Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10
Since .I caught you
red-handed in the castle
my pease treaty with
Melikshah will be over.
And MelikShah will pay for this.
You will not be able to do this.
Because the blind cannot see.
Strike! Strike!
Kill them all!
We must leave before any
more men shows up. Let's go!
Where do you think
you're going, you infidel?
Give us what belongs to us
..and then we will send you to hell.
Don't be so sure of that.
You arrived just in time.
Are the horses ready?
-Yes, Commander Yorgos.
Constantinople awaits.
Let's move.
Our gift to the Emperor cannot wait.
The day has dawned,
we must be quick, move!
Let's go!
Go after them, quick!
Bring the horses, move!
Go after them!
What happened to you?
just as I was taking the holy
artifacts from him, his men showed up.
Our fida'i are with the Great Imam, now.
I barely escaped with my life.
That damned infidel.
This attack on our fida’i and
you will not go unpunished.
Which way did they go?
They went west.
He's taking the artifacts
to Constantinople.
We will go after them.
You shall follow us with
the order from behind.
What about Sencer?
We don't know what happened in the castle.
What if he goes after them
after he leaves the castle?
Even if he could leave the castle, he
will be caught by our trap waiting for him.
Move, move!
besets a soul like a maggot
that burrows inside a tree.
Once it tales hold
inside a human's mind rots from within.
The soul becpme.s a slave to it.
The cradle you saw in that old house?
If MelikShah has another son
that would mean
there' is another
claimant on the throne.
Berkyaruk and Tapar are also claimants.
We already know about them.
When the time comes, we know what
we must do to take the throne from them.
But a sudden claimant would
completely destroy our plans.
We can only find out about the
child by looking into Bashulu.
We must find out
whether she died or not
and whether she gave
birth to a child on not.
The tax records of the
Seljuks would help us with this.
The records show everyone,
in every tribe, in every city.
We can check everyone named Bashulu,
we can then irivestigate all of them.
Look into this taculMulk.
Where did this come from?
The Batini
they are after the holy artifacts, too.
They died fighting Yorgos.
The tracks lead west, to Constantinople.
Send word to the border soldiers.
They changed their symbol from
a dual dagger to a single dagger.
They must be setting up a new order.
Let's get the holy artifacts.
Then we'll destroy them nevertheless.
Your horses are tied in the forest.
Let the Sultan know that we
have managed to leave the castle.
They have taken the holy
artifacts. We are after them.
They may be more Batini
on the way. Be careful.
They may find Yorgos
and take the holy artifacts.
We must find Yorgos before them.
Let's move.
Elcin Hatun
It's obvious you hate being unchained.
Why would you refurn to the palace, knowing
you would be imprisoned here, otherwise?
Is there a chain worse than
the evil that surrounds the heart
is there captivity worse
than the threat of cruelty?
Terken hatun.
Even in a palace, one
would feel left in the dungeon.
Under the pretense of innocence,
you tried to free your brother.
Now I wonder why you're back.
As an ally of Sultan MelikShah
against the'traitors among us.
From now on, those who betray the Seljuks,
will find me standing by him in his fight.
Even if an ant loses its breadcrumb as
result of some injustice, we are responsible.
Send a committee to find aout about these
orders tRe people are complaining about.
Yes, my Sultan.
My Sultan, Elcin Hatun
would like to see you.
My Sultan, as I promised you, I
have found the traitor among us.
Someone surely holds his leash.
But he resists telling us.
I am certain he will tell you.
Who ordered you to betray us?
Who holds your leash.
Nobody, my Sultan.
I listened to Shaitan.
I made a mistake.
You shake like the coward
you are before me, you traitor.
You do not have the competence
to plan such treachery on your own.
Forgive me my Sultan!
-Speak! Who gave you the order?
-Nobody, my Sultan.
Speak, traitor!
Kasim, the ruler of Anatolia.
What are you saying?
How can Kasim betray us like this?
He planned the attack on Melik Tapar
anp Elcin Hatun together with Andreas.
They wer there during the fight.
Just when they were about to
get involved, you showed up.
It wasn't enough that he betrayed us
now he dares to betray you, that dog!
He must thave decided to seek revenge when
he didn't get to marry intojlhe dynasty.
I should have taken his head,
instead of giving him a warning.
Take this traitor away.
Take his head.
My Sultan, please, don't!
My Sultan, please, have mercy
I told you everything I
know, my Sultan, please!
My Sultan, for the-sake of Allah,
please, have mercy, my Sultan!
In Anattolia, Emirbozan
can catch Kasim quickly.
Send word to him.
He shall take Kasim's head for us.
Yes, my Sultan.
These horses won't make
it to Constantinople.
Comrnander Andreas told us a
friend of us would be waiting at the inn.
Come on, faster!
There is an inn up ahead.
They wil stop by there?
l know a shortcut
Let's move.
We would not have liked to grow distant
because of tricks and plots, Elcin Hatun.
We are pleased to hear that,
you have pledged loyalty to us.
I have pledged loyalty to the
righteous cause of the Seljuks.
And I have pledged
loyalty to Sultan MelikShah.
You have answered
my loyalty with your trust.
For that, I am grateful to you.
This thumb ring, I present to you
again, as assurance for my words.
Elcin Hatun will be a
guest at our table tonight.
The chefs shall prepare,
and you shall plan the meal.
Yes, my Sultan.
My Sultan, our spies around the
Queli Castle have sent word to us.
Sencer has left the castle.
He is still after the holy artifacts.
My Sultan, we shall be cautious.
As you know, Sencer may
be attacked on the way.
If you'll allow me, I'll
also go after the artifacts.
No need, Sencer will succeed.
He will bring back the holy
artifacts as he promised.
We only need to send word to
the border guards in the location.
Yes, my Sultan.
Hasan Sabbah!
You should have given the
letter to NizamulMulk first.
Have you shown it to him?
NizamulMulk wasn't in the palace.
I took it to our Sultan for swiftness.
Hace will find out when he returns.
Even though you are right,
you are not following customs.
You are right, the customs are
more important than practicality.
But exceptional circumstances
require exceptional measures.
I left a gift for you, NizamulMulk.
Now, let's see the confusion on
your face when you see my gift.
This matter will be solved
by focusing on the details.
Now, let's see who the smiths worked for
when they forged the symbol on the arrowheads.
We will find out who betrayed us
and burned down Khayyam's house.
If you are looking for the
smiths, they won't come, my Bey.
They passed away, the poor men.
They passed away
At night, working. Mercury poisoning.
They were found dead in the morning.
I am going to attend their funeral now.
How can such skilled workers die of
mercury poisoning at the same time?
Just when we were
about to solve the matter?
They don't want us to believe it.
They want us to know that they are following
our every step, they are threatening us.
We are playing chess
against a shadow, Isfizari.
It has taken our pawns.
But we will mate them in a single move.
We've only just begun, NizamulMulk.
l have laid traps on
every step of your path.
You will succumb
to them, one by one.
If we take the wrong path; it
would take us too long to backtrack.
We must pick the right path.
There are tracks everywhere.
Which way did they go?
We are the border guards
of Sultan MelikShah.
Those who have stolen the holy
artifacts are on the way to Constantinople.
You know the area.
Which way do you think they went?
This road is the shortest.
They must have gone that way.
We will escort you.
Very well, then.
Let's be quick.
Let's go.
Whenever there is a chance
for you to show your skill
our Sultan tells
you to stay in the palace.
You were not allowed to
go after the holy artifacts.
Our Sultan should have seen his
son, instead of tasking that outsider.
What was I supposed to do?
Go against my father's word?
This will keep happening
unless you show your teeth.
And strangers will be worth more than you.
Shake away your anger.
It's time to make the right moves.
The Sultan has ordered
Kasim's execution.
The throne of Anatolia ? will be empty.
This is a golden chance.
You must make moves to take Anatolia.
I hope it is for a good
reason, Hadhrat Melik.
You seem disturbed.
I could not go after the holy artifacts.
That's why, Hace.
He is after the artifacts.
He left the castle.
When did news arrive?
Why was I not notified?
Hasan Sabbah brought news.
The news arrived long ago, Hace.
So, he ignored the office of the
Hace and went straight to the Sultan.
We will see what gives him such courage.
How did we not understand it?
How did we not see it?
They were right under our noses.
Of course you wouldn't see it.
I'm furious with Sencer,
but I must thank him!
I am surrounded by a band of incompetents
who cannot take on four soldiers!
None of the soldiers who died
deserve to be buried in this land!
Burn them all!
We couldn't find any tracks
belonging to Sencer around the castle.
But we found the bodies of a few Batini.
They informed us about
Sencer infiltrating the castle
but their goal was to make us
take the holy artifacts out of the castle!
At least they couldn't find
the artifacts in the castle.
That's a success.
And Yorgos?
Both the Batini and Sencer are after him.
How, will he succeed?
He will succeed;
He must succeed.
If the Emperor does not receive
the artifacts, none of us will survive.
I have sent him to such
a friend of mine that
He'll help Yorgps get
rid of his pursuers
and make sure that the
artifacts reach the Emperor?
Move aside!
I must get to Constantinople
as soon as possible.
Commander Andreas said you
would help me make it through Anatolia.
But I won't be helping just
you to go through Anatolia.
I will be coming to
Constantinople with you.
One of my spies were
captured, and taken to Isfahan.
If MelikShah finds o,ut about
what I did, he would execute me.
I need your Emperor's support.
After all
MelikShah is our common enemy.
I know you're taking the holy artifacts.
I'm going to let you do that,
and you're going to help me
get the support of your Emperor.
Get me to Constantinople
and you can get what you want.
My soldiers are looking for new horses.
We'll spend the night here.
We'll move at dawn.
That's the ruler of Anatolia, Kasim.
It seems he will be helping Yorgos.
I'm disgusted to see that infidel.
We must attack them, take
revenge, and the holy artifacts.
Don't be crazy.
This place is crawling
with Kasim's soldiers.
Outside, Yorgos has soldiers, too.
We cannot survive if we attack.
What will we do?
We will wait until they leave.
It would be easier to attack them outside.
We don't have word from Sencer.
We must strike before he
does, we must finish this.
Don't worry.
Even if Sencer didn't die in the castle
he will die on the way.
Let's go.
I thought this was a shortcut.
There are no tracks. We are
moving towards the mountain.
We know the area. Trust us.
You are border guards, aren't you?
Do you have doubt us?
You'll see when I take your
head, you damned Batini!
Where did they go?
They took the other way.
There is an inn on the way.
They were going to
take a shortcut to the inn.
They must think Yorgos
is going to that inn.
We will be there at dawn.
We must be there before they
get away. Let's go to our horses.
It's been a while since he went away.
There's no word from him.
Did something happen?
Was he unable to leave the castle?
Do you bring news drom Sencer?
What if he doesn't return?
What if I never see him again?
My summers will turn to winters
spring would never arrive again.
I would dry out like a
flower without water.
No news from Sencer.
Was he unable to leave the castle?
Allah protect, father.
He will come back, InshaAllah.
You told me to trust him.
You said he would take revenge, and
that he would recover the holy artifacts.
I set my pride aside, I
sent my steel to that infidel.
Where is Sencer?
He didn't go two streets away, father.
He infiltrated a Byzantine castle.
It's easy to be here, think of him.
I cannot imagine what he's
going through over there.
Listen. Do not defend him any longer.
Think of your father.
If anything goes wrong, if he fails to
take the holy artifacts, we would be blamed.
If that happens, you would also pay for it.
Sencer would not return
without fulfilling his promise.
If he cannot fulfill his promise,
he should stay in that castle.
May you be strong.
May Allah protect you.
May your road be clear.
My Allah please ensure his safe return.
You fought together and helped
Tapar in the ambush set against him.
Your bravery is i admirable.
It is our duty.
Thank youft, Gevher Hatun.
The letter we sent
if it had reached our Sultan in time..
there would be no reason for a fight.
At least, it did not have
terrible consequences.
Where is Seferiye Hatun?
I haven't seen her
ever since I got back.
My mother is not well.
She does not leave her room often.
The doctors said it would
be good for her to rest.
I would like to see
her before I leave.
After the decree for
Kasim's execution,
this is a great opportunity
for you, Elcin Hatun.
You can go back to
Anatolia and lead your people.
Anatolia is going through tough times.
The threat of Byzantines,
and all this turmoil.
I think that
the one who leads Anatolia must
be able to stand against such threats.
I agree, Tapar.
The smallest chaos may Cause the
Byzantine Empire to strike Anatolia.
For that reason, Anatolia must be led by
someone who can stand strong in these
difficult times and stop all treachery.
It is my decree
that the person who
shall rule Anatolia
is Abul Gazi Hasan Bey.
I have utmost respect for your decision.
Abul Gazi Hasan Bey
is both loyal and strong.
But why do you look
over the sons of Kutalmis?
Like I said, there is
enmity between the people.
If the sons of Kutalmis lead
them now, there would be chaos.
It is best until the enmity is over.
If that is so, my Sultan, what will happen
when Elcin Hatun returns to Anatolia?
Elcin Hatun will not return.
She will stay in the palace.
The sons of Kutalmis cannot go
back to Anatolia, until peace is ensured.
This is for their safety,
and the unity of the Seljuks.
I will decide what will happen to your brother
Kilic Arslan after the order is restored.
What do you think, Elcin Hatun?
I trust the Seljuks
...and I am loyal to you my Sultan.
Your wish is my command.
I will respect’your decision.
It is time for your saffron water, Sabbah.
I started preparations before you.
That is where your
power lies, Hadhrat Hace.
We think, and you act.
Come, sit down.
Do you want the title of Hace?
Allah forbid, Hadhrat Hace.
What makes you think that?
Then why are you trying
to appear wiser than I am?
The important
letter from Queli
why did you take it to our
Sultan before giving it to me?
Have you forgotten that
you are my underling?
You were not present in
the palace, Hadhrat Hace.
Should the letter have
reached our Sultan too late?
I was after the enemies among us.
Were you able to catch them?
We are very close.
Did you put your hand where
it doesn't belong, Sabbah?
Why are you wounded?
A small accident; Hadhrat Hace.
We are more experienced now, InshaAllah
we will be more careful from now on.
Since you are close to your
enemies, you must be cautious.
The closer you get to your enemies,
the closer your enemies are to you.
Sometimes you must let the
enemy get inside your castle.
Once he thinks the castle is empty
you can ambush him.
Your guards follow you like a shadow.
Who can dare to get inside your castle?
One never knows, Sabbah.
The most dangerous are the ones
who know where our shadow lies.
Do not know more than
your rank requires, Sabbah.
Those who know too
much seldom get to live long.
You let the pot boil over because
you were looking at me, Sabbah.
I will always have my
eyes on you, Sabbah.
Do not let my patience
boil over like that pot.
I feel worried regarding Elcin Hatun.
We all know what she did.
But the order is yours to give.
But, trusting her
letting her stay in the palace
The matter is closed.
Elcin Hatun saved Tapar
and brought the traitor.
She earned our trust.
I will not repeat why she
must stay in the palace.
After what happened to
her father and brother,
do you think Elcin Hatun
would act like this to you?
I don't care who did what.
I will only do what is just and fair.
Being kind to kind people
is the virtue of everyone.
Being kind to bad people
is the virtue of kind people.
Banish these bad thoughts, my Terken.
Easy there, this is no barn!
Who stayed here last night?
I was busy, I don t remember.
Go away.
Do you remember now?
There were only a few soldiers!
I don't think so!
There were a few Byzantine men!
They talked to the
leader of the soldiers!
Byzantine soldiers were waiting outside!
They were Yorgos' soldiers.
Who were leading the soldiers inside?
I don't know!
Who are you?
I am Senear. We are the private
soldiers od Sultan MelikShah.
We are after Yorgos of
Byzantine, and the holy artifacts.
Who are you?
-I am Emirbozan.
I am after Kasim.
Sultan MelikShah ordered
his execution for high treason.
We learned he was here last night.
Yorgos met with other soldiers
and their leader here last night.
So, that leader must have been
Kasim. They are working together.
Where could they have gone?
Yorgos is going to Constantinople.
Kasim must be helping him.
We can catch them if we hurry.
Don't be so bold when you
don't know who you're talking to.
They will be forced into
a narrow road up ahead.
We'll strike them there.
Hadhrat Hace.
Do not be distrubed, Elcin Hatun.
I have a question for you.
Before Seferiye Hatun got sick, did
anything happen between you two?
No, nothing bad happened.
On the contrary, she protected me.
At most, she is cross with me
since I tried to rescue my brother.
Why do you ask?
Things keep getting weirder.
Seferiye Hatun asked for letters
from you to be given to her directly.
Why would she want that..
if nothing happened between you two?
I don't Wow, either.
Who took the letter to Seferiye Hatun?
Emir TaculMulk.
When Seferiy Hatun got ill, your
letter was lost among her documents.
That's why your letter
never reached the Sultan.
The letter I sent was intercepted
by Terken Hatun's vizier, TaculMulk.
And that coincides with
Selferiye Hatun's illness.
And Terken Hatun
becomes Head Hatun.
Do you think this is all coincidence?
Elcin and NizamulMulk are working together.
They must be talking about
the letter and Seferiye Hatun.
But we have already saved
ourselves from all blame, Terken hatun.
I don't care about that.
They are cooperating against me.
That's why I'm disturbed.
From now on, we will always
make our move before them.
We will be one step ahead.
If we don't, they would drive us
out of the palace with their games.
From now on, we will be more
aggressive towards NizamulMulk, TaculMulk.
We will strike at every weakness of his.
We cannot rest easy before we destroy
the order he has built inside the state.
Keep an eye on this matter.
Firdevs, send word to Elcin.
She shall come to the
room of the Head Hatun.
One must strike when
the enemy is weak.
It is good that you were able to get over your
grief of Seferiye Hatun's illness to take her office.
Otherwise, the order of the
palace would be disrupted.
All dynasties need a
quick opportunist like you.
Once again, you're wrong, Elcin Hatun.
The office of Head Hatun
the right of Sultan's wife.
I kept quiet for the sake
of Sultan MelikShah.
Now, I am here by his decree.
Why did you call for me?
As you know
the palace has certain rules.
And one of them is
that all the Hatun in the
palace must report to Head Hatun.
Since you are staying in
this palace from now on..
you will obey me like all
the other hatuns in the palace.
My loyalty is to the Seljuks,
and to you, my Sultan.
Your wish is my command.
I will respect your decision.
Since Sultan MelikShah has
decidedd you are fit to be Head Hatun
obeying you
is obeying our Sultan.
The great Seferiye Hatun
how did this happen so quick?
We didn’t understand
how it happened, either.
I've never heard of or
seen her get so sick
ever before
It seems she recognizes your presence.
You're good for her, Elcin Hatun.
Your presence strengthens the dynasty.
I am pleased to hear you
will be staying in the palace.
You would like Melik Tapar to
be the Emir of Anatolia, don't you?
We don’t meant to be against you.
Like his brother, Tapar deserves to Emir.
We want him to become Emir.
It has nothing to do with you.
I know it's not personal.
Do not worry.
And have hope.
Tapar is a good man.
He is a Melik that deserves to be Emir.
Sultan MelikShah hasn't made him
an Emir yet, there's a good reason.
Do not feel lonely in
the palace, Elcin Hatun.
I'm on your side.
EvelAllah, we will, stand together
against the evil that goes on here.
Thank you.
Who are they?
An ambush.
It's us, Yorgos.
Your allies.
The Batini.
Now, we will fight here one
last time for the holy artifacts.
The lose will be
all of you!
Emir Bozan!
I thought he was going to fall into a trap.
How did he survive?
How good to see all my enemies together.
I won't have to chase
you all one by one.
I have the decree, for
your execution, Kasim.
Those who stand by Kasim and fight us
will be fighting Sultan MelikShah!
Those who choose our side
will be pardoned by our Sultan!
Attack the Seljuks!
We cannot get the holy
artifacts unless they're gone!
Charge, men!
We cannot get the holy artifacts.
We must leave.
Let's go.
Take the holy artifacts!
The holy artifacts!
Cover me.
I'll go after Yorgos,
you handle things here.
You were a coward the
last time we met, Yorgos.
I'll fight you fair and square.
We are on equal footing now.
Whose vengence burns brighter will win.
You killed my brother.
You took Turna from, me!
I took the holy artifacts from you.
Let us see who has
more vengeance to exact.
You can raise your sword for vengeance.
I raise my sword only
for the Will of Allah.
You dared to touch the holy
artifacts, you killed innocent people.
And you hurt Turna.
You will pay for your
crimes with your life.
May this be a lesson to all of you.
In the land of the wagles,
jackals are bound to die.
Sencer hasn't returned,
we must go after him..
Thank Allah, he has the holy artifacts!
Thank Allah!
My brother.
I have taken Yorgos' head.
The holy artifacts can be returned
to their rightful place, at last.
Sultan MelikShah is merciful.
He will forgive me.
Take me to MelikShah, Emir Bozan.
In the realm of Sultan MelikShah,
showing mercy to tyrants is
tyranny against the innocent.
You have succeceded in the most important
task of recovering the holy artifacts.
You are al brave man.
I will let our Sultan know
that we have defeated Kasim.
Take him away.
You are wounded.
I'm fine.
You must be treated.
We have Shalamzar on the way to Isfahan.
Arslantas must be treated.
Emir Ilteber shall know we
have recovered the holy artifacts.
Inform the Sultan.
Come on. Let's go.
May it be easy, Ustadh Isfizari.
Thank you Ustadh Khayyam.
Isfizari is a master of chemistry.
What are you doing?
The symbol inscribed on
the arrowhead that started the
fire in your house, was
done by two smiths in Isfahan.
However, the smiths died
because of mercury poisoning.
The secret behind their death
is hidden beyond these ashes.
When we uncover the
secret, we will be one step
closer to the traitor who
burned down your house.
Wisdom is sometimes hidden
in the sky, sometimes in words,
and sometimes amid
the stone and dirt, like this.
Is it not, Ustadh Khayyam?
It is, Ghazali.
Now, it is time for us to
uncover the mysteries of the sky.
When the earth is between the sun and
the moon, the moon. cannot get light.
That is what is known
as eclipse of the moon.
It is proven by observation.
Some of these who dare to
speak in the name of religion
consider the ideas that are the results of
observation and reasoning, as anti-religious
and claim the scholars studies
philosophy and astronomy
are heathens.
They say even the
discovery about lunar eclips
goes against the words of
Prophet Hadarat and accuses us.
Ignorant people think it is a
requirement of the faith to refuse science.
They do not know that doing so, they
are committing a crime against their faith.
Whoever it is, if they speak from
knowledge, and with ration
that is what the truth is.
No matter how much I read and think
I find myself saying
I have said: I am not lacking in wisdom.
I have, uncovered the secrels of the world.
Just as I said so, I realized:
I have spent my life learning
and yet I know almost nothing.
What happened to me?
What is wrong Ahsen?
You don't seem well.
I've been having a
headache the last days.
I feel weak.
I don't know why, Gevher Hatun.
It has been like this ever since I
started taking care of Seferiye Hatun.
First, Seferiye Hatun.
Then, Ahsen.
And now, me.
Healthy people go into this
room, and they leave it sick.
There is something in this
room that is making people sick.
What is that smell?
This lamp
Gevher Hatun!

Gevher Hatun!
Gevher Hatun!
Tell healers to come here!
Gevher Hatun, open your eyes!
What happened to you?
Just when we were going to recover
the artifacts, Sencer attacked us.
Our fida'i are with the Great Imam now
Just as I was going to take them
from Yorgos, I was ambushed.
I have failed.
Give the word, and I
will pay with my life.
You will pay for failure with life.
But not your life.
I am rising in the palace.
They can have the holy artifacts.
I will take the palace, the state
and the holy artifacts along with them.
This Sencer
as long as he breathes,
he will try to always stop us.
That is why we must do
something to eliminate him, soon.
The Dukas murder is still unsolved.
We must fan the flames of Dukas' murder
so that Sencer is burn by the fire.
Dukas' wife is in his house.
Go in there like a shadow, and kill her.
This murder will fan the
flames of Dukas' murder.
Byzantines and the Christian
people will want Sencer punished.
Yes, Hadhrat Hasan Sabbah.
What is wrong with her?
We cannot say for certain.
We have given her medicine
that will help her recover.
I will diagnose her when she wakes.
The lamp
The lamp
The lamp?
What is she trying to say?
The patients sometimes have dreams.
Gevher Hatun must be having a bad one.
The lamp
The lamp
This doesn't sound like a dream.
She's trying to say something.
InshaAllah, when she wakes up,
we will know what she's trying to say.
Does Melik Tapar know
that Gevher Hatun is sick?
Melik Tapar is not at
the castle, he's on duty.
A messenger has
been sent to inform him.
The lamp
You are preoccupied, Turna Hatun.
I'm waiting for important news.
That is why.
You'll wait for a long time,
if you're waiting for Sencer.
We're here to see a certain healing hand.
Thank Allah you are here safe and sound.
I have kept my promise.
I took the holy artifacts back
and I defeated Yorgos.
You're wounded again, does it hurt?
I've got the handkerchief that'll heal me.
Arslantas' wound is more serious.
Healer Efruz, take care of Arslagtas.
Come, this way.
take care of me in
another room. Not here.
Why no? We have everything here.
I said, , take me to another room.
Come on.
I'll go get some ointments.
Even thought you tied the wound,
you need something for the pain.
Come, sit down.
Here you go.
It'll help, you recover
I was so worried about you.
Thank Allah, you recovered the
holy artifacts, and took our revenge.
You are my path, you are my hope.
You are the light in my eye.
The sky-blue memory of you
and the love in my
heart has been my armor
it has been my strength.
My hope.
Have some more.
It'll help you with the pain.
It won't.
The greatest pain is in my heart.
Only our union would heal it.
Unless that happens
I will have this pain.
This thing that gives you pain
is what I think of at day,
and what I dream of at night.
There may be obstacles on the way
but we will be together one day.
We have been through so much, Turna.
I promise you, after I bring the holy
artifacts to the Sultan, I will come for you.
No matter what stands in our way
I will do everything to be with you.
My Sultan, Emir Bozan has sent word.
Kasim is dealt with.
Sencer has the holy artifacts.
He's visiting Shalamzar for a wounded
soldier. He will come here afterwards.
Thank Allah
we have kept our promise
to the people of Islam.
The holy artifacts are saved
from the enemy's hands.
Such a burden is off our backs, now, Hace.
Let the people know.
They shall celebrate, sacrifice goats.
I will personally pay for it.
My Sultan, the Byzantine Ambassador and
the Christian Bishop would like to see you.
Emir TaculMulk and Chief Envoy
Hasan Sabbah are with them.
Sahbender Dukas'
wife has been murdered.
They would like to talk about the incident.
Let them in.
The murder of Sahbender
Dukas is still not resolved,
and now his wife
has been murdered.
This is getting out of hand.
We have complaints about the matter.
The Christian people are Worried.
They feel unsafe.
They live in fear of murder.
Dukas' murderer,
Sencer, is still not caught.
We think he had something to
do with the murder of Dukas' wife.
We will only be sated by justice.
Sencer hasn't been in Isfahan for long.
How can he have a hand in these murders?
Even if it wasn't Sencer
himself, it must be one of his men.
Perhaps, Dukas' wife knew
something about the murder.
They did mis to silence her.
Or to threaten us.
Sencer's name is known
among the Christian people.
They want him captured.
The unrest will not go
away in any other case.
Sencer was raised by the Seljuks.
No one from among | the Seljuks'
men would do this, let alone Sencer.
Then, let us see your justice.
Capture Sencer, and judge him.
Let us see if he's guilty or not.
Else, people will think
you're protecting a murderer.
It will cause unrest in our lands if
our people worry for their safety.
The reputation of our state has already been
damaged by the actions of NizamulMulk's man.
We must rectify
this mistake quickly.
These murders, happening one after the
other, has gotten everyone riled up, it seems.
But do not worry.
Justice will prevail on
this matter, as always.
My Sultan, the Byzantine government
is using the murder as leverage.
I do not care about them.
I car about the people.
The Christian people have
taken refuge in our lands.
Our justice must protect them.
If a single person feels
unsafe in our lands
..if they lose faith tin our justice
I cannot sleep at night.
It seems that the longer this goes
unattended, the worse it will get.
We must move swiftly.
First, punish the officers tasked
with the security of Isfahan.
And what about Sencer?
By the time he returns
I will have made my decision.
Sencer is on the way to Shalamzar.
Tell him about what's happening here.
He's a target, right now.
He may be arrested when he gets here.
He should be ready for everything.
Go, quickly.
How are you? Are you alright?
I am.
I am, thank Allah.
You look different, Arslants.
Is everything alright?
I had a little brother.
We used to play together on the streets.
When he fell and hurt himself
my mother would make this
syrup this exact one, for us to drink.
Now, when I smell it and
taste it, I remember them.
I feel like my mother is healing me.
When I remember that
my pain is already healed.
If you miss them so much,
why don't you see them?
She and your brother
are welcome in our tribe.
They cannot come.
Are they dead?
I do not Wow.
I haven't seen them in a long time.
I looked for them so much.
I could not find them
I do not know
where they are
what they do. I wonder
if they forgot about me?
Let's go.
Let's go and give the holy artifacts
to our Sultan, we
shall not make him wait.
Terken Hatun!
Gevher Hatun fell ill.
She's saying "lamp, lamp," in her, sleep.
Melik Taper is on the way see her.
Go to Seferiye Hatun's
room and destroy the lamp.
If Tapar seardhes the
room we will be ruined.
The healer is in there, Terken Hatun. It
would take time for me to make her leave.
She would not listen to me.
Elcin Hatun.
Are you alright, Gevher Hatun?
You frightened us. What happened to you?
Someting horrible has happened.
I must speak to Tapar.
I came here as soon as
I heard. Are you alright?
There is something wrong with
the lamps in Seferiye Hatun's room.
Whatever happened to our Hatun
Mother happened because of that.
What makes you think that?
Did you see something?
In the room of my Hatun Mother, I
smelled something terrible in the lamps.
There is something in the
lamps that are making people sick.
If there's something in the lamps
there is a traitor in the palace
trying to kill the members of the dynasty.
We must quickly have the
lamps inverstigated, Melik tapar.
Don't worry.
I will personally check them.
You must rest now.
Before Seferiye Hatun got sick
I saw Terken Hatun leave her room.
Ahsen fell ill after
spending time the room.
There is poison in the lamps.
.I was told you were awake.
If you would allow me, I would like to
check you more thoroughly, Gevher Hatun.
We will go to Isfahan.
Our Sultan waits for the holy artifacts.
Let's go.
I've heard you recovered
the holy artifacts.
And you took care of the infidel
that kidnapped my daughter.
I appreciate that.
Our Sultan will appreciate what
you have done for us, Emir Ilteber.
We infiltrated the castle thanks to you.
I hope you understand that you
can trust me from here on out.
What is it, Sencer?
Dukas' wife has been murdered.
They're saying I had
something to do with it.
The Byzantine Ambassador is
pressuring the Sultan to arrest me.
That'is obvious slander.
You weren't even in Isfahan.
It's not about that.
They want more pressure
on the Dukas murder.
They are going to rile the Christian people
up, and throw me at the feet of the Sultan.
I may be arrested if I go to the palace.
What are you talking about?
Why would the Sultan arrest you?
They are blaming me for murder.
If you're going to get
arrested at the palace..
then you shouldn't go, Sencer.
Turna Hatun is right, Sencer.
We will take the holy artifacts.
They wouldn't arrest us.
Do not fall into their trap.
They can try to do whatever they want.
I have given my word to our Sultan.
I will take the holy
artifacts there myself.
I will go there with my head held high.
What if you canot clear your name?
What if you are imprisoned?
What then?
I fight for the state,
and I trust its judgement.
I will fight against this slander,
and justice is on my side.
At first, I did not turn myself in because
I had to recover the holy artifacts.
We recovered them.
If I don't turn myself in now,
that would only be cowardice.
If the hyenas have set their trap
we must not run away like sheep.
Do you have more
to do, healer hHatun?
Dd-not loiter in the room
and tire Seferiye Hatun.
I will administer her medicine and
check her. It will take some time.
Damn it.
I must do something to get the lamp.
What shall I do?
Collect all the lamps in the room.
I will check them one by one.
What happened, Melik tapar?
Is something wrong?
Gevher Hatun has fallen ill.
We suspect the lamps for her illness.
The lamps?
Gevher was fine when she entered the room.
First, Seferiye Hatun.
Then, Ahsen.
And now, Gevher.
It seems something
is wron'g with the room.
What could it be?
I enter the room all the time.
But nothing happened to me.
Im quite fine, thank Allah.
We will investigate and find out.
If Gevher is right in her suspicion
those who have done this will
be personally punished by me.
The lamps
Terken Hatun couldn't get them.
They collected all the lamps.
Wha will we do Terken Hatun?
They will know it was us.
Don't worry.
They won't.
The lamp. How did you get it, my Hatun?
Hay Allah. I knocked it over.
It's alright, Hadhrat Head hatun.
There is nothing in this
world that I cannot get, Firdevs.
Now, destroy this lamp.
Why are we here in the market
of the Christian people, my Sultan?
To listen to their uneasiness
from their own mouths.
I would not feel alright otherwise.
May it be easy.
Welcome my Bey.
Isfahan apples. Just in season.
I can smell them all over the market.
Give me ten dirhems ot it.
Of course.
Why were you arguing with the taxman?
Does the state ask for too much taxes?
No, my Bey Sultan MelikShah
is always fair with the taxes.
We have another problem.
Our Sahbender, and
then his wife was killed.
The murderer was a man of the state.
He still hasn't been captured.
I left my home in Byzantine lands
for the justice of Sultan MelikShah.
If he is not just, why would I live here?
Sultan MelikShah would not discriminate
between Muslims and Christians.
But as long as the
murderer is not captured
the Christians will
lose faith in the Sultan.
As long as the Sultan does not judge him,
we will think he's protecting his men.
That would mean he does
not care for the christian people.
The justice of Sultan
MelikShah will prevail.
Do not worry.
May you be well.
Here you go, children.
Here you go.
We must always be just
and fair like this, Kamac.
Everyone must be pleased with
our justice, like these children.
If we are taxing these people
then we must ensure their security.
When we get to the palace, tell this.
We will not collect taxes
until the Dukas matter is
done, and people rest easy.
Yes, my Sultan.
And what about Sencer?
On the one hand, the good he has done
on the other, the
crimes he's blamed for.
We must be delicate in our decisions
so that we don't make the wrong one.
What are you doing here?
I heard what happened, son.
You are being slandered,
Isfahan is in turmoil.
Give the holy artifacts to your
men, let them go to Isfahan.
Don't go to the palace, son.
Don t worry, Mother.
I am not an outlaw, I will not run away.
I trust the judgement of our Sultan.
You should, too.
They have set traps for you, son.
Who knows what awaits you there?
If they have traps
we have the strength
to get out of those traps.
Do not worry, mother.
How can I not worry while you
fight against such accusations?
How can I just wait?
I don't know what will happen to you!
Your father
if he imprisons you, not
knowing you're his son
if he gives you a heavy punishment can I live with that?
Don't you know my father
better than me, Mother?
Isn't he just?
He would do the same, whether
he knows I'm his son or not.
Why do you worry?
I am not guilty, and my father is just.
If only it was just the two of you.
Ask me about the palace
games, and the plots that run there.
They drove me away,
blamed me of being a spy.
They are plotting against you.
I don't want you to suffer what I suffered.
We would fall to their trap
if we don't show up, Mother.
We would give them what
they want, if we don't show up.
I gave my word.
I will take the holy artifacts there.
I will hold my head high
against the accusations.
That is what your son should do.
When tapar chacks the
lamps, we will find out.
Those who did this horrible thing
will pay for what they did.
Do you have loss of
appetite, general weakness?
I do, I have them both.
It seems that whatever it
is, it is a very potent thing.
All the lamps have been
collected. Don’t worry.
Soon we will find out what
has gotten you like this?
There is no reason for
you to worry, Hadhrat Melik.
Gevher Hatun is not ill because of lamps.
What is it, then?
It's good news, Hadhrat Melik.
Gevher Hatun is pregnant.
This is caused by pregnancy.
My Allah, I thank You.
Tapar and Elcin were
trying to pursue the lamp.
But they failed.
This is their first defeat.
I was going to notify NizamulMulk
about something important.
One of his private soldier, Sencer.
He is a suspect in the Dukas' murder.
If he is arrested and found guilty,
reputation of Nizamulmulk would be ruined.
His soldiers would be seen as bandits.
And so, we would have a strong reason
to fire the men he
placed in state positions.
But our Sultan is still not decided.
Whatever I said,
I could not convince him.
Greet him for now.
I will take care of this as Head Hatun.
I will do whatever I can to
make sure he gets arrested.
Nizamul Mulk!
Because of your soldier, Sencer,
the people have lost trust in our justice.
Our state is working on so many problems,
and now we have this in our hands.
This is causing unrest in our lands.
Everyone is innocent until
proven guilty, terken Hatun.
One must not be hasty to judge.
As Head Hatun I am wise enough
to know what's what, Nizamulmulk.
You should protect your state
not your soldier.
You should have taught him back
then instead of protecting him right now.
We have never made plans
about people, thank Allah.
We have done everything we
have done for the sake of our state.
Our Sultan gave him Important tasks.
Went looking for him he was lost.
And now, he's worried abotut
him as if they are father and son.
Why is Sencer so important, I do not know.
Our Sultan loves his
soldiers like his sons.
A son's worth depends on his
loyalty to his father, Nizamulmulk.
Our legendary justice
the peace we represent
is muddied by Sencer.
These private soldiers
where do they get this courage from?
From now on, this isn't just about Sencer.
It's also about the order of the state.
When our Sultan-makes a decision
I am certain he will consider that.
This order is the same ever since
the Seljuk state has been founded.
The past is filled with the stories of
those who tried to disrupt this order.
At last, you are turning
yourself in, Sencer.
We've been looking for you.
I know Taculmulk.
You went to my tribe.
I did. I entered your tent.
Did you think, afterwards?
What is it, are you threatening me?
On the contrary.
I'm warning you.
If you didn't think what would happen
afterwards if you entered my tent
you cannot guess what will happen next.
Thank Allah that Sultan waits for you.
Give the holy artifacts
here, we'll hand them over.
Now, you will surrender.
Nobody can touch the holy
artifacts until I give them to our Sultan.
take them.
I have left a trail of bodies behind
me for the holy artifacts, Taculmulk.
You cannot take them from me.
Sultan MelikShah is waiting for you.
Everyone's birth starts their own life.
I was born on the day a
new age dawned on the world.
I was taken from the cradle of the
dynasty, and I was wrapped in secrets.
I hid the fact that I was the son of the
Sultan of the world, from the whole world.
Everybody grows up where they belong.
I opened the door to where I
belong with my own strength.
Everybody carries their
own light when they're born.
I fought through the darkness filled
with secrets, and found my own light.
I could not enter this palace for
a long time for the secret I keep.
Now, I am here to prepare this age
illuminated by the sword, to the awakening.
So, you're Sencer.
The secret key to Nizamulmulk's order.
If we can take this key
we can destroy his order.
we can build our own order.
Welcome, brave man.
So, you recovered the
holy artifacts, you're Sencer.
May Allah be content with you,
you did not leave them to the infidels.
It was our duty.
We will fulfill our duties.
Until the enemy is completely gone.
You should be careful nevertheless.
When an eagle flies high,
invisible enemies follow him.
Thanks for the advice.
Some of my enemies thought the same
They are all under the dirt now.
Who are you?
Head Envoy.
Hasan Sabbah.
If you're the Head Envoy,
Have no doubt.
We have a lot to do, you and I.
At last, you have brought
us the holy artifacts.
You have pleased
us with your success.
The holy artifacts are
in their rightful place.
My task is now complete.
Take the artifacts to the treasure room.
You have succeeded in your
task by bringing the holy artifacts.
But you got involved in murder and
caused problems with the Byzantines.
You have caused unrest with the people.
I am not guilty of these crimes.
I am not here to ask for forgiveness.
I'm here because I trust
your justice, my Sultan.
Do you have any proof that
you didn't murder Dukas?
If I had murdered him, I
would tell you that I did.
I have succeeded in many tasks.
Against all those who told me not to go, I
came here because I trust your judgement.
Is my word not enough?
Who do you think you are that
your word would be enough?
Only our Sultan's children
would be worthy of such trust.
Not you.
Do not think that those
you take your courage from
could ever save you.
Our private soldiers do not
take courage from people
their strength comes
from the state, Terken Hatun.
Nobody but our Sultan
can rule the state.
That must not be forgotten.
Our Sultan
It is not certain that Sencer had
anything to do with the murders.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
But we must judge to
see if one is guilty or not.
If we do not judge Sencer
the people would blame us.
The credibility of our
justice would take a hit.
Arrest Sencer.
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