Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

All Old Things Must Pass: Part 2

General Dessai, Lazaro, he's..
I know.
Is there any word
from Captain Volun?
No, General.
Prepare the battalion.
We have no choice now
but to bomb our own city.
Hey ♪
Where are you?
Eldaya Al Fayr!
Drop your weapon.
I have eyes on the queen.
The queen is alive.
I really wish you
hadn't done that.
Have a nice trip.
That was a good one.
Follow me,
she should be around the corner.
There she is!
A shocking and horrifying scene
here today,
where multiple world leaders
have apparently
killed themselves
on palace grounds.
- Whoa!
- With the leadership
- of so many worlds now gone
- That shit is crazy.
Do we rebuild
our planets as individuals,
or do we look to
the visionary mind
of the Grand Supreme Leader,
Lazaro, for a new beginning?
Now, is everything prepared
for my trip?
Yes, sir.
Your belongings are all packed,
your uniform
is cleaned and pressed,
fresh underwear and..
..your special videos
are loaded.
That is all.
There is still time
to watch a little more of this
new beginning before I depart.
- Sir!
- Mm‐hmm.
The queen, she's alive.
Right here in Arriopa.
She escaped palace grounds,
she's currently in the city.
We have every available unit
searching for her.
Check on the mother.
- Sweep for Loyalists!
- Yes, sir.
Now I'm missing the show!
If you want someone
to die right,
deal with it yourself.
I don't miss the smell.
Officers up ahead.
You two have done this before?
As in Elida's mom?
She's alive?
Oh, crackers.
Let's go.
Let's go, prisoner.
Who are you transporting?
The upper levels were ambushed.
We lost a lot of
good men up there.
This filthy prisoner
is all that's left.
We're taking him to these
levels, because, as you know,
- they are much more secure.
- No point.
She's the only one down here
and we're taking her up.
May as well just
kill this one now.
They're with me.
I'm Amae, this is Isaac.
We're friends of Elida's.
She changed her name.
To stay hidden, apparently.
Trust me, I told her it needed
work, but she's a stubborn one.
She's alive?
And this is
a special present from daddy.
Happy Birthday, Eldaya.
What is it?
You'll have to open it.
A Seely!
Thank you, Daddy!
You're welcome, sweetheart.
Hey, Hath, I got a Seely!
I know we said no pets,
but Hath'll help her
take care of it.
It's not that.
The protests
on planet Huya Prime?
Albor, please do not send
in our soldiers.
It'll cause war.
That is exactly what
I'm preventing.
If we don't act now, we send
a message throughout the kingdom
that mutiny
will not be punished.
Xevelyn, please,
I don't want to have
this conversation again.
Striking Huya Prime will anger
neighbouring star colonies
already vying for independence.
Planet Pallas and Vorr
are already in..
It is done
and I need my wife by my side.
My love, can we just put
politics aside for the day?
It's our daughter's birthday.
Let's enjoy it.
I called him Zebby.
That's a wonderful name.
What you hear
is my city in chaos,
burning to the ground.
Definitely a party
that isn't giving me FOMO.
And now you tell me Dessai
will help him destroy our home?
General Dessai believes
there are no other options
against Lazaro.
We must reach her now,
before the battalion
releases the bombs.
She needs to know you're alive.
I promise, we will find Elida
as soon as we make contact.
I just have to say
I care about your daughter.
Of course, we haven't really
had the chance
to talk about
what we are exactly, but,
it's not a.. you know, a fling
or anything like that,
it's just..
Meeting the parents is tough.
Block the destroyers.
Prepare for launch.
Begin the countdown.
I have a connection.
General my old friend.
It can't be.
It's me.
We got to you in time.
Call off the fleet, my friend.
I cannot do that.
I'm ordering you to stand down.
Countess Dessai,
it's been a while.
Now, turn those ships
away from my city
and towards each other.
When in position,
use that ammunition
against each other.
- Launching.
- No!
It's the end of the world!
Nah, it's just getting started.
Our entire fleet.
It's Elida!
El, you okay?
City's crazy right now.
- How are you?
- We're fine.
Listen, you're not gonna
believe this, but..
I had to leave the palace.
Just.. just meet me back
at the store, okay?
We'll head to you.
Be safe.
We have her, El.
Your mother, she's here, she's..
Ugh, again?!
Well, she's in the city.
She'll be fine.
This way, Your Majesty.
The king is on Sestus,
but even so we cannot stay long.
What's the update on Huya Prime?
Numbers are coming in.
But casualties
are in the thousands.
Planet Vorr is sending aid.
Angering Vorr is the last
thing we should be doing.
Xevelyn, you must speak to him.
I've tried.
He's convinced beyond
reasonable doubt
that it's the right thing to do.
Reach out to
our Huya Prime contacts,
ask them
to stand down on protests.
We will fix this.
There is a smaller
matter to address.
It's from the monarchist
consulate on Huya Prime.
They're Arriopans.
They were arrested
at the protest
on the grounds of anarchy.
The king has ordered all
sympathizers to be executed.
The king is not here.
Have them brought back
to Arriopa.
We do not have a stronghold
over the consulate.
Then send more men.
That is Ori Lazaro,
the Marquis' son.
They're not our enemy.
The prison cells
were attacked, sir.
She's gone.
I know what she wants.
So, let her come to me.
Holy shit, dude.
I thought that was it.
Like, I've always believed it's
not about the length of life,
but the depth, you know?
But wow, time is finite, right?
Totally, man.
Surprise, buddy!
My Eldaya
My love.
Do you mind?!
Trying to have a moment here.
Is it ready?
The ship is prepped above
on the docking platform.
The final configurations to the
controls have been successful.
How far?
With the Sterzaad
powering the ship,
you can instantaneously
hop anywhere.
I got
You're so grown up.
You were here this whole time?
The Council of Admirals
kept me alive.
Apparently I didn't deserve
a quick death.
I thought you were dead
for so long.
But then I thought you
were alive again.
And then dead again.
An unfair journey, really.
The Loyalists made a mistake
telling you that story.
Hath didn't think
I would go to Wix otherwise.
But he was right.
I didn't want the Sterzaad,
or anything to do with Arriopa.
This is your home, your legacy.
This isn't my home anymore, Mom.
But I won't see it destroyed
and millions killed.
He must be stopped.
He will.
I'll kill him, okay?
Maybe, uh, you could
clear something up for us?
Elida, the Sterzaad,
she's immune, right?
I wish I could say with
confidence that you are,
but the truth is,
the Sterzaad hasn't been used
by the monarchy
for a thousand years.
I don't know, my love.
It's still the safest bet.
He's been developing
the Sterzaad's powers
in a hidden lab.
He plans to destroy order
across the universe.
He's an ambitious asshole,
isn't he?
Well, then I need to get back
to the palace and find him now.
We'll search out
this secret lab place,
find out what
we can about the tech.
Great. I'm thinking
Monkey and the Wrench?
Monkey and the Wrench is solid.
That'll work well.
Oh, uh, I'm gonna lure him away.
You know,
perfect bait right here.
I'm coming with you.
Mom, no.
I can't risk that, okay?
I've been imprisoned
for eight years.
We must end this together.
Once you retrieve the Sterzaad,
we can right all wrongs,
my love.
I'm gonna destroy the Sterzaad.
Destroy it?
It's the only way to restore
balance and peace to the galaxy.
No, it's a deadly weapon
and no one should
have that much power.
All it does is cause
death and destruction,
and it will continue to do so.
It's the only option.
She's right.
For you all,
Volun and I will
help you find the lab.
- shall we try this again?
- Second time lucky.
Second time lucky.
There will be no
convincing her otherwise.
One day, my love,
this will all
be under your rule.
Nah, you can just do it, Mom.
I cannot lead, my love.
- I am not of royal blood.
- Well, as queen,
I can just say
you have royal blood,
- and it will be so.
- Eldaya
as a leader, you'll often be
faced with difficult decisions.
What's right for
the individual is often
what's wrong for the whole.
'Kay, cool.
Hath, he can't be out of his
water tank, he can't breathe!
The lake is a whole ecosystem,
but no Seelies.
Do you know why?
Their ink is poisonous.
It would destroy
the entire ecosystem.
Not just the creatures
inside the lake,
but the land creatures
who depend on
this lake for their food.
But he's going to die!
You have to think
about the greater good, Eldaya.
You're doing the right thing.
There will
always be consequences
for your actions, Eldaya.
I don't ever wanna be queen.
She's a tough one, at least.
Give her time.
She's too young.
She doesn't have time.
not poisonous, right?
All it's going to do
is destroy my flower garden.
Huh? Ugh!
The throne room
is separate from the palace.
Best way to draw him away
from you all.
We'll search out the tech.
Let's figure out a way
to kill this infinity stone.
- What?
- All right,
I guess that wasn't
a fair comparison.
The Sterzaad
is a crazy power source
and the stones are like,
what, magic?
I think we can all agree
that it's legally distinct.
Be safe.
You're saying that to me?
When you're about to face
the most dangerous force
- in the universe?
- Well, to me
he's just a creep
in a bad outfit
who didn't age well.
I've been in worse scraps, Mom.
Yeah, tell her about
that time we took out the..
I think they're having a moment.
Second time lucky?
All right.
It's Weird Science time.
All old things must pass!
Take back the city!
This is Xija, punk.
Come and get me!
Not you.
You want me, Lazaro?!
Well, here I am!
Ugh, not to complain,
but that was, like,
the tenth room that we checked.
Sounds quite like complaining.
I'm just saying, we might be
looking in the wrong area.
If I was gonna build a secret
science lab for evil doings,
I mean, having it underground
would be a total cliche, right?
Never mind.
No one's here.
That's odd.
You're alive!
Oh, my
Ow, oh, hey.
She's a friend.
Are you crazy?
Why are here?
To rescue you!
Okay, fine, we also have other
things to do while we're here.
We're going
to destroy the Sterzaad.
Then you really are crazy.
Wow, you've, uh, been busy.
Harvested Qrudustia.
And these are the conduit
components Im assuming?
Where is it?
The ship he built?
In a hangar above us.
And that's the collector?
It channels the energy?
You're an Aszagerologist?
I've just studied
the Sterzaad meticulously.
Well, that won't help you now.
This part is being sent
upstairs, and with it,
the Sterzaad
can create enough power
to travel anywhere
in the universe.
I'm sorry we failed you before,
but help us now.
What CAN destroy it?
An incredible amount of energy.
More than any of you can create.
Well, then we just destroy
these controls, right?
Then he can't go anywhere.
This ship can travel
anywhere in the universe.
You are from another galaxy,
are you not?
Don't you want to go home?
Elida wants it destroyed,
and she's right.
This is bigger than me.
Well, as touching as that is,
you can't destroy it anyway.
I won't let you.
I know he's making you do this.
On your knees.
This side is secure.
Ah, love that sound.
Right, lower them.
Thank you.
Lucky timing.
Been after one of these
Pascalian blasters for years.
West side of the city
is under control, boss.
Nice job.
All right.
Time to go find my sister.
Where are you, you old creep?!
Amae, Amae, what's wrong,
what's wrong?
They attacked us in the lab.
We need you.
Amae, what's.. what's wrong?
Oh, as frustrating
as it was to hear
that you were
still alive and kicking,
this makes up for it.
You know, this little scene,
quite a tricky one to sort out.
I had to ignore your heroic
calls from the throne room.
But you know what they say
patience is a virtue.
Let them go.
Mm, no.
You see, I've already done that.
And if we don't learn from
our mistakes, we never prosper.
Take it upstairs.
You know, one of the many things
I've enjoyed since being home?
Honest conversation.
Wouldn't you say so, Mom?
Oh, and she has
one particular story
she wants to share with you.
Pallas and Vorr have
doubled their military force.
There is nothing more
we can do, Xevelyn.
War is upon us.
She's not ready.
She will be.
For the greater good.
You worry too much, my love.
Everything will be okay.
Balance does not come
quickly or easily.
Lay with me?
Steelvok dust.
Leaves no trace in the blood,
signs of a heart attack..
lord knows,
he was under a lot of stress.
Nobody batted an eye.
I felt
so much anger
towards you all these years.
I mean, it was easy
for me to blame you
for all my frustrations,
when in actual fact,
much like me, you were
just a pawn being used.
Not that that means
that I can let you live.
Take out the knife.
Put it to your neck.
Like all old things,
you too must pass.
Slice your throat.
Destroy the vessel!
Without the Sterzaad
in place, he's weak.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- I know.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Oh, silly man.
I'm dying, I'm not an idiot.
I have to go after him.
It's a flesh wound, child.
Here, it's no good to me.
What are you waiting for?
I don't have any
last words of wisdom.
Go and kill the son of a
My love
He'll have the Sterzaad
in place any moment.
Don't follow me.
You heard her.
Find the ship,
destroy the vessel.
Take them out!
He's heading outside.
I'll cover you, my queen.
Go, my queen! Go.
Looks like I've found
myself some Loyalist scum.
Now we're even.
Toys away.
It's grown‐up time.
You will always be weak.
'Cause you don't know what
you're fighting for.
But I know what I'm fighting.
A narcissist
with bad hair.
That is a beauty.
Right, uh, not the time
for admiration, Amae.
It's the collector.
It channels
the Sterzaad's energy.
It's what powers the ship
for intergalactic travel.
It can power a hop
anywhere in the universe.
Well, what do you say, huh?
We should take a baseball bat
to this thing and decimate it.
That won't destroy
the Sterzaad, though.
The scientist said only
a huge amount of energy
can destroy it.
The charge needed
for an intergalactic hop
would have to be colossal.
The ship could make one hop.
And we could potentially use
the feedback from that charge
to destroy it.
What are you saying?
I think maybe
Isaac, I think
I can destroy the Sterzaad
and send you back home
at the same time.
We were dealt similar
hands in life.
Our fathers crafted legacies
and we were expected
to carry on.
Yeah, but you didn't give me
much of a chance
to craft my own, did you?
That's where we differ.
Because you
represent oppression.
While I
represent freedom!
Rich, from someone
who's mind‐controlling everyone.
Never the people.
I let them decide
for themselves.
That is my gift to them!
Remind me to never invite you
to a birthday party.
'Cause your gifts suck!
You were merely
a cog in this machine.
You played your part
to get me here.
is your legacy.
You talk too much.
Okay, this conduit channels
the Sterzaad's power.
It's what powers the ship.
But, I've reconfigured
the feedback loop out here,
where I can charge the ship.
I just need another
Sterzaad conduit
to collect all
the built‐up energy.
Will this help?
He's gone?
Oh, hell yeah, buddy!
I wanna hear all the gory
details about his death.
Dude, I had so many
great one liners.
Oh, yes! Like what?
Like, uh,
no toys, grown ups!
And.. and, uh..
uh, birthday gifts suck!
Context is everything.
Yeah, you had to be there.
I believe you.
You did it.
We also might have figured out
how to destroy it.
We? That was all you, buddy.
And in destroying it
we may have found a way
to send me back to Earth.
that's great.
With this,
I can essentially build
an extension
of the control unit.
And once the ship hops,
the feedback from the charge
will be set to flow back
through this conduit and boom..
no more Sterzaad.
I mean, it's impossible
to predict exactly,
but worth a shot.
It's a great idea.
Might not work.
I hope it does.
I'm finally getting rid of you,
don't get my hopes up.
A moment?
I'll go set
the coordinates in the ship.
Mom. Can we just
talk about it later?
Everything I've done for this
monarchy, for our people
Look, it's okay, okay?
It's over now.
We cannot destroy it, my love.
Think about everything
we've lost.
The damage done is too great.
This is our only chance to make
it right, to restore peace.
No.. no weapon can bring peace.
In the wrong hands,
yes, it's a weapon.
In the right hands, it's a tool.
For greatness.
And that's the problem.
Everyone thinks they'll do
the right thing with it.
We end this.
I feel like I'm
the parent right now.
Yeah, it's scary
when that happens.
You grow up
your whole life thinking
these people know everything.
- Mm‐hm.
- Turns out
they're just
as clueless as we are.
You'll be fine.
I've done
enough space travel now
to know I need to buckle in.
No, I meant as a dad.
You'll be fine.
So you and Amae, huh?
You know I saw it all along?
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
You know,
you might wanna wait a while
before you leave
your underwear around.
And tone down on
the belching after meals.
And maybe
don't say everything that comes
to your mind all the time.
Well, you know, if I'm taking
relationship advice from you,
I'm already screwed.
I'm gonna miss you, El.
Uh, all right, come here.
Mom? What are..
what are you doing?
I'm sorry, my love.
I sacrificed too much.
I will rebuild.
They're gone!
Amae was on that ship.
Where'd they go?
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
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