Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The End of the Beginning

The evil has slipped
beyond Seng
into the Cosmic Realm.
- Seng?
- Seng?
Who else would it be?
No, no!
Why am I back here?
Seng? Copernicus?
Edred? Can you hear me?
why not sit for a moment.
They'll be coming for me,
They need me.
I must help them!
Emma, please,
you're in a dreadful state.
I'm going to ring
for some tea.
I don't need tea!
I need to go back.
Don't you understand?
Everything is at risk.
We don't understand!
Go back where?
To the Cosmic Realm!
See somehow, I was
split apart from Melinda --
well, her spirit.
And whatever happened sent me,
whoosh, here
through this tunnel thing,
but they're all
still there facing it.
Who knows what's happening
right now!
Oh, they need me.
What do I do?
How do I get back?
The evil is going
to destroy everything!
I'll just have to find
my own way.
Oh no, no, no, no, no!
You are not leaving
this house.
Father, I must. Please!
The fate of the world
is at stake.
Emma Fairfax,
stop this nonsense at once.
You are nay going anywhere.
You have to forget everything
that's happened
since that terrible robot
took you away.
It's all in the past now.
Your future is here, now.
It's time for a fresh start.
One where you're bright
and happy as can be.
But --
You'll see.
I just don't understand.
The blast hit
power surged between us,
I was thrown into that tunnel,
but Melinda's spirit
was left behind.
Why was she left behind?
Why was I the only one
who came through?
Why? Why? Why?
Just me.
Wait. If there's a tunnel
that leads here,
shouldn't there be a tunnel
that heads back
in the opposite direction?
I would just have to find it.
How is she?
Stark raving mad.
She sounds like a lunatic.
We have to telephone
the doctor.
No, no,
we can handle this.
Just get ahold of yourself.
Everything is fine.
She just needs a rest.
Now look, I have the answer
right here --
a cup of the old
Fairfax family blend.
This will make her
right as rain.
And here we are, my darli--
What in the name
Yes, and if I go through
the tunnel then perhaps --
This is magic and science,
it must be possible.
See? See?
This -- This is
where I need to be.
I have to find this.
This will send me back.
I'll make the call.
Did you hear that?
It's Emma,
she's woken up.
Well, she's going
straight back to bed
until the doctor arrives.
Emma, darling,
are you awake, dear?
Emma? Emma!
Emma! I -- Doctor.
Lord Fairfax.
It's Emma! She --
Do not worry,
my associates
are quite resourceful.
Und Fetch.
Oh, Emma.
Oh, what do I do?
Where do I go?
I have to find a way back.
Time to see the doctor.
No, what?
There you are, Miss.
We won't hurt you.
You look chilly,
how about a warm jacket?
No, no, no,
you don't understand.
Oh, we never understand
your kind.
Oh, yeah, it's definitely
jacket time.
Where did she go?
How am I ever
going to find them?
This stop --
Mystic's Row.
Home to magicians,
fortune tellers,
and all things curious.
That's it.
Next stop, Camden Road station.
I remember this place.
Yes! He can help.
Oh, no.
Stop your forward
progress immediately, please.
You have altered
your hair color,
but I recognize you,
you, you --
y-you horrible girl.
You have to help me.
I have to go back
to the Cosmic Realm.
You can conjure
the tunnel, right?
Send me to the beyond?
Please, send me
to the beyond.
You did it before.
Please, my friends,
they are in trouble.
They need me.
Please, you must understand.
I'm just a shop owner
from Birmingham.
I cannot conjure magic.
There is no beyond.
Just look around --
none of these shops are real.
No one here can do magic,
they're all charlatans.
Even the third eye
on that fortune teller dog --
it's paint.
Everything is fake.
Now, please, go away.
No, it has to be real.
You can do it, just try.
Can we be of assistance,
H-How do you know my name?
We know more
than you realize.
We are here to help you.
Send me back, now.
Send me to
the Cosmic Realm.
Uh, we can't actually
do that.
We are descended
from people like you,
hosts of the warriors
assembled by Merlin.
Naturally, we assumed
because of our ancestors
that we would be chosen.
We've been training,
since we were children
to join the eternal fight.
But you weren't chosen.
Alas, we were not.
But you were.
Though, we are still
not sure why.
All things happen
for a greater purpose.
That is why we must do
what we can to help the fight.
We can still be a part
of the legend.
But if you can't send me
back to the Cosmic Realm,
then I'm wasting my time.
Well, yes, we don't have
the magic ability
to send you there,
but there are objects that can.
I know. Excalibur,
King Arthur's sword.
No, it's been lost
since 1396.
Merlin's staff, then.
Well, it seems
it is with him.
Samson's Locks.
Hm. Not powerful enough.
Pandora's box.
The Seven-league boots.
The Book of Thoth.
The Cintamari Stone.
The Heart of the Forest.
But the Elvish wood
is the greatest secret
of the Magic Realm,
no one knows its location.
I know.
I've been there.
I've seen it.
We must go there.
Uh, because, you know,
you don't have much time.
There you are,
clever girl.
Clarice, to action.
Look out.
It's just like
the real Copernicus.
Getting close, turn right.
We have arrived.
The Elvish Kingdom.
The Elvish Kingdom.
You are trespassing.
Turn back, or there will be
dire consequences.
The Northern Clan Elves.
I need to speak
to King Edred.
Edred has been dead
for centuries.
Why would he be here?
He shouldn't be.
His soul is
with the others.
And I demand to do
so immediately.
No one demands an audience
with the King.
I do, in the name
of his brother, Aelwulf.
The ceremonial horn
of the Northern Clan.
Who dares summon me
like some common --
As we speak, a battle rages on
for our very existence.
I need the power of the Heart
to send me back
into the Cosmic Realm,
so I can reunite with Melinda
and help defeat the evil
once and for all.
The Heart has just healed,
its only function is
to uphold our realm.
It is not to be used
as some sort of
interdimensional transport.
Then I guess I will have
to tell everyone everything.
You wouldn't dare.
I know quite the secret
about your King Edred,
if that's truly who he --
Very well, very well, you can,
um, use the Heart.
Thank you.
Yes, it seems the situation
is very serious --
life and death and all, so, uh,
let us depart quickly.
The Heart of the Forest.
The Heart of the Forest.
What do I do?
The Heart only knows truth.
If your words hold true, and
the consequences are as dire,
then it will grant
your need.
And if it denies me?
Then prepare yourself
for a pain beyond measure.
Please help me.
I'm too late.
It sees and hears
Quickly, hop on board,
my darling.
I like your
spinny tail thing.
what has happened?
These years have been rough
since you went away.
How long have I been gone?
Oh, it has been four years,
my love.
We've barely managed
to hold on.
And -- And the Rakshasa,
he --
he's gone.
Oh, no.
And the others?
They've survived.
You have returned?
The impossible.
She has found a way back.
It's nice
to see you, as well.
Wha-- How?
How did you manage to --
Your brother, actually.
He helped me.
Aelwulf? The Heart.
You used the Heart of the forest
to return.
Where is Melinda?
Safe inside Copernicus.
Good. Copernicus, I'm ready
You are too late.
The Evil has drained the power
from the Cosmic Realm.
It has devoured it.
All of space and time
is under its control.
It has happened,
we have lost.
But it is still here,
we can still stop it
and somehow figure out a way
to fix everything.
The Rakshasa unleashed his
full power, but it mattered not.
The Evil obliterated him.
We are doomed.
There has to be a way.
This just can't end like this.
Wait. Wait, what if --
this sounds crazy,
but what if we all became one?
Melinda and I became one,
and she found power greater
than she had ever possessed.
Is that even possible?
It's madness.
No, it's not.
It's the one thing
that makes the most sense.
Everything that has happened
has brought us here,
to this very moment.
That day in the church
created a chain of events
that have altered the world.
Now, and only now, is our chance
to finally end this.
We are gonna need a new name
like no other.
Very well.
destiny commands us.
What is he doing?
He is refusing.
He fears it will be
too much for her.
You big metal bucket
of emotions.
You of all people
should understand.
You have always guided us
and protected us,
through each incarnation.
It was -- is your duty,
your purpose, but not this time.
No matter the risk,
we are the Eternal Warriors
and it is our duty,
our purpose, to end this.
And we must do it now.
Is that a tear?
He says
it's just condensation.
We've broken inside.
Destroy it.
That voice.
Help me, help me!
No, impossible.
We can't stop now,
the Evil is almost destroyed.
No, it's my Mother.
Help me.
Help me.
My sweetness
After all these years,
we -- mother.
It won't let go.
I am its heart.
There's no other way.
Kill me, end this.
What happened?
Is it over?
No, no.
Nothing is over,
this is just the beginning.
We --
What in the --
Nothing will be as it was
or as it would have been.
The Evil,
it has changed everything.
None of it matters.
We will face anything,
from any time.
We will not stop
until we find my Mother.
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