid the situation this time.
But depending who's involved,
this could have been game over.
Galaxy marks the 99th penalty
that's been added.
We cannot afford another one
no matter what.
Why's that?
We found a stone tablet
while uncovering Apocalypse
and on that tablet was 101 slots.
Each time we receive a penalty,
one slot gets filled.
There's only one left until it reaches 100
And beyond that lies the final penalty.
I assume it's a word that denotes the end.
In order to protect this planet,
we must prevent that at all costs.
That is why we will stand up
to any quest no matter what it may be.
That said
The quests
Apocalypse won't open
unless the Roundtable's fully occupied.
Oh, right!
Since there's a new spot now
Yes, we obtained an 11th seat
as a reward for the Burn quest.
Unless we can fill that seat,
in three months we will receive
yet another penalty
for being unable
to take up any new quests.
In other words,
our highest priority right now
is securing an 11th member.
So that means this time
We'll be doing the hunting.
You all of you just who are
You're still here, huh?
You didn't kill yourself despite my power.
Your vision was tall talk after all.
Hear this and relay it throughout space.
Keep your hands off planet Earth.
On September 1st, 2020,
humanity made first contact
with extraterrestrial life.
However, it would be the first
and last time
as all contact would cease thereafter.
This time around our
reward is the whereabouts
of Unburn and Unrepair.
the location of Negator Unburn.
Location of Negator Unrepair.
They're right here.
- Now, we want
- Let me guess.
I'll take care of him.
If their ability's true to their name,
just a single attack may prove
to be fatal.
Very well, then.
I'll assign backup for insurance.
Take Tatiana along with you.
She'll be of use.
Wait, uh, me?
And Fuko. You go as well.
Roger that.
Since you helped me it's time
to return the favor!
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