Valley of Tears (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Valley of Tears

CO Tahini, this is Alush.
We are making our way back now.
Heading into the valley
with six tanks. Over.
This is Tahini. Copy that.
We're already engaged in combat.
Assume positions between us
and the Adir garrison.
Get close as you can to the trenches.
Watch out. Enemy units are
spread across that whole area.
Alush stations, this is CO.
Prepare for contact.
3, take position
a quarter to the right, by the rocks.
You'll cover us from there.
2, you're with me on the left flank.
Over and out.
Alush, this is 3.
Spotting Syrian tanks
headed towards me.
Climb slowly.
You're on their flank. Over.
CO Alush, this is Tahini.
The enemy is closing in.
When will you reach
your position? Over.
This is Alush, one minute till contact.
Over and out.
Guys, it's the moment of truth.
We're going to charge in there,
full force.
No holding back.
- Fire while moving.
- Loaded.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Let's do this!
Alush stations, start the attack!
Unit 3, open fire.
2, you're with me.
Driver, go!
3, there's one on your right,
another on your left.
A bit to the right, Meni.
3B, 3B, target hit.
There's another one to your right!
3A, okay, light 'em up.
- Fire!
- Firing!
- It's a hit.
- CO Alush, watch out!
Two Syrian tanks on your right!
Follow me.
On your right!
To the right, Marco!
Rotate to the right!
Are you on?
Target out of sight!
Put me on target.
- Put me on target!
- Fire right now! Just fire!
Okay, ready?
Go for it!
Let her rip.
3, fire, fire!
Alush, two tanks a quarter to the left!
Alush stations, this is CO.
Fire on the go, don't let them
get their heads on straight!
Rotate left, Marco!
Rotate all the way.
Rotating turret!
2B, two Tirans on your left.
2B, take the left one!
- Hang on.
- Loaded.
Fire now! Fire!
- On!
- Fire!
- Firing!
- It's a hit!
This is 2B, another one down!
Yoni, hurry!
Load another one. Yoni!
Alush, this is 3.
We got anti-tank missiles incoming!
- We're under fire!
- Loaded.
Search for commander tanks!
The Syrians won't risk hitting
their commanders.
Stay close to red flags.
Marco, aim to the left.
Aim to the left!
That's it! Keep going.
Tank approaching.
Marco, on it?
He's aiming at us.
He's gonna fire.
Hit 'em with a squash head!
- Loaded.
- On.
- Fire.
- Firing!
It's a hit. Marco,
we took out a commander's tank.
They're bailing out!
They're bailing out on foot!
Meni, run them over. Go!
Sorry, I'm not running
people over. No way.
Come on!
Marco, use the coax gun.
Fire at those brutes!
Go! Let's go, Meni.
Break to the right.
Load, Yoni!
Go, Meni, go!
We're on a roll.
- Loaded!
- CO, four tanks on the right.
3, open fire on the two on the left.
Marco, aim to the right!
I can't see it!
I'm gonna get right up super-close.
- Hold on, moving in!
- Fire! Come on, open fire!
- Marco, fire now!
- On target.
- Fire!
- Firing!
- Target hit!
- Alush, this is 3.
Both targets on the left destroyed.
On the left, the Syrian CO
is on the run.
Marco, rotate to left.
Fire with the coax! Fire!
I'm gonna take him out, too.
Let's go, Meni.
We need to get to the ridge.
Go, Panthers! Go!
Alush, this is 2
Alush, this is 3.
A tank on your left is aiming at you!
He's coming from the left.
Aim to the left, Marco!
Aim left.
He's aiming at us!
We're in his sights!
That was close.
Marco, are you on?
- On.
- Fire!
It's a hit!
Way to go.
- Loaded.
- Panthers, go balls out!
Alush, this is 3.
I see two tanks on the run.
I got the one on the right!
Meni, commander's tank on the left.
Don't let him get away.
This is 3, target hit!
Zero range, zero range!
Marco, straight on. Fire!
Yoni, load another one quickly
before he disappears.
Hurry, Meni!
He's getting away!
Go balls to the wall!
- Hurry, Yoni!
- Loaded.
Meni, go forward!
Keep going straight ahead!
Meni, faster!
Meni, give it all she's got!
Go left!
What's going on, Meni?
Go faster!
Go, Meni, he'll get away!
You're too slow!
Meni, go!
Pedal to the metal!
Come on! We'll lose him!
I can't! This is as fast
as it'll go!
Put it in low gear, Meni!
Low gear!
3, this is 2.
I need rescue.
Send us a vehicle quickly.
This is 3. 3B is on its way.
Okay, stop, Meni!
3, this is 2. Do you copy?
Where is he?
Where are you?
Where are you, little fuckers?
- Aah!
- Aah!
We're hit by a tank on the left.
Marco, rotate!
I can't rotate!
It's stuck!
Yoni, a grenade!
Yoni, give me a grenade.
Give me a grenade!
What's he doing?
They're gonna take us out!
Let's get out of here!
Where are you going?
What's that lunatic doing?
I don't know!
Are you all right, Yoni?
I'm coming!
My leg.
My leg is stuck, Melakhi.
I'm getting you out.
Yoni! Yoni!
- Yoni, talk to me!
- Yoni!
Meni, come to help me!
We have to get them out now!
- I'm coming.
- Yoni. Yoni!
- Yoni
- Okay, Marco.
- Hold on, Marco.
- How is he, Melakhi?
Melakhi, what's going on?
- Yoni.
- Help me pick him up.
- Grab the right!
- Is he okay, Melakhi?
Come on.
Be careful, gently.
- Unh!
- Keep going, keep going. Now!
Keep going, Melakhi!
He's okay.
Okay, lay him over here.
Help me, help me with his leg, Melakhi.
- Melakhi!
- I'll be back!
Here. Here we go.
Here. Lower, lower down.
Hold him by the shoulder.
- Marco, hold on!
- There we go.
I'm coming.
- Watch it.
- Marco!
Lay down, lay down.
Yoni. Yoni, Yoni, Yoni.
- I'm stuck!
- I'm coming to get you out.
Let me see, let me see.
It's still stuck,
it's stuck right there.
Melakhi, we're gonna blow.
Melakhi! Aah!
We're gonna blow. Those fuckers
will finish us off.
Shut up!
I'm trying to move this!
- Aaah!
- Melakhi, Melakhi.
Melakhi, listen.
- Show me where it's stuck.
- Listen.
You gotta listen.
Listen to me.
Listen to me!
It's over for me.
It's over for me.
It's gonna blow.
Get out!
You gotta get out.
Hurry! Run before we explode!
Run, brother! I love you.
I love you, brother!
If you see Alush, tell him I love him.
Just get out! Get out!
You gotta go now or you're gonna die!
You're gonna die!
Yoni, Yoni
It's all right.
I've got you.
- Marco
- Yoni, talk to me.
Talk to me. You okay?
Oh, God.
Oh! Yoni, shh
Hold on! I'm coming.
I'm coming, I'm coming!
What are you doing, Melakhi?
What the hell are you doing
back in here?!
Shut the fuck up!
Ah, it's heavy.
- You'll die with me, you moron!
- Where's the shell extractor?
You'll die with me!
- Get out of here!
- Aaughh!
- Melakhi!
- I will get you out!
Get out!
I'm right here with you.
Right here, right here.
We'll be out of here real soon.
Help is on the way.
Help is coming. Hold on.
It's okay, just relax.
Save your strength.
Shh. Shh-shh-shh
Shh. Shh.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes, Yoni.
Don't pass out, Yoni!
Yoni? Yoni!
- Melakhi!
- I won't let you die!
- Get outta here!
- I won't let you die!
It's free.
Pull up! Pull up!
Come on! Come on!
Come on.
Wake up, Yoni! Yoni!
Yoni, Yoni, Yoni
Open your eyes, Yoni.
Yoni. Yoni, please.
No. No, Yoni.
- My leg. Oh!
- Marco.
-We're Melakhi
You okay, Marco? You okay?
We're alive, Melakhi.
I forgive you, Marco.
I forgive you for everything.
Let's go see your Ma.
We're on our way home.
We're on our way home now.
We're going home to Mom, Marco!
Marco, Marco
Marco, are you all right?
- Marco?
- Yeah.
- Marco.
- He's mine, Melakhi.
Cut it out!
Stop it!
Marco Marco, stop!
- Marco! Marco!
- Let go, Melakhi!
- Marco!
- Leave me alone!
Marco, you're punching
a dead body, Marco!
Oh, my God.
You motherfuckers!
You can't defeat me!
I'm still here, fuckers!
Bring it on, bring it on!
Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!
Unh! Unh!
Bring it on, fuckers!
I'm Marco Duzly, from Musrara!
And I'm not afraid of you!
I'll mess up all of you!
Bring it on!
You took Alush away from me!
I will tear him from you!
Alush! Alush!
I'll kill you all!
I'll strike at each
and every one of you!
I'll tear you apart with my own hands!
Come on, sons of bitches!
Come on!
I'm not afraid!
Come on, shoot me!
Come on! I'm Marco Duzly.
Where are you? Where?
Come on, you sons of bitches!
Come on, you motherfuckers, huh?
Come on!
You can't take me down!
Alush! Alush!
Alush. Alush.
Come on and get me, fuckers!
Do you want to begin?
I'm a cook.
Avinoam Shapira
Rifat al Nasri.
You're alive
Avinoam, don't say a single word.
- Unh!
- Aah! Yaaahh!
I looked all over for you.
I looked everywhere.
It's up to you now.
You can either help him live
or he'll die slowly.
Avinoam, don't tell them
anything. Not a word.
You want to let him
have surgery, Avinoam?
The gangrene is still below the knee.
If you hurry, there is still
a chance to help him.
- No, no.
- We can still save the upper part.
If not, the gangrene will climb higher
- and higher
- No.
Until it reaches God.
Please, help him! Help him!
Yoav, I won't let you die!
No! Don't tell them anything.
- Not a word!!
- Yoav, I gave Dafna the ring.
She came to rescue you.
I gave her the ring.
Not a word!
Avinoam, don't tell them anything.
Don't say a single word.
a wounded soldier does more
damage than a dead one.
Do you realize it's treason?
- You're accused of treason.
- Not a word!
Every intelligence officer
already heard your opinion
and they all want to strangle you.
None of the big commanders up there
even had a clue there'd be a war.
Not one of them figured out
what you figured out.
We're all right, we're all right.
Aah! There's my leg!
I'm begging you, please shoot me.
No, stay here.
No, no.
Just do what I say.
You're all right.
Do you wanna get out of here?
Do you want to or not?
Let's go.
Open the door! Please!
One, two
I'm diving in the water.
Tank crews, infantry
We've all sinned.
We were arrogant.
We were complacent.
I promise you one thing.
And you have to promise
yourselves and everyone you love
that we'll change, that this war
will make us better people.
And that after this damn war
the State of Israel
will rise again
better, stronger,
more modest, more compassionate.
And we'll always remember
the young men that we lost,
who loved and laughed
and dreamed and were passionate
and fought,
fought and died in all
that carnage and turmoil.
Search your souls for them.
All right, guys.
Tonight we're gonna conquer Syria.
It's an opportunity
to rain fire down on Damascus,
on the presidential palace,
so they will never forget
who they messed with.
We'll cross the border,
we'll advance as far as possible,
as deep as possible!
Until the U.N. tries stop us,
Damascus is only 93 kilometers away!
You'll be on the first tank
to cross the border.
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