Undercovers (2010) s01e10 Episode Script

Funny Money

[Suspenseful music.]
[Tires screeching.]
[Muffled shouting.]
What do you want? I'm here for the case.
I don't have a key.
This is not a problem.
Luca Bring me the ax.
I know what you were asking, but I just-- I have to think about it.
I-I-I just-- I don't know if I can.
She--she's my sister.
Hey, everyone, can you gather around? We're having another staff meeting.
Lizzy, get over here.
Okay, I have to go.
Sorry, I was on with a vendor.
Okay, it looks like Steven and I may get another hotel job, this one in Phoenix, which means we'll be traveling even more.
And someone has to be in charge when we're not here.
So we've decided to make it official.
We're promoting Lizzy to be the new Catering Manager.
[Cheers and applause.]
Really? Are you sure about that? Yes, you've earned this.
Well, I mean, this is great.
Um, I just-- I-I need to think about it.
[Blinds scraping, knocking.]
Of course.
Let's talk later.
Everything okay? - Something weird just happened.
- What? I'm sure your catering quandary is of the utmost urgency, but could we maybe discuss that later? Lizzy just said she had to think about taking the job.
Agent Bloom, when I said "later," I actually meant "never.
" So let's move on to the real world.
A Secret Service transport carrying American $100 currency plates was attacked.
All four agents assigned to the transport were killed, and the plates were stolen.
Counterfeiting is Secret Service territory.
The Secret Service believes the plates have left the country, therefore they have ceded primacy to our agency on this one.
With the original plates, these guys can produce the perfect counterfeit bill.
Which is why your mission is to get the plates back before that can happen.
That money, if produced and circulated, could destroy national economies and permanently alter global security.
We currently have no leads, so my advice would be to get in touch with someone at the agency who has expertise in that area.
I can refer you to a few experts at headquarters.
No, that's okay.
Shaw said we should call him.
Uh, wait, how exactly did you get that from what he said? I can read between the lines.
This milk's expired.
He said talk to an expert, okay? Which lines were you reading through? You know what he meant.
He meant Gary.
Okay, I don't know what that was, but whatever it was, it is not it anymore.
What about Matthews, who took down a Colombian ring, or Jenkins in the Philippines? Those guys aren't experts.
Their field offices have happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Gary's the group chief of the counterfeit and currency enforcement desk.
Just forget he's your brother and think of him as a C.
- Desk officer.
- Morning, guys.
- It's noon.
- Didn't Gary direct H.
support for the North Korean supernote takedown? Yes, he did.
And were you eavesdropping? It's called sigint.
When you're benched for two weeks, you got to find some way to keep the skills from getting rusty.
Look, Sam, it's been over five years, okay? We've barely talked.
Won't it be weird to call him for a favor? It's not a favor.
He's the best resource for this mission.
And you're back in the agency now.
Isn't that all he wanted? No.
He didn't want me to leave in the first place.
Talking to Gary's the right thing to do.
And maybe it'll give us both a fresh start with him.
Okay, we're going to Washington to talk to Gary.
Good call, man.
Be the bigger man.
Put the mission first, bro, and the bro second, bro.
You know you don't really live here, right? - Yeah.
- Maybe while we're gone, you should start looking for a place of your own? [Inhales sharply.]
Oh, yeah.
That would make sense, but the doc says I still need someone to keep an eye on me, and you guys are all I got.
Mm! [Spits.]
That's awful! Yeah, it's expired.
- Why didn't you warn me? - Didn't feel like it.
So Gary was really okay with this, huh? Actually, I should probably tell you something.
What the hell are you doing here? [Intriguing music.]
Undercovers 1x10 Funny Money Should I have been expecting you? You should have If somebody had called you like they were supposed to.
I'm sorry, Gary, but I got nervous.
I was afraid you'd tell us not to come.
But we were in D.
, anyway, to meet with the Secret Service.
It is nice to see you.
It's been too long.
It has been long.
I heard you two were back inside.
Please put the baseball down, Steven.
It's signed by Hank Aaron.
So what? You just said you'd changed your minds, they said fine, simple as that? Actually, they approached us.
And this is mine.
Gary, we thought you'd be really helpful with this mission, starting us off in the right direction.
I assume you're working on the stolen currency plates? Yes, we are.
I got to admit, I'm surprised they'd give you this one-- not exactly your area of expertise, from what I recall.
I actually did some research on the subject.
Whoever's making this money is gonna use color-changing inks and 25/75 linen/cotton paper.
I think either one is a good place to start.
I guess research didn't tell you Anyone can make paper and ink, but there are only eight master printers capable of that kind of intricate currency work.
That's where you need to start.
Can you get us a list of the printers? [Pen scratching.]
[Clears throat.]
Anything else? No, we're good.
I didn't realize he's just as stubborn as you are, but I still think you can patch things up.
Why is it so important to you? Because you left the agency to marry me.
This whole rift is partially my fault.
Nobody's blaming you for anything, not Gary and certainly not me.
This is a brother thing.
You know, we're just different.
He's uptight.
I'm laid-back.
He likes the desk job.
I like the field.
I still can't believe I missed out on the Bloom brothers.
That's two for the price of one.
That's like Hanukkah and Christmas falling on the same exact day.
Do you realize how many presents that would be for me? I really wish you would let me go in there with you.
Yeah, that wouldn't have been awkward.
Hey, did Gary talk about Steve when he was a kid? Because, honestly, the early years of his dossier are, like, kind of thin.
Gary gave us a list of printers.
You're gonna tell us about them, now.
Okay, I'm gonna do it because I want to, not because you're forcing me to.
Because we're trending international on this one, I started with airline manifests, passport databases-- profiles, activities-- looking for anybody that may have left their home country in the past few months.
Anyone stick out? Like the proverbial sore thumb-- Jonathan Rakas.
He's a master printer who retired after a 45-year career with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing just six months ago.
Then he moved to Cyprus.
Why is that suspicious? Because Rakas hasn't been heard from in a week.
It's like he disappeared.
Maybe we should go to Cyprus, see what we can find out.
Sounds like a plan Cyprus.
Hold on, sweetie, I got it.
Sweetie, you don't have to pick this one.
Okay, but it's still my turn to pick the lock next time.
This guy's spending his retirement painting, not counterfeiting.
He's kind of messy.
There's no way he's behind this thing.
The guys who pulled off the plate heist are stone-cold killers, not printers.
But if they needed his skills, I'm sure it wasn't open for negotiation.
Yeah, either he prints the money for them, or they kill him.
He could be in trouble.
My mother used to paint.
- Really? - Yeah.
You never told me that.
She had this special room, and Gary and I used to try to copy everything she was doing.
He was perfect.
I always used to make a big mess, get us both kicked out.
Maybe Rakas was trying to copy something too.
The color of money.
That's what all these canvasses are-- attempts at duplicating the formula.
He had help figuring it out-- a paint scanner.
Bring the mixing stick.
Let's see what the composition is.
This is it.
greenback green.
I've got an invoice from the German factory that produces the pigment.
Now they got the plates, the master printer, and a way to make the ink.
If they get the paper We'll be too late.
The money will be printed, and the printer will be dead.
[Fire alarm beeping loudly.]
[Footsteps approaching.]
Sorry about that.
Too much caffeine.
What are you doing here, besides burning things in your underwear? I'm house-sitting.
What are you doing here? The same thing.
Well, I mean, they didn't tell me to specifically, but they're away, and that's what I do when they're away.
Oh, so this is place is nicer than yours.
Yeah, definitely.
What about yours? Uh, yeah.
I don't really have a place.
I am not really good at settling down.
Yeah, I can see that.
So, listen, you should totally stay here too.
Waldorf would love it.
I'm not really that into dogs, 'cause their food kind of freaks me out.
- [Chuckles.]
- It's so--oh! Yeah, that's okay.
I don't want to kick you out of the guest room.
Am I supposed to be in the guest room? I moved into the master.
- Better shower.
- Better shower.
Yeah, so, um, Sam and Steven probably wouldn't be happy if you burned the place down, so how about I cook you up some dinner? - Yeah? - Yeah.
Okay, the dye that Mrs.
Agent Bloom found the invoice for is from R.
Industries in Hamburg.
So you need to hack into R.
's database, see if any large orders recently shipped.
That should lead us to the printer and the counterfeiters.
Yep, just waiting to break down their firewall.
Hold on, did you actually order this? I'm a sucker for food on fire.
I got you some olives as well.
I don't like olives.
They're too small.
It makes sense.
Your size is formidable.
You must have custom shirts, right? You were right about the ink, honey.
Good call.
Thank you.
And Gary was right about the printer.
You're not giving up, are you? He's your brother, Steven.
You're connected, whether you like it or not.
Look at what Lizzy and I have.
A codependent relationship? We are not codependent.
Oh, no, I forgot to call her.
Rest my case.
No one told her not to house-sit, which means she's probably come over, which means she's probably with-- - Lizzy's phone.
- Leo.
Hey, Sam, you're missing some great teriyaki chicken.
Your sister's a hell of a cook.
You should totally promote her.
Okay, first of all, I did.
And second of all, do not even think about it, Leo.
Tell her she has to go home.
Oh, ease up, mom.
Lizzy's just fine.
- I'm fine, Sam.
- See? - Fine, but, Leo, I-- - Mrs.
Bloom, we got something! [Sighs.]
I got to go.
Remember what I said.
Hands off, okay? What did you find? Okay, an anonymous buyer just ordered a boatload of dye.
And I'm not speaking metaphorically.
There is a boat with a load of dye on it.
Shipping code-- rjk-10-3045.
Rjk is the port of Rijeka in Croatia.
Come on, how did you know that so fast? Got this weird skill with destination codes.
- Really? - Yep.
- What's Osaka? - K-I-X.
How do you even know if that's right? I don't know if it's right, but he said it with so much confidence, I don't even care.
So we go to Croatia, follow the shipment, find the counterfeiters, find the plates, save the printer-- easy.
- What's happening down there? - Shipment is still there.
Let me see.
They're gonna off-load it onto a truck.
That's it, we're moving Now.
[Horn blares, tires screech.]
Interpol! Currency enforcement! We're confiscating this shipment! [Speaking Croatian.]
I said, "get out of the truck!" Now! Hey, I'm a Croatian citizen.
How can you tell me what to do? We are international law enforcement with worldwide jurisdiction.
We can shut down this entire dock and have you arrested, all right? Doesn't matter to me.
I get my shipment either way.
Open it up.
[Drill whirring.]
Tennis shoes? What the hell? Where's the dye? What dye? An invoice.
Someone switched the numbers on the outside of the containers.
This is 3046.
Where the hell is the dye? I don't know what you're looking for.
I think you do.
Somebody came here, took the pallet, and drove away.
- Who was it? - Do you know how many shipments come in every day? How can I keep track? Yeah, no, it must be impossible.
How do you do something like that? Oh, right, with a clipboard.
Okay, I got the pickup log right here.
The other pallet, 3046, was picked up at 1500 hours, which, if I remember my High School algebra correctly, is 3:00 p.
I need to know what he looked like and what his name was.
I told you-- too many shipments.
- Too many shipments.
- Hey.
[Keys clacking.]
Hey! What are you doing? Networking the security system.
Let's see who came in and out.
This is a very bad idea.
There it is--3:00.
We've got the truck that picked up the dye and its plate number.
It's a fleet vehicle.
Which means it's equipped with a GPS, which means I can locate it.
Interpol, this is Bill Hoyt, C.
Dina? Come on, hey! Listen, I could really use your mad skills here.
Yeah, "skillz" with a "z," I'm still doing that.
Looking to track down a fleet vehicle's GPS via the Croatian license plate R-I-5-7-2-H-E.
You know we're not really working for Interpol, right? Don't even worry about it.
Dina and I go way back.
Okay, so how long do you think it'll take, huh? No way.
Stop it.
Already? Okay.
You're the best.
You're the best.
Hey, next time, oysters on me.
What happened? We got oysters this one time, and I had terrible gastrointestinal problems-- oh, she is sending the GPS code to my laptop, so we can follow the truck's route.
So we'll find out where the ink was delivered.
And that's where the plates will be, and the printer, hopefully still alive.
And you're welcome.
You're welcome.
This place looks like Fort Walton Beach.
- In Florida? - Yeah.
Gary was stationed there at Eglin Air Force Base.
My senior year, I drove down to hang out with him during spring break.
Did you two drink beer and pick up girls together? Ah, I did all right.
Not as good as Gary, believe it or not.
I find it hard to believe Gary ever drank alcohol or charmed women.
You think Leo and Lizzy are? Nah, sure it's not happening.
Well, nothing's happening that Agent Nash doesn't want to be happening.
Stick to the GPS, Hoyt.
You know what? I'll just stick to the GPS.
You're gonna make a right here, and that is where the truck is.
Look at that.
What is it? A casino Perfect place to launder counterfeit money.
Good money goes in, bad money goes out.
And a bad man runs the show-- Goran Hincir.
Balkan crime boss, allegedly done some very bad things, and I'm not just talking about splitting nines at the Blackjack table.
Guess we've found our counterfeiter.
We need a way to get those plates.
First, we need a way in.
I'm good at almost every game, but my specialty is Blackjack.
I bet.
Yeah, I know, it's amazing, 'cause I'm good at math, so it's easy to do Blackjack if you're good at math.
Welcome to Srebo Palace Hotel and Casino.
I understand you are v.
Me? No, no, no, no, you flatter me.
This guy is.
Right, he is a very important person-- tall and beautiful, it's his bachelor party.
I'm the best man, and we are very good friends.
- He gets it.
- Does he, though? Does he get it? I want to start my credit at $1/4 million.
Very good, sir.
So who was your best man? Whose shoes am I filling? I hope it wasn't Gary, 'cause he has enormous feet.
Gary didn't come to the wedding.
[Swinging jazz music plays, man singing in native language.]
I think I need a drink.
Anything you want, sweetie, on the house.
Ooh, where did you get that outfit? Security's not so tight on the ladies' locker room.
So you did pick a lock.
Yeah, but it doesn't count.
Do you have a book with all those rules in it? Hello, gentlemen, can I get you a drink? You know, why don't you keep it moving, lady? We're bachelors.
You're blowing our cover.
Hoyt, she's working in a casino.
Her cover complements our cover.
So did my comms just cut out, or did you just ask for $250,000 from the agency card you're not allowed to use for anything but lodging? The only way I can meet Goran is by playing like a whale.
I get close to him.
I get close to the plates.
You'll be a dead whale if you lose Shaw's money.
You know, this is not the first time I've gambled.
How are you finding the plates? By finding the printer they kidnapped to work on them.
He's here somewhere, probably being tortured.
Hey, if that's torture, you can tie me up to a chair and throw a terrorist at my face.
Isn't that the, um? Yeah, that's the printer Mr.
- Excuse me, Mr.
Rakas? - Mm? Mr.
Hincir requests your company.
All right.
Watch these chips.
Let's go.
What the hell's going on here? Who are you people? Interpol.
You're working for Goran Hincir and obviously not against your will.
Either tell us where the plates are or spend your retirement in prison-- your call.
If I tell you anything, he's gonna kill me.
You think they gave me a choice to come here? We can provide protection, if you help us get those plates.
Or not.
What's it gonna be? I produce the ink.
The paper's on its way.
But the plates are in the vault.
The lock is voice-activated, and only Goran's voice can open that door.
Hoyt, we need vault specs and the confirmation of its location.
Already done.
I mean, obviously not technically, but I'm gonna do it right now, so No way! [Chuckles.]
I'd recognize those high cheekbones anywhere.
You must be Gary Bloom.
Bill Hoyt.
What are you doing here? Your, uh, section chief thought that, with your inexperience in this arena, I might be of some help.
How'd you even find us? Your cell phone GPS-- I followed you on Interpol.
Hold on, I'm confused.
You just come all the way to Croatia just to give us some research? No, I came here to help you, as hard as that is for you to believe.
Hincir's dangerous.
You don't just walk in the front door of his casino and take him down.
We, uh, know that.
He's got a vulnerability you can exploit.
What is that? Who His brother.
Hold on, that's-- that's the guy from the docks.
Then I guess we're going to the docks, aren't we? Good morning.
Hi, you're wearing pants today.
It's Tuesday.
Is that another character flaw-- inability to wear pants? No, that's actually a strength.
So what are you up to today? - About to go to work.
- Why? Both your bosses are out of town, remember? Yeah, well, someone's got to keep things going while they're gone.
That's why they offered me a promotion.
Well, that's fantastic.
That isn't fantastic.
It's a long story.
Well, then I know exactly what we need to do.
You look cold.
Here, take my jacket.
No, thanks, I'm fine.
Okay, so what's your long story? I don't really want to take the catering promotion.
Why not? Okay.
You--you know, taking this job, it--it just seems wrong.
I mean, Sam has always taken care of me, and I-I know I'm good in the kitchen, but-- - you are.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- But this offer It's just been like a wake-up call.
I-I can't live my sister's life anymore.
I need to live my own.
I couldn't agree more.
My dad wanted me to be a dentist like him, but gums freak me out, man.
A lot of things freak you out.
They sure do.
You have no idea.
But the point is, you can't be a dentist unless you want to be a dentist.
And if you can't stand the heat, I say stay out of the kitchen, literally.
The guy was born Novak Hincir, changed his last name.
Used to work security for his brother's casino until he turned 21.
How'd you find that out? I'm an investigator, Steven.
That's what I do.
I get information, so guys like you can complete their mission, take the credit.
Hey, you chose to sit behind a desk.
So what's the plan? I assume Novak changed his name because he didn't want to be associated with his brother.
That'd be my guess.
So we see if we can replicate Goran's voice.
And get us into the vault.
Try not to use that thing unless you have to, okay, Jesse James? Just in case.
You play the good cop, just like when we were kids.
I'll wait here.
Why are you back? I've done nothing wrong! - No, but your brother has.
- Goran Hincir.
I'm nothing like my brother.
So you know the things that he does, huh? [Grunts.]
All of Croatia knows.
What do you want with me? Your brother stole United States currency plates.
We know you switched invoices on the ink shipment for him, which makes you an accomplice.
Things get mixed up.
It's the Balkans.
These men were killed on orders from Goran.
I cannot help you.
He is my brother.
I understand.
You got blood on your hands.
Steven! - I got this.
- Steven! Huh? Don't you want to rethink this? - Steven! - You want to talk to me now? - Agent Bloom! - What? Outside! You wait here.
We'll be right outside that door.
Don't get in the way of my mission.
I'm a part of this mission now, whether you like it or not.
Look, I know you're good at what you do, all right? But you don't know what it's like in the field, Gary.
Oh, so now you know better than me-- a guy who quit, a guy who's been out for five years? So it all comes back to that, doesn't it? Everything comes easy for you, and you--you don't appreciate it.
Hold on a second.
I worked hard to get where I am.
Right, and then you turned your back on it.
Do you know how many people would kill for that opportunity? I stuck my neck out for you, and you just walked.
I never asked you for a favor.
Hey, you two are fighting like little kids.
You know what? I don't care if you two fix this.
I'm fine if you never speak to each other again, but after this mission.
Do you think you can do that? I'll take it from here.
Will Mrs.
Agent Bloom be joining us? No, she's handing off the printer to Interpol and working on phase three of the plan.
Okay, so this is what I found out about the vault.
It is a TS-1000, manufactured in Korea, reinforced-concrete walls, hardened-steel door, the outside of which is stainless-steel clad.
First, we need the combination.
Can we get it? Yeah, we can get it.
The combination is determined by a random-number generator inside the vault.
It transmits an eight-digit numerical code to a device that Goran keeps on him at all times.
I've outfitted this casino chip with a powerful R.
-Frequency transmitter.
If we can get this inside the vault, it'll intercept the code, send it to my cell as well as Goran's device.
What does all this matter if we can't Goran to say it? One step at a time.
So phase one is getting this chip somewhere inside the vault.
Now, every night at 11:00 p.
, Goran washes the bigger chips.
That's casino lingo for bringing out new chips and putting the old ones back in.
So all I have to do is lose this chip by 11:00 p.
, and we're done with phase one.
What about phase two? How do we get into the vault and grab those plates? - I got an idea.
- Hit me.
Here's what we're gonna do.
17, black, winner.
Oh, again! It doesn't stop! You need to bet the chip.
The pit boss is coming around to make the collection.
I'm just waiting for my hot streak to end.
We're betting this chip now.
29, black.
Your hot streak is officially over.
The chip is hot.
A winner.
- So am I.
- I see you're doing well.
Are we talking about Blackjack? I'm your older brother.
I just want the best for you, Steven, even if you don't realize what that is.
I have everything I want.
Why is it so hard to be happy for me? I don't know.
Use a coaster.
The limit is $100,000, sir.
- Then raise it.
- I'm sorry.
I can't do that.
Maybe Mr.
Hincir can.
[Electronic beeping.]
- 10-5-6-4-1-15.
[Vault beeps, clicks.]
The chip's transmitting now.
I'm on my way.
Now all we have to do is get him to say the numbers.
What seems to be the problem, sir? I'd like to raise the limit.
The limit is $100,000.
Yeah, I'd like to bet $500,000.
$500,000 here? Impossible.
Do you know how much money I've gambled since I've been here? Seriously.
I mean, it's his bachelor party.
I'm the best man, and we are very good friends.
The least you can do is comp us for dinner tomorrow night.
What would you like? Probably have a lot of women with us, right? Six.
Yeah, so maybe a reservation for six at 10:00 p.
? A reservation for six at 10:00.
Anything else? Do you know what time it is? 11:15.
Thank you.
On to phase three.
I hope Sam's ready.
Just like your brother, always on time.
Vault codes.
Well, I should keep moving.
You're a great field Agent, Samantha-- you and Steven, you're good together.
So are the two of you.
Maybe you forgot.
Yeah, maybe.
And, Sam It actually is good to see you.
Be careful down there.
Novak! Come with me.
Finally, I get to pick a lock.
I don't like trespassers.
I don't like thugs.
Novak, show this man what we do to people who cross me.
Why are you here? [Speaking Croatian.]
Is she with you? Shoot him After he watches me kill her.
Sweetie, he's on his way.
Steven Little bit of a laser problem here.
Um, honey, I can't get past the laser shield.
Hang on, babe.
I'm sorry I had to hit you.
Don't be.
You're doing the right thing.
By betraying my brother? No, you're stopping a murderer.
Let's get into the system and cut the power before my wife gets caught.
Firewall-protected password.
Five letters.
Usually personal.
Uh, sisak.
[Keys clacking.]
Come on, come on, come on.
[Keys clacking.]
Come on, come on, come on! Magda.
Magda, my mother.
[Keys clacking.]
Hang tight, baby.
We're in.
[Keys clacking.]
Yes! That's it.
[Keys clacking.]
[Electronic beeping.]
- [Goran's voice.]
[Vault beeps, clicks.]
Ah! Hey! Go, go, go, go! [Tires squeal.]
Did you get the plates? Fantastic.
Novak! [Gunshot.]
Never had to do that before.
You did the right thing.
- I shot a man.
- Yeah, you saved two others, including your brother.
Not the first time.
I saved you too Fort Walton.
You took out that guy at the bar who was gonna beat me with a pool stick.
Pool stick.
I guess we're even now.
You've always been better.
Come on.
You are amazing Best officer in Washington.
I don't know about that.
Still That's Washington.
I always wanted to be a field Agent, Steven.
I didn't make the cut.
What? That's why I pushed you so hard.
Goran Hincir survived and is now in custody.
The $100 currency plates have been returned to the United States government.
The ink has been destroyed.
And Gary Bloom has been properly commended in his file.
I assume the two of you patched things up.
I'm not sure that's any of your business, Shaw.
At any rate, the only thing we couldn't turn over was the printer.
Technically, he did nothing wrong.
Which is why we had to release him.
And he will spend the remaining years of his retirement in Cyprus, wed to a Croatian showgirl.
Wow, that doesn't sound bad to me.
I--you know, I was I was envisioning you as the showgirl - Uh-huh.
And me as the croupier on the white beaches of Cyprus.
On that disturbing note, I will take my leave.
Get your hand away.
You are not allowed near here.
Oh, lord.
Just breathe.
Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- Hey, Sam.
Okay, I can admit it, I'm not mature enough for this--this You two isn't gonna work for me.
- Relax, Sam.
- We're just hanging out and talking.
Leo's been helping me make some decisions.
About the catering-manager job? Yes, about that.
Hey, Stevie, there's a problem in the master bedroom with the showerhead-- you want to help me out? What the hell did you do to my shower? Don't worry about it.
Don't tell me not to worry about it; It's my shower.
What's going on? Um [Chuckles nervously.]
I'm not gonna take the job.
I offered you the job because you earned it, and, honestly, we need you.
Brian is leaving tomorrow.
Brian, the--the drummer boyfriend? That leap of faith that you told me to take His band is touring Europe for a year, and, um I'm going with him.
We just-- we really like each other, and--and I want to give it a shot.
And I don't want to be a dentist.
Am I supposed to understand that? 'Cause this whole thing sounds crazy.
It is.
I just-- and that's exactly why I have to go.
I need to go back to my life, the way it was before I messed up.
I need to not mess up on my own, not because you're holding me up.
I-I'm-- I can handle this now, Sam.
I'm strong enough, mostly because of you.
I know you can handle it.
I'm just gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you too.
[Sniffles, sighs.]
I'll call you later.
It's okay.
You'll be talking her through her boyfriend issues while defusing a nuclear device in some third-world basement.
[Softly chuckles.]
You promise? I promise.

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